Lucknow Sentinel, 1908-02-05, Page 54f
U 0
ever -poeltivolyneverpotson our3inits.
tX1ough-raven tom n eiruple eolet 041t1.181.1
Y�iways howl soothe;' and ease the wited
ohjal tubesf l+ion't; blhidly .sup ";:IE.
itnpefying poison It a strange how
iinaliy come about. 'For twenty years r
iisa constantly warnod psople not to 'take
intztureq for 3>ic- cripUons opt
Chlo form etal itarpolyona and uow Au
late hough—Congress saia '"Put ft n; the Ir •
Do n are in your Cou,h Ddf " Caoo l
IVerygeod 1,! Hereaft®rforthisri�ea
and otnerl should •tnsiet on';hairins D,r. 6hoop
hCo h Cure No ppoison marks on Dr Shoo 'a
&b° and none hi.the medleine eldelt Inst •
be on the labol.- Anddt,e ne onikiiid butts i d to'b9 by'thpie that known best.'a trot,
arkable Gough .reinedy. Take no chance , en,
particularly with' your children Insist on ham -
Dr whoop's Cough Cure. "Compare cai fuUy,the
Dr whooppackage:. With.' others and; note th•
,difference.: No poi�'oon marks there!•+Yon a.
111way4be on the e$fe side by demanidinit
Lwn iennan!•B'tibbers prices !room $1066 to.'#3
;:a:pair:Nen'A Longots
Bo, Freacb•KIp Cbrome
tCra�n std'tike best split 'coot; on the mitriCet..
started on $aturday last, !but .the storm to some exte-n't- mterferezl t
people coming in, and also' prevented: the prompt distributio
cireulars_. t rough the, mail But the storm is now over and we
teen days
rinfg.,,, This . is less than resent whOlesale
Pieces Oi_ Flannelette, a large varie o and prices o go
:; H: Hilker of':`: Port.;Eipih is; 40(164,
;of Bruee!'Cuunty for 1908. . Haia be
glnnln hi. 8i tell year a+► inecubec of:
theCo intp Cutincil, sand from length
,f' snrvacP ir; ;eettain1y entitled to the
honor. ' -He had=aet for- the=
poeitiotrAgainet--S Parka of Wiarton .
fiat won"'out•r¢lien Brink ofTeetwatkr
cad his went over to . Hi17,.
icor .;-t- There• are:. 32 -.member.' of the
county council and' bwo' were abi eit
Moshier of Eaether and,Alex AMcKm
non, of .Tiverton I. Shoemaker, of
Pafeleyi too a arae vote fob eco_
jean mega¢ger.--oL th`eJ;_conn igiOuned
]lc< -Crow: mea nom nBted bili >teugneJ
The;chair men`of tha various'commic:.:
ie es aro : Education aaig printing, .Dr
Chesley Road and" bridge,
Allan ]lIcK+innon, Saugeen,- Finance,;
J: G}, Anderson;•:Lucknow; =Hones of
Refuge Fd- N1cDou ala, Awabel
Warden'_a, ._I l hoemaker,_ Psieley ;,;
Eguxlization and salariee,
Treswater, Countty�property, •`M Fil
singer, .Oarrick;; Patitidris •aha: bylaw.,`
W R McDunsld, Huron
.Tlie'committeee for ' e yeelr ° ars. T
::- cnreiee Moser& And�erroo; irre-'i
maker, Alex Mc$innon,Dobton, Jno
McDonald, Ilesly, O.ampbell•, ;Barber,'•,
McDougald, Brown, Weir, Moehier.',
•and Pomeroy. • , ,:
Road -and 'Bridge -Meters.. Allan"
McKinnon, Fi ;ginger, _"W R :.MeDoc:.
ala, E' ane, , .Brink, Jsegaesi. Parke,
McKee; , °D:. ll, McDonald;;? °Hunter,.
McDougald, F.took end McGillivray!;.'
Pati : o s 'wild Byy`lais
R McDonald,: L ilhee, ` Noble,' Orow,
Donalilafl"n, Moshrer,_Lwp e�rt,: Mcg
•and 'Brown .•
House`,of tefuge—Merere►McDot
gala, M_.c and Fomoroy:
"Equalization aria Salarie. ""-Mbeatre
Brink, Lndereoh, Campbell; Ahap
cTi innOn,-E.3ttns,_D ; .A... McDonald,
McKay, DonaldEon and Dobion.
Property MessreJilsinger;;-Frook,,
Parke, Lippert and Jno McDopaid..
