HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-08-06, Page 7',GREEN, REST 0.01,911,. '
t'Ve8. the e$0.-iiiii1 the"TelOPer, fic+4$,;, '
• tt Doctor,' _ _• WOMEN Fft„
.A _ix., icip,,,41,•e.'rai•a•n. t.-.113,•01.4.3404,.
Berr,,rar' a'r,„,),1. 11+44 knot fit, ' "Wile Whele of LoittacM - werct
Vitoe. Powoo, x,:,19,F,votis rout Itff .-eis painted :greeo it WOuld have a WOri-d.- . , .
,,,,pg,trorivoltmlirmi„3,14 tip4its !),t: lo toii.40.78 ,i, said ..a.ni346.'.. U_a,...11.-::!0,..,,.,,,..1t,0110,ed W. 401110.40
, rag1.4n0:,, liasintented.,an ingeniOus'
.:contrivance : by. which :he :is. able 'to!
•feed., his horses' without: Pers9p41.,
Fonts; Iitoy,irosi:oliootil writp,,th,o derfnl elfeet upOli , the. !health
_ . - . ,.. BIODEE. :11.pply- .Rich1/.1:1.,th T.
'of Lonclon'a leading sp'eeialistSi. to: : .ottendaOce through the medium of.
,.., •. ,,,,„,,,..,:.,,:„...„,,,„ ,,, ,....,,,,.•..;....,:,„... ,, .. : a Daily Mirror. rep.renentataive. : • • . - irmii?. / Thvilr .11;71ra ': '
- ' ' ,• ' . ,, 'it -"‘T l• t - 'Lle lik 't 1 ' w.u.aalas ,K.145. ,iii.o, .
, . ..
4.11.alaim :clock:, _In .a .sinall office
fliadjOining the Statile, the: clock..rin
e7, Midi . ciiniatp7rev2viriyilita. ..____,...Y t_fitg .1, , ' mac. a!, re :mos ! : _ . .! , ... !
PlaCed••Pn••7'Ferf-. At-ted-tO.,the':
goOrt9.1041!:moi3O;itnuanitaits,i•f!rfectis,ietita4f.17., 'a, w,e,11,:ers ey.eg,i-ot i•..s, .4. eacifiv. cle_iber.. 4:110!78.•di*ei-Tri.eil4ho';n4aer'118.:/'!ail-'119stl°1).6U4e''''abl;tClisnhge !Winding :-Isey is ' 4 pieceOf c•bpPeL`
;•.''-'? ,--• •• '-!°: Y!''''-''' .""'"ff"A--s-`4,--eleSe'ly•Le0.11197.0.47.1, and---amongttovn, r.
7,,v,ire, , 4nd. this . j.§ fastened: to! .a:
,•111poiow its 's.,4107 but '410*;t414(• ' 011ie IftWit '.gertertaiiin of Londen,'‘ ilyii,d4d1679171ife4,nAhe' lite9amithill.alitdur.bitaYP.Pti?- srhall.' /4 raSS r''')11-c't. "0-•'!•0 I'm" 4:"iy:4--4`.
„wint000.,:yato! :ADA. .chroo,to tioontout 1,44af Jot41,Ing, . ' - -'? • ' ' ' -',• ' ' ' •F
, ywvaine,,,e7.0h year, AineY 4410401g00 Ltro litlPi, / I 1 t. ; al, uli ' .1_1; 1 .4. , ' • • • : !n wOocien rod. At the end of the red
•..10.1.4i.01;:. writo rot w!!0x1P,4•!.04.Y!....„.,.,,:...,_... .'e'l..". "P 4!•1,40,e.'.(.1.).17,1,1)".-13P9P'.bight. ness..0t,PK?X.E.:E..941P,P1 • depends up(' •
00 t (I)I 81 'Oil it 'e. I r OS; - .: .. .'- ''' -4fir 1'ill'-i4' iVaY: I ..wOula‘ have hi?!.. blOod its riehlieSS- andTit-e-r-e--.' is -8.1:4eavY-weight-..-''When-the eh?
