HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-08-20, Page 3CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS TIIE WORLD'S MARI(FTS 1124.PPENINIGS FIt031 ALLOVER " .GLOBE. REPORTS PROM 'THE IigADIN4. TRADE CENTRES, • V.-ele'rvap-Ifie It -fief -8 ' Froin'''0,11r, lifwil' Irriees•-of Caftle -Gard 'Cheese-1nd " and Other -Countries 'ad: '... . , Ogler Dairy ,Produce int - , Tlin Militia PePartnient here 'has. well And • I 'was' much ',impressed - A 'despatch from ,:Ottawa • say6 i a•great 'eaCcesa,• •The treena looked . • . .,"CANADA, . Reeent :Events.. " , . , •.. •RItRADSTUFFS, c;:wAi xi.' :cile:p9 a;.tt,he be ,:tfarootai t. b.. T4otr, e. Ontario o',..say, is': ..Hamo and Abroad, , ' (14“,ne And given out for publication ahout :1200.0. :Men hudet :Arms l'Pel'i ea•ol)ta;11:4110,?r, 3,v,teIi?-76erh'4Iler rt(?),fte7:::.-- It3-ilto to' "85.0 ; 1VO -2 Iiiiiked.; 84.0. to • ,i.ri 'England : • “Follo.Wing. for Ilia there was no, lutch•anywhere. •Caa-- . sent .hy :Earl Grey" to the Colonial ganizatiou ...generally, ;, there were 'XfaieStY the King, 'Hare the honor !Ida ..appears ste' leteeiv-d'''''.043--r`f6:11Wirti,C-7-.:*-Iii-eb-';WaS-.I Wittr-t41-370160-0-t-iitr--(TfAI6f----crgl': -7.k.-I-srr-lrn'li•c-riCcl-'.r.IIQU.r)n(t. . t1 -4.4.-V4: 'RorentO,'Aug..1$---6ntario Wheat ..°P-tr,i4.4q-74g ,.a.44:40r5r alri':01,9°45"P'8. iho to .kse, 4caliog. nag •nayiga,tion• In 190. 'totalled 'W;- 5:43y693.,tOnii.'- ' ' ,,•-• .''' '' - hi or new, INe:',2 white. and red, ,anitehrt,-.: Wheat,Qugtationti'at . . ..„` to ,forward'•to Your Majesty- the fel- 'adeonately with ':the. PrOblenas :-.af.." . ....., • . ,. " ,. ‹. -..--:' • ' - -'• • Georgian. BaY..,PertS,..NO. ' l' north- • leyv,mg 'Opinion from Lord' Roberts'• fecting her militia, and with cdre. 'u'Il"8 • aggrP•g4t-nF :1:". were "- ., with regard to the .r.eview .At Que.- and improved, • "Orgatiilatien..to hg. boe.:,..,-The review thia:inariiiiii :tviii4' 'building. up a verY.rnieftil••foree.."•'"•. :'•: D.S4110- a Posed at Hamilton, 'for breaches of the liquor lieense'law. Mr. R. Macpherson.: :M.P2. 'for •.• ., - . ,, - - . , Vancouver, : his „tieen,, • aPPointed' •• • .1MG'..-CUSiliMS-..:SklIt''.: .:11'.11.,t/piN.,,,?-fi•,,s ,..tot,k.A• Aill.t.g. -ri.o,...s.• .4 . , •„,,POStmaster,,ofthat'citY,' •., • • . • • °:'•' • " ' ' .: : .,•; .. •-•... . • .. . •,". ' Thia Is„.the',,liest •,:year,,in.:.thk.b14,-' Cpakwirilint:Fafir#430.7';„ 07: 7g7Ifollir 11.kiiiie*vonfot- il tOif'70.3WIfifai.pitx,-?,40WIYA.411.0,r 1••-•llfr,i,m,,....p,,:,..•:-;.0-,..-71p,.".•..t•-:, --7. . 2 ' , ilk ' •""h• - : .,,, . , ,,::•.g..ardeng.CLarid areharda.. ' '., • ..•:7;• :- . • ' .r.ate*-8. '7•''• ' :7•-•': • Th' e• ital 'eXPortiliiire-tiii-flie• , ..deriPateh. frOha *Olitreal.:_es„Ya:', ,," :A. despatch from 'Torinite...says._: canals '01 Canada to TifIareh,,..19.07, • --Irbe ''OasttataE-DeParturent-TOT-C• -•••Th-Fr..-Fais''Ii-irti itriteT7 ib--i-aT-ierrir aggregated .$91 ,734-1718. ' • - • . :. •• --7-Atiftffilltirelitered an aet-iiiii.i9117-3--tlii.:-Ofitifiiii7:-AiiiCaltifr-TVIrePar.t, • ' Mrs-.7.Wifir•. ijunn---' of tillarhey 'ac•-•' Eitlie, il . ' Court'against the Cafia-. nient announces that meetings Will. 'tempted , to.. give :••bor'.baby dry ,sul-, 'than •Patilfic RailWay Co.. to recor-'. be 'held •at,,Suitable:' dates Ibetween'phar for throat tremble and snIOth- ._. • .".0 :.$209400,01 93:O..' •Qf :Ivhichit is.: Nor.......30:,.•.and_LMarch„.•_•„3.14..