HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-09-17, Page 5" : 40 ,•,,...••••..•......•_....,4•.•... mi t aIaae` atckets. a.® Last week'Wve;devoted this space to," a description: of .a few .of, our' many:: —fine lines in; Ladies' --Mantles; and this _.... Week we would. call special attention- t0 our JacketsMisses' an • for` ' d Girls;, Ywivhxch are t e -best vatues we"have - ever shown. They consist• mainly of ' Pitney Tweeds and Plain "Cloths and are'. well •Made, and beautifully trimm-: ed buttons, braids and velvets being in evidence: The prices are $2.75, $4.00, $,5.00, $8.00, $8.50' and $10,00. andarJ as ion foo; ;ave you'seen ;the Standard',.Fasl ion Book for Pall 1908f, It gives you a splendid assortment of the prevail-, ing styles in all kinds of • garments' for • TLadies a Children and should. las in every home • Theprrice is 20 cents but :with it you get a certificate for a StandardPattern value 15 cents which: _ woliidleavetheprice ofthe-FASHION BOOB. only.5 cents.. Theaecompany ing cut shows the: design*Of the coyer: wren aNr • :. STPATTUANDANDIN._.-: S.KIR. ,- _A ae - nsign _ e t -ur New Fall Ski-r-'ts .has -arrived -.-and -after - b o mnoo•.,,• close inspection our verdict concerning them that they :;are••:beauties The re -made by-�-fi rnt who ,r Y"� • . No. is. made :of Chiffon ;Weave • Panama Cloth; . trimmed' with self folds, and three short satin straps on sidewith. liuttoiieto match 0olors black, brown and'navy.'Pricel6.50 •No.::973,is=ofrapecietl gr! sty Venetian fes y . Cloth, brimmed,- with two folds' ^of self' all round, .-a' very 'stylish : and;: pretty ',skirt. Colons black exid , • brown; Price ,$500,; - No.: -941 is' made .::of , fine:Venetian ;._ . CIoth, trimmed Math fancy strap P ..t iu of pelf _ ; Colors-.black:.:and- ' brown: " Our best: priee'$7 50 give all their; -attention to making :Ldies' Skirts, and make nothing else • The cloth in: ever garment is thoroughly -sponged and shrunkbbefor-e-be - i g made up, -wit h resat "-- that the skirt retains . its fine shape and finish much longer..' Here -arra feaw- •of the - -recent arrivals, 'which` are' all high class e A 'large variety of other -styles and qualities• in stock: �{ N'.$3. -Store .abses -at•6 pan. except Saturdays. :'MEN'S ALBERT, SHOE. -Box Calf,, oodyear: 'Welt, leather',: .• lined,' Wet Proof Sole ; a shoe that "will wear with the hest"':- of' st ':-, of them.. Price:'r',.:.. , ..... r y ;:. r . _ .�.• i . 5, 0.0, MEN'S ALBERT SIgOE Pat Tip„ Patent Reel, Pat,' Facings • and i Velor Calf Vamp: e. ''shoe that looks as good as a patent andwear• better, Price..$5:00..."` lifer's Velor• Calf 'Bel; Goedyear 'Welt , . .. `...:.. .. $4:00•• : 01 a 1, • Blucher sr til. . , : • ... ...... X3.50 unci Kid' rr " ..'i . . . • . v>. $3.50 Box Calf u,r ,, ,', :. .:... $3..50'' u ' Vier Kid •EaL, .No Cap rr... • ... .. -. � 41..4•.,4-�-••._..•i..••.. $315.0.. ft 10 „ "Goodyear ,Welt •`«••.'. 41 41 .. F .4 t'+ ... • $3 j Tr ryY 4141, : . u . VjCiy,i}iV' `l3luelter i i , '} • : i .' . .. '. i.'�'., i,i ..' i : 11 .. ]' 2.75- Dong, 5' ., Don Ill' �a�.. .•• .''.'i r. c• i.. •.ri.i ... 4141 -' g•. , u. Box.Cali Blucher...., i. *,...O.. • i....'• +.fp.i ii•.i•.'. 'if fl' Bal...•..'4461,sneii...;..rcu4,44°'0-4i..:11,6•1;4 i$0•25. • A 'number •Of other lines that we will sell 'you at retlueef priees�i; Repairin neatly aid -promptly done.. Ordered work•a , Specialty; a good fik and a goad s}too guaranteed. JOHN JOYNT, ' Par , The 11,10041.* rnaehi a"e'.lu passed;: through our, btu* and all x°eport d cropuk� ' Frank 'Murray:of Calumet ;is visit ing at his home heave, 'The 'Paramount $uiiaor ' Baseball': team. played a friendly. game with Lo- chalsh laatcSaturday night The score j=was 18-1._9in- layer, of ranount. The return match. is to be played in Lgchalsh next Saturday: "` 1-1 . Will Smith lest on Monday for Stratford to attencLtheNormal School. We' wish him.success, Mise . Belle°• McInnis has returned --. after spending a few weeks in" Hintail, M r. McPherson called. on friends in Paramount last' Sunday evening. Miss Cassie Mgpiarmid spend Fri the guest of M*g Bessie Barnby. $•" A few Paramount•boys 'are .attend ing Epwe th League quite ' regularly no*: -:Mir. Fawn on - • Advertising If ou`adverti e yon :.store W.." few. - .bunds d people, yo can. afely bank on' the.' fact, .that..n m due time evebody will'hear about' you, 'People have a way of passing along good news. - ' �'_'.The fact "'that�`your" advertisement:, , appears continously in a reputable;' newspaperstimtilates public confidence -Your-shop:advances 'step: by- step.