Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-08-06, Page 21.7
'77'7 7,•."-'11w,3-7Ic
It Would Be Better to Suffer Suffer Some Loss
P;nn.II�sitJnThanto LoseQne.s1Icar
ac .was Aretialug 0110
4,, • ,
-• 48.: rliapn -the 'UM-
illo"''-44. ' 41',IllOti-I°Oreher.,
shotildhni'liO heeh io:reteete4 by thn
helniet Whloh lie 'Were,
ftw.f-$.tunxtOd by
ti/er iinpp,hte, ot Act' stone, David
rt1Shes riP?to r .hina : and -slays him,
lwith his crtic' n sWord. , • ', ' ,,
, `To him that knoweth ta do good luas seared his soul. .11e hasstiff'n-
n.,01'gn'nt, 'vit. not; tn.' him, the finer moral -muscles
-77-i, 4 V '''' 4- --.Therelibi S:only_one_w!ay,,toce'p'_,the
cotain 'types of religious MeeC:',,k- heart :green, like a fair garden where,
ings fon, maly•,,,,heiii-°,:peeplet°,'Cleidaio --th.a°,e1Potion,s spring up and..flow re-
title lossof,ernotionii-e#altation. once-. -Ereshingly,.. and that i;'viy .1,'StO make:
enjOye. they pra,'y for a -return of eVerY. emotion ,centribute ih.'s,e'ne
.enceS, the -return .Pf /loads' of ertio- -1-,P11Ise find 'einresSion. aetion
tionS, ocefe1t. o many4.pei;senis.,.-':eithet.tfrie:aati-on of obediencote
ig 'why theeinetien0 pleae..-, . of rOoliite and POSitive "ep-.
seeis eultwation For° ;a1S allit oenstf-,
tuteg one of 'the'pereniiia}:-seurees of
h becatiSe -whit Wad- fitrat :felt ief and'lftrengtfi,-y-.ritelpleasui.°6-0,'br-
"Spiritual blessins" •; they earnest- way to life'sfruitlessness, let every
y seek for, the repetition of expeill fide of :feeling, every passion and
e- failed -16 ,obeY:.1t;tcl.'plit. it inte
active ,ekpreSsion.„ • SiibjeetiVely, the
leastirable ,'eicperiences., of religion
-Ere the emotions and exaltations of,
Iigi ,ideals. -The: prieeof ,qoritinu-
is' the' Practice. of the Uealz
Cannot :do ":away with je'pling..
the xt1ft to hih it
e° nianilesiod,-;t*e11-4a'an,°'tlAn
even °:,
nre`s,,ara-..influeneec17' by . it to an
eat which n� anoean measure.
OU'Liniglit as 'WellF160 to llaire pa-
ciciternent, as, re-
aging 'geed, OfhelPineno. '
tho.ho,nie,,of. friendships, - ,of love,po
are'all emotional'OiperienceS. They
are kept 'al.iva d'''we 'rm
eain 'serisi'
.1°,...lves"te these -finer °feeling' s' the7
rae-zs, 1,:er that w " 46- their -high., bid-
,e, needtek.eep
o.n.,thearts tender.
°one ° anOther atch
iet.;se,. lf1s. ,1111,es sear 'the sour le -1
fear, of _imposition Make d
to the . Cry .0fl. . eat
It would be better far to suffer some
but the °,10s,s frCala.;;ini11?sit len ban to
' inorafe 'n emotion- --P7,%°- - oileulatio.rklart
time Yen enjoy ar-fbmIttiOa-ifs e'Shall'n„ever find them until
thout attempting to employ
we turn from that seaich to seek- out
you -.and' the - what t., -e rosy
PR(' • - nowl-we better
-answ'erulg t° 1 ea -'11 if only the dreams 01
ano, high
;Ternld and , of° happier Ituraanit3.e%'"
,which once refreshed us may
ents and allow them, to he
_realized. ,
S' in themselves, and their
'Sure in be only evil. the nde--vor to make real these
vi.si4ons'Airehich, :as the Y broke 11P. en..
