HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-09-10, Page 6leaf..41,1/4<kAnini4g'
inovweauniPi.,- da L. At -A-:
hese :proofs of:unhappy eouditiO
re TftniLipyiug• a�- rlijtiilly i&
'at, ppers
et 1u int-atatitstics�foii-
Ad death:sentence . Ceit041
e :agreealgii reaclin
Blade It
.1 a
a`` canOf 'eTerusalen14
e4t. of OAf=1-! 'United Ring.,
there, and the
rule -eh are narrateir
Optera following.
‘11"i"..3 Sirk•17'.15,WED TO POS
alt.FVYliter• Fisherniel SaY
'11;!t 0 by 040 power of ed, are erence fur the 430ml:that_ se,ems: to tlICIOr-T.44,''-, '1)0001/S,..plit
. , , .„ Herring-iVill "Cure Rhau.--
• „ ,
. thrOugh.,,,fatiliK.ritnte-a '841-' 'be :the final soal of, alt.;
:•,",,,i4y. it.:0*.f'#41"."4-.3-41- t;',.‘11°, ; it ur, a ;,-,--'44.,4 0 --- Irv's t i ,i.ig",..41-7.5-, Lsgt-lirlf-' 2"1-747 tali' '-ir,:iii 'tit ' tiiel '.'""'Illiitizi' -:."-L4 *'"'"u"gle'-'-rilL.--"fR'
,,,--7.4,Pett.tr,t.„. y.-. , -.- , . ciiidel 'fear haa ,60-en;41.14ea,ti_XO-Cr2i'-'' ',-------,...L-'-,-.L.,=-•": 'esiikti-;i--------,•;--------e--!--i--!' The' One-fteli--`,Ined-eine of -whieli
"e_...e.Ps-uP to Yea' Oa; tile CalitIOrk Of a, world ordered by au.-; • „;, ', -. ' -_ .._'- X;140darrt Sele4ee triXOX70111'ghlY 4,1'..).prOVC.
You by the 44.404plei.- '4aite leve: and. -we have genie ' to .;-,,,",.-Yell...'Wollicl_,-enioY --a• -long ...late is,,a00.,wn,,,, oili,intit <this ,thioutiu in
'- .: .'.f4r,a, 3F011,', iikVe:de ' :askir. i'•:.1(1eW''' gue4tiOn i - .Mter: 1,11,-" is YOU ''S -AY', . si .122e P. .133-111 -5 ?I' -(44 fax Ian form hen arm -
e .asii,,,, -,-.;eiantent, there- ,nY1-,Iiitig iri an' the .,iiniverse anY ,r -42g,1911- 1 done...lomat:on), -;•(-1'r :6iiir,., iiiii ' SW0,1/0y.ad. in -, toitsevary
.. • ' what, ‘ avier <40. to fear.,T-; Do not everY;;;-OPonieg f4-iling'; °Iat ':a . g-41.4,nQr, 6 ga1916- 7e4r,'' , -. :! •••<. ' - . ,:. 7 ::,- •• .
• r 'Ii; ..,._ot, ' '11,i7 -`be' trne- ek.'we. 'Page::,01:Uatota'S..- ',great' ;leek '011,, 1-*P-P-0,n?.:•4-417401:'Or.,::4' -r-tIlwa".„Y •Ritk.:,,"- -./. ',Tn. Old'L:clays a much wider use was'
'e:.still,.teld;-..ilait, withent ' sortie, .elo§e, unvarying ,; law Working, 011:4 10,...,11" '..31F1,,V-er, lea4e,S:r:',VielEkee9.9a '"V,iit:Y„ 'ill.a4`i'O'f' SOX' as curies for variona
eiiite,,,.Marked:2;,eliPerienee.ealled :purPoSes 'Of-iiiiineasarabia'Anyel ::, :ljnixini.ele:- ' - : - -- •eiils,'* and -sOin& Of 'these practices
cSalVatien,'":"WO.7nre alt. in -,irargiii;-• , ...At "' 4 t -i 1 ' ' - 11 '_': • ' Theag,i . ,siccording:. to • pi:,;-, Jelin, have,laniVived,,te -the present: day.