- in • the estimation of . the people. Talk every day and make your talk as you wish. You need 'net 'employ an inter- preter, or . use a megaphone :Simply talk, that ' is all:' Be sincere about '"it.'''''=Let. your words ring true;' the people will., listen... 'They like it. De not upendthousandsa year on rent and electric light anciexperieneed saleanien.--ano-thence sueeze -out-a,-ni -- gardly hundred or two on 'advertising, . on• telling,.the ,people you have the- store' and tle'goods and the salesman all standing around waiting :A. retail shop that spen-d500 a year on rent: ought at the very lowest estimation, ;;to ••spend $200 a year, on vevtising.., 'rows'advertising, isnot a thing apart from your 'enterprise, It is your. ..enter -prize.. a contagion.:. which you- yourself create and which;: if" thoroughly spread; is as'enduring as the' everlasting"—hills. What The Kidneys , Da W'hal -Booth's B dney Pi le =.: sre' doing fox Hineardine .people. All' the 'blood ' in the, body pastime through the. 'Kidneys.. every three -minutes The E idneye filter' the Wool: They work. nigho: and day to daily remove about 500 grain,; .Of impure.. matter, If' they fail, 'some part. of thbie;impure mater -tie left in=the blood bringing on pain in the back, head- •aohe, , `irregular "fea-rt, shot` dry skin, rhaUmatism. ';gravel, drop 4y, deposits in_theAtrine.._Booth'e.Kidbey: P&111 drake. the filtering' right ,and overcome Kidnay trouble. ;Hundreds of Brace Ooanty residente,.ha-ae round:. this 'out Mrs Ed.•McKenzie, of. 'tlroad'way,' Kincardine, Ont , says of -had ttgered-with-:-4-weakUFaa- and ;'teed nese in-' ,my "'bask, ::eOve"re ' grinding pains- would eh-4(41-114cugh: the, small- of it and leve :e,,.unable bo etdcp or straighten- myself up... I Moulin.Infer fur, days, after diking, .�a washing or ironin.4--and could pot turn in . my bed r at night. for: these pains. My eyewwire greatly weakened -and telt heavy' and filled swill , p%rticlie :of" sand: Lacnew these 'were`aymptome,;: of kidney`:t5ogble and had tried' many: things; without leealtr. Booth's mid .n`iey Pills were advt raised,, and •pro ur li ing them at- Mc. C loke'e,1: commenced treatment. They, seemed to go direct' to the cause of the; trouble 'and. ,give me quick relief. I have not anilared with ai "p lin: or weakness in, my; bek eines. My eyes are•elwar and stronger. I. •rill'alwaye'' feel :aratvefal sea recon• mending Booth's Kiiduey , Pills us a grand` kidney remedy" Sold by dealers. ' Prie 5G ce�tts: `TIf Jt. T Booth Co.; Lfd Fort= Eeie;' Ont,:;> in Catadia►i Agentti, • Vie; are going to phial' about 300 yards or, Dress ',Goods. regular r 0o . to $L25 - - clearing LIG 35°,0 s inghanls . and Aluslins, ' staple . cola! . iCastina' e ' priceJ.. Walking ` Bkirts in ` Tweeds, a few . in. Due, and 'White.Linen. F About 1 doz , White Lawn Waists and Biacx Sand Good prices. „ r Washable ' Print• Wrappers a,t low 'or: Qelitleinfin Ready-to-wear Suits. 'or l�oy8' 1 ,est:; Suits, iu two and ° Otos pieces. You get full value -the kind that means long srrvice and better 'service. -You getthA most for your nioaey a You don't halve -to -pay liedsiiara license 'aaal.` peddlers expensest _. Yon know the man you buy from - and you can see him every day: ` :You can at any time ask questions about. working parts.. You can procurerepairs without trouble, and Yon can save-fron� '$10.00E to .520.00 -by buy- _ • :. lug a or a 11 fat -90000000000000000Q000c--e- + e --have; om k..acnt tact. -times_a. large and up-to-date stock of _Furnitur°e, comprising th:e best makes and latest prz w terns, which we:are ;offering at R-easonable a` Prices/ .Kindly' call ' amd Lnspect our fStoel FP's teem: it_ al pteasuhkto:'show Picture Fra ming and . repairing done neatly' and promptly. Fused Joints m•the "Hee"pnt \" airtight and sanitaryake.; ' The `heats:ls': air-isermanefreshly and "pure, because nq•ga3, dust or smoke *Cali get::': into theiaairciiamber. Steel=Ribbed Firepot ',had steel' instead' of •east iron flanges. , gy of these ' steel 'flanges :are -Allied . to the out= side of the firepot giving it three tireti as =tea 'radiating- surface ,as any other style.. rn--a three years° tesst`tife ateeI4 ribbed pot;showed a staving of fuel of -Over lit ' • • Trfarigillhr iter Grate ' enables ou to clear an rt :. of the fire of ashes. ' There arei- four grates: • Each:eaau be shaken separatelq. It;gets all the'aslies tit --save coal* '. sand means a clean fire. n$ade by the makers ofyfamous 'Peerless Peninsular": Ranges. atop in anrilet ne show yetie71•t e nes,ffeaturea-of-the'itiO t_°-xi10Cge:"- flhHF; 1111, ,III 4 ee our stock of newest designs hi ,Couch, Throws. ,......: ,®r 'IAi ° '41 41 -Undertaking receives ,our prv' : t and careful attention, day or night. " •