HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-09-17, Page 3l'S"Vitou TRADE, CENT.REK, despatch from -Fort 'William taiit. ia • TownshiD of Tali - !Ilya : Tithenthe soin went' do' on Peongc, but `up to the present lads M ed'acadaY:;.„ night ;'.1001ted', as not reachid art of the ettl e t s. tliatigh,it was making a plunge int() soh' vv.37- 4.:zu masa of flames,- 'All , night no • AL OF WT DT r 61!frath,-eastern" • heaitena ed ' solid Wall of flamea tweaty-five and • ion:te pepplea here . declare, that I Miles in. length is said to Strata)]. 'ap4_Ps wero'. carried" froui Grand MariaO to Chicago Bay 4nr.Ptlin th0A4'i'-'09minit',f,rom either on the'internatianal houndarY line. stri.cken settleinentia the The •Pion Elver • 14uniher 'Cora- shere 0e -froth ,-the burning' ranY e-OttinP;it Obicage Bay is'Said tr" eek."'ibere. •have row itai 'rottehlii • eioee • fei, , e-13' " cliseri4044,,,th,W1tp4otcro,11Py. ,!teabie.,'dest`rei-da• ootip,41..,,.4, jatrinng....arests. 'en. the 'Gunflint- branch of, 'the-.Ca'a • •ereY•:-Ners.°414:0','" .Telegialphle' Bidets. Fr0 m 01' 0„ and -Other CCanfirle8 Of - Recent"; Events. CANAPA,..' John Lloyd, a ecentIy arrived ulshniati, • conand,itted" .duieide. at Yorkten, SaSki, by. hs'Aiging, The • "'Grand Trunk's -Muskoka tetirist -..blibinessthis yearwas the. greateat.'"'"on 'record: Thrashing•shows••••better .• results than -anticipated in the west,- .0,nd again the' farmers -are 'looking 'for 14, Oic Son. side* of Meant Me- Midi', the Y.,n'eatiers.' knife in a lioya'",tfig enelon ;:-Kay-lias• 'been hUrned.-oVer: and'.6 are:Paid • Very,:`"anle,j?alls7ixinaspri*stonoullOcte'dat:Lto1ndthar.Ye.!i 'ffiredneed,aY morning, -a- .telephone ilairtenre devouring everytnng on, rea s up ive --niesSaaeVoin that': the, the .11)oite,Fisli Valley. There is a' " unea_a3ra"---Only-a Ali:miles,sOuth -of Gunflint.; Wo ertYelit4ditie° that:'settlement. are :very had - reaat &lira - aaanakt--ai •and' an7,hankeri hae,aheen,'• ."given lib - them the „fires are buirninig. and one her:Campo', on. the ,International UJU failed' oseuttt.lerr.u"hiai,,t14 yo4;4‘.17p09iirt, iboiblirneodf '-ibriellit.Tahrle aro jaarne .i.deessetirvoeyeids sti}j burn- Montreal of a'ullaanaYOi1Iiee. 8,0dR,Sb0131 imteAr fires are inga'hilt" .the 'IndianS haVe it in tine- to undnii inureas-e •rates and". • way, to ,cheek, them exceshipping com. itaa. heavY horning- .ort. Thunder t'ainfall. The fire back .of the Mean* - .DyPes,of Sapperton, B 0, - , • • was banned out -'on " e d Cape near renCe' rontea orningiind in the evening was., killed 'by- a•street car at NewWest- Pile. es 41 eattie,=Aiain, C!ieese and XfonIC' aunt '41:)road. ' - Other »airy l'iroduee at BREADSTUFFS. Torolito,.• Sept: 15. -Flour -• On, Carlo' Wheat_36 poi cent. 'patents, ,te $3,40 in. huyers". sacks -out, inde for ,-export. Manitoba :flour, •fir -St -patents, §36; secOnd, -patents; $--4.4.0, and ..stt'o4g-• !:34kers'' - :-Virheit,,41an2teha wheat is 'easier, with. old NO.. 1 NO:ahem 'quoted at 'Old No. 2 at $1'..14%, and old3 at • $1.12. New No.. Northern. easier at 431.12,, Ce0rgian. BaY..'Ports• • .• _ •• Ontario wheat-No::2 whtteatnd red quoted -at '88 to 83c outside 'Oats'----Qptario new No -2 white, 3934c ',outside; , Manitoba,. rejected, :43%,-••te 44,4' lake tiOrts.