HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-06-03, Page 7I vi: L -a -17 & -77 71' 77 77' ;4� "4� 7 - 4 rq UNA Fill r X f 43 r oklffl -4difihosi I 'ark(Vitl lKidne IL _71 J*4 An',Oyilheil Phys clan' Infornis us IIA8,170AWY-NINE HQ3frp, OUT PAYS Fj., e an TOM 1orse Own, AW d y"'Aiicetion, ''S E. (ahlo* I.,,; gD.04- _7 _h ed, 146 '16116.w i 6 -tb, x --h, fng_n s I UP_ �cluldti4l fr�ln ";#w kolest �'baby, "ftote 0, u e,-, as, us scyllll� 0119 Y, k thread' W e t _ I tary iiig bp�r,civj,lian the scripflw .,his practic�d, for za numb, 0, a _bp �_cca the 0 tr6ent :W Kiduck Mandliiial§, Gdardian; 4y"SW fr T Wall f yQatsiTand -efOund, -At Y,ge;S�� len in yj ge'-stivai of tord �Yiias Villafle In the Llviar�, . I N -man, -In'-theJ 134blys Woulto *ie"$40 -4 '0' be of in teresi Athod of Tr all istbm4ch- �i� very -few & glaaNei` I dA t:lahrls tli4ta n will I*- u an -can, PlIblos And:,mak e t way, -be- *4�w Sl e, � sich I qe� C061 A" 4 i3cvere p4hris"inz. the, bilcki, f I ink Fell' alld i n �,Ic-rlalld is, a soldier in a mod tittrio'asiM411 nation,. t%! i s .4 ll� M. I'd 1. ig fro�l disQNered, . kidneys il�nlcl,' q-'7ch!Jdrch �i% liat a tiW The,old fashioned metliods'. o , f., Naung, %.the a t Tfi'e abic-b6died S%viss enter rmy -of sweA P ; twe . rl tY . Y . W , s, - Ofnge,-and sQ sixty� t es tee of, a, govQrn Ui � li r,bP*, lbe­guar4n: One. oune& r rpy, to,74 ve � is -pat� s-pases are 4�61hg �44*soakdcd:j '1111a NIS tbat',thiq, is t splrjts� Of nitre,' One ounce' Of Vin, 68a slethach df du,� in his fivst,3 T ye e, rid,f -\Ndth: the ;,old, falhilono 'car. Vcx the nexq Me.,, Mrs. Alfred ra� V,:,, fle. �finqs ifut cily-, im iqlgsjble,� to 'Corn -,a he" trouble p u ood,� -liffirldt peund�: ovr, �ounces of ve Years W trailIs for that Nv. ien the trtetl�nlent,wq.3 . -el Qu _dbarbr, tw --t1f C d 171 f he great an for d -on ly'. Wil- b f ib ngred' con- On a, 000 6W year.,, tih� oh' can bb tu taken in desertspooratil 'StIP111,1011',; Strnalch fxbole�s; and,j-cstic�s� tained at PMYL��reh,ablc drug stioi;6. It: �g I VA;Mcd. rbrin d li, 'russ an Met, wall M asked to make' a' ienters as, eight.to y ind, find theiri'a splildidniQ hould; be -Aiiys.'und,�r arms evory folfrtll Year tllp The atodern method. 4 OcaUna.1 t;M afler meals'' and at, bedtinie iW '1144il, at fif LY, he,. and is riequir�d �s �.;Ind it is expected that there IS' 'unsu Jor the cure! IM- � stem aanto fdrnis4. no urth crncgasti!itis'. is, 1,6 Wac #1 Slyice except, I ox 'of Tabletsnin my homcep wj�� b'.. a t -be " of rheumt 'up the' pro est. For -lit will driving' the 11111c Stlila* -land& to do,;t of P"§sUmes' he oenartaiy from t rhe in K�,menlbOred! tluit,'Prussia dt- afido g he:r normal' eicik s ep What thewiss 01itiAmah" Whole burden of the civil gre %,,or very OON"Cry. is a, in cen's 'k` ox from The'� Dr. _\Odial 'are; inexp6risK an ve to children with safcty In 10kin, -to Ye� 1 r lore haTt -,d n -oil 'he job 46LI(diser',of mllitftrr Ortliodox: he fa le 9 an be,gi tes up', by .,skill a: nafton,';.of ma�ksv_. 