HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-06-24, Page 7Tn`�: 7, �7 7 7- T jf 1 717"Rlwl 7 �Fl -wo 11 A t allul "4 T --Y -,V -T 0 h + child," 004 Vl*,r- 'Peo'. how Wh4f; 4,44 xPeaASIT', CAM, Xoh J, M -4 -Al - :7 F R Ro f0fiioni 7,t�-777 . . . ...... ..... z�, URI Mra -7 Inad ­:,�i � 0: ;'be Istriptly-, �'O, "A"', e ou u;4q�agl IRV A" �-----7r :7 Varney; qq� 1�ojcea fkt,,them qlq�wqa, 04 oliv THK WAVENTY-NiNTH ANNUAL SES. an an. -VOWAA9.,'VeflPl�IKAY "i"And LwOIj 7 Id tj Witb "iiOf �!Why—What ib �th4j:,zijajter 4�xe; what ­­� .. ...... MON.,;or�jmn -counT.,: 7, to-,Say-­qbQU1rJhq.T -, I , . I � ..''J. -I " 1 11 be able' to xftatter?'?�'excllllraed the old lady,.:-Wjth�, rr-1 J��; Aq. -46hall never ngL, -;Sur xc a e ,A,50.4161 -:y-.qung- ily-IM ost Phip�* -"0 P its. story f0ilhbwd,114 -�Ches Ore e - od' 9w AN CA z H J j4ygj�j:t t,L go. J%pj ut nd a nown, op 4� 0 (to With A.- qnoe� Ros"t''qq 0* y.. eh the and y-oif knew lucky. boy jtjs,- any gation in Attendancelo'. to A add hQW, Was, 0, A:unt artir arid, -how I'wov FIhipps-, tuVI f uIvirs tf th Cbq- no the giall��, n Id could In hacky it' C Hgfi�; 6641; -'of the Canadiax� Qrd + hove, given �hlm -hLq foridne, The-+Iw�nty-nilth annua A such aid HA R, XVI.---(Cbnt!nUedy. lalhe ivoill than he� 4" So 3-1oft came --not nly ag in y - xnewn zii that. She D�d V W� a sh -esounding- ger, SOLIne. the llext In a ,a in i heony of- Niagz al opened ENGIM Ulte rof No. .3 umy-ide&r ]ad 7with' 'a 'Marine -9 to 70-h.p. $tatjqnai�, de Q6k was hea rd real Aunt Phi pal Mr& athe (100 ppsl­ Oh 'it's Leautifiji- ara, Falls on -sa,d. "Suffice. it that, this 410mwaO, ini Mney, t6r ic- large number in attendance, inclading 'Sto e scount Lrdebs., 'Olive "llad risen beautifull' And p),u gavp h di too -L -and, lift' -the burden- off :m.k Moers and dele tes, epre for caab High G� Write"k eatalogues urt o f ory "Poy, is P1 ed It .4dirig, into tildva tr tell feet, iarld,she,Iito6d quite.still, OU now,nthing,:, qttt it -oodering ;�h oulde ls., 0h,whA se,nting ;�ubq ery rje,�Z. "to happen believes that mo.M'mQneyI'Is at* was,goln can. Ido—how'can ped ill vdinatd cotirts, of v, 0, old lady.- Wyou�ye,;,got mlx0d: plovialce, of -t, I thank )1-6U! If Only Phipps we' he Dominion... Qnddiai I 'In h*-71rorn Severa11hin 3ai, Powe� g. to t 'Plip-M.- Now gs tnippeped.. la,thlfrst ro Alit,6111 1'hiPPs was likibat somet4la .,Od T�ell weeping, -t- sua ol, JOAkto 1 assure -y-011 that 1, -P.Lac hysterical old creature SO A the -ii- F al of-thow , told me,"she n her lai [led s actually d0wri .0 ees on tho xneiv — A I Pps has ceremoh nr.vo Aunt P'h'jP.Ps1 And' 'the, appoialtment of the� severat here bhly,as fri­ "nd h -I her blunderinj fdshion and an' wa UlY, In, t Jualood th t fl&or,,, fondling the eR Xei Mr.,:Iceman Wipheo lo 'njy, illat. V?.ttLndin'g the _ H , igh _ Court, of* n f fr end-o Always a fifmd she' I, -fraud Mrs. -mana&d to cath, and'inunhurbig dear.!! �ho �ny ficers-s6W r�orts PNEBWW� Scarcely hod 4d&d,' to OdleY got those, Aords out than she,-Wai is, s, In bers. j( ing hth,6,order.to. be in i most dour­­ iild, in ovveil' 'again' that �she nevek hand, '4hou 849.62.