- •Peaea:-.88' to 89c- outside, ' . Corn -Prices •at 67%e for No. 2 -Amerieall Yellow, and at."87„for No. '3 Americat on tritekTarainto. -- linrnitti hut there iS - no possible check. There is another large fire dinrizninate a-4ainst. the, St La7-- -five- 4eni lo enty? -----Glasgo rSteets o jjrmsn-617711e-gy•-• nster. - ' The reporte -s ttte, t b t een t -he Gr6nd bunk trainnien and the eGrapany is •not ii-faet.The nege- tiatio".ns Will be resume in Novem- ber, ; , _ Prof. Piper of -the inechanica and, _engineering_ staff -of the ITaiy,ersity na, on his way froni England with Barley-No: 2 barley quoted at 58 to 59c, ancl No. 3 extra at 57c _ Braii----*Car's are -pi -Cited -id $18 to $19' in.. bulk ontside. Shorts quot- ed at $21 to $22 in bulk outside. - COUNTRY PRODUCE.' Beans -Prime $2 to $2.10 and hand-picked $2.20 to $ .25. Honey-Comlis, No. 1, $1.50 to $1.75 -per dozen, and No. 2, in 60- nound tins, 93/4e; No. 1 extracted,, To ay -No. 1. oth q oted at ' IliF bride., - •-• , , , rom asgow, .Scot, -in -reserve in anticipation of rioting verOn'il:4 new fill.1 inspectors ave upa - ' land', 'says : •A-- rematkahle."'"'Sbe-n-e-'•-and-attaciK' a•on was witnessed at the offices f the-hoivever haVe: decided, -to reffain an 'it As .13rnpos. ' aproperty-' The--menhfen'aPnointed bY'the GovernMent; o - .ave s ip- ..Potatoes-NeW:Oritario'4juOted, at O it. ,:c 0 6._..t. _, , __Th. .. ... , .....:,..from.,•'.demonstraiingfor„. one wee, Inent.a 'Via the Niagara' River „inn!! ,70..„ -to' 7Po „Per 1?ag in_ 1ar0eaintsi and ,. -- Y--- - -11 el --on,--- Thursday after- ..i.zi.--otd-c-it•O: -give th..e..-06-,uxicir ,a-,-n_ou_. carefillYatoeliect,,after. • , • . tiefeWa-res at 35-, to 90O per. -bag 11.°0-0-------6,x,-0-w•ds-eLt h e_nnemploy' _eit _pa. 1.•i_u 13 1437_0'4 cicv• ,,,,,h•easuree_foi,._th--e_ piDian'.4dHteoleanti-ienf, aDiiitowracylayanlidasIvicuottnti: LttarookL_uitr,y-.6hiekeiis, -spring, cir:esift4,.., tghaetlicered, in _Geo cluncl , convened;-and-a.adele- policeaarrested a. Sobialist 'wlii5 iii, OMa oar rge Square before improvement of the situation. The • l 'la Board that the steps On street ed, .12: to 13e per. pound ; fowl; 10 gatiocanf twelve Was 'admitted to 'cited. 'a man'toresist arrest. He Par,s in Toronto and • other °fltarig dusss,s,ectdr.esslead, tic.,u....160.6 iplec; -the meeting.. The- COuntillafa re- -th,rew pepper in the eyes of 'the -con: miTinhi,ecit-tie'i-/Ite!No'r'r:8,;to:rt higahi -way-, as ponn..d. - . tUr'lfiry $10.50 to $11.50 a ton on track here, and No. 2 at $7 to $9. Straw --$7.50 to $8.50 on -track. ceivecl the delegation' by rising from stables before- they secured him. "--theiraseatsz-Theasp-tokin unemploYed Said that never before sand of the unemployed •Organized -•lact-thereaheen- -such distress-- _azoniclaight_inardato_one_ofthe best ' • ' •, quarters of the:City: Mennted`po- , "Every human. unit," said this lice scattered the crowd and„ fros- wan; "is entitsrd to foad. We Make tratexl its. intention, .' Several ar,- _, no outrageou request; we are' onlY rests -were made, %tem to plead ter_the souls of inert Estimates: of the -number out of • d 'woritien: derna,n(wcirk:". work in Glasgow and in the -t -owns The Minas Geraes, the most pow- . :The `Chamberlain of the:city 're- along th,e Clyde. run as high as 180,-, orful warship , ever built, was plied with„ deep °d He said 000, .'11his is the estimate.of the So- launched at -Newcastle:on-TYne the Council had received .the dele- cialist orators,'and mein in a posi- Thursday. She NVAS built for Bra- ,„oati.on in a spirit of --brotherhood, tion. -to --know-- call the figures ab ail " .and that it weak' do all in its -Pow- surd, but the most eenservative ad- ` A Socialist leader,. ▪ . Glasgow -ier-tca-help -those-who-needed work.