Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-06-10, Page 8of Ladies' asols and Umbrellas. t• SO and and the.' VerY ye now in stoc a very full rat,ige of Ladies: Hosiery d Tan shades, als(o in Fancy Embr?ideri!,d lines sTEs. BROWN, and 13uLL, DoG Stockings for ines at stand the Jest fOr Wash and -Wear a.nd we ero to give -satisfaction, and-goodAdi wear., EXPERIENCE op promises and promises hukthe performance is usitiesi '61n; proof •Itlnit...tivii,-haire kept ...90 PoNa the same cuettuners.00w-, Who des with Us years, ago., xnean eorn-ebliing, meanu that We have kept prom Ise :tor pa,4:eirgign.pcf 'A.n0.441 Meat 'or hnt;) •°' tCv,i144 sf.,...Night7curc. is habib Addition9:'and•tho whole of them', haVe beantiful. appearance,. intking'n. Corn huildiogs axtionded and enlarged.. robni Eh! • itifo,rinatten :;:regarding -7E Thibition To stop any pain, any7W1•1?rs in 20 minutes, ,simply take just one cf Dr. Shoop's Piffle. Pain Tablet 3, Pain Tablets Pain , means . -.SLOOes Headache -Pink Pain:Tab let's---Lwill:AUiCkly coax blocl 'pressure Pam is_ goPe .pninftilperlocls° with .wopien etc instant help. „ Ta,bleti 25d, :Sold by Was -Isietii`.1.$andv left. on -Tifirada*' -'..--,111.rer-r-lotrigar'-ofraTgmondoille 'is 'Mr.. and' Mrs,/ kJ& ti!.toi -Spent- n. .. Ationesendlnif atketehand desetlatIonsingi ‘,, .A large number. from .hereitook .in' eiltlitc,iintericatt 1,,. grea . nu rubor of ., persons in Iodine w - i or a. exeepting -8 and 2o, not, roil xved, section .of 109 acres4aOre.or less, ' •. • . - :. haying ,a .peeUliar ac-064;,,a.n.the kidney - • ,ApOlientiori ter entry must be roade ha per-. iiiii3116 • bhAt .bfinge ,iidieW, bdit.i:. ' ,, • '•\,, Ageney Or Sub Ag -iiiihrefiii'atreins ::by the father, nicOtir, ,,Son feili tokofct: ita,,Id . tired, abc1 lgouict nOt daughter. brother or Oster', of the , intending • 1. --,:rd least slX it104118':'iisialance upon Mid' gliOnt that:LWOW 10 ,v0 94,, e wi- cUltivation of: thil land in. each year /or three,. ei,i1-.0(.1i44, .'Tb# ' ui.iCe , •Vi;ne- Scald iti.g. ;:imoff:ri, fame ' itegtia4rthied.,!owriti4d.en4;60,,..y.,d..tixtithil?2y , :os'‘iii'lli, i-:tteti7Cituntiret. attvibtick 41-11''hk,bhrseir'*ill',161 ;tile vicinity of 'Iiii .nonieliteed., ": !cant owner- . tl! i s not leee ,than eigh,OL igQ)-•ietds-.111; bn " .6.-4,0ei.,,d1,48ettr 1.,4°6;',...ebltj 8 . a .„,. i . ship, hi land ,w111 not Meet t. lavrequyetell,.8:_znysibtx11-wa: .hoinestsad entered for 'him in Oil. uf .13144h OS tlittes.te .4inCa add ...T Will al 'Ways. reeditinen4 •n04(1144-.AidneY' ong Gloves in: Silk at $1.00 Short Glovis in Silk, ,very hue quality at 75e a pair e Long and Short Glove,' in 'Lisle thread at 75c and 50c Long Lace Oloves white and black at 45c La,dies' eott.on. Rose in black, tan, and white ;-, Special quality in Boys'. Buster' Biown, just the thing for hard ivear' Inslins,frona:15c tO 50,C per yard ;,white dotted •muslins , p4r,yaad ; 20e per yard; The man who wanta_a goOd_ready,to.wear suit -can - Blue, or a _11ack,_ we -have excellent value, 1 e adies can still get the newest ktYles in the ePartment. We keep assorting weekly. Marriage 1.-icenses. oil Spring Wire -="'-',-A carload of Cleveland wire just in Fence Stay.s.--We hove a stock of stays of NO. „ Wire ids° t,he locks and machines for putting on the 100103 that,has -stood -,the test of time for over half a cantury & 011 StOves—See: the Detroit Vapor `stove,_____ solid cast iron burner-that-is,t1mostinIMW-felible _Lawn -Mowers anadian--Mower Having purchased the business formerly Carried on .by W. j. EARLS, am how prepared to cater .to wants of the, publie, andin doing so, I , endeavor to -, ---giveyonfairarid-honest7-deiling, good ;value . for your rocker e Still Having. bought the balance.of think and_,Prockery_ prices, equal if not bette:r ,than_Wha.t....was.giveu.-while•-,the---- .out the balance 01 t is ine, not caring to handle it, -, ow - if you want a snap in this don't forget the pla.ce, "Beaver ' • While liying, with piirentwer en land owned by. ,hitatelf mils 'notify Pie Agent f,or .the district of Extieht intention 1,aride „Otteent. 41k intention 0 apply for DI`,Pft.-T,Ttuintlierired publication 44f ;this iidirettitiement will not b'e Paid' for Going Seiith 6.-10 10,30 .a.tit4 .0.43 ;Pon • vas t raid Roafince, Sherwin Standard Chile Precious Life imd Health be hickntefi is alike to ...1.t.aprilled to. all cases no 'patter.. what -the disease iraay.bs; ., -6( -""33 `—"Ciuizewasa.—, while, you rest,or sleep It is. easily__ -your, Oicydoner. : When I -first got .the in3trinnent ,i, was-aiiffering froth- SeilitiCa -once 'and -have' not' been troliblool, With it sincie,-., I can highly reeininnend it as a - good family (lector and . wStild net be without it for •dotilile the- price." • -Beware'efilkingnions. and Fraudulent Imitstl one- --The Genuine -has the: -mune. cit. ov.".---.----- ..Dr"...11 Sanctie•and "Co;', plainly. stampeil on its metal- partly 'Write` 'for free. book to * ` eel Steanier *gins Jibe. Arriving at: Detroit at. 4:015; a 111