HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-05-27, Page 7..... . . . . Z vZ ;��Z:� . 41--o W$, 61,. UH, REP9117. F 0 LEADING' RX JUN$' "Ira wo 'TIRAID13 CEN ..GLOBE; C t Wfl �h6,. _ , 'r , - M -'ROV�J'r' n, earoo �-.Vi lot. 1-U 0 -a s �''F [W' O'Ut O%Vn Of -t"I Griiiiin, �tjj So" A�`4�t4ok With I tollfru ed, e Je 0 .0 'ar`oho it '61 ReCinl_ jr Kj�lr. Pro d4ie, at 111p;n4D aiifilr­ Abibad. pin d ulud, �pn stppmer 'Miortti�W raq nt9l tbe� Torontor May wheat­� dospao h froin, roe VlJJ4�"SaYS'r The J, 0 r o r, 9 a despatch, f romi n fS 'ftpeeleoo, tead to to t,. but �jjeN, lost oonsbiolls;- d y,,' I No, J, norther. �A h wharf at 0-febec; on WWON do lig' if-; $1.16; No. 2 SOYA:. tIng j in this mcoting, wfi!f1Zh, .0 us at -fie Was removed to the �Pl shortly %NTli 'grjlh�n i he de. ,o a Ved nos neM�. %da t1po 11ol f -c,� Where. he IieA in I sen�or 'Ur ero wt�S XnLi h6spital -rilble < ainage,"'. 3 '$1.08; feed, futith�r stwn relatt rf� be - I 'Off r J�fpactiiially rid muside Edward. W J41 6wort,"A. 7"4r' Id i critical condi- _ndr��a, NVeelC ji Wars Ace omin� quo to are e tion, With_, folill, William, O'Connor 1 706, �jarm'of"'r) Ving �ori' he second concession Scalp %VourIdS, four Cut I 'Ito for' the rmporor and . Empfesa of Jiussiaj �we.qni Gy?at 'britain and jtu*ia that tile Ill seven ycArs,,nt, MA 65c� Georgian Bay' ports� have been so nJI imj� th3, jjj�letfi'l wn'. o,*villei. �byo �a Wig: the bone and somejully three, iii6es assaulting And' I�obbixfg a -%,.Io It is expected, tliot his -,M" 11 1 .1 1.61, . . aian. biltaj,�io, Whe4tmw No. :2 whitet to ty 11�0 , - , r, 11triclus'on of the AngIo­Rus$i!an agr jy-bung ina4living lie'llailf6t of,�hlcfi long. It is, feared thero,-iS a. fracture Wd,rat - Star.V T Deacon wa-5 f butsidei� No 2 red, 6 c o barric on the loyal, yacbt, at "Portsmouth.,� ment. This will',be the it jnoet�ng of F. B. utside;.. No.- 'fii . had been in Ste�%vart's ef.npli6y oft6 kill, ge of, r,t,, a, If - 2,- goo-. rile i" w (I k ote or� 29, at h rst lord OC'a` elvir s aling- �cn May e conclu --Presi- 171jing Ed ' 4; wid,.,jhef-� wt!r Pat iat 80c" d, 1F� .4borri—No 3, alliere§'11.)dsit ii on. ,On slon of ji�n, f9rAhe, �pas�[, week.,- Th Stewart says, the man carried theclii� en" Ing s,acccssip an, oroe";ijl, in, n. -It is understood, how- th -:two M T Ccd" 'r 3 two inexi", S�Wrtied, for 'the ll�lds and'. ac-' uriderliis ooat�and,'ttiat it N di 6646 '4n?igh -No, -o'na"rc to Lo, d' yos, n aged b, ever, ttiat, hw not,. bo When be. Its wilt gen, for., the,Rusisfo­ p!ac0'4 at :Rev��l ifir,tie Gulf,, of 'h and4 e Wsr and told by Ste,, A. �Pv6r �L� Mwlitoba,; oatentsi Fj the �Subse 40. st quont iintei�- crime. 