Lucknow Sentinel, 1907-10-23, Page 1AIM) 10 F� Ok . ... .. 7, An d INV R"a "ME R i �74 u W1 0 4, 4,. 7 -41 7 7 . . . .......... . ............ . .. at`-,It�'�' , U " 7� 100T ­ L Y": '00TOBE XIV 4 WE 7 .0 1, 777! lintMeGarr msde a 4usi tl� ess, C, 8 'NETTE.-�-At Kiplopp., on, to w -o' M., �d to To' nto,thili­ e& �ul 12, b ­ t I .. &,�. Armstrong of Gorrie ''Is' Alex.'Chsken ­� Cn.r. . ete, a s 'M t -le% ari MacLeod att, Of Y-1 8 D d WilVAejwj U Wting're)ativ� and friends ioo�nt� THE' L MS.: ,�,,BANK g, ';of 0 ­mt,Good mil oer, coming ow� For, Stile I , 11 , 1. 1 11 1 . . I -'. � I.. I ti,,'Stiridayed i ht INCORTO ;six cheap for im, iatesalle�Wm��' -Loo ER' k ­h(l, on Connell. las o 84Y h 't' b e t v -6t� . �B , ands( BAD, OPH0.6 rI . I ­ -1 -F, � �­ "­ 1, . MONT r Yor Sal -t i, I I I . i'� , . 1, tp� f, b PER U 'o s, pers jha0Q and good s-ec`oj'&&hin4� uin ­jr 'ql serve up up $7-1 offil an -P VP Y an SPY 119 Apr af auspices or " entire F 0 It'SA LE I e, '6. months -77, N�14,Qa Vest it, for. g%1 pa t V B wl� 'or a e rtb. 6 of. McAn 1ijb ing am,, is ow t all' edLon "Where did*' q,, qmount� t aCCj-t)ted­ you get t ose pretty d and Lo�ne M iy, qt J. Earls, did?nt B. Q, , isited, Depio' si S 0 amoun Boni:: i' hog 7 Wl A d,, w;; ek. oc n W be d interest-vai 4 tiimes aaear at'hikhest..- you hear be, 'was sellin o his stock Ki &oss-t h' , CUrrent I I I - 1, the n g ff -All me� of two or M010" rate. do a a 0 .0 Va y lia k,,giving seevices.. ill b . ........ In the, eVont t e �Ae w a hold' of h CH4AIGE or D.�TH,��LA-fter Oc i ath L C, K� N Q W B RzA N�C,H' ebixitch om Sund be 11" W1 au U r und enterta, n-, yer oningi 80tb w id hdt'f'F pe h pafty,�,,, P. A. 24al661 by�s R�. MACLEOD, AGENT.,' be:at 1;s ffice, t k nt U-Vodn6sday�. el� uo it out �oost,, now, V � av Aurday. d and, 8 For parti 1W. Stijrdly i h.ain b, ata ape be��' ail aced---44der d ed7 nOvJnT1(Y he Pap= VR:!I�VELLE 7777777�! A� Ell Ps M TRAIA-LFAVE vii U I C I ". - � ''. e.. Y a hig- - ana"T U 1A e rea, U w, 1 3 9.7a P�IPUWIPA tin Uridon,Aintual the -honti A4130. R,qo 10 1pt.zh' d j A81 V, 01. every Wenbific prescripti MCI) 'd ery VEY F B -0. T ;om-olir,ow4PPrrespoxideiit�.,,- rig, q . sJispol'. 7%' Mabel k" alds Get The: oof Teeswater visited h C 13 -&P We r —F— - tox U—.0 v aLU El A., $10, A Best.. It TIE -LOANE PWF Y U� r1ed ill JAT rOPAII 'Q Urch on8unday. e%,,eu1rlg,at 'I wl cele -t be'� 6 th�, a inversat wot hope,for his speed Ch trato ,recover on. no' ea,,,-vinj T I nio, 01 T., Watibn fj money. to.., it rrle,or divi e- re' C �m, n . 6 -Fn at. fr. �or usiAePW me nput dbfi'first and-, F.'econdl o6l. ais absd,,: gages on !real %nd 'jt Ok t Mond Ay at- LU'Vk.U()--W- bLennart; and C.'Hichirds*on rres yterlaii: church,� at:- an is engage wi. a life.' Altgradugteii ofthis' , t b fd lutely, sure df getting positions. aSSItt ed ProgMill ii*on ay .bri. Sund 27 %1 e -very- T in canned c Keir, an, ekipe lerit oWIL -Ue pa to," easykjg i6e� d' ''alogu of- -th h.ur,' Y -11, farni,prop ert ies. I I will.pi,each' .0, Me Ilpuro and'ie -h 0111ter. W., d at ple P� Y-J- OR Iffe vanobte L - 4 ch 1 t bers.- are' -1 f Something: -,new and �-.j Od go A -e 'E pa;rA It. m.