HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-09-10, Page 4itt fit /at ts epi A.131Sii'"'T8. *TWO* = C7!!%i8 iso : -, SUBSCRIPTION $l;00 per time** ▪ page &hie stn advance; or $i 5t1 at end -of year. Ali tT S.,,aa aecripyions $Labii per agnapm. 6trictiy in advance,, COlkL14dTINICA`r10NE3 ` Lettere; dealing witth�li`ge to va of the day'aie solicited but ills npe� tl►9 CJtltribtater Ye pat-eA C�teYy a.' seQ'aeCo 010anY4lae comueixniestion. If de ired,ti triter's name, will, net be pu'blialted ' TUURS DAY,SEPT. 10, .1908 .' anted irr' uilr ter' is 417714 n►cagiat ` correspondent, If ,your sig is not getting atto ipn eve will be,' glad it you, °wa,11 beomile' out°•oorres 'pendent o1" rurg e.�ct the nanie ora suit.' able :person The vt�ork is interesting and has much educational value, Many a bright journalist has made a.'begin- fling in this way.: -Write us for pitta-` culars.:, - Western Fair LONDON, ONT., sEl'm l l l9 The Western Fan front,. .' the" stand- 1; point of an `agricultural 7E'ixhibition rs 1 grow ing'•uafavor year by' year The management are doing their` utmost to Make it successfiihalong these lines; large amount `of money {bas -been ex•: pexided this: ,year on horse' barns, a new one having been built, thus tak- ine,plenty`of 'accoinmodattion for.all. Encouraged' by the splendid' exhibit of ponies'last year' the prize list has;been: adjusted in this department and.e; fine exhibit is •looked for this year r du tl c cattle depaffinent ." a 'milking' ` contest has:. been 'added when • 850.00 will` be given in three prizes and, also :`silver Medal. for the winners in •this class -r The Prize List iii the other live :stock' ,departments has-been carefully revis ed . Single, entries: have;_beexi give_n_in :the:.pigeon :class, and a 'study. of 'the list throughout Will prove that the interests of .Live Stock .exhibitors have been well attended to. In,the Dairy Department; a new section has been ,added ".for ' best' collection of cheese The butters iakin competition .will again be:a _centre - of attraction, While cream sep�'ar��ators will be in ac tual operation in.the Dairy builds g. Thig vPa,r'y e xhibitioii should ko Our WnF.estern'Rea tiers ' . ''The" .Sentinel.` -believes' that" letters; from'former residents of Lucknow'or vicinity now residing in the West • will be of interest ;alike to Feeders at, home and elsewhere, acid invites its readers to send letters; for publication, either, dealing generally with, western affairs, or "giving „news items'. of '" interest to, home residers 'Foul name: will be withheld :or 'published asr.desired; but all communications , for pn'blication ie wt dsftion ;for test•;; 44. tors wit fhostt ?OOP pact to er with Our Shav ts 8Les •'ii>lptra '49 -inion >t� nor f e LAIN'®, AGENTS • 'SUTHERLAND 111wSURANCE MARINE EL maw ON & Gannow BASBISTEns,$OLIOI tors etc., Gl'oderich' Ont; . ib.-Dicisf nsony ' Chas. Garrow, a1. /a1ILC0M$bN,Barres+er, Solid+ e. • , ter, etc., at Lucknow 'on -Friday aud`Saturday of each week; 'PERFECT RAZOR" It is made of the finest j *rain steel; alullfuliyhum er '-'hardened by-- hand ;` , m tempered by It process e:- clusively end peculiarly the ppd'f.YYa.w.wvsYY r+ 3 � 1 with ti'precaution that pre- vents the- disturbance of the„ teinper every one in stock absolutely uniform with 'any, other 'ono; all keen enough to shave the most tender face smooth and comfoortablyi "without' irritation. 