6uh, but, in the. �tr6ggjd. the clo.h. Icriminal Yi. V �bak� jij�lj-arrmefon -fluna. nal tkoub'cs� of - Husslajhis #i0e, ing ward '30; Wilij '9�-b rulers -Would�hkVar­b( _he -Me ay�ta Avjhlen -Me -saturiltA rd' voy-al-, yacht-�V -Patkfitsi o Th to a- - 6�, e LiCT III_. k or cy�" W '�p n I d- -ang r� h qarl are to 'nit; and A &rf and eseforte­�-by ri ard' $Wiking ttwart' over ifie as the:,pitin 'O�Uts jnt4esjk-d W club d taken ZIJ,46�41,' baftker,. 6hartgpdt a 1p r Alid. coll, " ;. I: o d -2f lith sw to ',The blo%i�soihewhdt Aft? ged him,: but he jo the,jence. It is though tbat''Mc�r- will 2, 64.y and s� PS f1IhV �G litick hiad:r6bloe� as his,chic o -his assal -L.WlWAe ifiS i KA Y tbe'ita -made hours,Wdw 7 i w mixed -47Y d f ae' d W], N TA EA - ed tlow afNr i4ow, Stewart'prote as that the� dayr, befoi'el- St f, 44 "best d wilWIiis. hands' and ofthad rei%h` e . -d B lio'ooul d7cofii era'16' one 9 UN1`1`ED ..5TAT-E f lit irrbin whic compg rr CM t .4 trie "QJl Sho),wr e the i.. IS arws,'� NY it videfice -of the.. oom- a big sale of hogs. � - % ;,:�' ^ I - Na- ho 'the -bkliered- and bruised, It turns out that, Mcoorrfficl,cls.' real The ension -of ',the Allegheny 'Th Jurdr I leav -of Pit b WbUI&'hd.ve-'Un&ubtedIy been ritiffie,is James Young, and is the son -of t',onalr'BaZic tl-,e GAY ts Urg: of s6uth(irrit TRY PRODUCE. LA6.4 ANfi-LASSES PUTDOORS Av tj fairbrs'the out6or n* life.' 'Early COU Wr,li he ass .1 form er re--idnt, of 13�oc cvllle� no v- 1p I:, a 4x,flurnitted"liad, t fluitli oticalij, Without I Undq bicorfies thipk� -d, -NIGHT in 3 ing An -Os, -N -recently re:' -Sevn.-young di-9wnq -Wbso1esaIe-.':quoI4t�ons. are: wego,; 66,verid with W �fc Prao !call Clacr�' servingseveral , ea�s peo' ii�g6eing 6-idilon �r� W4edllesda aX.e.'16Wa., 4 ring. j ermome- K,M.a7n-% unti he ef-prm tory for train a: hasty ),qtreat into -the: in the Elmira R y- 4iver rises a ve reezing fia d Skiin Parti e Cqffinah", "a ta P�xpected. wrci6itfn i n4par, OgdehsbUrg and- was- r C 1,%Veek' E� es, Tjjat ;Spepd ird� tho,,diiii-ices 6f-raffi are ne,fli- niSC i 26o tva 2' C; t ay-Wil't 'ble 'Snow -is not., ta�ien ',seriously -by .r -eami�ry, prIn o 2�� : CO 'd Wift: blood.* tMint, h le Liiod is't i Fairmount, N i 'Re -oil e ...... papol ,)kid 9, the HoUr$' QIr s do &6114,3 ---- ------ y� airy pr n s ... tempiarr * * *-L-2w�­ .. r 'I. ., . . . I . I � aFtfv 0 0. G Ids. 'MRS 'f T fill. ag(, -2k illt�naire, of- lage r616 WAS- REED' ft- WOLM xV1iNNE$S' E.ET A 1.0 BE drug. exp I' at tr(lark' paper, w1w has DANGEROUS. . ...... prter, was shot by, its s&I �vrlter,foiir a e Floney=,Stralned s%adY 4 1-:10 to 10 ter 66 *y , sl� N -A-despatch! fi%o�n�-:S<)uth-Norf4)llc,-.Conn., mari ing, DopJ11g, in Christignia, giveg 7A.. -tur- A ails and P ng ad . count or. the,liberty a0dorded a, Una' tcach,4�r. er, potin or 60-�ounil- P f skatchew. Identifte d' ,�LALko ki' niests t0q­ place eye ry r Yea bringin I a.50. sp C di n 1-laf of-7arfirk and 1116' 0dr bacill tioes.