• ... ,toluork ,1/76, • . eyef,,-;,-,..., •pue.e. in, London painted a• ularit37.• It her, blood is poor and goes off the wheel is rlraWn over,
-•'` • . frO:fit 'foliage green.- Then'-iir a, lit•-:. ?ateryshe is • Wea,k._Itiaguici, Pale the rod :and 'releaSes: the. 'Weight,.
tiMe we should have -1.a brighter. and "herious. It her blood .!shpilly. w‘hich flias rt9 •th.ia !If• -^,,r- The 'coru
114:04.17 toPdOn than:has:ever been iS'-irregular • she EdifferS: from •hOad-• 'bo- is filled 0.1i.er_reUlit,._ Pal d when-,
iilirli.4. .„ ,7.....F.!, .. tl, i backaches, sideacl es: .and ttlE. weigL6 is releaSed a Small door
•. 'x '
LI .
'.. .vr.e;en is one ot -.nature,s, clues:, the other , unspeakable: - distyes,s at the bottom of. the bofilesopen
. 1.7.;,•i,lit;.6.1v.ry..0•ita,6%dffcati,vi flt.lt evi:. 6-4Wci;:rterth.,9,,•a4 wiilheitlehli!o4ely womenglo:lAnoo 7 e...x,Specrce.tetw4o=i, ,s1.a0,141:3;1:11.11-.1.7e6,37.eiots!lirrir:f:yaalellrs: fini4n,ilt..:t tohrweiptiegiaa!nwg.htet,rp.t.!
and .Library • Bards will do . .wir.tdiw frOin telLionlieican•gaz6...:en O'' SUffering. at. regular intervals • and
viol ..,: to , consult ‘. 1
win:4.0r: =.,,..i..;e1,,,, 1,Th!iifiltt: /e5011•6tivels.„,liis•_feyes to bear it in . .10PelesS: Silence: But is to fellow and, When thedrivOis::.
...Iinreau of ..., Canada • hef Ore i Aeek the. restfni!..g.'reo! of the, .o'fillgo. -, lir onien would ' eseape.:mueli of ,tjs 'turP .1:4) the ' '6'1:lima's aiel. ready • ;tO
-orderixig.::11-0ek :::Staeksh _F4f- I:, z, "A great, deal et the 'g7D-pd'Obfain-, roise4. if the,Y-f Oa .i box, 6r- tvf° 1!)!° harnessed"
.... •
..,,Iiiits4re, .01-larting.. SyS S ••..f.toni.;::-4-.1viiiitto,,r.:-/he ;cOuntry„..i.S!',..ef..•Dr;•Williains?." Pink 'Rills to;:heip:
.. .• . . , .., : .. ,-•- •.
:OF'Caivd7eralagfr.--''7.174-yro: :.. mitore-7:11;04.6.-Iiriiivii=oictiAit-:(4-, -.thein-i:'-'Over- :-.0a-Oh.•::: -era:tic:al !'perion-:
the iteogaised authority On.. , 6,,...ro.i..p tiod,..,,,...a -gieen leaves.. • • ., These ' ',Pills :actually. make new
-Library • ;Equipinent -and '-' '. : "A•greenroom too, :is a splendid. bleod..;.! They,: help.. a W0.1.1.al:r.illat
' • • . : . •
'2111311)1tP.8. ' • 7'..thinc'fitnow oi a case:Of4Topti-': Whem-ha-tu:/*---vaakes'.thq:11'.0r-O4,t,•.§:k
' lar actress 'Could. never under.-- :demand upon 'her .. blood ' sUpPly•
i starid'wliy it' Wait in a certain retina-. They. have done this for ••thousaud
41/111.0._...hitiu(eLsite. Cetuld alwaYs rest of women. thrgugh6tIt 'CaP•P'd4). '7h37:
to_ nkne,b, •Iletter.:, than in' ;a11..Y.' .otfier not "for you? . . ..' - . •
one:. She -Mentioned the fact to me' ' -•i[rs-. • Joseph Kinney, Gilbert's'
Tine day, and -I POliiterl-etit t - her-' .(11°!'ve 'N.: --S 'Eay•s*----`‘7(4i. tenyears
that the 'paPer „and -furniture Were --It' sufl°6 horn ••n07.vousness , and
...entirely green,. • • • . , ,, , those --troubles that make: the lives
7 rgig. A fieS' like'..EOndOn 'are -,•sur-:: .clIn''sscia,;' 4111ta.,.1,41nLe7rycilal,;:e.t'otlie '4P4i.'",,v.11.1101..i9isiit.,..-e-a•ly.eke•biLiago ittor a •CA51,1•PB,ISE'
ely det,erjeritting the ;eyesight.' of.: or SEVEN .E.1:1•NDRED. DOLLARS'
thoSe'NiliSf'd*ell'ifl,',theai:. It is .the be confined to•ray bed for Weeks 1
Besides . ie, above there IS- 6, ;see-,
lack,,...r 09 .1..ote,k1,. jaii7jia, tihhiailciiiloil.:it6h,aeihtsiirninee'.; ,l'oe'llot.s;-011:: :le? , lobs1.1,0.'ngi,og.,11, :."s:1,' 'rnido,:i.e:entv,:ril,.•: .ond Cash. Prie-of ONE IIIINIXRED,.
