HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-09-03, Page 8arrivii� and► n r Ne�v Goods for Fall Trade are uw �.: laced in their several departments and in a short time ; each e art entf our large µstore will be _fu1Iy+ stoce_k—d--with^ the' :lines a trade and -in many n � gods; in -the erre t d best � value value that are exceptional �e�ialpurchases hive beef , made...: _.-. �d willbe of .special. interest to,keen:cab buyers t1 uu is weer into sse we have opened • u stock some. very : fine f ackets -and Coats for. ,' ear..' Some. of these others semi -fitting Brown and Navy, 11.50 to $15.00, and . 00 t® $6.50. en's Overcoats and Tweed ' Suits o hand this 'week, and you'll find some special values in Fine Quality`Tweed". Lothian (Tao Leto' for lust *telt .) 148 Beatnik,' of Londott' ie 14st„tiu her Sister, Mtp J'*s.:MoDonold,' ales Belie . .oitt<y ei WestPoint, ,kiss.: .1 visiting her Sister, Mfrs: R. Maol r Mrs : MOt?d of Cideago- T viei+ed u . faw, daps at'aIfeLeau's this 'week. iks Dodo and Allain Rueohtel of :Winghaui spent a .few days here last .week. Misses- essie.-and--Fat}e-Mehsod e Lootialeh called on -.friends here last weep., 3. • Mrs r R Hill of 3ii minghaw, .Ala , and Mrs,.]Q, Vaodarhoof of -;Chicago visited. at MvLyan's ,a codple of days • • last weel Eve'ret Hen lerson is pad g'spa `s. • Keith Wem. Holmes. • • • Ha Fever. P6Sit Vel Cured y v ' Beyond anyliability to teIapso,; it le guaranteed that ;Cat =rrhoz nia will at '.ehice rAfr a an'l:cure Hay Fever., AN dnu i _ts s'll C'var.•hozon'Two. worths' treatment al 00. • Suds.` in .. single._ and ,,double breast c styles at $>;o.00 toy'$i 2.5°. t rL ation to visit .our store and see our "New Goods. Thoug uyhus_:early, vie mill be.pleased_to have you ' visit us es,feelin ':assured that a coi..nparison of, values arid your good a: , suture usdne5s •`with stip... 'our' custorher� and the ; publicgenerally;.for their liberal` thank sig our ugust Sale -----Our Salethisyear being "the biggest yet." Laurier Mrs H Cook,- and'"daiig:hter Dora and, son Charles spent a few days vis icing friends in this neighborhood. -Miss-Belle McLennan intends Lear. ing for Chicago this week., Mr John McLean of Lothian spent, Sunday with friends in 'Strhthstran. : „Miss Maggie Henderson of Luckiow and Miss Annie McKenzie Of Lothian were: gnests_.of Miss Mae :lkicGreg t'. last -week -4. Mr., Alex McGregar left .on Tuesday,. for the West to take.in that stook. of wheat the Lochalsh correspondent reL ferried to last week . -Miss Becc 'fcltenzie:'se" "couple f.days-with: Miss.- A t e Len m- this .week. n A change in' the season =brings new Wants -to our -custom s . We ai- ays o k• ahead --'and prepare -for thetas Coats' and .Ma ntels_ Dr s , d s__.: , • - s --U nde .,ear ..Mantels,- o �-%�a�d , Clothing, F�a� , �° -- and all lines that make for comfort and -adornment have begin - added to our stock. ,, A� B.usinees house 'may. pop promises and.promases but the' performance ie wasw;�et%tpnts <:There:isn't any law -.against, making promises.-thst` Trona be. wo ,�_... . .Itept and"�t'�'ere as,no monopold�on advertiaing'space:.