HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-10-22, Page 3Nearly
_ .
. 'autl..'.0their oetiet4ee,,,Ot
•Aggettl, '''FYOPt$o„
. A- .d6$0FitPl? .frena.:Pngale' N. Y. ffiT''q0';''glind. 138 -Irtiited-2States $
,One, of „.' the •• 100.4":041`413100.• tilyer,e0tif!rene,Si'.Paak4g a: tot41 'cANAp-A,'- '
terfeiting-Plants ,. ever eliSodv-- ef ' $s,64°' ' '. ' ' . ' • ThaPoirerninent will begin 'selling
on Wednesda:Y afterneert'lly.";•bnited - Seigliane '4001....:Tmaki• *ere found
0.14-0,g0. 'a,niiiiities" next .inontln:
'e °4 ill 'this 'OuiltrY-wa:s '1.14;.(14-tIted ''PLATES .01' SEVEN:•BANI(S-
tates. and .Catiadian'''Secret..SerVice 143, tbo Cl6sCrtcl'Pl'i• 4nne.e 'weTe .41' gniltY of manslaiighter at .44..,sa,u1t
r'scael#S. in .''''ti'''''.8P6iii4P.II''''',..'4pOt.'cliii..ii se -CliecoVered: ' rubber ; .stanOs 'Pad 'St'Iarie
einall 'farm a, few Miles. outside of ,kttei0; :47,,,erigra,vint;t0Or.s> ' one Set • „ Inti'ei -ifai1!.i.40n. .oj.t....t ...40.0411eii 1.14,8.
'06-Wittida .Cat1.aradi1i4-0011-n-V-.-It .0:1-:UOitoc1:14Piteo-,:i;.14:1V4rH.'crtiftOteE' renewed '(tbe".'ficalichise. of, the Ilea'
Was- operated. by „•Thornas,WaShing7 Nvith'}$5 P1ateS1 000- "Set. Of Ini-Perial" Tniniphono. n•nnnii-aus,, for . Ay6 yoarss,'
'tn .0. ictii..erl'a*,1':IiiS .' ., Sen; 'Xiltent 'Ba4 of Can.a.da'Slg'filAtes'; Qile' APt: - ', yinile.Q."'Sniith, '0.:En. of OttaWa,
„piWere.,,arreSted'!flin,-;.'ntherf'day,,at et.; .Orown •,,,' Bank , of . .Cna aa .3 .. .
i cemmitted 'silipide at, ,Winnipeg,. his
akVille'fi-:Ont.' 11„tine""arrestsilf. Platee;..onet of Quebee., Bank ef..1'n n n
c.„1„.0,1OT.Wi.,s,. -:i....0„i.:473iin.iiii. .450.;,,,,,01., 1..i'_6„:_tIti,i,:te.4. Canada.$10,filateS; One,seltof 'Stain', ''.9n141.11,,,,,uk. ''.90d'i'74-.1-ed::::giver-,...
.'diiiri,-Baiik7:iit"-Cittiada-.:$10:piates..;• `--1-3-,9-'-'ov.d1;-1'-,4,t,'72,T„-ffirr.‘6).i-,'i:p.iXi.r!401c.:,..9t-fClo-i7.'°„iahltifiiian,4t
tate& 'Secret' .'Servic-e •-,and Jarnes cne eef...ei.-Varpiera'Baiikr.$10 plates, '
nitt_,,,;10:,set,..-:01,‘.70,Ie„,n,-iiraiare, ..en.nliten.06 -SiX .)74911tkk of .-the. fiScal:year. .
r msop:, pa:spec or ..or „..,e, own-, riit '-'-`' •,.,.. ,• '7' -713urglars....at.:.-Berrivible-N,
•.-. ''. .- .. <, . .,' ''';:2-'''f'••'' .'S'':i•:''.;''.' ''-•''''
akneaf-13on WediesdaYmoiiigTheofiedra.alOIcund buredinntreley:Car With theSaf:ad s
/and;lenan:theirYirt;•liOninafter der an 01(1 barn onthe'freaisesacanIenit .
