HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-10-22, Page 1-
Local and Personal.
• Mrs. H. Davieof ,Wingham wasthe
guest of Alta. Jefise Button hat • week.
M 1,,,p,4 Campbell left last' week
fer: Revelstoke 13, C.'
The I:nano-sr 'Pipe Band filled an
engagement at a race matinee. at Brus-• ,
-.sets en'TueSday.ofthia week:
Fon .SALE,--,Basehfirner,---inaY be
• seetiat due -office,
The; Eva U. lisILS closed downier
few .-elays. o wing: "to -,...thScarcity
Mr" Rokbert Knightly of ..kintail
was in town on-,8.1.aturday.: The Sem..
tine), acknowledges pleasant call:
Mr. Harry. Wtilteraitrlio is eniplOyed
, with Walter 'Stewart tk Sop, moved his
family_to4town this_week
gannen, and ii
• living in the Aentnel
• 'in sale of farm stock and-implementa
at- Lot -2, -Con- 2Huron,--oti-ThtirstiayOct.' 29 at 1 &deck. Medharlea
11. D.'CATife;int atr a:Meeting
at Westford -last week in the interest
of Peter H. McKenzie,.
Mrs. Wm. McMullen returned - 4o
Virden, ' Man, last week. She. was
accompanied by her daughter Mrs. W.
Davison., "
Luektiew, • on Menday,
Oct. to Mr. and Mra; •!rhos,
-Watsona son, The infant died same
*ay aid interment tookplaee in
ioss cemetery. ,• •••
.Thelpst. advertised for rn
Sentinel was reported t,iti
onee:hy,Mr. • MeMortin as being
at 14a Plage;.... .-Theleatieet.ean set
'Me Walter Murdoch, . Who 'ha :a
,cepteda position • traveller for the
W. R. ,Brock ;Co. Of 'Toronto; Spent"
Sunday in -town! atter ..having . spent
rtWe'weelt-s-taii laii•TterritOry; --which*
in the Nitwara,,Peninsula_ and vicinity
of, .11ainilton.. - He reports a:successful;
Wesley--Joynt who lit managing :the
evaporator in Walkerton spent Sunday,
at his home in town.
Fon Sat,E—A therotighbred pedi-
greed Yorkshim boar. Apply to Stan-
ley.Ceek, Nile"Ont.
• Ovens, Specialist, will be :at
Cain Rouse, Sept. 22, Oet 21:k '14:Pv-
17, Dec, 1. • Hours 2.t,e..- 9.
'Miss Norman Of Witigham was. the
git-st of Miss Matnie4eynt over 'Sim-
. .
- ,day.,,,-,.., ' , .. ,•,
- •W._ .A.,literknald,_ 'reeve. of Blown
_Twp.. made a 1:1Usittqas_ trip -to. -town' 0 e IllfP AO' livoTk,Q, the late X1.4 D.
yesterday - ' , Miss ,A. M. Bax, of .8.'Sir.
: The auction sale Of !ate:- and Thos. _geed, ' introduced the subjegt_of `.'Siio..
, ,
McKeith on the 21 -at. Was 'a depided Prenientarjr. Iteading,", showing.' ita., im-
success, almOst $2000.00 -be
• iegrisji•ja,, thpoertahenscteuline,ththude'sehur see's•-elndevaeglothipmsernetstosetd:
. • . .
• Uri& N.' L. Canapbell -and Mills Nor- The general introduction of suPpleinent=
me, Thompson Spetit a . few days -with ary reaaing into the Public Schools is
friends in Toronto last week. - • , One of the most *Tete!. signs of the
. , Mr. R. D. Canieroll also spoke at. a•Principal J. O. Gordon Of Lueltnevi
meeting at Clifford, 'Wednesday even- gove an. address ini "The: GeneraLOriii-
lug the 21st inst.• •
. , , , etpleS of Promotions" .whicli Jed.. AO ,an
. ThankaniVing services will be held
trip. ' - ' LouisPhillips Our enterpriEdPg02etiil methods - f ''' ' . ' ' '
'• interesting discussion as to the beat
at Klialoss Methodist Chitrch on ' Sun- • romt a , usmess . ar y vv mi..- ciWing with ,.• baTdcward
dealer has returned -4 - la ' cul 1 --on \ 41141c1": Prwatitmns': Parti -
trip of several days. ' . : ,', rinillits. . . : , '''. ' , ' ' : ,: , ' . , •
AteommeteiAtreilLe%.4.4.-,4=,..% . Wi 11 reach at, 10.30 and 7 '', o'clOck.
