HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-06-24, Page 2V- 71TTI MI. 7 77�7`7 I "Ro� 777r' D ISONEO,EGM VIM -VillIK" 61�, Country Estates ew�r! per- ISSE � R, Y. N Gri, V IRIIWI, r3"I q,,I�r, val, '7" 1 I�L �L r"., -,AN zm,,�xzd Vol' C,114 I :V I wration or,tw�,,qmnq ia in, at,�.at tilp ;ftt. of Titls�­ �Hantamiya" QYM I'll I -IA, tip., u i Al hitim"Pox. th�,10'1 �Jandi � N't . '"tirp, t 4 �1140aler, in 11 by,. 'Thoy-', Here is''Ah. advertisement, s6iVocut sweet 6� rift, a- good dqA ot, AlowliI imd "wistift -ot �AuIO Mr., HapdmIya�a�o, corJied,W,-auEI19j -4! air Wilt ft 41 -Ti,-.- ave---naw--established the ,&Is out, 0 jlio aqre'a6 pvor vibinow'p?e bitld ofIlis,kind -.w h Ape IA r1t , wag i6ut te at 1 ry to iw6ii d efful ia:g- !or' and its Y fev otoe�j toot, d in a. large, white-, Lab, 'at `Itoo a com the OT60 Satherland State ir� cial- ilk delivring ollice,, nd -old. liouspiw'Ith� big, bare SCOP, Cleaver, :4h 'grotind. -floor-a very- delivcr saniter laltieed t to $4� 110, Tile I -:, � L ' t ORO" oun 1h Which hi;q� 4 j prouts 1:171 'Above,, i wieak�,bnd 44, lia-4bict wayj Oh,41s., and I;lad.­oows:. illt.b 0 palej pincli gi, 11 d coi�Mituents befbr�'l the a�knoy .,6tud-at their ;,kind: :UvW, I OrAft frqro beeA, a rs tio t palpitati ie "Was" &,4 fill' - :�;� - d even for tlkQ�r pow, Thornliq*4 Orse ''house, had xlevvt, e wering an t in f6oti mov0d.,Uy healtfi` under � and food And irf,' his -in 're when 17 -gh nd bel Confines Of. h t r MwCip 3%cox-. WC*,, X-A��W, 1, Ik 4eliVeripg 'office thel 4b econStory pr 1five in th6 bak flu'Ve"milk is,a7gain;'filtereod through -pass 119, ft MIDUSK fi6m'$1210 $111 an ao nox kit ispim "L ret r r;9 marksk Of W,000 hantso tradesmen' billcialsi'lik ",of t h nthe, t3l the i!pr*'&d,B%aket, blo W.j &-.teriw is -all Can idew gesi,fo W 1� AioWar&,� the Inew, technical inveSt. '41,4��Savjngs ineal �prperty. I M liv4m, their pupe., Tm, c,. w lgrae- w1k4c4op4' $A* oilk �h -the tory pr -h4nts are, giving. abOu offidds,in Cairo', ho'ha . .1 ':: "': thr�ja years 46 a -L. - on- at. ah and �now youl: DURTAWS" ger. COMAS, _j!U -ft L school liree a p.r nt�i -mil is 'all about! wKkn'dan nd- W.1 L 4� h"Weill., Mei iwas 'foe -tWnty 4QU "a. ��4 milk is inCludedinany -dirts.an �Pyao ' He t -old- be%had savetl f '�our�d mkrripdcarid *r 'L t Qranston llin' pfirent. bar&to' q bacfeKa,- but.yn.pr.6., vety 0 to command `Mugji,,"�6ut � r lm,�Aaary 15,�o with' ypur,naked,j�k4eSj d'Ild hebiegh, he.% bpenrap �if, y&jI Can ofte flan- he'FLY k 6w,, Sys ms g he',Lbolil Brigade undei new the Delta. Hi% ww�. h Other - 15 �lm nel'or:`&tton'c,overed with linen r A 0 anary han t v malAgedJoe 'which I-, ery. oeaSy Mr. ohn Haill At Ce' 'IltO­LSec_ in' .53L sin naked eyesit t cefttrefugalized, says seemed as Same" OU ragoM :4;� t ou AM � sanitary man or 'bib the day�of his,inarriagelLin i850 till, hi's durhid'the'l6n sUrnIner , vac4jjo�. wfiefi beg: if- y Y ' j ' ' - , b 4""LD int A:4 de eath at, ith&, age of 85. ost of. the, C 10, Ofrioes.,00 :to, steep., and you,, niust�jhave, the t1t; MT appe 'ORO is*$, da sanitarY;mIlk and take your., the ��ctzatary 6f State has �a �,Everybody...indqqq.