nil, . • • .' - '
'ibtitifit'vva'S'Ii-,OPV*0--...atid late"in' the .fient. • late Of. the " 'I.1 ..t il ItnlpIro' The Provincial . Government is
.,,,_„,nrtto n_theineffer s.;were.reward, Eank.of Canada,'$5 'Mites &intl.:- ails ' p„.nring...a, detailed plan- to get
.t1,4:-. Hi. ,d . :...a.. a,y • ,iii,; an_ontliouse of • nis ed, and unfinished' platei: -
Britigh .faicrtiertita",;take.. up -farina.
,t they discovered the not inerimin-. According to the officers, the On- '
in ',„the'ottler pCirtions.of Ontario.. '
„iotifie: teStirtiOny," And '''"retn ined to der .ChtiCitier biiiight the .Cattarantis '
n.- - ' . William' Fisher, for the lois. of . aii
BuffstIO-.With a '. cOMPlete .ccitirtterH: farmi Iatit Suinmernand while.eri his n • .. • n: n. .
freiti,lift%:..9.-t-ft-j..":::: .,' •- .4,.-t. . . . . , , ,, xv43i:l.ficini rCariada.'.,always..stopPect 9..e., was awarded 1,000.at HaMil-
7 ''.:',T..!kile,-,2,-;,.1.,pt1.,:t.:..,,,,,,i;ifb.di,iichia.10,.Fpria, --,, off: in Buffalo. tO,:l.dretila--little.' of' the: ',19P, against the -4•P' lilt. n'rii.a,ti°044 ii. a. -r-.--
no,s6ed, ,T,vester. t.ompany, ' •
e17..." nn.,;.,,o..,,,....aua a. $101,noteS ;,' 80, •O•tieer.'", ' l'he'; counterfeitert•,
,,-frit,r,m, ors,,,,, ,E,antink:, Of, 0...,inada„,$-5.,::ii-6-t6k;. trnito ,st4.16s,,14.1.16.,...,.:iti•,0046,•„"' itr.,4i24.-, .--A ehild NV44, 'burned to -death . in ' a
`..:1:09:Standatdriiank of GaidathillUes' tanadian'ineney n or here ' ' .0!-ieen:r 4t'-'(--4nbee;- and-. Mrs' Pa.-
. Onet, the'Child's ;mth
oer, Was very
'-- serionsly . . biirned in :extinguishing
.. ,
• '—'"--,7 ' , ' ' . ,
'T/1,411)E CENTRES,.
the fire. ,
-Aladin, the defaulting
Paces of Cattle Grain Cheese and
Other Dairy Produce at
Rollie and Abroad.
Toronto, Oct: 20. -1 -Ontario Wheat
2 white or red,. outside, 901MO
to 91Mc; No... mixed, 90c to 903/2e.
Manitoba Wheat -Spot, No. 1
northern, $1.04; No. 2 northern,
'bay,ports; No: 1 northern,
for - late„-Octoltein-shipmentn-$1,04-;
No; 2 northern, $1.02,on traek, -hay
Barley -No. 2, 56c to 56Xc; NO.
3X, 55e to 554e; No. 53c to 54(.
'Oats -Ontario, ' No. White '38e
to 3832,c outside; No. 2 mixed, 37c
to"alye outside
Corir----Norninal- at 87c to 874;
TQ1'0/1t0 freights, for No. 2 or 3 yet:
ilye-No. 2, 78e to 79c outside.
Peas -No. 2, 86c outside. •
Buekwheat-No. 2, 59c to 60e Out-
Bran—Scarce and quiet; quoted
at $20 to $20.50 per ton in bags out-
inSjz,haOgrtss,-0Qutsui outside to $25 per ton
Flour -Manitoba, first patents,
$5.80; seconds, $5.30; strong. balc=,
ors, 0,10; Ontario winter wheat
-patents, for e-Zport, $3,60.
town'h fands in the 'Assize Court,
and asked .for liberty in 'order
to complete restitution.