„,1:leXt.,,, ered it ; .:''' ' 1' . • •• 741ilined,the railway defrauded the: Meetings Will be arranged. for De- Heat and "drouth...alj....aly...h_a•YeIre:.' ran--$ : ,- -dealltrY ;4:means Of frandaleat en- cember hi. sections. where the roads ..enitexl in reducing•-tfie estimate of outsick.44 fla:, bagS/ $2 mote.' • - .16 to i8 per ton in bill_k ' . .. 4e•57: iiiider-Valiniiiiin, ete.:: . It Lis: Wilt tikely_lie_Aa Lduring 'Januar-3T wO,stir.. ' • b: .t th ospoct is `• Shorts' $20. to $2.1 per ten in FaV .--:' ;:•.',-iitated" thit-the:ittleged-franiti:ivere' • and February ' -.• . • . • .9.utside; iiFags, --$2 nio.re', .. . ,eonniiitted ' 'daring o the... period . in bounced that each .district will be is-- hr. 'et.. •an- 'still ContiAered to be good,,, • .. which.„, 61".,-0,.., O.- 4, ---Quatinna---,plerk-eovered_ twice -ux:ilie: season.. Pre-:, The British Columbia Irriga,tion Flour..-tManitoba, • first •I patents, . ..eonnnitte& extensive fraadS- ,ria for visional, lists will be sent out to. the, nett)eItanimt3O.i:°taIlikei8 darlksitiiirratheeaTultr.trt I ?;4nstterlron'wgiijelk‘ dpres'..... ::•,;•3037C.J)7i1;irt.:4 .. Which .lie• is now serving a king. seri- Officers. of. the ' u,:grienItaral so,cie- ,:pi3Oteet the forests from fire.... - . .‘P.1#s • .$3•3° to $3 .35 • . • . • -Once. In one instance it is .:•alleg, ties .in.....the several .•localities, and ' ..A Dominion Goverment 'ssizety, • . .. ...i....:TR.7.-74,...,---. -ellt.hathridge rnaterial.tO,thcr::vahre: "-l'ista-Will - he ''' kept -•...i.a.• the:: . depart- .iorty of one hUrdred Men b Y RODUCE. • .. •Iron.. • : • - :•ef ' .$37;0_011..,,Was,. _ontered.....lik...SerAPL '-'inenes,•-tent,-•atLithe:.._Eall.:Tairs."-..41.t..,,,,,od,:taJpeate-ar.-.1.,nonte,"--for-•,the-iamy'-... ----B,,atterr..:-..0e.az,-......ina,A-et.--4. .' • : • : •is_jilie . intention' '„taLholilifigaiiii-this .4*, -ay-' te,Had•Se,LasZa- • 4_ , 1.p Ye40-'1.*?,°"44E414iSfita4-0-4*.1:-.- ' e4td;:,--4P•a."A4.---•eiiliQtaohsA'a;----,••--•E',ot.,a-•-•*lre:16sate-prteer''nrr- . _.-... . . on._ bi*---egeonteatit-p-riee4.41,3---.-- ..1IR -TO .31lIc..LION-r-- extend: this ,Part .61; t.h0-: .I.*:°t1.!.. :-.11 the water fi'•"0:ii.t • at, Prince. -Rupert,- Creamery, Prints.' ':''........":"..25e.to 6,e.. • „, ,270;000.:- - -SuCcessful I- teinierers, the CIO74-6tinitinilettlI4'sion:Corii44: for theHMthof 'George 4.; Gould 30 lirgriL• ht. :6eVetrge.:11.;ili9•Ibfelih.seitliriineliwo?irottiesI:titlItIii- -wharves and other: utilitiei. • Dairy prints, cltolo :. .' ... .g3c to 24c • tion pf the ',great electrieal•Iimier le, ".be oomPleted Dec :1, '1909,, .4111. . . • but, space.. is reserved for Phblic-• do solids ..•.".. .., , •• :........, 230 to 24e . McGuigan Construction 04. 'Work' ... . . .,. '• lilLiaeS-• .• :I.,: ' :, :, ,•: .... inig the EXhibition... ' . ' ' • ' ' . ' do' ordinary ' ........:.• "....• ....• 2Ic to 22c 8 Aran mission line for •the people.. Of rninian, cables •• to he inanufaCtured , . , , . A ' deSpritch' fiOni.: .3ieitica:•--oityi • • _ ,. . . , • . ..• • • • . • •• -..„..... .,•. 'Dairy, tubs. ". , -1.• . - - •21-c•tb,22o,. -,- -:,--- , - ... . "Ontario •was • aceeptefl pia ,Friclayss..i.).:.Quebee.. :..Steettsi*erELtiv.hentati,' • ..• -,_ ,r„.„,..,._ • .says.: . Klhgd0h,....Gbilld; " • son- •of . . .- - - • ' • . dItEAT BRITAIN- • • • n, t.i.:si...' .. '!'•-4--. '''' - • 70,•Ciiing b'''.f ige.-41)4(e-O--elePti4.-eTTOil"- -.Ii-rieti-irred-:•-iii7-70,ritaga.. • The coatF-11-F-:- 17c to 18e •. • . • . -. • •• ..... „_ • • • _ ' ' • :, 'eorge JT":74G-orricit-anheir4o--init. -----:--L--CIONIE-IIE .SE.Z.,4--Ar.P.