HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-08-06, Page 8sir
ot ' r> ccs 00rItll and.801gIVIER GOBS w1j1. be cut to
L O •CE. PAIO Ston, a other 'G°. NERA and-.
at �ill`:�k this: S
.r ?No, y'vt tTIR fa
a_;_ retlG3Ss
maces, 1
LOW it"
are_ Gut
anal the=
gr-er ! *
n our gess :Gods Department the
rice is down : ''on every piece,: some
some 20%, others 30%, and 'sow®.,'..
orxa£tl",t 'Il0,Jf Trif;%
our Tweed Department see what
we, can do for `you ina well made, fully
_guaranteed to fit, made to - ord er Suit,
with -ane ; quality . llamas at $12.5,
14.50, . $16.50 and $18.50, in nide
pattern Tweeds'. and Fide Sergi es
ash. : or Trade.
utter aim,du • 'Zggs _
for . quotations on many lines and
regarding our sale
The anatglt:at linesrdine ori Friday,
��� _,�'tk sb 'Va`4:ai?..!u+..•.1417Q t�i.p,$;` �l..Y-'11'
wor h teeing: `The .following iii the •
iLae & now.
McCoy, c..
Welch, 3b° ,•a.
Habbick, r f
Thon®pson, 2.h...
1!� ohnstoxl, p
1iob1,,tson,,1 b , .
r . Johci-.ton, f .
Burtav, s s:.
F; Sincalir, 2 b.:
M. McKKenze, 1 f.
Conffe, 2, b •
V.anbatten, ;c
Sinclair, i -f .
Johnston, s s....
W. :McKay,;;1 b
Iay,'rc f , _
Allendolpli� .p
Our Reduction Sale will. continue .during the month, of
'Augusta Our ,chief aim is' to • 'reduce .the stock, , Custotaers
will findbargains in -every; department.
°Bleached:Table Linen, extra' fine, .is*as ...
Black -pen :De.,n• was , .
-3-pieces -:Flannelette; was . ,
�3`.pieces•"laniiel®iter vvr�R
Wrapperettes, were
'Wrapperettes, were. .. . • .
Clieckegdy . Ginghams,� were . ,. .
'-�anCy'J. 1 iia � 'i e1ins, wfvr®,Y'� -,♦
Fancy Printed Muslins, were.................................
Lustres'and Serges, were, .. :. .
..$1.25 for $1.00
.. , , $1.25 for $1.00
i 0e for 8c
c for 80
, , ... 20o for 15c
.. • f .
45c for 300 ,
for 1 c�
• . 50c to 600 for, 32e
01.. Wool CarPet, 3 -ply,
wasWoolCarpet; 2 -ply, was. .. .. • . •• • 9 ®•
955cc. for 8629ci
0 '1'End Linoleum, 12/4' was '2.00 for 81.70
otais. c
Sore by.innings. •
il.uckinowi.' , _1 0 2 0 "1 :. '0 1.0-0
Kincardine 0.1 0.1 '0 0 2 0 2-6,
Findlater's three -base hit in the 6 h
was a winner.
Johnston pitched a good ylame.` ._
E.' M,00re,;of WinGbam umpite3 to'
the satisfaction of lbith tea'ne _
Bowling s ,
Two -rinks of bowl- rs went -to Ripley'
on ;Thursday and demonstrated the
tine points of the game to the 1i ip1' y
ite', andincidentally' trimmed, them
as thefellowing.scooes will show:-
Morning' Games. -
Titeknow Ripley
Alhn, skip ... 2.5 Graham, skip.. T1:
Murdoeh, skip. ;13 .Harris, skip ,. 9
Afternoon Games. -
Murdoch, skip .22' McL``nnan,kip.20
McInnis, skip .13.'
