HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-10-22, Page 7•
Or, The -Result
Diolomaey and :Tact.
, the' ne
h .04
Of a „Super*
ound • rath
Pt '.11
Mr hecaese- of thee lee
of :thieves.
The 'cattle creeter continued her,
4- Work; the liait:ehaned battleriteete
incireesedieeinneiber... She hatialed
u*it -and- eloWet..:.withhthe _ same
earoestneee, eagerness and engress-
-ment with which she had fingered
'the pee. .
•' These --were method's which seri-
sese,,,,e,,--seees,eseeseessaseeeteees.a.,,,,,,....a. nen see pealeil to the stoky-ereetor But
'ty,""rr‘ir-71.47711.4-"`"-'•7.74i7"1"r''7''''"7•71"%rirIttlistl-hls . lest •riii*, li•e was rictt werking:
owep.eh.gte.hehe..(beeseee.): resee' her hand event elite,. ,Again• with his owe' aceestoined Ongross'-
haeriration Was a trick of 'Mae- she stalled. J. Pr-1onient's hesitation
bi*' trade The practice of, it "en, e• -then 'seated herself.•
nhlnd•"lenu. tet, Palit 41iotlito in a Froma:- '4* silkeniNia4graph.:' . ,What .,•eaw in -one ,corde feera her wrist She drew a
gllinpene Mitte,"MivVins' face was book. I.Ffaving. given the little girl
ioqaence itself But of.that' sendey •directiees to assume
-"the -outward-401g radiance in her bee of pretereateial virtue,the
e es themerest,layenan :would have woman, cominenced to readIeen n1aent It as the kuid of ., '
-y luch one felt even a bhndman eet-other-needeellaits-.P-1•aHdeedhoattholes 'Ic‘oting the Oeateese 01 .the : dresraust be s
coneeiciea.•• in hand too,' •manuseeipt: book. He- worn by the woman, he could not.
t.teettils 'annealed to Masters' just had eome out'withintent to write;fnil t9 note too its Sombre he
he :,fre habfeiied'tch-he engaged t:OdThiPseIf -th# '11-11filMent -waS' 1119:04g" evidentlhhe
:the moment on the desehietion of necessary . But ho'haci Grace • to aginatinnewas,liesil-k at Work in
heroino When hie saw Miss Miv:„, reckon with. moment: • .
- VIPS his difficulty about shaping the - shall) e.es of that four:year- For himto weave . a complete
1apoksWoman vanished. In flesh and ole. little maid Were 'furtively fixed story with ,sueli Materiel, as an
Vend. she ,Stood before bile. • All he on the magic pen. She wee trying easy task. A Prette girl ode,uped
needed ,Was to 'describe W.hat-Iffe- hard to fulfil the injunction -to be. the 'stellar partsie it. He Portray -
saw she would fie in,sill,reepecte. geode -from the.adult. standpoint. "ed her as motherless girl foreed.
Saye her nem°. , Hp was net par - But geaduelle theetidineineiOn Wes to 'face.A.-Iteed, cold' world. DePicth
idelarly Struck with that. - fading from her mind -she was very' e1 .her seeking a :living in it as a
h'HooisihrtyArevenceeiEll NxiiievelisP.REY PEON/WENT ANY
KITO1fEl1S. •
Siemer in British Colony ef Nyisat
/and Rue the Seareity. of
A new 'terror has befallen 'some
of the districts of Nyasaland the
Britieh celony lyieg along the west-
ern shore'o Lake' Nyase, In this
region game hoe never been pleeti-
fill, and. the supply as been still
ment,heagenness and ea,risestnees. further depleeed hy exeeseave hunt-,
A disturbing elemeitt had erept in, ing• in the last few years. The re
From time to time.he glanced eult is that the naturahlood of ,lions
wards the other end of the seat: is becoming scaree. and they. have
There the disturbing element been driven by hunger to prey up -
or rather set. It seemed that there or the native.' .
was- Something .magnetic about .that Fertunately lions are not so stern-
preseece there. He earperieec.ed, erous 'there as they are in . British
cliffieulty-in ,keeping' -hie eyee 'Away. East Affice.. But the Datives Are
• CI[APTE'RII After ---"Thet-imaginetion
weaken. love 'mea's were laced hs e ;
monien peeseeeteee. 'little' hands. hit of running away with him. Pee -
• d Idl ha s the was a reason ,wh his fie- TV) esecurity. Lions" have repeatedly .reay he cooked to perfectian in an
-Conking . Washing' 'Prentie
hen-ot Ile.'ettitehlee :10-oito•
oecteeity. _ lETUGhE.ST-11:ITTE47eillts.BUTT"Ell
In many up-te-date English kit-
chens electricity is the most prom-
. .
inent feature, and those 'who have
adopted it in the numerous phaees
in "which it ,is useful declare that
nowtheyivould not be without it.