- noit -that the number-. SnuSt -reach- threa.tions to- reveal- the Masonic Large , b odies. of trooPs were held 25 000. secrets - Unless the. muaieipal - tharities.do something for the reb.\ef .1.5c _ d h vy, 12% to ,13e ; rolls, John E Redruend and Joseph 103/4-;t697.13/,rta: :'a; shoulders, 1.0 to 10? -4e ; -approvecl--plans for :its proposed Vancouver, terminals; "d ' THE DAIRY- MARKETS. spend about half a million -dollars • in" wharfageJszilities on Burrard Butter -Pound prints; 22 to 23e, Inlet, as well as Snake expenditures tuba,- 20 to 22o ; do- p inferior; 18 to fei yardage. , 19c. Creamery rolls; 25 to 26c; and -GREAT BRITAIN. Ela_Ellgdgssa-at ;214e3.4pce:-; doz6-33, in- c -ase - _ '-----111-,VRES- TICE OLD YOUNG' , Sit Jathes Grant ;Describes' His ',Wonderful Nenrosne.: A .despatch froth • London says: ..._a_Refo.re _the Phyaielegical..SoCtiqii of -a7Garant; --01- Ottawa; aorraW-ednesclitY;" 'alativered-a-afullaaceount-ofahisaneir- restane,: which; 'acting on ,inactive 'nerve centres which:bac-canoe poisan- . noxious gases in age, elean- 'bola-the-Malay- elfistricity "'Sit-13-abonei • said he would be enabled,•to abitu-r, alenz--1-11.Crease- • -2general. activity inaconseuclence af tbe use ;Of 'the. instrunoenta The 'Iclisceyery is -the first Saceessfid of electricity tcb,humor di* atestiona• --; , , DITT-4EN BY A: SPIDER Sir C••• Tupper ::,0t loaid:. Up ,Teiniporaril3'. ' :,. A' -despatch from Vameoliver', B. cen-7- -frero the,-ageettaaf o,-"hite'of-arsp-hlor.:•-lle- was--4t--Bant was' Out aiming; 1,,,h felt.a•`'shar13.-sting. As the pan was itLat, large Ininp liadlorrned and. be: has tbeearisufferyweyert'4.1.O.c.c7;ticienn.it- able, to bear the contaet''Of CliothT though' pa serious ::effects. are e2glected.,. 'as the treibble: ' merely • . --local,. .4 , ••• . • ' . . . • Kii,:ilfONA:liT AND. LION FELI4. tTIiured;-but. the : -Ciib , . despatch -from Saia : yiew of 7,000 PerSerrir't th . e ichinerid ,'Coanty ,'Fair," held' it .Pongan • .Hills, Staten 1,plancl, ',on Wednesday,. youthful' halleoiaiSt& Of MilWankee: fell froiti`.-.4141-edaloallAoil7aird•awae .Ciihy: had , taken with him, also Id,- but, landed • on,, the prOstrate ' form of :• the, aeronaut and escaped -" • .:-InumuoOTFUNoo oF oNlikitto • on J It1;. Vibnen's:APPeintinett Finally Announced. - „, A despatchlrom Ottawa says • By 11, 'the Governer in Council .an Wed- nesday afternoon an order; was' ,passed appeipting CoIoriel,the Hamilton-naotaliamilton, to- he, ..-Liehteottot,,Goveittoi of On-Ca:I-19, in iniecessioe to tlie retiring' Lieuten; nt-goveraor Sir Mortimer' Clark, • whose :fiire-year ter -m, at office ex- , pred !an spilng. 