HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-03-11, Page 277 'T -17
4 4 v 11
By -'the right,,"Idild of sho, ing
4:�L- lz� --- - �� =,
"tie' narwot ve uld di'fects In'travoling may''be ovef�com
it ake,'
VVI pot, saw, blacksmith W)
1`0 �4
;S 404,- his, bu, nes;s,jo, shbo,heirse
ro Ar,,.o I si
-dam. wu ,
station," rnn�,
wtls a w011wlighted ri, vatymUCH A, VAN P,
go �e4ting Wit'
1ho Pdetforrn, aO�JAA which 4hey -bqd and lealber �p Y.
he-, ria,
49' Are
dj1.4wn 'h I ED 'IN TIM �COIJNTR
Up "rtly 'W
whiter tw ep not,, o
11 W PM
"'Wv Wa
CA .y
M4,4ftil, I M man, 4311 a�lil. !Dil.Zr grmi' food�' -A
rest �41e`SS, SilOr", got ps. When qUal po�j e 'jVjj
-r7 'hons arg Crow -into sniall Wo
Wo 11 py
tile 7 �aj ,e ax
-a sh did s us%, with ittle Wr ab
GRA they
as, 9 jget Li
.1 AT� e very, apt to, tbat:�pip fed
Some tuts- hayoshbw& d
Ing �un Or, conditions, somewl d
aDING CRENA d;i� - ryn " i4q, as
toi 44, that, pa eIntaloe i0ro
A be
L I rig nss rbj W14131 a to 'thc Finla d'-:::'
AM Ise ngrow 14, tha��, flio-se'led on whorain, t4
_In tb ''I -1 , 1.
p eceptloe Cream a' that gibod- t
+ ++++++++—+++++�+++ ndyears,ago
, ' I . I rl� Rm in 910 r#er, ;tvill �mAsticate the orwIn nthe �'eenled e, preyal Ing isyst
t& be anxius"
when all cr te, thzinay animal -,will -when.
fi�) Gpeak W s,uppa jn�sitch, iy,luch,b-,.t r
great. issatis- eatio sj �t'
6� travelling, oolnpanj�6m the
cert, As last thingi In. 'pw#r, -was thcm,'.th6-
As 011;a,had -hb Wish to faclt.can,swallow
any fr g rd Pigs `4wa�s
awkw lon mong us�)y An� people adopted'*niversal suf a 0
4t,foi, tilt 44shI66:: �Ipnq, S e,wltlidrew-� into � her cor4 %P'hnd n
-out ,of ir that. the 1pa tood Once Olive, niad6ml, mpoti,7� nly'fa made wom;�n toIs. Quid re-' I iin" the
hiO her fa e i4d
the, era I 1 1. , waTdO the iloo iplectta`in: the. -body
lovThere distinction -,or�sex a
d mem
�d �Shi&,bgan, to Oiai for' seine. than ;pat.. by', the inill is unq
di Is n
A woman, In a'y hold any. ohle
reg"t"the sell Ing 0 h'
fbre',sho, qu#6.: d*exceV on6,, that o gover;,
"at that-AettOr�- W I . I I., , � I ' r '']' - 'U'S
warn, :her Thft clani�e' ba4* r0lls,.Sen ln�, in erlor,crem. ably n6c. tiry
Pen W", ls a, s4
But. -I is On, 'far
ry or, im - (eral;" i�hlch is filled.Lby
It' and tot his yi.thA :was! 1 r' .11 ' I . 'd'' " j m - , - the ap,
"W an -o mu� 4ps a great -h CZ1r to
d have, � he _h �btztter to have w ghii -,�, the Iilowi ' f 0 of, the'! fil " a I , ` okintzn�nt of -t 6 ar
orke&'completoly n, eng rke,,�,,4pq tli�W a' P9 OMI, the,, �N&� South Vffnag�13- WOUIO-,re.�sult,it-tho-nuffi
he: b Iiii 'in' 'It Ic �Ijtween the "tcracy,,
fill e_, laid, do wft', bk's thei . dead -man doors, t 4 nd,;the -derno
mess �Gf, to bavO, crept Into. the I I t Or JU go, our
d t a- po cemn �o r' h
-w, (1U44 Y or we COL hW,,* K) 41iy :tile Ll t' .