DOLLARS, also :•other-.,,Cash--:Prizes•71-
4,s„.„af).4itaiii..„,,ape.w....4hp,„.,e.y.,e,sr:460.,,..a; al doctors, but they failed. to: give
-.'-'1 *1-6-1411-ri:6114ft'44:h°7'1814'dflt,A4;4e'!' 4.;.i:te-t319g.5a17 Pri2e's :. O .f • TWENT7
4041:10411-4130.-/IlligPICS-11i.r.q.' Si rip iy..„.,:e,e,0.0,04_40:11j ,,,..4a...8.,•,4,1•;,,clokly •
eoulct. iriat, Undertake 'Iliy.'eu;eTe. tit- l'il)761:3LAIU'" lt,..p.a.ri':'i: 6. s'i_,;(')f.: • '' '
.re$s / 'N'776i07:1 ' undergo Alr'exai.uhlat+ LATI:ten.$!'.°'.44h!eajeh. •:. , •,, . .
TEN. poi
tiOn. • 'It. :was ',their I decided to give . •
Prites of 'EIV -E.
Dr. -Willianis' Pink._ Pills" a"' trial: • ..itwerttY. •Cr•i;8h
After: taking six • hotel J. was mita). DOLLARS each, 'aiiti:.•'Qlsft .-HT.Thil-
iiii.provdriii.health,..but.±Le94-tilined 1)111-CJ•1) :Cash Prie.S. Of! ONE DOL-
.tt°4°-!' the
!!Pill -f6-17:.'"4::!::°"151e-':4 412-:AThlte91;61113:!.' !..e.!:Oridition' attae:h..;"4..',1';'.7
:01111110i,71tr..: ..;°:64:v:"'..11/„..,ea'101.--•ef?•itrfoPillieg!.41•.:1i,' that you cut out otrt the. .bottorae..athe
ORANGE .MEAT pockages. 'and' s
health : a.S.' I' -had :not experienced,
int( -*Epps no E
English ilferchant Invents In n"eniont'?
Information sent frets of
,... •
LibtarY of: -04nadat-
miliTED; •
79, .BAY -.STAMM T0119NTO;
, e .
• ,
• ,
A Life Annuity 7:of FIFTY-TWO
D6LLARS . •fs 'efferect, 'by ' the
ORANGE ...MEAT people to the: erie
Sending- in the largest. number of
bottoths of -ORANGE •MEAT Pack-
ages „ befdre ."Vay ' 31, 1969 This ir
Fr: N�ua1gUidaohe,
e• Pari go Conipaily, Toronto
• tvii02..estitLE . .•
_ . ,
lOrmAN-Iglos. & CO, Toronto- ond Itiontreal; LI/NIAN K1VOX &-
hone Main 11311
..Stock -and 'Sold exchanges
for oilsb 73.1".
alet-:oxd:et.-.3-eoz-e4ifteLii far cash
. . . .
