HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1907-08-14, Page 77 777 —71", 77 IV',; 77 4 M 41 4," ','_ . I � ­�_'­­. _­­­­-�� . . ..... ��7-";!,�,,,�.-,.",7"'"',.,�����,� 4 � �Ij : � I , i, 1, v " I I , , , ;�� '. i , 4 , : -1.1 1 , ­.­­ 7 A— 7l. .............. ............. ............ �4. T� 11FUU111 UA;5 if l6v ME'ROAST PEEF,017 OLD �E, NGLAINP. 114t TW� Were: biolen by a ne pleasafW rfeadix -J�p HL U1,11doners in t Vof, the: I -N There is: soi pg r I he it�eptfi NILedfical' UAL 1P ING, THORD CHO 0 SAM stilclety.Wonla Officer -of Health n �atl'Ports 00"ta., ­4T,THIC There' IR going the' r ouild. of: Londoh .*at YOU spe.&Jbi states iliat1here, has been a systematic "iratoxa IRA qC;1",1r&e. Sam '4's M 't Aff Effilialzing.--ill'uhlor-anent Ub 0 ___ I ,, , y �,ratio,jjji- diseas�d aninials, .,,,Principall 'Wear huyi, (Ub�r&lilosiSL cows, carried 'on �U,. r- ate' jewels, filoyll ia fit &4ppe-orance -of the'st A' Comf6ft, fiemc�� -UNPpin 'astle, "Soineo a 10 y ­w on �e ac ublin ne wno 'knows h h gar�, mifirizets M I just -Sencl IP il. ab-out.'thei affair,states that pent, �bears ��)th but that to T GO, PANVI.-_ F -NEW'" X11 I TON us ley4MCC -Your-'-, n -am 4yJD g-' Mill 0_..,Aber&cns a. 7� ddr-", tees,,,, TO C'a L no:.J.1,096, JG ------- S_ - TT a Action, ie c4reasse ii I- oil. Ind. we! h �ljivail' yoii 04 400# TI s t seefils, us.uall, y;'sent, �to -11- lid"I -f _.,o d HAM -R -Af-W PARLINGR' 6� * _ dintim "Book �or the littl.� _L�!;Icty ma.. a UN �u;,j MARDEN,, BV,,,G PL ow �r, YU y oil, an. , roni liti had bpen dri,�despelate straits, 7iolki and a,,quiiirtei77li6iii� ack y (M-W-VIO R K),, firidge,,debts', have Age, of CL!IIuIoi&Ztarchi - Thiti old,, -7%: liiarkets.,,at I:frdces�,rafiging -from 5s'; to jNFW YORK-)— e0i nightly 'ac''Cumulating and it �-5. r the childien "d f,',5 s. ead 'thdt­thhf6 - hiiist '0 v. (NEW` VORK) li it is. tibv iob§. aid :she has t4quently thre I Aladein plany'fab. 4tened to N, regulay,01aliffiels thrlough whiliJfi�lsuch 111. S PAGE, t NEW VORKY fi-aff -, �_k, fi i I c :'Ocra-; nimit sui6iWi it Cellnloid:�-starch xeq�iries­_�o 1 .1 -1 1 1 . I , I . I � - y lig, _ Z.; -, �­ . . 11 i 4nQuSf_.,.pnt:es. lly­one" -,of- -he-'eon-�Mioh lie Pal* y - was residi �a,t, 411e,cfistle, boiI6jg,,j1ves &perfect-,filaish-to si6n'a ad's form -fitting sizes for AV. UST I plll'o "@f I I he, 'guests-, $ted lone -1 well Lrngo of SC t Irtins stick. a,. and gaged in this filthy all angc�ous t S. 'GAIRDNuR,' AV �;,,YEA� ti 7 flerntion Aliat Lord, -Aberdeli ONDALE' STUDoi �n. should I.- ___p1N little Write 'to -day for, this ir children. �.S.iiie that how thern the,:Jewcls.� Hc� rcadily.,con,, w flo, � But :there L5,. tlouht.Aha'� 'in' -PA MERSTONE CO.,EI)ENW66 j�* the' PEMANGLE book and sample. �,�plfe of'� (Ilie vii� Ignee-, of t1jR inspebt �ith bim"to 'the 4,11: ex1r, � it, insures �u good itleal of diseliloe itiv I,;om, whi4r re,liepi .1i -h I --- hbtie.d - Y brou S. or"tiord, Ontario, TA_d­�iF_ .b� theywe Aftbr hav,. Wile BrantforCSigitch worms, Lionittil at,is brough y T nn6M-_Fa1VSa1e--iDf— Able, gbrilg were into n I. ian i duly': hdhid, d'. -F Tt 'PAY into' 111cir- 'sa .W.ILL'BEGIN JRITV �77777-7= The val,uO I AND Z31111 III R ...... ory 'de- a the, usual 1ka Ireland, th 11, rJCS ro o e!n T' SEPT. I t he Aqyq!