entr•Perik-.tha Wonder' ; iS, that the l';,f0:=;wbether• we'keiv6-1,66<xi,roseneet .:•TfatP!:a. relsO"''t• 0' .-`06Ate#Istre"F'-- 'game little. time ago 'il'bOy...0icci 'of
(11:W:hail itilir6'tch' ri;4:a,,,,o,i'iit:bstti'ie'‘(::ks:41,,-,:,416,7).01:°' iria ka°11fit:ito, '; . I '- ftell; i :e°6ini 41 ,;:'; 1,:tih4i .:''' :4' °, , :is!. : e ,t b: 4: t, *II* ' e°64:1' ' ' i tfgar.';'!2 ,1 t ill Lift itai nid:, eh:i nt' .l le! t::' .'" ',:°1,!;_!,,°:45lieirl'. 1,4710 94' 9"i!:4a7. ther-i'ai, r it' 14-hu,e7e': t" illle:1!tgll. 7;6- h -%1' el hr: al ie. .1i:- ''.:'1':iritn ihqlreet)1171ftr•ti: .' C4' North1' di6 41eiis' We; ' el;: 1:2/ liat' a: ' d -1: it ::::: jelnili 1:
Ort.-:!.."Tbey',,,,liire 111'A *Old ' of fear, ::*:a-,arev" 'tea:AY • In 'die ; isena.nt°'' We', ''f"...'lii.1.,*'be*--P,-(4i:Pen-t :nf*.l'inik'';'vir"Y" given '•Iliai.'inedieint - . •,:' "Oh . 'yea,'
for; they are'enlY „partiy:'delilieed ,fil*,7e - hargai;i:01,0* heaven;; - 'the `,,,Atj'''',..t f',':;ntheire,,nd*O.g.ihe'en14e;'enele' wait,' tlie"--,ansWer: ;14'0 Illillt.7 .0
'Oxiii that 'fitafe:ef ***aiierY.:j4,11:ktichf, *Oat', itinestien , hi -Whether,: *e**Y ar-13 rhtie' gilli,77Tttri.:' 1,11:4-°!.e,:h7i,; . ::bt17-t,,,,': r7,,,e'" glk,ine,*,i' tic i', , tit;;4"-i'hair ton, etd.c..e'ilb-tv ?:•''',"."47"Zi?'4°B,.nd
h(.6 wiA.0,..,aillilraiSe "WiliS p0aP,167d*ith' ..641434 front.: the :old life,!-,ef . tear, ,of,
'tii,.::,apirita -::-,cr.ttel-i'-'041$7.:; Ate'i-4,.'t4r- *6 4*61415inking''41*-'!('''-igh" ",S1"t' s'"°*nt;..tkidwa*;1,'4e-:',U0S4di-Yei-ei= ' '- leii4's:itra-,-,..4;_nesia to 'ixiaSeaa'.4.1.1
. ' Min( They walk n, the- *614d -into' the- hilt rife, of faith, ae-, ' the *:aridertakr:and' the . tOhea"-... •
, . • , • As -COMpared. with iaWyers. Dr., kuil:::• ';,::41:i1„,„t6t,:id' ri:d''.t,..11,,,,,141;sal://olutei'
- /Tile'', that, a<S,-. into'the ;lif„, e ;in larnionY-7l.th',01olra ePoist, -:,. ' . ' l' -5', .',...,.. . I ,. '' . of inedit*e, .it powder made Made of ':tflqs'.
-awning .1ialls, universe. : ' ,• - -, „ • „
*Ai' ii , , .,, . sATNATiON ls "it r*R°CESS ‘. Tathaea „recerrl0.; -11101:0417243ii ''..el.e- 'al:i<044,4ar AesafneesS''•• ' d- Wita 'al
- If this , Ivor' "a, ered .03 tic!' ',f!iiiii not.n;pilie it, ia.a.life:and• not , an ... - , so,
eu Ifee,,,' e XXXXiTeriaiedlirrangeinent -;It ia'centin *
i‘ 111?illet'T::114;:ig, -;;17*11.111:''''tgeht'i:-°4elilr-SY,16;" ,tilletcleetadot Oafsetil ?if arl:::S64'11f.6Urs:eerci
O '-ese.ocir,-,.
indeed'`-''ii•'•'•:i6'•I'n'' ?-01,i4-: it may he; th'n7t it.::.e.Ye- t '71)4 thaiit'<....'iVniiitr't."tet#,.,,Arttitiiiiiitaitlfria?.:13.*:'' 'hY.'1),.,l',!"tell",-0,-Ohlaats are' 4 reeledY fpr
pr. ::::0;..-,,-4,07: i6itia,:t..,:jiCo.,.11261;i10.,6:t.ill:e..d.o.i,r4,,.f,,ta°6:7;ti.,*ii:t3:,::,,erlue- ith10,4140•79.1e:i. delizilinpt!!.. ItiF.-,,een14,:siz-e.!::0;.;:niaxacwm,,17:91,,,11.tiii.,P-02, y_;ni,10,..'a4.7i-;,-:.zii",1;::: ;!0,1-1, oltr,"44111.11.1;!:--iitos:t..,.v..i.1--".u.ti,' tole,. -7,,r;o: .9f :th '6
ostitot.t:,,,,,,,in1;iriTi.,0,67,z_,.:;:;*;:ef:s,;,,,,,,r.„•.!! i i ,. 0 e; : h,,,;1:1::,,,,,,,71..th-w.:siiii.::iisr;:it::::;;T:0::::1;::iti:115:todog.ti::oi. ,:‘,.tpki:e:i;:ti:o,a4:,,ter.73,...:,,,,:::a:.,4:4iii:„.,, :, 'es of o:att:bute,.xtty .sfibo:.,:.:,!,,-__._kL.4a-:::::-idli,,-;l..t'4:*'::tst:;T.• ,::,'::::4:4,10)::::.'-:4;:'f-iirit::;;Ife7,-.:t_e'at.i:INP,:al,'°eii3i8:8,,i1:4:iianitO61::::.,-3.1iIrtil:o,i;i1.41.;
tsbo Citlit:fi..•70,tili.',„:i°1:rie0, iW,:ee.40'eella"2-thipoY.7,_-..01-1t.71t:-,,gliro-,-,:tsiz .‘'..-!yt,,, 11,,
-111 in .',ii.d is., 'ic:'-iiit,,:. ..-. eliXiii' d4 'gr"e;i7e4;;, .:•:,,7-**iiti,T" op'-'E.„.EI,....,..1P11"-;."-.•.,',..;.