-S,.111., "•,P4 ,,King‘ &Ica-- ." rd-and-Queen;44e,gg-S----,Qii.etartions‘.7134,6-,296.-..-49,- • • " • ' • " ' '•'• • . ,..di b r. Commission. : The total price 'As: 250 00u; less •-thar_i" the: Conamiasion's iOns;' Will' Work : in. • the .inines ',Of ••• ' '''-• • - . • ' - ' • dra,*-1.11•1:4y it .state visrt tO.the• Kai-• per. doFen in • taso- lots. •': . • . , --7 ',$)_ 27, 0 o.pb.: 'When . cenipleted, the.. est mates -furnished, 'the Itininicipari- . nanajuato, for; the'nelt month'. ati _ . Airether•Iiiternational COMPliCatton.' , • • • - • • s.er.,:at'Berlin...earlY• nOctiYear. .:.• .: "PheeSeH•Firm •'at ' 12%c t'o l'3c fer 1 _ r f ,.......,., ,,,,...laa:gnr..%-:trir-tl-u-btew-:2ap.: miles in length.'•.The ties...,.' Theeontraetor•-le.also. beitatt:•-• 1_. • . ., Iciing-, . . agne.d by Mr: -F...H.' .ta build, additional Imes if dire-eted .,„ :.,p.ractical..rudinierita 'of' mining and . A, despatch • train. London says : fitSad. to interfere ' to have '-",""4.-4:11re4.-&-i4sh-,1:G;e4er-ii • • . ..,. 1. -•• , ...A. A ;k0. COXICS‘ . .POUltr, ',7Sliring.** ' ChiCkOP..4 ' 1.i.v.O. .C' 11,fflan,l'efire.senting. t e cora, hy the commission on or before , • . :learning to sdthis, blast So• . as 19. Another ,-cloud has + arisen : between siOns 0'• cancelled by . Venezuela re:- weight, , • • 130 to '15p; fowl, .10c to lle.; rib:fly, and alio • by .ple .:conitnisaion.-: •Feb. 4 1909- up to 'double the mile - get ' .. $et. the most Oat- Of sa•-•Charge. of "ex- China and japan; "aceording 1 to a re.storediOkritish Coinpanies. • • :: • • • ducks,. • 10c to lic•";..dresied•::2e• hi•ght e'''' • •-•:•-•-•-:-.:-••-•'-'• ' ' '1 ' I" : • • • : .' • .'•••...l• age • altes4r: 'contracted for, • at. the plosive .: Alf his work ' will , be .404.e. .spicial, Irksspatch. reCeired here from : • It •is Stated that, •beginning. in ..er, ,: - '.• • •'-'' • ''.• : . . otal.nalea.gei. , 293.. ',, .TerritorY ;same price,, so as tO,',perinit..-eiten.-.' • .. , . •• Aiader „theduStraction-and.. iiiiiierz..., JtOng...icong.,*•ing.„4„0„40..,7eekzure., 4141,relv..._.nett,..Lthe.:011:nardsteal=eers'- •Reney-Strable. . viiiien OFTref.t"-Heinp.,•IiiitractOr •Of- • :i.L,i,.. -_00,11‘.2 •...a.t eareret1;..,:froin Niagara. Falls • to St. siOns. to other municipalities •• .• „............... --•• 4t. Ohine-Hou. by:: the . Chinese ...aiir Will cut Out :ealing-At:Queeristow'n,• ..about WC, per pound ...• •,. • - • , .• 'c."-e9I9g3',' • (I' °911"ilibm's T-T40ers,7**437, . thorities of.' a •oteamer . having' •• on ;and wilt ran. to PlYnieirtValid OhOr•-• ,i • • Rpa.z.14-$.2_ to ..S.C.19' for prithes, - 'Where young -041 -10 --has been- atudy•-• lk.)-tatt . .16;:-000: rifles : owl: ..-,2,,000,-004.,:h-b-or-g-.-:•-•T ,1-_.,-: -...-,. ......-.• ---- ••• .• • and 11..19 to 42,20',for handlde-ked. '-"' 5°16- :$3 'Ilier .. c'w:t''' • "Ye's" 5*"e ' .table .Iandlord::free:..a.:•charge.1.I... • .. . "ing. mining engineering fer the pad coitridgoo; . , 3.4parie e.. rnerehants, ,, . • ' .Potatoes -Wholesale prices Are firm, qr... .:Priees. :were 3 ''te• .0c . per ... Vistiorg tO ii, 'certain, hotel in"AbII- - ...,,,..*wo • yOArs. : He worked .:his first have 'Protested, elaimin • "that this • 85e 'Pi $1, in, farmers," waggarts. • .• ' pOund...: Good mita' cows,..: $4G to 'erdeette.hirewho 'We'ai brOwri'bOots • . • _ iti '-o:ii_. W6,c140..da3. i 2: • :, • • - .... : • •.. : . - , I.. cargo- belongs to itieto*-:.An •••threat • , ' UNITED_ ;STATES,- • . , VW egelf,',:I twee; '43:tio.$4.,2;"hItielie, rnirst remember to Ilteep,..them..m. , --:7-411Lt..