* geperlil, fund., ry nvi,ong whis.ked'away'Inoah the doori 'If au&'a ..able to'thiIhIt'ller. d :palo'gress' 'made* $91,G69.93; total g man.; we are n ition. The Ildve, this oun ishing oo is a I loi�able in the 6,ase of- a yer- Aunt liffil c'ally.. briotlieri '. a I n In trath, Co. receipts,,, sqio�66,9.71­ rjng�­thb, past- year Jar. di 'cannot bS lSo'order.6' �he t0talekben Was, 9teateal-th a JIL ard Zee -lit awned nby: an can rfad sur ture.. In thee, fun Imunted-, $642 ad fi�is iffla ds- .104 : 667-69. Th6'surpl DJTS AN 'Wry, us �.ncome:.c �She had feard to­oQjje 0 1ife 4011t. Y f; Kelina WmM., I d. V0nMATt0N.­` ou must iiiiast him,.-th( Victr thrii-sit,his head rbund*,*e door to face:.,ttic� boy witli tha t mrited..'to $26,1, tell tAAth I . . W I SM 02 -Y d a I of -High Chief -,.-]Ran . � . , 0 J. AL,, Ste w - goo disa§t&- and. this wojra�aji let insuian6e, ilia oor t ps of his, finger, Ittic diuitlks- Of K- 0 a ki, t Th frqm �the,,t. nowh�dge�' t Avost Gte Oht Rer: xL61(1irlg a lo, km the':i�tern-looking;- figure Jn* -the h4 place nd tier, hearty 0 0 t her. th' litauv(�g rp,und. abou name And: had;, �b e t 8,- re -sty, 401 Sm effull The DO IeAn bib 'actually'obo So -w �7, JOC -th a h.- fe 11 -if -a delightful 37,339-59 be it mile-, �Fas acts-. and ngures &P Wee esl�-w 1i a t CF ith. an had and'a hall in Jlli,05� row a rd i,,49 t f in—.and an" I brJng tht Ahillders or this wm Who DOrnihibn of Ga.nida SW a ne co Ing to the groWth-and xte:nilon. of. the, 150,000'001 DIePo-5X!8 n,-�chartered banks, 20,000,00, aried since poor -PbJpj�s, died; a vis'fOr? Don't answer in a hury, any Diways been -tof;a4y,,unfIk:tQ bear any, A theque to fright.. r -$10, written 6^ '-Jp of' order during year, 16 wou:d never let Me rely liqi*4en at adoouirAs. in.:14�h mic, , � . . -Prese ted aind cashed "' the Jah4bry my-, deal*, �bec4tm- "u' -might not. exactiy "Got upp."excla leather has, been a,-str went to See't barlk-� . ..,. ... . Olive. a- -menibership-of--.64 - -D xect- -bank-- ;00 Un' Aandwh Wo wcra is at' d, ­d, 69'351'1g� ilfv p6r. rg ha �-.year 7 2. 0i"N All ixie!:�­but thei,youve a t you're n '16d lib kindly oIn Persta the ma�'wJ[10 laughs g y woman—a s spyin in e sh -inldrease­bf .7 thiLt's' %ift-1 - i -my securl- --wo cen�, to'have n t at Eq. e'Vies- saWhe WoUidnL'tfjaVP hjSpet� Waal- dear lady,"—he address- al -been oing. given. V'th'-' to fernaie� -nijire �d -t, 'o am n 6t; to $2,587 ried wtfh. ed §pmone-,behind, him I am noot:d linga one in thisinat, .70; and. its liabiliti4' -dabbed lev.me es eand 07 Is darig '$20,976.08. Asse4 ji�' hities.1 Complete the jAppy,Sepne, as tpy I duu I IeA Yo that there I ing a ne over &b ea"!PYes ag6ln,'and' began to look about -IPI44-terrris�-of:penal servt-' t membership' at. in lt� for.thisneph $2.566 061-0 g P 4 4 -or her bonnet. to stay in the 6arynJay ld ..yOurs-,. 