-Jn an 00 ONE$ verWe and suf" n,*66 'health. iii, tile order, t6;.have F—"- "0 stible �'tfio Berberine 'wyan, j' who acts ; 'hes� in B46114houston-AcadOnly,' land,, &ry milk sooner as,!po- e­rti�q -would �,yoii Should sOo' Vz! Oel.-is pr6t es�� -Coa jui. 46bly�:lhe texii tiny Or j ake your order, -IoV iny wit'h little YOU.L but, "6r.L.no beriefit'. Ohe HOUZ k' L 4 Paisley, has prcsented,i a, library e4fth, withi A'd6te phiffi arid, d mud. but,, been oc annoyed. t not- a' enng toy who,can a ways as .�a L Please make me 'WI14 a boojjcft�e, lit th k Oft. 110 on,,,w Wbo surmer ind mit J�,ur order Wi �qpldrk-, School. an, �A.u,umn,,, leaving hi.4. faffnily, 'T said to her., r arl s.. d to ams",Pink-PilLs.-anit ugbw I Wish you. at fo"y down. Cairo mprovement ition, and b the, Aini 1 1 had say Pie�, irfiany'Years, ,,i the cool season., Arid the,tradert,who 'T JOs�t ffieiant� Fhlip6d sft�Td'drop in afford 'to j).Osoess L Mdi-, died rewntl)r I f en,ovM, an- -tifflej-;W114 cine Chesit; ag&n' as,� es� All Prices Ia year. h md��LMbn6y Wd ir Dr. Thomas�� Eolectric t. 'SO416' an-Allere, *,ere folks here r eig for free Catalogue. able, tooL, eij_ Young- Cambii�r' left -in and ut she 04, which ia'a'lnedicil 94 We'L having musie� 9 ie cfi'egt n itself, h 'To t�JJOPIJONF. _0 aX COMPANY:'�L' eal y -an a Weri for A�euts �Wanle n every own. �0 Ing, et I retires, remarked, M, L ir eaters or by t4nde6d­"l'thifik stie Los Impro. cip., is h" �i� ness, may t as c9un ry wco,unds,.- cuts britises Thet,Allan linu.,P. bo boxes for 'gentlemen, ev tice ornor. Yimut% dUrm& tliet Suninil-r -Dr. 046 3 - rs. Ru '1] 1, the eiach of the oorest, owing 50 4;ft Sse, was, going byi,t ell, as, pr9sper 1161) -heqrd;ber,plajing� way.out On 16 its 44k pno It should,1)6 ih every li0 canadao,,and, ,baqk-An thr U Ingi,and, 1, Cdni A man caniha:ve a, good�,h and ex- L use ise :t the sidewalk, and gho seemed, to'have real 1, �theoi C rt ty f su�erflulty Will 'N Gl"gow I dm)�ay. CC. 7 'appo y n x g4eq . . . 01 un D have my -doub es �Ack­iAS L StrQjj% M6r T, L ',Ail lIeW.5, give. away y ht�,rd v s&r6ely a.41siv, to "this, Ueai� that, tho�;mdrte 70: �v aikoi F4 collctors,or ex0r"'jr9n1 him'as.Whes- ts ab�uf d, 0 dencii HaVe'y6u iea' 1p4cokag`o 'OIL f7lie r. Pharnleigh�LWo . . . . . . . t- I'll, the Bay. Since the New YeArL .,of live it, e the"Chic- Uri Mad Menr pen FOOD NEW ti,. --gave awt a bul t iyxmjaugh x wo oustie&% -and Your _ __k_ 4u",ii at all -an 7­� is ago e, &-,en poorr,,' mey if you O7affi-d—�-liC V .'SLh6*s to th hile_W eat,'tbejj�; enera C jnSp4CCted�r�b6ijtly.jfi,6'� �,N, Rle with har' husband. ed- by dkilexi can duI 16 r jok" a lSt'Lln, 'or cleag, C S,.and man-tal ier artic OVOW OA' 1fiti Wet CIO 11 V1 tat rior4s a �Visanct Inithe.