Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-10-01, Page 7"�WA E&WITAMT77", I - -Wit AN "Vow KA U., J, gafl T TRA R, V L 'G 18 FROW.1-1.99 EADI:N 'J ei egrapiio -U, tat th i osk a H "0 I Z. Al..''."- I-— We at other I was et T6, Ont.", rmn4,r'Q' wheat 06 e the�'I]Azo. Wa B-4it ' , 0 t ys,:; Una, k :T co t 4 Pe nery 4.�j r' cent. paten anAllOAQ th :Aa. p�,a inj%rr( ",ht fj h- a by gAsIa, ooxVQI-C� Minitoba' flour o, Woflip''theefrortB. o rowied, bight.Jifid,w lle4`th drifted 0, b CU roug f the fi, w abrea �*Xst. PAteiltB t" We'so 'lid ppf �,aftei Qlli� hbUrN, Liffbit rom:, u6 hold qj utB; io 9,0 . o �'� - , , - - r d Be efin4o� is Ae gih ng: y '0 Ario,wero seize 'Wfi At 'd . r . -,�, ; but, bt� before- �:l 6,04 eight'- tigIn.,. over, e electric' faleth �ee,t e Y.i e b Do U �tih Alt the- .,bank., p .. r Wheat for mtip in, -wh 'd ews, aroun --of'the,', located'. e'was' orne wh �fwo'.e4gxiiep. f. Ab i By d.at -si;o,2,Y lilit' e t sorb] 9, 04. EngjiA'- The'; uslorKell . tout. age 3 c4r'-'� could are t a, port Turkitig We ,cui the. 'd h' VheV1,P,R.- iidn4.h)use,',at.1Ve, I Noirthii;n �.��n k] vi W 04 era d Thli b oiz e to the� lnn��am�thi �,T94f. covering the Inachiner" Lr " - lentiful. No. in the dynamo,, 7.99m, s- lso'jhe r, gife bTuelight bdij illL the ip,g rijn,,�e*.& t t �2 je d' ll0­0 pe 6h will e be'' Th- eing, -tow, a, drie fter gei The be Djey a ; , 11 .. 11 1! , jte "0' d tjtat� pottiofl­:�, OU4 e n f, tew. ound C04 ' V q ' �qpot 2'.:t Vice.. Poro-.b e folibi A ljnery,�,19- damage,.., y -W t W,07 Mal -:option T d V Cap X i7:b Y bi St f� tTl y g the,'Be�gaf�ohargos tb T We our,, h6telkeepers--worq, 1he a t oas ouve op6d,f ow,,eti an nnc6xi. 2- r,t yak� 4. neii d" K t tind.'- H b W G' xtin X with7rXn9i"`j6 zee.,ping Blo te.Lf' 4 to `39Y roin w-1 in reach L niachinis in Manit6b M41 of th jq OQ 'We V a he,loss,'ig 'ac 'on - ut t e.�bui d- 'Poms— b - 1. 1 :.at *.JOL'.006. 11, - . -!,-, , I, quoted ah' Btj "'a 'L n B*IZ 1. 1 '44C er"061' in T The captain was undonsci- and r jeett&,at 42c: W d ig being so rl 'hut- bAgi. is- :laid, i6 a 'cri6sbi g, of "tili ..61is from: the for�aw 11,61111 after- the qsce.' 6&neek�l Smith -waslound ntA tdry, �,weaher, thllF­906 outBid e �xnq tic,.! of th of - -A:rn breath of h Jt�vejjttle� efle6t in e' ro wa(Lwag' bl j . I L,,-, ., owing,,jo er- er. 27. Fiat# pre e *j� BJTA­N11$L FROZEN., i gres erican 'ye o it 87 on-trac a tS. eon Anged Nove b "' . . 1 - of Ut L 071 presi4 rQnL daid 0. 3-. u rounding pi, serious for the s .0binamen, smuggled- into 1B t ty 'Is Own iliagb to. h- per be e,. Esq at, 876.., The 'plant d b' with� which t ,e 2,'b� 4` ed at ar ey quot ere -by -way of 0ion ili. Corpoiation of 3 to t e s s, r a, ;an bff likkawN t Ars are quo t jo. L discovery of"', L Wi. the-beNt.,prib' ng- :4 4 Vl­ Age:,,,in f Lif r Win at sent,14ck. 5,per ow5rea A despatch fr6m S t -outside $ , T .- - . fe.d at'.$1,q -iji, mvink beeiv 0 !`y b oo�quests stabli: ,Northern Siberia bij "]E[, Strat �,q� k uin, which all"',tbe.: In bill' 9-W s W T46BO and h '2, o quote& at.79 to. 8ocTS3.75 ZOL '1041, r cwt. grw 1, 16* T litsde. 'L htfi W. e n ed d!e-' Bak -Ni�7 pr -pa c Lych f ro -X-inill 'Ai di�s 0 rx wh6`viiitealhe PJAC6, W.hie iL ru� Nangster- --who---accused" tin Self 61 f L d dle of Jufte.'Tbere.LWAq, were he the Ro 17 - - — ­­­ hahgioid� t 'e, 700 wh It squmiau Ad L- h' Mi4a 10017TYY" 0 tag ek, wjB '-E -�illagej ab6iit *h I It' t Pi�rxi6 De- , 4#jg "upbn t. than ,on, t way fro'), d h jPrw4Y-.for th on large airivali" Phil�: e, purpQ o ppine,group, ge.tting'a mei $2, nd part!pf T e',v' $2. 1.0, a' searel ed, the'� 0 SL Wert scarce ihw� island of is ngland 0 friidtrip. out evr York to' ont- J�.and-pieked Milch cow a R:;­ac�or ing ndAtni-- no"Aheriq 146, '"a every L -20A6 $2.25. er I 6 to eastern Luzon,-- nort'll; oAeat -1, $1.5 4LUd ildINi it was froz,ewtoiL $2 r :ittod Of Leyte,-. south of offie havel: cri rawing Se] e ern'.Pe r n, qnd No. 2,, 1. in. 60-- ad. Out Withd e 1, t 6 C, 1,.:75 per.Aoze [e4 hog �p9pridj-1nis'. 