HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-08-20, Page 8IC: a PRICES on our seihut oods AUGUST CLEARING�Ul the Sumer. is nearin the ry eI ae o r . ,.c ttln ,the prices �.stilL;, cxoser .� n line � D that .ave. le ever'before during `a.ny previous = } r S a have 'we so, .so many Summer Go as duriri .our sale of -.thisyea,!.., ea IDBS; . g s: no :doubt due chiefl} r so- to- two, causes, :first 0;oreing to the narative quietness ; of `trade generally using the'early-summer 'thus -leaving -us rith a larger. stock on hand :on August 1st ; and secondly, "owing to the very' low prices at;which they were put on. h.^ nt 'sale' duringthis > mo We- ma -say_ that •we..are._.ver. de may_say_ Y , sirous of, clearing,out the.balance-- of what is still left and onmany'lines prices �. .will- be. still' furtherreduced_to effect. this, during the remaining days of the, 'sale. itis..19.111 . t _ _ a�►.,%es$ mai® �ar)gs�de $cuss: 'Cassie DMoMurehy 'le i'tsiting [ass, Reid. .S.unciay. ' .Mr. .an -d. Mrs. B.-. Sebheider ' . "of, LuGkndw -visited friends here- -this. week. • dhis -Baker of;--Holyroo ep3ntSunc}uy ath- r.anal-'MTsla,- :McInnes. Mi,s: Martha Reid, who has been vtsting..wt .h.:=iffier foxa moth -lois ;urea turned to T,,rinto. : Mies, gate' Ford ' of Lu knatv.` engaged - to teach our school.. 'She • assumed her duties co Monday. Mrs Jas,.. McDonald of the 6th ''con and'tfie'Misses ahid 1 McDiarwid visited at D; McDonald's -c,n Suzaday.,' Amorg those .who have taken in the exCuisi+'tiffs t') the waa.frorn this past ase , '4�T: Ot r, ,A; M K in ,, A tyre; J. McDotiaid'end Thomas bioff�t. , _',the nfav ra w. 'Despite, u o le b e cashes". -w hich--was-a-1 i otic d-Laoisida-and Fits neighborhood on Sunday :b ore was an excellent . turnout of Fore to s and a -most-intcrestin; service at the Pres byterian- church. The cceasion -wsa :tine.,Of special ihterest to the memliets of C.;u: t. 'L ingside 'N NO. 471, C. 0. F. 'The Workit'has done and `is doing` in,. this vicinity: speaks for.' itself as an' evidence of the usefulness of the or e artllyent :leaves, usy with a . re re nro r oe nants of Dress Goods, some f.. [a�n�bef R.. .. :i .- ` _ - , S Jam. �r , - -� s r�.b1eT oarc���s�a�e��o,;_ oodlength .... �h�e�� �er3� de � � �- gs er sulcahie�o�-Lames Ladies'—Skirts—and '�o� �hi�idreo s -Dyes es. uring> t �t9. uetun ng days of the Sale these will be re -marked _ at ; lower prices near the front an remnantsare usually sold' at and placed on the large table ea who ifindit profitable to store. ` Every woman has children to dress will , rchases from this Remnant Table. • Our Clearing Sale up.tc�,date had :been the most suc cossful "we have ever h.*d m August. . -Don't let, -the-balance-of-the ,month -pass. without.paying � -our-store-a-dart--_:]:t-- will -'be -a- oney=aavrn ---trip want the newest thing in Dress Goods we give you ro%• off•.,r On-ther.bar., in-ta'bleyou-find-many-good-lines-at-'Half;:: $race or less: ' r s , Waists at, Ladies Lawn Waists, -Silk Waists arid. Print;`W big reductions. Men'' Silks, ,made -to order, ' were $16.0' for i 3 5Q en Suits, Ready-made, were 7.00 for oyss: Suits, Read made, at all: prices but reatl reducec Japanese Mattie s' 25c for 2•QC .:'. TL mdeum ad ..:2.00 for .z. Q.. Big reductions in Carpets,'' ganization and the ,,quiet businesslike • winner in winch its oerations;are carrzed'on.Thg.ediffc� an-`wa"chlae • PPresbyterians of -this; district'assemble` for worship presn• s'a vary plesiine and : attractive appearance,, a d its • facilities for all branches :of • Church _work.-re-a9W1:6 -is.4_can?aplete. he:. members ,,turned out an g:odty• nem . bees, anon; whim we:e`several wenn-, hers from Whitechurch,,Holyrood and.: -Luckno .,, and icegpied, the centre seat ani they presented -74S Site .ap- pearance,, £uiW .represebtative of the sturdy maihood, ` 'the commercial, solidity oand�+: practmil ineei'lagenee' of the community.. '; Rev: of '$l`neval"e,� High Chaplain .. of the Order, oceu ie3 the iii ' itsud delivr ®red iscaurse remariivah y adagf .. to the. occasion, taking as�his text, 1st. gtngs;"XIX„ 13, "What Dcest Thou $ire f H® flealt._at .someJ.engath with "'the Trus Purpose :o£ Life and