On Friday a€ernoon three rinks
carne up from Brussels and wrre also
defeated -on 'the f+illowing:scores:-
Lucknow_ Brussels
GF Allin, skip .28 ,D 0:ResQ, skip:15`,
J.' G' Murdoch . ; 2' J J Habkirk:..14
-J.11 Do ening o,,., .10.:>
'Total_ .69 --Total-- :4
it is expec e,i tb3t a return' match
will be played with Brussels' this
• . • , . $2. 0- for, $2.00
Boys'• 2' -piece' Suits,. were o
Boys' 3 -piece Suits were
$400 for $ 75
Men's Suits, .were.: . $6.00 to $8.00 for $4.75
Suits lllade to order $.1-6:00"Pot• $13.50 '
A lot of Men's White and Colored Shirts; were,75c, $1 and $1.25 at 400 eachr
There is :no place YOU will get better value fir your mono;
than atour. store doting August, Terms
Cash' or trade.
yew Items o
coil '-Spi1ng-wire--- A carload af:teteveland wirer -just In
ence ' stock of ta s -of leo: 7 wire
slag, t:Ire :1ock'i
and -machines -for -puttingon-the Locke
Paroid Roofi ig� The"'best 4n they: market' ; the proofs
that has- stood;th�e test or tithe for over -half a-cetitur
use r Rt`romises and roniises but tiie rfr�rnanee is
ausle ;may pop P P Pe o
e on- :' law=against making._: promises=that- won't_he`
M•.. monopoly on advertising space:. So the only way to to -t
rosni essst''. earn .by experience whether it is performed. • We've
n malting, one promise'since we have ~been . in' business.:. •3'ire've promised,
- reliable goods at'the'lowest possible' piices: Our trade growing larger-
> his a proof that _we have , kept our promise.
i&will always, bring".customers, bn't;it to es honret service to
•e have the same customers now who dealt,withus 4 years ago.
W �y oth�t>i ,;it" means that we have kept promises.
ron ice that_ our special display of 'Pall Paper now oil--view-will-
erit''s visit from you ;if only'to: get an idea o$` what's neer: Is
Our -papers range€rom 5o ;to 60e. per_r_gll. A .fe! Imes to clear, regular
'The Caledonian Games
- Dian'.. w:,-raO:F .. r .ie • 1 ff n ( f3 1U rf'
of the primo at ,Kincardine on Friday.
Jilin-Msimian womm_.:two_ 6rats_ for.;.
pipe mucin, and Young one second
and ''onOt ird 1 t Fitz -11 took 3rd.
-far Yti S'i.; -axe$ 41rd<-•-to, ^."sai'i3i iii
Hornpipe. M&ineron Wok o3nd
for mass and .31.a.• toi:-Tinct
__Ther , w; e,Ids_erowd,: of speetator,s.
M ', Selves.
"gig ii'.
rs..:.Joseph Tiffin' :and ebildren of *n. d�: everytiddy gVii$yed
;side, Mr. "cd.,Mrs. W. R Ferrier •
Wept Wat6aaosh; and Mr andi:rs
James oG�i of T:och� T, ware ga atm•
'dui:pant. week of Mr. and Min.
Wm, win; Balsam Glrove.Farni
-Mtg. Whitmore and family of -To-
ronto are visiting her cousins, the
Messrs Aier{eir h: '
miss I'easl Glean of Beryls spent f om all ove r the :D, minion. •
la week with.:ber sister. Mrs T. Sandy.
3 gait f�restt �r� ii3 the Te oteney,
ey; oni the
Ferns mak: sad Michkel, with
J , ,life aitisuated : ,at ....between
airily a d esghty", and great lo s
scoter-" Tile" ati f b or --tt Toronto
. wired $ 0ad :tor the -relief --_of ',Abe
sn6'e eia, "a>'d •ialerts.' pii Q,g •in:
26 for;15e ;18c`for„12c.; 15o.for 100. -
Border's toldb I
00Borders`'soldi,y't ie -roll, same as papers. •
WP know that during the warm. weather our
customers do to exert themselves anymore
than what is *really" necessary and so "for 'this "reason
we are offering a .few lined: wliici% ilio be easrl� '
prepared and ,at -a yet -y: _.low.. price, such as ,.. .