% ------------------ weddibg,' pit6s to:: be as, Iq t4ei ive me QUIT e.' Visite& lj�_ 96rdiu Y rriage Th' n in aughttr Poces. Wher T' .7 soah 'th th ercoUrse -which �t -9 -sV . ... . e orate eg ppjy of,good. things Pro2 thor.. R 0M P0 0 nsmi '6re thdr6ue-, KUM.".& p A'well'a"t tended. meeting dif the Li-, rom d'for -the inne C A., Mill,,t rinin w -- BEL ti �,fi ly'' pnj.oyed­ A wag -be 4a:,vroH�ctPjL 7f e,:evenin g in e 1'e Wes' Dan or u -to e no yl deleg te?T0,.aitt;6nd:,.tbe, -'Liberil wh 0m, W., III a fal (at Rotm b e e ecti or' r' Et. L on psttrj� were ap !9'18T ed f nPRAOTE Vold Feet. 24;ih i pointed. Ow a a sin is 6esentud'in. the 16sijp�j � s i I I re e r are h ) :Pnggge n plcing,t t-0 . al, p0fing in, posibi0n,it, p'�&r" -6 Mustard, L69' 8,- J... G- Andersoni-ke6v o -res Is th Ves a h nee W O� groun ,eCaLr Zurt ay'' n diric d, -ree-ve: B f a paraly"' an: o!Ch adi --rd ts ft; AM Cold t LlOss e is an nojf�njc�e, U0 p ro n whs,F Ltalie 25 'H a L tic, stroke. in was.", W- 'rouge Meal g C eig 'ed b bor,-- sinceii6--fHe d Usubjectei -.Rose. lit `80ih -year, t �a�nd- -liq ed his e dotraci on 41ity a, ain. eeu te Yor R gh U-411 ed -at Paisley hall to liiq P., -All. whoknew.. him.. dentsAsoided n )religion he. w.4s fluie te Wri 4. as.: oll in h6sh—C 'an e eFin he- -Lan an e tt OK ik lic g, 0 t, Pit 91 'Re -our 4ellin CouA.-,il ine caurort, ani his'. 19 OyAar hins add -bes era --rockery e 4ji�d- L W ..W 41 le W-theL -C13 I -hit 1 7 al ---a C, & min, tites of.14 the funeral servi,-PQ ay h: 'drop "axa n to, A-Werson.: 'T '-b Yo c ei V in e e 0-tO-c"lept.rd arge. nutp. er, rien s: an nei 46fiob's: Bank. SaiDg Ban de fe them' 11 Dungannon riving P ahoiving: the respect Where, tid, buy k: ro alid, . Wa ed in the com, u TROUBL, S1, 'positi bi ear intbrest, ni-date­of de" ssodation or 19116" and PET. T.ay Same J, posit, to date -of t in aarry­ ervices oe our imesa,ye. -14.D jl:.., It orr the - pat ar, �sb wn. Ift d., aj to held 4,, erpoon au evening, 0 S H q, Fcurity:o ored. Reiq4 v�r testae the D T, I , ain o 4�P� Qf Ashfie C t day Rev. a an druess pi, -fir cdurt 4)Oth -were edd; e, �u.ccess Rev. h renewing is: 6ubscrip6iqq,, gic, It am,,on, odd. iflaWare 119 HY John Andi Wj of Stiath6oria -agree o 0 �eXC nt, Al e,�,-con , ' I � & qut e �bit wer eu ert on seritions, t ...... weadiing, 'with, sCQn vigor and e at t vnestfioss,` and'b6th,s& weat er, 6re' oil, motion�.. OCAL NEW frEMS h h vides were-ba�r-Jcedwi'!��in�6h,spii�iu&lI L t "Our repair $ ti ppart a11'r-and inspec'.t­it nd. e. rra Y, erson. ment ta f ,poyve d ri,an many c6mp imen ary re, eS Qf markii'were tb"be heard as to,66 ver� :Aen?9 one of that'." its ei�,efflent- was-filt town Satu'vday. Crops b e� e6n,a fdilu U Va a a. Rev.- W, A, Smith,. -of bungahn chi. are busy,thi�osfijng, Wheat arid b Chcques'were issued to tb6` cotiv b b6ut $466 iii --raymen t of contracts,. interesting'arid in natiti'ti In q gjit�, de§ign, ''W-� 6; Ali tu'' d C ive disdou 8 P n attended the funnii]. rue 'out'.well.. n-! urhouse. outicif adjourin, I )a . etc. tire r e a We giVe df. :h e. n as Cupq, plates, pla 15th,:at 10 ct`�Io Organ, w retti Y dedorat� d Ic is Do ald Hog&ak E I "Olo��r Leal' ed to meet N,00 of th dky. The: ch h pulpi, Pr o, r , e p d !oitie,. 