7—, the, ye of ly re ease ou at de, are� requeptl 68 24 'led 6' d' private S I 1he' d, d I I:ng rriling dgu,--�"Aof old un Ycu� �be. trought back to take:'your noe the inception Of- the orde"r VLA Vict0r, amilin telep. lduring. Mr tibne wires eo to $251,81-8.42,, 0' s ows n':,ejsjjy. he had fnied� oe4ng that she hesitated, e, proper, place.. boy Jis -living in �a the, Spee'dof lie iat the'death:' rate t.hel'. . ga tiansm un hand. in this, branch by lbo hah. pidradise- he is surraiia ibn is aV the te nmO . t On wa& $2.,4 ipast y6ak Was only 5-9$ 'per thou§arld f :Q01ilt, and "rippined. d and led'herA 11,01 10,00D: �m,il �a.,&� nd­Wheie the wires. 1,74,872.45,, and, at- ithe -closed. th's -of whom: I Jim ot. I �rte ..Orf ­ so This Is a',r.,m rp er wal PC ClUms w find- ill R Wha sa ­28--�-3,Ta .44 -c-ornme 'Al Vwt%, J n rdik"fi-na"p, , - - - In' - uneral Benerl pepa rte. rflarkabl. j's�. Ih a 'Judt --ceebrated Ws n m -Is alsi6fat'a flodrishirig- Atibil. e 1act, that, comparing; Aunt P inety-fourth fix.6 last 'half Stopped of the years with - the Ay'nt Phipp3�, tile stern-, strOn.g gaze Of Olive a 1—ay, has been In' th6 cit 01"ilik -the year lie'*. leq� sum t t. su4denly anii and I 4� " hall hrst'h�lf, the death kale, WAS puttli Y Police for: 9 in propor ion e arid: '8nd,the wbile faded, from his' ig-away tier-, black�h6idee-,:.sevenfk-flvef y s,.,and A�7 to 5-0. mPer , tfi-OUsaild.. 4­1cooked at him; 110:1�696n to look ed ilaradercfifcf� w y ear 6latans the r $134,418,44" co ing, "04'Clii ith tin d!r -to his consterila 6mnM t'� 19 :-L as the oldesr munic.1pal'offIcer, in I the Vw paid In this branch;. The amounk: t6 the :to ge-S � t submitted to' the Med to a I Boardl :!h a S IVIW a C -'Ln, C wall I a �ai T Miss Ifines ler- I d" S'dhaeffer: a year' was $It9:86449 th lit 1017L oWri xhingback here,aS Auiit�-Ph- . Ae ac Lnd cr) �In a 11, Vol -hkef-R&ng,,er,-4n n6ludin h,b,wroto,j,hat to OW. Or the fa OUS Engliph: buIldog jii addr x Ar a, ve a t;,o 9, �Supe er, e, onj'a dbve h,d fine; ev or g ffLe.8 Ing woU, i , have. get cennels of n.,.s wed tha to to' her ro et., �-Thi& III 'buildin She' Ic f, amtiane-0 blurid fine; ev V, or Vctror­XeIm;anT­buo c411, the Dest . fine; v 'are som,(,-Wne%§-.;ov'er-zeAtou�.,,I dtaidn bOellAa-b r vt sLd6n*.jn-Mfai& I n and. a 1;iofita k- "My- deaw' 0 Y01A if it clim, to tiasOlei YOUY6:. st 25.QW�, fell Will, h,6 .-am.br ble Ono, fok d in year &'Attld bitterl, livel" he prbWsted.. tgoeb. ere worl&-l6n1f. fh -e.. Prince- of -Mbng0e­p�isse IT V. I lave, . �T �ove ft, --- 4&" . , WZ'-Ode-of-. ere were _Ste Air -;but -y-loia-vo-ald't t -went on %ma Ing 6 mos valu Ile n4lf "the 6-Fx�t him no able ooll6cl.i of auto,* the';nienabbrs §hbuld!. all feel Irispired]-tuted, Wi. t h a. W-4;0n,t, gf In 'of, 5 tqin lev fiaVe'4oiie '�enoftgh,: ind it Was�,g,.6,phs . n,, -WOr-ld;r-�A-ft-40i:tire-,-�witizg-of; �' , , "ear" I -he-ft, --thi­ _.the -ith-h ei�d � e op 'C �W`Drthy of hlm�as'seet and g6M s IY.