-hows of man *Bar 70G. esp Nil p strong :'al ng::Vle IOtjleS, -he suid ac� 11whoso,face is branded *Ith:',e6z6jn& M own 171 e IFOOV! OaBrd,, -, - - 4�� " Anot Cdn0@;ff:jVP*1ffVn NEW rallbotion sbames hira. Ut him Annoint hiz, d TO CATAlowWE. 'said hat. beejI;j)lazed:in eypry-Vac* with weavdesi purify. his blood with- SIND R At V�' Iveiiid matly dr tlj�L low , 44" i . , - FM a, age. Alreadyi:THIRTY-)SI1C,,Blue CakU waver'es*kuPt ES Ming ahlilth6t st -ever The a 808 GQLD W4TGH CA or by 3,- SEVENTY- 'EASY vl6its ar.� have bem thdn his We here.-. Red - Cards. Each' i Wg (?awning in the Law Courts' cor- FIVE Ia. of fias� �Ok Tells I'stojigregation" .1 boo foun .'n. a pac age 0 -ridor)-I c � ii� always tell by footste k' PS FREP. EXCURS. a a rds has�. He'� for Over hilf oent IS park, died W&AVetag-P nia-ri, 8babby stant or �a cui&:, `Dt unkm ess., 'NEW ITIOOD.W my d9br,,whether a client or 'a 70,Ksj,�njeja, the Hub�: t 0..50111 a jjlg�Clctbes 'a r,e; a- source -of .,Pry ------ n-Southern,11,L 'a constant, w a, voallqtyo,� in to Q98 L: t cnL .(pa.rt;jn �affair& eill]" IS -Al'ohanrido-to _ago thO uw -genera y a freis�. is energy, and I t Is- f- the -Al jChoice of,. tile: follawing arUoces: ikeis the keener edge. off,,his, wits. da I menj that drunklenness _a '&sil No cif-eAt `,ever corne.9' The 8mitbamea L n i na .6 in av Sir Thomi� t ".qtLongly.coiid4itin',tlle'p�,actice _g it BOLYS? Nidd te W s 3 ca t is ptlach,4W6 grap U -'sp H-sy ritziilr-pen;- -- , . al, erdl in ISM' thol'hosq- Of"St tian.,. Rb U G� l unatiqSp11-.'�,pU I, ums. sign. of.wtalk will,ToWer� NOW, wedk-- nactarines,W01011, sweet potatoj to acco 4 clothes. -for odu proprie- U'Covo�� DuC4.p Follf, They N� -tiogiolts attain perfectidn. in the open y gall- " 1 4; ' - `L ' '.. pservation ol the' eff4ct3,­o1--Parmelee' air, withou use�of­glass. and &11 rthora: e. r As Iver Knew- Fifflure and pub the mentall no �ajii 1P 'hiAt,,br 'her red ­ ii only IP,t frillt§ gro, life SS, -d quor is� a deas( wteribbtly. No lig)jt- crop years. �Ahc -taste for dble; Pills mpe I , , to be Table Go4V4Lr; own hat they act, a year. orn rj� 'While M Xnag : L ' . inimediAtely oil- tile. dteas6d,Lorgazzis -of strawborrIeWIL�l­ 35 r , ) 1'. Bar-, �-.,c4nno oreand-upset At � Yard Square, D& Wget' h4s �s 1rour crops,, C a in july" but �ba j,cux to the family At� a 'far -ous6,atj,3,Iecess8fy to.fln& tli6. p Q: i ng. WearL. what L are. very �f t of het� trouble. Baby, Ring- SoLd �Gold'. oxulnton;�'- L ljo,mud, t Meth6dL6t�dIviTw,-.