Thomas. Wright n-a'S found gui y
cx.„=„14osal_st.kole _prices
e ween Soldiers.
despatch frOrn Seoul, Corea,
says: A serious ftght between Chi-
nese Ind Japanese soldiers at Kan-
tao, Northern China, threatens to
result in trouble between China
and Japan. The details and date
of the fight are not accurately
known, but it is reported that the
Chinese were the aggressors. They
fired a fusillade at .a police station
occupied bk. ,Japanese troops. After
for several,. honirst... Taan-Y
mcn on beth sides being, killed ..fir-
*.oundedt the Chineae'Vvithd_rewn• f
The • Japanese Were'reinforcea lat-
er, and prepared . to pursue, the„
'Chinese. 'They apparently .gave no -
tide' of their intention to the Pekin .
authorities„ whereppon for-,
badetheir entering ChineSe.'terri„:
tery, • Japien Protested, and it is
repOrted she 'deplarecl. - that ueless
she. was given ;bairn' ediate 'eatisfae-•
fien- Japanese trooPS' would crose
quoted at, $3.40 to $3.75e and
brought $2.40 to $2:80 tier cwt. The ' ' c 't I a Spendthrift
Spanish _ aPi a .
Town and Devoted to Gossip.'
better class of Milch. cows Niero in
denaand at $35 to $70 each. Prices
were about Wc lower in sheep and
lambs. Select hogs continued.te
sell at $6.25 per cwt.
The ReportS7- of :Gold Finds are
Very Encouraging;
- ,
.A despateh. from Port Arthur
says: Geld prospectors are quietly
diopping into. the--Sturgeop Lake
custriet, and among these are ,manY
,. . , ,
around Cobalt, • Men
who have been' prospecting in and now and again for, a short run at
Who have • iii:gh• ePeed to their 01ND glorificatien
The note of Madrid is, frivolity.
It is a spendthrift _town. Nowhere
do so many reople of modest means
keep carriages, or at least nure
thera. The automobile has suppli-
ed a new outlet to an old passion,
says the London Times.
Nowhere do so many people2.who
cannot afford -to have a motor-
odfripreetrr,olor(wthoichh7tbrber sluarre,suisppbloitehs
c-ar and bad in Spain) keep an au-
tentobile. Therefore they turn out
conie •out ficirS(the, :.*Orks ott the• apci' the7tlanger-of the
eie,„Efo at, public, it livesinuthe:Streets......-nnn.-,.....
*tent.- of Montreal. ou$ 'Proportions... '
A despatch from -Montreal says: A despa,tch from Vienna says: Oreadiery,, Pound 25e to 27c are many looking for the precious a-d-drin a perpetual state -of -talk. ,
What is ccnisidered to be the most The anti -Austrian boycott Tu Dairy' prints, choice 24c th 25e metal, and that a arge number a wiiat
Store prints and tubs .. h .1 s
t em 1 ta'y ithe counts London or Paris news
important eivie report of the year key is causing consternation amorig 22c to 23c 11 comes through to Madrid, except
•cr in -corm-- A c- have been heavy," and prices er e er hat ch
e sur. e many more a d' rich the-Madrlieno IV
Wednettlinn- shows the nanbial It -enoe.‘d th be spread- itbebe fablainn t b - • -
- , • , ,. • . , • . • • ,
rn 111 15 - - -- • aY. .s. - Ponitry,n-Receipts of poultrY ,Y181-te'. the camps say that there .are . litt , .d
tclearams, • is mostly gossip. Irn-
'Earit matters appear to interest
. . Inferior .• ' • • 19c to 20c iwinter. Some of these who have
was -completed at the -City -Austrian _traders , and.allgerni_g the a t North B As izes of anslaugh- ° 7 7 7,7 • '