9y4C; cwt. 'dff earii T Th d' Th t sinceIThe e�idendeB sh6 wer wort�h $7 per myst Misbate' A part �ed thaf��. slo e c ar e.i thin It6whi a - oronto. urs Y% For e- rva r poll peare , In I Ing" A6partments With It di bhe! ccount -6951 b*eja PL oon isap d Wt nomorb 'than 50 per g,lU a t food all gowe--theq bpber ishing E 341ximaI]i had, tri,�d 'to �,eat -has their sli out 1-40,600 cotto ares e­prbstiut�641 athere A t6ft on, tr, Q88 0 f thing -d and iNaila, )le yvw, Out". t zin, cl a�k-hre. emi, I kkike $8. some.- 700.00, q, n LaneaA 2 $7, to In ers'--but. t e. ol& 'jo VI PA 0 W UV io N done -are m �xl, co. mplet6i re,, e W 7!welli. v u, more in to�- $7' QUAKES I XEX1QO. V�61E� 6 echaji- th- all h the L on ti CS Wrp Pnk d- t -e C. P PotALto6a-Lo t that, �ier R a ario however th to reduic quot sa r, ..... ..... ed at, 65 aArr- den jelij �to th6.' heamer w er hag,"'and '10 in the,, . ke. f Dela*ares Ump6d in Dbek,knif Four we I . DE" TES Peisons" Killed" kasbatei -'rep '! �� I , 1 7 :9torm. A te egram. fro qps�, none .0 them being AN 'OTHER. FALI�L'S` sui" UNITED, STA 'j -.on —0h kens, spri� dress - U :j5c Pei Ug rig$ of' heng conVl e exception c -P1 ( I - Thurs rord cipul I co ID easi v " ogu since 106; '6r:pilund; fow 3 ­ t , L : A bitlding -in the has olished the despatch. fr C ty try b -11 to, 12c p out Yd f A lding,' A diesOat6Lz�c� in vices received here n' on t an10, :qrcBsed are i&l ill 6 und et that tWo, Ion Says that Ni d - ----- effe ot!vy­ea 13 t6 b f, oln Remb The Chicap per po agiira !Falls, rthquake 'e'' r or 61, -AN Y ToaL .;Wt .'We t Y*,p&sb itud r the- -felt­;on�-W-ed:nesdak-,.oiL- -A a' say's shor I �'Rhocks­were e :E' Xf -the c6iitroI of, the 0 @jt-, Ujjao­ acil, c. Y &gl- or tion, no Tdrortio-Oddf 11"' 4d prints, 22 to -have eeri killed� cer of. Ana ian, thatLpoit. The -,sea 'Nas greatl pejty� 'and an go, to,Lan.un- e pws,w( P!�r aYS L, session P, ' 08MOS . ine'Ste&Me ond, prize for' drill at the "r ra s 'in- tremendous To ticed: a w )n- the sec-' tate -and'-. broke sons: 20 to 22c - do.; iiiieriiliii 1,8 to iMU61 Point on nd. She Th' C th of' the SOV Creamery roll L U9 D -24'to-L24 from r Bill T� t6ld e �comlng -0 er0g�ni,'q, ran —dLqd s,. 25to. 26c,.aiid Radwo gg-�a %e '' in li -t Z5 A Lite enve Col. .6, . for - Uambig, 4" caught gus Ac- f ­ 'd rle:,q s r on he fou 1 r arid To to the, re 8 FO CRI&RES -20 to er "khy th -ha-ndba tbBiSod I :Eggs Case; I ts,,: 21c p 10 the, Pro' at --rate T 't JL ontrea . I �611i(011` pOSC Mr.L Robert Bkoce Cofitioller. of making ;a - :�a-- I Ernpl6je,jit Se in -Washington -sorig�wex ' . - P-hore. She hidisapp6ared'' er Cheese�-Larr& chee toand j3lL/ toL Ws e, er4l "other e jjqtWn for kand.; N6� ving­--to, 4nor se r WoundA �rh 'the mail seirvie to 13Y spars and wo ,has een. more revalent.- -pef 1, -i= eve b' p � 3 - .6 --- and ca y 4 -nq es'and 50'deaths effica6 f ere 75,297, purchased of the Buffalo,Qp t ug A despatch. Moutiegl work. says -th a 114 Compally,4.*ha say ween 'the''. United State& rid eart wis, batel�, :Three years i4 the pefiit-64iay h h t g. lka� of� hrl W I a. yol on ho"r- 6 the setence imp;sea, nd' 33 deaths in Aug Ast, Judge b -Pic b�in­the+"Coukf--0f S 'could not e located ill' in ers of the A t ,oung ady, Presi&nti Go p �4: dleC? can Fbdeiatioix of Labor teatited j. Bacon�'Lonk 's 'BuffaJ6 On - c f6vbr�;, i Wednesday. 41"te P 0 a -clear 12 th 2'Y2 onL 6, t gliste g.on on per piaanAjd, ea ha 4 out -11.5 bod WORKMEN slon biri Thursda Epo rest,, the� e 'c losis.