- inter� -D . , Zro esque�cots urnes. -Know mosquitoes or,fruir, pasug. ry a r a I:-tby Action. There, nitay be cape a ar e s Two,:Yatrda� heMIth;ARI ......... ssion is, The, others ested in the cause 0 mperance;%'md 40 d bO d (v r Clo�j I'lie general impre 1 think,a ttie Was- kille t in, d - suhshine, --just o0ouU b I, I I I I . - . ; gL Northern Railway. A�tL man whiblii the disease has been Ion seated building of, Great rue 'th his business btO find out. Any 6Ure rib markets. Ucoas , and prat Open prairie n-Sa-It- -s at-ilffggy din LI buin -1W - fid` -a-- slibb"I wrihiting-if n, disoovered­�T ieed-t hus- UltL Se al'ing. 041, -ply, �aorbss thbLP.141�6-.�vbejie, 'L 6 j (,'rm ppea r- . q I '-�r -,oTie'of hit sermons- I, n, Pills, have :for 016 an 9 . 5. M,L�Wa4 who can, is,.'an ktficL from ,the.equarol.4110 they sat. IN, ' line n 6 bri relief'when 411, See the 1 it a eon, It segs'ed amon -a ress- e. Cold, g �t nulliberof smartj7y On a T c ogersf en w 11 a 6rI fiffirst'-'hand-op'aningg I*ent: Su IdItly' Win. Hwatt, 'h failed� Say] 04het' led. fo!, irte _;_IS either a milliohaite wing, �,stock rals, jed Pe or "I find -that. the Of paria. Rent. ITest Make. f beadle in. the Parish - Church �of lnverl� assertx= can be subsLan, in uatrijI,'o enito a: XMi Clia f4k God -filled IA. -.e 1m Th6se liated edy f4 -the cure of d: ad- iris, I;K ar runkefiniss is sW loisur, and, 1A0e fo.L r st. min- - ne s I ne s rr Not a CLO r OX or 4P -Dto, or pi -ers, 't thd in6li0i su port of smart .w �-baek, thei n mot eirqua- b esro X- few-' With. -Spa your -vac tiol ckuklin i'te h Ing., pjL�M­ he Was".IoUnd d9dd'at the manse r�w 0 'Ong 0 eem -A ereIng, unting and scenic,bea e Wl tIt re -par excel- s. we 9 lng%, Samaria Remedy :W' th Y �7i�*plet,: Rag, glY loo among therloity casowlq and, western, pollow a-11�je _ , - t is At Glasgow Central station of the ward ones, ­in tea �An coffee f -feel - A 'new t PM20§ haVC bee r4latives, or 'frierids' Who A, PMO�4 Tfte'Monkey-;-�rin go I, to ive to Jul 1 g rno ldraqq re is'a new . in-' 4he Caled6nian Railway, the -VAW3V LAND,,CO.t�­, that,lhf�` need- help tid'shak6'off 'the hold. 41 packages tf!,f �Icity, neXt weekill�'. ng on the, U! Y' Ask you,.grocer for a The Ap W- � X- oderooq, a aria� Ido 1 6 lfy�!St' --- tile .e-" ha are o b f d. m Scolland and the Aa Of e !_THE, ere?" -in: te ;&7 ell i� . ..... IlAct as c6shIer,-f0r.AIj-or`l;L r of th'Rin -16idingr hospitals, - The Monkey .�well And Play' k6bild1hat is'iiOt i 9 of th Htrgast d red fbr those �ho oexpro6' an ear- VIL g4h grifiddr.." or T' immed;- In. N IAL E DEWCE. nest dsfre to stop de"I 4 4S . T iosy-6beekdd 'an "fayfitl needs' Cl ncul eg aii:",,th wdrj� 1xi -6W,66,on.�: 0 to gay,that Sa �fasfbr. of tile bo�Use (findln' f D�sent ard��ytlu? enlit marl,a Remedy, ML Dr, J. ;,D. 'M e-'ry -Cordial At nws silver 11 - rels,.no medicine c ua,1-136by's d work. 