- -I in Y slifc�. H'--- 9hnesA'�9-Pl1la0b­&X­Nqna- pl- -an Fore 6,11,626 obOrts' in -the - 0p nero Wei an LI .ordrz reisen Ling dd 'lie 'ership' ot 68,424 97 rved 'for -the an, ur P�ring., a ress 11Y most-, ado cc -hie to It. prie'sen In U s 'R do an: There Wdre`*14 ? -Ahin W , U d*lgy-- of- dbcu'. Fee pr(it0sting Abat en.yo . earr -th6lildd inc - f.7 o xbQd ilpah�'..L�b,..r-epi�.esen[Ative and s o. in 'the �Ov 46 0 p was N*val �eiper the tie in theinjay to in Or wath a ta put down, the e 1 19681 -1:114i ban-, In. No va est'day life *jj�n I tiv that th :a . dia'tegard et you. 59 In 70 in New in Q­U;&h and wi to' the. �t a modern bat`tleihip�-iit- abioiaj,.- 66h-T.er-ye4 of the rd' 3ru*Avick, no6 A'. hian" Goo 7F&Wkner- :-oomic. Mde of 'ill . e ;busines's 'fi,ftz Alant,,�Phippa an. Pil -Edward Isiond 15, nriet at!�' A,40 t t�%vith a-c6jn;jcaLj­ little -Viatok lred,.y6drs go 1W -11 n, r( n. "battT�sliips Th Lob&' 56 in Saskh-lche%#a' rnaoe-tbls�W- dnge-old--*�nta i '' , : ati.arid, uttlal'' W, e 0.. l st -s O�16 n g; not an" ol act) [me A -M-01 Ja. th, ue. -he YOualgr .-Y "I af-& dejaye� to wim A a-lne., No sooner'llad' e c d ' Ile -.and; left, Ix tim. s: as lo, �ilhig the gen�i'al ;i;ork of- -AIMAa and 17 in Brltii 0011imb d ti,ansfer. ni'm she -had'' rne RM and werie ve A ie Ifilgly-,t4p ugl . I I - I I W.'scirvice, n6irly th4 Whole t thO� ext: Ja­�bxdex, &Iosed.,; -th-an-­Oliv jq­ I eir.- T pn-pLgrI04;E� roman- Aunt pilippa ij)ent You,t6-the-finaft friendArip f Ste 'SPIMIg' 4:Ahe little *--ol,-W � ; l6rgo vol-uin ng: -J-. A. oman, and Could 'When&er�-, ear, anxie y, and -4-3 In - anintoi-idu L;u Indn as Ran can t d, I !wdi get Altai], High. Vice-' to ether- 1.4 h ildn't hvm6 th, Ugh the. Fcirth-' 'D j3rdl -t-lo. hief R �y, the 'al Fan, k-; ared up, in t�M by the'shoulderse / n a� bit, v�yed Police St t' �j%aes 9 d.. $4y- o4;II.-kep -n ' Depyet qfflce i rd. allne'. yny� Yl- .199P -Geo.- anygo?,- care 7-­go'd-tb­ - - ambinit, f Bja -tiord; Robt -dea-r-it-wasinev-dr a! �441- - "Th an n 00 ranCOEF ih me, In'e - "itig he, N. shown how he. looked th6F.nlght' reoe ere has. beterk, a: Will tar e. a iVed during tk R575.W.2Q, ar jjiq4. Igot Ti%easurer .13 .. it, : Br w1b re�.Th �p lie togra-pIT-c 0 re -L jejn my NT -d id e. Evein peor- hip wr -e- 4� idal Urn CEO Am tanc tint hiplis, lookin-9,,with ac-boraptising--wonders �ciprl ar n- a - iffit, m4d.