Persot al Effort, and 'his.remarks:Were. interesting, _instruetave and practical At-th ,close-bf-`the `service tie-, >. th.. seta . rett:t ned-to their izdga e8:mm-i proses i,;nal-order; :where---expressions- CoiI Spring rWire-:A carload of Cleveland wire just'ia Fence Stays We have;a stock of stays -of No. 7 wire • g. also. the locks. and achinos for ::utttn bn the .locks_� .11 Business house may 'pop promises arid promis7err btit-_ther_performance- what-imunts7---There-isa!t,iny-law,against=making:, promises that won t be n Making onelirthisiee sinee haVe been: in--budinesS. -7-We've -promised- - eVery'month is a proof that we have kept our promise. , Advertising will -always bring custgaters;-butit-takes-honett-:serviee-to- hold them, We' have the same customers now who dealt with us years agO. That mean something, it means that ire have kept promises. Vire'promuse that our special display of Wall Paper now on view •will Borders aold by the roll, same as tapers. • CK GROCE Y. All „those comi,ng to town to take advantage. Of- the Great August Sales in tht Dry Gdods line would do well 'to call on us, and get- our prices as yire always have a,•great numbeilarsi' such as Only) lardiliers, regular $1:2 for ;.5oe ata-F4ricY ,Toilet, 'Soap fof... i _— an - George 'Mack,. who hos been. under the doebor}s care ' since a couple of wfele3 w�relad�t�-r,aport ieetPar3,- sly -improving M wars Grant-ark-C"ampbell,- w have ben drilling a well. for T. -A: Mc genii,' succeeded in getting a splendideupply ofTW ter' tit64-fe ' Miss -Maggie -incl= Save McKay, -of".: Kinloss, :visited at McLean's one day last week. Miss Wood, cvn meoced her duties,. as:tteacher'-here-last Monday Iitioiber_o_f_L2.thianiiteare_sainp r MrsrA.• H. Allan Iris 'gone on a visit to Detioik.where she hat a num- -her •of -friends arid ielatives. We wieh 4psr a, very pleasant trip. A nuniber of our Forester Brethren • Sunday last, to Set her here a few days last week. Mis! Powd of TetrOnte is at present We always have'a large sto6li Of Vegetables on hand. , We &lest Or IfiTriel74iiiitii lust spent,a few days at !in..,. Ketake's this /411 We 'are pleased to rePort that Mrs, -severe illness, , drold-Roo €ng„Tbe best 6n -the -marketrket ;--the.,. roe that -has stood the test of -time `for ver hif a a tut' een Doors '& Windows -A.11 .sizes ' and :at ' almost= and. price; Gasoline & Oil Stoves—See; the.Detroit Vapor Stove, • wsolid �easff: ion-burnerthat�-is-r lmost-Indestr�uct ble: It will':burn 'alcohol, the'coming fuels' Every stove' guaranteed. , . pp' p Lawn I iower'a-We sell the' best Canadian Mower Made by a reliable manufacturer. Every machine warranted. • Durham' Cement A car load. just sieved of gratitude, were 'extended and reso- ii sit fac-D<sr'him 03ru31t°, Pxr3iii Zaofina, Shoiwia: lotion', passe i• 'extending hearty , th nks to Bro.• 1VFs, for the verb ex W"ilaiam:PAint noola and Zolooy..Fasaaoos. eicell nt sermon eirvered: Iu r -e i = tand0O.`- tettitaselinel amps. Py •11W .e, expresse hia_pleisnre.at sing eine-again • the' guest of , her;,:couSiti kiSS Laura of ;Dungannon, :spent' Sand 4-gue'sts iniOnts xelatiVes• ant friends of this. Mr.: *nil, Mrs. „Vit. Weleh: and tiMilY74-Ltifoirig7Wliii :lice 111'444 iber spent ,Sunday under the. ps,,,re h al itoot. batting Obtained a position in Dan-. • 1111,3: eeeni:iig,/iasc „-.H6 i4 tiavt Ming the interests. Or4iSSionli;2, visiting ..tote$t. StOk WilipliiTeuelilitiliii"--, of*iiisie. 'fireworks Each Evening. eine - .and---enjOy. -yourself, - at-, London'a,. -Popillar:- Fair. . REDUCED. RATES on ALL RAILROADS Ilize Lists, Entry Forms, Programmes and' infimmstion given on, application to • St. Helens liblidayittg. at her atinfletfr's Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCroitie :Cutimg alitiost over and new threshing and d.awing, are Oie order of the dlY. • 3" 'and Mrs' John AndersoP lfra. kb, bur An and chilo•c • Teta Wiroioti to, points 'Where harvesters' tire' needed, :BETUelt1 tICKEt TO ONTARIO STARTING POINT FOR ADDITIONAL NG:- DATES SEPT. Mid, 61,34 to women, bis not at Imii-nta tot 'chiltiten. , spEcIAL TRAINS FROM ALL C: P. R STATIONS ON AUGUST 14, 18 ind i0. AM* to neared Cp.R. 'tic/Cot agent •