.,•, . --
mr. wi a& t-::r1*G'Oward:',,Ethi.:°-1n-Onts'''',4rit!. h'ilr'.. cue 0n .`.. gx. ,. :-.17-4; '''Of'4)10-.701E-ni o - ,ili: iii;;. . :'.,'.,tfie",
SA.Oulit, ,
'''' ''' rn. nekt,-,to the • btlinall,..' skin is
XS 0
„___.2.,,,...- %.! .,I:ttlitoe6;,Wit6:hil,1..811* beili'itagVilliareerf'eftentd• eV- :' .:4 S gn ,O. , elltunes is '416
, e ..11" - - __:_.• -
'.0`..4...iiri4.... the' tRr.ea,nt_In.,...„. ra"•-•':',Only:14--:..,•-f*ith, '2.--. in-,,,theH-14reat e4li,,Oliei,,iii,..3, ila,,•'- -,''''' -
lifii,:ii which • we 100.`?e" 2014'''''714kve, out -.164&al•-.P<CP4
F.!<:TO-P';...erYWhere',•Iiiinian;-.•4i4;:diiine.,--.0n13'.• 'rb;l0.41-k,P464:;• relating„---
• - ;,,,,-,<,,,,, ..„..., ..,._,,... , . .„..„,... , ,...,,L...4,,„,,.
-...„-t-...-1, os,..plitii..-..in•:, a, -.WO.T.R1.., .. ornerea. DO - ,-.. ...,,......Y.,..,F1"5e„ ••,<,,
1:11I.D;P,1-R ' aka
p,,,ithili.:.,,i,14.:: Y4,..41•10i . ' ''ir,..r...'.:47i±..A,Drk4ine..4.49..sii.eliLfiill."4.-hy13.-pe.V”
re",:vilieni We'iiiiistitirtver;4. nicir';:
ai .:4".0-.*0:-0*PoPt4oil,,k,'''
the,tiitaief ;713,..tattoltY,r,:-
., ei':-E4;*0..t fkiiiii.---Aii,,,
e;fili: ' . ti *-.,iriioriedg,'-
e ' Alt 40.4ii:AW:e0;'
itA cal:jAiaiiii.4it',..,; '..Stiiiit
la:y4ISLini....ka_t alSci;yagaaas•sprains .or
Ci cent.-; Whil.their 4.4 ,e-T#s. :11i't-it-iiittlia'.04i,i: 17,..;„..,„,..,:„..,,,.:.is
in the right,
,fil7' 'i.‘''''....i:,;'4.''''',.5'''f:t11%*°:,..1'''. 11 .i;:'''k'il;":11.6t1.7ftr°'u:h"--.: ':i.ici(4:61t:16)1!;‘.:' :11!* 0 OF -9 c 4' c ' '1 : -i - 'IO''il i r: Lii ILT.." -
,. ,:, . k i ii 4 ..,,, _516613: r Qird,e:::i'.'el:mi6rkillIghtgyi'g:It,'.. hve:,'''' 'ii - , e F ''' '11; i*. '"-i14:rs ' :if: :, ::P;hhi seialli'd'ei nek 1 II:- ell3'4: b: ; 'aNe 1117;i!i*;?;:i'i illeli*ae :ir.::ena:e,11.*,.: which-Y't;1°aI
i et*O, ', •*'''t-th6'..,11'.1:;(tri'eli7jig:::-..':1.:,::.....ttie,:::',._,I-6:',t41:, 6 , . ,..'.'-:. ;,'.'t',,r,;ej:.i.tl::ij_:; ' ''.''''''''hallI 'iti te'l's c' ittrile 8:11 li
':c/iiiii :tie ''by..c4-444ence. ;the. .mpr ,,...
' ' - —,,b. , - • le suiode ,wriit--0.
which-Ihe :ravage ,,., ,
r,, 71, less:in•:::,ho:
:4::ikat:;';771' But
< is7.iorore ''---131`eit'`thellrit--;',...-...!i'e::-a,:t..',i,lierring:-..,,TIle•
greater ii flh
:ing -year :One....):64A'..,46.H.OikrAl_te::„.*.e.a.
„:".-.9,ti in::;:<ii44Ho.:,t,t_:fit4ite:oil::•rie7ut::,a::;i;tt,..ft.).i,w,-i:e,jir:4:...c.,.o:„u,;ji.,i„,ri_4Nva.slsi.t,!..ri,:,,,
•:.r.iii,,*6 ..,eii,',I.Agh; roiiiinilier:,PtHsuper.7
--.0,fitafellciwera... TheY.lietieve•that;":
,'Ilerring being-the:itieSt"Plentiful Of
iti more than detible as large. as any
4it0713,-a-v"..:0,7-ii"-iib7;'',;11:";:4-1"i'::'67-y-''''f-a'i:t-hTltiltil.4iXt.,Y;:d''ef, it;t4.,:t45.:. '
'WX:XX. wonder
, if
ers to gg .°-*g
a:,..:Werld' --Ythe faith in-
ind .t.- 3 4 0 :e', God;7:-e: r:3'1. :(:"- ':7:- °f• libeling;..:,„i1-aspiring,1::; 7:8 ;e': e ' ,p,..i' tl,i i” I. 4• ir,i°:.1':'. s;f:ile:0*, ,e- e -i_ •I' d.fe',.,.9 tr'' i ' 1 Ifi i i';:.",_ , g' 947- 31::: -i 1 God91tY; ,6 .0 ter
7: , : '1, . ,c, ,,lei:-' ei;Pe *;etiP3;:,. a .' : '''''41..i .t 'n. te.;' 7 " .°,frg..f...4;!iT,' :ah:' , t' ' i. ,.•, 1 4: ' .. i I '• :4 ' ' ' .'th rti ' '1' ''' `.. . 4 '' 17- .: 'icil''nl'i.e''ttt'lebtelt'rt:rliegClitg.::::..ii.'n°14t.iiCe;:;:i3111t:i476(11:1!'411:dni,i-3''',74=1.111-tu:th..i.rhe,'eil"...11.eder.nv°i€7a,
fe Y
eani W,hen, pneiof ho "kings" &ernes up;