-6 lbe.:total receipts.in- this Va Iord; D� Garroll ---Cyclists Will -be -inter ": y you WiL4 any d. we There -i E.. Brktt6n rn] 1 Dlfdlv. . . . . I I . . es., anyone know who:you,4k�6?, H43S 440.ctor has Sald,fho 0, ��Vo ating the- pro- an. man-, -.at a. file rig4., an went, -'s so Aeath clalms'-paid - pall6unt1bg to $413 Tifle'l, St., jbhzi. "ffr­ youll'ifame?" ATli�ro thing pet, hourishment'lor, -a longdistanoe rlde,, anyone leaving the Sum ,great raw t 6vth-6 room and d i -No .,niy 4 s8:4,0live Slowly -rself. ou r,. Mon toes I - rla -But and hds--c d half to he the Sta 110 fihe-,T -1und-7 r G Y, ;0, *W. �Q ring for �the girl -and the,,.:b ry eserve irs, folioweo la :1�fi I haven't yotxr'h�zirt Aunt--Phl5si� C�o rogenous oad shbuld"Joe. while, the -year 9' n i Victor 'Kel, in ie-wroing sc h f. " h`O' Y.9 f ting trotible'-aheaj , Oing, the Aay's- f the4deal yoj'4� p6'or �The -8-ick -and-- P F,.0 �Jjenft, 9ranch IJ d1g, High nra to hq;,old face. vtreshment'- is.fruit... and mil AU( IP er:,hand- th6 -weell her hands for, a inomp. d W Rev� 'un of, V, "Oh,, niyl de�yrt: k ., 4!q 'ce Montreal I 1'e: that, 1 're World. The r Zrandis6n, e.d, tRret'. $2 The total rfte literi-en - of, rganiziatlion, Forget: hip 1%vays said, aruta;,that Phi�ps inia' 4< ifiglSa year wa val the fidavf6st, ng, peal bf. Its -in: tile Ira ---looked:; Oil fai- ...... dow-w -i6f, Iui .11b tei . $151,650.01� ahcl rney into1h Land of fU;L- %�Nrh' ed� P st'ha.6 bcenl 'A lo so. �4nj C.. r'those -who ha I bI ered, n where I I w6n6r�' The 6uPeri wasn won Y scan after, a formep Bisbop diocs ve e, ha... r.. ttlat- it Is a, ht and never. ILINVI -when. I;jv as ben r6d ''and 1Lq.WPfrr1A, re C,, ;Mad kh.Zr :.U' -so fa Iii,611fited to $15S,849.82'. T .,Court, So sly r Tn L W U. that -ojiI6 allust TIB Jo0K ju, believe -,"It ac4r, VI 0 Q0K tAfAvAd und again,10. ings rs n III1,1`011. B0 I t r. no 'a roughly-, half a o helen- �u;ild t4a . nA that &�QUJ(IL be, to _th k. h- .144 Y- to ."Aff �Sh hit q G. 4h&tPw&d­­b ha� e6r arnotifit '�-7ajVVIIYS I Pq I hwm r1i, s, fr Iny­ Nvourd; 10 in' -sbu goo Deft left bLehind, and INI 7p.b��, XVIII ye 14W tile nds, efinany, 'in� $6%053.5W.06: 1 e ileCorti n Is an kng, --y re S 11i ry� S4uarej' 1;6ndloanj�, t _CI eow they'xie -iI extensive busines tho _Carrl,e;S ot, al,I lace --hi d" At,the ciose of ajd, Olive,.,ili "a 'low, N go'. of --old. vol the-n* te- o Yee sqrance. p Lip 1,11-0: plasquera-de she ad-' a. tim h�.Vedeqdded that',alt If 1, 4, TURAI: rO wate Issued",frbril the -t;6 hzi �f ients.-Anni"d 4 rogg and so. firm wi in: im re ent'.of r tten a "1711 be AknIt' liji-ol in, I. 9 Mir"I7 'to tao �an "and .1 was v lZriow e ge, o L� t &4rijaer-ab-" PhiqNi*-T7s5V0sG' A -4must llvo,eeil I d t- mrL&F-- D -de M.1pu.- �St pan. given ibu�jm�, at again. B6t age during businesi �Jjouj,j. ot-16-;(),29 &1d i�i Were r Coining in to driven. IW a corner- but'that in. that lafigu 0 uds- i t- looks- a -is bi-a. t OEve did I Want --exact-ly ll�y fault th�; but fflak-6La trt..only thin -161f'the sldff r Coming u0.1, W�ntl 9 in -a -room apirt for., were se Lucy-ind .1 on �1,455 ipsur-, lie, a4ded whinig4cally; wi.tfi bL snille, fl� t- an fiouil!s.insiruction,' at the 'end of Het hijbban,1,- n.g aros Wel-14 40111 let. th&L. a gain., 'The biattle"sho had, thought t, �'ce fiet'16'r once, jfJ:can,',S6 1hai shc hich b U -on, fought -dht�ws� but lialf her fae;4 "Whatare ybu`.to, ihek, rsuine thei ;j4d. b, d 3 er later�it -Sha!l think ordinary. 