-F-LN-D Ili,_asrojir,_A:M..e,b,. mt.: en to Ot the 'incident; 'the- tet,, -beillegrh.t,ex ll'Ot;;Iilio-ns.I.:",.'wate_xne •I'rI to -make another intern ,:,1,43 to $3,.:26'; Iambs, $5:50 to • -$6t25. their, room • overnight,•:; -..--Otherwise. • kii.,,,11.poda.,...liri. 4 . - '. PROVISIONg. , '71:ii:A--411..6•t ' cut, ' $ ..' b per cwt • ••••Hogs were 'unchanged., "Oie'. bOota.; will, be iblaeked, 'regard-, : , ieriday' era, ,$i.153.; N& 2 neitheria,..Alioi; 'northern, Dati:4OrttariO., 'new, to Ala outsideTelcl, noniinal,: at 44•046 4be • outside.;,,Manitehav Ne- scarce • „ . 480 .te :433497 lake 'ports :No 3 46c ••te.,-.46-ge; rejeet6."•i:40p4o4,40%C.V.t,' •sum o raoney entirely, out of pro- portion to -the-pereentage, of, for, eign-liern residents; for the main- tenance of _criminal insane. and :de- pendent perSond foieign J. is that the Provincial Oov..- ernmene the. DO - Minion -;•Goveranicat againatthe lat-, .ter"s.."SyStern" 'Of ii?speotion -the ports of landing., Mr. Samuel. -A. ArnistrOng,'Inspeeter Of .Asylurai, • •••ob arleY-4)ld; No. 2, ",58e •to 60c: .invn -6Iitilde-;.-N-6771-5'9,3710-516•,- 4m3itt19--Frstates7tinaP:IlagOr'oiiise-s--cit side"; new, 53e ,te• 56e, • ..• • foreign -bora- the 11a00. defeetivR the. sh orn-Nomina1 at .:8-6;3 :to. 804: punlornsini419%-ewirho,c;w-h;ia,c1ZilisTino-rab4Ye7, Toronto freights for No. 2 YellOW,,, • and 840 to .843c ter' -; , • . longed" to.- families ,Whieli thero were on or more insane ineinlieris and 'of-e-eirta-e-the-r-geoli - way into: the hospital's asylumi, • •The eiract figures for the year 097; •which have just tbeen issued', .• show -that -there were b17 patientO ' in hespi,tals for the insane, :who cost the •PfeVrince for their. keep.$22* 550; 4,313 prisoners in the cob • -$61;339.23; and 289'.Prisoners in the Ventral Prison cost $25;425.90. 'The total.: cost of maintenance of the • • hIeh_talli: ' the ci'itai_it7 g.:.elassea Was $314,315.03; --more-than-twii,-thircia,ofTwhich• -Was iiicurred on 7 acconnt, a: 'the first •-class...ebustitutiag about one-fourth gether. • gieement Signed r Entire Work Bulk Bum of $1,270,000, • .• The .Nokii...,, ..e.mia,oilo . company. zirre: is, similar to that of .,.,0...„.'katsu ., .... , • , . , r . r, 2,3:50 .per bar- • Selects. were quoted at .40,.•.65_1-,Ot.,..1s...iiajof..:_th.o.„oigino 'Color ; of he ., :: ,. ,Strike..Well,Ituesvp Seara.: • • • • ' -. • A. hail 'tter All . d • heavy .•de,inake rel, :;.0:96§.1 -.::$1,0J9_ -_:41* -4.P., -c- -., , : . '...- .: ,•awC.i ,_. fed aril& witered;,:a44.1.ighte -,eatae.. -,. -In . one ,--bt--1110,.:,,r0or,O, ef., a . ' . te • wheat .'• • fort ' mile strip . in ' •• 1.4"4-----71e:r.eeSi 1•.c--;!--.f.fihs 1•2e ; •a"fi'd -fate were • worth:. $6..46 per okt. ' Ihinif ries- publie •:•• hoinie ia.• an old - r. •A'Aespatch • from. Halifax' says :•A . • . . .... • • , -.• &lath Daketa, . . ._,. • . . arinchair.whielira.said to have. been,' •• • •• . , , " .• Smoked. arid DrY.-Balted. Meats- :.. -fine strike of , 004. has been, made . , • , • . • . „ * . frequently used by the poet Barns. BOLD ROT DICIIGI.ARS.'" . ' • .Slapinents: of. ore,rezn, Superior . ., ,• • • • Long. clear bacon, - .1:1e'' te. itY•c ' . ', • .. • • • . . . ,.....ot...theLnorth_shore of COW Itah_I_C.,,., are"1,0,000,000 tOns,shart.of the' same , • ' ' • CURIOUS'HOTEL'CUSTOMS, ' A.1).who,.:tht-nt If chair Are Np .t- • e 'ec tens. and gates lianas' inediani and., • ' • near the Yold, BleckhoaseiShip- • . ,... ....,...r- .......,..,.._• ..:,:,...,to....tr.eat_etery.,..one...w.laii,iain_the........