frOiii'li:iit6';',-t-:::;isicah„tueii.li'::,,h,'':nic) .ri7 ' . ,
i1i titer, as he aazlearn-
*e 0
ne e 4. 011,•e,....i,*s.-,ci,,.<iiiit all ' law, .1 thO9uthaani ,n441;.A7tiatariiiint jaohoi,.;,;„:::V461",rtIthre .1)..-eliilw.clegr, 'qoff'"fiknill'o, '''W'llinr;c-,t7entt9i.7',
r et,._t., ''14,4Ciiii:1;'
i.,701.7m,;_t,, place
' ent nrJ ng of alt., in44#7 po4sk, „.. ,i,:',E.-•' ,.;-',.i,,ilisek,esitio ,, lick_
iiiii14 0 .1,-ev. a,nritAriw?geoit finit,Osear,- et 411 teen- :-Ticiird!,6erstm;':ef4iir,:eittkHeerito'Hogi7taiIity-Ted,(kgA414, Pt°4raii_Lle:h7116rfs ta'11-': : storm.ad:vfa1d7h.,' ''' g°,-flIti. trnihr, il6 iisi 1 '!3;1€:Y:
. ', ' .'- ' ' HENRY'-'''. COPE a
K - ' • ' - -'• 1,,, • - ; :,:; m.: • - - -f .11.;f4r suort.:1; et titi,-,„ ' ,, ..t. .'hi-thilek lire. : the :s*rfae-e.7 ee
&tears -
_ ,e,,,ef,„151* ae
Jo grace -to nndere n
le yielding- of da'Iid
4" "1".. ;.• t'S
, flutored .. mind,
ce expressionsSIpay
ell , .•
ZZ the legal
At. an "exaniination-liefere
cus ge, a wi ness exclaimed;
W& s up to ,
"tJu lordshIP,-
ttrlist do you<thean by being:np,te-
him I, 7 „, •
-was down ;upOlt2,hilai-'-',.• •:- '
“up_t„o;hlin,asaid _ad;,dirn upon him,"i
-,‘`Wliy, I Meal:, my lord, that as
deep as lie thniNiht" dog-.
ged him."
'71/71len biq lordship,. stili ,insisted
that lie did fiat, 'understand .' whit
was ,,napitat, the witness, exclainied.:
" "Lao: *f what ki4)14.t '16111iSt, be!"
"If he had Only said fort ;to him,' "
said the judge later, "I Ell,hoult.:1 have
over" 'Whieli., PaViel.;.had -,hee, ,,,,,i. - ,. ,_ fitiiii•Toati,h4atethen.i.tai,90.41 .'n.,°.;a..., • '_.de.ser.'0,7' !•t1 jiayi, intgh7..-6amp ',i,4,:orretos'ef;'7.-teh.:06,11'firio,eolt.'litietstnha.;_
li'76. Agir.diii.%71-=.--..' T44.hr'irte'.st05.r.,. Y•.-77,-, x:,: -‘.i.,;,,,,,-,,, .,:‘(,1
..'.. . ,tstiawiies.e:'-ti.-Iot-,n-,:lQ.-,P". .,',',•,',si:h.,,iloiet.:1-4"-",,,.. stked::''. Th'Lg:1:417ii-'!:•41.7a-tti'Y'l-ii•bc.-fi-'74P:. :rr't;.
, For--tI.i..vie.:kst"t6r:tI 1.4:1.0.::', those.:1,t'riell:::- ::,suirlhe. VraterS,:in, 71iich ..they,:.fe.ed
la,Shed '6,,,,I., , .
40 IP....0'!,*,-74-i-'72.5i.:-1.6* 7---.'=:t1X,.X.S f0r1041"' PrXehe 0.7;eFelliXtX7-77aY'; at was .-41'A76 aV0XXV.:Zir ac'xith7i°741-Th,i,Tegii;". glseer:' that,' in the .year ISO,' otie,
inAr„oittiql. , $ 50I.; ...L.:x.D.;:ii;;PlyZa0.4..ny.,:a43-i,eaFiiiice,•ot .haustive.Y, tlhe,;,.,13h-•_..0 j. J.:, eiiilaw,tthet' • - 'Pfj. gTURBE
.,.,'ElEil7,...**.,' -
-- _.,-!. „---a-'";: , - :r6a17lie r --ti4iie,,:d Ic1-2.:110 il:i lit 61rtey!. -,witly "waied,lregarded'aS ':unoccupiet4".7 and: 'Intisic-----,---There- is -.-,a' story-it'llteVa-
„ -:,-•„,;;;,; ' T.".;,' - ,' '--'"-;',: "-Sainiiel"s priVite. .anoiiiting'-'4. an. lided;'18- given.: :--She ;;i&tlieneefoi- the fisherinen say,..he, .eharioil.,., •by,
lar,,iiiiade. _Ring.' ' :' 4. They nnoiated;::;J)44jet, king ' L.---:. .reomed, heme -:-.,PernactrieritlY,•inva'-', •s.a, fir ':- orth-aa-the,,,Staity,Carti---sO-
'is-ts,with.their ,families:. -, ' .,. . ; • chinglitei of.,:ig •brieldayer, Who: has ahealau p .the_Cornish_coists, and
;;ineik;" went; -uP. '.8'S '..iii..4eee,61e:',,,06,10#_: tese- Of.'74• '"ileele,gti••• 'S'11'7Fkitti , e, 'llellrillgt .b14. P 7 , found ,iii. -large
' ',Warlike.:: :Purpose, : ' fite.',.-i'and-liiS"1 fall,,ef, d• cult . L,F. k i st ce, the ,:' ,'Pl;Icharde,-.:41.1:..nair re tivee:1"TOrthe
0 vp.th,- hia :household. : women., 1 , ....