Education and- Prin'ting.-Meier ,
Crow, Shoemaker,.. ill' er, kedillivray,
Barber, Alex McKinnon, Lbealy, Brink.
end Hunter.
VF erdan's :Committee --- gesso;-
:Shoemaker, Jacgnee;'';Noble ; Weir,,.
Hunter;• Allan' IacKinnoiti 'Parke,
Evans, ..MeDougald,. Clrew 'and An
derson. T ,
prinf1ng for the year Wee',
awarded.'as folio;wst Jannary inut•t1,
Teesviater Now.; Juoe Minnie., Kin-
'cardine Raaiew , December Minnter;
Bruce Heeeld ; Tax -S dee; '.Viarton .
Canadian; List of ..Oonvictiine, Tara
Leader; • Blank :Forma,: L'ucknow Send
tine!; . DJliscell'aneone, .Sincar dine'• Ro:-
The report of the, (GOvernment Itt
:»peeterAo JHOueea sof =1 efuge avab ,realL
The . report concludes by; saying that
uh'ere ie;'no- better :Houie of` Refuge;
.and none 'more eatiefactocily and`
effeiehtly carriei-•on-than--tl e- Bryi'ee-
en's- Gloves &'
Pieces Table Linen, full range. Of prices, reductions during t e
22 Pieces of -Towelling -to go at -special prices-du.ring the sale. .
Hundreds of other lines also. for your .ennsideration.
r tore closes it 6 p.m. sharp, excepi 8aturdays.
-'' TO enable all to learn „we are. Rimini teacher*.
wvoatth h Yol to dut;,.. fit, and' Rut together, any gar.
hs.s is the
. anyone between
itlearn, ',Beware of imitaticins as more Aan
.°°' • ••'1. ,efai Pried , where they, were ni,I.,:`"Ziv,fi..18, genuine
ura, 'Alba; •sodero 'Inventor and Pint).
Testi:kr: Vies Bell will be. at
the Reid:Hotel, itzekno.w., 'Saturday;
AA'ai guoj till Showing
have anV•of all of the' folloVting
Weelitly frerd nevi to Jan; 1.909'...
located .in the thriving 'Village of
tuoknow, in brick- building, Oe 22
x80 Ind tail 6LE:
windoW.s ; and recently 'Med' 4, Dry
doods and Millinery store.t-ApPly to
how it was ,working out actnal
ronte, get all in!oitcailen they Contd.,
and teport fit the Jena -
ar stock of S
ort an
"1 t'Veeklit WitUfC1111 ,75o
Meekly Mail and 2nittire, One 75o
Tdronto Daily Star' .. •‘2d
Globe 3 50
„ark art
with me on the 23id 'ingt; ,Nixon 'Welsh :asiumed his
posilion that day and is now prepare o mee you. in any. of
the branches of his department. '
Any party who hada left any article- for repair with
W. J. Mitchell will pleaSe call and cl4itn Sa;rrie or Make korne
arrangement for their cOinpletion. ,
For Ten bays snaps will be given, 111. Ndw gmtAiranted
Watches Chains' Broadlies Lockets '&c.'
NO hutnbugking eny business
wee decided. to,order.ii nepy of
each paper honied tbe COunty for
Agricultural Societies, Librstriert,'Far.-:
tun s' and yoiiien'a litititeteS, and,
such grants ,nt,nst be applied fdi bys
each soelety Or -.library asking foi
grant; The spplicatien inhat,be signed
'the- Ree-Ve: of. the untriicipality.
'certifying that"the society or' library
is in active e)4atenee, .,and.aPpljeatir:4
ft:it; the grant nittat• be. Made in the
year in whipn grati4; is made;
iltnet*ise it not be paid.' " ,The
of these societies', eiieeially enk
.thiyseheine otthe Ontario (invert):
inent. is to go Al :reads and it wM the
opinien , of the Council that an effert
sbdulit .be *acid to 'secure ? tor, this
Bergner, Gramophones
ad& to the pleasure of
eleng winter even -
!I. We home altsisek_
Large range of recor
erein a.posiition'to oiler you rod bar. ,
line of "
yoti. ire' need Of eitia bed reniember
we carry coMplete stook -of Iron Bedsi-Wood
Beds, Springs; Mattresses: Come and- see them.
Orkes right.'
-and will frame -your pictares-promPtly And -
-Undertaking receives our prompt
and ”, Careful attention, daY''
`night 4'