AS a time saver and worry preven-
tive it is said to have no equal. It
is esettefor washing dishes, peeling
potatoes, cutting cabbages and
c,ther vegetables sharpening knives
and for many ether „purposes.
Small motors are attached to the
various machines, and the work
which was wont' so take up much
la terror, owing tie the saes that tne vasuabse sane and ca,usethe employ-
eniMelts now look epee them as an nient,of 'persons to: ee ,epend their
xcellent soerce of feed , supply. time is acceenplished insincreolibly
herevilat.present-iegreatest.inethe .small space.
distria,whiktaieilletween the. Gov XEAL.said: by those who areup
ernment stations of' Nge,ra and Do- ..pcsed to know, that sthe- 'electric
wa, in the high country west of Lake stove now being Used in England is
NZe'sa. e""' onehor the greatest triumphs of
In this localitY. during 'the last electricity. That , it reathes the
year the lions have become a,
scourge. These natives have sur -
'rounded all- .their -T -villages-- with -
stockades at least &fteen feet high,
the tops of whieli,,are. thiekly wov-
en with -thorns: "
. These precautions serail to',afford
'Zenith -of 'perfectiezie for ordinary
cooking is asserted, there being no
heateesieelleoresenoke.-- -- 0 -
By, the raraple turning of a switch
an eleetrid kettle can be brought to
-boil-in--from-five to eight minutes,
:A chop in an exceedingly . short time
approbation• Something 0 e fee- facing tee owner of the attraction, con had so good a elm. IL& books climehed ever the stockades, electric frying pan, while the elec-
. f the e ier, an y P
ing within him must have evidenced
the little one addressed him in a were mostly all of the many -editions BROKEN INTO THE HUTS ilk oven will "do a roast to a turn
itself to Masters ,eyes
kind of I dare you voice- - kin . So, neglecting hie own sttry withoutany smell or ansloYanee ef
. atten-
scrutiny--despite all there m•as-Id write with a pen like for fiet!-.012 of another kind, the time nsuallY by tearing away the roof burning.
1,74:44)-7-4,- efttlX.07:1T.-:---414..--.r.. „opal -cut= one• and-carried-off-nalaves. IhING--E-DWARD--RESPONSIBLehEn
eilie•wae inclined to consider his ad-
ease7. es n'761151Y-----; a secon inteiiec1lirdre.e Theetinrinhe,vastly- c gedh EN,Tth-tYgettreis&atteekeelearesera
'voiee brought' the man s a.ttention
ration'rudeness- Anyway she away from his werk.
"Could you?"
"C°m°' Gracie!" He smiled as he 'spoke. Looked'
Taking the child's little hand in up from his hook as he did se. Then
r- own' neatly ono as she: infusing a note of doubt in hie -Kolbe
eke:- the -Woman, turned, -
Antent-cin walking back in e e d -
tten. whence she .had come.
That brought•Mastere to his feet
n a moment -cap in nand, and apo:
ogy in Mouth. Fell of crudities as
Was his, character, he possessed an
-instinctive conrtesy. • In all the
for„ his breaches: of So-
. unwritten laws,' impoliteness
never'figured. He spoke;
"Pray do not let me. drive You
-away! Possession may he nine
:points of the law, but we may con-
* sider 'Ourselves lie3rond the pale of
its: practise here. If, as I hear -
:Irons lips the truth of which itevtould
-bp, absurd to doubt -that this is
:Considered your seat" -his smile
‘. Was net an unpleasinge one --2"1
"ehouId 'never forgive mYself if tees-
:pass 'Of' mine interfered with t e
'11SO 64 It-
"IS that pen you are using,” in-
-quired Giathe suddenly:, a propos-of
•teething, "one of those you put the
ink in at the wrong end, and trickle
it out of the other?"