1ngBh1ItTisH ict With Water, , A desPitch from'- Sydney, N. S., . • , N 1 ' 11 of-I:the Nova SO6tia Steel. and Coal 06., -'on Wed- tiesday„ had a serious reminder Of the, ig colliery fire of' 1881, When hilf the mine 'Was drowned out. AhOut:4.o"..clocklme_was_discos,erptl. an the extreme sout ern„part �f see - tin 5, it nd a Message .was sent, at one to the surface for 'aid,. Stip- erintendent JoIM ,Yohnson;,. pr Greenwell, Inspector Nicholson, and several officials were; quickly on the beeney and found the Sectioh Alltd With sinakea and that it was impossible t� get Within 100 yards of the ford where the ,fire origin* ed. It is• stip/nosed the millers al: tair firing 'their shat ofeoal, aa Was .their Laily eustoni, left ..;:scioneafire, and after Cheese -Large cheese, 13 to 13%c per pound, and twins 13Y,,, to 131/2e. TS HOG PRODUC Bacon lonvelear-1-1-.4-to-1.2c-per pdjn.caetot-a•1a..tneP,Pqrk, $19 to $19.50; ,short ent; $23 tb*2350: Hame-Light to medium, -J4: to ,Devlin. were given a rema,rkable backs; 17% to 18c ; breakfast bacon, • ovation at Queenstown_ on their lrx to ,154 leaving for America to attend theLard---Tierees, 12%e; tubs/ 13c; a 13,Vac. convention of the " United'Irish League. UNITED:aft:A:TES. „ aaSeyeralaJapaneae -were _killed in a fight. with Portuguese in an Alas- kan cannery. ' ' Five, .children at Brighton, near •St.Mn.ra'aamieZe .';00Cated-.4.1a a Are. -*lack 7of theii 7. -Ian Tuck - rescued a-n• other- arid - child from. a bUrninghone in _Brooklyn, but was 11.7tMself.. burned death, .AngelO.:Stalibed- death .in Cleveland 41, Man who had followed him from Sicily seek- -' eipress WOrtha$50;000' has been-stolein from the Wel s -Par-,. gC f-F4PrFos. cOMijad3r- -At „,-Roatland,„ Ore. „ , $17.50;."half-harrels do.se ;• ten, • 'BUSINESS AT MONTR-EAL - --Sept.'. 15.--a.Manitioba,. .-L2 eats;:'4714 to . 48.c, _N.°. ,p at. 46% to'47c, and, rejeCted at 45)4., to 46c lIer .bushel, ex, store. :F1ourJhoice .Spring -, whea,t pat - seconds :# wheat patents,' $5...;.:Straight rollers, 44,-.40....to.„-$.4..5a;ashaaainahagsaa$2-toi $240-;,-e7ltras,41.60LtO_It„.75. Feeda- Manitoloa. bran, $22 to $2h:Tarit-S; $25; Ontario. bran, $21 tia$22 (Rings, $26 to $27 ;, uhorts, $26 per fon, bags-'; 'pureagrain- mouill'ea $30 to ;$3a;- . and milled gracleS, $25 to ;$28 per ton. Pro- visions -Barrels short cut mess, 8.22.50 'half:barrels', :$11,50 ;• , de/br- io- hack: $23; dry salt long clear backs,7 11,q4.,Lbariela •. plate. beef, , At Washington: ' On Tuesday, Or- -ponrial lard;, $8%. to ,9c'; pure Pard„ _ xille Wright broke -' 'all nerepinne 12 to i3e;.'itettle • rendered, „13; te 4ecords by, remaining in, the air 62 13%c:; hanaa,....12 'to 1,4c; -breakfast minutes andallying. 3A;4inileS: ...... - bit7etsa, 14' to, 15a; Windsor baeon'i -LIDL-i4e SuPreine Court 'mt.-Rot:hes' 15 to i8c.;: fresh killed abattoir ter., -'..,N., y...:, the: ,injunction' re4t*.n.77. -cireocUi hogs, .43.p.,.7$4:_alir4.,.::$6,84 io ug the Independent Order of For- $7; • •Eggs -No. 1,....i9 tn:-20e;:seleCte: Otters , P. , es:nwear8ea. Sing ,t1:1;_eir, i,s•.- 2$ to 24e • per :dozen.- - •ChCes.c. j-... esd'inentfri:. 1 ' 'sustained: , a Wester, j2,04 -to 12%a; eastern, .ss Ina F: T: Rusltn.; whowasfAujil_ 12X to 1234c:' , .)4Itter;•25e, in:x.00 a ..4 11'°In'i had been ____15_, attempt* ,/ , bullet ay, , cl. i lcts :!;.iYa::.'asiiWieCi9dke-fae4r9t ---rLeor ke-41K--eYen i . AvbriTtOlr Agnice.. eetang tetanus: :, nd typhoid gerind into . hid systeniV • , ' . , " :. • Buffalo; Sept. 1,5 -Wheat -Spring• • ' ,..,,,...