HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1908-01-15, Page 5' 17-4A tth orNehera artWea1W@ea..meansNePai
Ltive��: not one yk heart in a huunndred fe, In it.
lett actually diseeeed. It is almost always 0
"i• "tiddej r 3r"li£tle nerve that really is all at fault,
Shia obpcure nerve --the Cardiac,. Or „HeartNerve
®simply needs, and must -have, more:.power, more r
etabihty;' more ,nontroliing, here goTterning_
strength; • Without that the Heart must edntinue
' to all, and the stomach andkidneys also have
hese sxme,controlling nerves.
This 'Clearly explains why, ae• a medicine, -Dr, `i
cop.s.Itesiorativc hasin,tho past done wrench
for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first $ought
thex.aune.o£.aU tuts painful;
Cvpalpitating: suffoc+iIngieatdistrtsf31oop'sytestorative-thiaopular prescxiiptidn iskdirectedto.theseewk• and ti'1141-War,:
Averye _,enters It 1141-W ; :
_ren fill ens it of fig real, genuine heart help. '
yoµ would have btronglearts strong dj..-
• •v.stion; .yttehgthen 7thetG ;perves -='' e.eStabljali
thein as :heeded . mitt , .. '
;:'T .'"�"°'"".�'C^,°".m+�..,-...dn, .... �,�w�w°�-v�*�-..m�..a...o-,-o•p�-«.:k•---r1 aa,.e:..t-...ww,..;.r.:,.�.em:wa„s.�,-a,.,.,.,.�.;m
On.the First of Februarywe take an inventory of stock,`but_
we• desire toclear ou;t.. ll heavy :winter. goods on
efore duiti so , a
hand and rfrorn ;row. -to the end. �or. thee month-
_._._ � �. we .purpose mak414-,�
''ITS mus
,tVlr _..Gunn a hate's Successor
It is u;nder,tocd that 'the insurance'
bus1n�'&'ry �'i •gu, .i; s fu11�` . �
y G• riled on .by.
the late 'Mr. . & ert Uunnjn;;hSire S;
to -be cOri . 1•7 M:r J h❑„Suhba
leen, in . the.. p}e enx... c ih.e, :,Trader
$aa'Lr' "dlo+`)l Mme: S'urbyer 4;46,S:been'
;associated4wtth.`-ti.6:e-„ency'.for over y -
4Tflt 0.� .•:$il tives +4Y.fa..� - ... ..
rem the varlo.ue head tikes. have ur1'
ar,iwously ap ointe�i him a�'1�' r
in lia,m'a7suenessorT'llere is no •Inan:
-'ia: 1;he^.firP lfiluance
hW er, he avor,end'
coti6- eflOcsire :iyhi ib_he.-iN h.i•Jd'tor-his.
-likeable ;qa lati.es ancl conscientouP,•.
aiast ,kis cr :tnethOde' ellaure the
gro+ l a`i'z� hl 'h�nds of .an al ottly
largo diet elc ueI 7i
Guard ,
IatistiS • ,that can; whit); the' hest.
gratinds. Prices right' and aver
'Written, kir Luoknow i§eritlne.1
'Of thri early aettlera here,
1-Andi_intaitY. hardships _true thaji.
Can make its hietory plain,
-Still 15i*ing 'hale. and hearty,
His name ie•RObert Graham.
ahd gilribuhtiine country, to sell, „tax!.
epeo:ialtieg. C1obd pay weekly,
PO1h0421 111.11,d00,
alpociel,teffne to stntiattonts:irorkleg list,* thee
Iliard times stared them in the face 7
And every time we think of:it
We helieve thetri very well,
And if you *ant to•hear the iicirt
13ut gently on the tOwn "did grost
Arid hollers to hire len ”
I -Ie hrld the highest) office*,
And thein Very 'well;
Though old and sarileviliat lame, , •
The country Side doss wish vou well
Gociti hearted Robert 'Graham.,
And when yon'i tho
alwitym is the- sacee,
This Riolile Robert Grihs,m,
With ad vice be_L,_o.1,c1A,Lhelped Us,
,That always ullie,hit ,praoticie
If ;baby more hid been you,
tiel:may haVe all, Of all .0'U*
Weekly Pine lireSg
heating (pier:
:the ,s.,urfecea that 'a/ie. Weak 404
Met:ehz ie,
Leod Pr* Nib n
' '?"7„,:rito:r4,41''''3.'›t'c'.6')4'''''”:
2211 •
'acid: to' ,:the tileagilre. Ot
Large rapge of reeoras,
(rains We are sliovrin