' L---'''- ' -,;_ ' . 4g,h-le',i'-.;', '• in---4,4..ni-Lh.' ' - 'e-re4-7.7a'd,Hc%-Hh-Ock17., ',.--J-e-dan._,:. glIt=er • he-L_Oitehi0, 14.6LID'eAtill'eli,‘..
e"e :L'- tor t ig-HI.C.Li.4.4;,./..,14..E. fi6*.id, hi.tatielf.,.and MeMbers'Ofliia, 150.:_mention.lieng inacle•cit•-:lier-pre,..Aft....,SA-D7 isTapg,(.1,•ha*.177:11itors.iofto.io-
the:;:-dozitti,,•:,:of ' Sa111----aad,---Ina-sens f,..,-.„ -,.., . ,--',1- . . „ , , -,, .vious_ occupation. ,' - ,, • - Methodist ..cboi.r. aboard, ,, and One:
....t.T.• „faiii17::'6",-;r1.0-..ni,.a. ,°n<:::-Tas..:(1._,i.ihs,cni:;',.1.i",4- fie;.•,,,,,--t';‘,:c-"Daili;P:,,trih'!" ; j3177eu7s7"e•< l'.4- 73fiiii4h4,Davicys'. •tovil, , In. 0.e. Caie. Of .a..laiiiiiesd' viielaaa •..e*eeliegi, wheir,fiah w,ete segte6,,,4e.
fheilse','-.Lior-tribe..-----Saul-canie--frOm- this-cause-,woulcUrePPear=to,'oPeeete -crew '4eitao:-:te-POktie--1,----SoOn-liii-,-
hrone...- ' There was ..no .reaaini ; o •
• -. - - ,i.-- --.... .r.,`•': --r,7 ..;•,:i .: ''.- ' . , rival, tribe , of, lenja,Mair.adioin,- even .-more..„strongly- - the deceased chards were .seen leaping .all round
_.-,-_-. _ • . . .. ''''.. ing,pthe.„nor_th...' - L'• :._• ''.,, __:_:_wemani-being_fle_0_0_1;e4.',..eininlY as -a.,the beat, and, Of, ill the';111..„Tty.:boats
-,Paiid .inquired.. of - Jehovaii----,---,:-By, , ..The,nin-of..3;n4.e.tiihjoieTna.-Li-,nr an .wife nr,
widoW,1. With -mention of her .iii Alia bey,--• this': eand '.;'its nearest
in ails, Of.:'", he.„;iiiy4erioiis "Ephoil'.. -
„...A account ' of. this-. : p-ploit, • ..;see.,,,last, .hashandoveccupation, but „without :. neighbors ,were._:theAnly.,ienes.,,to get
-'''''' Iihi'S-'il4it ,..9le:t krifi's ' ' ""'""' ' e le- I * ( "- Sam.i. 1 1044) Me don :lot her' ' ; l- .- •--,,7--, ---- - -a:haul,- ef-.fieli:,,,.; .•'.,",,,,,,,,,,---,,,,, •,, ;, • which•,--....-
„,,,.,,,, ,,.,..,,,;..--,,„„-L:-..., ;.,,, ,,„.., „_./.,...,.. -w• 6 A-- esson.... 1....‘,,,, . -:-.--;-,,, - n. - - own.,- - .:, , :4, . ., :, , :
'',"••-.i.:g4.Y,--wi,•,---.:- Li.% -.mei,. ,',...,..94:iwii*Giu.: • 5' ' D aVid: sent :itiearlenger: Sin- ;..'it is '-rath0r.l'curious that eetersi. 01 alt .the different kinds of fish.:
'1)..*".4'11."-44-*” Ail the'4,.'''*-4101r0ss._.:: kl: :cer.e...i.,;*-presiiion•'-it4-4!,10::&4010i2. '9XX ' .9,1106Ts '11134' ' jTinw:"--31.77A1,1i44./ififi: no 'iP,Z,' 04etf, is none more iijklig•PrPlla
ti,1*' --%Y;;-•17:Vhe:;EP.,40'fLiei.)1P.'7.c_*-- thre--,p,art:•-Of :pii.iiit•Aiwai4o,,,a---iii-oit, :iilaee-Hiii.4036!'-tabl* 'eVen.•41';'the ,thiiiiliing,linin'g,:fer:761:1d-'iiii the lee'
Ii.et;i1.... -074-.4441•Iiirigtice:t-fini and Thum- . egaeio - „politietil get :Of • cOhilfi,,,,,' "lit 6/4,, ','Evett. ziellietieally.q,*4.7.ni:i.”3it, .4nd4Q4.iidden.Banke-ef--Newfaiiiild.