--C eN n of MIT, �Bello 611111 ss flil., d -up -on f --- calls soblumelfr;E Oy. ag I �Uc 9 from the moutlit tracii ikl� or t b . z miles teeth, di;5c tl� me 11 a so—Firm; 14c I -or large. alid'- nts lite an over' thent th d ip an' unusu-, hf�� Werp found bxi Tuedday ii. th6 ashes fai- men an wrmf rk 0 TICT 111,Mg wbi 14 X c i, their,-pdre t t 11is proves to i rt o3me 11 -an youn ;a y Derie bou. a-`mojith e�-.th Guinness -horne. fox, twifig, jil, new­�Ioake,. - a.Tn of'all ages,'and y6ling I GREAT BRITAIN.'. I all peirts of No try,in g eXperi. t. i-way without chaperone ult nfg an end, se4eral days. -Pp ease Y t. ; �rp 'As a res mes, a oLin, to for pr. ginu Alan �4�, Dui ilic "that .. I r —rir­­3—uxVd head, 6f,"'cattle n.. -a Mrs. Gtfinness' D the 'an4, tked� - e,--benefle theL.- orm &t- -4n ti rc�� r -v-4Qj!sL vill-be--41scont nued in the- rd.dnd.-tbe�:couln try in,-,bune -Ixr gallon. ZK11. le about C"JOY"Lli'd. it �e -the3p hfivy. —Tfi condi. I t; qj it identirval tile Join -1101 -d--- 1" 'says�! thilt- the, freedom aLlJoW4& I he.. lqwer ite'l3ritisli f ti fle 1.1 , III '0oie a ppesr� -g- To mfi�e J# tW -Per-J011 1. trj'. t full t �e "or wl l, &Iod. Straw:-� SOM 'Lizar wit], the on, We&es- ed' $12 'fiter and youll o' have 116 '4,,%vorse he lo ower plat,6,' li . Hay­T-Im- hy'.Ls -quo - S. l�.� team whi 6 erbs�stng a- [he 1 aving frequent) Bal.&4 A le,- co panions ttiiey off w; pe 13rPSsi4j�. e`ffiactS, �Sp(�d;ally in the su*. evon: long trips., Was dti�, and w6nt down. k + oil'Sdt- Pon ais-sudder f S194t, PROV ... 6NSr pqlable u f- iiefiL4 of cJ:lth*t4:;anJohg tile wo-, -��­bog 6buut: hly:,miles north, tit' f befo�e he ve, dentirst. Tissuln,+ pr N,6win Fri6nd ''a r Old pwit,.es�u8ually; 4LjJtli'of�jbnjl'je 01 N;6U—e eS I Mon. 1.6646 tb`,6)in. During. a certificate of d urday a[ ;.,e half -day se fjt� t�ejilJ orIn rfi�iilar, he says, .'it Seems ono jurning, over o sions. f the - se, to f& his sti he, 'wa's f tho-b&cly by'li ri�et�rti6tisiil,:by'be6L,��t�ings. b-ools 'a. ve over Ili W1 Stiort'ell"j, $tj.50 per -bar- Almost every city in rway h _;ls aby a largo,jjaek of wolv& 'it to' The,, Mdreb re'less. 17,relegraplt� up and Iast,until f in the mu- hier. re, a . I M4. m... a lial mli-61�446hlifleal ion- -pal1-y-,Iias-A�.o1edjDj esslo!$17 50 to $4 presenLa ntim,�q o women id"-- in -the the, ni 9 . . 1 11 .()Oo- pre er- :L -to' Iss - - t he, --X256 .,found Ot',the X,7500,M by I d -of All through the, country for v6s, :we hisz C,. f the bodies: j - � womewaielo ekercis6 . . . I I �Sr _ the 'joU rney oU . ..... n1l, a. day iU!A9*b . I has I�ing rd has wi hdrarwn e](0- 'th rnc Ise by the time �woi "persed Lee�n h Vers 'the ves ro Y' cler'� bac0d, 14D c, ns arid Ill. the,in, g. �uali granted 11 .07 Shir fake 'rIefu&' o'ver 'night' �11L' -I! r oN�%'�ki ... some- lature. StatL I,'. 