� CUt f f " " " L '., , r n p s fdre-. �610, tU $ -T%v A Man"Lof the Municipal Ro the a Ose, Ibis,; ary o9 --of Presid I- f M $2�. the.NationAl Asso 3 0 t �jt.j Mont., ment�' W 0, W keU 7see 9 4 in 9ter len rea arrAigne on,41 ere on,1 s' acturers bad at L tewpted to bribe, Hh i4y, �to t'T yy anu to charge- 'of defritidingthe -city Out -of A despatl 13 0; ere imLto tiom ionir St -There�- d erers-Ale ou.mea e ORDER ejoht of 26,�ots -W ons am d'with s-and`the -in icte'' 'the 0. T Is W le abks'.. 17Y%,to 18 r. akfaft'llaicon, hhr eca e wote o e ons in Wta-kl�, l4,009. 15 to 16Y 'Working ai-Ahe, Ai'' h '�btaining- hion�y from h6o pJng �caugh '-d ans ont GENERAL. b G' t ToRs ot.Rails. Ic' abti c osing increase b, at th ingmen were 0 airtil"to PaL'j]� xpa�;ury fron' Sitilt Ste.* Mkiie. th� tai�os e Y !1C use o paddd&.., Wednesday night, Wben.-the w1or A. dei�atch aving the'*drks they. flay L ralls was iscovt -red.' left ith w ie di Announcement-- r -ers but was arrested 'at New E6d- assailed'by a, gng 6 a WA ou T mry X d" o sday b y L 4,nAger a&gke it d S AT MO ef tihiindred,'and'.a free fight re u e fighting extradition. re I n all Dr __e rain ricyation iiit'the Trans�ontinental' groes --S' i�� ent -on re�-Z­ 6i kille-id- 66 on e Ct' — ----- i way -h- -of scene an dispersed qp ikers. ih &A e, 61dn'ijl, Offlee' pace an 6r the�st it A C sTRA i: eceivei a ca egram m,Sir WM' . . I , S .00 thill - f gkoup. uoted at 4W/2, to, 4,6 W oil Vednesday - . thlp�. Rahama cire: q t 146 1 , rl or 15,0100 tons of .0. 'VAVY. estejrh diviSiL The Pope. h. toOne of- the a 44cil. nianagemen rn. With en. 191411k, 4egaiding 'the Vilso ai� rails for the -1V on. appointed Arbh- and::.No, workingmen w4s b or- Manitoba old'ci6j) N an a 2'w ite t -eaten' d one bf, his Arms.-biok A Uliellty C'on-' DtS 2 'on Suierioi,GenerA.1 of tho,Qb to Or- at --4T' P ­,Vg�tAtl rought I en.ir order for the 2 2c, an rejec der­oi'the 'World.. ea an -At 45Y26 per ushel ex lbourne says -two espapLe& w nty, -LA. A d6spatch':toin Mel' renal aPortugal ut j��6.ond h' ep A. b 11 I'A r4con 'iii6il b r William 'a, 1. to . I s and c al - r-itish Lft and*l,e hen4cklinf1sland,'' Cr6b Winie Admiralty as -given AS:, the. crowd, killingJ 'r' Dealei!s Death val to the. of 't p�`t�nf qenera..� apkq ked k ill itiai' lit Irt '11�il ortun ' THREE -Long Is tile Austra6n Co rin t I. mmonw a d"1kUm64y:.And ins Is -lands, ba; roll 00101 to $4,50 do.,, e'lth h Y of PP 0- V es ro ­nwe rmatio of a flotilla o Si>Z tor-� e estliuction. o .,*,2.1 ; extr 1.50 to $ .7 Pat t -b d- f S were, si 'Ail ve'_ Stj of the cLebtral Feed. Manitbbla� -to A: row, lam, a elitbY�tho- storth ell �'Digging, viell 3 fire rs, were either bran, $2-2, ..$2q; Ont. SaYS�L�,Jj� Roberti, a ines, -a:nd 6�6 6 building, 'is a] ruit dei-- o a i B, she�'inded:;br- wrecked., At 01-itren ftio4t efitir6l cut off Bhorts� $26;' Oniaiio bran. 021 to of Fort William and -o Col 0111,0 onimu-jaicatio P6A Ar� riticlelis Jr. �- I , 11M ings, tj athe jj, 1,�ith iho 26.'to $27�'slj -*1­--�-­­­'_,—,.,-'� -! I is, be nr P1 re Fre'de -coun V, er oll,, ine u, ing agq rick Hot6l it i- 0��`e chute sayS­ nd,fore,ign' t di Z .. ; .1 .. . rt., on ote rf ra r-1 -e-,' -0 -to- -$,35 - ini-I lea llP#rt hoiise; rom Port- A rthur,'Ont I d dead- lieviad th t 'ji 't despatch f inces a !It' WK irce Fitilm ci �killed . Tang .811 0 Yi :w-Ciiin 'West �,Fo hegent.Jo tile' b3, ga -,a they n for the construe Jio 0 t er d 'eVeill. pe es dip] -Wednesday mornin�g-.,i, InAro�66%660n - f Ail' ne'�d& ls in sit gC"S We tely, d6stro nlathL'.-has'.�'.