HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-08-20, Page 1• Farm, Fireears : P urnih•Se;"I IcQuillin-shipped of app'es to the West yesterdaA. tinOlc,ENzrE y • itd ay of St :Louie, ,: 'Ate.; spent last; �eek at the,old. home. G4eor o A. S'ddal'thas returned: from. -i naonth's vacation. Mrs J. G. Gordon ie visitia in B .,Tharneeford. w• August 15th,- • `-DEn-In IS•uckuo g ,i . ,h• ''a ed`71 eats 19.Q8�Geor�e $rote le, g 7, y • et Robt IVIo{idy is ;b.t rip a :repres>atang Mr. lino .l'oyntin the apple husinus.' Q • Accident ands ic�elity Insuranbe The p :Wading Canadian companies incing ,Toe Loudon'Iutuai °, AlsoBeal- 'ludstate--of:-ever? -..-.-descri,Mien:. bougbt,-sold.or<excbanged_Mow'v loaned 'on',rent estate nt1ov/estrates—J.•A. 1y1eelENZIE, Box 34, Kincardine.' Mme. cCOi e OAL L ID A . _. Zo�.�rE ' REAL ESTATE;.' iKONa�r >� � AND COAL': DEAL. t. gr eEin l , :o •''`' ,Mone,y to loan on nores'' . ,. n atirfrom esu one onth 4t twelve `„double, moutbe,;,and on .first, and 'ecoid mort-• state and 'first most i a` es on reale _ -. a ee on: live -stock .at eeasonaible ranee'.: ':' - I purchase and'sell"far'm properties. �''Coal for sa1i, orders' •promptly, filled• ___ i re _ _i . fit;neurance in all its branc1es. 'Office;: in the Thomas •Renee block. Give me a call.' ' - • a• QN C: 11..-T.`.Lindsa .abd°wife:...of Kingston returned :home Sdturda .after:a`weeks visit here. • •The Misses Bertha -,:and 111abelle' Alliu: ale 'inGodorich this week at= e tt,dine; the Bowling tournament. Mr. Harold V. Wilkinson is'vieitirg -G. A. NEWTON. L.D.S. � -'�T/^r �i friends in Atwoa.d' before going West .LSI .L.' 1a7 where he expects to a ii aces ilnn• OFFICE ALM. BLOC. WI MUM p. illi H'u-old Armstrong of Kinloss All modern. methods used. .Bess is employed at the G T. R depot'as material furnished Crown aid -bridge- ' C - ea a83ie• an t: '. work... Yainless:eatracting wy the use � of the latest eiw 'est. and safest remedy Mies . Lizzie` ''Downey '' of Brus'etsi •. P SoMNoroRME:; Nc-west thing in arta visi•ed this; week w •:h,her friend Miss �n . intaes nose ri Er�teeah-��1'u�arira�:t° -, .a.._ _ Po breakable. At. Ripleyevery, Thursday da: Rsa-bl�-sash®ails;,-ogie�ned-on-Hong, 0• T. it: TIME: CARD - • NoRre-12-25 P':M:' 2.35 •P i▪ 4'r..:' Boon: - '6-10 A,M: 10.35 X03 Pill the 17th Inst Town. and yil age s hoole will open Sept lst•• . Mise Minnie Edwards of; Belfast .returaod-toToronto to --attend the: AND�.�?SO�TAL , .:., millinery , openings•` • TIrwin shipped car„ ofh-M-..E3ar. old�New-tan uf-Kincardin• 'lir-spending his4'a at ou his home here z: Ths. Furniture;' • Factory :reenmtd 's bra. arid Edith Greet; work' on "the 17th after a shnrt'period- The . Mi sea S• of repair;'etc. , of: Detroit,- Mier, are spending, a oou weekswithfri`'nda around town E'nv W.' A, Brerinep' of Ripley ple.of • w• e.; .reached in .Uie;Presb terian'church, J medford,: ' a n; p Y A” Ar:gew of The. - . n. ld Lucknow' :boy, visited :friends in n.,Su w Work was begun • this week getting materials on tne .. ground' for the hew •Carnpl eh.S;t, bridge . • UIED=Baturd flu .