HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-08-06, Page 6avszeirAr..
I 1
kting. ier
nf, of 'big itkOtt '4.-essiikahl4ag eunileLew t
_e&d aked him to
„.e ntothehtt1e itting TgEoQMMO ;a444"4616—'E.,1;:tkl
' ,. ".erie•
ang sort nf 'Prefacethatey,94, are 1). OebnrEl..-e-onkiltesa
yOunger, and ,More ehar-u. - exe,e. Rent 'article to the lCansas
++++++++.44.+4,++++4.444+444+„ ++++++t4+e:4, , +.+++„,,, itnheu,''tghhana ehviporD
s.b b000riol'utt obuh-
slysou'-.. 411-'1' Fa
mer, under the above head. 'Ile
. ., , , , , . ..-. • _ , , , • ' „ .' ” - : :have only recently returned. from: After all, sNvitie 13reeders, with all
ifiPTER XtITI. • tions; ye], n'have seen „ a woman
,..1-44,1, and I felt 1 could not leave 1 their breeding and feeding their
...4., .„, . : • 'placed under e range ...-_,Eng and again withoat °hung , to sto 3r of types, firtliiies and ,
_:.. _ ,_ sauces ever_ woman toadied; bat SOC „eb,.1 e _ _ e• ' , . 1 ,• • , , . ,. P,eth-,
oie„.4., moment o,r, you baveu,t .ttedei,stood.,, it. at all. 4. = • i bac,-:,a "ioe vrv-a li,ill • glees', should keen in trued the oe!no•iin
The maxi You ha's.,e seen me apParently- strong "' "You
" 'CI 6dle a212ogr, thatthe'Pr.,a'etio.°*1`."
Y*.." r -day ...armer, care. mo
'eyes; arid the an, , an. ;re "Seems quite a long ,tiale since we .about types 'than breeds, and more
eling PitY' d- " d el ntless--or Y°11' r" • e 'flan' .5.81 • - Y
hont 'her Yea'yeeseen mei-the' to "'le ten- WaS all what' Yan might Yaang about for than --needs.
older saddm‘ "
•thea 'a -dernees for the 'first Vine -In my and, tootiol together_ here, doesuet v m pedigree,. ,
IR be bEed ever. ho,. and all,the while, You haven't sir ,-y,oh=11 excuse a hit of a 1;17:1-,h.„.,,a ha„Ye„;„
e be known that was Weag:er than You jitter," she, added". alludina „ toea _
anaagined t was Onio grope • - • r „ :eule-doeI ant eire 'whether ,the hoh
= ' - - -great-qu t ty
-"began, as'
' wears red white or hie:01e hair;
`ing, in a blind fashion,- t° find n be old. letters filled' a fiat ' ,
'WacT in life I did at first 'what card.board box on ittable;_and °Vet"- whether its: ears bang down. -.-o
,be throogli any peril or privation 'to
ka been- told ;-I would have gone flowed on to the table itself, "I've. standup, whether it has swirls and
n fearing wo and burning all eawliekhs, or e°mhs its hair straight•
shoele,ts of old ieetters. -- you cau,t What.e wants first is aneanimal
keep thse
t.-1-11-ngs forever'. you, wehtltithbdrce?endsiutitguthit:tneh;eAfrar-dminaehnrryeedsdyoisenteegmnoeotrf lng to vary d cultivation Here
"I suppose said Keiman.
lsce`pYy0: 07,u, el it taevee had.tnvi e elarge e ,cao ror de vwanteolrotpainhiitsa orhkfeirsne Iporalerlponis?etuhliy,ea ritnaubine el meo I tvi seacrdttihsae "ttirioolworkenfimgta, of
sinef tht;oih,sheafepj nrsa:iedcsuccessfuletenianee;etdrehis:eesa re'let:itn,yeedet
*ia your time miss Od-- or he.e- breedmerely t,he, de- I 'er' to mold and'
"1 b
\ -e you a d "Who. f ear at the same time weak- a'n
ley;` with a toss of her hea 4 droop oh
ants of man in his, on-
ish things' put d 'ern- you'd to
The farmer, does,u0 rate, .Inimabiareeatatit_capad,oeinpes ica e
I believe your eyes. 'The -
ca,rry out what I had promised. At.-
- anYthing to undo- what -I- had corn-
` th t''
ate Af-
terwards I_ would :have gone through
u A di ;h.