::(14Y'''°ct, 253vIlen *17" 4: Vir*ts" • . W(6 tw, *mad to ,see that -Arlie -on _f4.iterti ' ' ' . ijele0n!'7"iniiithlY7 treated 13Y.
, •,..,,,_ - ,..,..- --. --- , The subject-Illirliat-,6nstitutes-a-Good
reeRitrif laidlliiirtiakiioyr has about 07,7 ca&fE174:;:,,,_iiPii*,,S, ltitwil'o.,. t,--.',-- .71 -0.043W41-31,-WleiTi#51ah, ' ilalislEathtscuPTbaltyliMiltvaillt"Mtv.
the finest :maple trees lie has seen; and. ' 8aPP.er ,wit be -given an an excellent is seep on our ! at,,reets dellY• . ... . ., .the, .praetke., of ,,confini ,a literature_
cardine M., S. Staff: She condemned'
•.prograMe -of AdtkeSses,, -readinge--4eCi- •;There, in nothing like leather if ail: 1 - • : , ... , .. riF , •
_ ---4,--m, -.-,s4itero.„.„se.-' stAsnsan„sehere.,, . L___ .,... s. _ . ...- t_____..... ,_.',.= ,,,,,,_ _. ,,_, .......r. .___,..,...,.. -..:...,...... .,.... _... es.,Sen Jo thejner• . study of words, etc.
--,--.--. ', ,•132,"''''' ;F" --V' '''' Ir:,...„:::.,' . _Leine. has., UtlOris fe -wirff7--ou . mma.-s- en -'1941--s-- re.liener. •-rna.8-7-Tok-ab-`704-r whde neglecting topresson the
'''" - 4-elFgerveclarona--47-4e0-811—.7.--,..-;'-.7...- getea,t-Littlelarfahoe-aterer'---.- lintil%LTe--1-0. r4-figitaitlior-aitifflie
,materialized "Lucknow• :13pautifur , . . , , u , _ _ . ,..i th , .1..
' • ' it • TEaelinn WANTED—An experienced Mrs. W. D. Murdoch :has returned pea tY.aact the meaning .0 e who e.
' will he no myth. ' 7 . - • - . • - The teacher most by reading and Muth
Deposit your tiavin,gs with the Bank . ' , : . • •
• . teacher Wanted for School Section No: from. Toronto where she Was attending ',reflectt'on,'•first calch' the . ot,
of Haniiltoit'. ' Sums of one dollar and 7 Kinloss for 1909, helding •a first or the funeral . of bei.;:'.-ftber. ' r. J. author *fore.' he can •IMPO to transmit
second class provincial . certificate. Murray. . . , . . that spirit to the,Class. - Helpful fflustra-
• ' from date, of : deposit, to date , of .with- ,
•lipward" received' Interest .eceiv'ed' ,IViale teacher ' prefered, 'state salary - STRAYini TO lot -4,344, ‘C;On..: i,W»' were -H tl" ' °tali' iting*IeT's
4rce,yat74,ci**top*ro:_I)rin,,pvl;i,vou_:__,waahT,_7_ted;-appl• ications-receivdoftip to the .3KinieSsi a ewe; :' owner is 1 ,.Nues.' ted to, ‘,`Wtatei-1144-1404,--- -' .0-001:-M-01, 46°10; aaV,
of- lstoveinbiu7.70-0-$71oy—ALEX . :43-reeVe:PrCP-e-.4;;,'Pay,. eaPences-4a- ner take; nlitt-;'*)r-suPlile-c1-.e'itia0-"9a4ing••--".
ammat away..,Ed..,, 7P-4rvis, ina,
___:_timeS a_year-LAILinisinessi_s_tt_yiet1 . • Thursday av' etting's-meetzug-was -held-
-• - - - • , • - -Gamtr-Sec-Treasri3ox--1-1-2--Lucknow-.- -th
• WestBruce• Teschers'
The °Annual 'Meeting of the' west
Bruce- Teachers', Institute Was 'held in:
the Assembly Hill of. the KinCerdine'
11. S. on 'thareday and Friday, the 15th
and 16th i'nst.'One hundred .teachers
were in attendance.