_ ,,,,...:•.;,4iiig_ Pier. .Tlie....15-orth Atlan.tie_C_olr"' Yeang, .ottawa .Lads • Apeused, of PicurIclite;r%149. 76: 'It wvi",rende'4is,..ei..'1.O.H' ...11,,gjihti',,,_1:1,?,,c to, IPe...;,..... ham‘ • large,,• here. Every' Cuss Wo.rd: Costs A room at the time, anti often the m, , • A lieries,- Limited, on Tuesday struck:: -H--- . '• • 1k6ri ..."41erblit- . , •, . , , • . ,•. ., . ., sOr S . cell\LP 41u• ...--h-a7t-7. .ttujist. . --.8".-7411 ;h702,creiboro,4.6,1,,0"e' :.nte:,.1,1.e.;i rojile, :1exo: . •1 . .:•'.... - .• •• • .,. • . . . , r . . ' VellitY. ." . ' ..inortal nieniery o the•famons o c • acks, 1/Mc to.; 18p • - • •-•.--tliew-ell--know-ii. _:131,oeklidas,e,„.„Seit f.....,....4C.iteapateli_. frona„;,•:OttawasaYs.:,. ,y,:'.4,,r_13.4.4?iiiti.V...t,,. ti..17...m.,.5,9t,s..ge.P'er")..1'. 8,1'....tri- -11c1-.... breakfast bacon,ito_40_, " ..:A:',..euriritis • eastern prevails at:, in Is • ' " 'tiSh' national:poet is drank... /.. • At: about,. the .dePth-Of--125-"feet.:-The '7he:- Yeangest-.burglara ever -.arrest- s I ,• . . ... . 4....11-1.-104,tp1::iri.AVAFIes.--until.:41:iiits-7'-'7.---;-- ;,..4.9.,at.,:cf.n.piek_k_._Eilintairgh_hotel,....Mtheneyera Pus- _ . 1-5%c-.-green-mea '..Oeam„ was found ta.be.nine feet nine ed •in :Canada'. were caught here 'on •TWe persons .are 'dead 4,,,ict-t-,-,-,w.. , recently: was ased by the ."Catholies- :---• _ . /cc naive y. .the pexatrfri.rc. •Poa • , Three -1Eds7Vliwser:OS rffirlrat e :. ;e'tCra'C1S+01*rr*h*1-theP'A3Aat40k-- y e ,Tnititt7611:_qlirOil' til..,00 i)146t,iiit,li:4113r, iitiLi3,'a,kei as a. Plate- of •.'WershiP •On, ShadaYS, ' • . • .. • , . • • ., . . .. • 'le ,less•,,than sMoked. • ' ' ... ''.: tomer. is. heard to, swear he is.: re- -inches :thick. This seam • is 'owned. Itieclnesday - by D,etectrve O'Meara.: SetrionSly iii..0.:40cheater from ,eat: .. • .1Company•-and North 'Aittantic,,col, eight ap.d ten,-,:haie:I.hee.d:arreatid: 1617 intighteot#8:.. ' ‘‘,. , • .. ; - . t . • . . ••••• --;'; --- -- - .,.. Matter 'fitir;:iiirprige-tliat,‘"the...land.-7 • tpanY , is. about .eti tering' into :an ,ar? ' hi' lceu, . into offices and stores;alorig bound • flyer 'fell . from ' bis cab:. Bear arket . for oats. is firm ander •lieries, Lingted, • The latter' Coin:, frr . a "'series •of;:,bUrglarieS, ;„Ifaiiibt .; ; The-erigineer-4-thet4:7:••-.11,-eaf.4,-; renireal;,•;-.Ang-,,::,--1$,Grain..c.he;,....40.1.4„.,,h.e.a.i.s.„,riateha .j.,6,,n,0* -4atigement--With the_forrner_to•-sinX public. streets •by ' Means •of 'rear Battle Creek, Mich.' And the • train steady 'demand: ••Manitoba No ...2„.cans ili ....t4g. . . 6:•• • he than sOnm of • his 'fellow • pahli: capital' .:Of..Seetland,. _ .... . ., . • , . -•ishaftS on the Dominion Coal Coin; ..windowS and. gratings, . The boys ran /6-31F-ifiteitrilifirdl al.: TAE , IVIAARFET:I • '. . .' ,:twhite, 4aol •Not3' ;74-7"ct'''reiect::eni. sayatoMon4„it,Bitl.. '' •• •• . • ••• ifiiiiy•-•"••tireasiirefeleing ita-right --to- -hrekeriinta,Leffiees-and-Stores.--alon • - 'A.LoaAngeteLiiiiii,•dirkyeairisarie 46e .4)01.• b-tisihel, -in car 'Iote:ex store The ... g • followingLis,:_a CjiatinCidea_ • ' nine the: seam . underlying . e areasth• took • 'away... money . • and.. postage by:. religious , man la, • murdered his FloarChoiere• Spring wheat 7- • .._ • . OL.•for',Protridiagl funds., for picnics and :Pritice Rupert: ' TOWnsite. W-111 :bo - rhoth•Omppitee.. ,g,,...., „.---. ,. . St-. ., • „ : ' ' . • . in SoPteinfier.. :611,--,and-dau4b.ter.