HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-09-03, Page 7•
o' S 101 100th 14th a ,
Em 10, gent.: qe� nail
Brea DdWf.
Thouse,ncl� of=�,�yr�lest-imtetl-igent'
yc'un8 w,om n rvbo earn 'their live
libeed away. from. home in public
offices -axed'largo liusine®s' eatab-
lishro tints .are silent *uttering vic-
tilnb of" overtaxed nerves and ' defi-
ciency of strength, ' • Weak, breath
, less •and .nervous they -work against'
. tune, with never a rest when head=
aches and: backaehes , make ;every
hour like .a `day.. Little •wondertlieir
Cheeks- lose the`:tint -,ofhealth lend
grow pale, and `thin ; their ,eyes are
dnll'and hru>?ken;azaa' bGautys1gw-
ly •but- surely ,fades.. �Businese•girls
• and women,, beeause; of their, work
and: worry, look'' older than; their.
Years What they' Seriously., need
ls" the frequent , help of a'.true
.strengtheeing_.remedy-..to carry the `
through the day ID.r. Williams
Pink Pill.a are like actual fond -to
the :starved• nerves' and tired brain'
of. the business'girl. By making
rich, red blood they supply just the
--kind not help that" gfils need' to `pre-
serve their 'health and their good
looks They. ;bring- bright . eyes,
high spirits•
and thus make the day's
duties lighter.
.'Miss Alexandrine Bedard, a' sten-
ographer residing at $6 Richelieu
Bt., . Quebec, says =-' `For the :past
couple .oLy_ears.I felt, -my- censtitu-.
tion being gradually _undermined
through constant 'indoor work,': and
tyle `teat tax on'my`nerves through
the ting-tedieut^-b- ni, a q :-
• wri ei`' • 3ut ..i was only, same. six
months ago siert' the r. ;... •
---w he'a�.one-aft�iaoan�4 I�lost•--carsc�-
""ousnes`s through extreme weakness.
The real -seriousness of my condition
• was then .pathetically 'apparent, as
I, was confined to my room, lacking;
-even the •strength..7to' walk..about;
rwas attended -by ,a doctor, bu af=
Many Have Made Small- Fortunes.
at_ the.._.WOrk
The workbf oyster collecting and`,
culture:: is . most unsuitable' for wo-
men, but , in Fiance, owing to its
tedious nature, it does not appeal
to men"
Often from ':an early hour in . the
morning till late into the evening.
the women, are standing :up. to the
knees in water, with a strong sun
filo n n* l lg . Wlnkle; ,Awakpus
Fr u. LOA& n sae -
A most .remarkable' case of a wo-
A has .
_h sl ead or
s �
p ...
;� uirt3 -two years, is r' p. �Cteed .;;ir
"DerTag"-'.form. it ' -
, , COi ns '. nterafs
near_' Stockholm; .lkwedel%Q`
Karoline Karisdatter was a school
girl of 13 when she suddenly fell.
asleep over her books in tine school-
room::-Afteruitless efforts en t1ie
-teacher's ;pant -to. rouse -her- the girl
Wes carried 5 ►pme..
-' She. slept a itil last week, when;
she awoke to find_ that her child-
hood. and girlhood, were long past,
and that she is now a middle-aged
woman of 4C
Frauiein Karisdatter is not very
much worried fiver the matter how-
ever ,She feels as fresh and as full
of energy as, if she had merely en-
joyed a good Y'night'stest., •
Her .:chief concern 'at present -is
to make • up for lost time and coin
•piete.,tier education,:. which was S9
abruptly interrupted She will
join .an elementary school' as soon
as the Autumn, term •.begins.
showed. no sign's efAiriproventent:
It -was at this. stage that one Of My
rslatives read 'of the cure of a..young
girl wl.:nise Casa bore a striking re,
toini3lanoo to My tlie.LUSe:of-
.0-:-ase of theSe the: next day, .
mg the pills for about Month
,•felt•aii strong and. Was erijoying-as.
,. froin. any', medicine dealer -or
beating' down- on them The result
1 that never a year passes without lady
�sote,..ef-.#,heir--going madand-. hau'i,ig-
o be burrieaaway;to the asylums..