nowth-ofAlte-eity---in-theLinatt,er-of -ing-ti5-7Sylia&•`-Binyrnaraiii timeand---up-Fritzt-a---young„.-.Quirin Aft,or and- Nothitc-d-very=-01-0"_torest-him-svas_when_a_Yosan'g per-
UIdS increased- real-estate.'-values,for-theLOthen-Pants--0L---TarheY, -and. Aus- ..ris,_whonWere alao_chaiwea with theing ke -1-inn±nt. •cett:Lioe pule. there, b,3 a goid rush int° son apapared on horseback in 113rde
present year. The report shows trian traders.„ thciee-15rae-e. hit-ireT W -ere acquitted. ewei.rigan-rt, 7c to . `he 'eoultry 'wfirch Of -Park m--a-Direeteri.e -"stun' '--Fr ea-- -
that the total: increase -in VitlubsT ' 1-6":11egba; debts -
at Will 1 i .11 he
;raj,: estate for s year has been v14,11n
°Th e Tu'rhs maintain 'their GREAT BRITAIN. _Dui-1Es; .• • Onen-w-hinh-rhare.„1.14;nk.jynnoninnklan thee' headed and light heeled,: t
no ,iesa than . • 'ThiS is refusal to handle Austrian traffic,• • . - Geew
se, live eight .. . 8c to 9c torieal. Several partis have loft ..M-iitcriirelio-is,
Considered te 'be most remarka,ble; andthe Anstrian'-Lloyds a,nd` other Sheffield; England, • will devote Young turkeys, live- We to 17e :Port Arthur in the.. paat few days good '.natured and easY
especia,lly as the real ast4te.increaa 'Austrian..•ships,'eart neither 'embark $500000 towai-cl the relief Of the 1111 --iiessed pi ie 2 higherfor th
fields-of-promine and have out--:•:--leladrid. WOrnen dress well; even
1P-3-907-anlounte,d to...over twetity. rtoy „disemba.rk, Passengers,' mails or 1. 'ed . ' to 23c in ease' lots. fittedfitted*Ali, e intention af 'staying very Well; and the: oharra ot- the
'One 1906..,: Owing -.to fi•eight; An Aus.' trianLord Fitimaurice-has-eatered:the _Deans:7_11:90 for $ all Winter. SPanish woraan is .never 'denied:.
•Ii6rig• at• Jaffa; had -4 I d h.- 'British Cabinet ita Chancellor oithe ha,nd-piekett.
uo- an - er-onn
- 'Modern Madrid_ is sometimes sun-
po to o rn .
ing over fifteen per cent..of the as: mails and passengers. A mob after- Duchy of Lancaster. Chee.se -Large, 13e to . sed be • modelled on m de
•• ,
se,ssed vailuation, the corporatien N1-ard, s atta,cked then,,Austrian .post- -Canada'a ;5,000,000 33-i Per cent. twn:04..13.Y.e tO 14e. - b.ut thetiwriterps nier tt,
vyill be ,able to borrovit a huge office there,' ancrnmashed the rnail loan has COTI:le out at par in London, Honey -3.0e to 10%e per .pound,
, - ere is nc, ung _ ou
° Madrid -except the Skin. ,
and is exPecfed V t° a Premium for strained, and ,to.$2.75 per A Hia.-ed Train Was tfi
amount/on the increased values of boxes and mail carts. do f , • Allendale. itched 'Near Paris works desperately hard, is
this vear..Tlie,• ,arheiint....berrOWed
shortly. '
• PetatoesL--Ontaries, 60: to, -.-05e- Per.
-will--be snent on faither.impr_ovinti__
intensely interested in serious
bag....in,_co,r_lots,„, and:70c _te ,756 out A'' de -§Patch- frem Barrie. things and 'producers, thin ers and .
tl2Vcondition of the roads, laying
, EXPLOSION OCCURRED: of store; 'Delawares, '75c in car lots. Three coaches of a Mix tram, -X men ef ellectual` 4111CLISCielitifiC
Wers etc in 1909
J. O. CiirWciod, ainagazine writer,
.42; from Meaford, lett the rails cPunenee- Madrid certainlY does
-Peculiar_ Acciilent_jil (hie -Tweed ' Dot work hard: does not atipear .to •
half a mile,' north All a
. , •
'Scarcity of Labor Delays Work on
the 'T:.& -N. O.