--w-itii :an a*e,_ala. Quits., $9.10:: seeOnds,..$5.59„; Winter 64M _eociaLevenings. ' Tt. is . carried nu.• then 'eat.:_his_oWn threat,. ' .. „ „ whoat. patents, $5,;.,straight rollers? •with •,inaph., success ,At aii...,. Ashton,' • EXPERT,S•.TO 'DESIGN BRIDGE:. ' • ' -,.. ..•.s.".. ........-44--4-t-, . , •• • .. • • ' . In •Bpringfiel1,11,:.;. the tires ,a if4.-to to ISlitid I; ,I:16%; in bags, ;$1.9.6Ao' c..r.IVIerse,Y.. inn.. A (Anoeking Ciiilil': ' •A'..desp-ateli. frorn • kcintre4 says.: • , „Imixernlyjort,....„.,0i: N 0 •• chitties,' , :-. - RICH' G OLD . D I STRICT. • Several. Persons have been ends,a): -$2.16; extras, $1::.50 to $1.:7.5. • E:eed. $22.,_ to 023.;,Irort. is'UOnnected With. the inn,. and. When: The management • of • ;the Grand .. ; geied ' as the. res.tilt .of .bitesi by -a •---7Marlitobit' bran, - a customer eilla for'. refreshment he • ,Trunk Pacific 'Railway . announce • s • ---•-•••-:-.--.7-77.•With-.,--Q•nolie,e.. •Striiatiire.:.: :: .:... .. ' -rriiiirefir.Port. Artlatr;;RCPort; horse -afflicted 'with • rabies,,,,,--,--- • ,,, - 25, Ontario.,13, an, ..$ 0.„ to $ . „ 7k -de -Spate -IP frolirettaWa:-thaYs-i4t-1-:.... ' si'' :,ii,' ..-4 0' .• • .........:;..-4g.4.0425.,;•-per-:- .1, is •'::_expected -Ito -knock on,the - table., ..that _the,toWntite,of, R.rin40--,,Rtiphrt...:„,...:, ...,:.....,.,••,.....,,,.. t0;a,,aehtdi,-hag;4-fails--to^-:tlo-this1-he.4e-fi-nncF'one-Pen-21 el:be.:1114/h:e-a'Ini r•-rtten':ge'lleairAntaa-t-r-isIl47 , . • has...been decided that, the rebuild; • ..• s -.."'Il`7!':' •"'":.'tu.t`geen-Till • ingot the.••Quebe--eiiridge: will be un-: .• A , despatch . -from,. 'Port Arthur , , . 4 • • 1 garding:dotaila are in the hands Of . '•dertaken ander, the .direct supeivis-• . says)1t, Bell,: whO is'iti thc city The. Trirkistv AittliasSadori..... at milled -grades,: $25 to $28' Per, ton,- enees another %of _ • breaking. this General Manager. 'Morse,' Who ' is. in ' 'fp guard agadmit .any• oricirs••in cal- 143P•JrtS .t1.10. Atitlihg .9f a • 01.1arti vein. OiSiVissed7 •.' : '•• 'I. -'.- • '' . : ' ' '$4''5°*••: • half bir'rels'.-. - Pali's' ithil St.• •Petei'sbu'rg 344iN'Te beeri PII.°°4°ils:-4iirr°B.'d4odi''.66::;11::-,..i.4'117:1-75808•4`'-; Ihnuisq--iloaliritliLids-ailsitvilindes-edt. TitiltdE'ascibroe3;2: Le S7.--oerief•ihTahti-.,--sittielri;t:IlinkIcilillatintliaf%),"L-•.-,-:-.-:-.... inn " of (ie --c-foirerroint..7-711r-gyraori:,Aronitly3:-itr-gecia;..T.4akeT • 'district, :, *oight, ,Ixic.h., 3.5 feet wide.:, Tie traeed oVer.,ihree... I:hiring, -the' rik6th 'of .Jnly ,fortrI :clear. fat. backs,: $23 ;: dry . 1 eulatiOn in the stresa ' s‘t'199&-many,..enjoYable:• outings.. arid idea- ..been saccessfall. in ;' arranging. the • '.. ., as.,„ led •to the doWafall. of the ,ori- claims, ., He, e,y.rs 's.ilif,Otwheinignintr:reti.igyoslidueo.sn:e.ftwthe teen •:rnornitain • elbnbers We,re kill, ' ,,,,,,A ....in ..tho Alpo; , , • .. . • ...:- . '017.59;•_lialf-barrels .do,i.,,o9; ..,t . .00!:n_ teit....r4n...ingS, daring .the,coi.i.rse••',01. "differenees.withtlie- 'British 'Colinii,,'.". .' Clear backs, lie; 'barrels plate.beet, ..gin-arstractare,; the plans of the,. ,bia.-GoVertinient • over ' the •water -7"..'7'. . new bridge wi•ll be •carefally ': .•turgeon *Lake :d.istriet • were •-aptuir-• • Portugiiese••revo-latiOnist's .are • im- PO.ulad lard, ''0.Yi to. We 1..pure lar(1; At another hotel, known .• as the 'front sites • • • - . • pared ,14,, a board .of ,three of the •ent anYW:here in the.11'n'ited....State....p.orting SecretlY targe_„q„.414..41_91: ,. Old Ilandred,'"Custorilers are .allOw, of..1•20 te 1:30.1‘,:lkettle rend,ered.,:.13. to. ' . • .