'an"d 'h"� Fo'ons on 4he - ates, a f tr, a bompo�;uded, -specially t'7combat, dy-: many Howosi tha 9644- 14L -L-- I seen Y�U, lot� yo O%�ri --- 7 -.able ifc?'! . . I , 'j. -­ Vftlg OL ��xie of MY ounstipa Lon, dtar4loea 'tcat g.jreu.�� NS ge: of food fdjjh;f.UI­ Witho iellonj dis�i -,�Aegradfi- �6han P tor heal a a - 4ole in -his poc- �.othe� dl��idcr pation and diseOr4let$ .-77 P . tw7o 'to ofoles and tfie w m aCh and, in-" IOU rem You can­,,bc. Ol W4 ut,. befn t& set. 1�.p in the '$to ge hor, ember. -the 7 L -Th y1c -Sarnple- afid�pamphlet- giving-- full- ---Parents- buy ---.M LGtav-eSL�WO&h h the- g.uaran jfmon U gruge in '101110 as E terminaikir b�cdu�e 1hey is a' s -this 6 The bes Way 46 wdrk- for -a raise is an4. price -are' or in-sunimer than inWinter-b t I medicin-6`for. their tl4ren. andA.4 lot 1A government difial5rit * that, it 16! 6- sent Sealed envelope. Corre., &a hi i3oluto;Ik Safe. L Mis. L :L.*l Il' TAlse Your. w6ft; are 00t, confined . to -the'. WArIn QUe."�ayS: �Prepliratiooli is yer for uc- spol ideredly. -confiential, botwels hel idenoe fleitual -.ejcpeller Of. -s thfa 4, Holloway S Ih,s, as unAtuo laxne W ei Cn 'me a -man a any - in 'any, urldrtal6ng; - stainp for reply� � Addre�' Th�L Wine. 8uch a. Corn Cure?,,.. f1rd"Obby's Own EDED ATt- n ay .0oizd. 1 was eritircly'cb�ied of my Sr�llel in this, sed146�- has no! principal, Ili fi�avqri who Samitria, Remedy, Cool, 96 Jotdfin Cham find I h sufferoer,, Y 6o. rits. by, tis' rediedy 6�441L' I v�lsth sonio 461 didn't hotide nwi�1`6! for o nb ifiteret Ia hiiWnity. I Sordan SL, Tbrofith.. up CWS. ho -'d h Brown,. Chftago' tnha he is �o't '0', rep the ressed 'TWO OF" A this ni,6dicl OU"May' kL ln�r l,roublcs and breaking� W tery y fig. et "N wbmaili add, Uri hioj�elf Uts PO& flL, re, 3,c)t,,,Ca Who in the gold 'by4hodicin'o for ANC. 141m not A. theoretical'j�notht you don't sh X horqi pe the man gu g S61f a sddal`6 ers o6r :b� 'niiiil f' The nian whO. know� 47tir.4 hiV46n 0 The'Dr., Wit Y t be, , , e .Orgo, . 9,� ounes,... g.lve him deal., Noo &tile men think 'they Urd' AnL ignorant person I.% One who desn't us n us ati TW'bo �'d �'gfit6r` Aidnot l'Begorry, OL­ri U ! I : L know whatou. have just.lotilid out. 'It bolWvo it,. sit Ont. but the evo�'iha Carsel'of the Tro Ica- in the olow WO�lvt watl" cause ifb tastes so had- to' ih L5 t he 'you won, em �k- 'P The best kind of A mem6r iid%tallious roeoveries'from Mia and y amillet's as On . I poor 91K.obout, thingg thl p4.cst tono. FROM A .' - -t 10d the � r V 'Chat renlembers the .,.things; y OVIM. ;1�as�a gentler spechik. w that- - happen ea and years, b6fore boi. the naWio:11 FERE You never Wit I t n t6f,his ciasi ig 'he, I Orld by 4 sh6, W re: - u s t it 1 -1 anaZle-11s. appoat.fdi- something to f at 4CsittlZ rdTlgi&i� too put ;OU"t,, Tjoi, that YOU "Parmelcie'.