tifiEatiqlffinettge sCit!
means that :the winimr reo,eive
One' Dollar EVERN--WEEK;,---er
' •
.as as he
or_slielrves orthey
Telaxecl : • Rirt1••••-•ttLond-or.7 the .farth-
est one in look'iS„.• its a hitt.
a'fe.v., yards. • Theeyea consequently
get: no rest; . , , •
•.,"On- the ,Otli,.er.'• hand, toWn:d•welH'•
1e s- suffer•f4r. Less 'frent,,eataraok
'than; do-colin try VI-i.g"'"Virat'etifr
prevent this'. terrible a-ffliction. '•
• a city street to .wateh" ayeh-
: - anstuninediately
BRII Picin frill (Nan co.ittr,clleiph
" , tOoneafeW..feet diStOnt,,aod,
_,. • •
.Changeof_Oens, a thing whieh' Is ex- that time for the after -effects of Tla th-67-raVre7r. :shoal:et-be
for' ton years before.- -I ,have-lid-
uui 140,? --:90,;-: Luecessitates:.: a, •:Constant, I have •used the Pills once since 'Paekacre •cOttnis ' equal to 'Three :of ..-,:!-:• :-.- 7- ')---- -4,,,-.,„. - , • : .' " • . • : • :
'oellent for the eyes!, aid one Which grippe and the7reSult was all: T .-able-to -wlia -one' of the above :prizes:
•ikeTep--s?-0-ay eatarttet.-:7"----,k . - ...•:. 'hoped: :fOr..12.,:These-Larel.,-Plain,"__fapt -.. i•f, you -start irrinaediately • and get ,
71' 'it iii•your countrysheplrerd, ,whe,.-fri.anny:-own experience, arid I have".....yenir • Iiipct* _.1.,:.--.h-efirjr-- You. Send -
,5M. for. hotirs- gazing • at one object. al Waysi felt that I.cannet-too :strong- Your . name and ;' address ' to
that - seldotn or never: moves; '7hp I•s''-recorynnetid''Dr.-.---Villionisitalt X-illAiaE-.,VLEAT,---.LKingSton,,._TO-
,;':4s-b-lin'-cL:frata-e.atara,ct,;.'-'-, -.•-, , Pills to the7-manY-*omen_...ivlio:,suL, DILY.4.And state that - yon.:,Ore -PD-
. ' "Yet the .4.,ek of restfor the eyes; fer as I did.," .: . : ' ' .:. . terhig-..tleont-est-H-.1.t4,-is-4u-..
'the -dull grey. o elFerYt ling' an ? ' e • ---Yif-:/tee-iii ea. :t4*-..1--itts,tfroni-ty, ..*.or'tli, t.r.31ng_40
•brilliant eYe, straining • glare ;of the dealer. in mfftielne ror by.; Mail. at 50 , ' .. .. 1 •.' ,
7: ' .: :,` night IS playm-gThavoe:With.• eents a box or. six boxes for ' . "
. . .SIIARE0- T,HE. EfOYORs.:7-
sight, and a ,green, London rorn ' The- Di...Witliattre-igedicine •
•,wottlik do riandi :to counteract, these
e-vil-effeets. . • !• , •.. : :
"Looking ' at the color green: ac -I
,DRUCCIST8,'CROCERa sub*CElitEAL STORES tually ... e'aitses the forniation Of :i
io*.iper-pimptiotrO,rsk•pckento:.for,2ec.-7 -1-61)-e'mical4p-ix-ittlip-in-tli'6,-eyes-i4V-hell ,,,...-Tbati.-..inosL,_aninials ' 'have gbine to pay,_' the,bridegreom had to bey,:
. . , .
tmost other colors are.:regarded: this 'Specific •function tfrperforin is • well -tilarnoV:dtbi'Votherr'N-r ---the--13"rfd-esi4:
'Writs test a whole eieiiinora.'