• . .. . ..;•-137.4:40094;,).:Ih:17113O7.1:1,Vot. 6'W.-11,14771;t1S1r...e. Alt:',T;i1C:soioot. to. •-eitietiOrctliattthimilioy._ est'y.,•:,),,yri,o-ge.„-engineefo...:04.._.ean,...be ianW;941tahieghoeil.01,filee•,,,,iisiite rt!ive ..iyiriiiii'ae:a..ii$4iim6bintiot.n....i. r. .1...••''te• orirrelieTdr.tul&-IfOrie-,* 'hot ' 'iouhd, ih gutdpe Oi- America • • . . . . .. ,. -. . _. , .. • • , ,. . ••• and, 'a olice. Court .roceedin s • were e•-•;. ono -G-0- 43-iercuses during,t e Week.q77-' • -rniddlings,$24_,to,$25,;;,shorts;_:$24.:, or --counter_ ,Itekre „driziking,_ :he_ GENERAL:.• ' pare :,grain Mouille; 13'0 to $32.; ny- Any on who wrongfolly.:?,o_. `• DlifGATIS"'. -EXPLODED, . ' , •,....,,.... : • .: •• : SIIOT ONE, VOC:ii)ED ' ONE. •• Iiilled and.: Many nju•re • . . . on . Icelander at. Vernon. R. • ., POIIP ,Freneh. Shill. ., says.::'nil ttoa • rit u * ' rder 'despatch„-:,...from.,...Toulon , " • ,' pereons wore killed And 18 id- • A ,despatch fiom -Vancouver, 11• :•• jimed in• a gunexplosion.' on the C., •saysi Superintendent Iliissey, • school ship Couronne on Wednes- of the. Provincial ' police, received ••• day -off Les saline crHyres. .,The word on Friday:afternoon that Jos.. accident Oceurred-• While •a number Anderson'„, an Icelander, • shot and ,-irteartfiti wore -.-o-iyalo-r-tirhs-ratt.7-killed,,--;Beiglistanzancl----.wouncled_ •-lia.g,-;-.4. „1.64-inillictre •_•gun;,. the S.. It...Brown., at' Vernon,: B. C., in • breach of which h w out Three the inoi:ning f011tim. •:'-'-diaptite-at---' ,a those wounded are'in a critical fectintan irrigatin tell.. Ander,. ,. , • 's..dinition.... , . , son • IV $ arrested, Leaves $4, -000;600 --and- Forbids tenanoeLiquor- Tra 0 deipateh fe6m Lonoon. (inot-opoiate to the'preitielice mor- Colonol Ittehard • rilkington;.' the ally and niateriaily of large .inasselt ,largestr -employer of laher in Lan- of the Community and . theSe facili- -).cashire, in his will diSPOglilig 1:`4 ties ought to be curtailed)" • 'fear. dellar.ritaltes sinThe• ' forbids the,heirs to sell :06,oht the. of rent any part of the.estatos to .. _gale ,0( intoxicating „liquors :On his anybody for the puipege of diEtpen- - esta.tet.;T1 testator: aors..t.• -" sing intexieating•liquorS, Tho will • ‘,14 experience ,acquired • ita 'a is cansing;W•ideSpread conirnent, ,as -;;L:4041gIe„..oiaxit.L.01:r Adhor and a niag t ShOWS' the •Spread, of the tempei-. ferrate have eonviniedine-thati-the- ance_spitikang proon aci1itieskr the sale rif li of'gnglatid,. 'Mexico -en a charge of theft, Were, 1'5••tti 16e4l fresh killed abattoir -tortured by. fhe Nine persons 'were killed' in a burg *.:and Kiel, Germany, on p :Fear lost tk-iir tires through an error' in the transmis- sion -of an order on • the '0,erniari •-warihip Undine. ' • The great People's Opera House in Berlin, where high-grade Hpicy- -dil-ntrOil if" are -r -to be- give elttra-:•-reeti No.2 white, 9734e. Corn -Steady, Oats-to:Wet; NO, '2' white, "5244-No7 dressed -hogs, $10;.' $7 to $7 - -12-34.. ,Eggs-N..i, 1, 19 to 2Qc ;.' lects 24c per dozen. Batter' -,, 24 ,2c in)9. • ing 08. ee.e Western, 12 to ,1.2.Xe; eastern, -12 to 12Yic•• U,NITED STATES ,MA:REETS. Buffalo, Aug. 18:". -Wheat ---Spring unsettled; No.,1 Northern,' Carloads store, $1,20%; Winter easier ; No, pies w.ij , ..Th &Iernarkable flight .,N7111Ytir Wright attuned an altitude' or. ninety feet with his aeroplane, and remained almoit seven Utes in tho air. ,.