- yea free
I. suppose
ng" 't'd do,
-ad- gloat, over
*Aailedeeeh i,", •
1;eYon. have not
e' with., a smile.
?Me Yla
meneetl., Etit all.e tine only
groping -only ,trYing hard to do
what wits right and just. So far as.
you're concerned,, I tell you again
that, I have not finished and that
I have not given up. am Aunt
PhiPPs, to the, end; and you never
knew her. This is final you know
enough o e o know that you
?must zfeeePh'
for breakfast with niilk or Cream and a little fruit.
It is a tausele-building food, easily digested by the most
deficate stomach.
ts Vim and Vigor intotired nerves and weary brains
son) nirALcasoctits io53
apolieations on a warm day wirl-not,
be too many. '• *
__ _Robert, Bakewell., of England, „al., -
ter the experiehee of- a Tffetimeede
dared that O `animals are like wax,
and in the harlot's Of thebreeder-ean
be fashioned to suit his tastes."
Charles Darwin says in his work on
the origin of species: "No case is on
record of a, variable ,orgaoisra ceas-
1.'hyhelkk;epift you
sao,l1w.t.lsieosmeeYeotr'tshei efe-onol etirlieinizte,ei:o'tnest:taTneitiardictilvairgaerrfiortilgs ,ttwihoaeard.hiaglonuderr:h7opldwea4dcnj.,,airveahe.t,O :71i:cc;
t fed plants,
s17;:- 19." P impreveinent ,ereme .
u. ar weeeia,er the greh
rine_andetliekerleare irnaginarY-sP'ek- -and'othe.---11Owers--:tue.,_'..`,' -, e, --F- -----ior -tanl° -Part7.71' . - - - ' • - ' ..,,,,___e_Leaeo,__oe.- , . ..,
of -dust fremehis:cOaf,sleeve...`,(Hdit- "ee, rst 'IT, e=:.,..S.,e:---.4. ia '‘,--....----ohaeeeaa-o,"g" randsire' of his ...stock .solci tor one,
0 ,.ait .'all. -he said.- "tar
''-- ------ ets.-"--.she -added- -ffi
a1i' the: refit -you made .use n't Me 'All lOVe-lettesr,es°,'-Alig:SY''''ediey:?,; two, three, ..efefivei thousand
-when- you wanted me-,- , His chief -interest, is, i. is. a ' , . . . .... .1
"Yoh are., • . _ • aseee ic or., -With 'af,. ..• smile:, at. the, , breed,: pi, .tyri6 -„of flo,.gs., for, the .are Large111:)1A:C CO 83161i'l. E: POISOI‘T:i.
•Quantity of CarbanellIonoNiee
''' '''''" - - d " . ' ked V' t Wh t ,
wrong, you forced your rinc6a4 Ogure before =a, bl ' f r e in ,
Way'. into" an affair in Which 1,, only. ,_ oE
' ver Y ' belessed. °nee. , 43.f., ' ' ern " '' ,rjen;lafieleicat, it is P,raetl-ca °‘ :e* re ' • ----Gns--in „Iih',.- .- ."-e..„,...... ,, ...„,,,
t. ' ti--"on-to-giye-theme„w.ilt.yield ,---'-.- -.::--
d ' - -- said -Priley, `,‘There -it's no lls6 _the eges-t ta- in peak` and _e'...,Tbe.„,„Laneet,___Load,o.n., ng.lan re.
d had sontethiog.to
f t- ce
was coneeine .
Arid now-eyou are -prepared- to le
, • taiaing.'ab-oute-it;--1 in -ga mg o
:discard me. Don't. imagine now_ rooney2 He 48 ur -term°
,, ever,,that you need fear that I shall beledsterrio'*.t7taonehe'ava:citsoeemi tihiitntkeriitn'gs estedin having bogs as. nearly ira- say on -the "toxicity 0 e 0 a
Itne:- trouble YOU' again t I've wasted a aeout.,,n(I 1 " returns once more to the
, e• gop, 0 110.... 0 ,er you, a - from disease as possible, a ,snao ce, _ ,...