4. A"perfect Irazot"'is the creation of. ekille'tl.,laboi: of 'the highest Mass. From forge' le finish, thr ougb twenty op. orations, none but practical. workmen ',put a hand to it. if the steelis not just. right, or if the work `is' neglected;> • ii1'any stage of the znanufac. tore, the faults will, be Many: end annoyingly trims fest.' No . amount of after honing can;put e perfect,:'keen,:stnooth cutlery. edge on est imperfectly trade razor --yet nothing is sailer than tskiapa care of a good blade.. •' htvatry "perfect :razor" is set ready' for use, ceirefully tested wad erftically examined. •Now end then is blade is broken and • the 'grade and texture of the steell•ipicri+s'copically. . eSatnineei for' raiiirfeetimfis 'r ':Call, 'eiiaYrr in s, �)and con®ence.youtseif of its es smelt, p resQni'r 011 co'nleto.a course ellteiO1 t{i� 0,9,111 on may eat cold a iolnbwlrotraet Our enneaes fe- thorough.drptaetical Our: t eitts always: a oceed We idnatee to,:poaitionr# tWe leave• . LeparEmaate. Cowmereisi , ` • ands'�Telegraphfc we, iperieneed instructora:' Cat -.' em o 41 lliott & McLachlan PRINcIPI•ll.s: I .043.004,00-00,04;000.00000,00.>00 • q�p SELLavzs.INt ''.AGENT'S sO� -_1ET1E .itfoUBS SxESWe ,.o n-lo. Luckn„w,meets b0 every first dionday of each month in IOddlellowa 4i Ili Visiting brethren are; cordially invited - Or. Silence. C E. \.R. Oraham, E, S. 1 E- Agnew; h in-E3eo D RicYutoeii, Tress ID Limn—LorenA.F l J AiM.,_G R.C.; meets every rhnraday night On or - bcforre the fall moou,in the'- Masonic Hall. •- Havelock . street, Luckrow. Iia v€il B "DiSia l3i l2f� • Same subscribers residu!g't ni 'the I7nited :States \vho' are in arrea'rS+` ori apibscriptioit77:, ,will ° net receive this, `or suceeeding� issues of the Sentinel This is pursuant to a' fair warning given t1irongl3;. three columns a, few \veeks.i ago Postage rates ,oil papers goiri oto U S • are so high that we cannot continue sending'ihe•'Sentinel�` to sub s i 3e, rs who .do not : pay up pi omptIv: P• armhouse, says the Toronto Saturday •phone 'fit Farm Life , ids a `i�i:e711;"`•etlxuoraFLx� 8,ud ' 3u • tut j� :�a11, l o mlze Qd ri saxids ` They trill r'veluttenize arm life, change ata character all oge- -flier People will be lrought;together ,.,,ever before, anti_ =th®,isolation of l e tn'ily,_so -tying to womankind : Y ands from winch :young .people o eaigerly:eeoape, ::will be, at end. '+Tlie ;lonesome faruxlieusA avail no ager 15e shut' off fro ii the world, i�ut wYll.be linked: up with 'the rest of the nation.,`' Tlie news willscatter across A„conntrg +whiles yet . is news. :The e can :be an instant connection `iIeighher, or with her sister, sive miles away.. ; The husband, before riving to town;, can. ascertain -/What, produce .he'; can -eels;' and -, at what !prise, if lie takes it' With him. Them °doctor, in -Case of accident, can be, sumnmoned iii time 'to save life In short, the whole black grudge of ;the sociable ' human family against lonely.,countrylife, will ..be dispelled, for they will always be within hail of their friends ' far and near. It will 'cost sol ne money, bnt it will,. from the hist, ''earn more than; it will cost, :and be worth a hundred -fold more ` ' R. -R. MacLeod, use Tell- Hay 'Fever Friends-. Let them know, if they have Hay Fever or Asthma, that "Gatarrhoaone cures pierinsticntly Relief is instant and recultn guaranteedin the worst c ares. ' A;I[. defiers "s41H0at srrirozq` b for $1-oCi. tf1 The -miry ::Wangs 'Holmes: The following letter appears in the: _i,o-na atomaih tablets-andt vaell: Ripley Express A 50': cent box of 1ti o nl sio.mach• Dear Sir x on will confer a. -per sonar Y favor on me by publishing the fo1losv ablate leets for, a couple of weeks 'ani Ing lines; which I •drink wel p, be of in will ward off a dozen mild• attacks of - indigestion, while contl,iue-1 use wtlf" terest to manypersons;—ave '6:111 abaoltite and "complete—cure:s "Permit'me to state, Mr.' Editor, I•J G. Armeti ng • has seed so•many : neither:did I. -ani: -nota ..Gilt .partisan � -.: Gist candid; iii the re h 1 is cent p•t