HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-09-17, Page 8\ i 'Y n C Cr • iXl, n shy ;t. r i ��d �: a�rxent Vind,.._ thew Se�'� a : ke l e fn o t part eat our lar!e r z b1 Y gods'!ti)re .the -ads �t 1°1' .I'�'1" purchases ha�• v�y een ' de hat "ern 'ex e t i'o'n' �6�1: iL!!�®d a,xbias+vaz, aaira,,`rt�v �`4e!seia'd leaa&V:i+►V�. 6adIDK 6b9l:it idd$i1P'ii �•. 1� C. n,, 'i ell, cl e ea Te many line tee we 1iave 'stock - $ e., Jackets r: wear opened e.ve e up_ ne oats. for: oath Stat• "makes ;same tiganly'and sensible, emarka upon ,a custom'which:` hes too much Rogue. He oat's« 4�hii editor of this paler:ouddf bo _ the -than-on :earth, oto'lrnowingl say,. word to'hurt the feelinga oi any" of its: subscribers ' or :citiens,especially at a time . when -the dark win ed ' hies wagerof death has brought, sorrow -to the hears:` but .from the'' ;best+ • of motives, we desire . to - call -the :zkt-- iteration of ow *readers :;to the 'ciistorn 'of;4 ublishing `cards of ,,tharnks;; tt is a . custom,' that has outgrowti_its pui ose if, it ever had one. When sick=' ess ,and death' come- to your home it, -{ is only natural • that your, friends: acid neighbors should do what Choy "`canoto assist -spit: They ivodld`he heathen they did not: They know from the expression of your face that°; you are thankful and deeply...: appreciate n11 tliey de and `it is not : necessary. to° Print and teiL that. `y sh ;into p etta -ieighboist �e`ef tCi1�W �7z en.�Ori l'ef'ts 'roibi C e 4,4 s4.1;A.Se=b7D-e,' 'card. pa .thands' ) ou :can. express to yonr.friends by it:'look :or a :word ;,your, thankfulness,- in a i tore; impres-` ressive manner than you can ,in. a' column of cold Y K, :#flirt s Overcoats a Twee ` Suits ° 1'dlen ;and 'i'„ o hand t s W1 a .4 'an d-' . u'Il; find some ecial Values in Fine, Ouality Twee • i, utts to single and double' breasted.., toIr�, m t lauy: elln c7 o ist +Qlrr stare and set~ aur 1�1ew sGaods Though thus-aarl ire rill be '-1eased to have yeia visit use assured. that a +comparison of values armed `your good t3ss with, us. us. the public generally for their 'liberal sy�ear being "the.biggest yet." HAVE YOU BRONCHIAL ,CAT -2. ARRII a' It is easily ie inghi zed by the -dry cough and ; hoarseness NottlifficuIt to cure„ Cttarrhozone as Mr.'Xavier Babin,- of River' Capalin Q i .,proved ,-- "No one could sufft r from Bronchitis error a than T did. I to -d a hard hseking cough 'that celled mA gr tvoitin_it(iy thrrn> me in; ar ," and I' had -great di trersin my chest „ Catarrhozrne tenoned„:the„ sore spots and gave,':immediate relief Since' lasing it 3, lave, not had a -single attack." Every pgysician who is asked about Oatarrhozone says it Visa sure cure,,, -so' will you if you try- i• Sold everywhere..25c and $1.00. oats_ rat aA :the :.latest ^,styles -to a e Leader," ttiis season is „ the ;light . fitting ; Nve have also the semmi':and :sack. fitting coats at prices to -suit the public. We have also the latest in Dress Goods, including '.. Stripes, .♦ .., 1.1 .... ,.. . .. .? e tr s = Checks dall :the+ latest' -weaves in : plain If 5 1po , Ch c And . plain material. For prices on Saturday watch our window. or stock in Gent's Furnishings is always well assorted. :wee' in ks ' Mast three_ r etv , 4A "I)�iss.,t entasd; after spending... the _ _ . inthe` city 'cop_ving _Paris..._anclY I�Tew`..York :styles: anal -attending the latest Fall Openings', is prepared tor give the ladies the .`most up-to-date styles in' hats ' and -a - well: ;` assorted stock to choose•fromb we -i -all--sh'ades; _Velvets;_Qttoman-�alks=<a�.ncl � S,�tlrts, 1 t i • -all the newest, fads. Ostrich and: Fancy Feathers >n t We have made a specialty . of Ribbons. The'_very ._ quality'-_suitabl for hair' and neckwear: firm Suitable ome' Langsidc Miss Mary, Parish is spending ai couple:of weeks with friends in Luck- nowand Ashfield George -and Joe- Murray, attended the Toronto Fair last week.. was: Young of -,Algoma is. ,renewing old acquaintances her e. r •` "Miss Gsace'Reid'1eft:on Monday` to , attend the Normal' . School in . Hamil- ton.; Miss Mary Caesar is visiting her, sister Mrs. R. Corrigan-of;Holyrood. Mrs. Peterson.of•'Stratford is'visit in ; her parents, M r. ,and Mrs. •Alex. sinesg;fiouse they pap.,s� r€►m5ayee� ,g�nu p . t n' 'be o,+ v i etA 3't anyr_.L 9P1' QST i t "`t(Z'&king:. rnxnIseA t'hi1_, Wo ti; • aFn on poly'od advertisim j ace.'