HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-08-06, Page 5•
r�tt (() iK)CL)T 003)C ..(10) )(0. )(NFE)
®tamacb:tronble is but ttia o?. auk ice,
�t991fytwZrue dlseasa ve t i 02 Dial*
' ;>laeutburn„•. and Iaolgestton 6i real 4110020. :1
1h are &9ffiiptaam9 sial p- si p
`Teruo: , �
btOilithitak else. a s 9D
it was thli fact that first Correctly le4Ir
the creation of that now vert popular Sto
y -Dr. 8400p'4 Reetorativp dotfa� d[reC�
to`the 0to1:Oath nerve& alone b u tit that iiieceii
and favor to Dr Shoop andhJ Redtorativ$ With:
• out that ptighial and li ghty.: shish prinelple; nra
luso lseting'ageompltelameuti were everto be ba
111br stomach dIstresa bloating blllousneai, li• ,
breath and sallow • comploxIon ta•g De 8Ii(�py!n
itesterattve �dabiets'; or Liquid -and are for oui
811y mmen�u0.wili da. -WO sell-and-.,44i
going to -el -
� abdi�t 3 rails '..
n84 41il �.: • tO `' o 41.25 Clearing at
35o to 65. '
Prints, Ginghams...
at raiasonable prices..
Walking Skirts in Tweeds << a few in Duch
and WhiteLinen
uslins,,;:;-staple, _._ colors'
Has' started•' off with ,a. r 'sh ;
u that . shown that_- the,' people -who
have :-saved . 'Money. i A -Sale _ .. ..m:. `� . __
n o y ,by; _this -Annual _nn�a�.l Stile ours 1n tl?.e: past, _.aare �. •--
appreciatin to the fullest •extent the present money -saving
opportunity.. There is scarcely'a line ,of goods you Can :pur-
chase in. -this -store -but what you-all-save-�-from-ten-to 20: p. -c.
during this safe.:... D. you want
Prints, Flannelettes, fowellings, Ginghams, Shirtings,: Table
Limens, Sheetings, Factory Cottons or White Cottons, then visit
our STAPLE DEPART'MIF.NT during this sale and save from 1.0 -
p.c. to 20 p c:
Do you want Dress Goods Of an} kind?. Thon 4:dni,c and
make yoLr 'tui �Fn� .r+e•.r" e "� x r
p.e,�to_-5 p -c duriatg tl�as--sales
you rrantteadyg ad�:t
s its=? Att.h kill You7would �.
` like and the proper size is in out stock- you can save from . 10
,p.c., to 46 -p. -c. by making your purchase this •rnontit
Do you want Corsets 7 You can save from to to 50 p c
bybuying-now: --.8ee-our pile $t oo and $1.25 Clearing atf69c
Ourpile clearing at 38c oar pile. Sumliier Corsets, elearidg at • -
il5c,.:this last for mostly small sizes.
De you wa }t Boots and Shoes ? Then_vlsit this depart .;.
meet during! our great August Sale:.and save from
p c., Cee. our.
Special Clearing' Lot of -Ladies' Q:xfords and .-Strap. Slip-
pers, in D'ngola_and.eatent leach-ers, sizes3_:..- a....__,t_,_.$n-:,25 ,to11:
$.1175,,; ..ourchoice'for.68c' er pair.
. . .
your .... R
Special' clearing : lot of Ladies' Boots, Oxfords• and strap
sli ers,.
a large of s.les
t , highand low h
p peels pointed,•
medium and wide toes -price were -$-1 oto z:oyour choice -.
1.. Ashfield 'Cottncil'�:.
TO regularreeeting of Council was.•;
field t-0744 , all meoub rs'pret eent. Thee
noi:r.utes..of J'.iine •aura ,approved on;
reiotion of Hunter ' and Sohoenhali.
---Tb® Treasurer: deported -as=- fellowr
Bal. from last report::..: °•.. $1133.29"
To refund by • W'.': K .•..1. ..50'
r . $1133.79
Bp' orders,_Juoa .. 2Ui h........4...: $395.47:
Balance 'July 24th.... ...$738.32
• $11.3,79,
K1ekley4tStiles That the Count
batt leo shuck t -j,., 21,n iia_.onvtbe $, '-
rand the Twp, rats at ly milli:-Gtarrred
INo. K, to• lwrrow'. money for ; 'current
expenses, be finally passed—i"larried.
A rote for $3:50 .due Nor. 2lith was,.
drawn. ' . .