A eloftness blended with the smile
igie% merged into that
the sea grew greyer. Hisheroine lY 00 err rs r cken to offer resist Each. shelf anstcht an electric
peesumptiee chised her !-book and nue°. " range Mtn be heated separately,
rose ; cried__ A party whites travelling which_ makes itpossibleto bake two
through this region in May last ob- different kinds of cake requiring
'Gracie V'
Seeing that the child's attention ser ad many Sinali villages desert- two different' temperatures at the
•had been' "ettreeteds' she tereeds ee by .tfiese.inhebiteets ' although same tithe. For grill work or repiiquireci--
'hewing slightey'S'essinitingles -witted 'the siity haf• -heating, the most
Are you sure t Masters- ' • ' asking the- reason the enswer was, heat -can be obtained inetantIyeby
gt-yes. Quite'!"
silly by way of redemption of • the wave,d a vigorous cumbered -with- Main. 'The 'herieehatee- become • so When the cooking, io over, another
. "Good-da,y, !" • invariable the same: •- the mere switching on PI, Meie
Then, as an afterthought, pos- From the sand* the . little girl "The People ,could no longer re- Power at a given point. • .„
hesitation, the child continued-- bucket -and -e. d d b t h. bad that we. are all" afraid we will switch is turned and the range in -
"If ' ' . hlf 1 - ' - l' ' "
I/ had onel ' • - She ese mat - wee d n th
, . Y erre lumPl g e - -
o killed stantly •laecomes told. .
. •
Finding her grst venture had not breakwaters on the way home to the At one village three women had Meg Edward started the range
roused the lion, but fearing him a more easy path of the sea wall The been killed and eaten by these ani- fever in England by installing an
little still, she went on defiantly- two passed -altogether from the au- Deals ; at, another a, man and two eleotrib stove' in his new Yacht. and
,,I saw it man fin °finance e, th , ...., , ht_ e...x. v,_ sitit th ..,11.„ om girls and so on • ' odnin hii train Rumors as to 0
Such a statement as that surely ine mind., The lions that. are committing excellence of, thefoodprepared on
could not fail to crush, ae,tesere user Good -day' ' Yes, he felt ii -bad these -ravages are beliseved tothave theseestovesseoons were -broadcast,
c ,the pen! eSeeing that adorned- been-distinetly- good. Till he look- been driven to Prey upon human with the result that ,many hotels,
men 'sas expected of hma Masters ed at dean pages, where 'writing eings only by hunger, for man- those catering to the better class of
assumed an -appropriate look of sur- seould have 1-
„,een.. EVen :then, de- eating lions have not often terroriz- People; put. them in their kitchens.
erise. His wearing of it pleased her spite the- unfinished -chapter • he ed fhis region. Most lions are not Small establishments gradually Tol-
nughtily' made nd alteration in his 'verdict. the ferocious- asts they-have-be,en lewed_tlos _lead, and. mew electric
"Perhaps,” he said, "you_wouldbeen a good date
It had b thought to be. They run off into stoves. are to be found in even the
sere you could (To be Continued.)
write -with -one; 'phi WoUld youT.
like to% try With this , •A: STARTLIN.G PROPRE.Cle
the. jangle at the sight of &human
:nine an-ver...attar-IC:a -Innis un-
less WOUnded or bunted. But -With
the eat,ineliost it. is different
'Be Ilea. in hiding all day, and at
-nightrfiresTgnins and -11bigq AVM not
keep:him off. He spriegs into
smallesflicimessin England.
• Butter -nuking is the important
thing in dairying in the United
States. While a great deal of at- :
tention• has been given to this.
branch of dairying in that country
there are many Complaints as te the •
quality of butter produced. Many
suggestions for improvement have
been made. One of them that
butter -makers should organize and
get together more than they do.
Mr. C. W. Felton of Wisconsin,
'writing to the Chicago Dairy Pro
duce„ on this point says
.`,4t is a well known fact that wer
are' not making As good bettereash
et, did ten years. ago and who is to •
.blaioe - say the -buttermakers,
why? Lieceuse,they are not '
ized. There ,„ 1E3:Quid be a hatter- •
makers' association -in every coun-
ty that would get together, as often
as twice a year and -make rules and
each One positiv,ely refuse to take
cream more than thr-ee days old,
winter and summer. .2
- -"My ride -has- beenthreetimes- -
week in summer and twice a week ia
'winter, but my experience has been
that f-can-maire better butter -from -
cream delivered twice a week in
summer than I. can from cream de -L
livered twice -a week in winter. In
summer the cream is usually cooled
in water and kept where the ear ie
fresh- but in winter it is left where
,t smost-likely not -to. freeze, -but -
kitchen steep end thawed • out be:
• fore .being taken to the creamery.