,nlali, wh° is .1.r4.T*6 e chosen a way of life Illulle . . - Th
his +tight to - De a e y e it „Perhaps you're ught," said Vie-, tb this end he wants these with via'', subject. e smoke, it says, con-
e heo„ last _th_..,..leis, i iintll- ahd, profitless one, _ 1 tor. "Here is shmething I want to °roll c nstitutions • pies that will
leave in your hands, Miss OdleY,'' fight each other for'the-best' before
would help b
• ave, with considerable" trouble, -en- h -e added, piodueong the _paekeerethey are_a_clay_old,__ey_en_ifa_doing so_
a cI,ead deavored on more than one ocea- "-you'll be most eaaefill poet° burn ,leads to the vice of 'stealing later-
-unaa" '-' 7 - t 1.ft vou nut of ethat way
no further ef-
'A this -with . *tie your despised love letters, Ile does not hold his Pigs athena_lo_le
are fanm-' f t A' t Phipps -- good-bye I (i''
: hie. all ma 'v'ea' . ' M nt The cola -
on remember --who was a the -sermon
't you? It relates to a lady- Io -the eode Of- morals' enuneiated an
friend of niine-a 34s.s. l'hipps.
tt; ° ' f tl re inter- which has ahea y b
-ShOUld SOpieday
461, anct:let,L
yen maY, be _happy -Lime have my-
. • .
•"' .
•Ile turned "and.walked aniao .She
did:net', even trouble - to `look' after
witb a. tertokleelo_faceoeind:enel,___ite
,inay,f.sitielhe .that rua#
itepa had die away. ,
Desnite "what he:. lia& said, .and
-apparently , casual fashion- in
which • he had veceived. hiS'-clzspus,7
'sal;" there: was 'growing . in the Man
a ,feeling of more than Ordinary re-
sentment. . -to-. ,certain point
his life „ he ,.thad taken his. One.
'Careless' 'way, without troiabling,
'about enthereePeople....andeenithaut.
"Coming into: ce theone 1�w -
in ."aio,hheure'elieeliad
been. turned * out bY Christopher
„ •
iilet Ine
°A sews "
ut'since ou.Want
with_ine, let us -donne-
' and :eit,elOwn ; , and
at you. have' te say."
c ,*as a' Publie 'garden,
m a, , =once been -
round ind. whieh. was laid out,
with paths and sets. The man
hd-, the weinan 'sat' .downe,andothe
'Mari begarr.to speak with an air of
' "."NoVe, 'I want you -Clearly tie 'tin,
eiStancl,' -,Oliv.e; . 'that I PrIng. :.• arta,: ' ciirtly.' di,s.missed :bye
. . . . .
a what might he called your last • and he did not lilee it. He
ho. said, leaning: forward
Infi?elbews on MS -knees' so as.
leOlcLicOupdTint0.-her2, face:- -.511
have been very 'patient for a good
.,Itnany7years, ah -d -T am really' very
sorry loy . and: :very," ,fond . of
eh. „- e There's nothm* g Tiotatig:'• oh'
fervid about me: but treat
you very WelfaairifirOu are used to
taking t,""ae rough with the smooth.
Jam in lack at the moinetaf...-....in
-Clever ; wa,nt
• about this Stupid business in which
, you have invelved_yeoir,selte,1 Want
- 'You' to give up,,- and to &Me
'away With me; and marry me. 1
don't' care 'whether 3-Ou ,hage, a
name, or whether you' haven't;
'.tenvinced . that it .'would be a very
good _thing .for midi that I should
steady down, and -: .that .tve-well--
th' Put it' VorfafortiiblkefiVe 'ehoirld
get on vereo-owell'togethere hone
you're listening .