*eh:mice:1 substance' is,broken up. known: .1"•Fiii---,,,• Scagit ?its elairti "that:--lil'aid-s-, -307-the., &OW had to give '
bandsorne,presents;•nPon my Word, ,
' !'..C's4.1..ors 'have a: very,:marked effect a„species Of fish exitts in Anitralian
tibink.thii best„linan was the. cler-:
---. upontemperaPOnt.• lreA as -most TW•Oirs which-feeds---OtrAlie,thtirvae:=4- j.--..,
itraetlie-only one
people know, ,excites hand .afte.:rwardS ni7t7iionitoos and So reduces proi2-i':g3lnati-71-je.
Made Ohything mit' of it:" ' •
depresSe-s.:•• A red -Papered room Will peets ' of malaria It belongs t
peoplitticl. Greoni--on ,-.1. . carnivorous Or. fleSh-eat-
retiirOf hut
. . _
NITsioisottii_LOcATa '112INp .
anufacttiring Premises
. • •
Steam Power, Heat, Electric Ligit
Fire " Sprinkler System, Lowest insurance.
entral-----Lozation. -Four-Lar
Freight E tevators._,_
rank & Sims 7r:-81 AdditidO :St
9 e 9.JI
-send them --in to ORANGE AlEA'I'
Kingston. The bottom of !a; Juiribb tAttsgsgiiimentilwzdsszo
• .whtWusud..its•-
' "Tigisoetea.
• -
• • •
0-647:DrockYille-rOnt; o • .•
1.•11'"Jterki-rr-\*Se•---clid"iW-ng.e1771:' '
A FOE TO MALARIA: The bride's father had' all the
he .'atlief 1i641,7 restS• and -' soothes -ing-Ash-Which is frequentlY Olin . in tir.e. o ever.. an . tie. ,
-,,nta-iixti5iTrve-5--€ITt',6y.p.siiittr' antf-if-: the-teniperateiandltropicones-.-and Paithelegs Vegetable :Pills are
• a walk through LOndon, One Could "ii'Sually• in Shallow • water. Very f 0:6P-14Pt0hieiTtid: v..v..'edilif_01Lpfstaiontlatncr_peil7lems:;rt,5%.1
...*--.-w-h-4,e-t.cr one lo'ilked sOmething- sinalLin--:Isize.,....being. only ahotie.one
green' to rest:the ea ye the effect upon and, half lo two inches in l:their .powers in y-laitutle:---7 In
fFVer And agire they _act npon. the.
T•the•--P,eople_would,.__Illieliev_e.,...,Lb-e_as,,it has,
inthe inalei.yellovi:and black
striped fins, while ;,- the eye is 0 'a _I't'vehinteiLlt.etionass-antodatitutittsoliivz:ae-yt.hientpooiStohne,
ta,irv: wasous. a tiake. year dozirdre: blood.... ::: They .:oorreet :03..e impuri-
, . ...,.
ties-, which : find: -entrance-Tinto-the
:groat' brilliancy'. •
'sYStem, throngh . drinking Wat,er, ' or
food .and if-used•as a „preventive
fevers, aie,'*7,9icloc.l.?..._, -r •
.1Pa1rfranks-14or5e Jaok-ot-ailltades Gaviline P;n..
gine to 90,1V, *nod. pnnip. water, 'grind food;•&c.,
'We. would 'not ho able to Supply the;donntnd: •••1
Cut this ad. out and send to us to -day, we '
ow. AbseiTton.
*ntitend 4.0e,„cato.lottio.
. 'Ti. Well to Itnow ,a, GoOd:•Thing;
tintiao •• tvell,,*1,09thq met' in the .Street.
•;•If-' - .s...arc.:-.7 'guffor' , frOm 'bleed-. `'Ivily,• Where have'-'3i:O'Flieen f73 -1 -?••,a
,• • • t• ' .
Address g W.eelcc. .• "Oh ;••••fust Clown to
. ' ' b
' , " ' ' mg, itOlios, ••61-4-0 . or protruding the • Stere •for -a ..bettle.:•of . Dr.:Tho- • • .,; • :. ./. f, : • l,• r :
.1110 oannaiancairbanhe 00.i Limited, Torcutetssend me yonaddress,and
i gni: . . .... 0.aB''. t,C1CCtrid Oil'," 'and ,Mis.•etir:,,
.1 II t'll 'you bOw to 'Mire. your',
• • '• :Alunit°144-1/.i°°10°14:'17.°"P°°0:-7 • .41f at homo',. hii the !abeerption. ;face Who :boleti puns, , walked' on::
. „
. , • . ' , ,.. . . : . . , . ! treatment, , and AN a also sen some.