"Four of. my -patrons quit and
tot& their cream t� 'a neighboring
hr-reatwrniecreeawhweereek,they could go once
but they got
SatiSfied7iiid wanted .to.knoWL,ifI.,._.
w ouldtake -their- cream twice. a week
if they: returned. declined; and
they crane back bringing their
.ereare -three tinaes a,wkTiitit
had the first cool night and since -
then I have seen them but twice a
'V ft
e ,o en hear of certain ..cows
'thatd�net...give . enoughebutterfat
to pay for their -feed tract belie•ve
the time will cpme when butter wilf
be cliea.p that the hest cow's will
not pay, and the farmers will be
forced out of the dairy business,
and the butttermaker looking for .a
jot'. in some other lien of work, en-
slese-We-get-together and correct ourfaults
' ' • '
Busy hene beat
egg produCers, blit their eggs shoe
,the best.fertility, In.orcler'to keep
them -at Work 'strew the tote ol the
, -
pen with hey or Straw and scatter
the grain in this. ,
Another word: abeut the chicks: in
regard'to early roasting. Get them
to roost is early as possible. Do
not meke rough. roosting poles: •
• • .
The bine -eyes brigheeeed ; the e (*Just KEEP: SMILVG;""
;.Was ,at his sidema monient. .Site- Heys -Transfer Vital. Organs of Low-
, lies's' is' readily evercoine When our . ' . , . . .• •• Treasurer ....-Of Banking InstitlItiOn,
summers .have not - numbered'five.
• et Annuals to, Nan,
Trustfulness it that age has rarele Accotrfing to Ineafeseee ' Sheton On the doer' leeding.itito the pri-
carries one Off heti) e the others
have tinie teenake iesiStance.
He enter terve without fear,
, s ,,
the-mah-eiters-attacked the -lab
on the Uganda railroad every-
body built platforms Arid Slept on
them at it least. eweney feet from the
Allisecessaty,ici titre an.
ordinary liOn into one oft the' man 7-yilin-t- einile-e-iiie Thr-" 'Ai'Vedi
00 elitiegesortaaefot hini to eequire a feigned, sincere Eiraile is n'I'elitehie
taste for human flesh*: He•I'lay-,''clinatitt eeifilltrelfWainee--!° "oat haid-t)lingi
Soinetitnes I smile
"Y --- have-- accurately-tdeserilted- is we 0 e 00 ''ret feed-hreletheerentaillseofha-ha----,
Aittle--womanl" heentnawerede:-el-with-the-enitend 'an body that a than eater has left °ut l-aariarto inii-ell;Wheiri rim
"But li.' does not alwit3-triekle ling -with -excitement -writer: Then
orally does when yell don e. • • . -She drew a capital ,tre-ta bright schiel'elnent, and n0 effert• should, likely te : attaCk men, w011ient.-0.r a(")r-• 1-11i'lS it .tiiiit-PePPleir
smile as they read the card, end• I
The 'child looked mestified; evi- little point of tongue ''Peetrudini: he spared to ' reach this goid,", says 'children in preference to any of the
want them to continue the act while
death -deemed 'further extilanSion the While: . The head,. toe;seeemed. •Professor Flenner. "The function game that has been his food. 'Then
- IdecossarY• Miss Mivvies was still 1:o follow the movements of- the 'Of transplanted organ-- are • mein- he becomes a, man-eater, a terrible
, Has Legend OteDoor:
been shocked. Fleicne•, of' the- Rockefeller „Trail-
• A- GROUP 01? NATrits.
• Thetein Perhaps lay the -ieetet tete for Medical ResearCh New vete office of the- treasurer of one
'of the, Hartford (Cianneetteist) hank -
of the attraction children ,httcl ear York, medical scienee seen is to
. .
leg institutions niay be seen by all
Masters --the sweetness of their su- solve the problem transferring: co-Mers a: lain whitecard, on_which
.4.1.111•And39 AT, AS tin^ . fro cliarld-xlitle-or-gra-n-g---frOA thelinw,or
etomess - - , - are these two' wor'cls.---".Keep -Sunk-
the weak'. - It was the successful ehe--itandpoitit erthe animils-tonmen,
catching of just such tenderness
which made Landseer's name figure
so prominently in the world of Art.