the A_ _ ..that>w he_givea.. a guarantee with every t vin �1 election as my-iriendt r ers on, b. 2 or • pjddiiig:cum er OftflEOfl s arm ur w ))_attended by the Agriculturalists 1 ' throughout the country. All inform 1” ation on application to the secretary. _• -r hurt :;of evistrarl, -'--laTotied-is-hereby-given -that-a-Geost will be. held, pursuant• to the Ontario- • Voters' Lists Act, by His, 'Honor the, Judge of ` the County 'Court of the County of Bruce at 'the Council°. Chamberlin the Town Hall,'Lucknow, on. Tuesday -the 22ndday of September 1908, at nine o'clock -in -the: forenoon; -to -heir' a d. detterinine - the sevessl,. complaints of 'errors and omissionsin" the- Voters' List of -themunicipality' of the Village. of Lucknow for the 'year 1908. - • A B MacLeod, All persons having business at the Court are requiredto attend at the said time. =and place. J'. E. AGNEW, T -Clerk' of the Village • of Luckiiow. Dated :":at"L`ueknow this eighth day of September, 1908. mei THE `'PLACE TO : PURCHASE PARLOR SUITS :: , PARLOR STANDS.} PARLOpR I�aa.00'K�ERS T( -PARLOR _9 F.S. G-DEEx7-F.'�crS" EXTEN•SION.'TABLES ATND SIDEEOkR' BEDROOM FIJRNIrURE. HALL a�'AGKS MI I IZOItS , STS NI —COUCHES: CURTAIN flLES El a: andu,see our Sham Holders for Iron an ood Beds•. . nder. akii ` ceives._..ourn, best . care_ and attention PietU! a '. Framing : A Specialty.. Worse.Than Onions; Bk-41 breath; frouriudigestion-, caont-t- be overcome with perfumes Nine -tenths of the offensi'e'breath isp,' result of :stomach trouble 'lt. cannot be overcome by brea'h por fumes or an_y; other pai'fate mPasaro If you hada a bad breath- tf there 1st h.artburo, flatulence, and gut -pangs o __tin.h 1gea, a cJ ; 1 e' .stomac burns or smarts; if. -there - is :tree i e ®esu nervousres4headaches or Lina. . other' symptoms of iftdrgeatipo, • use h. 4 V � • 1 > .- �'T = •• e �r / W:M=` cares nide by Mi o na stornao tab e ° era box to refund the moire f if it .fails.' ten pr in this neighborhood .know,•. but if I stow Lomas 112 'mteets ev ridgy evening at Stook in their hall, gnppbelistreet All brethren eordfiilli mvit¢i1 ' - )1,V J•. MacGregor. 111'..G. D.-Mallongh,F.ilec, !L.'V McKenzie, RS A. Boss, Tres• �tlegNOW LOnoE Ix •, .A dependent Order of Foresters' meets in :the O.fdfellow'e Hall" on;tbe last .Tuesday of each month at 2.30 o'clock. .Visiting, bre- thren are :Cordially in vote+ ' to attend. ' P. McDonald Q: It,T. S. Reid, Fin: Sec T E. Lawrence, Rec. Sec. lechers Meat Market, Our aim ,: is to Please.: SMITJL Y cosy .Flaying purchased the Butehenng .�usiW ess formerly carried m by :D.1 Charles it Will be aim '.lo al- ways-parry 1p w our • . .•- live zvc�ys carry a tall o ::..Cured Me :gzen toe , allv . , : orders'.: .Meats' will, , have our best` attention J. D. "SMITI-1, Manager had vote in the ' West Riding of Huron, into. which , territory we• can, throw a stone; I .would Withoutmement's hesitation, vote; for Bob Holmes, who is endorsed by the Grit. Synopsis oi'Canadian -North-"' party, My-,-conservative--friends in, •Wes one voice will ask me, why 4 My an sweris this: --Because I honestly and 'HOMESTEAD RECUL�i1®'SIS trulybelieve this 'count wants Bob " NY even numbered eeotxonwof,Dominion � � Lauda in M><nitoba.;Sasiiatcliewan•a`trd Holmes; eve need men of; his character Alberta. 'excepting 8 and 26, not reserved , • in .public life en both 'sides. I have may be homesteaded byany. person who is. r„r voa a '� the'•scle head of n family,,or any' male over -auvu"yF.`�-.u-'v1.9111,..4.'i44- 4-: rte,-_d...