• The"'work.isw: �r.
i -ought-to-be-;-whelp-in the. ,,ase o€
thew -few wbo.,':own' bed's""the" profits
are Targe, and small fortunes are
quickly amassed. -
We get some sad cases ,"said 1
rho attendant at the lunatic ..asy'1u n
to the'visitor, ;and opened tar$ door
of the"first ce11,• ,
1�'ggts. for -Our WVente, ,Po J 1 "Ho* glorious it to be engage
When, yru fnd you •kln'a-14'4P ,' tion :; urr sna ec n occu
ted and `patchy, or drys• scaley and murmured ' a : young m ide
to• tH
e gn ead
. ,. sore and in�ailied m
.r .. ing _eyes . of_ ain editor "Y u
.g]Pots_'fiexe,.�and, the,e re>nember,..... .. � _•_.9.,rA
there•ii . reason. 'There are 2`'800 ni lltal. facilities foi..too]s,-and t
pores or, ol#e. square -indict, -talar-{ rheic un Y:hmee d"ded two` .kshofi;;.N;
same skin of yours acid these con { "tell me, sane add d, h t" do yo
tain. seventy feet of tubing, all pro-
vided . to clear away 'harmfuland
-waste . excretions, but which. -get -out
of order when the skin is unhealthy.
The value of Zane;-Buk lies In 'the
fact that its healing essences' and
juices can be absorbed by these
,,miniature "skin l4'I.otiths."
IBeud yourA ns and nddrepq,vnd:yroit irtpeXre
p2 za t—sg ss r'i' e,$ s'LEsC `s f:fA 4O-tJnis'
PEMN7 ROYAY. TEL. rver mother' and lady
n, ehonld nae 1t. U d sucFgfq„ul)y by t�soueq;nde
A erlul bu 1
r,. .aP'ladlee. D�?w t harm fee tre�etablo :,
medicine iorHlfekneas 'pecullmt,to women and jiff
lYn •.d!geaee!. s a•! Ii tlU,, C onl - e- "a,ior tale -i
Zing 8i. W.o;'Torooto. j J
A .I
a' a wa it•
find the most difficult thing con-
,neetecl :with;your noble profession1”
"I,a ng t1De staff," said`the.-eda-
Only those,_wbo have- had experi-
ence can tell the torture corns
cause. Pain with your 'hoots on,
Applied, to a rough or inflamed !pain with them off.—pain night and:
patch, _cut, bi*uise, heat. ,se re, or .day;'but relief, is sure to' those who.
chafe; cools,, and soothes thnbri-. use Holloway's Corn Cure.
chafed lace Zam-Buk first lnbri-
• hot . Giles ,enteringa..•• sixteenth floor.
•surface, there heals. That is why
'children:like • Zam-Buk„ ` It •'stops office of a' skyscraper perspiring'
-pain .SO quickly, `Applied- to -eczema,' and Panting)—` `Well, •them stairs
ulcers, " and' festering sores;"Zam, .tuner be several miles long l" Qc
Buktirst kills the disease germs •cupant'of Office --.``Why didn't you
w hich cause" suppuration and in-' come lip in one' of.'those elevators
ilammation. Then`• ' it `' builds up
here 4". Gibes= .`Not •much l 1 les''
on.k., :Ake. _11P841) vbYt4-iiiil'gj'a-Piee.1-111 WED:
•Every day there :was Some- ing, itching, blind,' er.' protruding.
tlung-taken,,,-and-put,',oft.- With the iend :me. Year- address, .and
'Of cenise, there wai never any treatment; and will. also send .some
InO.unt .thatt natal. :Pat loOked at 9*n locality if requested: ..Iminedi.
, bundletd uf, a few _things .in his ate. re lie and permanen cure as.,.
andlterehief;.:walked to fthe door, Sured:. ; Send. n9 nio.ney, .hut tell
see one of em full,o' people fall
:down that hole there !?"- . •
the Cattadian National: Exhibi-
thig year Will be -espedially
strong"' in' Hackneys, Clydesdales
and, ponies_ Saddle horses, hunters.
and harneschuises will also be well
tiire 9( the horse department will
-niOney there is in al.. eduntry per
Eilow—"HaVe you, „ got 'your
share 7"
:IliloW,That's good,. _Lend ma
fiVe 'ter a 'few days, will you •
-Stooka, Bones,. Debentures
'and Ileal Estate'.