As the author looked down at the
• mite from his six -feet altitude, the
le& on his face ,was an irresistible
-reminder- of a Ste -Berea•rdts-kind-
mess to a toy terrier. /
When--lif we act up to the enemies
of -the world ere live in --we triist
lie Man, •it iSeept. to brush 'across'
as refreshingly' as a' . gust of
country . .
Turning the leaves of his beak
till he Citme-tese-blank-pag ,
ters twisted and rested the cOver on
" ' en leaf Was
, This prophecy *As male in a pa-
_Ask the treasurer the. significence,
persby Professor Flexn read by of the :placard, and he will say
Dr: Ludwig' • lfektoen, before the
physiologieal section of,the Ameri- • .
sm. ply: "Just keep smiling.' That
makes everything easy. That's
can • Aesociation for the Advance-
ment of Science. • ' •
a .
tionsinvolvid in this kind of experi-
rentatinn on attonnt of the ne•-
e.s sitie_efs:maintaining_tin impaired
the circulation �f -Faf the blood; is
against anything hard; and the in -
and as soon as. he learns that the against
iihrStieht _ he gave tfre-Cliird'inS-Pirir'*'•"th'e Treat- 'entsesse-eitipeesibleth-seet hemaayhkind-hise-eaey- to-h-ekilkluehes ntntken
, .
istanding, waiting to go Masters hand tier intent :was plain :e._ to tained be' the method of presetia- evil. - - '! ' ' ' Re tells' or a visitor who came ' to
hesitated, looked from onethe
. - to . .,...... , - ..; . . . , , . , ;:e __el p, eneena. .0. _ eel/ . .t. t . . ' •L - senlince last.e•inter, a .Scotehnaitn,
write .her own name., . .., „. t. n -th , • tr ti., . Hence i • his is the gravest -feature -en -thee . .
served in India le the
other.' Politeness made him say----. That was compassed: It 'took a 131.12r beComes possible to plaee sen- present situation in Nyasaland. The whey had '
am leaving --pray he seated," little •time -entailed a huge expen- Sitive and important viscera' under lions, are being, turned Man arrn3h : "Ili' dear sir,'" Said the
visitot, "x am greeting that legend
But the.,•WomeeseWettereeiglethith, ditute. of tonceitereeedeenergynebets r ew: ehihehinsental conditione, which _eaters. Of course this state of afs
Would, have been very high up -the. she got thtbegle with iat laSt,4 -huiY aim iii " resemble or produce fairs:" has incited -the" --ceilnisiel -a* -heartilY''''Man'YeYente agni IP...49n the
I Wae• in c'arz
-, fool ,grade indeed had she failed- to .
There -figiieed on • the ., pap-el:Low those believedeto giee rise to eom- thorities to
ke every effort to de- plague -was raging,
catta,, and'sick. • 'The hospitals were
do'so. It really Was'quite top trans- eseeee. ' mon PatbelOgiCalstate in , Mae and-stisoy th ' l' - ' • . ' '
s e-- lens., , •
to observe the effects eeer • ti long • ' '
arenthaneetterance Whenetrath
ful or -aid v-- '71th-tattier ;patients 1 was-
. •
els ,siierifice.,d On:the altar' of pol4s-: , - . - el-e.raele78eteP'-':Ca're, r•• , • • period cif tithe; . ---77-----77-ee, - -see . •
ness the eeeettionttiielitle skill; "othei-7The afiild7rIlaece-came off the “It -ie a-Matter-of-no-iniall-sigiii- Oneeeseh side af ':Ine-a ' ' 00r,,:chap'
erwise e Ise becomes ever •more page, she moved away a pace. ... nce.that arteries can ,he trans --
offensive thati the act ite•Was te Looked up .irito Ins eyes -her own pla,nted successfully front- clog to
• -11Fe-IlEPT -AT IT
• Tliehenine-theysere-theseasiersit
• • is -to keep -them free--thone.
Chickens cannot laci-telteetletiyeethal
tire cuddled up in it tiny bit of ii -
breed chop', sweltering in the heat.
csf the itnieePhere, ae well as that
of -their own .bediese Nothingewills _
oi• twice a, weekeleit they got dis-
; .