A despatch, 'from', Toronto .says:'
The construction of the T. p.
'Railway northward has just about
-of,Detreitnis_inplirted to have been
oI ale, at
Public School
be mueb-interested--fnfan_vthmg but .
1.30 -on uts 1.17.ater
murdered by-Indians--iii-.-theTLacla
Rouge country.
Lurnah Mann was indicted by a
Chicago grand jury on a charge.of
murdering Fanny nalmore Tho p
son, forraerly. of Toronto and Wing-
-Orphan , ehildren placed in Dim-
rf ae the, National Tran con in ois hornes were .seare with hot
taining logwood in -order to show its irons and stabbed with forks and
A 'despatch from Tweed, Ont passengers were more or less injur- ancr'feiv
says: .& A. peculiar a,ccident oceurre3 men even . statesnien,. are inueli
ed, Mrs,n3Oliti Wilson of Aileaf d
rel;mess $19 to, $19.50:
Lard ---Tierces, 13Xe • tubs 133/c •
pails, .14C. • • • •
the,. Ptiblic:_sehoOl liere on Wet:14 co Years Of age, .being,tho Inuit ge4._ .1(1.0re. than names. •
Sinokecl and. D`ry. Salted' Meats--
Lotig elear. hetet*, 123,-.1 to:13e, tons
and cases; hares; 123)4c :to
16e; 1434o to 106 '; books,
171/je:ahenlders, 10%C. t,o
11e ; 1.1c to 113,0 ;• breakfast
oaconi STU-16e, green' Meats, Ca*
of le less than, smoked. • :
, Montreal, Oct. 20. -Grain On-
tario new crop 'oats, NO. 2 white it
celoted_at 44M to...45_04Y°- 3 at 43%
_att_43,_teu .4ay2e,_
with•M,atiiteba Old crop No. 2 white
4.6 4630171STZ.-.3-41-45--to--45-1.4e.
bus... She sustained a hroken arm,
• #1' •
-a broken. leg,' and Other injuries. . •
, Mr. Blake,. was, conclueting a Percy Herinenti2of 159 Wilton IGNORED TIP. SrE •
chemical experiment: He was pass-,
nesday afteinnion,' When the iminci-
nue, Toronto, ha,d-his bead cut and •
ing ozone roug a glass tube con -
'Potts of '.CollingWood° ',ankle 'hurt B Ceinnions
was Otherwise :bruised. Mrs. John Laborite Member .0arried. From t
'en ,and 'otherwise iiijiirect: The 4- qesPect.el"
.rona:L•onden says: In
Mii HotSori, of Parkhill, arm brok-
-----e"-1"611waY.---Al'-PreseuLtike.-.-v-ark +teaching powers ---wheo-*an-expl • ars _aeoar.diag-t harities
:haS. PkaegeallY heeri completed *0 sion, occurred. dlaas and- acid:flew agent. '.• .... • ' - ' , , ,.. .
the "Y" joining -IL -hop -timer -road. The in all directions about the rciCen": heclemands-ef--the--antlira94437
work has been delayed because of Mr. • Blake's hands and face were tnine workers, a,s forniulated ID epn-
.,a minor strike; and ,it was found cut. in a score of places and -several veation .at„, seiaoton, include -in
very difficult to :procure. Men. The, - of the scholars were also more, ea eight-hour day , and an increase '0
commission desired 100 men, ana
des less injured. No serious results, le per cent. in Wages: -;
Can .Helni, son of 141f. '117—. P. ' -- P -7' t --t-' .TileVe t ifif purchasing' -the
The Democ.rats have , accused pre
with a view to securing thesestren-,.