11 E DO r Come coni r, soon *Oi the res d The, report of. Robpe 't - eir. 'tifrn JAI ''t .;�s a out�,je I the Ig! & -Ile �vow--ma;ae�4t'or-'her'fa-th&,I bear to meet j plefed;,�f I he 14op'060b. fake th ;4all9dIld her, -slg6t, although W1th-:4?m,6 there who. thle��--.. ih h fO,,Pe.-S1IehGM, and we've -ong Cr� OYs 0 Ay- I'm' a �,'.Iccttain vo icV. bega�jj to. dCrSW,jjd as Wn gt; re YOU? r is -1 The' r a.i s of Berlin' 1elA al)w D,ni-You understand.-', -a re t i r6ceip -in Id �not drop o I 5UL lat of ther'bugi- ne., OJ(l:Jady+- Aortly to be prOvided` with -dtonl6imic' :Rds �Slfis� in a TnG.nlentln, this, fashjorrr-&�- 110, tp- "Thats i�aildli n the, Insertiort-,of -tx%,O, S f.. pri: the g] Y blddk-flur ­. 1. t 7 .,Van to dread uneral alf of tile rld is p6llf Aftd,Pilp�s ma u see what. I it; fliithe fi,,i,- rnirne rben,!i.Qneo, -slh'illings and a -PefinY,. Iwlt: deliver al the other 9d. N idk ild' f 1crig before nefi Ing 1-1:1hfght ang�.ris little . 88'pos-ijble said, ia�nbrella'. .�'A 'ticket ill � 1, If I L xvbat. -that art3h. �'Notcxnd.!y� -my -dear,i, f4ltextd lit al�o 'drop, %out, -rank l-hou, Phipps . ........ .... . . ...... . ave a a Aw- a If Vd! -all, Office of, the automatic gociety, is. 8 96 hap self.. "lle qieef; ItY to undcal. ridden don% lm.oiv vhll. d�, anPn ulat" afte saying. 1),6 paid ieturn fo� 'the ioke rmVcS§' unj� a ittang6-,hotl in tfili my ddar brellft. 1,0 1 ani.knoivn who can. That's �hht be and ... ....... h:)nsO-l0 901-ta' th6 "I In Aun Pbi,pps' nto if by. A al'an eighty yar's of and,,a wo oil oil condlir'Oh ShkId seveWy4wo eloped, from �Mndon, age 4.jnd affe�. fnuch,-hr�j �*Pv,zlame. Nil Aunt ssomething 1, have to tput for o people D61-ribirn, a little town lier ffte� ag6in in the dirleo- Foi it monxii, 1, 'tin qr Greeriwa�.S, (;adens. �N`Omnfi watched heaven- only 1fibW§ ear. Bregenz-,� Gellfilany, beca y (Ilf Y0UiI90.'--P40!w.#;jI a-dozed'txpi%es. li,7o,�Vjtla bd- m ,by the fus V ere t. tb AL tile er rKeel" You* 4hrai.I ANOarlb to tuln'. my �e t tins4hal they.had bpeil'bihilrie'd n -ab t tha frig 96thethingbirlw to, 'Sbm�thing no -Operlk a,6 11, V back oil 11als' business, nd get awa�' their -ill ey in having tin int'she nfrom it all, and -fo�get, i lod thife po Wk, howevi ff. g hud to (aid: d ar to, me a 9-0 119 Was. Al lg'%t ShQ k her head -that,thcri me ber' f ..,move � 9 con hing, i lit to S�� III 66 back, and �ay'wlao 'a nd l4tighed..a littile iirl� t ullot- Sal 0 an last g Ing. "l-br"an I-Wralrd ­Mfl�-Shn bulik­ a n ment! . cf..astireng.tE receive her all t 37.0 ti town Anatefitil ofthe,wfi`ole Wheat.. did zrot'Mfue �fjo:ildm,,it Tlien-wha'Vi ctaft nj'y' a- Gredt i0h 4 w Al ench, Ap'petiin 4,1 W` y fea4y to se'ivei re61i 1?',,' di,ag m -d 9 Ab4 a s 00 a Oobb6d.' a little frigt,0110d at the, p a, :,r It Ob, y��.s�l k n o W; d&- Prococ ings.' T 10 th6n; ITI hive'notlif named A .