§a-led for W'Bhingiq� Wrades, -$25 t6" $28'per t.6n' Y ie coroner'' led to tile b4i6f,th4t ed 116tilla. t" ings; �,Were 'comple i,' tl e. 0 ceks� �atfd inen Utess 'car oa S. of va ua e vi 312 'ended, his life, by tAiri I �41 total 1200, and will werc� digging on ti I - i I d' -on, ip arni o a man vi ': 'I L' f - " - ' t kwed Erick t nu e4 roll) t-, i V el son,. eigh pregen s. e. tie be pro�- antim, an, Pty botileb 8 -tat eUl g b opes 1 0 wi �O h" t ill I isr e j of 'the tdsibip ofAhe--­ i ltecat-k(es for blear fat bickB S23. salt long lind6ri tile 'found- %,-ided Y the gas" 'an d great,. b distress I �lettlral d were'i' 'be they - will be paid by the Corn is alivhd from m believ*- strilek i�la I . I i China niediately overcole 'Y it, h -ba.trels do., sq.;: v;o control of the flotift TH E PL.A, G U E I N11 trat WREAT GRADES It poil,ndt la.rd, 8% to'g, -e hxrd a,. %C; Pitt T breakfast A Freh- Outbreak RePortcd in tfiii WHAT. BABY VYV.AIX_ ED. C� it 1* " sUfi Millic; 14111slielk'Pa 9 Th'rough. bocitt . 14 o, I 5c; indsQj- bi�on; pt a t 6, bi 121 13: to toL 13c; kettle 1 :P n t of Ilse dried' Lho to 146c;, ."fresh killed ah4ttojr �Ac despatch frorn' A h Willenist.nd, young, Man, as tie wvs: Lo' ");aped the rooill ith tile, tters received I a in-' 6ot far�' -'eigbt njillion' .25 t , 6 $7.50. Cliecs ara ant 'therL 0 thing '41�rrriing tl e�-AV fiere' fi6nit clis anno'u'lice a e is s Me', TovQi Ps -ibreak , of the bub' ie inatter , with �14 to Fresh (.)it as neon I C. e. LL " "i " o'-1 "': te lhm, -or cry, like �UljS L paired iti ..only j),to. 11jillion Vjjgjl_ to sarne date iasi year , 1311t, j)ie E -Kgs N o,l I 19 t 0 sease� is. �pre&di0g, And a or shall we, �1 ev Passed, throtigh Avinnj- d b-' L. T nterts -the. Tile. di Emperor. and�, Em, -wess, 20c rumher of deaths have i ocourrred a�',she toolk llc� off - to '24c. per dozen 'Dost encouraging feature sthat of SL ospring nniong peopl of, the bAter` I it. I ed soothe himi fbis...ainount than cig v.per e . c ass.. er sha I Wo, do" IA despatch. from' St Pot vacinaton iq Vi�IT 8 TA T E M A Rlt qholcra cses several cenC is high tride' lil litig. hMt, ET were vtry Y0jlng,,47jd it1r.Va* PLOUG GA)GL. , St L e students of'St. hich alniowebtistit tes s; Sept, 29'. — Wlleat�. baby, and nyfh:' nurnber', of I e rd, per- �jinneip�ji RED L ieir fir' in this' citi, P co' .04y, - No' Pa.,%senger Tridi liflis Tit L 9;oU`o on for' ait.othet tases'of Agiatic.obole,ra (Irl, cmfage. if the, Nylie., litinues. to to,*i thinis'had. )/L ko to this high verage the -4 �rn to $ j.'03 '9 0 "Ven at hottf-as they' ha:d duritig. the' last, to be I'V ad' qrop :,but the disevae has in- it is' a rank a 's,oluioll, .,If bb "cry proUable. 81 n 'ts, Of taining to, $1,02ys 6. I *oilld. iho, aris,Woratl open qiiestion:wJlicj 'live gohe'hit it ha _,Ort -n,. A-. despatch e e - robith n s hel rt WilliAm. o colivillsioils,firsi se, e reached Among tile cases rqP011. L t liatents, o $5.' hab g,� 7 'Ploligliod into a section a,V1,11 L -Pet�i A. 80 see Eq g tile' ed S.T Iflor — Nfec. jquhritb�B Of the, Po J.�5i to $4.40 thec4rvajlt$Ar ("f , Cou rt Col w, xf ell mother Pa age, I hiCh Jj�ljo kVa b'X ehAIV6 pr f '9 �O to Two: fore, w '-at t do." -Present,]Y r t rn� j rj. Lt Bian­::In bulk, is. epara tons areg * E oingon', n �. &,par Two prowllia- ing 't6.' good 01 t �wcre' n - e exPecttidn tbothe Emper, wit' iner 0,, * Ewpr6S� �Will 0 Their b6diies are be-- c ian s, sevcral.�,of�cials, ill o rl ads 'd 9ne, ts offici, Is ill A, despatch Wi�nipeg ei N ly k I I 6d Sp-6fid part of the variolls �Vhile tile strike- store, breaker's . ill the firmer 'Xo-. 9 red, ng-seAs6h 'in the capital. nioqhb dJr8 o tter re ien Xo. �o i-,ioll. ptitting $ ds ill we f Lite lie 931 qpcotacle.q, c�W§ a. tile C:' n 6 Illoliping in XO. 4. c igairde(i 66 'Vich cjjF 'fd%' 'q e e,- 0 t 79% t<j 4'0iand D tit, case. The hecunitilatiou �.f 91ch npa ace of,pl, evltdh' -the Taulride to tiraek. lw;t night,. in, 'St, B to g., In do , A I ex''A 0 y tilt, lid they �vei to A70. e'd _'the iit,. n6oll, on pror llfront ,h atad �a band-io�bj blzt,, nei- Um of diiplot*u tcid 4ay-,q 'Sulted. one of 'th 'A e&At, ird i)attlo CATTLE' MAJRXLM tile dt' L Yll ttittird �r6a. t Toliont(j ib' (.