-�C So thQ only wap to' rent " iitse�s Dile, learn by experience whether it is performed , . We've �oue,,proimse since: we,.have been, M'buginess.' . QVe've promised `ab the:lowest `possible, prices: ;Our trade growing larger roof that we have kept our promise. eersice _tQ iaBlna'.will always--bring-customers, ;but it takes;honest years ago, , . thg2rWe. have the same cuetomers'now. Who, dealt with ua y nfteomething, it 'Means that we have kept promises. e Premise that. Our specizal'display of :Wall - Paper now ' on v;eW merit Ji visit fro& you if only>to get an.zdea:of hats new. , y rail e;fcom 5c to 60.c:per A4=few lines to dear, reOs,gular �• ,1�p .; 18e fo 12e ;15a"for Iffc,., :Brders sold by ``the a•o11,„earee as_paperg. ___ -raises but" the rforma'nct3 is ro Pe. Pt'p i.; 0\ ,s CASti GROCE1 1Vlafehat]g days this week: W m. Stothers is - recovering nicely . - Airs. D. D McKinnon n : visited her her Miss Magoie Smith had the ;mus fortune to fall and break -lies arm We hope it will soon mend` again :Miss Kate Ford -went -the week=end • at her home in Lucknow. ' r Will Reil is in Hamilton for, a eel "° tflhI Now isthe tirna y9u., I1eeCl,' Furnace to prepare for the cold „weather.. _Range,-._Rasebur-oe-e Teeter-- :' 1reyou satisfied with last' `NVioter's. comfort in the home ' It not, :come in and''have a" talk' with uk. and see ' what we have to offer. . a At present we'have three r4nges, ' which have --to-- sold to-bsold regardless of ;cost ;,to ' make room for the '`new goods: Now is your chance to buy a first-class range cheap: —Estimates -cheerfully given -to install Furnaces, work guaranteed:.. ew rom injuries received in . a. fall lately: sister in Grey County this week.: Mrs. Anderson of Zion is spending - The Anniversary of the Langside A' of weeks Amend• ret ti i civ w rotivl w �, �'_. esby'rfJsian Miss `E. ,Webster, accompanied by her niece Miss" " Hael Webster, ` of Lucknow, are spending a few 'days among friends here. Among those of 'this burg that took_ in Toronto Exhibition were: Misses' Ray' &ethers and Mary Phillips and Mrs Will Finlay.' and Mrs. Jno Gauley and child with'Mr and .Mrs.'Samauel Sherwood,.,. Sundayed at the home of Mrs...TT Seducers. '• :..._.Bailie Stothers-. city -Labor -Da Mrs. -John, Stothers of -Belfast spent lastweek with: her sister-in-law, ars. Quite a number of visitors. atBlake's ;churchSunday. evening. Robt' Edwards and friend ` Miss Hancock returned to • Toronto , early 'last week, after spending a few days, at his home.. _:� Mrs:=�Isaa�iliidre�v� and "cion David spent, Sunday: the guests :'of' relatives here. One of our :young men in the person . 44o1iii Blake, brought home a bride last week. We welcome Mrs. Blake 'to our midst:; „ We all Join` in extend- ing to them beat wishes AGENTS FOR- l�t7ttath : O ErrT, ' IMPER ar: Rnrri.li- TIECLA :AND' -PEASE' FURNACES, i'TASOI,INB 'LIGIiTING SYSTEM. SCRANTON lrhll en wiii ne nets_ un-:- clay,', Sept: ;27th when the Rev.4-. Dunn, :of Ridgtowni (former 'pastor)',, will conduct the morning and evening services.' See bills for particulars). Dish =Mrs. \V,'‘' McKenzie, beloved wife:- of--the-late -:Williani McKenzie, on Thursday, Sept. 10th. Funeral to Tifan's cemetery Friday, Sept.,11, Mr Jas.- Crowston, .=Langside,.... is Kr -siting his daughter, Mrs. Bucknell, Camden He is.:,under :the doe - tor's care ..at present, but \is ':doing fairly we11 and is expecteet to be round ,gdin shortly. He took ,in the Toronto, Fair at the same time. -A1 Lay dull/ care aside and give yourself the pleasure of a visit to this store: Come and enjoy the sight of good Butter and Eggs and all kinds of Fine Groceries ' This store has the : b r _''-_........, thehighestSir Wilfrid Laurier A 1+4 D price for produce and vife is:AO:4W of.,.....01.,k_rOtlitatie41 as we haVe a large city trade and are.abie. to to a -better advantage, giving us, a better chance -to pay more .-and the Farmer's or those" gelling produce rap -,the benefit. , "We Can 'also saveYou money in rthe Grocery line as 3 Bokes:Laundry Starch'. 