however,nare . _anticipa_od ri
nous' efforts were made Co -Toronto.' ---ninsun Eiden Bo 1
The Wages offeredl-Wake11.75 a day, Helm \_.110eat nuunna'gernotnthe:nR.,n7k:. sappoi4of_DanieLL_Ke.aos., prasi_
o bout 40.men could e ob- of Montreal, was badly •burned dent tsf the Longshoremen As.s°-
'tabled. In_a.cldition,the__Men-....WeIV.: hoilt -the faceind.eyes, of. an
promised their fares -713o w, as if , . •
--they--served--the--411. no -stipulatedin
portint-G-Overnrhent position,: ..
tlie-agitcement -
tiartling. Discovery Made by 'ltionT
' don;..Schooll Principal.. • '
. • ,• , •
• -7--A-'7-d-e-S-Pat-elt -froth Lon -don. , , . • ,
of Capital. saYs Principal: wret-C of
„George'SachoOl discovered: On 'Wed-
nesday tifte,r,nopti that ,a. iiiiMber of
his pupil's had been eating 'cOrdite
taken' from Cartridges:. One .bby, ate
niuch' of it that. at noon ha'faiet.,
.'returning•••.,,horite' from; raetarik of about it, they,.had-read• about
the Ottawa- lient.nI- AstoCiation„-atyllie.alleged.troirderer;_PriVetaXoir;
7.77- the ilifyi‘iiii`b-y•A:itittow-ye-ating:,the -stuff and Were sampling
and four children.' • • ,it toobserve its effects.-
.The war blond in tho.Balkanis is
now believed to have pasSecl-away,
Sadden End of,I.Weil Iiiiiivra Dentist • Showers of ashes 'hoe.' vo/catioes
liavoLfallth , on some': 0 the West
;A despatch . from Ottawa saYs:. It. is expe.cted that -the Seuth At.
Dr. John C. Bower, A well known riean Union.^Couterence at Durban
iocal dentist dropped dead on will list three months.
in -
Thursday night. while -walking down The Emperor' of•Germany bas couple of filendt. "--116-Feaied-W-its railreact 'cars arid autera es
venId a new huh and 0,bbraake...for
Sparks Street in coMpany With as.
_ Ja_panese sOldie-is Ciires=s1Ew
twenty-twe torearis friendly to--Jatr
:pia, „mistaking -them -for- insurgents.
, .
IT:Sir—vkliteps Quiet Her ,t Interes_s:
he Safeguarded
Gertna,ity Said, tO.Plan Revenge On
' England.
A despatch from London sayst
The Iron. and Steel Trades Jou.knal
I understands that° in .consequende of
thenewliBritk.h,patents law;• under
which 'f4reign-pcitteniiilaiii-eles'caii
rot •be sold in Great Britain unless,
rettnufa,cinted here, .a syndicate of
train,Was...running about 25milesan ,the oni'en Thnrs-
-House ,of Cciriim
tour on a level track when the rear day-Alliert-f`Victoy -Grayson, Soeialt-- nn
•-trucks of the last coachleft the, _
ter it. The coaches turned on their -rails, bringing the other coaches af- eonstaiWignore0-the-S•Peakr-and
ist• ad Laborite, from Yorkshire;
call the attention of the House to '
his Calls to order, and continued to
. the' fact that there---worenpeop,e:
starving on the 'streets.To the
I.AN BL wettinsisting that.;
Winter wheat .natentS, '$53:0;
"3.! • ` -7- .sp-ed6r
lie-Prasit a Own,. la; retort,ed: "It is all
who are . _
'rejected at 44 ,to 44M,e per 'bushel • , • n
ex store. ., -d very well 'for 'yonte. eryAder, yon„ eati:patentq -18-n-sne-Cen-di--:-' $5.50-- ommonwea t S Tore Tra e for . veil fed.. th
• •• ' Years- Was41.4060 000::
straight.rollers $,L50.10 $4.60; ilT37,7 A espatc roma. e ,ourne, u- Arms ton reinove
in bags, $2:1Int'o $2.26; extras, $1:.- .stnalia, says: Sir William Lyne, de- was being- carried . Out bodily he •
75 to $485. Feed -Manitoba. bran, liverini' the, budget .Statement on shouted;, eddresSing the Laborites
to $27,-; -shorts, $20 Per tont in -le ii -d- .645,000 was.'aftributable to the new Weir 'clan -SW -to stand -by ine..."
