HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-09-17, Page 4►00046 OL
crrnallty ire
>an •deposits
:000,,CatimiIN `41.00geraanura -paq-
ablo llav�tivrwge or Sll,6o t►t and of gear.,
a , qnb rip6ious' 41 0 per-'stznum,
td adaance.�
COM I o 4-Y
tkit s tops Rf +the 4s au 5oliclte� butt'
1.94.0:•0;11),C400.• tibutio . rnu t in every
aaett Co» a ny.t11e :4A At4 atwn s eIt ale
Rired.;thpt ter'dnatoo NOR 40be'published:
T1iUR PAY, SiPt':17,: 1,9W
'&ural ' T" elcphones
¶FI..' Canadiiin Indal2en1kgIt Tele
phone ;.Associatiah held,: a -convention
in Toronto last ,4 week Tlie�re
are now '.;$82, indeperiaent:telephOni'
coanpanies in Canada Mth over 25000,
plionetstirl, U1 40;1�ye Marge number
of, hese are kltral lair, So :-the
4 the telephone'; is 'opreading •tii the•
.rennoter :diatricta very;:rapidly, . The;
.L depeniknit A:ssoeiatip e'now'.'£ae1 that:
they are .:strong •'enough to wage war.'
ain4t the well Venelii v 11liai are
g`outr to do:it
fact is the- public is becoming
Alive to the advantages• of rural"
telephones If the BelLCompany will..
supply 1 h well andfigo .. , .. but who
;ever suppli in,''they are bound to
�conne TLie trouble iii waitln for the
ell C0..l o ental hsh rursi lines is that;
they will not proceed until •guar
ii teed an amioiint of `b isiiaess about
double what is really ° necessary to
ve t1it o a fair"revenue ,-They poli
fi vely decline to take, claunces.
agoourit of ,b Oi es§ guaranteed`is
ientto induce ;the Bell Company:, to'
tligl, '. a. nd4•rm� f._m� 1n and'.
t it as a bonanza pr,6position,-land
as ouch might as; well lie undortaken'
it' a local company ora munrctliality
and keep the profits at hone;phis
leads us to the question we hack :.in:
mind rn ,fbegann ng this article why.
out not the farmers 'in the vicinity
uc ow'estib•lsh ' an s•ndependent�:
elepho�ne Co and enjoy the pri-v lege
tlie' elephone: 't. once .%V y note
vow, aawell as fine or ten year ennel„
e Clunk.;it a''sati :,prediction that'
hive, ten years every farmed �vithan{b
ales of Lticktiow willbe within, teac',h+*
of a telephanetan(1 c•an -install •on in"
xhis home- f 104, wants it And they,
will avail; the e, , df tare privilege
too ninety per'`eent' i them..
That has •heeii;'Ali e result wherever
independent lines have lbeeu' establish
ed,' and with .338 such' companies:
already organized, it looks as :though;
the,movenent had'set in in earnest:'
In a very few years the rural coin
mumty;that is without „the -telephone'
will be considered behind the times
Indeed,=we are not sure` but that that,,
day has already -arrived: ,At any rate;
,the, people of those communities which,:
already have teIephonea`-have that -
idea, and it Is certain ;that'th'ose far
niers who have •`experienced the con
venience and benefits:°£ the telephhone;
could -not be -induced to • do -Withoutti
The time )las arrived for a -general,`
end erasion_„ of..telepiiane ;, linea_;:around
Lncknowc- A- slant glias _ been_made
Wo have' a one line iii o• eration: An
••other. has W have'
bean' begun., by not
a `gg. neral organization and one good
strong independent, company, . Fifty;
"subscribers could be secured • in Luckv,
now The enterprase,weuld-pay Wlio'•'
will be the mover
ii a me e a 0 9
woo* rea°ex K at
ex4, h eat st ed his li
y ' nn'c`hased nom ` hj�ice
-rico $'3 QO per acro , ti
?lees yeawa�,
a ouae .poi
*AV.;L I.13
ore°75on Frilay
p.}tbtieation oR
8i dt i
ICoume SgEswonu BTo, 00,
• Lncknow, meets,every first
eaoh'month in lOddlellows $sU.
rethren i re cordially•invited
gua rpeiico, Cl.$, _ R: Graham, R, S
,'•1,1.3° A4new. Fid -sec, D R Melntoeb,Trees*
v �
.4 le
a #On't
tx �9 OlY ie -
, x 1 .,
Aia &
e r
+ ct �`s ' �
1� ur
a n eeft;
Ahorouikirii ecd practical.
er a4eL•s1vayeeu.ed.
aesist'graduatei.to positions.