-,. . . , ,. . .s ea y , No. 1 Norther, carloads, . • a .• • GIBIOBAL. • ,,... ' . store; $1,•0634 ; Winter easy.; No. 2 Holland has told Presii4Orit Cla-S-..ire4 . .09%e 'to $1; No: 3 eliftra red, ...tro.....that-Ainnkkfevokehia deeree 71/ze:C-1.0.111--Fil'i0 '' .11n" 2 *lite, against .•CliirAc40'.. before November ;.'.-%0- ''Cuta*-=-Eat1rN.O.• 2.--Whiter-63 1st, : ; • . • • to :53%e; NO. 3 white; 521,4, to. 52%C; • A man has been arrested at Con"' No 4 white, 51 to 5.1Vi0• tariO, starittnople on ' -a chs,rge • of attempt- --Peoci • to Malting, 64 to:.7.6c, ' ' IDecorn _ -to' assassinate •the' .8ultan of ' MinneapOliS, Sept. •1," 5 ---.Wheat returning froto. lunch were 'Unable tnrkeY: in 1005. ,, September, 03% to 0Pa4e ; 1 to put out the fire, am+ let it obtain ss Annie Beck of Providence, berp 22:34 to 00Xo'; MaY, At ; licadWaY-before for -4tgaist- has, Suecended in. sl -flak ' ance. 'When the Officials arriyed monk ildasoakan.: in Feria .the with 4.'ninuber of heroic, volunteers fnghest beak in America. nothing: eould. be . done to .prevent Unable to lie in :an atmosphere the spread of the fire, and •they fin- ...ally_deeided..to.floinlatbak:SectiOtte the, mine (rein the surface 'by means of air 'lines leading to the district at the rate of 1,500 gallons - per Minute. It Will take about 48 honis flbod this district. Theire are about fords to be drowned pet betete• the depth is" reached. The management have no leer for fh.0 safetjaef the colliery as regards the accumulation of gases or other dangers that generally folio* sinfi: Jai occurrences. They e,scpect to jrnine_in 1,wokkiiis con- dition in a° few dald, - filled with ruraors of plots, the dpw- ager-QueenallIaria-Partais-Preparing. te, flee 'Irein Portugal t� " • 'Special tests Of „motor provisien and atoinUnition Waggens are tieing made the German Maiieeuvres in AlsaCe...tOrraine. M. Delagrange eStablished a new world's record with Inc. tiereplane at Issy,,,ternaining itt. the almost 81 Minutes. and flying 17' , lliit$e-Lantte% swindler with an international; re, *piiiation, has been arrested at Anta werp en. a Charge of cashingutolen coupons. „ r 1 t .hotherh $1O0 t� 131.01y-- No northern, 98%. to 00%e; No,. 3 'northern; 96% to 97%c. , Pit pa -tents, sec. -ond Patents, 0$.6' to $0.00; 'first. bTeara stwa-to $4.36rsirolkd , $3.:56'tio $.3-;60: Bran -Th bulk, '$ls o $1g;t0. • • tAy't l'o,C,mAnoXg-T.,, • , , Ter -ant° a 0 Sept: i'5.----Bridea;' etini60 eXpOrC aeers 'ranged from $b,.16 to, SAO per ewt• niedimii were ',worth $`4 50 to $5 and: light 'were cfnOtekt lit $375 tp ,$46, Per Select . cattle :sold at .$4,•50 to $4,80 per cgt. Good Cattle. ' ,strai 1 az-4d s of, 84 to $4:50; medi" • antio ress uns Into Iavine. '4 -:despatch from North Bay says.: A bridge near ,W.h.ite•••Biver .Cainght fire 'early-'.On,Ved.nesday- Morning, - 'burned fiercely all :daY-3 and .4 Was late in the. afternoon before the :blaze •was.'•iinder control. • ,: ' 147;hite ..fti-Ver,•• the *,first section "Of the O., P...."