• ' • • --.---•-••••••- ,• IVAS nosioti "OTEMPT. trihree'wn flaky Tribto Wreck tx. :enkoion, A.desPateh firom Winnipeg sii; 'It -W-a-s--Teal#ffeel Friday' morning. that a fiendish attempt ,•was: 'made, ,serne parties, as y'et•nziknown.• to t'reek a C. P. B. exeursion•train running from Winnipeg eil,Oh on 5 white, bIe; No, -1 4 white,' 50c. Minneapolis, Aug. •ISHWIleat - No. 1 hard. $1,24..to $1.25 ; No. .1 Xorthern; $1.22 to $1,23';' No: 2 Northern, .$1.18 to $1,20; NO. 3 Northern, $1.12 t� $1.15; Sept., 81.00%; Dec., 8%o. Flour7,-Erist • 'patents, $9.15, to $6.25; second pat- tiooitganon 6ntg:, $3:to $6T1-,5.; first lears, 14.35 • to • $4.45; secbial clears.,.. $3.50 to $3.60, Bran -4n balk, $19:50. ." are -0bliged-11Y-gd--olit-cf-tlye h-otor and take a walk *before they are" ai-2. lowed to have another. ' Till recentlr 'the ProPriefor of 'an c • time 0 e arwic •s are usea to invite All his customers to, ae- tompany hini•and his Wife to. the Sarin •at titeparislrehurch on -San- clay mornings, which was situated on the opposite. side of the road,. the house being clnsed while thy were away. On •returni g each ctn..' toniee,..wa$ vat•ed tram...ear.r.ylrig_air_Andre.w„Szaser„..,.. :11ORE2"..,ROMRS.1)? Another .Attempt, tC1Vreek DidlwaY • ,Triiin .Prekonted,' , • iespat rom. a Another attempt to ..vvreeli'•a; train with a • bomb has • failed. ": 'Coolie* • inent:Otitside... the ' Chand.ernagore siiitioni-Laceidentally • exploded two- •,boallys... • It is believed that it was: bitended•te..use thein-ta.deStror the fresliments 'offered by thet IospF tieutenant,Governor of Bengal, OOT • CATTLE. MARKM: • _ _ • Toretite. Aug.„.1.8,-LThe- higheit Exottrsion Train Stalled at Chalk River. A .despatch._frorn ,North..BaY_saysi. ,beer. FightinglieearneLgen.- Two ,excursiOn trains, •of , harvesters ,erlil,, and -one _man had his • nose, price paid for, export. 'cattle. wastrOM. the 1VIaritiiiie Provinces .trere split ..aild siistained 'other, injurii,7 $5.25: T4erange- was *$5 "to. stalled in Chalk Itiver for an hour 'One. petie-emaii is .with each triti•n,. fot. good And $4.50' to $5 pet .CWIt. on Friday, , consequence of a, hut no attention. is paid to him, ,Tuesday: evening. With seVerat trail- for light and; Pleked slight freight wreck ahead. During At Mackie's,Station the traveling . •dred citiions on heard, about five butchers': eattie $4,75 to $5; good their stay" in Chalk River the hotel hoodlums &Mused themselves' 1)y • sinles but A rail. was 'lined and re- load, $4.00.te $4.85 ; medittin loads, was laoted,, the 'proprietor Carried Wieekitig. the ftirniture in the S Moved from the traeli,.,but the Clan- • $.3.:15 te, R4:781 eon:anon, $4.50 to outside, and Over one thousand tion' agent's 'house, and otherwise ger :was disbovered befere•• the lida- •ea.to';- choi6 ,cptig, .$3.10 to *4404 lare --worth,•-ut-liquors----•and: Cigars misbehaVing: At Xe•rth Bay' f.,11, vilY,loaded' train rail into it. :Su,: eetaton-cows, ••$'.50 to carried of on the er.eursion train. police foree aPd a number of citi•- 80.eion, Of course, is di:teeted to $2' to 44,.,001 ce0nere., $1: to per 1:'\Iyen' the :cellar was ransacked, aild' zcits Were Proliared and the fit wards' sytriPatliliet% but oivt: i'friedS of good stocker rang.- . ear -load of tieer, in kegs, .etoTe,n sign 9f diScirderresalted in arrests. .,thero jibt+oliftelf1r. ho•YidcC t oritton„„_$.3 titdais_riotous 8Ooh.O$ connect tin;',•li!..tly With it.: , light stockers the prices were -.torn utter farms wore emptied and rill- irusrn. • ,. •