'"Yese--I am listening she re-
plied' IqUietly, , '
your :father had
it bee in.hiebonet is -no reason why
--:you--shoel.d-give-"•up thee-rest:of .Your
life to carrying out his whiins and
fancies.. On .the other halide if you
,have given that partieular
suit, there,' is no earthly reason
why, becauie; yeti IiivelVetry-ouraelf
th an old W0110a12 1Vh75-18. COMtql"..'
tEt ly 'dead and hi:tried,' you Should
keen that up either, . If You hare
any feelings of sentinient as regards
our young friend '„Christopher and
• heiTreallY Very bride -let
me asSure you, frorct my greater ex-
. perience of . the .wcrld, that he will
inevq.44; fallen his: feet, and get
somehow. . There, ate ...lois of
te back to • his e -hotel,• -and his
raisclieVieue mind began to. work;
:anelotoesuggest'amieenneane achenie-
efeaasvenge." It., must •be something
petty,' because that Was the very
-natare the, ,rctan;' 'inapt' be
goinething biting and, far• -reaching,
'hecaueetthat.. was. „hie. nature too..
And 'then, in . an. 'evil Moment, he
. Suddenly lighted, ripen the little
:packet. of ..paPpriOihieh once'
belonged to •poor ;Aunt Phipps, and
which had been given .hiM. by the
eldeelackinaker • e „
Ilee'read the 'peer little halting
diary througk again, 'and looked
again at the well-worn Prayer
Book; then he put -it -all -neatly
getber; and tied ,it up, and awohder-
ed what he eherild, do With it.
"She thinks that she's iafe in
this initd.,eehemeef hers," he mut-
tered. ' ,So he ;116, 00 fir :ae l'In•
Coacerned.;,.' hilt 1 should like to
drop ' this' -little bombshell some-
where where it would' (xplode *hen
leaat expected:. Shall-legive. -it to,
the hoYi , No -that *hula be toe
ireluthey-e-• toe :qtrick. :
There's the sante objection • there,
I , keen: the very person" he ex-
-7` 117giVe:it t�
that oXcl dotard Odley,
'Ways"-GarderiS; and, let her iiii-What
she Ekes. ;with 11-.---She'S the
.sort ' Of bliinclerme that- will use it
with fatal effect' at the Iii"ItOlig -too-
ment. 'Then 1. can go away, per-
fectly happY. .andesecure in , the
iTzoliglirthWi'dfire÷,daynr clther the
game Will be all, up' ,Wheti they least
••expeet, it Upon %my word; its a
jolly cleVer eclierrie-Leiniple but. ef-
fective., More than that„ 1 em so
-youritcomples in the world as hard edieghsted with Olive 'that I'll be
a4"' as Whey are but Yini can't -gal -glad to be done 7Ify.
." inixingycafraelf•up,inbother PeopW.a tharmin Odley-L-I ',Will pay you a
affairs. —xt,itt4 e expeeted:" ," , • .
"Is there anything else you liaye 11e made hie, way to the .lionee in.
, •saY.31,'"eehe asked 'Wearily? ' ,Greensias" 'Gardens that very, ev-
. ',-'N'ething else that 1 knoW. of,"'"• ening, 'Ile was in a cheerful 'Irani&
replied, tt little petrilantly, "And a inind, because he. had after all
certainly think • that you might dene'hie best, or to he told himself,
take what 'I ,say ih different sPir- in regard to Olive ; and he Was set -
it: At.adl 'events" be went on, ciently philosophical to he, able to
Okpect PrePer r•eply ; 'anethere 'is say that it .was ho Use drying over_
only hne 'reply 'to make.? • , nhat cotildn't helped. At.' the.
"1 agree With yoll;! 814 sarne time the Vanity Of the than,.
"There is onlY one reply to make; which had 'Suffered rather 'a 'severe
:Victor lielrnan, and, 'that .rePlY, is: blow that day, began to be tickled
' and always arid,most eirkpilil''• the thought that he CMIld, after
'You are not to near, all; play the' last card,, and that
Victor' to the 11'64 heart of Me as they 'AO had been Willing to de
any stranger filo., he in this great eitiser 111E0 hirn'tiside should
City of tentlets. Yr611 hale •iieen diStoifeie;:iii the tithe to eoine„
giri.1frow up under .6441W -condi,' that had t� he reckoned' with.