W e have
three.; r_depirtmerits„---Commercial,
Shorthand and:.' Telegraphic,; We
employ experienced instructors; Cat
• alpine "free.
a oour®e
Alliott & McLaohjah
It is made of the 'finest
=rain steel; eledifully Gam-
mete hardened '"by `hand ; .
• tempered by a:process ex-
clusively and peculiarly the;i
naanufactitrarti g 1r Dili"tt
With a precaution that pre-
vents the disturbance eF
' he temper; *ger' one .in.
s ecle absolutely, uniform.
th . any', other- one; all
keen enough, to shave 'the
moat tender face smooth and:
• comfertahly, without irritation.
,= " perfect_. razer " le the.
creation of skilled ldbor of
--• the highest clams. From forge
to, finish; through twenty op-
erations, none but pr ctical
workmen . put a_„hand a
If the steel is not just. right,
or if the. work "is •neglected
io any stage of the manufac
tore, the faults Will be many
. and annoyingly :ct anifeat.• No
amount -Of after hoeing carr put
'a °perfeet,-keen;,s'iiiiootli; eiittsrg
edge on an imperfectly made
reaaor—yet nothing is easier teen
takin1; caro of a good blade.
1 Every "perfect razor" is set;
ready for Use, carefully tested
and critic/61i ' examined. Nowr"
and then a blade is broken and
the grade and , teictei o ' of the
steel microscopically examined'
for imperfections. Call, exam-
finer and' convince yourself -of its,
•-..SELLING- •--AiENTS:,i ..:-
L?DY� sliT'fsa1L'1ND
�tti LIth r LUD6F A, F -
every Thursday. night on or •
'Terre ''the fait) moon,m the
asiiu c Halls Havelock
&7acLeod,” '
B. MacLeod
W'''�'�� 7
hall erupbelivtreet ,.All brethren cordially.
W .1MacGregor. N.G. D. Mallough, F,Se
•t. V: McKenzie, R,S. • • :A..,`Rose; Trea
ucgivow Lotion IN
:dependent, Order
o Foresters ,meeta in
the Oddfellow's'
on the last ' Tuesday of.:
each month. at 7,30
o'clock. Visiting bre-
thren are.' cordially in
viten to" attends •.ir
F. McDonald 0: • R. T. S. Reid, Fin Seo
.:T. Lawrence, Rec. Sea
Iuckaors .-. Meat Market,:,
Our`aim i.to Please.
CO•. At
_Havin : purchased.
the .Butcherzngl Busin-
usin-ess, .formerly 'earfaed
On by ..D:' ,McCharles it
• will. be our aim to al,=
wa�egait' a f uZl line
PreSh : and
Cured MeatS.�
411 ordersgiven for,
.Meats • will have our
)vest atte,i ti®n� "
J ° D sivtrtU, 1Viariage l
Boys with h its on the back of their
Heade and smutty , words 'in ' t sir
mouths are cheaper than worn out
horses. Nobody wants sthem at any
price. Men wilt not eni,ploy rhom ;
girls will not marry thein. They are
not' worth their keep'to anybody, and
they. will ,hot 'troop .thernael;r es. Any
bo .who hapie ns to i. :
Y hit*
� to 1 cad � t1vYa de.•crip
tion lei him tako, a look at himself
and:do tV s+;W!hi, 's%inecienee bays is
beat to do,,
Field Crop Competition
-The follwing:members •of `Lucknow'
Agricultural Society' are prize winners
in the Field Crop Competition enterer)
by the._Society this year
Competitor Score.