3 ,Cans Peas :....:. • • • , for., 2e5c
3 Cans Corn . c.... for : 25c,
• : .
2 Cans Tomatoes . ..for 25c -
3 Pkg . Cora'lakes , .. for -'25c
• 3 ,:Lbs. Fancy Biscuits .. for 25e
In package Teas we handle three .lines,+ Lipton's-
-Sala -da, ; and-- Melegarna, : and all -guaranteed . ;to -__. g v
Sptcials for 'Friday and Saturday .;'-
2 Boxes:Shoe Polish for 5c
3 Pkgs. Prepare/I Icings . for 25c.
4 Doien Tea Plates,, for per doz 40c
firos. -Barnby is visiting friends
in. Listowel... ;
Miss'_, Maggie McT Sri of Kintail
Ray: Woolaat left!' for his home in
:]fin" on on :Dfuuday:
Jack Henderson is engaged for the
threshing seaeob .with Jimmie • Ritchie °
• ' Geo. MacKay and family spent the
Civic Holiday at Jahn K. McKenzie's.
Card' a 'Thanks .
Rev. Watson will preach. to. Holy=
roil O.bF cin"S`iinday Rey. West-
est Brue`vale, High Chaplain; of the)C O.F:
•.wilfi preach at. Langsu3e'on"I6ti
Hay Fever` Sufferers
Everywhere you see • peiple with
tore, Thinning eyes, cata'rnal sneezing,
more colds add hfadaches `LFie'e: are
the first stages of Hay Fever, °'which'
increases in severitytill.. fro -t 'comes:
Th3 ' family of • .the late Dougald 014 euro euro "known ` is To ` -'inh"a "•
McK noon `;ileaire `to express their Catarrhozone lsd�stroya ryes germ;.,
i _ bre Rives relief m a few:• minutet; cures
sincore-gratitude to, the '•Mrisohic 9. g q• • ry
three who taok•char e of the funeral til rou 'hl Gotort recommend c,,a
„end: to other .friends; for thoughtful, tarrhozone,hecause site, and 'ethcient3
hindnoests. Sold by all dhalets for $1 00 Try this
g ia►o,tifee•4 cure for. Surn�cier:.. Q Ath
Jona Mc&iivxort,M, D., Alihma; Hay Fever. Is never fails:
Manitoba, Albetta
10 00.
laborer are needed, within cekain lirn
_ We have cut the price in, two on All , linos of China
and Crockery.
ikeipern13er the place Mock 14,
11:1 61
trsin ori August 14th. If no, Agent Ooniren, lest‘
Screen -Doors et, V i� ido�vs- A11. sizes; and
incl price:
Gasoline &. 4if Stoves--See.the Detroit, Vapor StovA,
a solid cast iron burner that is almost i i+testructible •
it will burn alcohol the ,„coming 'fuel. Every stove
1 aw -:- M'ower We-sold•--the--best-Canadian Mower
made by ;a reliable:: ;manufacturer _,Every.:, machine
Durham Cen.ent-A car load just arrived.
_r, _ _Standard thilatittaiollie Lugs.
Palpitation, Flatulence,. Headache, Bilioustieis;:sodr Stotwii.
there can 43:13: only One natural course to pursue,' namelyz.
'FIR.4T,StrengtheningthestOrnitell, niakihg it take onti of- food..
.-7,Theeorrect-werking of flyer and ., boWets to- carry aWay,;',_
:,This-tiblorthisatts, •Poiligete. irtelTegoe- tablets apt on the
eates Live_Stoek x
of Western .Ontari .
Full Programme of Attractions twice daily, 'including fternp's
".' Wild West Show. 'best of Music.", 'Fireworks Each. Evening,. "
Athletic. bay Monday • =Sept 14 -
Conte and enioy yourself at Londoit's Poydlar Fair.
Pi lo 'tail Forms, 'Proir'*rames, aud infoilnit100