, , n?..ensense hog must 'he a grcedrfel-,,
. f'X'j reineralier,y"'„,1-said-Qdley.'shertr---0-n--,0-ma,-s' ion He -most -net be -ani
ka'n'Phiii°T.theY eanad"' liar r" ' 1-eloW,. and:•,More-e-er lees- efOa-huetlet- se:Lotted' in a pipe,•gieree,fi;oin two and
leo ..,"Arid'4 Verk gOod.thieg,if .slie'd. amp-a-i.e.-d.j. a"-;,:d.::1,c.7:0-.., - - -, p :gr --6 b 70-f -fai,,it9r, 'd quurter40-"fiveoPintis'ef. gas ----So
uever been Seen at all, to in -Y. -Way :a__.' aetichens loafer, to be fnd. ; on,_far; , it would appear that the Pipe
of-thinkingooWhiteddloirTviantoime' eught---th -be More PerniCious-ili '
-tee:de- Witli-thinee,Mr. 'Kelinan, IL' : rt,Ws_;....71ii .-.1)I6-q,t--7-16-4,t--112,-.:6T16":..Lt".fr_i_7t.We 'cigar -66e) ''llt,:w:-e-t-e----lia fm'' -":t. &hue-
''. I leave, dt.',to yonie•dieeeetioh,,,•1 vittpien4..., plinega4e4aitetr,,,x. ysgx;;;T:„..-.-fa thif it istpracticirlienlyritli-
-be replied "Of '-e-C,Are-e-o',-„1--"noielel'e the_e_eigarette:theeinlialation Of, th
suggest that, Yen should give it `to koker 'n'''• possible egnSstilt.' iii"I"-, smoke is iredTiP-d- .---!--'"'
Il -ie Sterling 'snine: virtues Mention -.
ed. „Erooders of any breed can pro poisoning -reserabeCie ,a°11notewnorthdye
' The syMPtienni o AO !no oiiri •
'Mr.' ..,' Christopher DaYiteaeher ' ne- '
pheW7;7,,if rkhew. Where- Mrse:-Phipris '
X ' Would, give :it chibe this type if they will; .
. , ... manner the sympthies of tolan7e-CO7-
was,:zte., be 'found, .
to her, mySelte*birt, I 'dent. Y ' sine e, poisoning. a. tendency. to
might:. tell .Mr: Ilayne;:,"*.hea' Oh FRESH GROUkD. dizziness and, .shorthe.sa of breath.
- , ,
, Freshground is one.. of the prime on 'exertioe-',., -and:lieamtdistarhance,.._
give it him, that 1•partreularly Su ' '' '' "
gested he ' should leek, through the essentials to sueeessie-objelcen_rais_ -while the senees,..POWer Of, jedgment
:packet 'carefully . and ahmild above of movement are frequently ina-
piaked *clean of i'l
-alf-things-',itiote--an-addresa4hich-ia.;ifg'* Ttle. old: rtinsith 6'6'in:sect-a- -P--;-31---i-i--kd. • The s'iti.ijt°ins'' of monoxide
notieTti.ii' t11,13" W:oildl rfilicidte.".:afillr' -01YfiertaiYb' peS-.1.;Ire,7't-Perefif!::.4g...ati2voisly- . a's, thelyongise:W::,_.- 13b°1elis°,,e::II. g, earu6:°euicLbi:La,H411 e'sdOi7eitreecsieP•react:,
'Yoni'won't lo 't?" ' . , ,- with the Sell ' -11-tuells'th'.---(1,. or 0 rotac indulgence in. alcohol
ea weeemeil.' she'salde cinga "of .: Sheceese generat. . t
peehapie Mr. paYne' may ,he gladAo, 'IlIVIF3j-.'44,f'!7-siie.:hIl't:::atriEn6Inaledubi6._,21.1. L,21___,t, fore,.that .the,a,psoeiathei :of Sirtoke
here ear,. be ittle oubt, there-
l'ipt diigettf.,':)_iiiIi:r..aftionr:t1-8;niie;eocnioeu":,.sio-eneng:,'hsetaeeekhs of
and other ailinenta, t
gaPe% andealcoholitr deink le. aa-peiseneue-
both' ,aiding: to :bring about
..-say-'-nobhing-of .44 - univhOlesornea tart- 9116'
Wati.a Sweet ewoMine'' Said' Victor. a-h-TrEira: iifee ' iiiiiiirear - bon Monoxide present . in tobacao