-alas. - Baird ;
Rod McKenzie .. .. :86
John McLeod ;, 83
J. McDiarvnid': 8
Gl: A.;Greer.. , . ;
The above prize winners areentitled
to enter in a Provincial Competition,
to ' be held at '.the' Winter . ' Fair . at
.�• D date isolkh, iecy.
Received from King s Printers:
Canal Stati!ties fog 1907 ; ,Bulletin.
on Conpervaaion'. of Fore9t.a►ihand
Mino; Annual Repo t of Fruit Ex-
perimental Stations of Ontario; A n
Waal ftepo'rt a f Itsp°ctr rs of Factories
for .Ontario; ' Annual Report: of •t he
ilt> ini-t r
of -Land- Forruts and Eali� e r
of Ontario; The Lasof C.rado re-
specting Immig•i tion and Imini, rants;
Labor Gazette fur July; Annual R.'.--
rd'1 }f Inspector of.' Prisons and
Cnarities upon the Doipit Js for. the
Iasan', Idiotic and Epilel•tic; 'Report
'on the D'vel 'pmentof the Port of
Moutteal'and Canadian Tr_ansp.rte-•
tion; pamphlet nn Canada's Wool avid
Woolens;' Itoport oa •Gleor van Bay
Ship Canal Survcy ; Monthly Report
llf-Ille bepar,`tmenu Of 'Trade > and:
Commerce; Bulletin on the Cultivation
of'the Fax Plant; Statement of Im-
ports and Exports for June; Bnlletiu
en Incubation "of Chickens; Ce sus'
and ,Statistes Monthly; The Lahor.
Gazette for August; Memorandum re
Administration of- the Milt-;
tia; Bulletin .on lmmigraut4 •of. the
Agricultur,l Ciass in the Northwest
Proviiic s;Bulletin on`Olive Oil; Bul-
letin'on Paris,'
h4iinieipal Stat
isti,k on Population, Assessed Values,.
Exemptions ;Taxgtion, Debenture
13®lite, Sinlfing Funds. ny:of'"above`
illtb' be sera rat the §1°00 °01 0 ri re•
drool Notes
Tike; -trustees paid a A visit to th
Schoo'I on 'Wednesday.
)Magas Cameron's room �• as g1V en
holiday on Tuesday on aowunt of the;
ivedding'bof Miss Cameron's sister on
that day. „
The .trustees `nave purchased a.li-
brary for the school, consisting of
hooks <of referenco,-history, • literature,
eta ,,,bout $140 having been expended.
There, are drawing models to the value
Pf about $ ;6: �: "
Everything is in full swing Pupils
front: the surr,ouriding country intend-,
nig to take' np continuation class.
work-will.-find,,theschool well equip-
ped and making -as good a showing as.
inost;of'tlte high:schools.
Farm F or Sale
2,6o, ,Aci,es, known,. as the "Steele
Farm," Lot: No. 24,'9th; con; and Lot's
;23,',24: ds 25, con. 10, Twp ;Of -
b£ `1, 7a?71esnorsnwest t)f Teeswater, abouts-
180 =acres, cleared; balance :Xan bush 'and,
pasture lands .\ The ; Tees,`% ater fiver;
passes: through live p?gpe't It has;
never been rented "Inas is One of the
best farms in the district,• and\is an I !:
•.excellent-.dairy.farm. Thebuildings,
include- an extra good baro 604100,
with _stabling for ` 60 head of ekttle
and 15 horses; cement floors in stab);.`
ing; also hog and sheep pens and hen
house. Large three-storey ` °House,
heated by furnace in, basement; which
contains three apartments- The above
will be sold- on'easy .'terms. -Apply to
H. STUqt:EB.on premises -or Teeswater
Phone No. 7
Orders for
Fall Fairs 1908
St mar) s _ Sept 23,: 24:
Wingham ,Sept 24, :'.5.
.Blyth; Sept 29, 30.
B%us=e&e .. , . .. .
Fordwich . .
Trvea.ton .
Tesiw iter