'Given:geed care, inst seniible,
care, aM, coMinon sebse tbrdin-,
arily dictate poultry will return it
good profiteonethe_time and money.
expended thereon. :-Negleeted, they.
i11.--Pieditteettothinneshoes-eandsh--e -
disappeietinent; as' they s • hould,
',Good layers will altea.ys be found
aritong the .hueeler'S If they ere ac-
tive they. are alniestitrvariahly heat,.
thY. Exertise. Creates 'in them an
appetite, develops bone -and musele,
stimulates heelthje ciectilatiOn. and ,
pietmotes digeetion. ' • • • ••
. Make. arrangements fee fattening: .
Till birds,' either -teeketels_ser_olda_ • •
bens,. before thee are marketed, If '•
-y-on-havenet.i,feeding,or,ate or two, • :
ijg packing box; or bets
tee. 'Still Iniereie _graide eolisf crate
died; hifiniiii--iiiiin'ehniehhoitild With: :whielr-Willtlastseyouefenteyears.
one Of the. doctors to Measure ,the
bodies. As they finished the Sec-
ond fellow's measurement they
4.cloked itt• ine,0 and thn men .said
'Three of 'ant, heigh 1' and whipped
out his tape measure at iny- Side. Inv:
-spite 'of all effort I could only stare. -
TO save iny life -I Couldn't speak or
cover. , .,' 'flashing like diamonds. Such little
O "-His little speech induced- her 'to things please in the time of hap -
take a step forward; made her piness when we are 'little oerselees.
sae- • • • After- dreWhig a long breath she
, •
- .
hue no! Do not let nee drive ejaculated' trinnephantlyT-,
at and vice versa, and frem maa
to deg, and that keeping extirpat-
cd arteries' under, sterile conditions
at • refeigerater .•teinperature • for
twentjf Or .thirty days -or even long -
et, does net. interfere" with the re-
sult's.Of transplantation. :
'There is sornething-"Ii
yon away!" . "There!"
She Spokeimptilsively; hurriedly. Once More Mestere gladdened the
:Masters thought with everythieg in little One, by acting; as he was ex-
eehe,.tpnn-thast-ekas-edeseeahlee_te a „peeted to act. ' No man on that• .
Yininien*s voice. • Ile minted as he Coast Could have or a farger-sa-
oxpoetulated-• ,,• •
"But you reetramher, sUrely-it is,
(riot meny motrients ago --you wete
eirate willing to allow me to 'drive
ed look of aetonisliment ; he
• "Won-det-ful . • .,
elapping• of hindain 'het. sileeh
and .the child danced' along' to the
:other end of the seal. s.
Written reline With one
• of theanfeiray -squittet pens, Miss
Mivvine ! What do' you think Of
;thatiri: '' • , • ., .. •
' think yeit• have" a. funuy, 'wei of
keeping 'y,ont. word, Orracie,.. Ion
pro essed,anxitity-to fird-shtyotris-Cese•
tle otihtlie sande; yet yeti are stmo,.
your time .611 the wail t'
'.'01n-h=heti" 'hes Peeiraiged•' and
drawn'O out -"I letd lergotten all
about it i". ' '
• Attene :Cited tbe:pdo,
the child ran devsn't ePT:Ori o
the beach, 'A lett iiiintitee after.,
ItaSters,:looliing up, taw her busily
at week with &entitle. 'The
iniPlemeetS bed evidently/been left
there in the morniiit ...L "
Thek.ratliet.provitlAhe extolleace.
• Then she smiled too, :
which brought. into Play mouth and
eyes and the dimples in her eheeks.
• ,Vrom 'his own , face the gravity
some people called it aesterit:Y
lead...el-ready_ departed.- -There wag
a peculiarly s softenmg. in uen
about Miss liliyvins? „Perhaps his
ewe relaxing hetes the•r,esult of that.