pression to 'which w:e ;c10. us,' appeared, so, bteaati-,,Is>ewrIrinfienida
:6r; .-Syinp6111,3t, aspi.ration; peivei's of -.feeling .en
dation, or °r Passion for serve,s emotion; expression makes
ion" possible' new iraPressions,
yoTuf myouus,N,voeuld1‹, eep.your with a_lviv
1.• ep it busy. If you would
-hold On to your -religious--joys- ou
niustiVe themaway 'to the joyless
lives No- Man
thikiii ab-ept .;" it is„ when- he-
actuall3r feeda the hungry that his
owri- heart is refreshed; it is when he
smaIi - WIth°ut'', em° lOte. one'S",",h6Ortp"-ene 13.°
is that, notli,p.atrioPsPA-- n 1W-15-rie-rd.06'*=.Constant
o,Cr to re-
went. • 'le
namie Ser., same "definite of
et ,the joyless, to yield, to .every good
1 the ,PPrPr. ethotion. of kindness, to care nothing
ighteousness- stir within. one needs
arefullyle,Watch lestwe lose sight
u4i4k,Ahe toil. and Service,to
sults in inner that they return o us.
ye exPressio9- re f the salvation'of our
sis both of creoti,Uns And 1"1.1. the one hoe ° _
iCh 'Wire -
We are in danger from the;
Tatrophy:of our -emotions. -.One views
dramatic 'appeal in -Which' SO-Ciiit
rong,s sho „one reads -a novel
appealing' to the sense of Justice,�r
pity and goes his 1 way, 'having enjoy El earri-6S-the'Cup.-Ciftciel--watet to an -
ed the 'sensations of anger'or pity ; other that the Well Of eternal water
but Making:no„.attenipt',0 give voice -Springs up within 'hire. - •
LUBER FA.31.1NE. -
Has B ,,,-
een -Here f Or SOMe Years,
' Dr.:;- Forum! Thinks.
c'NrOitil 6 -been --t &Thing
for twen,
ty-siic,ii.° on this subjeci of •-a•
Probable.' inher faniine, and wSite
that predicted ..timber -faminP,-;..
said, '‘Yorr.have., been asleep; it is
on us already, for w4n priceS 'rise.
continue -0'1y at 'a rapid, rate' there
Must '
' be a fireine.:' .- It an--abse-
lute absenCenf Iriaterial;"11).ut an in-.
Aged Novelist Cap -Nn Longer En.
dure Ris Country's Greg,
• Driven to a fever. of anger, indig.
nation and despair by the avifin
4,Wchr Lsh 9anr'the vih seeping/9s- 8-13cYaeir-
Ituspia,; Count Leo Tolstoi has -writ --
',ten the PleSt _terrible arraigninent
'-c(Inittioline-tehazktt e•Tvarnerleralin4tafrglilit.t8lieok-g6rat-
novelist's pen, • The ,article is en-
titled; f cannet be silent.:" After
deseribing,in 'detail the execution
,of twelve rue/a:far an attaek made
With intent: to • rob on a landed
Orease of .11:Mines' Make" •a fOune; proprietors'', estatei-the 'aged ove
and the 'prices ',have' risen very liSt -says ,
Steadlln 'as', Yon •ae.e..' PEOPLE "ItEINO 'PEPRAYgD*
"This- More or 'less liorizental , _ , ,
linefr", :referring to a diagram ex- What is most dreadful.' in the
hibiLedat'ffhe WhaTernatter is-thiciatrotrieley--
the ,prices`, before -1899, while this man violence and ',killing, besides
the, direct eyil done to the victims
rapidly aekending curve represents
the pricesvPipee that year,. and front . and their , families, brings a yet
the eharatOr• ofthe -curve you earl more enormous evil. on the, Whole
see that this rise in pricewill- go people by spreading depravity -as
on,,as Play also be-predieted from lire spread s aroid_ dry straw -among
,other data- I. asenre you:, 'EVerY every. eliss of „Russians.
year 'yen t°911y juSt' 'eight2Per 7, -,Cent. : ,,# time. ,age -there, were not:
more for your wOO-d- tban„ YOU' afir. two executioners to leinid iii all ,
ve ' ' re ' a you ,:rio • i Pi 4. *it. li• tl`^' -,.;-.1-14es there was -s so nonylety. between ..3,901. „ . , ,,
the ', ar ,,..tei.0 • Haz , 11-- ..... An 2.,o Vtax...a. .1 m. ` much ' 6-6, 7 --6 atm flat' ne-vei, as4 0 ax, ‘ 11.1„.4 , the;
0 1 Aed -v-'41 o1
nPY ratn, .(joalipt. and Nv,111 not iffe.