•:15th' 190.84., a)!a 6 .. .. Mrs. -J: A MacLennan Wilt be 'AW ,Home'_'_on. Tuesd:ay:2a 5J h from 4, to 8_ t• own'rhi:s week.' • Drive Rheumatism: from the bt,od•• ve'ith..Dr.'8hoop's Rheumatic ,Remtdy.. Brawn of Aylmer; ,is.visit- ing ler aunt Mr•s, Dr, Tennant. The. 'Altisseri: s3ara,'_,Edits-.fid 'Ir. lde1 • :�ee enunda7 with friends. (I,., r sF Bervie. Mr. and'Mra A. D. Corrigan have returned to Chicago rafter a _herr visit here daunt o F R'inlose•'brou ht. ''in Geo. f B. ' 2 and 2 two ” curumbera•. 'weighing . , � . . I • P ou'-ids respb riva1y -. Jpio�®le3aiider g. o ld colt- for.tli v -'i vae sum ...of, '26:41.00. which �rh pped. : ,e er ' under': re i t recto and ed to T.o K, Ctrain Brine Gurdon Ironsides and Fares ,.Qo, shipped six care of ',cattle to . Montreal -on Wednesday for export:. .: _., 'Mrs, J. Wi}sih and daughter of Paris are guests of Mare. -John Biddies. 112 '; and -'Mrs W:! d A;rmstrobg celebrated their silver wedding on Wednesday evening. We hope to 'publi'sh a. full account 'next`. week. The: etteding Of :the ip::tried par;ties ih ` Saskatelit;d¢an. Rs , determined' er mined'b yQ :Great . BAi1:..,Galile What was ,undoubtedly .the; finest xliabil ion o£ heli .playing :.seen.• in Lucknow :for years • wasthe match between Wingham and Lucknow at, the Agriculture Park on Friday • last. fir` un :in the I.ucknow scored.'1thg rat r.., _r _.-_ second innings; 'Bingham secured one in the third';and anotherin the. fourth he' f ouirth -. Ln..cknov int,'in two- in t. # ,. One lin the seventh. " W i'n ata. o g . azt,_ h ern •a`, tie, and••': eve if This left`;the-tea s n . .jor:_aiore illeYing had been ilei e t Would have b 'een. counted excellent` u hall But.. the best • was the; yet to •come.:only two.. more innings. ' :nn. . • which to win the match and.both teams., buckled in to do the trick in those •two innings, .T.he Sen last) acid last' week that Or boys intended ; to wan, andwe were right, hurirwas -not done in two nor,, ,thrice two in- nings. 'For nine innings the ,'play' went, on and neither aide was "allowed to'score,and when at last in'the 17th ed the winning Lueknow' scored r t}'e reeni tmeleetivat is tavca-defi'natel. _ r- h• b .-- his�ti e- -run;`i�h�speoisx�o�s; o- y t .. na. . decided at 2Liberals and 14 Con �r ,ti'�e$oil�.�i, oke into: cheering., and'_couldn't�..:.stop, :at least ord Lovat, vat,' -chief of '. the Clan for some bane. 'For Lucknow Thon1 =; �. .P, Fraser,' was .in Toronto . August 8-11, son, scored one,.. Findlater.:one, and X199$ _ He w banquetted by h" fl: hWck 'two,• one of'''Which'decided . - ole nsman-nr-11 i nto.r-J•olza A: Odlum , t1 a h:� - 'or Win hair Moor scored one and Dunlop', two. •_The tine up was--as-follows;.•.---._ -; v-°�Z�'a•'••�v v�it8�r8 McCoy, e; R• Roberrson, let b, F. Thompson, 2nd- b, -W --Burton,-s;s _T.: Reid, 3rd b, :J Habbick,`' r f:; J. Ti><idlater,'Yc f ,:•R• Johnston, L.F W ingham-Dunlop •p; Barrett c. Burton,:, 1st. b Moor, :2nd b; Algie,` s' s; Hammond,,• 3rd b.•.: Curley,; lt, • Aiteheaon,'; c f ', Howson, 1, f.' of Lucknow, One, ie• eon of Eliza, daughter__of: _O,lonel.._Frazii _ eon:' -of ;cord- �i.�•''�o��s3?