'tor 25c A' full line of Cured. Meats, an Vegetables always on hand. Wednesday, Sept. 23rd. HAVE, YOU STOMACH TROUBLE Whenyou wake up with headache and bad: taste in the mouth, something to iettle the stomach ie needed-'' That dull, heavy.seeling must be lifted, and• appetiteinunt be srested: Grt a t uaa- bier of tate'; .same sugar land then pour, in a-stiff,dose of NerPi! ine. You:. will feel tip t=ip in' a few minutes: Nerviline invigorares; biaces,. i ones, puts vim and snap ,into your move- ments. ' You'll br fitted for a hard day's work by'.tfnjng Nerviline-- cothj inf better. _Large bottle, 25c. every where. The -Premier and party will arrive on morning train from Londoh,, and an informal reception will be held. at the station. .The procession composed of delegates and -bands leave the etation at 1.30 for the'Park, where speaking will commence at 2 o'clock sharp. Special Trains at Pare. -afitFej;latlith -e-DLeleast::setir'ati(Ovniais oWveirn,ghti,11). God Save The 'King.: Detailed Program Later. Stratford and Goderich. Returning Secretary. Chairman. CrZwe Alf Sherwood, ;Belfast, was a Crewe, -visitor or Su nday. Fred Culbert was a visitor at Crewe ori'SuUday \: Mr: and Mrs. Sam 'Sherwood were to Goderich' on Saturday on business. Mrs. Wm. Pierce . returned from Goderich' on . Saturday after spending -a few.days--with 'her daughter Mrs. J. B. 1V1eXay. Albert. ` Shackleton returned 'to his studies at the` G.C.I. on Saturday last.,,, Wim Shackleton . returned- from To "onto` last week after spending a few: days at the Fair in that city ' Mr. Robert : Menary is it 'present, out packing apples '.for G°eo:'`3)urnin. this' last two 'weeks..'. :4 • Special meetings are to start here the 14th 1Vl `t .S.mith will .be alone tins week but he experts to . have Mr.'. don's of •Auburiir neat week to help. bt"NO If you ever,had any cppiiffacted Or- hereditary blood disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison has been removed from -the system.` You may have had some disease years ago, but -now and -then so ne syinptom alarms -yeti.. Seine poison still'lurks in your system;. Can you afford to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies?- Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used indiscriminately -they may ruin the: system.. Twenty -years eXperience in the treatment of these diseases enables us to;prescribe` specific remedies that will positively cure all blood diseases of ,the worst character IeavingnO bad effects on the system. Our New Method Treat= Ment will purify and enrich the blood', heal up all ulcers, clear the skin, reineye bone pains, fallen out hair will grow in, and swollen; glands will re- turn to a normal cOudition, and the patient *ill feel and look like a different person. All cases we accept for, treatment, are :guaranteed .a coin- plete cure if instructions are followed. Reader if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE OF CHARGE.- Beware of incompetent .*doctors who haus no reputation or reliability, Drs: 1C. & K. have been established over 20'years. . WE' CURE. Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, .'Blood -and Secret Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. if Linable to call write for ii Question fist tar Nerve Treatment, ORS.KENNED Cot. Michigan Si, Griwoitl"Sis. etroit Hick, cunfrequently caused by cheap acid cora.s.alve. Be safe and, nse Put- itarallari arid alvvayi cures. ; Wedding Bells rang loud and long ittat-Week 'on the 9th, at the- 'time of ,and Mrs.- Robert Ilastey, When -bends , of Wedlock to Mr. John Blake ) The happy yering Couple left on Thursday fin' their fatire home 'it Mafeking with the good:wishes of the oine of our ,tuyal inert, pr the fiag. pole :at :our School here.Sunday., We Spen' hope' to hear the schOol bell ring 'again, as. it'lihs not tring-fOr a lerig As the trustees are horee: now they *ill, See te things, Mr.. load of goods ,,frir ‘1 store -there Coll Saturday last. T. J.:'"Gawley was in Goderich last week on business.. James, amd Archie jOhnsort, of Lanes, were e.allers Crewe last ,week. , I satisfied, it seems,