Thittio why,,rwrite t1:11`s ,hnd Will
cirettlate kv: all means m my
Power s betli in gnaa# aiid-,abroarl;
that One of two thinge may liaPl?"
tbat tbese. inhuman deeds
may be 'stepped or that my cOnnee.:
tion 'with them, May' lee snapped and
I put in, prison, .whpro 1 mar he
clearly cons,eimis that these horrOrs
- tiettet (so good thatTaire
they may put IA Me,. as on. those
twenty or, " twelve . peasants,-••
iliroud and a cap,, and pirSh me also
Off " -60 that" by iny 'own
soaped noose ground my Old throat.
No ope- Dared. Lay Saerilrg,
l'inn'er Upon Them.
Ever since,the beginning"of the'
now constant troubles, in India -a
good 'deal liae been heard ahout, the
-Mullahs,. says-Pearson!a-Weerly._---
A Mullah, or, as it is more pro-
perly written, mollah, -is ti,tle
given in India and throughout the
East generally to a religious leader
of any description.
Thus, the Sultan of Turkey is a
ollah, because he is the supreme
head ef the Moslem world. The
li-oStile Somali- leader who caused
viton A Lim
•Suppogd,'Itividorer' Nide _Free I
rOm ' PenAtentlarY
•r sentence laecauSe of dream-
...S1,11Archrollotli4trtehnie arnetlie0,411,7cpifosethenreee
son • 'at 'Huntsville; :..Where he was
incarcerated: for: elevea -years on
the 'charge .6f murdering 'a woman.:
In Many respects -Jones .was
reinarkahle cOnvict. The. Murder'
fcr Whiek, he, -was' imPriSoned.'vas
-committed' in.: 'Wilier:Open cennty.
A woman whose name had ;been •
handled. Moi.e :Or lees by loeal gos.
was ..found dead: Certain cir.7
tried and :c-onVicted. 'Hs Wifesow-
het home to,,Huntsville; the peni-
tentarY.,:toWn;.-ao- .tliat she -might -
visit liint frequently..., He Was well -
text() and furnished .nioney.for.her
, Jones maintained his:innocence,,of,
therrime,-setting ,fortli. that lie was
at •all times .deVoted to -lifes:TWife-.7.:--
teret" in hat?.lf‘,.,1 Mean- haS: the nii.1,Y One. ;Not, •so nOw I and 1904; and whose nam oceasion-
Public in ,iOneral no interest in the '' A' :small shopkeeper ln Moscow, ally crop up even. now in the daily 'Is'°mee• -'''-'7"sr ' alic'et' ik- re:Ilia- ,
forestry question? It Seems to me whose affairs were in a bad way,' papers, was also a,.. niallah. And ,ijiroinseosn./"'Ist aN...4„115.'etqhlie6notii,j'eabirtej.grhaSpttet
.theY'llaire-' 'EN'erYlledk'inn."- have 'having offered his seririees to ter- there are hundreda or others ' • , in Jones' )ariSoni lif&-these•Tviait's
,easn,-bini:epreeeleitn.,it,...,becanS,e it ,-"t!i,u,teh.- -reoptrirrootnliinmanudrd.,erresclirrhaigngead bbeYeG4toeva-. , : To most of the 'More Conspicuous from his .w-ife.• ' . . ..
:...'„!There Ail:Another „point lI wish to ...roityles_.(50...for...eacliLper.hun ,,:..f:ininiong..thornii;i:elactp\rvecyfixrt,:h,inelastd+i'ilomectiiVee,
.aiike.,_'...ria, ,....that,...:„While,.....--IiitioA,Senn...,mende&his1414,, taken -to --men that -theY.-are-1715a0-6,- :.-Ipl-s-Bniet'ildst'.-7"i-bli,uere'tt:e1-nht66sii,In'''w6ei-f°' le'f-:t.ete-ClximlitIvn"heenc-' 114-thietieL-'---.'-'
1.899.'pii*TicsAtuP_a110.-4-97114r°0 'he-110 lar4er.VegiTiT,Od.tiliA 4CICIAbl9n---ille.:WOrlitiAlnA ns'ett -rattier , in - its: ,§h -e: -.1 -cared-' te-gain';the-disliteasitre'o----,--1.
