HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-10-22, Page 4n s CCO*J R*, Ie ' yO1U Ple .' ° -N9 toeruality hi open, • * oupts, .P'. in 'depositing or y. :t trus 11 edged to day of Visiting tan,' Campbell St, lc invited. Q. 01141,1 eaeh month at 7.30 ock, Visiting bre- Atone)* to4eatt on notes, single or don- and on first and seond mortgages on real estatik and first mortenges on live stoek at reasonable rates. , mot ()flew~ to.' editors t turoutio Wo AA:ams 14, 144YriOR, 1 UB�figH� e ` Saasc u'uort4 100 t er antutat pay abY�;aua a va o_ , , ,50 at encl of,'y a - All 1U.S, aubsenptions ;1,50 per annum, 'strictly' 1*, advance. Cetuatutgdarirme Lettere. `dealing with live tonics. of tine day • are 'solheited, 'but' the manes of 'the -contributors must. in, every case accompany ,the eommunica- tion.' If desired, the writer s' name will not be pubislied. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22;;1908_ Electhrniof '19 Next_ Dj and y is Elootion day, and as there 'will- be a 'vast 'amount of guessing as'te the outcome in -South •-13uce, we give',the tuesult ou.tio,hut election :when the same`` candidates we're pitted against each other ,II6n,a ally ,-ad"nttjeeritias. ww follorws Greenock .130, Walkerton 80, Carrick' 77, Brant 79, aisd`,MoKenzie'a najor- ities were:—Kinloss 165, 'Culross 109, Chesley 94, •Luoknow 60,-Pa''sleyi9, Teeswater43 ; Huron. 9 ;'Merano- 1. Mr MoKei zie's total niajoritywas 144. ecutors Notice to Creditors the Surrogate Court of the -County Huron, In the *natter of the estate of Patrick Hogan, late of the township of Asltfield, Veoutan, deceased. having any elahn against the estate of Patrick Hogan, late of the township .of Ashfield, Veoman, deceased, wlio (lied on or about tile 26th day of March A. D, 154)8, are required, on or before the 8th. day of LNceettlber, 19%, to send to the , understgued Solicitor for the executors adios _and Alte_ securities, _ held by them duly verified by affidavit. After Ca:npaign of Scandal (montresi Star.) The large part that "scandal" is playing in the present campaign is a sinister sign, of. the times of people should take note. We are not asked to decide between two great policies a national sweep°, or for or liakett to weigh the proven I'acandala attached to one party tkr.,,ainst the proven "scandals" and past record of the other party. The choice set before us is not between two inspiring pro, posals„but between two evils ; and 19xecl-vor.,cr-is b.ard -put -to-it- In the old days, it was maintained with settle Show of mason that wo had at -least one neeently pure paaVy in public life. Its proposed policies might make it "impossible"—ask for example, Tharestrieted Reciprocity— but it had at any rate the virtue of ponents, we could feel that the hand wilich-removed-the- -veil- was a clean the demand for. it fell from tzte lips But, Oday, are we in any such happy position.1 There aro clean men on both sides of the /Lilt°. No on() imagines that either of the two rettd- ers is 80 1180,011 as totiolied with the' work, Butethe difficulty is that, on' both sides , of tlae House, there are "wicked partners." Charges of 'graft' no longer trav only one ma across tile* chamber at Ottawa. lho "tu (vogue" argument is in constant use ; 'holding Mr Borden responsible four• 'the eine of his predecessors long sine°' seed out of public life, It' would Abe .Mair to, Idle him, with the lt'Ie- Greevy scandals--sto it is unfair to charge.the present Liberals 'with lack oenterprise becFause. they opposed the - eCelPfRwith ButhteM.oBstnexr C""480 saflddcalIes h.aimd.: j$ir Wilfrid Laurier shoulders the bur- den of his Minister of ,Militia. ° ". If either leader. , would riso'in his :strength and drive :-out of hiss -party the men whose tainted. records male theme an impassable obstacle to°eVC,ry pretence of seriously . proposing ; a policy. of , honest ,government, that. party .tvouldhe invincible in tine p►re sent st i to of ,public ''sentiment. .An hone9t party could win the'electicins ,next month, irrespective of, anyother i Uiie. -::_Pit nentnen =='leader :.seems :ta' have theCourage required., . • One hour of POosevelt would work the miracle. Some_of these tocreenaries semi -;.to. haven eertaiit p91itioal strength which :the leader° hesitate •to.. do: avathout, thougha:Others of them are withunt this strength and appear to 1zee'p their, places merely by .their effrontery iii claiming therm;' Wlio iiiut ines, for example, that Air, --Paster ...is tiny .ocea 1 men uee carried ,,ita it is impossible in 'their' Own hands, if they will- 'only apply it, rrhey,. can poll (i,g,ainst irten whose intluenZe 'Within their respective. ,parttes,in the next Parlunnont. Men. under 'anspicion can bo