to their
$21 to, ,$22.1 short, $23q Ontario Wednesday, :said the iitiPrecedent- ."I !call upon, the traitors
per. ten. ,cheese--Westerri cheese stand by
bran, $21.50 to $22.; mifkilings, $28 Odly large customs revenue Of.211;- .class who have. refused to
log hags; pure grain mouille,- $30
tti $35; milled grades, $20. to '$28
are quoted at 1234c for white, and
12%c for colored. Butter 2634 to
.27tn," Eggs -22,c for selects; 203c
for No. ln and 17X0 /Or :NO: gi
. Btiffilq; Oct. Whea,t-L-Firm-
er : 1 Northern" carloads store,
$1.0; Winter, steady; No. 2
mixed, $1.C4. Corn -Weak; No, 3
corn; 80%*to 81Yie; No. 4 corn, 79Vi
19f,i4c.,• NO., 3 white, •80yie. Oats
-T.Tnsettled; No. 3,, white; 51 to
52%c; No: 4 -.white; 49j4 to 504c.
Barley -Feed to malting; 60 to 67e.
Ene-Ne. 2 on traek,-81e.
Mitineapolis„ Oct. 20 -Wheat -
$1-08%; No. 1 hard, $1.04%; No, 1
' Northern, $1.o:5%;, No: 2 Northern,
$4.013/4 to -$1.02%; No. 3 Northern,
960 to $1.00: Flour- -First patents,
0.46 to $5.50; Second patents, $5,-
34.1 to $5.40; first clears, $4.00 to
Second clears,' $3,00 to $3.10.
Bran --17.7S to $18,25. ' , • .
Milwaukee, oet. 20. - Wheat ---
No. r. Northern, $1,07 to .08, No.
' $1 •
coming conTerence, And expressing -2-Northern $1.05 to 1:06 , Dec.,
ley -L -Standard, 66c; 3, 57 to
'Slit. STANDS 'ALONE:• 60.1/2c; No. 4,- W to 561Aci sample,
''A despatch faani London says: A
ecial to tliii-Tiffies from St. Pet-
ersburg• says that the Russian doV-•
ernment has Sent a, note te Servia
- ' Gorman, Atnerre.ati, ItuSsiatt and
•.1AUSTRIA HOLDS BACK. Preiich capitalists is‘forming for the
. .
' •A ' despatch from Berlin says: luirPcse of aequiving factories .16
NeithertAustri.-4tingarY nor Tur- England, in which foreign. articles
ha.,Fi yet given its consent to ine Patented in Britain will be \mann-
d Id t cost rice The
'and Montenegro, promising to safe- pretosed internatismal .conf0tence,
h 11
tilem inteies.t.s a the theabstexistmtnttirri .st;\,?-sl.si'la
1t .-,lr.s 1111(1 vill save
6,grq.d that, the hinilexation of .Born. exPenSe ef lteeP 141- thel*""n
ilia and fierzrgo'Ona, be not: fdPtorins Etigla114' '
enssecl and , accepted ancl
bY the poWerS Without debate. „Tar:. . „. •
-a n --owners or-in-vonnunen the_eninrinouS
, .
„tile hope that this proMise will hi- in $1.01 Rye -No. 1, 76c,.. Bar-
!dace them to a,voicl rash policy.
55 to bee. Oern--nDec.., 63%e asked.