Year-teirliikterhurtai tiln.".1.114-00""re'' al , husinesi •g;trrcl**is---Tre'N, ,, ria-itriug diral-01,"- 'igl*'-'1"Ttre-a-tion Orre""fii spiRd.'' ertlie Vi•-ig*5-11-6ftlefirp-,--lie feirtitar „.-
mainect, Iekilr; .trPlu''. the Yei0-•`'180P-, on his former trade " ' - - The influence wielded by the mol- ti were annoyed' Y-'., her calls.
prices of ..a....„.•gradesof w g , .
VOLITNTER .HANGMAN.'S . lahs -who are now stirring up against One day after the visits had
,raenad'ijoelv.;*".,",!Cu.i:T7e,':., p' ' 'xMip 1. taiitt'' it pt: it . ' . . ' '213,J a,, I 9 E. . . : ` ' ' . . ' 1 . . , ' 1 us ,the herder:tribes. .of Afghanistan slackened . there :eame a:c,ivil .officer
_•.,,--fili7,431...e-kr,a..,,,, month ,.a.i'L„ex.colti-c„' u-,..„ isieriorinons. Clad, in their- sacred. 0, the -prison with -a dr. °roe.. • s _
by the I.,i tilted ' States_ :Coigns, re- .„e'r:was, watite,a•aud at_ance a man -re Oa? "be._ ariii......F.7't.'alat: the. '•,-gi7eee`Ste3rd--:: 4-11OU'Ier'''S.e-fies'• r:."-;-- ' '.-.--' ' - •••- - • ,7-:•-' "'-':'
gurclipg szipply and demand' of for 1.,vas. found who 'agreed with the or aid -of Islam beY "'go:lip and down - -Jones -glaneed-at-it -hurriedly7lia. -
est' firOdafits'hecaM known, Which, ganizers .r goVerninental..,:mnrdrs the valeys shrilling the A101iarnme- realized its 'meaning, --:
shewed.tfmt-'1.11 w'redlettlit,"; this° tim-. tri do.the business for, fifty roublesdan war cry, and woe be to. him who - '"Catehiug ' up ' the • hatchet : with „.
it' cf. ' - •-- , ' „„' which he had been working, he sev-
Ler famine we W4 -ere not so very far per bead. ,But tTTT;he volunteer hang- refuses to ec
'out of ''.the*! WAY; . Man., after Making' this "agreenient; . The person of, the iS sac. eied right -hand at' t,hci wrist, '
:"Not se-PPIY and demand, but heard that . more was paid in other Ted., True, the Amir the other day and with hia left he' handed the
lcnewledgnt..sUptily :itiiddeinancl--tckr.Ois',- and Pt. the 'three, of-Ithe..elce-,- Was --reported,10 haVe 'ordered that ni41?utated. ineelher' to the deputy
to makes °and the trouble has ention,7' having put the proud saek. any of thethleauglit.:Preachino-Ahe sheriff," •saYing
knowledge, is to Or tiniher,,,reseiir... bite .to :the,. scaffold, - Aopy)01;.-.'iiiia, :tongues torn-. out ' .*. But if lie-reallI±WEb4rit-4i-.-MY--aliSliTer420---lieil,:di:
ood rieit hand
ces,', and this lack of knowledge still :appreaphing .:.the •.:-. superintendent, Issire.duefi,. Iiis,,Letiiet,..... wAiieh • is ...ex, vorce petition, -.14 'g
worku agiinSt. our, work of 'reform, said : .'"You. - 'must ' acid , another tiemely: ,c1:0:ubt,f.61.-it, ,,Aiite Eaereh.• a 'hand that' h-a;S'iieV-er-OePirnitie-d"a .
, • • , eau ettairith. 11\Thoitiilev-if .s,a•reiame hat'. •has ' 'worked' all 'these..
During the last few Years the know t*.enty-Ave :ronbles your •Eicellen-. 'Meiji-if:or Eii.ep
4,Dr.:.; B. .8.' Fernow,;;Dean of the ,speak as they., used. to,spearibout: s°1-01ge".""Gie46..-v611:tU"::ael'• rs7 for her. :.g.:p.pp9).*'1?, ,
-led.g.44ag:inereaBecl-and fthe result..cy_t_00."Avon't do 'it I" Ile.: ot. the Ailie.n.,ii ta.1±,H.abilb.
hair-been4fliat ..priees have riSmi as increase and die...did:the , jo :' :': , -: • '
. . . . . . ., wou , care o ay . sacri eg,ous ,
' Id t 1 ': 11;` -1. i .