"It is a hang seat:"
• He, indicated its measurement
With a sweep of his hand at he
"Let its long* e mit • witbY out
of the, difiloultp-it is a• long' lane
- that has twining.' .11ow win it
,it we make it 'large•,etiough for
'melt" ,
O ItIsaa' a tentative Abet of Invitee
e **Ile coke biauch to
• 1 k'
A gen eman y- oo ing pedler .en -
tared 0f/busbies's man's office and
coughed slightly t� attract atten-
tion. ,The occupant of ,the office
kept ,his work until he .ressehecl
a convenient stopping -place, and
then three& ebruptlY to his-
"Well," -he seised, aliat can I do
subtle in the conditions underlying, "I am introducing,'! the pedler
etrceessful-trensplentation----within hegant "a' patent eleetric hair-
one race; since it may be determins bInsh--2) '
ed by sueh minor factors as environ- "What do I want with a hair:-
ment and mere quality of food. A brUshl''' growled the business man;
tenser Which g'roWp in Danish White' "Can't you see I'm held?" .•.„
mice may fail utterly to grow in • "Yoh'. hide-, perhaps-"
Berlin white mice, ' and one. which "Bald; too, except when she's.
grows in Berlin white mks: and un, dressed lip. _ .
ittiy ha' at A aoldrei:1 Woman of 'Alexandria,
, Virginia, was entrial before a', mac,'" France has Always beee a great :
ahle to grow in NorWegiati mice, 2. "Yes, girt But ,Vou e
may lose its eeepadity to grow in home a little child---" istrate of that town charged with producer Of Poultry and eggs, but
Berlin. mice, transpokted •'tit Chris:- , "We haiee. It's one month old
• • irheinan treatment of her offerneing." latele millions 'of. eggs haste beep ,
tinnin and lelitethere"fier'e :peeled- and quite- loild,"
bcfore inoculatinn "
1) p 1 ma
Give the fowls, plenty': of fresh
water. It is surprising how muck
fowls will drink if they have it fresh
and ,where thee know. right *here
to find it whenever they• want it.
This is especially true of the laying
hens. Eight times out af ten ii/hen
when coming off the nest After lay -
sme-veth-Alla-eouldeolonwasio_Sienles. In:gee:ell go: direet to the water and
and I just milled. Instead ot the drieg 'love arld-de-el-c-Thertlitter-- ne.
measitring line I ,Was'. given better produced by the. muscular effort .
attention andriecoverect TEE smire7 .piit forth it fdelieerinee•eggs. Dur -
die it! That's right! "Keep smil- itig the effort great combustion
lee " takes place to produce the energy,
thus depleting the tissnes ofpwatee.
So do not negleet the water.
•• Ei1i1A-R444,4140.:
'• ' ,, -nth • Evidence Wag :clear. that the. we-. imported :from other cauntrieS,
pedIerT°But, he ers s e , s , . .. .-
4 UNPROFITABLE-: 00 you keep a deg. 1,, . ,• , . Stec, •aged.. tame nine, yearie who Of •these-•inipottaticies -by far the
We e si -d th business ' Was in eciertto exhibit his battered Aargest proportion. comes froniNhus-
little bey, what is the use of crying , Tkihealrieleasi:r.
0-A • 0 , • , :Douai ion. , 'tia. in 1907, itheet 0,000,000 pounde
--Etitide Old -Lady-Whyte, ineesdeor i e o , - said e man,' A,,t, -
*kike that?• s iridfeeel-dr0 am:e,thor Before imposing „ sentenee,'-his ' of -Russian eggs -we'-4-0-srt, ten in Pal is,
1..' 13 'T. i' t ' ' 4, , pooket, . , honor aslced the woman' whether Austria-lleiigary in the htune year '
ittle oy-. a n no . nee. 1 ve she had anything tp SAY,. "Kin I fernished• enly •about, 1,2,00,00e
-t• ee-de . Maneliad teverely '.1rauteitetheteenengs cePeciallY for COnSuaiPtionin Paris. :
‘.`.0f Course at that age,. sit
een whine to. show ,hAsey,hese. tehhhah. hhheei..hstestiotheamse een • rid .enentries• iessh,
ludr nodciod-tifeitoilt 00,000.petende., "-• ,
nobody • e Cent ed the Priitmer' ,these: EgYrit .eoetrl
, .
aioit jive m a$u the ,,uttest thing 3t-plipev
P t t b teak d Figg-J.Teti have teen Jones's "ViPe hen,4's*O'AiOnitth, 'd —
aids •and pressed hard, are now wife.. ' What.is she like? Should to ask you ' • Whether ye' was over
being used for the manufacture of 01.1 ca), her prettyr Yitt `-1 the parient of a Oudot* "ivilibleS
billiard bitlls• , -might if 1 were talkiagio Jones,'t.ul1tid chile .!°
'Does she know her to talk teit4
only to toll tbout."