'inpire i�jlifi�iit pay,, writes. ' 1, , the Merrnan,�r, ancep pajnA irrien. Theh; rm;ig, d arti , -o oc, pied Paung pen s,ax� pq n this ".request - f�r A 'KIN69: 0P`SMQKE, S eps on tile The PePstlj�, �g anfre. afriMOER io 0 RE a4 o 'health ant, ma ite :,higher:,Nyages is, (lie'66t that, the: o who have: tried 'the- tonic te,44 prop "tutes fair member di'stizi of" fla,; st �iou Require Lines of livin'g�ha�,�inct%�'as,.ed'�ffiEiteiially:ln-G'er- lubsti To 4� the iiidivival i4o1d:iqr't6 carry out at Jr re a-' tonic �irhany,.�and`,Jlurt, his miliesty's charnbern. a i'and, be- -does it ollemory UWU Rolls ORI or which, is helpful,'in U�Plcc$ 0 10;ips, Eire �11�' un,9, n build ing th ''dl sue g, iscoin astltel as,.choapl he Amerloan sgestive Ogans and qr' h a featur�a Ives. ff heThe;se 80al 11 WI Un I�r_ . all ree an in a are cfi hges_ day 116 i h L 'e t Ve ore, t nic cases. 6 the, lf My date in- tl subject to e. lic Stall".4 s1offiach ti\)uble.' The dled.,SChUr2Wn sub- Success of -the t en in he but, the Jniliat It they um ac, u8e, the least - harm III I- of regirlient is' solidwa, 'by- t , Ger�an, and: Socie'�es.,,�e Tir ed. could sit be bui U wIng` the. French cantons. They-a:ri.vlun- tjttjte� foi Many- Of-.IL:th in oth"r :hundreds �Iof Curl-S� likl& the,116116 for', Cl6h' i0hed, they 'We Id 446rm -$ized a gido4 aWin. Pilnete Dale N. a! "aid Just, a inother's arms;- my joeund-Jedn-, Vla I pel vi age, ,find a in pretentious, rib e he in st harrilful ef E. Dunn, , varying. in nee -t woofti1. Some, er N s S.;' sa-ys:-"Fbr seven -years wn ior-villc(ge-they- ailn e--n'- thirnpor�a thAlle-to ail erjn he �vble f SiZe Injure their' aid suiierer in the,,Ja�rger ny f. his pl �-sight sinolcl ..I was all'i almost dontin6 aces 'are em and U :towns pos- IQm_.RL � r ; '-'lub' iThp �4,s epe11 eu tic&�Wlt) s t b d" 'd mishowy� ion" Of r0ppe. 104:0 d e epresQp s lic'date bf dny, 'tio - fter -of t exc4sis ve. gravathd'bY7oWC-na1e �riiiistip h ises; -the 11 villagci§ do I heir* shoot� 9 1pAtIon,,gtIdhr, bil' the flast Satur tion. -Food. as lousn n and style." As a Ing tile cor- 'farmers bl'the 'ww "not only.; distasteful, � but hoiary irig 'in any field ack by a, §uitable 1`6 A. 6ifgh, thy are'all in,&!rman.parldnce 0, ust,'�Aor, Jarruary, 1 Ir Iwo qTe , a!� PIA usIns called aU.b.le .4f] I fil7ill, W sk t T a a, PIM nperial letWrS,-because, the first Sat _ t . L '; , ' - ., , I!