_•,R; Atantio eujoresSaeaSta :Pcntid; ran inte 4 ravine, the bridge spanning the,.chasni-being:in"flaines: The passengers Were -Chinamen, passing' threugh • in .119nd...fro*, the .:coast,,and they eseaPed injur P;Pobaanblyeill fatally . !4-juereedn, ?eV T1h.e4s ,fim' engine tnrned oir9F.".,OP the' inail74.iiidT°,6aggage Cal's' were -burned. ...How the 'passengers es, capedinu.ry seeins miraculous. The 'bridge :wits 600 feet long. Toronto trains` will take. the Sod-Nlinnealicil 1i3, route until thebridge' is repair- ed, as • will the Imperial Limited - and Ta,cifie Express. • The -Origin of 'the Are is a rays - tory,. and_ineendiarisna is susPeeted, • although the 'contillued dry spell • Engineer Nice, of Schrieber, was falling cinder of a Passing engine, may have caused ignition from: a um $3'25 •tO $3.86 co**on CON;63' $2 to $3 per • 'Advances?".. are, reported in the prices- of light: stocker al ,Their quo- '-tattTheoffi!u8kagi eCS'li6 ri-,7-tf"eilVes to$'4.W,Pere.: ca limited.. Their prices _ranged' from ‘',3_Tt°hoffictsPhe- " _ During the ftsealayear _1007a:there the deliveries of ‘,-.8heeli' 1,481 Cliinese. :Who entered', and lambs we're hee''°th ' e ca'i'es Canada 'fOr the first time, and 'each $6.70 per c -wt., (Off tars, 'Toro. nth. . Arrivals of chiness• show • no C INESE STILL ,CRAING'." Ar:Pto APenayco r to Prric.pfeetspTihtepn iSeoolx. tatY A clespa,tch ,from Otta,wa, says,: • Chinese are i becoming heavy .contr-, biz tors to the reVe'n of --Canada. " .held -steady • ' • • • • • - - . 'Select hogs were.firni at 'paidthe total a head tax of $500This made for "the year of $744,835. , do you do, T7:flu; tostay heuse a week, and I m sure you , -OM - eap-v-even-guess-•wne--t-a--km..-oin-- be you one thing." ,Visitor --`'What Tommy - bet you're no relation ox father'.' bkt demi nub,' 'on but are, rter on ..the'-increase;9or - :during- • ezfirst 7. - five months of the :present, year :there-. have „already arrived' Chinese- te the numher of 1,095 whO. have : 4i&AL;ilat44110:44.eka9g-111,*lin'TY. $552;826, or at the. rateef oile,r'one inirtdred thOusand dollars :Per month. ' Great Britain's' Largest an Warship Launched A despateh 'Trona- Porfsment11-; .England;" says: The St. Vincent, the laigest, and heaviest battleship ever hailt for the British nivia was laanchecl, successfully - • here.• on _Thursday: The Weather was fine and the- sea smooth, aacl great crowd saw the vessel take the water. As the warship, slipped. from her bleeks she v hittened by the -Countess BeauchataD. -a ----Connting•theathree-eraiaingabat- 31eships of the' Invineihleelass, the St 'Vincent is -the eighth .'i-essel of .fliepreadnotight type to be laanch- e 12'in .this country. The Admiral- ty- has -.observed: itsansual 'reticence with regard to the details of the design and eonstauctionof the a Vincent, -hut 'frOm. certain. fignres. Heaviest I:that:ay-ere ,given out it is :manifest. : Ahet the:experience :gained from the ha been tz1ized ini:this Vessel. It ie . -believed that ;some Of the addi- tionaltWeAghl.:pf 'Ake,: St. Vineent i.s• to be aeocainted. for by heavier -Mai-neat. for protection against tor- Pednea; and by ir.aProverneats ing greater seenrity„ to those cOn trolling- the nuivements of 'the .ship avhile-inaietion.,.......,Aanumberaaf_ far, eign naval. lattaches :attended the • ' ',launching, on the invitation of thea: AdTinheiraSItt.37V-incent W'as laid down in Decendoer of' la,st year. •She .is `sap- pesed is be -"of: abbot 19,250 tons and her cost has been gin.agt Tfibp-i000. ,. .....