>i::. ::r r x8"ye'arS d f ,tgc: `t( tarts -east sttt" of Dain rlv ., zcr never knew or heard of hint doings a 'section of 160 acres more or leas. mean aCt,_:a _Ipari. who, heti, stood the, A plication for. entry, must lee made in uer- test in ublic and rivate 1,ife. 1. know agent tithe ubp is eney tit° UtterYirriy s 'Lands. p ,y P agency or Sub n'�oncy for the district in of his. struggles when a poor. boy, and which the land is situate, Entry, by proxy it is by /1-743 perseverance and in= ' may, hc'wever. be made at an ng..ncs'•'on csr-: tuin,do1e soars by the',fath�r, mother, son tegr ty, that he is beforee people to- daughter'.' brother or sister of the ,b(tending i ay. And Iet me ails tiny iii it that homesteader' ' throughout: the province all eyes are turned 011 West Huron, watching Hoimes2 ' 'Why iS, it that /he Liberal party took lain up .' anti- have- again made him -their candidate) Is it�not because he is a man of brains, alert to ppprf +r>ra'the ' r gaired re id«ace. du see by the wants of the country, full of energy ant°Its n ,nu a . land, ty (80) ab es � 41 e, to t, mfu' nci. courageous. I have never yet the vicinity of hi hoint-t.i l Joint owner=., found among:those who • opposed him 'ship inland will not. inset t ni4reittuirement an :who would sa":that lie wars.mean 3: If the father (or in Iter of the father its - y 9. deceased) efa', h'Jsatesteadert has.. permanent or unsct1 Mous .in his` campaign, , 1Te resiience on ,farming +' li►ad .=owned solely by p tee' is to his o Lim; not leis than eighty [801 acres: in"extent', was' almost top sympathetic p -1111-; nentsY--a ` I statesman •in . hili con-, y :him r nt•on„r+ -iuvecin%of"`liis "hotisontead,. rs po •. l entipred for .lean to the' vicinity, wlio . ied: a clean homeatoa , 'ads • ' `ert•erm `Lia' own re ducat,. and a man has erten home +ie may pe ., wr► e upright life ..honorable:*r sueeesSful ;id' tber 'duties by. wing ;with the father'' or• MA � Yt in hitt business career. should .be n0. su rifts to, the public that I take ility. pen and write "The Country Wants, Bob 11elmes,” .and I earnestly hope that every ` intelligent man in Went Micron irrespective of his polities; at; the coming. Dominion election win See that thecountry gets him. ' "flanking ublyou' Yn anticipation that h_. the.abrve letter -..as. w111 iS fou eel" I ain only doing" my duty. I sin yours, •A k'. G, 1,00:4 Pine l ,fiver' The k+tntates.der n rcclaire ,,to perform t conditions c innectrd therewith :under eriee Of the f plops : 1 A` lean Six months residence upon and• c eltivation of that_ land iu: etch y.eneferr three years .. 2-n halneateader. mal. if he, so desires, . seeks agog 4444-44.4 -1 it n r"- C n -� how are s w ear out or- break' to them.; -�- dry• vt 4•-Tbe:term "vicinity" In the two preced- paragraph's• te define i as, meaning not more than nine' miles en -a direct liar, exclaeiv4 of. the width " of road allowabcea'chased is., the measurement F -n honie,ader' intend'inn to perform . hie residence duties in acc•+r.lance with the above while living with parents or on:farwing land owned•hy,,himnelf jibs notify•the Agent' for the district, of such' intention, • Six rYiotYths' arsine is writing `ahonld be seen to .'the Commissioner,, of , Doinititotr gsti8 'tet Ot of i°tention..to'a il: •, for: 7 a`' tawtc pl Y patent. ' 'i'V' w Col1Y T3aputy of the 1V,if�nister of Interler B-.-tdautli'nrized .publication uf;F.thle iedvertiae'inent will h it be paid tor. -4 °w t 1• dee stable' I3E .GANG.:.belbre •baying. :� e Are also prepared to supply yogi with, the most 11114o -date. ingl . ". r S o e Fttlr ow. Walking; •1�r�itse�� twins, 3 horse talls and Sulky R1fllngI1olghs, manufactured by the .lahowin firm • TETE' WILIKINSON • •PLOUGII C4 ' THE 'COOKSILU•FT • PLOUGH CO.r ; ' . .,. , .. ,• :. . �,i 'TEES ' :..... :.'.'. ''.. :.. � .. S,T R.0; lfj�E LvNiIZO�7,r .rLEESW'ATER , THE•, .F:R O S' T' & 'YY O'O D 0.04 stock of :Piow• a ars--atwa a _on, f art •