t c1pn;,, ut t (it a,town,*.and there :dpe -bIrty74,WQ, is� i" ' r io' P(�d to 4be. Undon @ma�,ket, nd MOM 1 will -00 in- the. spr.'.ilf �j IL
nia 416141"'by rll tile e,biJtPr-, oop-
son of ''a P",
ave, 0 nowi m ocally, is;: that the dairy farm� s own a remdr)k0l
�to' li- sloPP('4', xl t k quieen day, and th6 more'she ill
Maw. herbon6ty tati vay in,
made 4ber x ighti-h t had, i�oundod the�. Our� anr.'in lb in
some U re.a r' t he n m ber nto, the, ho se. in whicli ylld the :ei's i0f1his:,stateare na,cle -air rif limautse� the g
'nactm registir iletri
-Pla nil w methods
-remember t-ttorth a
cL,'- 16 en her, warmer is he
h 0 jh as 'and the 'crOamiery mallagbig� itongantsi �e ent, �bf radial, a
Ave �-. , , , , I 'I , 4 . , � I ' '
'hey have ppaF.(JsL a nc carried
ng:,-NVIth living, an-d'so ha've': it, is M, bable' that,tso ili�, Id, er �Mv me b it 4rger
s can
ounumber f �egg a'
jg9t a grip, f tfi
at- all'. t liairemoticed h6r b'ut,f&, the through several reform mea.5ures -o
upon i could have., now. fact that, oco,vreq eind. brooded.`- A weak 1,;
or'so m e�l ii-re'hot test lmportalloe.,, Fiffy-Mx pere.
!r bad,' been,..a tfty�, all tseodmd,40. b,67w'dtdng t p to CnY �mlir be fed,'in ter;- but. them
n ly'� a,% thl�g.�el�e', For in is
usuawin y women.''.,
anan o pen ti e a momea. the am,up �o no'-prctflt �Jn, feedlag�-'a 'wieak
egates t hfop'their Cre ant. of the votes, were 'cast b
T ,i4n Onem"' 'a ��cry ',an& a it, -is', to fe-aned, t d at, he firs't nationat, 00
d mom t ction -ana
I h e Nypq hat gueenless colony., Beeg only ent. She we
uld. tce:, fiorty-foiiir' per cent. by tbe, 111, began� to run akhg-' th� platform ;to-' is t4p.priliip I
give e gmat"deal Ur backward- 8 '1, U
I ?r ; f, 60
have, U CaUK q1 and plentiful to nil
fire be 1 repirviOptatives
S 6oedin4 d,ue t he, -prm'sUM '07 wle4l)
',pmbable. that, they. -w TO i.
Then� !on' n the
s:houtLng,�al§o' A a er larger'num r . op, t
in -�15110 her 'at 4he'O t -a fair,,r reur
thO�door Ilext parliamen at7
� :
-:creamk�� n
t� =�
hi d idy at pre.�,��,
the m�btt 'K id ------ 7 rs of thtat-'llcily
'WAr s
Mi6d' ownth6 dirty and igjlor av
h 4lil , �Pxpects�46 111 6.12, Dre 11 adnoughts� and sen�: an only thir y two o the ja dairyman. is Aer had )bo� the it-, and laced bn
a V Mv Other Ships il 192
�crying,someffiing unintewgible. �bel th,up-t"afet
affairs- bad I Thba'. I
-y� �v �a &-NWr
e -lit e., 1.2 r --the --th
pan-' ey . . . . . . inotsKi cent ti�bt f Atral''i he -other� �ruhning 91P
t qu�rs, and down on,' reputation, frers the cop'lidet expectatio . il hat Ge I r fk�, ..re
AhOh, im lit c -a -iot"bur, prodct in In I
the terest 'is -a ]a
�w e he
nirnou%.vote totllyabolisblg,,tha�.