1% 1.11, 1. - Nis6iiri, Oxford il6wef6.,: ntyi'.14st 'week. V a., away down in p6ice t --To- P N'0 -other Stook p&tttj'rn§.' em h 6, re ai n� b6ih 6 F. No. -ser iq V, ego ICA ab'd 'saucers 5, dh Y, arge 4h' a e reg- e cOngrega. ion c)n'tribAi to 6 (etil' h"' inner I �lait Inee'ting Of the 103je. �n F: iA breakfast sita 70�,- p '30 d The he 9� of 1-008 at out c6n efice. III ay ov-81 H.-. those services wM lakge�,and goo t. sin 0 th C.Vei ng. Eiirls' Store, Ptay'b:'atlVoodst' A e general fund of the --church.. Th' 400 0 . Oil Saturday morn - Mr. and-.1VIrs STRAY.AD.�T6 tile f the; lng Came 'IS 4, 00 re 9" premises'. 6 J211VA-thl op- exi oil U citlz,�ns of Lqckfio�w It is; b-ut- a few c4lefit order, �oth -6 com, -or3 innKinloss- an r d EW 1z eptembor, ays was visitor 'ebb.' M r.' G. P. 'Bladk `te Faced to t6labives I e D e (I W a a Whi s:Calfod Away c ur It D wpas or an on,-ey. -, C "And .roe di LO—Vqns�,­%u r96 e -11- r -Pr�ov-ib.g--�pioprrriy-�-tO-ntitse-a� 4ist r b6 eaztors" r6, d -p ilLbe-Afi 'CaW ;.-- jm- 7typhoidjdve -onAhe­ -8j" F- -Dayff-mutf-wa 1, eon riday &fterdobu s. I' esultih'g in b;'r, end r de-th; it, o inidea, s'e It P to. 8 00, Jfieb. thbik is but 1:4 P. in.. 4 s;9es rotperlych fted, of' it.. I only p; Months sihe6re Mr. aid D 119 ly e. licere- sympa 7 exttehid- an -fil. ly�rSa -it �itid Cata T6i ay" for this ,6-p' qe� tk6atipld ieek 't, ih Wit H Ions ago lie $t 70' iese. -Frol-.011r.-O 11 00tiribApoiident. husi r, 0.8 nP-y-f-w VVUV A Ullol[ZOngip, ces iu sur e a T Mrs. lay roin4ing W(:r,,o i t 4j& A b W' of mi, on. Su you get'id. arl�, 0 V Y, "g, edollet, a.nd. f hterr'ed� tit Wefe held At dilvin T 'it p ards, ceive& ifA00st'albwed urb, iied on by Mr. "Cemotefy clesido- that -ifbar oon an&oveu welery, Silott,-Plat6d. c h 'o6l W Giiblp .1 ife o f I fit ''Je I f to h, �, raw UnCral as - ioler boih6 ceinetelty OhAonday. fw .601 1, a-13 tbdr Aq '*Wre The Idilge eofigregtfon�', 4 'S e Ir ' 'I ' '. , syear -All, bu �' pecia n�oajc 8,fi. 8 , d. ne a.. 966 Oat IL in-the'-saind Ad d d'" �4 hfidont, of na "ip., t116 -b :A. sidit@17 -6&b -th ch It. a sa can b y are ST and e re ambi,fhit Come' On ie -Ath priccipa RA- I Jessie e thorouglj�b­ d 1. W D,V dadb,­b e Y.'jn& Y --o -theut.,dr- t iii, t! r rideg*righ an ovo gig in fy fit6th Par, G. H, D ul as, C Rldfiardgtnib, J-7; A hal to Ch . Cc lnd Goo, �ci OU PrpOyi j'all INA:. t "at tfiotwv�lio are d t '� V , rov, Proper y , j pay 6 xr rket. a, &g , -L, - . raye, 6f 6dii jiviiig; in th, 9 f, 03n� Xin T, ry, icini Wi -re y W.: o %09 and ine, Out NBpb 22bid e IP 0 Owing A, Altil,my, Ven head of F and to those, f, AMILY VLOUV-, ir 114- t I r&W40 I 'd , 'InA6 the" VV106,q . 0. sOP6 ttd "rdd ed, Vitj re Jbg, in8teu6 t d,�.,tho ibW f two avi g, aecu e4 th 3c to' '83 ra V,. n 1pplibdiat- e cob ulfill as ..8: U e ar ing t e6rsi tw to pd sCostwo btoeeo 2 old,, nbar6 P,6 d,, Roy� "A!, t0 On :gar '91, 86y": ..... T1 0 'With- h "Un, siu idwe ry itepairing, Passe Va riel wl be ellb in, an land 'b red 4bd w'' I e'.1 n 60' h6' Will' d" e r rucover X 40 0 16 V, e., yip., 4 em rug in 19 1 110494, ea id y 0 4 KPl6iIdidt n 0 y Or 0' 6 y,rtjwar i 4Vk6r 46;, p -e, amm w 0 Y. of'bi- Tfrel