�P,L 29, bt of') A I' 4ng rojis eon S 77, Ij C11 ...... .... 4 , , I 1� I : I ; , � : I - -Wit AN "Vow KA U., J, gafl T TRA R, V L 'G 18 FROW.1-1.99 EADI:N 'J ei egrapiio -U, tat th i osk a H "0 I Z. Al..''."- I-— We at other I was et T6, Ont.", rmn4,r'Q' wheat 06 e the�'I]Azo. Wa B-4it ' , 0 t ys,:; Una, k :T co t 4 Pe nery 4.�j r' cent. paten anAllOAQ th :Aa. p�,a inj%rr( ",ht fj h- a by gAsIa, ooxVQI-C� Minitoba' flour o, Woflip''theefrortB. o rowied, bight.Jifid,w lle4`th drifted 0, b CU roug f the fi, w abrea �*Xst. PAteiltB t" We'so 'lid ppf �,aftei Qlli� hbUrN, Liffbit rom:, u6 hold qj utB; io 9,0 . o �'� - , , - - r d Be efin4o� is Ae gih ng: y '0 Ario,wero seize 'Wfi At 'd . r . -,�, ; but, bt� before- �:l 6,04 eight'- tigIn.,. over, e electric' faleth �ee,t e Y.i e b Do U �tih Alt the- .,bank., p .. r Wheat for mtip in, -wh 'd ews, aroun --of'the,', located'. e'was' orne wh �fwo'.e4gxiiep. f. Ab i By d.at -si;o,2,Y lilit' e t sorb] 9, 04. EngjiA'- The'; uslorKell . tout. age 3 c4r'-'� could are t a, port Turkitig We ,cui the. 'd h' VheV1,P,R.- iidn4.h)use,',at.1Ve, I Noirthii;n �.��n k] vi W 04 era d Thli b oiz e to the� lnn��am�thi �,T94f. covering the Inachiner" Lr " - lentiful. No. in the dynamo,, 7.99m, s- lso'jhe r, gife bTuelight bdij illL the ip,g rijn,,�e*.& t t �2 je d' ll0­0 pe 6h will e be'' Th- eing, -tow, a, drie fter gei The be Djey a ; , 11 .. 11 1! , jte "0' d tjtat� pottiofl­:�, OU4 e n f, tew. ound C04 ' V q ' �qpot 2'.:t Vice.. Poro-.b e folibi A ljnery,�,19- damage,.., y -W t W,07 Mal -:option T d V Cap X i7:b Y bi St f� tTl y g the,'Be�gaf�ohargos tb T We our,, h6telkeepers--worq, 1he a t oas ouve op6d,f ow,,eti an nnc6xi. 2- r,t yak� 4. neii d" K t tind.'- H b W G' xtin X with7rXn9i"`j6 zee.,ping Blo te.Lf' 4 to `39Y roin w-1 in reach L niachinis in Manit6b M41 of th jq OQ 'We V a he,loss,'ig 'ac 'on - ut t e.�bui d- 'Poms— b - 1. 1 :.at *.JOL'.006. 11, - . -!,-, , I, quoted ah' Btj "'a 'L n B*IZ 1. 1 '44C er"061' in T The captain was undonsci- and r jeett&,at 42c: W d ig being so rl 'hut- bAgi. is- :laid, i6 a 'cri6sbi g, of "tili ..61is from: the for�aw 11,61111 after- the qsce.' 6&neek�l Smith -waslound ntA tdry, �,weaher, thllF­906 outBid e �xnq tic,.! of th of - -A:rn breath of h Jt�vejjttle� efle6t in e' ro wa(Lwag' bl j . I L,,-, ., owing,,jo er- er. 27. Fiat# pre e *j� BJTA­N11$L FROZEN., i gres erican 'ye o it 87 on-trac a tS. eon Anged Nove b "' . . 1 - of Ut L 071 presi4 rQnL daid 0. 3-. u rounding pi, serious for the s .0binamen, smuggled- into 1B t ty 'Is Own iliagb to. h- per be e,. Esq at, 876.., The 'plant d b' with� which t ,e 2,'b� 4` ed at ar ey quot ere -by -way of 0ion ili. Corpoiation of 3 to t e s s, r a, ;an bff likkawN t Ars are quo t jo. L discovery of"', L Wi. the-beNt.,prib' ng- :4 4 Vl­ Age:,,,in f Lif r Win at sent,14ck. 5,per ow5rea A despatch fr6m S t -outside $ , T .- - . fe.d at'.$1,q -iji, mvink beeiv 0 !`y b oo�quests stabli: ,Northern Siberia bij "]E[, Strat �,q� k uin, which all"',tbe.: In bill' 9-W s W T46BO and h '2, o quote& at.79 to. 8ocTS3.75 ZOL '1041, r cwt. grw 1, 16* T litsde. 'L htfi W. e n ed d!e-' Bak -Ni�7 pr -pa c Lych f ro -X-inill 'Ai di�s 0 rx wh6`viiitealhe PJAC6, W.hie iL ru� Nangster- --who---accused" tin Self 61 f L d dle of Jufte.'Tbere.LWAq, were he the Ro 17 - - — ­­­ hahgioid� t 'e, 700 wh It squmiau Ad L- h' Mi4a 10017TYY" 0 tag ek, wjB '-E -�illagej ab6iit *h I It' t Pi�rxi6 De- , 4#jg "upbn t. than ,on, t way fro'), d h jPrw4Y-.for th on large airivali" Phil�: e, purpQ o ppine,group, ge.tting'a mei $2, nd part!pf T e',v' $2. 1.0, a' searel ed, the'� 0 SL Wert scarce ihw� island of is ngland 0 friidtrip. out evr York to' ont- J�.and-pieked Milch cow a R:;­ac�or ing ndAtni-- no"Aheriq 146, '"a every L -20A6 $2.25. er I 6 to eastern Luzon,-- nort'll; oAeat -1, $1.5 4LUd ildINi it was froz,ewtoiL $2 r :ittod Of Leyte,-. south of offie havel: cri rawing Se] e ern'.Pe r n, qnd No. 2,, 1. in. 60-- ad. Out Withd e 1, t 6 C, 1,.:75 per.Aoze [e4 hog �p9pridj-1nis'. 