_ heart, thlat� at times I easy f4rTtf -cloting' and each Wactive 1i dy"spepsfit,. over- urday,in ' suicJd;e�,z�a varlety-of,ii n, a fiFy cas le), *very few Of them, uch as the V41ar. ry is ilib" iourit�',bf that 414ntli; is by Ithought 4 oouYdz ha.� for sh live.' I a lwnys 1n. his', V� rie icribivii laces at Bet p ­ ��­ � �2: ­- '11 0 d k4d �hsflas n e strict - as i q, te ry, fi and at Ii; :has'one letter, as am,, �really In OfL t% very te first Saturdayjw- re I was- -growing :ty and,, tlijk�-tw mi ile age -s on, an raounti E , h lnd�aed, I etwoen Jhat,mlontlr ' sin b gany�:lof them ion piria 14: WeWli"cauzes, it.4" 'and in- the list fire d blljltL�fiS e u on gr tat '4!1 City Of d dfiths. quatted in so bddl th t I' �vent to ale - -ea.r,,- a -t 0 ach ilyo- y J10-. t --a —ga I AM- -a t I me-Aettr IV or ;every -301 er:�;shoet_­ Thit i`J ter han when,", e in-, represents home, lngth�is ic6ul'.s -n their ridigps'. Th tile month it howe�:er 46 �bet * 't o t(� rnbitiou�.';mrliirn pallic s" Al A -.successeur Ev�lrybrle wOnt away. .'The, P'ains, I 6�14ed were 'cozne aerived'fr6m tfi- XIJ h -J"'becal wit use January be granf§ gins wofd chloss -is new tip rid -vv -ic�f�tho -A!LIN 'an -be relaed u may engage. It isl be: ;erffble'sizc� which &'idb King In which 'be by, house Wisbias to lie succOssful in �qpX und�r7 'ic _p1le& to I a alnrostllltol�rtible.�- buld�tirnes 041166 rises MO I kept 'M�rch� bcglh� N it I "M' -ph d _so'on ad Va,y -of d iSqciic�tY, Ause­ V t -get w nd to. pro uce, the'refdre, xt 1 w gentlie action 'Of, r6mcly. �kratifying to the er and and -'had pine a through, with the�iexc6p ta" n IV— marker.., The,ke,.isl..ii6"�iitphric�'f�4 tiorl k Among the Kbisees, Berlin' p %6 Pt ti Alacias oprietors f Partriejl�43LeggAr�p_ L I'oil Iff-'spre-6-- 4h tre -%Wrtl�45 'd 4#iC:c a is 0 10 fihqo� bOly 'prove a ble&� Willtams, pi -ar med Is 6ther -urged,we to. try Dr. Pe, diturp, Slick as that43riett' which w r ould date her Shtui�-, Consttue'tion of �f a urdays, tbe� by, is Met been -successfut,be­ nth -is go FAMMIA am., at,1--io tbei ffi- ..grant. from Ay., n C� jy�- the- addi on, YORIZI th6ik eip&Aations Ok -The oft.6' 'a ot the:necessary nitnber,,Of� ls6vepg I nd - not -�yleld spectators hiethod-s' of rbm' th public is -a g t pro u ddse'Or twoVf Man-a4l 'readily, but 46 which it is Eut�a step to ai �anL imppdVernent I I. ;' . ny inlcrrp.edla.l� one tre b n,, lible ranges aro progres -,s a pill.' d ced 'nf is �ncbr�,.ed by or example., to know the day on 'Additioris.1are -been keeping pace Will, fu n6tic e- d' 6 dd r' —eiij te a d I I y and . ringent. < des proportions but ftbin'time tioJime e that WIWI , I )tgra eve Y,l ing,cla4 af1Lr ny reac Py falls :tll W the u h or n4vlecti reg-Ulationsi &advisabI6, 1h' 'D of. teii with the growth, of and ower A. slight febrif e lve OF 'iilt 1,was'agAin.ai� well In ad! I ion to Decenibe* very -p- -trouble Y, rmV Ind. pre an. d CIOM.I)P.ti�t!