With� thei sjn as� a naval, They 11 tr- �.saj()Q ' n '-
lineto happ rellLwv on 'in ess than,
peat,Britai qur-- affic—'
-a � m !
the charactetli d her e On must b6 ldlled�� Eitheriye estimates r1908,
rus "'I'm
a, din,g line
fa eriz b saw-, h h! great al
ileothing beyohct � the theri,4hei f0k''ni ew tattles
every.distillery, every browery ln'�Fin-:
In-, 'and the Provide e
punger- o"eding train seemed, c-operadve. p cio
ct lights in, the; rc� hi OfIltind. A piohibits th use "as "well as
'!0 are f wholc� whioll, tVI, 1j
The, mo ney'-wo tin le' that thK -the;---sal eeri neandspir-Ituous�
air Advall f. 4- -,-be mIX0 b wl
few- -blittr.:-J Y-1 -6uge w; Our armed 'liquors of .'.,every Rind. It. 4
no- to'Inal�e,a living- of idIn
were. a I piled, up and jumbled aient. in,,erferencc f, a: mu h ffibre'.Prac- small ruiser's,,
�,,alld lne'towards the it;� IhO� we,. requi G 'y
ppen y� re, vIern- eyulsers, hich ei act'a
some a twent� and re8launints, and tinder, a, heavy
4441% S Ulu 6 You lea n lay hold or, that aVer of thi I y gainst %6,darkfiies' and, far-reaching' hind''Ithan We 1rour Aestroy&-s and 6eveh 1su
it " is Wlmarin
dild h
e f'
I k�:, vblce� slid 'doo had he a ts.,
any things to their',simplest cqe-: n a . n penalty 'forbids, thti. importation, or tho,
rs have e distille
carry,, iout use,.or even th�:Pctssession
,v ut L �widl -Beyond, her, trurik 1.6 9uj %-en, and'figures d np The
mcuts.' Ijher� huld remaining, seven battleships are
rains on �e
eaaerde: her containi all that ghe be th4 -gLvIng* thei creamiery, man- now under Constru'ctin -or i i re to -be nd 4nalt liquors.
si e ru 0-"
it even' f6rbids thc� use -of at
iri, They belong -to
ur fath
ager the ab8oluti� po.,�ejr to id e1owi
is I � . I'll, ess�;. .. I I I N., the coilimuriibil 'in �the,churc]10
'Ve not,�h 11. L11
ut� �Vlluiojjj 1.0 ig standilrd. Til D 'I ' 'bb eem below. it -proper.