}.4,...The President, ,,Mr. Rankin of Port
Elgin took the chair and after -the open-
ing exercises addressed the teachers
•upon the intellectnal and secial'henefith
in be derived from such gal.h4ings„ Mr.
Rankin is the oldest active meniber of
the Institute and referred feelingly to
the changes Which the: passing years
have med„e.• .,SPeeia4, referencewag made
Srig,F,R -EsTakv—Red..anct---:vhitc, 3 _ LOST—In the Village a.,Cresent.Stick dre? se' d' ti ,,,,
A. I, B of Port Elgin H S ad -
Con.. -I Huron, about 4 weeks age.
-year..Old steer strayed .from Let 42,
was perfect and these whc'; were for tatee Will be rewarded to the amount PreVe& of certain recent changes such as
. "The rendering .of -every 111103er 'oPflni.tii..471 vdideriloef.t,.sa7_,e ,leaving at this 'ele: of '31Zder; ,Z:eantiOn.'? He 'aft:
, A.ny. infprmation le,ading,... to its return innate' re hear t4-:',S.PT#A..1..te7heard one separate examinations for teachers, the
- - raising of the age hunt and the better
-*ill be rewarded by the Owner- Arthur Of the finest Tregrams of ac•ng ever gAiipf Roir Sam Oa Rare -741e dies for tranung, as tending _to
---COOk-. - -,-,- -: ' ... ...._.,...........,—...- _ Pat,. on .. the_ boards:, here"'.7..H,-Mildmay- Speers- ilicit 5_ and,-6,,Qon.;-:11.: :raise:: tht-'7-standaritactig..41-tle,---s---eL,6-fi-?,,,i,-;
-Remember the Pablii,--,4neetint-in ..Gariptte; Opt., llth, 1907. Hear -Cilia -PI Ashfield. AP14...fohnstk‘sot gox,c4vich He also - thought :' that tO.O. -.. tench
Toiin HO AM Friday.. evening Oct. 23 iii-ibi'i'iraiiilitill.: Lti-eliiiiiii--"Oet-"29' 14. O. Ont. or on farm.- — 7 ' attention was given tolitillitiehing and
next:. Secure your tickets once. Robert Hello , , _ too •Itttle to book study, that self
rd in the int,orest of M. J. j:.Donnelly,. es Liberal candidate in 'effort_ on the part of the :pupil is not
: Seats reserved for ladiei. *r. P. IL Wm. 4, i: and" ;O. 0. Taylor iventtoLon- West.Iiiiron was in town on Tuesdaysufficiently encouraged, and that toe
xcicen4e., or anybody to ouppori his don on Tuesday being called there on Re held a 'ineetinu in St Helena that often .he inetl'e-rieneed-• teacher is as -
gauge invited to apeak. _1,.... : \ account of the serious illness of their:: evening• ' . _ ,
sig.netzthj:tricoicitisT '''. -
- _ ,A: pablio...meetinotthe7Town., Hall, father...T.liomas_Taylor,..,Whe : died that Mr and_Attr.,_,__' irsa,ao___Itiforoddoo,_ of_ e evening was
pent- -vet-y- --pleasantly--a.nd-L4nfo-Lizadly
tomorrow .(1,,ridi-ty) eyening in the in: dap --.---The•reputins will be 'brought to Bradley., visited -hi, town laitt week, in socialsitt .ercoUrse. .Excellent . music
'terest of. J. 4.; liOnnelly-"the- y-, ' 0 ser.VieeswilL-1,0_ .. m Fad ..._ formerly-__- .:was filiniShem,..,1*, Mrs.. TeraPlia. Miss:
rs.----Me den -VasMrs,.