�r-sn�®eye.' and:a Fraser claheman,: ' .' Neacly syery Wedoesday.;nigbt_i d Thursday morning ;we . rec=eive "loca•1. comesponden, e . annonncen eht Or'.ed= p_ vertu-ement intended for the Dement week's "issue-' of the B Mine:: : Ttie' piper • should go.. to press. Thursday morningand as the''tyP.a hint. to'•be•'sat• g it ie''oovioua thatth'e copy Must reach ns',earlier than that:. Disappointment ..nicouPonwr. rik. 5 '; Capital, .. 3t3°�4,0 t�S t.'tltfl.' �"5,574,0001 ® .• 4 s In Canada and. Agents : Has 'Brand ' e ' ' w and Correspondents.:. . r nci a1 :Cities in .the World. . ��.alLthe.P � :.,.. .... it p INC: 13iJBINE9fS.,. TRANSACTED.. • � ' RA "RANI[ A ':GENE. L F T 1tiiOS -,�.8•A�, DSP at -a11 Brancles:.=ntereta�loeed ath2 fest,current ar :::. f MITiI Milia • er. . 1, S. REID-Accountant. • Da s Bakn g Powdr I -•r best nd -- - les } ° v.• can but - .. , •Tablet: or Ligti . Sold by all dealers.:• A $ Splendid Entertasnrnerat .: could be avoided. if:. 'people would . . P _ . Dr=U'veins 40ialis w ll be • i Ales Grant-ot-:Aehfielel; son• -of the- The wastes: o 'see ho,v, early i ke,4 of` low. late` •._. The•-,-entertainment..:-under-x'heans- Cain Howie, SOFA 22; 00 Ail, Novi , late'Rev, Aleit. !Striat _Th funeral zeas Committee on. - :, - : i •. . e , • . r--. - - •. - ..- =`they •get-=co'PY--into-our--hands it•, as Dices 17:,:.0..c; Ilh : bare. 2 io ,.9• : •.. • was held :on Tuesday, rhe $th. .. ,• e alar: of last week' was:' of the • • 1,6 1908 : ' R `► of T route who parl,icutarly e. xasperatiog .to receive Thursday "ling ,•L.tsT.-�On �upday; Aug , '. kiss Martha; o ..., a �the entertain-' . , , , . ... :..' ' o : n earl. ; ..grand• success both s to .: . � :. _� . ., ... ,a �.. ,, on.Thursday report's.of • event a .. y no+ar•Belfast,,a icotch.Col.le. Atiy.in has been vistmn„ her-eiater�Mrs.B n , . ,, Wed, an result., . ••• • a, Reek old. and which might: jugs as anent provi: d :financial: .fo'tuaattonleanmg to"her recovery..will..S.oyder, and relytve�.•at Lgngr<ide, rte... •' -`vrei'l iia-�*e-beeneent-T'�in three.'.:,or-four, Every rium reprogram . � f hie:_office..-",!,..1-...: '. r- to the c't ,:; ;esterda : ''. •- ' :. be •r�w-ar;Wed a t.tu, ned x y y y ; bes.ra•t me vias • • •"' da 'e ea liar. We usual: have,all:...e 'well rendered and to' say 'that the ethers o£•$rnloes.-'T. y Y w Hear .M . rp , . . i' ase s on Friss, �._ ._ ... .. .. . , T)on o. mis tl _ b _`b -h- _ , _ . , .:.:: , ::..: r ' hl •' :pleased' ,'.is _...._u Y_ _..____..,.., ie _ _, .._. �M,. _Y can do,-on-Wedueeday ib handle re!'audience was • tho oug... y., br�ugfit:-in-on-Monday;a_stalIr_of-teeth La:C,knew•;vs Y{:incardine -Those who ports o• 1ate happenmge on`.tliat day ,'puttiYig'it' mildly The :piano solea' e:►eurin' 13 ft. 2:an. This beats the • aree- : Local:eorrew oudenta would' (Adige, ns in •Juieihed O '' ; Wtp'gnam game r p :R , , by MiseJliosel. MacTLennan of Chicar. lace b'y'q:uite •a lot. Who".11. be the; renin it now., :g eatly . by -:sending : in the- bulk of. g _ g' :,tribution earl '`"'n College of. Music�were,faultiessly ren-' beet. 'The`eorn-rn:-thesb-parts-i nn'a :_. .. ,their weekly,.: ce tt y r Mrs: . . ouch Bruce Joy •servatives: ,"!.;.