HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-05-20, Page 51.1
' to Obilf.stealt,00/40,0“1301'ne*IthiTarratitt i
''•*4--dittli'011nitleleat'figVA0POIOLIOL To ete01; OK
* reyenIk5 te;soerthae.te let it T.Ita'altdbe
Att.bJjJj0 Cara •11••;eiterwa.rds• • 'To home...x.0,
vonJei VIAearn ereal..lt. doOalr, aeisted...oaltiLlioW
•laliturearlitt;•.4101siatier,e Otaft.trthalr.breldr. pt.
Off !t/leseiearl*Oalds., fihat's.titirelY 'be4er,,
,.._at'OY4lY the?, ore...esillad.Preireauss. • . -.
•r,'"rel#40#4tePAIe'etkOdir:Cald'eares,.,1/04itko,„, '
no ph,yelei; nothlegifileitertink. 'Mee for the"
• ehildierp.,-ottd..I0OranahlY, safe too. If you „feel
.ohtlIY,,lf Yea 840efe,11794 ao,1,18•411 over. thiOk of
rratentice. PinnedgeestilnOYOlso,save,half your.
weal ilicknees.• And .dont forget your child. It
,there.is ,tetrertermess, .eitybe or day. IfOrain nintW,
-14taltee Preveittlete gmest e
atfficiency. • .13eisi ial
-.. Aes for . the -.Docki4, olso la :2e boxes WI itig
eattett.' InsIlit eta You.r.ditikaists itivOloa: yea
, . . ,
• • '
4t4s,,e4.40.414+.4.444.... •••,..44•••••••••••••••4.•••••••••••••**44,..•., :
armer. treatheriaat hand•_and.light weight
UNPEUWg4.1(idlrbit-in 4C.rnEtlict• We stark.
Ladies'. Cotton Vests at 15e,' 10e, lie and ifie
each. Four different lines to sell 20o _and a,spe- _
eial 'at this. priee,'-'to se114 for 35 leents, .At ,
W e have- eight varieties, 'Long Sleeves. Ealf
Sleeves, No Sleeves, Lace TriMmed, and Full
•Dress being represent:__
Large Sized Vesta for Stout Ladies are iii stock
at 25e, 30e; and 59.cents...etteh.LadjeDrawei.s at 25c, 35; - -
40e, and. 500,
r1ji.s' Fine QualiV White Wool 'Yeats with long
sleeves a,t 75e.
Ladies' Fine Ribbed Liale_Ves half•,alesve
310 ".§rebiriti:at: • . •
. Ladies', Lisle Vests,• rib* 4n4 plain, 500 & 45c
Children's Vests, half 'sleeve, at 1.0e to 18e: •
Childten's• Sinimor„Waists' at 250 and Sfie.
Empress Shoes have set
a standard for style and
uality that has •placed
em amongst.,.. the highest
c Work. -
act Magnet
for the better class .of trade.
the Empress Shoe invari-
ably comes back; that's
why .we sell them. -
_ .
----11-17&tton as fol—v as 46o,
-talbriggan make, a great:
we at 50e and articles or .1.00 per suit.
_are 'also. priine favoritee.
We have Melllagmttaraderwbut 0L11 priiicipiiJ i4eiIe':
Our "line Ela,atie Wool Lines at. (11.00 and $L25
S eclat
le- nen.
• Italie you seelt! that Linen that ,they ,
sell in Murdonh'S store ‘? If. you buy it 'you'll. be
Wrirtnin'and.will want. to get ,sonle. more. 'Why?'
Because We are selling a 60 -inch Table
worth 40e for 29; and 'a 70 -inch one•:•worth'6.09
arm Weather
.:Wel:•have the largesh'.range,:. Of fine • Oxford --: -
Shoes ' and 'Slippers in stock that we ock , have -
_ IshoSzia.'2, -Tan gad-..!lrewtt•-Shoes -anid-floaery-to-;: -
• • , „ . , . ,
-go. With Ian and :Brown Costumes,:. but . they also '..., .
' :hahrionize ', beautifully with Various shades Of Navy .