, Liberal Locknow-toda an
-held-in St;Peters Church -at -.1..\ 30 p. pl. Donald Mck-arso.fjCinIOSs.- : iltiti. Refreshinemawereaersed. —
CO-ninififfiiie candidate inStli7Brlice-- 'Rinker,. Allis§ Jessie Perry and Mr. Ran -
will he addressed by Bev: j. Elliott of 'after which they will be ta'kw1.4°. , - Miss J. J. Allan eye sight,: specialist, On Fridayittorning Mr. G. 11: Bell of '
• 0th:tin:jot and : Mr_ Goo_ .po..t.too of cart:line on the 2.30 train.: , Ioteitnelit will be . at J: Garnet Atiintro4g,s Drug Pausley P. S., Spoke With enthusiasm On
Winghana li
will take 'place in tkcardine .Ceintat- .' Store , on Friday, ' October 23rd gouts "Continuation Schools and Filth,Ciasses
. : '• 9 -a-:',12F7t°'44`.P•to• • ' — • . . Pactoririn,onf-P.S. Systein-". •-'' - -
Your : bosittesa. is ' aelicited by, iike. ,.
Itiolson's 13ank. Savings: Bank.-depO-, • ,,"The Old $einthland Sextette .gave 1-11i•OdRwo't4t ..stu,4*-tiA,„Ta,-:fnittirbcoal''' t3E,' ranges esel±ast dine_1-101):fieel%r4li! ten°f•ktat_ir. t'alci. elecaaZ
. , I '
site bear int,erhst' .fronkdate.of.deposit' a superior entertainment '. in the $1.85 aeOrd deliVered. ' Also.a ng. 'tity• practical exposition of the :art course for
to date of withdra,wa,L ; Interest, paid Opera Ifeette Saturday •evening under of first • eleaS 'Cedar Shingles --1) ..e. P.nblic Cla(bc!ls as outlined' by the:Ed. tea-
. . . . , .
tional Department. ' Mr., Perry ia one Of ,
. four' times a year. 'Absolute security the aoapices of thaCitizene band. the TAvI.oR
offered Bead advertisenient. , ,Various solos' being. a More than or
.. . „
• • ., • • U.-S....work ,and: his suggestions tia'. to,
Svaav taittiCatne bite the ,preinises
Foit_aitu,..kgood„......frai houseine , curiark;..m.eii:t.„:.,,,,41(0,4miso ,M,i, :8 R. ,...0f..,,the.ina!ers'itu.• (lot 7,-tx.et, 5 ,Kifileas.:
Thp..., :One Lando' owner prove p'roperty,
with .good stone fosAda#O32,, .tii.roo, ,OV,‘.er„street,T-Tiiiin:, a Whole- show -.in
,.-Iliin pay expense take the animal avniY..
- - retoms7and;74,euitinier-,-.1iiteheir-,--anclup-; -84u. ____Niesut Forest __RepresentatiVe, . • --7,,,j4. M44#,06.., . ,
Oct : 10th; '1961. ' . Ally your tiCketti: Pett .Sii,it 768 RU,NT:,--I'fire'' un- 'illisign. -•
,inimediately and heir them Oct, 29th, • ed has:',for sale Or -Would rent; a giiod
.- Town Hall 'Lucknow.. .• 50 -acre ,Farin :of Clair 'loani,. -being Smith '
• . , half of east half of. lot 9-.. Concession 13;
The . Ripe Bandy have engaged the , , B. D; . Ashfield. ' • The farm: .is in good
Spence Strachan- Cow -40k, a- concert- condttion; Well fencedand c_l_rained, and
.. ,. . . has a ,good• siring' well as well as a ciS- ,. Mr. J. W. Westerielt of the 'Forest
,.'.1n•pidalitiliing . the prize hat of the be given. in Dungannon on Friday
, , . .
tern. The baldingt aregood 'consisting city Ausiness'• College, 'and Writing
--udino,w_fairTwe_ommitked,:to4,ecoi4:,,zaltatqag, the 23rd .inSt •,They : have of...a:,gpoctteenciete_4onse.and-Abarki-with- --Illast,i-the- ---Norina-SC*cocoir London;
that the speeialyeise. by Mr2. T. Lie* also engaged Master Jimmie:Boss the stone inundation (Sdic26). It, as onlya, luidilltrgair.e asmatirtit lik address On 'Writing".
,, ,...,., .