.(1 must bid you farewell, Miss Od- poultry welfare -such runs must : be :tuneke, and compare it With this fact
leY, th011iih With 'Mita !regret,"' he avoided if continued 'sheceS .'" exe-f that •aa little as 1'7. per cent of the
aid, holding ,ohtehis .]hirid: . 'Teo., pected,,,inerearing" large ,broods •-giA,-.,-in.:the gii!-Aq.:- fatal Ati..,apimiLIFi,
won't _forget, about . ‘.t.h,fipaoketl: vigorous, ' 'Profitable- itOck,..- '.-The, t4 -8 -ii 0 , ii.i.i Ay -0-..t*er,e.ent... is ;. re -
Thank you so. youth; , Good-bye --".-1' colonyd'''hc,"nee ,and hopper systern, of coifed,: and that anything 'above
keep -young" - • '' fee ingeoffer...theeke,StIso_lotien Of the 6,0e7per,eceut,,ia: r4aardefro_aliodise
:.'He .strolled out of the house, and fresh -ground problem yet dev.ised, :tinctly. dangerous, • it 'le'. obviously
out ').df. Greenways' Oardens' 'into" G t the chicksoutin the cerrifield, Within the... bound i of .prebability
the larger ewerld:;-• and -he -felt: 'very. -- the :orehar,cle the-Meadoweawarde-the
Well :pleased" with, Iiimeelf. I grain stubble, :, Wherever.- there is
thafttotraceis-Tenic&e.:--can be very
.' Odiey held the-' packet • b. her wastage ths,may..be.conveirted into
hands for Senile 'thinriteg after ' be i 'poi,'try and eggs. t, will aesolt. not
had gone -weighing it up and "dOWn'• on y in roore,. but ift - better :Tioultry,
as though debating within ' herself prodhets. ,Thelesson of experienee
as to the. cont,ents and .* to th isplain. , . .. ,
probable - effoct -O.-they" ...might:lay '
tains quite a large proportion of the
peisonous ',gas .carbon inenoxide.
--"----1-t_kam.heenealculated, in_practical
'experirnentse that onenunce
haedo, when. smoked in the forni761
.cigarettea, gives"-as•niuch as one to
fear pints- of -carbon _menoxide_ga,s,„
while the sa,me aniount pf tobacco
h-Dul:Isprty_toileax,that4 she, little-nriderstood bacterial and ---inlittt-r-i-654°- effect' ' Whe" "6-6°4"
fo„....sjslegjbe quite large autrahatef ear,
;She put the .packet dOW4 on thee_e_ee.,.. _ ee_
table i at - last ; hotenverr: then it had ric.o.-! M. . WA -Y S,A,Y5, 3. PER' OEXT
a fascination for her, and' she could; Prof. a., L. MeIC4,..of Iona Ag.
no* tike -her eyes % from '4•• :,', '; .. ' ', rictiltural ••College, spealenig • of a
• "Aunt Phipps !' She exclaimed at proposal to fix the ,rniniinnin Stand -
last conteinptuously. 1..iiir ther'tron- aid •for Milk at 3:2t per dent'. &Cr
Ides Ave ever had came from Aunt said::' It Iiiii were 4,0 beeeme A law
:Pbipps and ;her prothises. , I • did' liiindredaef ,dattoymeh could be con -
hope we'ti got lid of';her,•.orige and, sta,ntly :prosecuted for adulteration
for all -and no shOurns,up again of, milk,,.' over which '' they hive, no
i a r• -:a -2 -•in a "sort • af;eendensed ferie.' Contrail..' This da quite evident:if,
'VII think.' .about yo. . ,.u,"• she added,' every creamery men _i_11 :the country..
.5.,214,011_,V600..N11,110,5 k18$1NG.•
shaking hereheacteatethe_packetee ..._aeansaof4uaofene__Eoist.ein..ea.,eha .a,, ,_ , .._,...7-(377_,.._ , , , .