Oisaerectle-f-Whieli'.-Wati.":0ait, 'f.' t-4-1,., . 1--
ferran..-ersissien of the divine Will:- 7A -'.3---,-"--;-'"'--;;;,,,--7.1' '7-'7'7' - ' ' -'''" ``' be '''iliti.°4t. 'S' H illiii*"'Ilt ' !868. ' '''*'t laitt; ' -t-i 1 11 the d ,I'M. el*
p4iiicrs delienclinee:,-iipen:4-ehO*ah' ',' ,...;Lil.-‘11-P's-34eS13.0,-,,,-/:'-1-. COSter . enge,Oi,' - '.'w-ig-thakeirsH.:' and- 'CiirrY•ferN'''Iulicrir"afi:o .fiefo-4bniiiitt•-the
,tc,son in ...his,. loatlias for his sp,,, 6..1nlso W13-1;:re4nie Yen---:-A'4niet Chininey sWeePei .•WhO are all. inOliid-', .head • Of the e.od. This magic:t
ri•OVO-.1 before he takes the Atat step 'agiatiTt.-;'01 that I1!4 '..-l'i,s' 1; ....111.° ?littTifs' e_q•:. : . '''' .L ' ...: '. ''-':... ' ...': .Qwwl,icte'041.:;sis:hiseuts°4std041'91.t.h-Preree!tIrtrite:retenirt'se:
.te,Wara,the:kinnaliin:',.'-''''' ,, - ''' ,f4x - colcuig to.... leonine their city.- ', . . , ,
. .
Shall i ' ' , - _1_,:4?- ' 1 ' Ill - • ' ./ Ici-. reality they '': are .! .in .:the very - ''' ' . ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ' . ' of in inch long, narrow, and pyre,
e*OnntrY,,' d -i. rect..IY:', "Senth_ of. ,jrwiarhs r,' heart, of, ..IaliLbosheth's '
, , rival king- . . '1:411:0-EIt PROM -SPRINGS.
' twil.Aitne)otihneer7ichra.rinjW'hich used to bo,
*bore, -lie,hadlieen-liVing. . . laon(wl, rth..' its. • ear .t 4,,Iietir y ,„ ,.t. _,....,_.
toWn t.,..,..,...._,..„,,..„,,44ri''"AP4---,,F-0977:114117 ;and, perhaps.; '-stiii .18;4, it. .•;fairotite
nillieeshst'aiti"Lh,,A.;:; J!e"ue:til:. Tri“t:nedititt;tewrie_. .;7_;_tert'y.'"Our 'liands :IVO 804 .:viiiid', 0:0,04,00 '..,':.4r1!!'•„k' ,-frq-M ':te,,tr-, :among „the tiiherMen : of lo!Torth Seotr.•
't;iietill81'. and.: en.' t e land' and- NorWaY-ic(the.,;-dried eye
47; i 'Miles' ',north cif ::- Beersheba,'
: . .,. . _ ., . 0 - • ,, . , . , , , . . . Ma. =......7.7.- . ... .... ___ „....
i t i:e ,iiii., Lutnt--Lthis ,iaL.,,the ihi<*okiiii...iiiiiieig-71#tho
;', Ii<iiiisio -7suitatii,-. te-warlihe Illaidelii. :a .warniag 1-eceiitly. giien a .. ,641-44i.ti . , . .
,tti;h1:•,c,chnpwitasi::,acif ..3iiird4nh.iilY., geet.das-t°c0---liabe: timca. ' Strerigth'and-valOr-"*ere a bY, ATC4eS7 E7 '..77" 7-727--!"., 7Some nsn :ate. Sal. - to be fko-rs ,,,Tphot.•aii. hic,s2,:telLenbc;.,..cie.sx,,p_1,4or.frofricanliverrfl, tiu,,..,...thartitylot,.._64.4,
niandin$0 ''sitiiited: en thejiigkest: 'mest .de,4Ire.ck -
T110;itortia40-.13#10kIj#44.y, toevt#Iiit, ''..,,, ,14.1"14 '4'a"'"a.,:ttk77-‘7'Ci tirely•superstitien, ,There, is, for in-
'levellit thelintleantridge; -iiiid-lioni'• 1 e hones for 'their • sennort.. . • . -. . . . • . ? stance, little doubt ', iibout the .iit-
to'''il..:.:*id-elY''.' preVaient• .‘ opinienY
the_earliest-tiiiieS.'had.,beciia, act, ..-..! , . - •• ' .- ,-- , ',-.L.,--,- ' - , +, • Monsieur' Mar.t01:: says' that:wenn
ter .et, ,iiistorie ."d religious iiitet: 1,7Tliert--.;'-,Atter''SiVeiirand a half ' . . - . . . e iuriotis effeets et the flesh' of.
of apparently pure :water are, m , . •
00. .The.patriarchs from'Atiranr on vears t)f se'eeessillI 'ille 'Ek6 Inht°'''''' Many. cases, merely .the outflow • Of _THE YELLOVi143ILIJED: pj_;,,AT,
hi-ett, atici7-se, me of---thetn• die't1 there, '' eame-7-711*vid-dIct'1416t". :fete° his surfaceLwaters ' whiCh " have disaii. - • .
bdoie , is.ia61. ,entered,;:ilie .land the' '11n0(1'e4t.3' °n the othertrih4:hilt peared- through -fiasa
ures; rrIn the BahaMaii threis a eariens.
ying .liellef ', that. ell . ' fish caught at the
Oaneemitee'‘ieyered it -as zi'ibrine,' welted' till they sought :him- .. - . .. with:them' pollution, from the sOn, ,?..sulioteud ., of oie___TA' 14,01.,a444
"e "LA. . • .„, ,, .
it heeame one of , re- A112.the"trilimi-of-linael-----nr.i.ufair ,and not pi7/-ed-Tiii : 'OHO 1<*s/lia,gt, p rovid 6,nee are paisea,0,10 ;. while,
ftige; and being on One'Of 'the' trunk ,:representatives the .1:7elders (verser*threngh the rocks. ' He thinks that 0,i0. flesh of siiiiilar fish. taken;dit..