runn go .,t� about the cr is radnobght type, With a displacement an ra na. gr far rs.�;� Point -h-6 Judeaj :reform 6104c Would' w- rk a, ' : .50 1
eve 0 �ravolutih i;f at� least 18,500 tons., The partisans the sale -of liquor f m d i I
C hais placed, under he, Same re-
lics, �-Ahd hetria- the- liidustr
in thie:� bu
figej in the ot a occupied to st44 at� the.pre" tile" Sal
wl Of --the' state. -a�great:� `,vy ciaim that, and rAgultions as 0
-bi her �cor,
di 0 c rriage'-wlio naa.:spe was, ere� cries, all(]
an would have 10. become sent rate -of build; pst o f po ison
"M, adeMy vow. Ing even the laig s., Spirits for mechani-
A OjiV turned h& d �,9110649 could e heard, and were- QJe&L nianj or, give, �up ciows.,znd hej�p type �of I)attlship, in -cal�purpcisOs milst do(
men a
will. be completed
1�:JP`941 "TRO work Jhat her, in srne' tsurpris, � tile' "Ille"bf goats. -,The-Agner r 11 t
7er kOn v�odwol,ji -,ioi e� 'three -years or two, years -
,,not teli you. -other :wo- .. d ' ant man wou Id : be -a, trille
b:hly I'walt 111ung still. figures <)tit. I t CompelTed tb learn -or, fe, le 1heir imprflitin into the coun ry that
Jig s6rne,`adde man gave W ak little, laugh; and was Avwa busi- less - thamin.. France and somewhat, l6s be
is,entix�ely above:�hi' level. than in1he United, States
they cannot be uscd� for
d injur, to PpPdrent, that
her One traffillad cUt`t§trajght, nS,,,and' il�epeated
slid that the of Olive The. cr�amerj ma�j Id, HEAYY PENALTIES
121Y�,Pllr- Mark. in
wilh the'
aseems cuse or 11 low-grade' the'Navy, these ships will'be ady,'for The� lloe are given unpreceden-tet'
ow a' x
have the right to
sI It travel,,stralght str�jnae b t' Y ed the article, a wuld be' purposes as, quickly. s po
nd �4e,611`11)elled either al
henj vrythin"a L§ s A`E" ` JwL KI?Pert vht6h
!jbnq6 England's. pbwer. They
it yow mOn, at. work; and watch
to, manufactu as-
1sil't it? Ups --and dows t ,�.aqb , Agura sample or Taking thi V- ings, on -�i give Nv011 up . n a ou an -:,a last sawAh arfi,an ai�
U.Li� -Dei,Jicar you ic� new na Y7bill% a. basis p
what, a, bro- step -�and j# ni up t, - rivate d
thel" 'Ltre of ihe� pc'or gp 46r.-CalculaVon, Geftnetnylat the end w f lat liquor is concealed;* there -or is lja-�
'All the' -tv& Id
oea. ig, thon believe thPw, Year,, 1914, wil I I havo�afloat sixteen.. pos , session of,the occupants. The pen_4
b, eries
It was,' -of course,, w in
�gam)':lof 706t,-4' AM 11 never hought hiere. Iiite: me grading, boeca
use All .,'VV.OUId e, new the. �b xW.Ught alties a.—The minimum
-that h read are. very sev
dfhat, ex(rafdin ba ter -of Fat&Ltho�-Fate
'come- ek "to, ad ddgge'd' 0. secure, the highiest cer the ffivincible
tjilcat : Tfii§ typ4i, five"' 'cruisers of L fine ',bf $20an&A maxiblum..: s�
',to, the Pot; Pald'.'a final calip Sh the. 'an so O'bit her lip and turned INN,ay� her long arid
in. way t1li r ehfifum�--New t�pe,� suppottOd: by ten 'battleships 10 enal servitude -years.,
n -'w 0. give h
d aickly what's 7 ind price nay'' Danish Pricej and 13 200 -tions nonie -of thezrn,over w&e N6, provision I,
new y -made ,,
grave, all head,, Olive Varnek,,''watching hcr,,'t§' t ?r qi PaR
what R-
s vv as` I isdrs
t ad sPrung--sudd;enly,A0 itblingL itSclf'.�;6very Id armored Oru 0 �LGndlpn 'there ew years o , And. two priva e.
in her a, resen moht She-: he d'�'.no AV C10,111mnti just' eight, years,old t individuals' Whose', prp�'R�r .
f t tx�oulyler and Oman out; lbr::soilie maiv h n Added to th'iese there Will be t bai.
Use wa d to� 4 CeVered ng on the forogoi g ar-
talk, a6ou -it, th� face. -But* the'�: 6urious�, thing Vele ''Chi&ig' may be &nfiscaled -or tendered 'WCI4"*iR
F I I t, I I I
.H rd Dairy Al hi by' the-Aaw. Every diAillery, H rd Pmduce., says es Ips of' Ille Wi elsbach and, 10'sie
n her life si URI- 'd
mein�. thet�,hand -of the -p
ie vvas� �-pa h -y,, too, -or r esPread dls6ati�fa n cl In, �Jnc, Sense , , " � �g� ls,,� w.