`-8o the'only-way.to,-tent a=:;store's :promises is to -learn by experience whether it, in performed. `n ®uidakzin .oo.n e . ha v, e kbeepetn-;,: -sunr .bpussoimneisse,sy .:..,' W ._pr o 'hi. se td ©svavlaoa.aoods atthelowest-Fod ihle O r trade6rowin 1sT8eor :eeymouth-ie--proof that _we. _have rertieng-_wilalwaya bring,cuatemers, but it takes honest sersice hold effi.t„-Tiehav8tha-same customers_ naw_.who_deaitwith-ua-.yoars- ,a o. metn comehiti itmans that • we have kept promises._ . . Wall' Pa er now on'„ view. will. .'pp'e:.promiee that our sppolal display of' Pap 4i from ou'if onl _to et. an ideaof what's new a merit. s, . .: y ....•�. y g _ ,. _ ._ _ ... _ _.� Our. ers'range from 5c to 60e per roll. A few .lines to clear, regular 1PaP .. e Bye for -.':V. -)e.; -18o for 12d , L5� for Y0.. i3orders.,sald.bY.the roll, acme as papers OCERY and t.gg's alhkitids, of Fine Groceries This store hasthe reputation co paying, the highes have a large city trade and are able to sell to ap .15effei. .'adVantage, giving us a 'better chance ,t0 knoFe aticf 'the Farmer's or those selling,produce-reaPAelbenefit. : . c,?;1:1 'also s4ve-you money in the Grocery, line as '3 'POxe4 Washing Ammonia. for. a'.! ,2sc 3 Boxes Prepared Icing's for... , Bars. FaitcyiTOilet Soap for: ...25c , line' of oured Meats, arid Vegetables alwayS gemeniber the plate— 13ea'rer 4100. Terms Cash or ucknow St Hele.7ns (Too latefor lasb week:) The •congregatiots o#`Calvin` church 7t. Helens and`East Ashfield, held a meeting anMoudag"last and decided to call• :Rev Mir McDonald 'of.*Teiv Jersey.. Miss.:, Laurra: Sackeld __returned .to. :her holm in ,ederich . after , spending some time vieitin relativea•h re. pp he • - - b Mica Lealla �'Jaods' of Fergus .is sating, a . Mrs. Abe Duroins> also -Cl. sra- oQuil an of ,Duekr.avv:Fpent.a, faw. da s there.': 7 •, Mr -(lea Salkeld:.Goderi:h 'e ent. .Mrs.` Bo vIs of Guelph is 'holidaying with :'.Mrs. n her father:_Mi. $p y urn lirey . :Taylor_: of Westfield sp°nt Sunday at John Webster' As. Miss nnie M Clark of Saskstehe wan arrived home on 'Tuesday• after spending two,':months::in_the.old land.. .Her Many frlendir will beVpleased: to- see her .home again ' ' •- Maggie Ohampion of -`whits cbutch spent a few `days at John Nixon's last week, ' 'Mia.',Robinson•,of Winghateis the: guest Ot, M rs. -:Hugh McDonald. • - Mrs.. Thos. Joynt and. too children oi' ithogbam;;=a,re_-sisiting_gc.,.:,Soleinq� friande. Mr. Robert' 'Miller Rill . leave „for Ft Francis, also Charles ; ineuds re turning to McCaully: A Good School. The., Central Business. College; cf :---- _- ou_ =need' a Ran a Baeeburnee Rester. dr. Stratford"�whoae' e►r, appears else- •' � �l1CII�CBDo2_ where in this paper , is ' undoubtedly th . best straining one:; of e business schools in' Oanad4,'to day.. The tey note of its courses is thoroughne-s.- Ie call further announcement attention 'to our Lill"Miner , De al�tlrlent• Watch for f rthanou u o n ement next .week.... In Ladies' Mantles and Jackets we are showitag, best styles -...: Don't purchase before -seeing -our stock:.-- top a moment Nowa is the tima to prepare for the coldweather. Its graduates are holding leading_poei- tions.: in . tho important eomimercial. centres of the Dominion. The Col'ege,' bas issued a handsome illustrated catalogue wliicla rill ids ai ailed` e to : ."a•y-p'eraon- nterestoted. St: Helen's: • Ree Mrs.; Henderson of • Hamilton' is the guest of Mrs.: Peter Clark: . .,.hir.•Donald Clark`retiurned to God ericl_ Collegiate. On i-u-g:-99'ih,• horir to M Robt. Allen of . 