:Cobalt Mid MInIng and' 911, 8toelis. oll
:Gill to .627 Tnufers Bank ifereltte,;.04
se Tffirai. El:ATLI! FREE
Sent,tbrnugh Canadian Agency ,Perinaneol
Cure, not only temporary; relief for l'serrous
Debility, Exhaustion.' Founded 1871.,
931 11 -eh lit.. Philadelphia: .
The. Mild Cliniate Of '.V.Irginia
offers splendid oppOrettnities fer stock 'raising;
fruit growing, dairying and general farming.
good and selling below,: its value, but inpreming
in value each-1year. Many eine:diens ;are -living,
Richmond Vs.
Inside was a Man sitting' On .;4-,8
stool Arld. gazing iiliCantikt the '-'11
rid said: others of this, Offer': Write te-day
They stele out softly closing the
door behind them, and proceeded
.to the neXt 'inmate. This cell was
thiekly/Padded, and the man within
"Sad storyi" saidthe attendants
she Married anethe'r.,Man and. h
W.as Stark, staring mad. .
One' et4lin most 'ieniarliahle
Teacher--4"Whit kind Of:
did Noah send • pat of theark
'ter. ' : -'. • ' • bo_witiiicjbe_Proc: ' • es,sL,Butikling at--„teachep. his... father 'keeps aLlaii.xLi
‘Thil; ' repeate the attilidant-L, tit's: Toronto Exhibition. '. Last year -store.' ..
Riau. e
twenty million feathers tevery year
Liver, Bladder and Urine
",. .1711 ei:iiiitrili-Ysician 'has used 'the II* sale -at :the usual Price .:1qc.., , • it all
' a:'strain upon the system that pre- towing prewriptiOn 'ln his praCtide for' a.. •dkoalers;_and4h„„povtithe'ijopulorir:,
:: -mon. font of- diSOrder is -dysentery, Pladder trlilL.11 uoriienaciyi:fr ip , proof the -'shine lasts lottger,L_Atirt.
. fo.„ which, Many • are. prone in the'. ‘! F', .e r. u p of rheuinatitm, the: polish. keeps the lea,thpir,,soft:.
sprIng and. Sthainter.. The very' best dunrf iv asthe,.iti)ri'd steid entirely liroM the and pliahlo,, which pfevehts-.the Shoe:
st:inkreed or eea.-ti-wailntgelfhtel'
mPuY5 towel, with ; which the' shoe was
, painful ailment is• .Dr: .1/.. Kel-
. !melt ans!nercin"*°"1?rec•i-k!'ineYs-an,d' shoe 'Shined freei"of • charge • in' the
standard remedy, sold. every_w_here._ e-PresciiPtien-is-one, (nonce pf sroket! rroceSs ' ' • '
,honsehold, but the: farmer • and!
,filic!, very., Service-
able' in the', farin yard atid thp
ca tile range;-. 9ften saving7the
vices of t---i-,--iveterina,:ry_wrgeon
izijiiries, to .stock' and; in, caieS 'of
'-''Concerts are .:to 'he given' each
.niorning• mid afternoon in the Dairy Perisiveand cam he ehtainecVat Any re:. :.
"The: hOtteet Siiiiilher .ever 1" " .. More , callers 'in a daYthan I have.