-'oa.sy,-areoe-id. -�olhe 4y, ptovi­oi -th6 Aftaok% 6 tliw -colds dr ' b6ites of the 'F nji�y.� for Decem 'the. HOheiikll6rils. 'The castle is Sym the 51h f that nionifi, the-secbrld- Isappeared, ruld-it is �ticn.. 'the VV61 cco HOPELESS. years riza'. Sat Outside . are e�f �iii �Jcjkpd. as gobd fid mS ur yis t4e 12th; thelthird.,the 191h, the 'i' 1th as fnin dolfig.'iiow, tire' r.stead -of sone nia�6hry.. The pilk�' tluestion. n -me; an6ther. A I't w o",how ys�-sho e-400k---iiiPen r ciure'� 401 -dill' bans ;L -;n 6 mia.rk j0-. doWt ask uld.n&:1 �tiff as ftiorp their �shotiing- mi ace,: and I z rongly.urge, ys _011 ot imi . i�,hlje-Jhe, saute.;key-` Why mustn1 I PA cy-ow.,any re,1 M,z : t:� , o preterlsb4 goVeIlls tlle,l stomuh�, troubl.-t - ie", - f, shoOtiri eXaM -his hl-e&ino a, fair,'IrIal.". -.nbte -of show and alddyy: And Is- -tv give t 911 what, lhVisit e -�afid -ail, ifS detail gov-; ''COBALT SILVER. �Iructtird. by,' r-Pmeht.a;nd i�nd 14f -'IQ iv U&I, t i Charl ar46 �old, E One more Int otten-, u can lengthen he life Of your a medic! his, arm w oli can get'them perso ri nial "at -50'cents a. 'T P Co-.', Toronto. report tlir.te.. much burg �Castle, a..st Y'rifie;'bel� can iu:se it When, epest is the yo nd 6,, f In te� C tictioh. It'. is situa ted t box or I x-, D he does -not' 'AGENTS WANTED. L9 insured folliowing are the eekly: shil a ity L amongst ".11 by; in -a charining. park'and Is fellb*s_� -with the. Use r$2.50:from�,Tbe�Dri. Wiliiam;lsil �city and towil-in. 0aluld it or 5 Na M ry. .U(baltIcifhip and th6so fro 41 a aliIts" gu ned' 'als On UP a patein -ea Fi liun& By 0 i bile D I imm, I L, Mgth. v6 e ti U tire, fUIL!V&.lUe�. ra cl are inall f0u. a, nay. -W rIt6-.:'&%'-oncW Z� trrlem An Iltd- WIT SENSIBLE. maaf-rry. 1W is -T-C-0 r n- _JVA1X­y__LV-_Z_I -and; i'vil ,lruw youl.tirT tontrol­ his in �this by Schenburg,. ear Vien- of A gnRlz, arld. lb��- Ore in lbs. They'say that. Mrs. -afi shooting., 'n &'S n Co., -ftalo pligilburg in ija _gliMber � t - . . andNN -f , etic bblore,'she Aes 1 to ee ''re- BY teeautig, rifle t-hCotigg. a tavia., This M t s a, Spoit, N Bu 'on real 'for a pack' Sin v hornie othe'l6tc'Empekr I -ER ards'.of.jlomes. cep id dif. is d Con p-10, tiring his, US, an -f-a . F - n'- M4,101oves- clean 'POP'What, te d 1, eniat Wpoili, 16 per ox. th6 best,place is 6 iore- generaly rac 4.0 ne'iti Berlin. the ma k i'So she 'be c, '15 , re:� ae I 'M,611edi.it fibm, 1, syeryo ffi§ ........ won't fedl, -1 uts LheL�WI'_ Q n f� De� 1116:�. Cobalt ntt'al 49,200 156,38 , 0 sue;.6' uisa o Ure You nar It . L I t. .: . ''! . L "A� BRITISH AMERICAN, -PY 1,140 the hict, IVe& ciat CON, Ali? b�hited. V de r aee Ill -a rMl _1 fi`s riglish 'laneqvidge vich de r YOUr elilren are lrbubkd wdh.4 'Used 92,3 0, t� f1rsVGcqihai Emperor.,"-' D -tibia, -and I haf vrgZitteT1jti, I te�,i On e of he most'. in tr t c --238 es allsr hlr% I. eI ing war. 