Ahat'-- she �eddp&�, ;d the.Joss, g in, -a -grip anion- thei �Jttllrlors- :,Ma Vopa 'Or &
by oWner wl hout any
f u r so-
ates of her
r Ij cru ers Inen a U
own, hear ,o,t been �.ab.a was 'the' b'a' 'cause i0f'thb Sy�tenl-.geriera-1 eans,,o an,ob -Pon, be
xeturi-ntb Liondcn is pled le e typ�. there Will be no vessel more ndemnification, whatever from, the Gov.
ar-fl"0171',freel asad i6ne, �9 ly 'ado
the t she whi,dh' 0ontatned II- Olive: Varn Ill e central ereame�jes of
Yarney quletly�. �,� � I 1 4
a. In -th
ns 8 1 SaMO-p-r-,"de, 1761- r r,a I eream,--g9b
-app -:Tb 6. buli&n g.
b id- e thing js,'�sijmattd,, will ainollot
a 1-ittl"O gUIP, all
map- anot er'biting,of Thii Is1he �seed b
',for- hei-,, save that Which he, -had lle�; still �heldeclio�iely.�, I; at is -offered. C�rt,affily the' S h e Jps.., 11It*s a curl- Y in Rw ever pas y
He. had carefully arrn Or shei of- the thi fiI h ck n s, cic on, njo is 'ado. oilt of.a total, naval.
W find oneself g� had hus: t certain sum mof 4fione Pro- 425,00,0, :And if the� ollcy� of oon8truct-, f
fil'. .after so
was' t jljttliy -�ears. In trong, the diiiy`intere�l that'
Y af that th jij�ly s
3 h s- gre. Tr Is of, the coun. o xicatffid,-drInlig and, in
r, limited t t Opritinu-
Fve lost ever
k) he w hich should I as Y I Pb lian-t- 0A' Ind four b4ttlieships'a year -is
he<], stood 6par a' -ba-t-1,
e&t,arag but:w
hie 7�
�.Ai D4 V rej a'-prciedent Y, - alw'shilling'. nd rig Just shall continue If their effi6rts n
sbarc lie, and"h6sr'est' blished-
.0 sceW an awful thing to . gtep in, a t
Iremedj, will bO310mains Vail, Germn, -men WI -7f n Is.:Unfor'tu-;
n-- fact, 19 -fare. F isn't, -ri� the dead, but there�s6ejlis I a 'ho t
-APM , 4 1,. ther � Pre- s V B�Mr that 661�mn in n naval —jW
- ( orwar
41litt, she was �totelly �hproi ;q, be a': p t6 . w6ver, tha Md law is so ram
growino W seeing the country at the end of 1020
ded for; it Ilappen as. I. werejof whai she held; such. a sentiment1n,faVorof cmbulsory &akj7 dical. and, diastic, �� because It wili"be:
bad, felt, -that that be' with hi;�f of kriy-seven-battl
aft Or a 1 p au I se to -step, In- an& clal d �" tied In 0 �rifi
ni� the, :Ing, as a vct 1 0 e 7r Vna7j.he,eff
bove, r, f which thirty -to will... et 38 - ing� her life' wur from h vt'rness-
is point 'Of 'a, go bag,'and,.wilk aw4iY �'with It. we fear that this -bun t
and I" wul e gi s our he veto,
d "no t (M, tons lijiM
MY me. ods are, a* lit- argO armora' �zutsets. riklita and the failure to in
-hd the,�e was -an end '-of her shO' heard' a th ah -hung, in.-- the,-- ba�&grbund ]I-- -- h --piwbieryfi
a f A e W111 n
man say 7 the would 'be 4*jstep; ln� fle"old; 1, learn t Wis lad��
fialn'. had, 'Sons- -w s e was, lost a;�sltuatjon"��-sho 1��k('!if , nd'tb;j�, . 1 1 o
b " On Y, 011P,� file! othiflfie Cqry- joldrde'Y; n'd ' " 9'� imet, ad been 'the " k' conte uifer--loss-,Of�i)r'.operty-.--
I hem !zudh �a Ion
1DE 'Th measure. gr1noW
uatraikht' through;.4ha't a, ------ I --
'that' 'Gilt over lhe- dark�nlng, LHE, A
In SupplyL
of no
MaPe,-Aind In.,other
gro. �g and,
od 'and tila ..CoUl n -t- artmento had beery Injure and, a x0as pt,reje ng time-.., i4f the mea§Ure had been'
, , " , g ream,'iof po
�d f
a, tile
7"ritten itturing. all those -to�� j, y f on- or. ng taintied-cream- now rem e� �Sly k,
UCY 'get ;another lt� didh? 'is
Ewink h d itile, bit, f njny ilg limbs' broken;'but there, was sh.