:. .. .'SimP,LE:T ` . '• ' *ill • tondnot- Trio . to • the altar.. owing to• a deranged. And unhealthY .IMpurities In - ,the Blood.,--Nben
• . • • ''',11tiglitY oriele,'"' cried: CIeopit... There,'" 'She , added,* *Wailingly,' !•`bis conditidn -of the' liver.
ra,-- "can. you tell .me hoW I can se- leadership will •etid.. • ' . .-:
- :. • '-"Sursil ,Mie;'''?- replied the oracle.: 4 , find: a ianlear•in;ParnielOe'a ..Vega'7 Are Almost .dute 49 follew, and*en- •
their health. When la tliis Condition "trotrovhe .1cidilEY8 ..,i3. 'prenonnced . and nick .'ensuis.,., Eartnelee's Vegetable Pills': •
'quilt quit, wanting,,,,se innelr."•;'', tothe fact that they neglect the shunted wire 01.,
-•-A--00-11-TESTHWORTH7BNT.-EBIN-C1-1-.7 11,00.0.,....they• correct iniPurities in they ' will 'maintain •,healthy.'-',cPi"
cld want' • : Y'Atity Stein .to haVe, trim-. 'And Trelient ' thp complications.
sending in: the largeit number. a PMy Wife told 'me tO'' Order. 'soMe-:
ORANGE:MEAT. people te life One, ' bi" Ill' your.4.76
, thing...in 'town, .and I'll ,be hanged .' $neezing. . Visibpr---YSTieezingyr .
;''theatitrthi',t-tlie Winner: Will 'receive, .
- "One,. 'Dollar • EVERY • 'WEEK, ' or One. ,of the. greatest blessings:4o: ij‘' '-'6n'iu".:-' '''' '''-'"'"iii‘milli• , lnake a. balloon aseent without -the
,' FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS every yeait; Parents.:•is ' Mother., Craves'''WOrm '44,-crjr consent of his wite.and children ,'• '
EXteriniiilitor. It effeetually. expels
Of SEVEN HUNDRED. DOLLAR8. •w.orms . and gives health in ,.a,..niat.,: . "Sha's.really too yonrig to ao
."1 cann.ot , iinagine why 'you re' from 'aging it,. buy "'Salads," ,Tea.,,. sionable. ' 11.0W dd.' you <mean?"' "1
.,fitsed ,stich 4. ..4/leadid ,Offer-i!l. 1..: h. •pttys. to.,,p43i for .40114. , , Mean ' she'S litibleto.get eXeited :and:
it Twenty dash PriZeg of ' FIVE,
-,'DOLLARS. eaelit and ONE • HUN-
DRED Cash rrites df 011E 'DOL.
that you .out out the bottoms of the
send them in te• ORANGA. MEAT, -'
_if .yon Start irtinietliatelY, and'. got
DAY,- and state that -leu. aro .en-
, tering.the contest:.'' It is Surely
nett :aro.
Sendi for' Free: Catalog
The Bell Plal10 1111(1.0(0011.10., 110., GRIN, 011
at 'Toronto Fair
Altogether -different thin:any:
be one qf the most novel,: in-
teresting a d practical
be alone:Worth the' trip I
.are going te attend the Fair
it will never do -to miss it.
' We are the makers .of the
,Empire Disc three distinct
types of cream • ',Separators
and' eacji one the. leader °tits
Opp.' The cornplete Erniiire
of "Empire" Eteeoline Engines that wiW
be 1vOrth-looldng over. ,- •
gel. tided Sulta-vroutctleek'
for fruit picking and, all...other uses. Light and '
-itiong: Steel wiiing to prevent side swaying. • ,
-Simple device forraising andlowering,with rope.
Satisfaction gearauteen. Circniar and prices
RERUN, 4,137s,TT.;
Pnoi Tables in the' Manufanturere:
B,uildityr of the Canadian Nationat,Eichibi—
rice dst jut issueu,
Fairbarthe4lorsii En.
Out this 44: net and einul te us to -day, ,and. we
go Company, trrolito-
3345 4i0Oler
hi lY,,"" said Ole datighter..
I know. But he would probably
ctpeet me to be just as eecentric!'
d and satisfying,
e big black 'Ai.
good hand it arithmetic?" 'Smith
little' problem ler yen. There wee
lin,..who; had 'a daughter: Niiw, She
her .p0er did •net approve of, se
onn day she eloped 'with him. •VV.hen.
the Old Mai fetind out he Was very
I 'can telt Yoh? I give' it Up." JOiteS•
Any sert of advice 'as good,: as
,long you. don't attempt tei
o Gopfai atches
.You ,can save .enotioh on your pnr6baSe to -pay for