• tut' She. rerneinhered; and 'When She
Contraeted" a- 'weak • back • there , waS,
"It looks Very tritiCli'lliceYrain.;to••'1:1-7f . thielsOionia- freatuient' frelr 'for „
day,' ,'• remarked. a. thilkinan, ,.as he ;trial; '.with ;references:: from '.iyoui. another: tustomer for Eclectric Oil.'
• , . •. • .. • . '
'I handed •O hOusekeePer ' hersupPlyrn,wn locality if • requested: Xininedi,' .: Minister•--7PI made "'seven. 'hearts
-----of--roilk,L ,.--±,Yes,-'4-' agteecl....tlie..latter.....!..'agd:441tinanent cure ai3- lappy-'ita-Cl,y--,"---1-PariShioner-4,-'fgk.).w
.as...Abe..pecre4J11.0....the.j4- it usu.- ,:-..u're'd. .1-Seriti"l'no:-IneneV4 :but .tell
. .
•ally• does!" . ' ' . ' \ i•Pthers .of this offer. rite to-, ay' •PIes.". "i1:;at 'makes only lsi.ic.:•':
', --••• • '!: . i•at''•-!-; !! •---; - -,' : t.7• -Mrs. M. • •Stuniiiers, liox 10° "Well.d - 0 I-ilc-1 lid t no
In the-. Causes. of : infant" Infortal- 1 Windsor:Ont. ' ••••• '''' ' ."7 . ''' - .o..5,on , ..m. , c . 1,.. , fir .7
ity ..thOlera, .. morhtiti fignres IN; i ' ' • '
, ' . • ' " 'thingV' *- ', '
. • ..
Complaints of-the-lrywe-ls-artr,-gr-cat ' . _telinktOti_. .4 Moil -it *Anetew.
ton •,' when io..,
-;- Oen tly,• Old it may be Said -•thatt • • ' ' ,.t$ • . ,• . ,
. .
If Npu want, • to,.. spring a. surPr.ise •
eStrOyerS Of 4 child life'. If -all ' on vourqelf • sit down some o'ironing. 'w'es'eu'rcir'''
lona Wo,o7Or'ne.S.y20, mike short work of. ei.hieea•
L.thers.„,y,towd,Layail, ,th.fini.otIvota of, ,,.0._ and Count' the ntniiher of hite 'hes' .9% d sk
M "rel. me
00eti'A'Te, ft rented 7 a D - 'Y' 11- i ' I'-'" Teti. 'lloirttlitl-de-rillg.4-tke-dit3% . • .
- contenc,, • ;sal \ the lawyer for
. 3 p 1. . .... se - - , . . -4-, •
little -one, could... 6o. savo . . Thii - pi.cataot as s3riip; nothing egnals.
Cordial can he given ; with- safety' to It as A -worm Medicine; the.....name ..
• • . . • film defence, "that It tordato;' howl..
ever well. aimed, Could -riOt-IsaVe
eatiseeLa black eye,);" - 'Ent it• was
.. , . .
lcigg's • Dysentery ' Cordial many : Li, ' . , ' ' '
the smallest child', as there is. no i11-. iF lfothe'r.:Graves' Worni Extermiw ._
- in a tin, your honor." • ' '
jurionsTs1b-glance in i a On , inr-greatest-Worni-des*Oy7 ' • •- ,
e' 'Of .tlie. Oge..., ,. , .., , , •
, ..! _first Mother (reading 'letter •frorn:
. • • • d ' .. , son • at ,College)--"EfetitY"s letters.
: . "Captain, We are entirely out of - •----....- .. ..