, : ',„-cl" ever--vutirmr-ov-- ho--ivilErifer-odsLfrotn-chttrch-Land"-sehoot-house-
_PLIVAMI Off P...T.P•i.i,,,W,. ,e1,,,,W,M.7- - .-.-.77-,,,-7;-P.: --7-7,-7-"---- 7 '' - ,--aid--three'inilei-from-Liinckne*. 'For all- • . , . at a I
• awarded to S. Phillips of .7Fordyee.: tender' the ' sword dined, 'Iliihritid.:
further* particilars apply ' by ,' letter or
Tho first Prize for short garden carrots ,,ling and Other' ,dances, apt,' oex, n ,person , to Jamas ,ii.
GrARMvSa, I3o.*
Waa, awarded tea 4frs. .W, ',3-.;- .00(!,,iiwie . Will be miiaic and dancing by the ll,-,)?, Lue.know,' Ont
' ''inatead of A. Anderson as POblisiled• ilarid,, and a • grand' 'Orehligh.6 Parade . "Seldom has the unisre loving public
. .. . .
.. • , .
,Falait Fon SALE—Part 'Lot 6 Con of ,Parkhill enjoyed snob •.s; treat as
.' 13 k. D..In'Ttninshila Of. Aiihfie-hitH Tires of fallefileitires; gathered and "Was-,:giyen.,thein ' ThUrsday:e.W.minff by
.. . , .
i 140 acres ' Good cli4.10.ini•-; Story burned by the children in the Streets Oii?.. Old Southland Seatett..e. . litany
. •‘„„cernetit house, nearly new, frame. barn are to be seen almost every evening of , the songs were the ffOligs Of ,.our
„ , . .
.... about 35 'hy, $(1, Shed and An*, 'wind these days.' In many plates they', pre. youth but Wore ita fresh and enjoyable
- iiiill and artesian ' well, also -.1 horse; gent a Very pretty spectacle, and they . as:vdien -first we -heard---them--Sung.-
-• boggy and-mitter, ,2k."railes-lrom-Abe,- ,certainly,afferd-:a-pleasure-tothe:ohild,:, 414117:trouPes of, ji.!:bilei--.Sing&il-hOri
. ; Village of ucknow, ,':APply to P. K.' ren, Who:Will leek back in, after years. visited us none captivated the 'audience
:Webster, 4.: 4.' Pun's: Estate of 'td. these eveninas Of fan with mingled more thari' the Old Soutlilincli".—Post,
- - .....t. .grebster: . ' ' • ' emotions of regret "for _the .:passitig. -of Oct 19 1907.. " ,Den -if tail . to hear
Tremble forest. fireitlirtv, a Ileen rag: `-ehildhood'S-pleitsureSand--midearment- -them, Oct.129tkr -176Csialit11,-:Luoktalir)-
Secure yonr seats ,now- Plan at. Akin;
strong' & Mildred's. ". ) •
-the Most Successful art teachers In'the
• -Cue-bestir:hid 4'0f---uciterialrits-cest, ann
where to obtain ft,. as- well -4ss .what art'
books to &onsult, Will prove of prictieS3
value to those who heard --hintlie -gave•4/ •
each c.lass and showed how it could be .
4Vsplendid -ailleetion of pupils', ei h ' been to make
art WOrk emphasised and illustrated the as.
' eta:hit. •A /geed fraine With'
stables underneath,. 94 acres of land,
. a good spring. a water, close to 'house.-
• One null north of:Post Office on:gravel
•road:. Apply ta' Airs. John Boker:-..--
INcoRpoilATED •le55
Capital, $3,574,000
Rest 'Fund . $5,74 000
11 •
Has,65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents
Teal' the Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches,I 7T
Interest allowed at highest Current rate
GEO. II. Manager. T. S. RID, Accountant,
Emulsion of. COD LEVER OIL I
Guartinteecl to, contain 50% a Pure
, Fret* Norway Oil at 40c and '75c
-An' old•and- reliable remedy --for; -ge47
ceug,hs, colds, ete. '
learn it quickly under superior: pondi-
tions at our school. Catalogue free.
Contrail Telegraph Sheol T400
Sim'cw, • T. J. JoinvrroN,
• We are offering as a
special inducement to
purchasers of rings a
• discount of 5 /per cent
for 3odays: We• have -the largest
stock of rings webelieve
• ever seen in acknow
Alt are solid g-n1c1 and
the prices are from 85c
Armstron ildred
'mien & Opticians.