9y4C; cwt. 'dff earii T Th d' Th t sinceIThe e�idendeB sh6 wer wort�h $7 per myst Misbate' A part �ed thaf��. slo e c ar e.i thin It6whi a - oronto. urs Y% For e- rva r poll peare , In I Ing" A6partments With It di bhe! ccount -6951 b*eja PL oon isap d Wt nomorb 'than 50 per g,lU a t food all gowe--theq bpber ishing E 341ximaI]i had, tri,�d 'to �,eat -has their sli out 1-40,600 cotto ares e­prbstiut�641 athere A t6ft on, tr, Q88 0 f thing -d and iNaila, )le yvw, Out". t zin, cl a�k-hre. emi, I kkike $8. some.- 700.00, q, n LaneaA 2 $7, to In ers'--but. t e. ol& 'jo VI PA 0 W UV io N done -are m �xl, co. mplet6i re,, e W 7!welli. v u, more in to�- $7' QUAKES I XEX1QO. V�61E� 6 echaji- th- all h the L on ti CS Wrp Pnk d- t -e C. P PotALto6a-Lo t that, �ier R a ario however th to reduic quot sa r, ..... ..... ed at, 65 aArr- den jelij �to th6.' heamer w er hag,"'and '10 in the,, . ke. f Dela*ares Ump6d in Dbek,knif Four we I . DE" TES Peisons" Killed" kasbatei -'rep '! �� I , 1 7 :9torm. A te egram. fro qps�, none .0 them being AN 'OTHER. FALI�L'S` sui" UNITED, STA 'j -.on —0h kens, spri� dress - U :j5c Pei Ug rig$ of' heng conVl e exception c -P1 ( I - Thurs rord cipul I co ID easi v " ogu since 106; '6r:pilund; fow 3 ­ t , L : A bitlding -in the has olished the despatch. fr C ty try b -11 to, 12c p out Yd f A lding,' A diesOat6Lz�c� in vices received here n' on t an10, :qrcBsed are i&l ill 6 und et that tWo, Ion Says that Ni d - ----- effe ot!vy­ea 13 t6 b f, oln Remb The Chicap per po agiira !Falls, rthquake 'e'' r or 61, -AN Y ToaL .;Wt .'We t Y*,p&sb itud r the- -felt­;on�-W-ed:nesdak-,.oiL- -A a' say's shor I �'Rhocks­were e :E' Xf -the c6iitroI of, the 0 @jt-, Ujjao­ acil, c. Y &gl- or tion, no Tdrortio-Oddf 11"' 4d prints, 22 to -have eeri killed� cer of. Ana ian, thatLpoit. The -,sea 'Nas greatl pejty� 'and an go, to,Lan.un- e pws,w( P!�r aYS L, session P, ' 08MOS . ine'Ste&Me ond, prize for' drill at the "r ra s 'in- tremendous To ticed: a w )n- the sec-' tate -and'-. broke sons: 20 to 22c - do.; iiiieriiliii 1,8 to iMU61 Point on nd. She Th' C th of' the SOV Creamery roll L U9 D -24'to-L24 from r Bill T� t6ld e �comlng -0 er0g�ni,'q, ran —dLqd s,. 25to. 26c,.aiid Radwo gg-�a %e '' in li -t Z5 A Lite enve Col. .6, . for - Uambig, 4" caught gus Ac- f ­ 'd rle:,q s r on he fou 1 r arid To to the, re 8 FO CRI&RES -20 to er "khy th -ha-ndba tbBiSod I :Eggs Case; I ts,,: 21c p 10 the, Pro' at --rate T 't JL ontrea . I �611i(011` pOSC Mr.L Robert Bkoce Cofitioller. of making ;a - :�a-- I Ernpl6je,jit Se in -Washington -sorig�wex ' . - P-hore. She hidisapp6ared'' er Cheese�-Larr& chee toand j3lL/ toL Ws e, er4l "other e jjqtWn for kand.; N6� ving­--to, 4nor se r WoundA �rh 'the mail seirvie to 13Y spars and wo ,has een. more revalent.- -pef 1, -i= eve b' p � 3 - .6 --- and ca y 4 -nq es'and 50'deaths effica6 f ere 75,297, purchased of the Buffalo,Qp t ug A despatch. Moutiegl work. says -th a 114 Compally,4.*ha say ween 'the''. United State& rid eart wis, batel�, :Three years i4 the pefiit-64iay h h t g. lka� of� hrl W I a. yol on ho"r- 6 the setence imp;sea, nd' 33 deaths in Aug Ast, Judge b -Pic b�in­the+"Coukf--0f S 'could not e located ill' in ers of the A t ,oung ady, Presi&nti Go p �4: dleC? can Fbdeiatioix of Labor teatited j. Bacon�'Lonk 's 'BuffaJ6 On - c f6vbr�;, i Wednesday. 41"te P 0 a -clear 12 th 2'Y2 onL 6, t gliste g.on on per piaanAjd, ea ha 4 out -11.5 bod WORKMEN slon biri Thursda Epo rest,, the� e 'c losis.