12c.. to, 13ry f es� own em 11. Icy i�] UniW is Gojjsgl��Itt- -01 'acks IG a wit, bain�, hird-6, 11yc to 126; b c 'to PL.E L! RUSSIIA NE EDS 81� of th' i� �sjvju�ders, 9Y id: CAUSED rzifik 0 oI G Irions-' but tbo'gre�atep 15c; RAL, farnier& --who .,r e-ont oa�Financo Min tee AxitfioijiiOi romign dn BENE y f d e a, qica 4., ou, ZAI T jes Willi, SA over gm less tha e mte of. from.. Dottli Lop 111to isaster. -Cove �).atch, f OOK Tb' Swiss, rninent-is-l' 77 11-abSit) tile. 141- , " - .�­ ­ $�160 ON 1)Uting a, bill providig-for ti -69 TO 'k H -ZE 'hr a Seaftbliq It,. eit on a -of a ussian,ga g r`0 -oubgide of.0 of thi Amur PNT RJ dir the cbnstrutcti� biddli ocean var Y The -inhabitants o t the British Men, aa, n Ja -ein-Tuesda -KoliovsofL. C016ro is- rarnpan "among tx is �gt-likg­ V jlcdordin�. to -the depffi� A— j M 4-*11� 71 be'- iiiade, .... .. anuary- rtrces on t fn -but lofo.�t� oft ­41i in.- their V.50 to $5.70;, Win abru whidh they live, terw1i6KE' to f6ok do over Lne after the earthitlilAe 'Was ded& and doine§W 19ilhs- to ra-I6- $400,000,000 d ond flits, $. We, thousan gondarmij§ poWeti of. vision. riSh that live at t' to lm$t.75; tAh Y the King's Ifie sum Mufred, 41. t1le, colistructi(in-of tor�d' throilgholit 'pr. qr. ills, $5�2� ouses in e--subui-bs.- fly, night ve or j�b to nheno,eyes at all -arties, go -oil t'by day. -to, g I, the, glort- gr0t dbpths 'heiv in fay.�f,iiftb f the, bags $9.15 to 'U 25 OX I c I e 4'.r : , �6� enorin sly, big,i or! oil ones-. There are tw-d es n -as 'd in e -1ho.Chinese. robelaln Yunnan. p viethodg of. g 160 �coxbponl er OU :� ., , - t;6r --In stgo.-.: el.ting.616ut in- the;g mie-st �a ��ij%�,ay "lino 4efeavl P.6lied. .,1.0&1"2-75 of Jillt. -Thby 'gor out., in ..the eveiiiing: an -currej. tile coni-Ailies' ;fi the arilly wh4c are red of tguch, or, h6v �e 6pt delicat organs aIrt hthat 'the carthqualco. dtuse4- thb defence of. interests- in. the ds' herb to wate the roo tpen4 eac —T .6 Pho9p Me -91!.ot r- . ! I sight, that 6oiboct.§ equ�wly they-1wer edr paj,-� .. -48c:- I-olbfAel frorill clahn' for dii and d; -.50- oNb 76 to 'Iff trllej�: line Jill e 1(6 0X0 d 611a '46C i"anitoba, rejftted 50!,: North 'Xin&r the UOL 'illptio f fit 4a up ciden al sour fl C a use' and 'man.y m I I jonsl� o trh6'top'of thO as. beco]"I'le,so cooll Th6: fish which live heqr t to publk 4charitics.� defaill smaller eyes than. those, th�'r The kst-case. 2 The ace . OfI6,h. pe, T III ; down. jY�'- f q undr4AMi as- .-rpug iiHm"', the -a fly all, have -W b '' lit b' t QUICes Ub', In bags� 'body thlific§ of doing it of. tthbiry nst the Londoin 50' ihibrLk� t.0-5 to $26,-' ani, b..-Appany'iss es'for 'one cro .11 EATvn omb, of I or,m-. deepe . had,,occupled the -'aj­ Insurnc&* Gill e nwillte, Wo6in F6 , tVith' isappear�,jh ieiA,, n: i",_�n: of & CkinnectIcillf ch-oclso (0 -day were Th cars' re equiped t, itting. tliru�4 30 and 1. ( . , . . I .. I .. . � I I I I fathoms ey(36% of of carr : .4 ��Iods; the dP'th of 206 9 d ' it sics nd. a Tobl*M Odi lboted, the 'Inlig -.4,850 bbx-cs, as coullparc wl. h 4,595 bdx�. iflean- Ing I ent too 1 asrLR(Ijng:l.h jr' 11'.with long rs suppi !I;lu ru '�5OU years, ago. tht-"sime date Y ar­�-- em. lit s 13 sides..