-7svALm-lgag JAILWALL' - 4O1tsE HOLDS UP TRAIN:: Pilsoner at-:,BrarttfOrd:-Itakes,Itis - Dashed- Across Gravid Trunk Steel • -: . , : ' '• ,, • . , Escape. , '-•," Arch.Bridgc at Falls ' , A despatch, from,. Brantford says : A despatch from Niagara Falls, About.a, eneath ago Wur-Putkei. NY., says On Thursdaymoaning . a wa4jineer , and te ietsteOnnanedt cheargoeioatiltibeorrsee-... a runaway "-horse, wi-cli ;star.td- eits „at ,. ... mad :Right iR- the Central freight . He serVed nearly a month's time. yard17111e 1,76,1, Ameridan .side-efathe , . We-dneeday , forenoon_ about : 11 river, ran : across ' tracks., over ploqk ,he escaped bysealnig the_ sWitChes and Out • upon the ippei. jail Wall, and, ,offi. cies,. .are .nowdeck of the Grand Trunk. steel arch • s-ea;rehiag-,tloe.-..cauntryafor--him::-a bridge._ It crossed_to,the_Canadian . -.._ side, Where it fell into, a cattle. - guard, stopping trat&e. It Was res:- • . MAY DIJILD' TO IMAGE ,RIVEm cued with difficulty. . • (a. -P. ft. Has SurVeyor Peace , . • „. • portepg- an North Country.,, , • .4 despatch • frem Winnipeg says ••:, 'William Pearce; suryeyor,. Of' Calgary, sent n -611h- some timeago -by ' the. :C. 1)..R., to, 106k Zan the conditions of the country' in. tile Lesset plave-Lakevra-Pea'ct distriets. ‘Eft ,thratigh that' eauntry and .will now take a. report to his cOnipaUy. It in stated, though not officially, :that this is the 'first inove of the C. P'.. i• • 1UNDESIBABLES-. AkiLfED,i- Danagratipn Branch Deported Over 1,081 People: 'A' deSpateh from Ottawa Says ; .A return ,issited by the immigration, • the__Intericpartnient shows that from the ist.,of January, ..to the 31st ot 414.1;031 people have been deported frota Canada to • the ccuistries- whence they came. pnr- nig the ;same period,' 486 People It. to -Wards boulding a line into the were teased adnnissian to, Canada noitir-Contitr‘y. • . ,st ocean wLLtts. roppoOliig: :qounsi;IT 'no • With:. Lyg, and He.Tried to Hit :Rita., --"a----Aadespaithafroina-Stal4hri,'„ _thot th Then: _ the Inm•yoye: • , say:s t ieford!.. ludo Eitehk on table to reach opponent, brit •he 'rushed around the '''''' 'Wednesday, a remarkable coprt- straek Baxter. , An astonished . 'MOTU sOefre-wat-enatted, While p ).14 -serieapt.• rectriel:od: .401.gh, the 'court Wee lying joidgaient in to reepive part of the'.' effect • a the lEe ease 0 le strikirrStnirm litjw;a6 throTerr-a---- printeas agaiaat..1-fenry T.".Hardy, BaNter Merely sirtiled* and. held • chatged 'with violating the alien ltv arm at‘.guard, judge Ilitehie bar. _act by bringing' man from' the asi--.sed apoiog the couttfrom„ ' • States to replace the.cistrikerS, 3. Mit.. Mullen:. Sild •it wna nuvde.' Makter, counsel for Hardy,' in.; • lined - Raid v • 8250 or teriected.. :tOluurk,... batici mouths in" jffilt .nt $aicl tiats4. nOntil,, for the printers; in doubt as • to his' jurisdktido in Obi eeteda Words. :passed, and Alt_ the eeAe, tbe offence. if any .was I-laic:ter finally said the lust tinic he coraiiiitte'd the'Unitad .f.:3tatra, iiiteraupted. the eehrt it was -when wonid. like, the 'opinion af, tha Sta. •thc. cottawa5. ' to, "Wit() -rt-tme ,Court. deposit' lied 7" .aiked Mr: Mulksi,, I'ou .opt -ed peudiug the ,na.- • did," was the reply. Mr, Mullen pa). •