Thei-diVorce--w-ars-zr. . a..' ntedancl_the - °
.andllVeralas,IpoopleffHttilid' "ringer_ sin_ pii_p_of_ these pet-
it : catne 1 (AO: that -the supply .0 ga gs, ni
paealo.a;:rore4i3t;',13-iiii..ei,afir. of ...t,.. ii,it-hm.-.-„-c . -ch-iateii-:-Igitty: , it. -1s4-1.,iludn.,:, sli-!.ei,4rld3.;.;6‘oriTli.t4.1iiii.4,gji_ in.a"Ve..7._. eag_i_i4_.E.?1,..4..4
"Perianth,: ht:anitual Meeting Of Oa-. hangings . Lads i'frOth- ..the:',. high' ''
.riadiiii. Forestry Association, 1908, scheOla who Etre almost childre
,e -;t: is --the cardinal Prineiple---of-the-
. i • . I ., , ..'
mollaha are; Collee-
., 41.4..(11.014a6.0 y.10:sm..._,__„.,, ,,..rails„ to., km, jot as tho.,,lidedz..ntos Vtivl.ieni,1;.7tearseIlit-that an lniiir3C. pur,;;
AO ,On on e#Prpfiriating expeditio
At.,.. untirt ..,._ . • . . ; • . • "Tio.trosely'rarbnause,at'ed-toOrte•—onde.4)4. tblritr..hrieudnia.,bger
be k bat f executions,han n urders wife soon •married again --married
Geim ' f Disease of Old Age Ras ABEAIGNIVIENT, OF THE CZAR. of the individoal icting- it.
equinment. It probably Consisted Ix n:
of '7ii'lijiis thong' doubled and held -7861! "nsetw6retl:;," '' - -The executioper-at, --first, - hand, '
in, one -band by both ends The - Dr. iltIef'chrukOff*.itif the'PaStenr In kriews- that he is iprii -executioner
., /
-- --
. .
widened and - hap' a stitnts, Paris,. the noted specialist 'it•Ped ePlat. .1,',3'. ',,c,IOn„S,.7,127,g?.#_11.1 ,i1 .
IS.--TilltiNATIOSTALL . LES SON scoell.-nt':-,re wths_old_theLstOse cmuhPicsk_iastand-at-lid-44 °I-the:hunk-4-R °rgau--i8D3' ----til l' I°---ra-V:iulftull'r--7^18s-1uesn-QI COST 414.1-'Eli°11)-EAN WAR.
-.1narleek_by_swinging_the___sling_and has dfiC(-,i_vered--ajnee,
. Auo. ,. . tben; suddenly releasing one end; lie hasnaMed-rin-a-Cro-PlagO6Y-T-tOdid-:' well used to all thse, and ft is, in po .0. 1 tia th d. at least-,----:,.A.oh- or4y. r---brerura. u
ar a ae e is- .., . , ,
• °. I) g - t .- ...Bat you all -from the Secretary .. ' '
.-Lessrin VI. David and Goliath.-
„Pga,i 11. 1.
--Veise-38-.--Read-versed 1=3g -for -an:
account of Goliath and his chal-
lenge, David's visit to the rsraelite
camp, his proposal to Saul to meet
the Pltillstme champion„land Saiil's
.,final- consent. .1 '
His apparel -Rather,. "his ar-
mor.” Although Saul in verse -37
commends David to Jehovah's help
° fox success, he Plans to make -it
more certain ° by equiPping :the
, youth with his armor. This,. while
not - to be -compared in --massive
weight and size with that of the
giant, Would ,make the combat
more eqitat •
Helmet-of-hrass---Or-Irronze. Th
or leather, one of metal being giv-
en Special mention.