� CUt f f " " " L '., , r n p s fdre-. �610, tU $ -T%v A Man"Lof the Municipal Ro the a Ose, Ibis,; ary o9 --of Presid I- f M $2�. the.NationAl Asso 3 0 t �jt.j Mont., ment�' W 0, W keU 7see 9 4 in 9ter len rea arrAigne on,41 ere on,1 s' acturers bad at L tewpted to bribe, Hh i4y, �to t'T yy anu to charge- 'of defritidingthe -city Out -of A despatl 13 0; ere imLto tiom ionir St -There�- d erers-Ale ou.mea e ORDER ejoht of 26,�ots -W ons am d'with s-and`the -in icte'' 'the 0. T Is W le abks'.. 17Y%,to 18 r. akfaft'llaicon, hhr eca e wote o e ons in Wta-kl�, l4,009. 15 to 16Y 'Working ai-Ahe, Ai'' h '�btaining- hion�y from h6o pJng �caugh '-d ans ont GENERAL. b G' t ToRs ot.Rails. Ic' abti c osing increase b, at th ingmen were 0 airtil"to PaL'j]� xpa�;ury fron' Sitilt Ste.* Mkiie. th� tai�os e Y !1C use o paddd&.., Wednesday night, Wben.-the w1or A. dei�atch aving the'*drks they. flay L ralls was iscovt -red.' left ith w ie di Announcement-- r -ers but was arrested 'at New E6d- assailed'by a, gng 6 a WA ou T mry X d" o sday b y L 4,nAger a&gke it d S AT MO ef tihiindred,'and'.a free fight re u e fighting extradition. re I n all Dr __e rain ricyation iiit'the Trans�ontinental' groes --S' i�� ent -on re�-Z­ 6i kille-id- 66 on e Ct' — ----- i way -h- -of scene an dispersed qp ikers. ih &A e, 61dn'ijl, Offlee' pace an 6r the�st it A C sTRA i: eceivei a ca egram m,Sir WM' . . I , S .00 thill - f gkoup. uoted at 4W/2, to, 4,6 W oil Vednesday - . thlp�. Rahama cire: q t 146 1 , rl or 15,0100 tons of .0. 'VAVY. estejrh diviSiL The Pope. h. toOne of- the a 44cil. nianagemen rn. With en. 191411k, 4egaiding 'the Vilso ai� rails for the -1V on. appointed Arbh- and::.No, workingmen w4s b or- Manitoba old'ci6j) N an a 2'w ite t -eaten' d one bf, his Arms.-biok A Uliellty C'on-' DtS 2 'on Suierioi,GenerA.1 of tho,Qb to Or- at --4T' P ­,Vg�tAtl rought I en.ir order for the 2 2c, an rejec der­oi'the 'World.. ea an -At 45Y26 per ushel ex lbourne says -two espapLe& w nty, -LA. A d6spatch':toin Mel' renal aPortugal ut j��6.ond h' ep A. b 11 I'A r4con 'iii6il b r William 'a, 1. to . I s and c al - r-itish Lft and*l,e hen4cklinf1sland,'' Cr6b Winie Admiralty as -given AS:, the. crowd, killingJ 'r' Dealei!s Death val to the. of 't p�`t�nf qenera..� apkq ked k ill itiai' lit Irt '11�il ortun ' THREE -Long Is tile Austra6n Co rin t I. mmonw a d"1kUm64y:.And ins Is -lands, ba; roll 00101 to $4,50 do.,, e'lth h Y of PP 0- V es ro ­nwe rmatio of a flotilla o Si>Z tor-� e estliuction. o .,*,2.1 ; extr 1.50 to $ .7 Pat t -b d- f S were, si 'Ail ve'_ Stj of the cLebtral Feed. Manitbbla� -to A: row, lam, a elitbY�tho- storth ell �'Digging, viell 3 fire rs, were either bran, $2-2, ..$2q; Ont. SaYS�L�,Jj� Roberti, a ines, -a:nd 6�6 6 building, 'is a] ruit dei-- o a i B, she�'inded:;br- wrecked., At 01-itren ftio4t efitir6l cut off Bhorts� $26;' Oniaiio bran. 021 to of Fort William and -o Col 0111,0 onimu-jaicatio P6A Ar� riticlelis Jr. �- I , 11M ings, tj athe jj, 1,�ith iho 26.'to $27�'slj -*1­--�-­­­'_,—,.,-'� -! I is, be nr P1 re Fre'de -coun V, er oll,, ine u, ing agq rick Hot6l it i- 0��`e chute sayS­ nd,fore,ign' t di Z .. ; .1 .. . rt., on ote rf ra r-1 -e-,' -0 -to- -$,35 - ini-I lea llP#rt hoiise; rom Port- A rthur,'Ont I d dead- lieviad th t 'ji 't despatch f inces a !It' WK irce Fitilm ci �killed . Tang .811 0 Yi :w-Ciiin 'West �,Fo hegent.Jo tile' b3, ga -,a they n for the construe Jio 0 t er d 'eVeill. pe es dip] -Wednesday mornin�g-.,i, InAro�66%660n - f Ail' ne'�d& ls in sit gC"S We tely, d6stro nlathL'.-has'.�'.