- ;U -�ea k rne. Ther6 ate groat'sloping i-eac 9. 'XV 'this ii�pt in ac .15 pluu- ..-enb;�4 oil by Wit n. ex w-vstcrn. qvot -th g -b'Si�ddingOls ed ai'�IV,,c a:ftd, st' <A -snow of�� Wili the -an. ika, L -XV10 superb.'' fleallY ut�;e 6s. 9 to mli, To"w'n Clerk' L10rhert -11- fe6iling PRO$ IGOOD CROK Pit CT& -I -a R'S PffE, Fdif, tFadbjs pur h sel�t-' 7hffim�. re -dozens of s1,Ag--plJTHes--and,- -the- Miey, got of their ge lit a umber La.0 rilp ntia' an 2 uai 11 has fluffiN* 01 live: its 111telifelcial 11a,ve Becill Failillift Ift . rer 6zen-. airls oil y. u or esse Yr.-of,fiav on k 11 - I I xt pribc d cu'.,a :and stvorce, arr" Iad saiO14 kho sa 1 3 , s barre to t That is nalf �,jtlll fr:jI, ..a $2450--tialf Is c -16r 'at. young, men dild:,worti6ii, bit. -n A: dc�pa -oin% Wingipeg. ys.� - 6- &s dild ribst nf�ftn- I, . JUS I h it I ' , d� d rY hwitilted W I k,,.; il V per.ts, fr. 'i I . �'b c c y 01V 1111 as dis onf., alf'.P6 L' tile eye h There is Cl 'allor I t 11"1 le' all' �S ',al 'ge T) rict s 9p9 9 't f. the! Caoad I -�� 11 trial Kir zed, ep aire still to be �reobgnf A _wy. JU6 iiC' .­ � I r 1 1 I A, -e lr f�W ile:,it Wa ftb0j. a I icen­se� For wila, PUT d 1 y2c 1end#xvd, ent as. no b: -jail head. If -for tho .1111silicc. 'k agi.,io regard thiiI� 1011ch acc()IltllW n . y jeep�sea fish,have. a curious. sk4s! - jjc', '6,6ord- our would, lorok 'for and 'thoy. Re ie ing to &Iv- bi'-�alfk . I . . 0'. 1 ... . I I . :Is 11 Cir abotift the'­ bi &A a. coittsifir'of the' brldegroip . zsi, hon l'!j4s­bIow' cio uds to to 56 Vom of hotilows in the All mo � . I ... ing sl a,, AC 'bdg . isture -at, 11 .0 rillers; nIiOd a', kind'of 6eedip'q I's %compiew afJ6 bacon, 450, tor -round -or...,bva $6 a �Rol]Teuljj. )s a t Tave 1 br;ngs. I . - ; - - r. . . a-ttoo!r-diiessed 1logs .$9.50, had beew trfbut(RCiWuW� Ox h tIth oduntry to -be lit �spo p a on, t 'a; Crop prosp6cts,.� In � westerb lilig ded t<),. $6, 1, .;it thr, ad a bul:ry 'time, lerpr I114� fl;itterin h a lon g the their USA. of SUpplie ITED ey dre" apbw�eritl r. a qe� y Increased, aereag All GO r 6es -:to Pr%, cc 118111 of 8711110�0011f 14y, it abundantly 11 U g. jdade me 9-T 8 UN, (161 nibia erviA. and Ili. '.That 1,114d. 'had io'.�Cat. fay Whoat 80�ng. .ach. individual"bas Irov:sjonsl'for,.a: day gans or the pro.dtictiot. 'ofi phospllo6s- .�fr tw -tat- 0 Ir 'US m in,akill. A ds�avcli frd'hi tIftwa Says: The. higher;. No, I $t.0 MuA -,WiITI 17111C 1 ' ' ." 'to roirl tA..\ of' , 500 on d the c $ ar. ...... file is� pip I e tha t wn.,off' by ILu 'Gern�4-lialier;: o. 2'. V0ifte' 90c; '. InK .f,.0 t of I t the P Ralf BlIbek-'of 'AV n Strop pi6.a`re;4dIJ&,.o4 esa, a. som itin Cat, wh i 1 there 2 ni�x-' give 1'40asuty, 16M no 1 11 ed On total 6 vet, ivls 6f Chillise r� a r f6t rii V od .59c;' No, 2 white c.