'declines to partteipate enTess it •
A despatch front Paris says: A bey cloSires a free hail u t
d In Ma° ItmoNto TO Tlitigt SMPS .CATTLE M.A.BICET
. de attil ctoamt., vonio 6 6 ,
'specie. sp from n8t, as.,w 11 as cash e !ripen a • ._-
.ple .M n-Of-iltifinh-Ifir'ine.-Pleet4M-Leave---ffrasirOg, Oct. . 2°.-Qtintatiols
Q tassador . has' de-clared to Tekt...h1' Pailtoid in Eastern Ru§sia nil. 't • '
''' ' ' - ti ' Suddcrils7 Recalled were : Otind etporite-Fil-atrrarrsr-
,ile,§110,, the Turkish Foreian .4. ii- I, some other 'ontstanding Claiing, :all 1 . 1; bo to $5; light exporters cattle,
ter, that GerrnanY wOuld,folloW the 'the powers are in favor of a fixed' A. despatch from London says : $4.25 to $4.60 per mitt. Sales of a
hoe Of , conduct adopted by Gro"at progratiteM,:and a majority of theni All the Men of the liOnie fleet absent iiinit,ed number of ehoice hutchers'-
Britaih , reg-ading the unnex0tiOn are blelinOd to omit ftorh the dia.- i frcitii. 'their ships on liberty have . cattle were reported at $4.5o to $5
". bv Anstria, of Bosnia and Herec".re-i cnssiona the question of the pas- boeit suddenly recalled'. .1fiasmuch!
.. c
per 'wt. Good toads were selling it
.vina: AS a conseence
quof the ntti- i sa"n4"of : the Dardanelles and 016 ' ti:s .the reasen for this has not p(. 1 $4 to $4.50. For'. heavy steers $4
'tilde of the poWert;'' Aostrio-Iluo- I Cr,tan Proclamation for tiniort with; been 1: iiseertained,, the. , order has 1 per etvt was paid in a few • instanc-
,gary rloW stands alone, Greece, :- ' ' twinged considerable excitement. 1 e. Good distillery steers were
ari an e higher price of pro-
t d the h '
ducts. Sir Williath pointed 'out
that Australies'imperts were 251,-
000,000 and her exports 272,900,-
000, while the cerretponding"Cana-.
dian .fighies were -;t60,000,009 and
banghters of ,Empire Give $10.008
. .
to Fight White Plague.
despatch from Ottawa' says:
TheDaughtersof. the Empire kayo
donated $10,000 to the funds of the
Anti-Tubereulosis Society, of Otta-
wa, on condition ,that a further
$20,000 be raised.
A Poor lady the other day hasten-
ed to the nursery and said to her,.
4tle_:daughter k, •
"Riiinie, what do. You mein -by-
ShOnting ."lind streaming -t- ,Play
quietly, liko•Tenniiy. See, he -doesn't ,
make° a sound.', --
"Of aourse he doesn't" said the '
little girl., "That is our game. He
is pane', coming home late; and
ain- you. '
have to work hard if you
hope to win old Banker's daugh-
ter.'' •"I'll have -to. work a good
deal harder if I don't win her I"
Plan to Shin Them to British Honduras
Sugar lautations
• A despatch ' from. Ottawa ' says:
Thei, despatch from Vancouver, stat4
ing,that the Canadian and Imperial
Governments have co -Operated to
bring abouta happy solution ,of the
m '-pir-obtoTirtir-trritich-Veri
bia,, isofficially cenfi,rnied at tinnl
Department of the Interieir,
in previens years' it has been the
practice for the British WestIndiat
colonies to tril-p-b-ft- each ,year for
work on the sugar plantations, a
number of -cooliot from India,
chiefly frein 'Calcutta. • • It is noW
proposecloy tne arrangement reacn,,,
ad 'between the Governments Of
Canada • Great Britain sand British •
Honduras, that this year, instead of
obtaining "coolies from Calcutta,
they shl1 be shipPed from Vancou-
Mr:..Earltin left Vaneetiaer,,an
Thurs.ds.y,.und will preeeed to Hon-
duras via Ne* Orleans, As soon as
all arrangemente can be Completed,
the Hindus now in
Ir ill be transferred to llortdti-
rag at the cost of the throe Govern,
=MAL . -