'a'. East NT E, llmeT Prepared n _.Logges r1i rav r S O'lea Y, s 6,1060 392.6,0 d Ext;iaftninator; , sare �surel� and ef.: h '0 russia.- Thig eas e,. which was finish�d JeL �xp�nded. in-" the'rCX -�'a mark-the-Im pr Via- cad, a H16 TYL Rpse .... .... .... .1 61 and 4(tenficin ,we into..hear froro.owner bay IT ghold,'.01 t1i6 . I . . , , - �ciujS _and IT 2 wa & fainous stroo'n" in Your -child.. ,243,,900 perim6lt . 1. 1W. ato, JT19, the, lngredieiits, tat Ord& of thila'.3 eut-onic Kni&!g:,, 1104- avoided In F A, t oG 0` DID: PrePiring k' 5 three gre d­-rellgiirnis� iber.for,the drive r wor No �t milifar an nwere, bedu gh t an in ri,�e for; wite. Not partic:ular. about la. belbre y the atV6 birth, 1,) the, wet n' combftl�d ar Please, give price- and description ud'iroaT Nancy .11�icn 140,'46�6 orders "I unders 4 co' Id Crusaddrs-0 - .4 spirit- f to which were 111.41V k usband is th t ualjst2,e 4 )uf6reellinf, Stita vrhon p6assi6i6n 4:66n, daily: experience, coughs and.Nld and e.0 yLdj4king tkq T�11Xpl6rS allid'tbe, fred t, the bublic. �,U _W be baA.--AVII dea viith ovners�j pillg� may be, -P elee i�cli r pains-tgnn'o but ens 1ITS OF AliqlT, , 1. Bight, of Way ......... 60,Wo� arm, p�bitioilisL Veget"le 111s h KNIG T.OHN. y Thomas 143121& Mill _and r ­ thb-. or er,- - '(" e 4 Undisputed '4 e' th 17 r _6S_a ed-A,leading role in the politiCaLl' fford1fig in - E fld'0ntly them 0 beii r, hern Europe. i ^0 history gi 52, pain�,Neural g*ia',' Head' 1:32. uaf re yeprfsen,W 16 b&' out, "Our ba.bk 91, fi� oi trouble. 966 G Rheum m -Catarrhal ves us. I mous cast'F is lihiess'lle. hs�, life - iow6 way.,,. 'Own- t Coid Sarn�tle, Wcer�ts. kll druggis V .. ! thi EIftU0r'o'f'.B'randenburg� croWn tFine f4�,aUiem-,"�remailked.�-the,ma,ii,with 925;000 Lymalub mlet-drug. --don't know 0brg yells 'd-nyhow.. Y.GUL !ng:, & 9 ation habit, !ido "ribi­make, Toonto.. t In Iln el 9!sts, wb aa RP Tr0hewq �L . K' Prussia,: Ifi: 1701. th�- �uot hd. and llityL years, later,' 7 WOL ro Ln, ai Sf.ve ho r -un -for millihers.0 NGM, t 180,4:10 d -,,but PA I _AFIRM e wee, ere: '�Do you h M;dne will. be r6fun ��.2ao surne.enown InAhe PPPen ' 1b: know. where, _d Tho� ot Wherb ISt -thta�7priohibiifbn, alIg-or fl t.,W CYL UPP1161 n�PX same chapel, Btu NGO." fed 'A ien ed, OmpmCmmn In Jhn'. 17to date are 121- In 'Is Th . e r : - tatal ofl3erlin isiWilliel' sholle, re: 40 'bar'. 16 relieve pain., n' ,6 28, near Cassel, the 6uniftler r0lsort,lof Jer- friSitarit'. % 1. 