§a-led for W'Bhingiq� Wrades, -$25 t6" $28'per t.6n' Y ie coroner'' led to tile b4i6f,th4t ed 116tilla. t" ings; �,Were 'comple i,' tl e. 0 ceks� �atfd inen Utess 'car oa S. of va ua e vi 312 'ended, his life, by tAiri I �41 total 1200, and will werc� digging on ti I - i I d' -on, ip arni o a man vi ': 'I L' f - " - ' t kwed Erick t nu e4 roll) t-, i V el son,. eigh pregen s. e. tie be pro�- antim, an, Pty botileb 8 -tat eUl g b opes 1 0 wi �O h" t ill I isr e j of 'the tdsibip ofAhe--­ i ltecat-k(es for blear fat bickB S23. salt long lind6ri tile 'found- %,-ided Y the gas" 'an d great,. b distress I �lettlral d were'i' 'be they - will be paid by the Corn is alivhd from m believ*- strilek i�la I . I i China niediately overcole 'Y it, h -ba.trels do., sq.;: v;o control of the flotift TH E PL.A, G U E I N11 trat WREAT GRADES It poil,ndt la.rd, 8% to'g, -e hxrd a,. %C; Pitt T breakfast A Freh- Outbreak RePortcd in tfiii WHAT. BABY VYV.AIX_ ED. C� it 1* " sUfi Millic; 14111slielk'Pa 9 Th'rough. bocitt . 14 o, I 5c; indsQj- bi�on; pt a t 6, bi 121 13: to toL 13c; kettle 1 :P n t of Ilse dried' Lho to 146c;, ."fresh killed ah4ttojr �Ac despatch frorn' A h Willenist.nd, young, Man, as tie wvs: Lo' ");aped the rooill ith tile, tters received I a in-' 6ot far�' -'eigbt njillion' .25 t , 6 $7.50. Cliecs ara ant 'therL 0 thing '41�rrriing tl e�-AV fiere' fi6nit clis anno'u'lice a e is s Me', TovQi Ps -ibreak , of the bub' ie inatter , with �14 to Fresh (.)it as neon I C. e. LL " "i " o'-1 "': te lhm, -or cry, like �UljS L paired iti ..only j),to. 11jillion Vjjgjl_ to sarne date iasi year , 1311t, j)ie E -Kgs N o,l I 19 t 0 sease� is. �pre&di0g, And a or shall we, �1 ev Passed, throtigh Avinnj- d b-' L. T nterts -the. Tile. di Emperor. and�, Em, -wess, 20c rumher of deaths have i ocourrred a�',she toolk llc� off - to '24c. per dozen 'Dost encouraging feature sthat of SL ospring nniong peopl of, the bAter` I it. I ed soothe himi fbis...ainount than cig v.per e . c ass.. er sha I Wo, do" IA despatch. from' St Pot vacinaton iq Vi�IT 8 TA T E M A Rlt qholcra cses several cenC is high tride' lil litig. hMt, ET were vtry Y0jlng,,47jd it1r.Va* PLOUG GA)GL. , St L e students of'St. hich alniowebtistit tes s; Sept, 29'. — Wlleat�. baby, and nyfh:' nurnber', of I e rd, per- �jinneip�ji RED L ieir fir' in this' citi, P co' .04y, - No' Pa.,%senger Tridi liflis Tit L 9;oU`o on for' ait.othet tases'of Agiatic.obole,ra (Irl, cmfage. if the, Nylie., litinues. to to,*i thinis'had. )/L ko to this high verage the -4 �rn to $ j.'03 '9 0 "Ven at hottf-as they' ha:d duritig. the' last, to be I'V ad' qrop :,but the disevae has in- it is' a rank a 's,oluioll, .,If bb "cry proUable. 81 n 'ts, Of taining to, $1,02ys 6. I *oilld. iho, aris,Woratl open qiiestion:wJlicj 'live gohe'hit it ha _,Ort -n,. A-. despatch e e - robith n s hel rt WilliAm. o colivillsioils,firsi se, e reached Among tile cases rqP011. L t liatents, o $5.' hab g,� 7 'Ploligliod into a section a,V1,11 L -Pet�i A. 80 see Eq g tile' ed S.T Iflor — Nfec. jquhritb�B Of the, Po J.�5i to $4.40 thec4rvajlt$Ar ("f , Cou rt Col w, xf ell mother Pa age, I hiCh Jj�ljo kVa b'X ehAIV6 pr f '9 �O to Two: fore, w '-at t do." -Present,]Y r t rn� j rj. Lt Bian­::In bulk, is. epara tons areg * E oingon', n �. &,par Two prowllia- ing 't6.' good 01 t �wcre' n - e exPecttidn tbothe Emper, wit' iner 0,, * Ewpr6S� �Will 0 Their b6diies are be-- c ian s, sevcral.�,of�cials, ill o rl ads 'd 9ne, ts offici, Is ill A, despatch Wi�nipeg ei N ly k I I 6d Sp-6fid part of the variolls �Vhile tile strike- store, breaker's . ill the firmer 'Xo-. 9 red, ng-seAs6h 'in the capital. nioqhb dJr8 o tter re ien Xo. �o i-,ioll. ptitting $ ds ill we f Lite lie 931 qpcotacle.q, c�W§ a. tile C:' n 6 Illoliping in XO. 4. c igairde(i 66 'Vich cjjF 'fd%' 'q e e,- 0 t 79% t<j 4'0iand D tit, case. The hecunitilatiou �.f 91ch npa ace of,pl, evltdh' -the Taulride to tiraek. lw;t night,. in, 'St, B to g., In do , A I ex''A 0 y tilt, lid they �vei to A70. e'd _'the iit,. n6oll, on pror llfront ,h atad �a band-io�bj blzt,, nei- Um of diiplot*u tcid 4ay-,q 'Sulted. one of 'th 'A e&At, ird i)attlo CATTLE' MAJRXLM tile dt' L Yll ttittird �r6a. t Toliont(j ib' (.�P,L 29, bt of') A I' 4ng rojis eon S