: .ghe Went back tO... her eelf-irnpos-, 'have Made' Wonderfnl', records as . ..
ter uproducers uld e W
'wocomider. Ann at,Yrailea•.°8M'alnag0 f" -4 cell.
ed task of destroying those old love- bute lee
lettere. They must haVe, had very the ban of the la,n,' arid:seine of our . tury.)Kat DiSaPpeared. '':
pleasant memories for her, becauee other grapes and breed i that are not :What becothei ,Of all the money
-Three :per tent. at °t17 -e-' nhot ipsu' az 4 I 'ill is France: tllle.bsetaitithaotf ias,
lr:3e% t'oiretlis eia-nbdurialidancige. ocifu4:acali:. Olt': - tren'ned'
mos should be high enough fer'a report by M, Arnaune,.Director of
And ,eYer a.nit anon her eyes travel- . the Alint, published. recently. This,
picket on the. table. - i ' ' 'LIVE S'I'OC•IC 140TES.
the stainle,rd_qf tliie kind:. •
led ah -ay froth them:: back to
document asserts that 8,293,000,000
..al. w,otef, 'do Litell.,Sheeexelainaed : „ , . .- ., , band, ' ($1;68;800,600)' of ectintd
at -.list, quite tuddenry. "There's If Yen preVide'dark ah/eds for :the nsoneY has disappeared fiein ciretila-
been trouble ettooglieenneezwaYeand .sheeP, te run in,:, or a Clump of thick ties.... ib ,the bait hundred yeirSO: -
another, about Ana, Phipps, it'll underbriish,.. the riie$ Which mare- The peeTea -inld. ceinage • Of
bea good thing for 'them if they grub in thellea,d Will not he pearly France dates hack to 1803 the silver
iiever hear her nam o hagain: So 'sp apt to trouble your flecks. ' .: pieces to 1796, copper to 1852, They
:here,'s `goe&bye",., to ' yori:1"..- She . • The best time to fatten' hogs is in began to make nickel coihs in 1903.
Pieked.UP ,the pack -et, and made for aoaaen ..wither, the best *ay, 'a, In the century, frein '1803 to 1903
the fire. And .as, she did. se _0)6 'Little irain with the pasture; the there Was eeiried a tetal of about
knocker • 0'66 front door' at ,At6-' bqat, brood-, 00 hogg'that'Wilt nab the 11,916,000,000 'francs, ltorti this
3 Grell'IV,a3re 6tard•enlif' °and -4 ines-tgrass; bethe mott, gain. and :there is a, deduction, to be,inade for
have the most lean meat united with Certain .isues dernoneriaPd and for
- (t� het otitMhect,) • light pieces reeoincd. The net
• the fat. ' . , ' - , ,
If yott• find Your. horse With:a sore .atheriet was •15.48,94,004).00,Jranct.o.
*shoulder, remove all;the roitglinsi More than half of this has disapA
froitithe Collar and duet it well * h peared. Estimates Of the money in
'ierii 'Starch: not gloaa,ittireli. .4. it0 aCtual ':diteUlaticft iii rta•Ped have
' An ex.ehiehelOr Sais . that it.4110 ,, dim& the shoulder,, putting on 'as been Made by the State in 1818,
,nOt obstittiy tuotO to feed to than intich as will adhere.' If the:stareh I8a5; 1801, 101, and 1003. Correa -
one but it chits ten times as 't4b s applied„ Often enough to liviep: the •ihg the latest of these by edjtrison
t0 dreSs theta., .' re dm. it will soon heal: Four With ' the • other:4: the coholusi ict is
harmful on account merely of this
gaseons constituent. .If that is o,
what'a serious coniplexion does the
habit .of inhaling smoke assume, in
which procedure the shlokeende:pl*
carbon morioxidaboaatuedlint aire
introduced Ilit-e-alshinto--the iifti
latory system:,
-The.' Lappet 60Pcludes by •saying.
-that the foregoing facts call forthan
interesting .refiectiOnon the head.-
aehe-and drowayeand-itapidefeeli...,
of the persen• Who. has' been shut up
in a "smoker" on a ,railway t,rain,
or in the badly, ventilated atmies;-
phere of the inrokingerathat concert.,
that there is in orchlotion .6,990,-
02Q,000 fiaIies,leaviTig: 0
Vaiiqua-theorie'aeeeadvancedaccount for .t;
th:ioso- .