roads' of, Palatine it Was, always: a ,
thriVing market eitY." From now CU • • ThY bOrie and thy ;''flesli-A cOur- i
even chalk ie not i$:1' effOetlia_12 'filter 711,tobriii3iws 9pueird. never
for surface -water .passing. through
Lfigures largeli,LintrqtuneS'of teens intrq_nctiOnA their address it, . . - ' -. '. --''''''i''''''''''''''''''''''' 4-iiiii•AO,f•tPieli•-.:the',:fleiili:;-or tliF:-bar.i
the- 'Hebrew" kir'-iidSial4 . We vera -6.•3 'Re-allY:tene, 'tee rthetnien' of Israel'
taceuta; a . kind of :huge -'salt-water
bar -
shows, Hebron was :a-, district ' aii later . refer to David's tribeas 'emir
. , pike, ;common in the Gulf Of, Mai-
well tbS • a Oitgt. The -Word "city" :brethren the Ion of Judah'' .0
It's tottietilnea easier to. Catkli On; '10600.04Hbe,;6.hthearlite*YheL.-thhaairt.,4htint:r' result
uslially ' -Meant the ..,town • -with its Sam, l'.6.' 44); ' ' • , I.
'A .ikni,14' fall. off, . ' • Yet harraceuta
,°..int oil' ttoilv,triSrvd" s_ti.e, tw' 0 NearhO'm' t1-2eiritnet''Sehtilleciitlia-It*.:eldelliilit '1); t• 4.'114' iht;i1:6.'iltk:t.'17kb;itlii ao.se," said
ilia ineati-' though 'coarse, is not partictl.
lie; took to himself ' durin ' his Years' double PUrPose• ••• It 'ettlett'. any the . client, "hitt' I - ..liave inoneY.""!
0 eicile; ',.K.,a(clre.-tithr'h 77-1X4It'VIP47'"'" ':Iiitigilting..''..e,?"•t6.-..t.121.4• :JeYeit,.0 "HOW' eoneh I"' 'ieliej "the '144/411-.- 141105'.1.ki-:*•101111g6lesttirli'kee-'the---S. tOt.. ...agHtli-a-t
iiid, .mioluti,,.. ,sociirs ...a-iiii.14.......bor. ....s7itiii; even'. -Wteir.V6 y4•6-0.'g:r....kurig• .-rlingirttionsfia:"±aari.$187.. Yleii .0 Ash could utter 'ap.diiite: sounds were
tin4: heen :detativ6,1 01,, ,_ her by. the thek, had ee*.'Ye4. 1-1440t P0,10'' 04' -fel'IY' ..." .9?he.'''''i Y611''`have .t4 best. looked upon bit' science aft •puroly;
a, alort- "to/4'161e ;het ;of the,' w.;v•es A Lteedrindef4ftor°IiiIiiltnaaryblitta.°udgeth---stt'..'t se",,iiinlite,o'ki'6.:tiva:i;:.•th.e4.:.r.ldawiyLe'r:,r elih:eu.:ri)'1'ilt,i,tilya. t:.,. li'.,fifkiciri6nbh:litele.:1:4,,itf,er,nito,./',4Ah:t;:sji.alat.e;a:CI:iili.:110:tti:iiniadllc"1:i.e!Lfiali:€4.°1:11jIlit}dtiti'
D.O.Nid` 11" ' ak if015i-ell. tee 2,'S.6.1ii. ' Shepherd O. my peop, 6,---4 is -la
f " I 41`W••'' ' • :And. hie didn't; he he Went ' 'there'
king's cOniniand.',` She iaretarned his general.. . . ' ' ' • .. .
'.3'ott never .,go 'to...:priion.. with that.
to hirnlater.„(2.;Sare...:.a l.3): •VOT:
.., 2'5- SOicile' Of tileo represented tht; ;first, .use of 'shepherd' in. a
BaltieYAII 'ef• .31.0; lifov's 1610h ' of ' eight ' feet; ,.has a digcon,
Pte'PaltlitaIetaeled7oluil:i:ritt'er'I'„ohti41°.1-)°11.1:fid-' bfruritteiva4.113crtyniit:nt!IWei'tr thi6e'la'te-Trt• children eall. her the',''inater,' Thn't; 'etithig ha,bit of. leaving the water
arld • hip 00s odiuiv•-btiiobi --mid. suf- prop-e.etS, ,- There ,Inai he a. delicate ,fi, ifie,O to 5e.6 giloir affection 1 l3a.i.- tipnattkiirgtazolontt.i, obvieficitititif.dasnItarg'stori:::..
fpring: ' • ' ; . ,. allitgioti JO 'PavidN: fillOPIlerd duties46•Y,'-'--4"l'hat , isn't ; affection . .13h6
.Jegr•eeriteg$ , . -: Carmelite -$(4' 4.1. a 14d, .; . . ' ' • - :' • - succeeded in rearrAng ett th.; • A; small; fish 'found off ,the Texan
C...-....- tlie fitniotte valley of ..,Iezreel, ,.3., Made.= a co*eilantith Itill!tu- .datiOiltarS''in'si,e ''Yeara and tho,
"...irialgan And :literiarty-oritinte
an, _argument the _other." iiight,!!__
marked O'Flaherty. "Indeed!"
said MurPhy, "and what did they
arrilie. a tick-
nigam 'arrived:: at the. hospital. and
Moriarty it the pollee
Little Willie--"SaY, Pa, 'When two
.; nations are at war; what is meant I
hrthe-strict, -neutrality- Or:a-nether
Pa, --"It means, my son,. that the
tether nation will not supply arms
and ammunition ' to .either of the
• contestants-7-exeept for cash."
"'What prompted you to rob this
man's till?", asked the iiidge,of the
prisoner. .