...and :Green- -as-•viell-..as-steneklight.76OlenaRlaek
Jcid,i.: patent,Fid,,and,-Patent-Polt.,Shnov*ith.a7,.
range of fine Cotton, Liao ina:C.4,i4iiieje,'Hosiery • .
: in :plain; 'ribbed or fancy weaves. ',No an Alec..-
.supply:One-.enitoniera,....,*ith-CfreA Dino ,or Pink
--'-Shoes: azta ‘Thise';:tlf-Wilitoh costumes as •desirect 0
' T-Wco,-:niee' lots' ofT-Mileies'- and Girls' .chOhnlitte
• Slippers have eonrie to hod thit4•vieok: '-' .,, 1 ' •
jar -Shoemaking 04 imsitiii.oi done by
Young in this department.
Stere closes at•6 p.4. styttp.eltceit Sattiiday...
. /
. .
:-That tiram"
e each Sad, allfeel-thafilettil-z-:
the:nig.h6 nonne, for restfAnd conut it .';
o great privilege,
For whjcl3 wo 13%,7 We're ble§igedj • :
Blit.oft indrearn and we're disturbed
.No rest:and ,wien for morn,
. • As I had been the other night
Was dreaming of a stnitn. '
.In wonder I Stood and looked
The clouds ware_darkialLblue,-- • •--L
The ealinleas a dead ohe,
Not a 'breath of
1;•' Wive* iVail coming), •
For -the2:eloudir.didlicap In tear.
I And-iike4ites. obseti-to '-
1 The *Ind did start to Wow;
savc" that thATiv"ira:716:::::
-ivoideTed,for a good Plane:
For (Ale ti) !Olt and.: hide.,
stoodi.looked' in anaasemenflp
hlTihnospoera was 'dark befote,__
th0 Siglais I did behold,
For IIeavenwarcl r did
. own did come, .
With fear I fairly shook.
I thought that time, was at an end;
As theplauet slo*Irfell; • •
The tetrok that canthe over '!•.tne
-,--NO=,mort-11:tongue-•coul4 soli, f
I sew. that planet. strikkihe .ear.th,..,
Aad then r gave a scream.... '
A puntthrthen got on the ribs,
"Wake tip *you
The like ""il never seek.' •
6414: -
WE have them A "lat
stock of Ladies; Gents and'
(hildren'S Shoes 1 ust 44.11v-P.ct,
In the lateit'stA34.
in all hinds of leathere,
N4re have put In a large
stock- of., Children'School.)
Shee8;7,,,;The kind' that -give '
long wear for a short- flee
. .
• , -
J. E. AUNLW Luckn ow. ()
Days of Dizziness
Po 136 to m h inca pe e. ,
• There are. day of •diiziness; spells
of. drowsiness, headashe,. sidettehe,Sometiaies ,
rhetimaie Pain after
trinery"trouble. ,
, You are plainly told that the "Cid-
T-1166-thilttineji Pilis etre all Kid
Itineartline,...L.Ook,-,:eityli,-.14.----hadAtried- -
numerous remedies.. to s.releive 'MO of
dull, r- bearing down psi* that had.
, eat tled across the . small of My • bank
All-floors;-iithetherearpeted or not shou
• ••
makes them clean and ealthfu
paint -744e floors ancl uso.rus g.
Instead &carpets.' .Polished" or,paint4d floors with
ruas are both
Artistic and Refined
If carpets are used don't fail to paint the floors
Woinall who has gone through the back -breaking
process of house-cleaning, year after year, knows
how much easier it is to get rid of dirt if the floors
are painted.
Instead of 411ing the cracks and sticking to the
floor, the dirt collects on the smooth hard surface
• and is taken up on dust pan in a jiffy slick and
clean. When..,p linting,floors be sure you
V110M1r-S- HOOr -- Paint- -
Succeseore tr,"
ORS. KENNEDY & KE110011.
• treesses find intliseretions aro the eanso
of More sorrow ainfctiiinittig than..41f other
diseases totribined Vo sea the' victims at
vicious hanits on lyery.hand, the. sallow.