§ ow.24d '41: -the A Purel7, Vcgp table -Thei.:.childrerr were not ali or Neuralgiai,-lbad 'ho [the, p ut, . olii;i the. o eally dodr jile'was as.1ced Are -come I I Idle mo nts,a' o rtunities for, ln� IN kitdhefi,, but nobody.Aiad ever frbidden u-nul,uluil cook � to rooW, sniffing- 0 1clotis o6rs Which could be ob- Rheumat j' You don't too]< As though PrbVldan�b always �geexhs U.nkind to nd'.tfi� del, a t1lose; Who insist on chewing heir pill's.: kidney, complaints 7andAn g1vt4g t6no' tdined y a. clos6 hpp!!caTt3­n C'small fiys b4en a. ' : ' I CF NTS. tlia bathing'At in the, mists."of -welan. excesse's Ia y, Ethel s4id Mrs. Harwood,' who PRUGGISTS9,. hav'�n't," he i;o' tbthing,.: dries up the heart uicker to the systeid twhetf[4- enf66bied by Over- nose'to a crack..:.- Ood faffillk�ll 6a pliedit Withut work or d&anged, through -W b y outs 'discovered them in tie entry just e let him eat, oil with lit nterrug- living. They require no testiaTi6hiO' 1 .1 , I . -wirtit I , " . .1 ­ .1 1 - ­ny 0: Z M -flaw nt Mai d4jur 0118'skititan a he k 0 .1 �w f'X�IqAq Coin a 0`0 al. a gq our C an we wi if, hy aro you tib-jmmy� an&' d famj ... . _ M '— ­ I : . !il i him- ty"' Jye�rtorA'y8peptics- � S:rjr WHoLuaA h ' ''i ._ 11 respo�de n a ft mo er 6ond th666c...', e6t to b w ' "Cause hei is -9 Or The silis you: 0. 'In th subek1lar''al- .131a .. , I t 8, LVM.AN BROS, & CO,j Toron nd I:,rslaontreal; ILYMAN KNOX "imstelveb, are, In she' n 11, are the o t At the said Ethl. I Is. a�d CIARKSON, ol*6rd'ntoi�! INATIO�AL-'DRUG CO.,, Lohdon., 8 P13f!"t that's. Y tasserk-1 --I am, too., pidying fair 'OT FOR I 11, Mj'. N es," be replied. notice"d it'. tietanoo smotlibredas'he again 'on to my,.his -it -4. lit e I've got SUPP090 YOU Applied hig'nbs ; W the cratok. �or-pfatc. That�s wli6 I dfland frotp., take sme AiAd. Ibn'c.,,' awful cold, an I can C'snidl, half g.4 it: h 4Y4 "flo an, !Pjk Ili Ist g4f _,%V_"a - bere Teubcnt6i-� 0 C FOLJ�OW`ibD` ART. Dr., Al �-S N. .,C A, DELWAT,E, oucic, �oiie- -Aain' 1,311 �A bee' v C -Ott st T RONTO.'' d I'li*6ch you to be- 0 fan. Y4u.Are ond o mus 6 -yes . ..... 11W 1AM a gvea iisitive- about- her lnflrffilty� Such V,.EOTI It6lia yeene§, . MINT'RION DMr and !ngen N laic uity, h0woVer, tbht .4ho usually escaped and ho' al -L hi Ir eut.M i olly well,,ha6 having y from ' t. a -sol& On 411 excha IIAN and dowiceg of mechanical rkature, fhat her tri -end', 3 longer -dared' to Sj(ggost III a's re one d we ftq( on ligg wing To. _cco ddsty,soldiee them to her. one 0061181 thi 16�1& i ni up, t , 6 little. boot- WPLtj(,L lj<)tndcordffigt to sohodule. CA44 606, ox It shie bibek and' told tho bby to' brush his boots he" Ia nd Satisfying. ok0 bom'iv mago tho big Soot Oray ly ORR k- gr.n, lwi-c aft . .... a 00 A m6gi , afan'fis May "Y' 0 holort mud . h t lek' felt Sure 'Ovoll INUSA t: uld feel: p IME, O, 29'-48