. • -
itninunition,."' said an ordeily ser
.' RESIST IT. • • always send me to the dictionary I'
..-' COVIDXT '
:gEnti to. 8...conimanael on a .fitlil.-• - • . •,; - , i,' ,
t'' his • - - ' '' ,-' '; • • klec'end . Mother - (resignedly). --
• ititY• .:"W-111-etTifEiii.-trelyanitt-of AM- t:q-,roak ficr4,-,2.---.(.401.-1.1.7,-wle-~404-nr---as--s-rth--cfra tiothing;-7JacleS, :. al • , :
niunitinn-l'' 'ekcitiiiiied . the captain,- ;:he.. entert,d', a butcher's skop . and .
ea 'two black andblueeyes;•
s:y ''.: , . ' • ' ' :"-- -
Send Me .to :tho bank
) :" :.• . •
'Yes ' entirely 'out;'? was taliiiii
,he• re -
•.ply. . "Then cease firing," said the '"you have fiesh heef for sale?"
captain. • ' '. -,-:: • ' • "1. hails.' ', replied the :butcher':
.• . , ''.., "And fresh ,Ifeet•is• &tied foi- bine
. . ,.
'''.1-rildoi7I'a'%;01110"..th.; ili,1i"fliii-i1i,:iiiis.-:-..e3: gt .-.--='-'-'•-
010y...two:going. to . do - 'tamer -NW , •fl it iii:"'• • ' ... ! • . .• ,. . • . .,
1,1.-ei.y w ell, .1 hate the eye's and
Iv tat a progresswe old world thut .
, . .
. . , .
*Ould !be: ,. ' -' • : • ..: • . . . .: :you have the beet ' .Do yoti. think
, ;you, can Sell inn." a vomit] Or. so
• . The' oPtiiiiist itiveiti • in triffiirtif witiVettt trsking,--10*,.‘ .1. got erna-
.. •
pOligh' and gets .biiiiy • with the :dark Mottled V'' • . • •
Ode of, life, .. ' ' • • ' 3'''I •*rill. -.00 -.My 'I est, cif:" '. .
'',.,----:•••••••„:"•-•••,,,, The biltelior • then . eat. ; off And
weighad the meat,,, and r.eceived his,
iiiOiley for It rittiont another' glance
it. the. etistonier: -That wag MA the
Mad, hoWever. A guil&ri •wave .of
4,0titatitv•-j-siv-apt-:Oe...t• !lila, and..he
laid tilie ineffer duiv4,,, and" stitdi
. . 7.100,0; • Pit, Make you a Presetit I
of elie Meat 'So* tell 'hie all agent
the ilalit.,.k, ' ..
NVIIS ..tliat -'410.ixrind_tfir'e? cOu-
1'115;Na/hat you And rie.irbeie
Yoh". like, you .00301,0t. ge7i 66t,t'7.tY-r*
jpiiiti or *tor° netielOttli 'taa **an
7,,swoltatt Qur otISLF
Q47113._nhuecopu ititignaly;
halts, sold °
li'S'StE NO, 31-74.
Versonof Llabilklyj
+Arthur Dinn!s; Ccritrrict;.r,
tind .1-5fr.tecticia Co... roo-.14reetterit.
,Arinstivong, G.J.Iltrack)r, Sq72.-11rt,nu:er. . • .
_ _ It, l'Itliy._,_;,..04)tratte,r,... • •
' •
. •
he property eonsIst6 .of .28 40;!Icrer.labils invi'cd-ht-tv ady,'.n..,nri the
now tainoits. HAR11JS. MAXWF,I,L, And upon Le sutieaiii ai of tioNlop-
rm-20.t,siou1d prove cotioily isgcod. •
: joict,apo shals sire now oftcred a -t, ,cen Is phare.Do
q.ciLD...E.e.N.4)RP‘.111111.N.V.TY oLinke.a.t.k..cusln';‘ •••,1' 1,..keinio,S3 :prom-
piopert'.es• in the district F,cr full ailettlsrs :y to,'
Henry Barrer" Toroi,to
-'7175rey,--7Factdet a shentlernang-
half fitIlen troo d coal-liateT'.:
1saac-"Q1p r :15e'r him, 7 A atiOINT .OPT -ADV -A* -AGE. *
kervick, Mein sohn, vile, I runs for
a policemans.' Ve 'must arresthim
fer tryin'' to steal te: coals,: or he'll
sn'e Us bar tarnages.".: :
-, 11 Veil a.. Nervous and irritable, take
• r orivvite," the gteatnerve.and blobd tonic; you
-sill he a now person by tho time you have used a
irottle:11.00-hottles:--A-11-dealorso-: '
liElalt F. DitliRELI., FISCAL DiGEH
Colborne _Str0..e_tv Taranto.