'Jhey� -say 'that 1 13 keeli dem 'being That "a woman
year4 1-0 us s. 'r of fa niodifled, so'.fis t:jii�ohlblt the manu-",
how she h d t1iing 1, that Mi6y can, !on facture end sale of strong drinks, with
grown 4ind I hada!t it E-611 I In tbe wIdO' w er 0 not aff-drd 16, lose, a
Nt pat!. qhquld clealy W1. tll� those for her gfild'and orldi. She oesn seem to have had any- ron by' pr6ss,ber Maonallty' to -those whose 6pir
C, apply tp. I don`t'-kii;ovr why.j! jell 1is crl,-iirn.,,� Bu a . fair. lnd!Dmn
t it M her tittHm I", ".. . . .
hthe last one said -one, man, WulUkem �b UO jh 4hl it. inviestOd, ia tha(:b�sinegs, d
Y,� U this, except perfitl because,. �oVre 'Oyle ra at a' ip
NA74 her hugr, an
which she had orn up---�17&30.11ccfed a'- 'o'm an,.,, who- appeated to be a doctor 'ai§: WWd be better p lit L11 my onayWIc )ell I ON if wit ffi6'.P&1r6n- hand, 44t b6ing 'the ca -4,. You, obilidnAl
all 'the little happy'turns 'of Lent,. over the snlkt�i , n. ^ag*48 of, those who, sidpply400r po,ssibly Imp alties less tseierc, Nicholas'ji. undubt�'
bank -In: the �Jfjht of, a.,janteril, e., p4o *a, repufa� I
that T� si , Ow did 'YOU 10Se 1,
iew-an\Aelightfu te- cio's- edly x�otjlif have
on. -'for quality�4w.0 d umes. . I I I., ; .
OPProved:'its. prov s -
&et concerning a h,
'hbd'ng. "Mr. I S, end t 6. cursg�,iindeir' which- 'th6
? � and - better. "ThO are cer aim
-rested'. her\,, n'btt- deep my lodging you be.sio &.bd As,jo -open, that' -bag fbi the Y elaborate taiii "ants oVFinland have,
that -slic Wnt -got Into: -&bt at
With prices c
v0rY A ereahi&y been' livind
subdtii�d veday'. Then they. b(,r do, they
't tone 11 nd see� If-Allere's,'tin' 'xia Ibn . .. I I L L. I I ., - �, to
tegin t,� g � thes� - I I i1o. - Id , 1 -. 4:il, �- - for Wo 7'
S., I C41 U df. mN charaoler.11
he staflon-mester hneW and tumbled o p y m
1, : do' 7rTt 10 Ili m ved.