Speciaj en's Canadian and English- .Ki
als a.na BlUtchers $2.25 to $2.5o for $1,90 during sale.
aThove are only a few of the many lines offered chitin
this sale.
Po yon Want 'Ready7Made di -thing uS• during' •
One speci4liet'llens-,--Tweed-Snits-46;:ot
sideration. See Our Ad. Next.Week. • '
IV:B.—Store closes at 6 pan. except.. Saturday&
Each member reported ha'ing9ent
daring'1908 gateas , .per resolution
of April 6th Stotbers'$231 50,: Hunt
er . $13843, Kiekley $122 90, 'Stilts,
$23L1:40, Sclientia1s• 389.1`4.
,Soave 66 accts mainly.for graveling.
gravel, :pian~.; tile-aad-repaira" amount'':
ink:, to. •,;41003 23 wei e • ;ordered paid.
and ,Council adjourned to. meet Sept..
Gocrejo , July. 29th;
Ata _aNe ,sal wee rug today is Mr
Proudfoot`a .oHioa, : oallad . by'..order o.f
the Reeve,.'it wpae.,moved _by Stiles ands'
ckle and castled- that''r���,uno
;consents, ,.to. they .chit.'W:- :'E'ectr;a
Railway proceeding n t:li_the : work•
at 'Port Alberti ,between' 'stations 97'
an • i01:aid from ;stances :1.1.3 to 150;
with the--peivilege ,of :lowering-rthe
*rade, ,on; tiarriston. street on ' both
sides of the river'and, also:granting.
,the. use of the golly where' road, for
mer Iy tab P►n-the. 18 Mile--Oreek':and-
of -widening the'. read:_ollowanco *est
'of said cro.-k.
Ashfield;' Aug ;1s£
.At special meeting tonight rn Twp.
Hall,•moved ':by `.Sts Es'` and Kickley
that this ouneil consents id, '>the'o:
W S RaiLwao ocating their -line'
along the\µEast-side of :t'he creed al
lew.ance-only-in- accordaaice with the;
•;attached memorandum (filed: and tun
long, to
It . was pioved
Hin amendmentby
,Homier that. this. Cron -oil .coneent
said, Railway. .°Co.' locating their line
along the east aide of said road al-
lowance 'at the Presbyterianchutch
ane _atingabiiiljte-s. described 'in,
said' memoranpum but no; other point..
in. ho .Twp. 1 The matter,: was 'thee
discussedand owing to,,the absence
:of ''-Ir Sctioenhale iG'was moved by
Stiles and:'Hunter 'that this.Connell`
consents that the Reeve, after inter
viewing' Mr. Sishoedals, `ehalI have
full power• to.,, decide:':the actin of
this . Council in: the matter': of the
right' of way.memorandtim. i .
Ut`n Jiii T:.3rd., :fie Reeve reported_
that as Mr SohoE.dhals_ :wa9.,iip..eym
path vial% alis motion 'of Stiles and,:
Kiot ley he 'he'd decided to deciarb
that mvti an oarried. The memoran-
clow may` be seep rat. the Clerk's office,.
-T.G..ALL1N, Clerk
About ,1 doz. White Lawn Waists and stack
-For gentle en - =dead
For . Boys' Nicest - Suits.:.:,.i
Wrappers- at
Iwo - and tl .r00 r
s®u get fii'll nal-uotheLLkin�d that...means
st4viee atad better,. service.
You get hes moat:.:ior your moue.:
You. don t have to p*. peddlers-4license: and>.
eddl®r-s ez -
/ � eco as. , �. ,. ..
F s .
You know the man yo..u;.bay.:from_ and' you
• You can at any time ask - cfnesttons about-- ;4
working Part&
lta" Ran
Nervous, 'seas
Consultation ,
lar an -d- up-to4late stook -of r
terns; which ive are offering at Reasonable
Priees. ,Kindly oall and inspect oar stOelz.,
for" Style ard quality that has., plated them
The Customer *he buys the Victoria Sho,,e
invariably comes tank! That. is why ' We fr,l'e
66 Not Gape at the Ankle,
Don't Waste , yOhr thne 'and inOney en chefip;: dangerokia, eipainiental 'treatment.' '
which they clatter tir have jest discoVered. Bat _Collie to uS ut,Conlitlenee. Wo will teetit
yell Conscientiously.; honestly and Skillfully; and reatore you to health in thoshorteab Ons-
,altile time With the' least inediditie;;d1S6,,nracirt and e:Frei,A6 lotactieable. "h:Aelt ease is
' 0 '' 10- HEDY—Stk.
See our stock dt newest designs. in
Couch ThroWs.