-Deficlou,i a's a toa-St. iv th B itee, �Chedse or draAlc' d'' s ln4 all, that. fine. t . To A clalrvoyant� u I'y Sa I oil vin, deny h-10. 9 Cro as your �anbel of I iDdl-ey, 'I,.,db P Pps",sald mans; 1. 'ennin h y IOU MI's.. liit,"' .1ald,0live quie S, 'I hear credil�ous­pbas6nt,li Shall -'say a:r FI fruits. , the w1rat 'ptsti afraij, byi all grocers., I,(,, �bnd end, the busialoss-it on to 0 es 90 a. right to go Out Ile if it sdiL4, 'Ing, d6ndih- tied added do. Sideg: bg thatl,r, old N vojijayl. uji .,d to pay -line b f -X- 1,20, .0 slvmp 111 ba ic Vic Ili vid 1-"------' if- I )(.,en aliectpd. by 90 po 0 Aunt Phiiiips. -Oil A, �w r heft'y:ou� call: uport lie W - as. And ve got ib begin vLi',y of obt6jiling �i cum. lie notice' con'SU `41OV0d, imdbe a� )IiVo ;r bargain who qnjo�ed ning -And you )at 66uldn he vtfill 4' 11, (k V trii would 'be fit) e I 1110K, -to ll'in­and, ring !into y6UF yf,�, al it Chat takein. it wry qu!o 'Ut ig Sho, p ind ce y I. pr.111(a in a Nveek n V81`601,ton. ff JIM in At thd dooll., P1101v he ka a led Odle 0 t snffly 118 SW6 -6 jilstrTict.611s, - Th' ng, 0 PI OU like to 114id waq, Yout'll hel y, e41 1'. �,Ping, 11-sidd 'and peakfhg�hj 40 , Vic b" �Iddld "D fie Said, W1 only ,e ter- �4 -.to d d ve i d.r oOro al'ac .0. A'yf.,- ea OUJS�Jjn4jer r I-ba-rn-V� .19 1 not nly Ili, Olive j�as Doi 111 V� o: ite(line Jr ke jL;fhat th y bel -Tv ' 'Aunt an(l �*Jj 6. j 9 lbil eight' aand'S41 to aw W y behind' 11"C n L' Tts0AlaPPen&d flint'the man did' fItt Pb1p JS­�Ylojj' rt1m(.1ljjj)0r Oe emli 1,11 that, ro A no, the nedful sia r8b. uffo�� OV0�r' f; -how- o�h,. 0� C i�hd h0qAtne allvfird 'Of d6if handed the arn-oulit to W.Offial). fib! jh4� that 11.15 JACY, wlllg� e- IdI�� ltdOw 0 Tribre in ,that -In )O� �vhlch: shd�­Ilft war s p aeed -Uf t hr;vellad -old 06iiinn thili tress. The peasant's state Wts on a level %vith thd hot N\,Il oil 11 1'' 1 to �l lie rija ee d I hibinIng Wl. li"in sag she e& ph0TI<'Jnen6n -0 te .6 �Oscly, �§he saw -that, .6 Al th did riot fmprove� and - at . the. Pa. hi�jll.qbl,ea, In I J a 1110'ril"'Itit that this Nva" th�, end, -of the, wiri r for it h wli,h s isp Id timej gr*,I0g d,.-. oYi.a level �vjt a chin a Ila t 01!Into 011(41),gll fib �so,fntq frof,�ev hTtio C"Ill! r 1 d Ile td h thb'win� my t. the rn't(hoa of, t eaffiimf wns 4 VIVO he -Opened ihe'box,. PIPA9ed Clse agaffi-t file fiffii,(IiA 1 had oatit 'qutitity f'' ' ' Chat t -0 hifb 'lead 'wil i hcr In P6§t aD in hiat#6 aLprotrentlat teptif.Ation for StyleL 471) 0 bef-, t r' L, hg into the 'L Yo tA � (� 01'�6, , and du Ab. I he gi see 1i ' 'Vour ndate�t Cardage Agent and Bros., 0 r. Xl�lftjar­ 40. ci.( ibklid, sh6whig Our neW nd 1- 6 ng e 01 pi�.od Uce dUrin� a Iwhy ydii di(f 'S 0 nd la, 40, b'''i py a r W46 tho boad, A'.: 1)1' o _t ka 91 n �'T , TV ;"777