‘4.. -week; ;then reports ..of. laser events dared and the `vocal solos by ususll ood dais year.g _.._ _ .. _ . - y.. gi, _._... their: convention. -'at--. Walkerton on ;.might be soot in by mail or telephone Corrigan and Mr W :kinson were +a At the . paledortian games- n Sept:. 3rd to'o,nomtnate a- candidate to ght-up to --the Inst: m-omeut'Thio; .alone worth the•pried-4admission.: It al$eaforth on thw 12th, our .town. itti contest the.' riding' for the' -Commons. Woo'ld-ma!erially as,istno inproduc%ng is:• articular] to--be=.iregretted that,. -.31r; A. McPherson won • 'two. 'prizes,, : , sn op-,to-date'.paper P y ilkinson _ :Tiz,, yst for best'dressed Highlander,: .. t , p Y ' nitrated Services sin the '. Episcopal .The `following is the p gam ticknow and 3rd for ° Highland Fling. jobb,Bowling : 1`. 0vertiire. .. .London_, Harpers, #'ray. of.st.'Macg s wa. , oderie h is having 'a; 'Bowling; �_Claairrnan's Address'- :,, ..,` of Rev Sanders, who"wag an Ripley ..-- ' Die . Ea P ll h ld h ad o-lirn- BEST. ,SPICE; BEST CORKS.' BEST•WAX:, RI+ISTROr DRUGGIST... did''stock of - �Pe have, a len ... Watches, `ClockssP; gid: Jewelery-- call and insect our stock. P `WATC111. SELLING. D REPAIRING; .1 S'"13 A• 4'`r 1� -N - tii.r4 R•A. N'Tt 6 Q i : THE. BEST COLLEGE' course leading to a good salary may be taken under Best. con ditions at` the , •-- Central Business College, Toronto: = Fall'. term `from Sept. lst:: P Catalogue . free. Write. for it.' W. H. BHA*, FRES..:' • E. R.. SHAW 8'EC. STflOH .E 'E - . a N ,IC.IAKS ' dE1N, L RS_A � • OPT C _. _ Luck -now Roller INills • re. Buying .D. MacD aid of. Wio ham 3rd:: _ .. . i .. - - - -- g .,. :. � o ria ent•thls week at which a at «; Afton" •an 1 .. er t .�, ....., ..i...:. a... i . <_. _ :; T u. m ._ ..__ ..,.. _ . ._3 -Solo -.;.......Flow Gently Sweet Afto _,.,, �___ The crowd' 'wase fair 'cone�deri:hg that' ` •. win �urula .wi o is „(' • forty rinks are expected to contest .Miss prudence Ha s y._ .:.__ n a Crry ;Season is •over. •1 p. o'is77dck. :hint a dozen rap as_ 0 4w helped -it once -by Dr:- •Shua�'e'135.10.went from Luc_know`-ma, d„ e f 11 Ointmen . J u'st to 'prove ii f, 'a , g • ,J. G. Murdoch, Geo Smith, Thos: i,it b x_will be.mailectnn re uest;' b : writing. Dr. Shoop'Racine,;:Wil. smart-• ' Watson, Wien:' Alh'n, skip. ; in bleeding piles, internal or external. 15,.. Archer, J. kindred, Walter, K' g � � .of Hamilton. Sums of one dollar end get quick and certain help from Magic, Ointment. Large box boc. Sold , by • all'd� sista.: 'meetin .of the .E worTG, Wine -e Tye. g P B7a bleat--Mohday, evening, .-Aug. 241b., will be under 1ha�direetion of the Social Depertmenh.. ''Mr. Walter Hu11 editor of the Vih'ghann Advance, and cial,,'Thtpart�.eat .or the District, will .''be present oral die- t .. ,:- •...::r .. tures of the work and: some fee , • Methods of working. A good program will be preientgd and all 'interested• 1n Young Pe'opie's work:will do Well to 13 presence" . • Your'business ,is :solicited 'by the s Bank • .Savin s Bank de- 1Vlolsoh g .