• ••••....._MiIIs•
detailed instrctions as to' .the Work 'of wg. STIJDY YOUR NEEDS ,
carricd on sultaneonslyinanungraded
-thrs-store-the-most attractive
place in town to purchase
Fancy China and 'Groceries;
of •teachers:- The characteris' tics•tif gocid
tlfe sUbject.by '81#141-117TessOn to Ifound in ivell equipped
s m s lux
ing in Michigan during the pciat, tett' to'the old,hoine town *here they were
days, eweepiog: over *tidal counties ,e4i°Yed.
and • wiping out -many villagea; A 'it- Th; LncirneVe. Library Board have
between Alp and CheboY- engaged the "Old Southland Sextette
gam Was ditched owing to the heat to giVe as eiitertanined in. the Town
worping the rails and, the entire ,traiti Hall Thursday.evening, the 29th init.
was burned4 and thirteen Ilissenger4 The Sextette is ,comPospc1 �f the fa,-
• 'oat thei•rlives. ---Thelatestdespitches hywihe, soprar.,,o, mt.• & Ilath Erobnosi-
indieute that the It,ota number of lives alto, Mrs. Mabel Talbot; first te40r,
-wt11--exceed-fifty.aini„Mayliturtiwell- --A-;-Long;-tecond-tenori--.1.. Thompson,
up towards one hundred. baritone, N. 'Patterson- basso S. it,
Thd Woinan's MiaSionary Auxiliary
"of the'PeeabYteiian Church will 'hold
thirannual Tliaiikoffering meeting in
•the church On Friday, 23rd, at 8 p.nt.
"Mrs. Gauld Of. Permosit, wife of Dr• ,
Guild (sueceiStir t� 17r.' 01. L.' McKay
of Formosa) it expected to be liresent
• to address the Meeting. An:invitation
• is eitendetl, to..0,11, men atid. Women ',to'
Overstreet, and pianist, Miss May
johnsom This troupe Of seven colored
people is one of the bestorgaidiations
on theive4, said to eke -el the "Jubilee.
Singers'" and the Library Beard are
to be congratulated on seenring them.
The.ToWn Hall shOOlel be packed, is
• every menaher of , the' troupe is
Yir,'Qverstreek-- the basso, his
iteV, Buiseh, Trinity Church ful compass.. To hear this man ping
Rectory,... Middleport,' N, H., writes is worth more than the pri'ee, of ad•-,
"The Old Southland Sextette 'pleased mission. The program .consists of 0,
all who heard them by their rendering fine repertoireof music riehin harmony
of the 'Old Bouthland". inetodies and oui'varied a dereOloh; HearAesongS
plantation Songs. E-ery mmber of of the Old Southland slavery days;
• the cehipiny deli ited....the,:audienee....plantation:iong4rmegeo.inelocheamp
. With the ..etoellent Utility • of :their 'booting songs, negro hillabige, , ram • :Ices
voices" be -hear the TOWn uses,' quartettes, trtos4 duets' and slot
' Hall, tatektia!*4 qn. •0 ,19th, vogro suneby master *gide& " &Cure 'yOnk
the auspiees t,l)t 'the kilo* Public 'tickets at once at Armstrong & lid• ,
Library, - Beeure jiyoil seats, at Aria- deed's. Reserved Seats• 350; general treng ' adrniasion .260i. ehildran 15e. • /
. .
Division .COutt
• The Fall 'sitting of the Division
Court was held' .in ' LOcknow. „Town
Hall On Tuesday, Judge glide presid-
ing. 'The only casetlioard7Wat that. of'
Dempsey., 7.Vs.' Hainets,-,irAase_-_, arising.
be (hie to being chased by defendant's
dog. The case, resulted in a non -suit;
eaeh party paying hia Own costs.
A. Malcenison rvpresent,ed,the'
tiff and R. Vanstone, of Winghain,
represented the defendant; '
A. P. U. 'W. Anniversary
Lticknow Lodge No. 137 A.' 0. 11.