1. . . .. Neui�alg ia fl, a pr p, in 1 as Is' thot one Go 'wi w6 ,pounds-, bf,*11 040 tons. va�lued id Flizonah. In 411, zP4TERBOF ine B naparte he' 'A" s king, of Duralgla,, licadahes Gout 1*:�GLYFAMTtY-oTAIn,d6eu it, C Idirbal Coldi� et'�. For .66 01]Srfi,� 'Ctitarhal d enerally,,-desoilbed by'thiii *o RhicumL ' a of Gerinany,, -MP e 1451' ' It' sit' but io pruito re a Ill an, Knox' -in r be 1 158, TIP fAS IPS. e fun .50; All 4ruggis 2"he bist�nV Cheap t n called; be by 0 National ea in don. Clarl4qiri� Wh�lesa Itti at $130,217 1ketelli oured, by We&#er!o Garage: us r a is suedci_ Co. I -'London. nellit ORL W th Weavees Iiyran�', Q -hshed by h n65� 9144,' tion's' a I U O'di 4 1 �I,M,19�" -in 11d, fui ULM(*. SEND FOK CA 43 goo OW" -valued at .,:. . .11 - fI­R B17 IN6, .5120 to9iis, 'A' NOT HE C I rown neserve,'a­.stblcIc 60 men vere erriptoyed. for,fourteen' years earned' in h.favbre bot violin wh6n .1 4s 'eig I years olt its construction. lts.,chief, ast is "Why d0i't Xio c "aftle in cobalt has� b*6 Plao0d,6ri_aA&j(l 9 Up great tlulo\A�g ipritil,."Indeedl 16W bld vlt.wuta. n q,f md Of Wool' feet irl �Ainmeter 'NVere, yqU wl 'tht -P.mfes,,s by ,&clatatio a. tL_­­­­_ i4en­you 1�rgoffl What's the use? You t5IdL%rne thia.11M Of, 'Pet cen id. 1�i_wa!rh X, -1 t�"h hia. i �kable height'icif. 196L foet,�' Na� A! A Ami r at 69 Is the one. 4' pf"Iteori ''Ill.,..who wns inrW, pri8qn after it_ lni sure I...don't want4fie OU 'edan N D wilh.90jow of his troops, NOW to I ritup t reaNti 6rdInslit.1 'treathion K anorally d6soribod -by the *6rd Eezoina. t, SPACE Im '"ll bl A' INT and aftv f, bUt to, ward wa8 s6nt by his' "Captors,40 'Wip 01690 curo4,.bywetild�'SCatatouas,�'Ine ,h,u imAd' "wirt he as a, gtott - iadynirer =6 W%t'h W.01"T's ArritfP. the* place and tis0d- th �pelfttl 'h OMPAN ah t4 othes'out of astle" W, t bps en lbso� ebiils, WAS helolsbli, U III fitilng boots iird Sh Eb 0 y -ours, :4*ha Ihii most I Holloway's 0011h,.Cure is, TeI1s',;W'­w & yorilig Maft 's c -a b6ttl'at once and cure ybdr "Now 'tfiere'S' ro. USeL I suse. , I . n ma ITig aily im :.Of' &,t�r shooting ion 11A!w tim tit as D � B,, vestria bout it, George;' Id his wjfh .... .. -bu --W --fr t -e investor other', la­ffi�'� elor i . a note of deflan 'in her anded husband, dbd �sdinn lie l Ndt'.1r oice., .1 just dir should L itlead thio book. 46 FlNiAN I �ad 'to 'have466 tfntio OdL pro e8ont freia� dit re y4ur C I AL A ENTS Uit�.6uld Posscssions� Wthey" i6d I- EXP.- SIVE COORESPONDEENCE,- ques Y, '4 ern p n �V*­ te ine -on 1. a s The PO&W W'111'b 1ang. in 'r Vol in, r s cold 16 t us m d d ring 34 SCOTT we d ng te, tbAay V. i s, . ink Iyit;o ingi [floa Visitor '�(vieixlng W A.y ..lfJ1JT �Onlpare ith on s, ibincr's lfe�L� frequently' uts a t In bcauty!.' Have yptl-,any-�d�a Wri, TORONTO -ally; when the ,es. all, ft"W, 'tem upon. that' lirodUC(,.s irliern, ha -t it Cost?" W A FIR tdlt�� a _�N�d( pricy -"You look worriedj� old _ffl- -OlWn Bride-4--ottYes. .