"My family lihM04_4;:,:sit," was
the reply; "he 'told the it was ab-
,solcitely necessary that I should
have a little change;i:'•
"•Talk about sandals haVing no
Intel] igence'!" exclaimed tit *met-
tive member of a club, 'lily doe.
RoVer,,oannot sneak, I admit, but
he has as much sense as 1 have.'-'
• "Verv likely," admitted a-
tbat-riOeiliztp,tc,;,. that.
Q14 .
coaiitthe "hoeraul en"-inakes
snd 4 13F fiklyooinu:nttwoCamoTtli. totettotilh.elpeezrrtele'i of the 016C,11.1etid Sam ,ictailicklrh_e_oht., et,h,ehe:fitit,asfattri.L4ceseartius: ththe5er.[;.16.70;11tordex,nt:tivi!.torailie?;r72,Yzii*Igr:41,,,,oacn7..hi. rif,,,ref4ahroettn:
gad CaTine), the soittbeill country 10'; ;, This,. like !David13 other i '
o'd that
patient 00.<04j'r
what he coflsid�rE
aliighoard. again,r,
' •
n ve
u$oeu -
6 ,
coLoswaltiora ENGLAND',,
hi-dotry:ior FJfut-Knapping t.- OW
still 01iiii4Y21(idia°:4:
,oid as , creation,,itself--;-;the.'ii4us
thOd eraployed te-daY‘ "iaprtreis
•"„tbe. agate, as that which our neolithi
,aptertattohr:irmilaislat't. baarvie9wu_e4eedd:t::...
EiglY.thoupi4u4-•., prepareci "; A/14
are. tareed out every week by the.
dezen or so Ilint-knappers Billatdsetnffl
piy their aiieient craft at -.)'
The .,method of' 'working"' is. as fol;
;flint :are -split.-into- quartera-', *Ito,
heavy hinimei;;--each' quarter., ia
flaked Mb, ' sharp pleC0S; and„
finaily each 'flake', istrnnnied or
knappedintO deuble-backed*
with a peculiar shark -edge*
el% This is done Withr,thel4
of a stersm-hanamer. A Sing*,
Ate n151-t8c;11198inutl of 1:Autfr; ei ian4isdia. aWarneeYati!!:;f:iri'tel,
-fez use' Of trappers 'and--dliciky- war.
Tiers( who •have -no more 'modern-
'firearans• than the flint -luck.
ets Of 0- 41.1acired 3rears
. -fernier daya. the .British
of, the 'BrancloiL,Ilint-knapperu, who
supp fe-d--7-the.: •
with gun,flints. And..even:Oo*Alie
uso fOr these ,flintir; for during the,
, last- Boer War"' flints were
for •atinsesr in i flint
--pb eorKse S.:'••;74,,,fit, 9
a week. To the hc3-day of t
craft the earninga were -Mitch -great
er and there, are. eld...men..in . ran
dom.' who Will tell you 'of:, the idaYS
' when the fliiit=knappera' used to
rilde Lown cm a .Sattarday night
with five -pound. notes pinned t<co
:their- caps:: . •
There is7" one- very. serial:1S' danger .
:in - nappers-s- re
in many eaSea. Jends `:prOduce
oontiunption- The knapper inhales
//Limit° particles of flint; which
into ;the tissues' of the lungs. Bo
ta4a". hworkereis wellnyP adiedm' dematl nd sa°F l'g9tInr%:
•ftlhtS there Will 'always he. inen'
- the- almost inevita,ble_--penaltv:•-1!"-
••• ,
Self-mastery •is half of all mor-
; Life without difficulties is but
: It takes_a tender heart to do the
really bard_ things._±,
._ The desired haven -is,. -not -reached
by sailing before the wind.
-to--be•- soundly
pious "sTi-long as piety is all sound.
s_saki___Amen to his
--:iiTy-irs--inairlie---gets. busy answer;
lag them-
• He who never...said -a-harsh word
eovfearynyo--noen.0--.fitiled,...-in .duty to
•The problems of iiny day are the
indications of the lceenTess of -its
conscience...-. -
come as a -result
of too much living for, 'good times
cyniciain-i the atrophy that COmes
• miss your gifts than you can afford
tc mthe giving% .
7- .
•is hard to see in what way ;
an imputed righteonsness , is better -
'than a -borrowed reputation.
if the; Man who boasts of always
•gewing7what he thinks were hon.est
he would say ;mighty little. • -
• There's a let difference b- -.
tween serving one of these little
ones -and towing=to.-Care--of---011-r---
He who only prays "Give us our
daily -hread--with 'butter,
t0Q," does not pray4eall and "he
dies of hunger.
No man is of much use in •this -
World untifhe has found something
more attractive than his personal
It is good deal easier to shut •
out the sights of' the world's neccli
than it is to evde your answera-
,bility.;dorthent_______._ -
..--Soine-thinit-thet:-:mnst.. the
beaten way to heaven because the,yak,
'gento be so' cuiccessful in heating
their way there. •
It makes a lot of difference whe-
ther you think of religion as
tem of medicine of as the simple
life of full moral health:,
it was eaSier to talk about saving
SoulS thati it was to serve : or the
'He's nOt What you would. call
StrialY handsonie'. said the .me-
obemusing thrOtigh his glasses on
an Utterly hideons baby as he.
htt#1iiig injiisinOthera.arms, "but
'it's the kind of face that grows on
"'It's not the kind .,Cif fa that ever grew on you," was 'the
iiidVgnant and linekpected reply of
the re-afet-cel-heic)ri:- t's,a4,(1
tel loekTng if it hex: 1".