Coat of_rnail=Strictly, the -main-
garment 'Which covered the upper
part Of the body. The term is used
Assayed -Tried- The infer-
ence-. is- that he - Was Unsuccessful
the reason being, that, he had mit
' tested it. If, as one narrative in-
dicates, he still a ,iliepherd ;lad
unfamiliar with , the equipment of
war,' ,it_irt-najduider_Alia.t...he_finds
the heavy, strange armor More of a
burden th,an a help ; and even rf, as
armor -bearer, helms already
ibeeerne, accustomed ,to these things,
this -outfit is„not hia_mmand, there -
fare, is, Of little use to 'him:
• ' itaff-Ith has, proVed thi
T,he stleperd's invariable Wealibb
and instrument. he used it to lead
upon .1-7e-fti ."ancl aka club or
defense. It is Pessifild -Qat in
David's ease the sling Was in Some
*ay fastened to this staff. •
Chose him-,."Selticted,", out
the brook. :Probably the mountain
stretie Which tun besido the
,eamp-tif • Isra„el. rather- than the
-`btook whieli ran through the' cen-
' tero the valley and separated the
, two Carrips. ' • „
Wallet -A' skin bag slung his; two
i4irepS; over the shoulder made to
contain nrovisions, food, etc. Al-
most indispensable to the shop-
' •his staff, --Davidmit it to
f h.:0 of carrying \his
coulileted ' his
d t join he battle. se- f- fit -a e the scientist _ - '
o t a o 1 -
The man that bare-the-shield--asseits um: •
e 0 t e Court to the Premier and- --The hel loose section -of the Ger-
41.neeparticipa-- -Irian Idle inc'. 'Iurtin-the frre eater
now is r a y
e c'• g ' h
went before -To protect himagainst
any_pessible treachery. It was one
O'..;; the duties of the, armor -hearer
to.'guard-the•persc,n...of his' -master:
; 42. Looked about graphic
touch. As if the Philistine had to
take spiecial .pains 'before he. could
even- ,David„: -so „insignificant
,was ha in ennipnrison,:, . .„
He disdained him --His contempt
for David was caused 'not only by
his ill -Matched size Of body, but by
the factithat he was a youth and
Of a fair countenance; his „boyish
beauty was an insult ;to this train-
ed warricn.
A dog -A general term of con-
teinpt, but quitefitting here, as the
Stiff:David Carried had midonbted::
TYTheeri afteniided7to ctili
" 43. Cursed David 'by his gods -
He Used 'the names of his patron
gods:- trinipilication hut did iiot-
gain thereby in the' canitiat. ' • •
44-4'7., Nnt ce the utter , fall
boasting. on -Davi part. • 1:•.sorte
. f e,rieg'• and' rioiges 'Were ,neerigbi
armies to terrify their enemies, and
.in single encounter -it was custo-
mary to reci•te one's4 own brave
deeds and to )101 fiiintei at. the
pcnent the sante purpose.
'rOf fotio-wingthaTexarriftle701,
hid enemy -David ,With'' soleirin :can-
-*knee announces Jehovah's
yoeyne, ,quotcd. in the
,New 'Century. Bible; First ga,nipet,
;page.•128• says: 'Nowhere ,elpeTout-
.kide of the New Testainen't does the
message ' of: encouragement to the
liiiroble -and exhortation to the
weakAo faith-reCelve-s•?..--affeating.,-,
'so insPiriog an expres,sion."
. .
, Jehovah Of hosts -!Eh- lofti-
est of all the titles • given Jehovah
in the Old Testament. Here it evi-
dently has -its early significance Of
the Odd --of the armies of,Israel; but
It carnelater tositiclude thethougiit
of Jehovah as - ruler .of 6,11' the hea-
venly hosts as well Oda; 6: -4
Whorii then ' hast defied -'An -in-
sult to Israel ,wits defienee of Se-
- 47.. The battle -Jebovilii
oPposed to the sword and spear and
javelin of' hiS erieMy (corriparePaa.
!Vt. ' , , • 6
48.: Ran toWard the army - HiS
'eagpilieSitiS net 'lessened-hy>the
hundred Years hense" the disease wifl
be treated like bronchitis and p
therm, are treated aii-Td cured. at the
Old. age, according' to Dr.:Metch-
nikoff, is'''. an "aneient la*" which
presses mi mankind. His recent re -
searehes had-,sthdies-prove that-A"is
the 'diSeaPes; of-. the intePtineS •and
the stoinach, which shorten inan's
life. Wefeat too Much meat ; and he
:Points to4thoSe who eat vegetatales;
fruits,- , dairy products -,in., shot ,
'those who :partake. Of a cooling,diet
,---and have grown Old in years...
However; -io •spite of the saVarit'S•
assertions, We cannot. prevent old;
-age from getting a hold on Us: The
;Oralyr_thing to do is not to grow old
b ef ore, . our , ,,,orfte.t...1pAay.
young, therefcire, Weriniat observe a
careful and mettiOdical'hYgierie,., re-
vilate the. life, 'work moderatelY,
.both PhYsieally: and Mentally ;. avoid
violent einotiona and excitement',
.liv41.1a4lieLeauntry.;..Aat• rill I-
And let Ythir diet be vegetarian rath-,
tar -than meat; Sleep sufficiently, ah.
stain from alcohtll, tea; coffee and
tobaceo, and avoid as flinch as pee-
sible cantagieus'diseases.