-ThlVe 1111nared 11 ld doirarA. at half rvil rom �13.erl This place W 011ed o whiell rfiany- ario -the 'pron il. 'e xcof?" situhted s. A common fb)rm of disoirder-is �vc tfi -finilliture tid m1kch it." ''hUr*9 - distnc6 by serlou th4e caus, ihetim (with 80eks bought 'a' Id on 4usen", and Oil c� '(11� spring and' SLU11111ler. he sNw' Y ilea 7*w ated in tbd in ubduing tbi c A MAN: Q7 VA F1 E 1 Unting-grund,,1�Situ - 1 "1 ail., -1 1 i, . !: BOSIOnj tA art, aj Ah (I- sQ 'It is a'stafidard' of is "cS.9 01! To tli� :: - - !- 6 q 6T 4e u ry or ;a,. roin sign, college tem -by, h anlell. The lonstle &yi M1d.cver'yNvh&c: eri-IL-mi011., yes-. liol'quit� lame. trN6m reembling in, an injury.. Ild keocived: -oil the football R&f'Rj,tQUj1 . 'Ot'deirs 10; ' r Cobalt, Stiocks laxecut-'. A4.DC IT. Fi(. team." , To. Tiff" SW4 appearanc respectable in"I'lilhouSe of, For 0'8t,gitboap" ed , on - ;1*ok�onto hli�lhlg Ei� Ten,cher-"Walt, -a moment, Jbhhny� the sdorid best. 4tra'**bdilt 0. 6ba-0j1b,. dr AW, "New Ull 8!r..DaV!d 6111, Iriefly, C1r C. rhat do' YOU dershind'by that wrd jhq* In ------- Cylind 11,Ff. torik 6urb for .1 at Cape To% 'caj Rig V Will Jidell ktile gilows Pr ra.' fin:aviibrsacir Y<)t) a140rvicW �ilith Cel-ewllyo, th g 111111 il . w1wil haven't the second 87phon Affkatourind rZ oisto guide nozziem. (h'La6tnbVof the hief.- - Thc'�:dbsl(Y POtefilat askm� him PRIVrIE xvifirg, ribs I rdh�_ S i over unevbn rows au4 agatildt ride winds. v n_ N -, . l-( - 1— a n 0 'a ra n g 6 C ge� %Vfth trone, and th� infiIe'r (.)f �riddevlck in it' "Cape,, wagon. Ieyes and'ile It, W rite Great. 'llerc lip, Spet few months thwall Mai clo.� 88S Sabin St.. Jackson, Mf&. C lleL Via lido_ ctDavid told tVOrld's bldest.and rA,L__,tbI&fcrN York '.Vear4nd re h" g, rges Co,; or the o%v ould 13i. -chang - X'40 cq _000 Yars.. W. I lNes .. . . . ....... vent''to the brutal -a llea -44 le his, queen and N5 ciijlidi-�6 'a tht g -At ick off ",C] a fit., 'Y old C wwa, i,,pon i6art 11. 1 lepe at. q . a nornborl' Of his std- W t6bacco, parliament, 4hrit e ig, 46,ck' 'plug" n�.Sbecd ln6 th' b Our "that k so, I JOUS lil tho� pa tt,e,8, of as f han t gu a rd - a t., On." Py 64 C61rilbilile All the &winj i 4i - ' ?i . that -til f6ir c6arroet spc6'd, ind 0 only. sfillt. I I I �;: field in, it get ;Plitt dilhibility, We iiake the 'be�stjl 22 tO 46 ft, �.All styles, opch m !,Vf)l,y d V1J1Z , Sp b., -kd �_j, tr,, 1<,) thia J'Jj(, 0 C1110 od rrkaill.4 ill othet. ni Otis fAvorito romP f joll Pled 41114,cabin eiv (JjSdrd'tj,Jip it 1' IVIVO or6lrt WOU1 91 h, elve _P lay has. been Ill Cas C of,llul,cha. S of muer,% Li&au e _Tj YW s�ndq's sing cid rpWa 'K Sdad for 'illuMr. n 110w m4 N�riy' ch titV I Ol 2 f I" The' as he s Eq 9. tin st