� B. --e3 11 Xlow 'I' $500 on ei 1 .6 things ays. woro 1;. hil-k4b 1-1 * b; I dn Ii-ii0c, when )Il %'4C� ill powl?'r 0 heir desp t an to &)a. Rye�t The, �sido of M-ain'.Stivel. Ent (i 'lie not � III it: tile tax too -s Under I ri ; ti, �9\11 1011, lMaY. it '�un-.51l' i a sin'tic light. min; rid-btilf to. -British (101-! I' C I'mslay n,ght. har4, A LOS inen lie I main. n ro anately $100,M, and not, lu NO the r I, ro r. I c I It �ao.4, Irlial., -if ca wero WH,gliVs. offici�, 64, W.. I. for, liehig �lililf. the s0fri Was a tpn `IU� 6f -L.bth sexos are bui ff�. 6 tj 0 lot-, The of IQ taf as 7a 'Co rk Co. to A ly If' do"n't. ��seet what J., W. Frilse I-'&- i %3.�. wll,� reSr 6b?b-(, 11 to 1111'Ji or-ars, K25 to fell Hali welt-, t1s, 101-' Bill. 'couldn't catch the Ihing. Itild �10 id: "w n a to: $3A. I ti,,o 0S false k0h." oflie�6, lid& F. N li�s( An' MY. I W14111 k bUt j -untwIdIC., 4; Novii:Sc0 I. nn I, c,ot it 1).: 111 tile. I (1 '3 beds of 'jilt N' I I's fily YOU wow did Iiave-,a' hant it Yi Bye-' Northern�V.10 to jr.j.j��- fihd6 agai I. In the 1- ji boat; '3 ly St- MAN N tfelv ill 0, 1. nover wo.q. Q1. $1;07Y CU ,; jils, why 'n, it, r g ot :6f Course, —U a. ))It' A.- or" .2 $1.05 Mist Cva 011 _R -a hilddejp-�ia: to a W fill, lifin I If 11 lull, tdo CA, cot An' t��nid 16 'flip P, RAILS. 14a d the `s14 11 fro I, Cod 1hat ho'bad., hot "rea elled "tit -kc It A IIN x .C. No R .1�0 Wreft Undo" says Prime Sh� '�rb Uldn' 1, 101 P whe p.. I said, espa c n r6'plking n ", Nlvediles�, It was ;'llid, ple" we hold. hilitrd. Witnigtor 1 As bit )I(,. li�d ail open mInd.' 116 wttsnware, ri day- l4,.'M6gdt16A flivdi1bg \v'9man lif- wo-thirds of his, A iA h9liqf0i from PhIldefli'lil 'an death, io IIme t intended lie Govern n Tlk-Mldy ntrht for dm�'. to a 11.6 odeclarItion films that it NEW TRIPATV"W110 BRITAIN, In the rlifiliir to dis- Ililprollexis ve measi , iit fWill ljot'fitt pt 10 illflU IJCe Its 'electbrhl r6iorlif t ljj�itioii is, I ic r and thal should bn but will hil 16 tr film4 Virovides IT& rdgd,b6 xt AI'd ThA dejilo� tto'llietin. that oil 'it.§ aid;6, 1 ho. stiff a-thia ptopo4ed, lif-by* rubbing hoaltIV 'A f60111 illig off V8, the to tilt- Goy6rinfildfit.s. S" Ulm Was itipork 4eiribel .814c esd Aiii. awl uhmust Con 011i apptoximi)WIY; Arling Socnottify of'.0stalo Racon'zin inr 4xh. -iroinall ltjjIjrNj, 1011i: heart, mgoverl Ing k, In lilt, th , tijillie rntfthe women the wurl� N the kh�ui&ts aiidcback� Tho A n -h. th !pro- (lay signed h ttcaly wh0i proyide- It �f as 'fte, i !)JAI ; tionq f4 tho, C,\than�,6 of ptisoric�g i4ingor� k�aped 'With only 'a bi -cs 6: elc WTI(', illy sai Will botainly in e P�,emler, Was, che6riully Inj U�.i cause in. anflalli4oft of .110 st�1114�11, �Iiqbf for sahaw and W1