�, ... - .... ... ,posits bear interest from date' of e- .pi iit~todate-of-withdrawal. • Inter'estLL paid four times a year.' ` •Absolute, se- urity ;offtir'ed. Read' advert ement 'The' footprints of Dyspepsia h ve ieendite:er'ly traced: • to the stomach liipa :of sand .horses will be:sold: . De os.tyour savings with the ttahk; P n upwards recenvei: Interest''allowed from date of deposit t.o date of with- ,drawal and add; d to_prin• iipal POUR times aytar. All btteihegs strictly -confidential. Pain anywhere stopped tn. 20 Mitt - :otos sure with o e of Dr Shoopls Pink" Pain tablet'. The forlinu!ae .ii on the -cent box. ti Ask your doctar or ruigist a,ou • ,is ormu a estops a e beadache •. ' ;ins .an. where. Write DrShoop Racine,' W is. : for free trial, ' to prove .;value of, his headache, or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold :by all dealers. , li yell ws'' t -snap° in, a-flint-elmee .. rangecall-on Murdie &' e.al and Sutherlanc1, they have three for 'which they no longer ,control rebs agency, :mush be sold *Ts**, tv make rooih, for new `.stock... Come early and' get a bargain. August ;time;; .tells on the' nerves. .I34117that spicltl e; na ambition feel no':0olo "Lisgt ]Rhapsodist •. :,Dllxss Isa'be1.MacLennan- ' but we will continue to:�kee . in;. stock-all'kinds of FRUITS in season •' nd' writ expect -your Peaches and Gra ns.. .or Pec e orderf p ed , uoti_o1usale of horses' at the Ho •:ai lets day�rvas-ratfi®r--wet.' ` : . ,. 1- _ .. - , . •. ; --13ilee tier yeti— When•these- "fate- nerves" i G fail, indigestion and s omach , d sross , f . •rue I'oc this d ural' ra net° , Sg-•' � s • .:gists ever where are supplying a pre P seri tion known as Dr. Shoop'a ,R •torative. Firs ' these tiny inside. tomach H.-art'.and kidney nerves •fgf.'. Then gas belching,. Heart p.e.lpr • 'etton •or failing.Kiane s fol'ow •Dont• . drug the stomaoh, . or stimulate the Heart or • "- ' Iiidne s.. That , is w'r5rlg, y . , •Strengthen these failing nerves with JCJr. Shoop'.s Restorative, It is the nerves 'not the orgrns treat aro calling for help. within 4$ hours•afner stert- ng tne Restorative treatment you will ealize the_ cin:_ A test vwill :tell. Sold all . .1= Horn, J. McGarry, skip. In the Trophy Preliminary on Tu- esday Alines rink beat A. Heaman's of London,:_and Mo('arry's :rink beat 1 "Tayior's �f Clinton. ". • . In the Trophy;: 2nd round., • Allin's rink beat A. H. Monteith's`of Brussels. and McGarry's rink beat C. H. Hum - r s 'o '. 0' erne .. . o : Three for Jac, . •.... . /' Mr.' : is not yetover._ _ , ... � • -. Wilkinson'y �.. the , mP.nt,, t..,� _ - � .,. .... _ .°.. . �,.. .. - . As,.. Ate,: teniaey �. _ .,,. • 13 -Solo :.. t'The 'Ocean -Song. ; :prom' wel piiblia some more sa;ores next « ,;, Corrigan ..: The :Oberon Weber .:Mrs. g week.:, . - � , S=Solo.':. "Beloved, It Is9Iorn" ... Miss Mae' I -rug 6 -So1Q ..."The Veteran's, Song" , Y, 'Wi kinson 7 -Solo. •'Bonnie Sweet Bessie" ' . ,• rs; Cora en • 8' --Overture .,':.�...�. London Har..gers 9 ` Solo `"Lovaj's Our stock of Fancy China is lager than ever andstrict.aat t' � ispaid to this � depart,' ten 10 .,this ment, . Miss Mabel Allen' ; J l0' Shco.."Lullaby".Miss Mae Krug I'n Groceries alwayS:have 1i -Piano Solo..(`Seieeted".