*W.-.--Will.:--hold---their---28th-anniversari -
on Sunday Obt, 256. Members will
meet in the Lodge room at 10.30 a.m.
preparations to marching in a body to
St. Peters Church. Visitoraare cord-
ially invited to attend,
writing are legibility, speed, unifermitY Grocery Store. . . .
and gracefulness. At least half an hour
daily ,should be devoted tO practice: The
• foundation principles of writing should
be observed and -practiced in all written
exercises. The lecturer's animation,
humor ;and forcefanesi made his address -
not only profitable but entertaining.'
lt. R. Henderson of Ripley, and
Mio......Reilbiun of the ...Tee:Wader S.
s6ff gave exceedingly profitable papers,
the -fornier -on- --"The-4PrinCip1es Of Per='''
centage and their Applications," "and
the latter "The ItnportinCe.; of Little
Things:"•• j
It was decided. to itbolialt the fee for
fitiniiihis wit -include
only those who,are in actual attendance
at the tustitute meetings, and these.
alone will be. entitled to the privileges
• of membership.
• The officers next year are ' .
Pres ---S. W. Perry, B.A., Kincardine.
Vice Pres ---Miss M.Redburn, Teesyvikter
• Sec-treas---J H Garner\A
RxecutiVe Comiiiittee:-A-.W. F. _Bald,
14.14.13;;; 0:-Gordott,
Lucknow ; F reoss; Amberley ; 11. -R.
. Miss .R.LI,-Xir
S.S. No, 9, Culross; and Miss Rita Hen-
derson, S.S. No. 1, Arran and Sangeen.,
. The teachers of , the following scnoOls
were nOt present as required by the
• Nos. 3,9, 13 and 14, Erace; -os. 1, 2,
4,, and 11 Culross; Nos. 1, 3, '5 and 7,
Greenock,: No. 7, Huron;. Nos. 4, 5, 6
and 7, Kinloss; Nos. 2 and 6, Sangeen;
the Southampton and Paisley staffs
(except Principal 11e11) and teacher (A
Dept 4,• Lucknow.
. _
EYE Swirl. 41TiptA.Lis1'
AVD, RgPitAttttic4 OPVCIAN:.
• Wit e
oil,- FRIDAY' OCTOBER. 23rd,
Wore kkaan. 'fey 8 . pan.
Wheat 6 •0,4 '4 4:4. 6:
4'4 4*2
• .
4 4, 46 0..44 4.11 4,4 • Is •4* 4-4444 4. 4,4 44 4 4-6
4:S4, L.,.
• •
*140 , k'it,t .14 W 1.9.1 '54'
6'4;44:i:a *A
' • ;
Some., of. Oe inducentents to • make
yOu bUy .hiaie are —
vrell assorted up-todate• .atoek
of Fancy China and Groceriea.
2. -,--Our Goods are alwaysglean
. . • , .•
and partictdar pain§ to terve your
chilchvm if you Send thera.•,,,
Thicos thelahest,:-
We want your produce. Flour and
Feed always on hand.
Remember the HVB, the home, of
the 28e Tea.
.• • •
• . *se . v.46444844.. . •
• •with leatiog lavdnesS housoli
spoilt our gmlootot.
which "Int* Eopi.a 1 vaned=
tomtit by the only .t000hOt in
Ootatio *ho at tend -ed ..tho
. Author,* a,ohooi
, .
TOES. -r-r,'Etenogran4q*
Enter any day. Writs for partichlat.6 •
ilisekkoots •00011166
46.f-4114 afloPt• lit
re Buying
heat and Fee0,CralOi-
• ba 0
FA:31,11— LY4I-01:7412-1-6
• MANITOBA Ftolm $3.09.
.Ask, your Groder—for it
or come to the Mill.
‘reJeaven' Bros.
Lucknow's Pioneer
Boot & Shoe Store
• Whenyon think of it, its Sur-
prising :to note the great diversity,
of shapes iind patterns
• in • Geo.. A. Slater/n,victlts"
Shoes: " , •
IliforAs for leathers Webave them
all; . Patent leathers 'of all kinds;
)• and in the best grades obtainable;
also Arki Kid, gok calf, and
Waterproof Shoes; just' the kind ,
for the wet fall weather. _
-*" Carry—a7;
of Plough Shoes: at -reasonable
prices. •
Call and give'us a trial, we ,
are always pleased to slimy our
gOoda, supposing you don't buy;