htre tell Ul'd -li6Vi6:Mejj 'ke�
frswhat -T'
n iP. the wo It C1 If I I ' ' " f good cream. iha�' ';�Sure-' thin
gc,4, pay- MOM Th,6y- -with t, ag 'an � oripyled M compegto,lis that fl�C,6.pt
1"ift small Tm' frit thd:'b 1 so be' clasp,of th6 b d g4, answered' he mierd
r ' . Were "Ilg''.
o the, at
'66d only nthat, jg, or ofh to turn "AhV, one can readily too that
egar less -of 411,01ty, you Tfavell'i 'a ginglb, tho
bOY wouidIvt Opening thib,,. he bald a rd' i i 4b t. and 9'
0 ', ih^, 1 08 to t -M bon as the Mrm<�rs fjli� jhl� hehas, nb been mine so . m. U&.itlepond
a t last "I ithe' thi 1. �L I - � . .. 6-1- -1
thught, -as she bicode� to, of a
left V ora socletv, desn'
rn-'hands,- and
the m6t. "WIly shel beh '!Miss h
me ll44W, boxes"
tor, Olive r,neyi, WH
uld Ill "come e and ev4*yt.htn& 1, ly GNIE WO)* EAVY;: �'Ikesidimt�� 4i] �1yl 11tea; a nd walkd'but a 9natin
, 4 ", ' ieregi
have 9—* there s
-of this Nv�ong 'The, be� ;with -you gp '10
'd 6ar?-"
17- MY mofheh' a M A, ft We& f Y; nFe-ad
he easy way! t
-fly -isail, through fe, and nd I bought a Tn"hill. agaiJIj at ly it�s On he' level, isn
-of 'There are lots To doctor wrote glowly, by the,ilght' �U I nceo th funny,4boijing �OoAt-
nd have stdrVd: fOr'LoOnd-on a, henpe&ed
e ries. er!
Od London the Olive Varney., of, Aft -
Well, '.her. sliall -coon and the t want
heart is flutte, IT be� bo t --BU
1t's funn dAd. tears -in, Ode on ln6.u(r is� n
ih.-ro are, sighs (To 'be C i Oats ot so, favkable. a tmp: W
r. 'And, P* is 'a d e do-- diecompanying �g.rass ggj spring
I hught e of b6" going back to i�mdon ath�
afidering In stran.
to MO; Ys not -to:, 'DONIT, TVIIN "YOU Webtirley, ed:thjxk
90 E
to- be going acl< glj�St AD
a,Ahe rate of.41 --bu$hel' an � adr6 the
Id In -It q he-hatIffieny, ple eads Yitung. grassN will be in, e8s danger f
Inc than he ill riend. So llox�,'rnany -po6ple turn"their h 1,
op 0. 680 t�etnOe
every,hing rh to' have djed since tow direction. Ili arsmthe6e#�Jly 'Q4, ad
p _.Lo e' ards.tbe, d. oe', all . harcl
0 Was. - ' 61. 1-11--fibiti, , 1.- ------- jp4jn -"-V dow
yV an 'Jorgott-en me." Una U OIL'
676ftelse, to c,(he
�;h-o 4110- Was. kept herse-If apitt. the: eyes � -of th erg to calculate that Ifa cert,
'Mr, Y. ain, amount 4
en't YOU. al aiq?�, 41cd�'Oh 'aje- he kwor
on tfib ot!lf *st qutO still, f VU!on Is fertilizer apt]j6d
Wit to, -a cro
'distant- pro table do b
''that a ctor pw Ing rom
tlOr eswsisb6h that'when we look. eight dube tkurn, U l, the 16 It
ex A etly g1rifif, li,of iig W�e can see In alni;ost
'ngldnd% hdy.,,y�or�.fippr&o I'm only roi -arnbunt Will do
L hey.
With d t otro hi6g, f-md 1 - I I Uble ther ding, to* Is6lect, oherl tit behind �Ijs, �Sight, theory does nt.alway4 eMperat
carelt after. )an a, 1� , Oak litl t uro
doesn't, Am 14 e Uestion our'mst valU4 "Arri-890 iff WfiA 'there 'were xi b ble a prac ice.