- Charitable Man (to' fornier
eaurso., the railWaSta owe the.
8:tox. • , 'hitt you inlist•
h •
-public a great. deal," Said MI. Dus-
43.NalittL.-LE----041ITAINS •
sett all 'kinds of house Ilanci ego.i1� '
, •, • •
Liet CURTAMS ovuo & bLEAN1180
. '
1- • • . Write to,ne ebout our..
!arrant MOfillatia 10'eiNG Bes 169.1.9ontrena
member 'Nat, the pu ,lic is inde ted .
16 the ittilWays"."
"Yes," answered the critical. eiti-• .
zen, "b.ut the railways are in' po-
sitionCto_ ,
--44•Wliot hai're". you ..the
0;6d Aur sight?" Beggar -f 'Well,' A -Pill that acts nperi' the sternach
you see, its this way. • I've lost
rny dog;. and its I ban no -longer:
liY-blind, bave-liocome---a-Ld
Give HollewaYis/ born • Cure
.It rernoyeci ten corns, from
one pair of feet without any pain.
What it *has" china once it; will do
'If you ,mariv, ,Rabert,. I
swear -that I'll never set, foot in
yeur. house." Daughter ---!`Please
lund yet is '• so compounded
that certain ingredients • °Ultel
. pr:
vo their Otter to act Upon. the
intestinal ea s, so as o c e
them. 'of ex•Cre a the retentionof
whicIrtantiothitt •-11-artfith Was-,
lonq ldoked for by the medical pro-
fession. foundin Parmelee's:
Vegetable Pills,which are the re-
sult Of rauCh expert study, and are
scientificallyrprepared as a laxative
andan alternative •in one:
tit that down in writing:, I'd hke ; A London firm recently received
to give yeur-frOlilige tOitutre-irf-F-n Ifilt1 -Miner in Alaska-th-e.-foll--:
wqckilrig Pri4P,Ilt• lowing curious letter "Gentlemen,
Is quail,the 'favorite oisti of -cowards?
Those people .,tho do nothirig do
ninch .
-Enclosed yen find an envelopewhieh you Will •tearupip piec-
es and place in a:glass of water ; let
sOialprim hour or so,:, then -stir -and
anit •you '
grains. Of gold for wide') You will
send mo a--Stylograp-hie,pen Wrapped..
up:in a late newspaper"' These -in-
structions Were duly :earried out,
in exehange:fer -which the ingenious
miiter' was sent a Stylographie pen.
and two ti,spapers. ,
"You halion't exPlaitied how you
happened , to have Mr.., Wacker 'S
chickeng in yottr possession," said
'the niagistrate$ sternly.. "I'se try-
ing to think, your wershiti. Give
me time," replied: the •prisoner.
will. Fourteen days l?' •
•$2.03. Wilt? for free catalogue.
2 6414 it'gC Street Toro oth,
Agents wanted in every,tewn.
Hotel guinitieviatid
•• CtahritItoa. dwa,
7. -way •93rd tt:ree
AY.4tt .4%ltcnt
:leer tethU:eeeq2b:
Ideal LOOfttiOti
,Near Theatsrls,
SI•ups and
Central Park
•Uew, Modern
• and Absolutely
Fire Preof
Vrin5iont ItStos ; 42,50 With Uth j 1tit).
•411 'Outside' rodm fOr 1357ok1Ot. '
• , linier tsi l'ita.fiA2coloot of • •
saner, P. STIMS9W :R.41."eitiet1Ati
*J14 ofirotel tin perial Parly llot.,i WOOciti'atd
,• • •