, But, asks- the Parisian, is the
onakikattlijhe candle?. Ho* ban,
one,Iive these days without the ex-
citement ?0,Lattendhig the Automo-
bile Grand PDX,' Or-Witliont playing
an oceasional'grinie it “,petits chev-
,And-again; one-mnat_lisin•
thaeoinitry, even in'the Winter, and
throw' away •the pipe; aind'farswear
tea and coffee I ' •
'where glie--waS-living.tca-e-rie,7k7her -
'.-;•.Zron,(30'.1;FoutidOd arinhealed
a Painful sie,ge,.. but „.-.he always
_ .
an o ten. id.- •
the night the ,guards' on, -their
rounds would, 'bear sobbna
her ifarrie•.
--;-L.And' _now 'far the Strange part.! of,
J. H.‘ aldrip; who lives at Ches.,..
ter, TeX. and who ten :years Sigo-4.-,'
,newspaper aceouliof how •
'Averliad--cli-opped-his-right -hind
off dreamed a few weeks ago a the
He lso w in hi am
the murder ..of the womun._--.--saw the
_ _
tragedy enaeted;. he 'declares,: as
zar y, .
tars in the. iniqUitiee: perpetrated of thearmy, have beenrather:taken plainly as ,though had been an.
eery day -do no seem o feel you ,a, by. etm, . aetitai eyeauthesa.: waiarip ,
guilt nor "the dkame; POT Partici- •General,...$talf, on, the .authority
not riCquainted With, Jones had •
:61:Wertul'Wnine• u-171.61*, wever 'even :teen him; .hu:wAlT
eveke. C;t think that, bow as._ozostroof ".0,4 i
a 121y:d:In 611111:thoPederitrwouwar be
,friniiliar With: his deScription. from
'Therefore .
he'arsay 'and" :the • Man- he' savi' in
that unfortunate .. eitecutioner
field;"''AVartalIght7-agaiiigt- anothee
,1/4ny '.$4500,6000q per 'anntita
long as it bated? The indirect IS
threnght 'financial, depressieni and
theliaddysis'-of -industry would be
greater... . If 'three . Or ;four more
EUropeanpowerd were involired as
irenid: be likely view: •hf, eXisting'
alliance§ ' the drain on the rpsoureed
Of Etiropa- woidd be appalling.. •
Incidentally; Glen.Blinine----e-it.
preSseathe_opiniOn the,loss..ot
life would be heavier than the re -
Cent Itutieo-japanes'e irreales the
toning , the smile
turopean poWer worddloie approx.:.
dLicaredloi But-lre-kcp
Persistently:at his task, ...and it last '
ing. Little 'by -little, the tingled
able pet 4 750 000 ,trbopi in:the -II', drea:n. the h kill d tl
fallen; he stands morally- iMineasur,
ably higher thari-•-you, participators
in. and part , anthers of those awful
crime's: " „.•
Everything being dope iu
• ItitSsiaiii- done. in the name 'or the..
general ' welfare in the, name of ,the
-protection : and tranquility -Cif the
' :habitants of 7., Ainda. • And
it this be so, then it is also done
fol- mer--"hg:Itive' in .11hssia.,., For
tion of the People,. deprived of the
first., meet -natural 'right of Men-
the right. to use _the. landLori_Which
, he is . born ;', for me the half , million
Men torn away :from wholesome
iess4,0,2,ifa_and_s_lressed in • in-
forms. and taught ' to ,HI;. ., for me
that false, Se.ealled . prieSthebd,,
whose chief duty it is to pervert
and conceal true Christianity; for
me all these transportations'of men
from' place. to place ;for me these
hundreds of thoitsands of ',:hungry
wor men wan erring ab'ffirltiredi
for me those- hundreds'of thonsaods
nt---iinfortunates dying of. tyPhus
and scurVy, in the fortresses and
iiOns 'which' • do _taot sufiee for
Birth a Jilin titudi-i-rii?r ,ri----iie me,
. thers, Wives and fathers of the ex-
iles, the prisoners and those who
are hung, are 'suffering; lot me are
those -spies and this-brihery.,-;,14-4a ,
th.1-, interment of these dozens and
hundreds of men .ho' been
shot • for me the horrible work -goes
on of these hangmen at first en-
listed with ' diffieulty,, but noivrio
longer so loathirirtheir work; ' for
me, eidst these :gallows; *itli well -
soaped cords, horn which hang Wo
Men, ehildren and peasants ;, for
Me exists, this ' terrible embitter-
-merit of man a0aitist his fellow -min.