•::. --: a fresh -stock. .Miss MacLennan A. iea Feed Gral UR FEOUl is GOOD Try ILY''FLOUR,'$250 �1 MANITOBA FLO,VR.. S•00. .. , r dor, iBk Yaw. CI O'cer f t ' Or comb t0 : he Mill. rel `• .: B s raven . e. ing can be easily and quickly altered druggists est by taking:-,'w.hat_id.:knowin,ot4.y d . s everywhere she Dr. Shecip's Restorative. Within 46. hours after beginning to use' the restorative, improvement' will be noticed: Of 'course,full health will not ,immediately;, return. The gain,- however will surely follow„ And best of all, you,. will realize ' and feel your ctren4th and• ambition as it is`i'eturh� ilts^de influences' dipross first ing; »G the. "insidenerves" then the stomach, heart etid kidneys will usually fail. . g Slrengtheb these fatltirg norves •with Dr,;' Shoop's Restorative ape: see bow quickly health will Oe' , youris .again... h itlrdealers. , 'LGod$ave thin King." ' Short speeches mere'. made by Revs, Wind -storm -.µat • Godirich. :sat r,.: Ford and --cinders.' • One of the severest electric Storms • Reeve °J: G. Anderson made. an ,ex: in,.,this district in years took _'place during the night of-Aug'.1t ,. resulting i17considers lb1e-derange-from: lightning Wind and rain: . ; Nine thousand square feet, or about half of the ..roof of thenew wheel cellent elhairmatr: The Citizens' Cominittee is. 'to be commendedor their en"terpri irtirs. curingthis treat for Lucknow people, and particularly :Mr. Geo. H:. Smith on' who most of the responsibility factory; was 'torn off and.blown-Pver-It : The net • proceeds were t_51fi0 to the South 'of the building, and the which will •be,devoted to the beauti- --rtrth'walls'rof-ths- aliich 1#no w_ .. u Per story, fyilig�sf�L•-trc , are largely of glats, were blown tn. The rattan and varnishing rooms were uninjuredag and. the •'dama�°e to mach- � 0 Y iner and' stack is not large, as tiler , •was not'miteh rain after the disaster. +' the night' the roof of T;arlier. , tri, , Harry Edvrard s restaurant' was blolvii, ofpand considerable: damage done by the rani. ' nl'ure'd and tan. ' Oilier roofs were � y 'tre'es' were brolren.. badly in various p�Ci its in the,tolirt r? HaFerre� -� Have You y You can be oared -permanently=; eluiokly-cheaply. . Use Catarrhozone. It: is_ guarahteed to cure the worst, case. It . kills the germ, stops. the relief in`a few' minutes. sneezing, gives Pleasant, harmless, ' and so sure to Dula that no sufferer can niTord to be withaUt If' out haven't nt ussd dCcantl - 'arrhozone get ;ta•day from -your er. Pricet1 C0' and 'guarrnteed for -Summer Asthmi ail i l ay Eever. • E,LOUR &'SEED',' ROCK &".BA.RREh:L SALT ALWAYS QN 14:AND.. • f REM tB'EJf ILL'S-:_ :.z8c.. .TEA: . • • • • • • 1 Betemisissepetris:. 'nd setra e Qt S V b A lltiI O' Tel nkeie ' p • • .:.AI �OW R•: • • O. CT�_BE,R • 1st .e t 2ndy 08. A:Magtti!icent list of prizes •' ineverydepartment.. Dab -Oiled Street Varad•e. " trained by our manage- trient 'last year. „essful: #Experience 'counts..`. . Graduates' most .succpeeial Course for; Teachers. Mail. Caurses, Send postal for paaticularsa, 'r �.i RMPE NS SE T O FAIL TE • Wingghei Buslnee5 . °Mingo Erinci` al 'fresh, spottoa , p «. • e • • Splendid - .Music. Childre-ns Sports & Grand Dancln •Concert in the Evening. Aetinisaida to lair : Adults, , Children, 10,e. , yi r