iptEihaedi eeia• etc_beiyogu. repa toereetaaslisoa rfitf o1d. : se. and
shipwrecks. very large part' is
But taking all thesesfactere-into-
eonsideration there rmiiains a vast
surir unaccounted -foreee-Sorne, ef. it---. -
has dOubtlesS beee -hoarded, ,
hidden and:forgotten, eethe lest out-
• ..e01E.T.Ne 7•77,7
There waSaev-ery-a
ease which carne .up. the.*est- ,
rainat.er Police Poert, 'London En-,
Jaild,, 'a,' few days: age undeieth'o new
cIahe -of' the,' criininar laW..amefid-
2--foreaonotriLteetake-a-eivoniall, of tie
i'sound from the care of • her :
guardiSaiS, and propose or' pretend.........
loimarrY•her: The defendan:t •in, the
case -nes -e er .o , ArthurP. ' 'k- f 18 A th P'
:Hankins; who hid, been arrested OD
*arrant registeYeffiee 'Ken- .
ps*gton-,--,just•-as-he--Was-a ou o e
iedtoho1ot-Ma' ion Falok, 21
yearsinfafferTthe7dttegliter Of a .soe.e..•
The:, 'Warrant :had been
.-grantectiaka-MagiStrate--after- statef-..-
meats' by tvioedoctoreenlio :had Pre- -
vicresly -examined the girre Mental
condition. . • •
After thena,Sehadbeen;adfoureed.
a :couple of. tones, , the, counsel 'for .
a, ri mined ntewas.eanx•k:"--,---':
'Wnitho:the'reeritneerfh,iiice4ee young
:01.is to:have: the Charge withdrawn
Cohn eel' said he had had an 'opper-
. lady and diecuesing with her father ,
the exact position. "a.relatiOn `to the,
,present charge. - No, ! doubt tbe..,
-young:lady, -and:
'ono -a:: young ,:lady 'of eOnsiderable
,perSonal attraction, had been very
'haddeVeloped -relation th her lot - '
erandeherselfrandetheaCtion .of her
parents; who, no: doubto-acted from
i,sieing her real happiness took •pro-
ceediri4s_whiCh_no-douhtvery Much --
diStressed the _voting lady, and _
brohglie.her into a'benditiOn, when -
'statementS inadeby.themedical.men
,who saW•her.• •
On behalf of the fh,ther 'of the girl,.
WhoieLonly Objeetlliraligheart
'been his elaughteihr'hipPiness and;
:.safety;uhe.counsel) was able to say'
3liat after air he (the, father would- .
be doing heat in -ohnsidting her
'Wiebes an de haPPirresa by Consenting__
to the marriage. '
' Most happy:'arrangements had
been -come to between the farnilies
hoth Adel, freed: 'Which there •
would be•no'fiirther
• These two
416* -e -engage. ,
h d"- arid -would,-'it-was
'honed, Start it VeiY 'happy life itothe
lanci•ef prOmiSe--CanaAa, •
She' is04-wortheaotertainee.-ancl,:
• hasn't any Stocit.;: '
Iter %Wealth is alf"In,little shoes. and
, pip -dares and frocks, „
In little Rage, of eliding hair and
1.0.',IeaveS. and grass," and buds •and '
and be and -hatterflies •
Etit when. she' Conies in :tired froth
play, and -trawls Up on MY:knee,. 'I
'Slie's worth .1; hundred millions -to-
e. :her "Mother, and: to Me.. .• „
She sits a.„Triorig he dolls Mid; tois
' , and doesn't 'seein to care, '•
If, Wealth is all in rosy. eheeks and.
laokt:-ana. curly hair:. • •
;She toddl'es vtp to and,thn
' &Jay fay will, *rite
A-'eherttiedrawr.ren love's haok wilh
„ just her , glancea, ,sweet - and
Andl?" rWighhent.HTS:ltnh- atina
, • •roulad' thy Pe& ilia, cousin
She's worth uncounted
her -mother and to nie.`•
And when, she's inlets 'Crib at tagdOe.,,
• and cosili tucked hi;-
,th6 wealth of Oroesna Couldn't •
the 'dimple in her''ehin.
And, at the'blifilto bti-toguith.oyeti,
• to play atpeek-a-boo,
She.'chackles hie a fortithe With ette1(
archly=epOlteri:coe, •
'has • no fortiiiie, 1,,
am s(sou Will agree •
She's a fortEEPe, thote than Meneyi
her Moth "i‘ d t
e !it 0 Me.