'CA,' ig.....STAND -IV XO -LONGIElt.
. And, being oon.Q.eintig' Of this,, T
can.- no longer 'Allidiire it. Init roust
, ,
free myself froth this intoleraAe.
1 : 1-Kliril,:larlitnPoplitible to liv,i' .ri..': l I'., at
during -the same length of time, and
-gen. 131urne '-beliovree. the Vroportion
wou-ld be MAIO iligher.. Re declares
it; 'would be la veritalrlp orgy of
blood. •
in . 1 - man w o C 10.
*woman -was Of -._i_entn7elY. _different .,
; .'. *AtibitiP4t-RSJKV-EREE,14.
' Waldr.iii Vai:,-; d o, impressed With
his dream iliat lie felt Called Upon
to study the case. He .neglected :
his own-lairsinedeatai delved into the
'records. He intervieWeet the -prose- .:
ciiting -attorneY -in the ,icasq../. • He,
soiight, the trial .iiidge,lting -since.--
retired, and tim,-.;fer 'assist- •
atice in freeing Jones:: . 4
Phe -man --is not guittY-LI'ladow---•-::'
stim ancither man commit the
"mitrder,„; paw ;hirn.jn uty dream,'.
--Wildrip--.-de-elared-c-vithr.- earnestness.
At first Vlraldrili's dream was °
-looked. upon asa 'His friends
,skein." was • unwound; I,and .now,
through the: dreani, Of Waltrip-, a
total stranger; the Governor.' of•
pet free Conviet• Jones, ; • •
Bereft of the' wife for, whose love
he sacriifieed his right band, Tones
had sought seolusiori. on a ranch
near San --Antoilioi7--;.*lier.e-he-.saYS-:-
he shalt reiriain.
glee , . , . •
• -Parks-L(11os; .great case of •Icid-
napping, tit otir 'lion& hist, night." •
MarksBrit I don't see anything
amusing in that •
Parks-` 'Don't 1. Oh, there
i. Yeb see, it's the first 'titneJliis
kid has napped since he was tore,
twe iiouths ago.-
. "Yoe; liOnor,"„ en,id a: lawyer to
the intige„ ".everY
kiniA4 -that 1 am incapable
lending lnytelf, to a Mean daiite" •
gaid: MB; "tho
iettoied •geetioth'art • ever larids '
himself to a mean calm(); 1114 OW.A.yd
gets, cash down"
The question of AD& labor is be-
ingagitated in 'Spain. Under the
Spanish maw children between 1G -and
i41 may not 'work xnore than sor
_. • .
litnirt a day in indtistriar establish -
merits, nor -more than eight 'hours
a day in offices. Now decree has
been pas$ed forbidding 'the traplot.,
merit of boys under 116„arid Women
under 5 .in a number of trades
deemed injurious to health; Mena,
iota; works, glass works the manu-
facture of ether, of ce11416i4 and of
explosive§ and the handling of lead
or arsenic tolers are ament the for-
A visiting gitjeman id au m t -
fed, fdr,s�ne. tiine to -the attentiena
..o.€thtee• r boy of' iis
hostess., -----but at -list 'grew -a little
tired of. having Ins ivhiskerS
and his :terns -trodden Upon.
'.-Madam-" ,Said-herqlmre i o e
thing abont, -Yhur ,thartning• boy
which especially .:"PleaseS Me.
, (.4.Apd what is 'that?". asked' the
sir -ill -Mg. mother., , , „ ••
'That lie' isn't a tisiri."
AM there's lots of time to
kill in settling an estate,- for well vie
know Where there's a will there al-.
aysis aSl-ti4-it,
arVc-"How do "you'
' find yonr steakiAbla:m0rtingT Mr.
Slinuner?" Mr.hiliiiimer-‘1 Wave
. poi:winded thaCitrialaiblY a. nere-
-.CoPe woidd be the belit`Wity,.i?.
. •