'Hanna, .Bros Wingham,_.spent Sunday and Monday:' in -our --burg. - Mr. John -A. ;McDonald, Wingham, visited his•-parents,on Sunday. Mr. Johnson of Harriston spent a.. few days last .week at Thos.. Phillips' Mrs. McDonald -Of Winghani=vas-;a.- visitor at D, Thurlow's Sunday.,' -` "Mr Ed = McR6berts7ha the 1 -s - fortune to lie thrown from a beam the barn while trying to,;trap'the hay : fork the roPe" broke and,_sent him to the'-barn-flooa' . He-laiaded=errhis=feet- which are very ;painful ever since. He. is "still conf nedl&`hia-bed lint we are, ppleased .tQmsa is doing as �Vm n cirri- be exP ected. Little Pearl 'Todd is visiting Ti ionto relatives dui-in�•;the Fhir:.',.: = Are y.on. satisfiedWith last .Winter's comfort.: in 'the home? . If not, come in -and have a talk' 'with: us; ` and ."'see what We have to offer. At' resent we have hree,r"a,nges which haVe to be sold regardless of.cost to make room the .-nevi_'•goode ow is your` ci�aie to buy a ---first-class ;ranged -Ilea Estimatescheerfully given to install 'Furnaces, work'T guaranteed; AGENTS FOR DuRR..M CEMENT, IMPERIAL RANGES, HECLA`AND 'PEASE FURNACES, GASOLI-Nn„ LIGITING SYSTEM: „ SCRANTON • COAL. stomeah or stimulate the ,. heart -and always. And this is also traeol the are instead crying het •for belp, This - is promPtly helping stomach, heart and kidney ailments.. The•Beatoratiin reaches ohs for the,- actual cause of that; hut 'you. will surely knos,:that help , is. corning: Sold. by alt.det400. reatest e1. 1 1 1v - SCQk til _ _' � of : es ern...: tt =r far o. ul Prbgramme or Attractions twice daily, including ... ' ICemp,e t- __.est of ,Music.-- Fsrc�rhts�eh�E�teq;ng. Athletic Day Monday, Sept... and • - .enjoy.: yourself- -at London's `Popular Fair. :Corns REDUCED RATE on ALL cRAIL,1RCIAIJS , • given on application, _10 'Cl/4.J. President. A. M. HUNT S'eeretary. • to Hairest Fields of Manitoba, Snskatchewin A:Iberia.. one-way "te-ioir4ilass to .Winnip'et'-.V7,rees,--tisicele-frem east Of Mapie jaw,, and west Of Moose Jaw to. DATES ted. territory , , Of TORONTO SOUTHWEST.,OF.TORONTO ,..E AST OF TORO.NTO • OTOroi tut of Toioiltti, Bar Erni; rind to batietildecTris #.10219620 SifOrti bed accom- modation, with Tashi Sleepers. .116,114S FEtOM c. P. h. STAtlONS ON Audu 14, 18 mid 20. Appli, to nearest CPA. ticket timet C.4*. 'poirt.a.Dhatetiiiitaksv.44eitAtilliONT.8. Yob "beeemia'Alifilinittellitr. When you, feet -Nur ityMptetne Of NerrOus Debility -and decline Stealing • 'Upon yell. You heien't the .neryei.or .anibition yeu need to have; ----You .leel You" are not the. man you Ought to be: You. feel like giving, up -in .hare little ambition, paht in, :the .baoltaer kidneys, 'drains -it night, ' .. lien* eyes, tired Mornings, prefer Trriattnent ie your terugli.; .will strengthen . all weak .orgatie,' ' martyr tau. 'Your blood been, dittiaied/ .11a,re yen any weaknettat 'Onr New keihod Treatitent Will .ettire :Yen: What it :bait Acne...tor Minch:edit of "others,lt will do,for yea,' CON8IIIMATION FREE.' ...No matter. 'Who hair treated :you Write for Mt lroneet .opinlon '!"iise-.)it. Charge. Cbergea 1.00,iicatehle, NOOKS'. . ktf.eintiNNED .26 it.4ii.sLcuitas'a.trARANitin. NO. treatment tient Mit. and 'east of Witte 'Tree FREE. S. or. Michigan Am. and riswold,St., Detroit, °