left at lioitte until they have cleared the suspicion '.preaentative luau to keep his name I -relean - or- make -way -for' -one - of--tho -- whose reputations ' are untarnished. A irT.PARA 41,4 ..rrualt= unto, said date 'the executors will, proceerf.to entitled, having reference only to the claims of which they shall then have received notice, andafter such distribu, tion they will not be mPoosible tor any part of -the estate to any exeditor who,sa-daint they shall not ltave teived uotice at the time of such distri- .bution,_• 'Islas notice is -given pursuant to -the- sututeitt -that behalf, -- ;- = The Public Library 130arditave on, ‘gaged the Olti Southland Sextette, eol- med-vocalists to give a concert in the Towolian on Thursday Oat., 29th. Bolling Water Cool and Serve lifar THE DAINTY DIF -S- SFJRT. Sweetertcti lust 1141111 Perteet In every waY lbattt accept substitutes .tutterocer& sotto 10 GE11T/ PEI/ PACRAGE. PARLOR ROCKERS. 1°)ARLOR ATIZS. 1,ADIE8' WRITING DESKS, 1+.1X.TEKSIC),V' TABLEi AND SIDEBOARDS COUCIJES. CURTAIN POLES. ti member of Parliament should be the best man in his constituency tor the - position. It should never he a case Call and see Our Sham Holders-for-ir-ou-an of putting up with a "fair -to -middling' ` i....beives our best °Care and attention. , Muir() Framing A Special* We:have the-- whole :Dominion out of weich to select some two hundred odd members; --That-We-slionlit-permit one to join titotwo .1tundeed, about when/ we aro even suspicions, is surely, a humiliating °eminent en our common politician 'that, when they put np tainted candidate, they lose 'their Personalitiei and Dirt: . The election campaign throughout Canada' has aliedy degenerated , into Ono of erSonalities slander mud Ainging and diet. In the East ancient 'setuidals hair() been:dragged from their chtsets, The Crew's. Rest deal, or, -stet ite,soleo-prefer -to- al • it, being atr0d. Not content with dis- cuSsur. this antedeluvian graft on- its merits the Toronto Globe. and Hon 'P, Roblin have descended to per The Liberals are. raking. :over the, -retsolds-ior-Wherre-linit 4-01:113 and the &ream which arises' ia not•of flieltder 'peek, he ,rtin-it-' riloW the odium Which attaches to the Foster ET -oo oda ence's ore modem methods used. Best tuaterial furnished. eirOW11 and bridge -work, Painless' extracting by the use of ,the Itttest, simplest and safest remedy, Sotuktovehm. Newest thing in artificial teeth, Aluntinittnt plates acka-breakaOle. At Ripley eVery 'Thursday. - Sy9opsis of canadian Northwest ANY 'person yito is the sole. bead of a fami-14,; or.-74t-ty 'Male -over -18 -years oldr may bontestftd tt,epiarter Section of avail. tible Dominion ;land in Manitoba, $ask- atelleWaa or Alberta; The applicant tanat appear in person at the Dominion' tiatals Entry- by proxy may be made at Mid and •cultivation' of the ',land in iaelt of .threc years. .A botuesteatier, May titils• Of Litt boinestead on. a- larm Of ht leak aeres solely,OtOtted 'and.Occopied by hint Or his father, tuoth-, Or,• .0:000r; brother or .AiSter; tarittAl to earn homestead 04tor),..ato, A. homesteader who WO OXitalt8tecl ' in certain districts. Vrice $3,,00 pet aere, of three years, thltirate fifty, nerea 804 :•iret 1100SO worth $300,00, AtitiemienActing Extieme In his speech at NVinnipeg..: Lord Milner deeltured• that Canada had - 0 -molt to learn ficatithe Mother cOutte• -trente-partizanship, which seemed: predorainat,e,,and whit+, would not be. , tolerated Great „Britain. 1.44d -taus F'rintint. palm; fOr ten :thousand hand 'bine for order was reeeived Thorstlay night d, Was completed: ,..ltiturdity noon nog\ evera , other sun 01, JO were turned out.. ift- the Anetintium.. 4'tcxl get it out as quidkly malty otlice Mille 001,417, We do it right), too. We have the goods. . • seyerai Ouse o witiad.a the bot.:119it a9d. :novo. y:ittieil; 404 -nonrated today that eVery. brattOh' threw; ittentits trade tionditmits• tile4096,ineudver.4 Of the 0,sgeolation that''Ottett hi:: the 101(10 of: nieetieu '`Ot011Ati,age,t,'UN:12!)°.1140.$1".1-nli,t0.1' 4.11111&811°-;111*kit; OttOalk', ()COW 76141104 `t,ettly 1)6k, bpiibitwi 'OW 00.444444 • We do not think there has been a season within our, re- collection when Wall Papers were produced in artistic de- - sPrp: Iterh-sqau jos fftbeeereeelnduothul irslailfiam1"41.1: t seasons to stock papers that are really new, and at the -same -time-in-keeping- with ed well the needs of our customers—and this seasore.s selection& -have be n no exception -to the -rule. -- room to the bathroom, and from 5c per roll, up. No trouble to show them. • best made in W9 are also, preptu‘dio:siipply you wiih the most ' 1_,A,,4110 !onoeyjn$ tion ° THE .WILXINSON PLOUGH ,CO:.