P ther Worth thO doing, omehow,�to go .011 Ili get" along, fairly a`c
ss6n*,,vrs4-an easj thing, &,,c well ': 01 late- years,
Planting time aea I Sy I Wft,y. It U
th', If-, 11", , , 1ht L , , I -
te� smell, bearing, or fel� have., Plenty of 00d, sOed� 1 in at a Nth., tfuilding aind t6n
few r.c-. travelli4n th, a U'SO' b U t I�yln'g, I'Mean' if I we at , . -1 0' oublofltll- a Ir y n sg :has gone -our jocy- point
s;ce another to, plant Wh4ld, medium
I'd take itga. &7-4n6w
I _$jZed' L
as , a. litille annygd, ta. mean 4esps and .,t fi'k, I at Ily dead. I So It. be- tMo beadse'At Mll- throw out, a fie I win
=n.'selvt Ill t - : inst vi Min
w ove� u's q1se our sight,
TO do
i stalks 0,d4hI6y, Will gliow, f6.ter ficultY 6 Aoiding cold.
"f`46nl -think �;ou would," said 0111ve M,,'hiolA' hoad AtOady, and rll f
W1100'she thought about her igbfl y. ,youpra tot th and rankeir, and- th� r rer busj p w
dwil 'Plims sh, At elrt, your eyes -a L Uok, in eiOry direction. one t� 1W6 earlier th4n� If -out
e wAtebed this other wo, dorh,t:thin�� 'to the left -two 4�08j writes Woorr6poh
a.fter the tra ft'had Sf&r you're stmng nough,.0' �up, doWb; to the rlghti,
meeareplied to one.dr E M te Is 146
You're, right, th &Otywhdre. All the no ft 0 .
A- i00mfin Msi V40 4 alld dent,' My 1&4 Is Ahis�-tfiat t�a wh I � . , ole - so,'. that it I
e-61hr,. is ea.1ily a . s Shb had to OrWrlo� 'will be' atrendthpn4d Tfi .. 1. body " *'I*th.
a lita, q4krt�- 1h atftlk'� un4il it has heiter
ill tft&4 bl - ack. 1W tht bAd in 40,� will be hnmasur'04. lmprbv� ljn�Wint
PFMa Van t&td W be zolf'sustafntng-
lain: M(Inemeitt of te�ce and. and dijitill of ObviOuSlY AL .961WOWoman, freffil: �141 r�
Qe,�4.df be ex- and thkV6. Is dangl�r of cold fro elm
no itandatill SU 010 Y 14 W44h the eel
etlj ball J, iln.4. It t6ko 110 again', ATid I havi�i b'O4h qu ught. Thbn b'delho Ond 0-W 0 ly a 66 dqs to bad ilb, lg
gage aitha6ktfiat famjjWi� .&a �Sgturo igMw & &60 Y4DIL
might fitive -been whole, fdir-Alzed- wed Small 80A or hal. - -6 ^d �1� the' ugCOA
Plac� guard's ThA WOM01 chatter�,'d ow in th Jnoofi.�
n. The chief" thlhg.that 011
v6 Var- sitq4nt piotatoej� cut to one.' by, will grow, a,
dt ice that thdy
nOy no�-Ioqd about. h6r wig the agiite 11110: nlartkd Inoney fair crop,'biit,
wowd 440 wh In' 1<)Vrly,L and Al
fact that ��helheg- What Sh4s didn"t hi6ji, 4"N,
h (' LL D 1§
He 1ht 00 9 up Rr .001 9160 AND $10
Wistful ahy!60 64 igh�lil(f read, i9lit 110, W84 n1dirying Mney,
WarfL11- Wk �Upon now 4U t� ji y nxff mothing 01% "em
a , �U so to titniid a w& 6� more'withoat t4 that MVAh an,