1311)1610d ftico• 'dark cireled eyes., .stoopino
foral, s Wilted devolonitent:.bashtui;_Meinn.
cholla oinintenalice antrtirrad-bedring pro
claim to all the _world Ids folly itinttend o-
letiee. Our trent mentposit •
ly cures all Wet& Men by overcoming nod
removing tho &reels ef former indlderetiond
luid'exceases, ,It LopS nil ardins and' 411iet:11, ,
' restores the vietint to.•what nature intended
;IthenIthrielithartik-initiWIlh phySidariM-
1 • tat and nerve power coltiplete. • '
402.1 '',OcirovecilleYedra ate; tC & lt.
14011il 'treated with the) greatest atiebesa•011,
fnIf elideases of tile ri-and
...14'g It you Inive nu y seeret.clisenSe, that
Will Worry /mid n niChnco to -our health ,comailt
Old established physicians who de•tiot hard to.
elperintnet on you , • " • • ' '
itiartinteotO Ogre NERVOUS
111,009 hisEssesi,StRIOTURe, vattcooett„.
.lon Foe. If Unable to • Write, for ''a
. .
qUatstioh,TIlank ter.Ocone l'ioannent.. • •• '
Located fa Our Otv,a Office Building.
s. Et4NE
or Michigan Ave and Griswold St. petrol .
and extended -,,around -ray -sides 40.4644.0004,44414.44.414414.4--
'couldnot stoop over Or -lit.aighthn '
• self gesdaches. tinti 'spells .of
dizziness were frequent and had often
left Me in a moo miserable ,condition.
I 'Ws languid and yi:Orli out. •.Myreyei
*.ork:korsp, And felbas though they ey-Were.
Al red • with pa'tjcIar of sand.-
learned- of 11:teeth's Kidney Pills thrii •
preouring them
it Mr. Coeke'S Pharmacy 1 con/tensed'
their use. 1 was anon convinced,. of
gieir...Weederitil• merits, ;my bank
strengthened and • the pains jop'.i.,
•Tit'eV. headiehel likOV-,itie • disappeared, •
eta.' I barn. net..beau :tronhied with
any syniptOin'of kidney trouble since."
-Sold-by: dealer4-. Pries • :59 tents . .
The RP.R.mik Co Port Erie, Oat,
SOW Canadian_ACen ta.•
• • . ••• 1.!"...4114.1144,•••••11,11+41.1914.1141
You will if you lotiji .
On° tsicleof th'e .01d Rcljable. don't: have "strain.'
'-4rout .0yet:te Seleettartistie. Walt , Hangings in, nit storm,
The ate& is composed .of the*st" desirable patterns ,
,and 'newest col*, itinufactiaredby the -leading hOnse
• on the ;Continent It .is astounding the number ‘ of reotni..„
1.thaT'littve' snpoliedi far and near, and .everybody
fied. When yeiti,litiye‘istiOstrxhrOngh1.00filrabnande:.
, that quality is unequalled and .priee,bel,ow the 'ordinary,
-don't forget:: It is.alsosatiplattory. to know that, there
*as net been' a ; single .,;eotiiplaiiit i A the jewellery 'yet
• . pairing department. Mr. Welsh 16''glidg6,1ty inereasing
trade in :everyt:4ade4n-eveiy direction, and we, 'itopo to •
• cornPass the conntien•Of :Huron and Bruce..
• . Of '.Watches,. OleCks and 1,ewellety
,Saturday. genuine •offer by
• •••,
• We- have on 'and at all times et
large and up-to,date stook of arniture,,
'cotaprisingthe'besVntake§ and. la -test .pett-
terns, 'which we are offering at :Reasonable,'
P'e deern it rices.: :Aindly eall and inspect our stock. •
dpiOaSoir toy*Ii.at&goo&N.:
irTietztre Irainj and repairing: done
.,neatly and promptly • •
' •
our • stock Of•
T1' t
er a mg reeetves our -prompt
and carefal` attention;day or
• •
. • .