� ise The tu-, ',ilw _ATURDYA u ioviffes;.seeml to 't IR p �nlen-. drink kqs g) I-: ilthose �6 ad ock�5� e -'I t lie, g -pod ppq, 0. Au fig]' P atdoill �y.!nw, yan�k, 611i h- este, t, ulanufactun -ever e; ,,an, i t .1-P a een :new men. His .,a 16unt, o dv.sI).(?pqia find bi) �ob o n) - [he, upt per e 4 a 'W e t'' i FAS t ..J.f a I Pdln' Ion be-iin -to!, c, th 11 �wfls a's �,easy. sqy, g: J Lilts of itile 1d'dncys, ions, GO 8 1; 16, inlpz)sed lie, was -,�Ab$6.nt, Minded `Pfofessor�"i 'a a y A i.st,tlying it,oin the'.castle, wills. U.1-dUle C�ofiplicdtiens to which. these a i I-, SAV -Si LL �WURTAI cedulous�.wh6h told -of tile stric,t' regu- frget -to III.& Qt4 ho U`38 H"glings, $ISO culprt f in "Is ments give wo ni.. n, odi A a remarked ther, Cy' be traced lation4iin legaid inkitig that b-, coal. � 1. really musL �a knt in it ,ever utter having 'had� -a Dymp, * cLkA,140MI /11 '01 UU, nWs stgrt before,Ahe ffielt was;*dis- Aairi in sidine .,of Aihe*ra'$ largest busi- to 'rendrid- y After� paying attention to a lddOs �pf',t bchelor, Glil sayg wl' t -he LIKIL NCW. writi;to 'no about youra. oil osked-its name. ovailla ered', ess establishine " �: I . .. . . a skin disease grows. lap -dog -16. gentlein v *7 F4CU t6& lh iii -i Xhb� -aptittilis 'may, be' -ca turd.. cal:i the deal, ci Peichan6,' oUS amon -pig murH6 long that ' d , th A EXK I N All JDf,499UW --t-' Vf on qr a y-6ur de ightful, vu - -1 --M �toftly, ys 4e nC "_Cbrat, f sa i im and �an,,,er omb.. -call 1' n a we "ill, Find New ikk Cheer(W T-ope b y q think so, r A, it a pi- �Py. hroug your, ron is Cliecriql. Mr. KiloUiet4n..", Thgy lea Routd'*... 'h I)b t "Dloci�, y6rue -�vifo ever -do �i i I og. h, you -'Drl" Williah I is' T' hei, w-buldii't dkilie 1" im- say !:'Perehaimp se- the y norough- s N1 r P 'DON I IAe weali w-onian' can' depend' ulOn "ything that, sa oed. 'S'o inuch�of i0ptic, ),tell and :bow-'a�s of bilius ahtter. 'CUtr 'of, nran wh6 Ivfuses' to ah 1:10sr".060H OIL. THE FINFEST TRIP ON THR I . , : I . t hat blood,: is -order, for be ast tl:)-,�h; bul III chUse the exdletory t For use on "ure sh,e -,Off' impurities from the, b -tthe, TI lod- is nto :I- ;b NE tal - vi6v Chiife i4, ;6- ===D -y T -FF er —956 h, r IT �,Py 45 C ri nlear1jr: '611. 'the aqfie� ChC6pCSL in the: from: ill M Yll! ll lie: -dis;ni-a--I--!tlitnl*i,-'---,Nv,e�i-i-i-y�,.��t'-I.j,�,71 Ub Ie. pi the es, d -e f, sph. r olciedil a117 eV Nuoill rich and. red by the use, feel brecAe?' s . ays-.1he_ Conly OfI to _eC F if h—* ffect, F . I 7"Thii t? 1.5 wil. 0111, (Iou t n '4 at hfannih�fi.Cfi oS 4UflJ'<fy IL - .11 lA_ -a C. -fill' I I smili Rcl,as a matllei' iambers T 0D__ vas tile -lain't t of d I efv, rand enet- _pbsseid the. di'6 . � W s& -P.11 9 07 t and hr� 'caught -it is �.ieals --bruises, t t'h f �u ame _s es 6thev 7wo.. iic--t4o-- we -the.1-n_: C nib s r T cE i4n AL i�dln. . I . .... n a .an e 10 t eau ueem, v 70 0 v a r departin6at as: T fm e:, N1 ?4ion­ y, ou. 8 file I'l d- eS I,,, an. a year waq- 'nila.gnifiL�d.,��it,,�',t�b,*a-lI wg llearers Jay. -hi a ay,_ CC[ n a o . . 1 1 1 By, I)Ies ay" 4117-h, cheeful iii an every Ime o c vie r y rl�d worn oul. I lost fksh, M . . ... V C� qie tiviforing :to 'be' used, in, aclive s�erj res at, night, and in the Mdrning: r will he MO. w'oMh living.;. �qfidj like A g90 po icernan Prove as� as- and FLIUUY, Up k - e in fie Id 1p,'s -ev c,6nt-a&i;ous,, It"ch in human, going ' u I _- - thitaitla � hoi and': lie'. rh n' n de, P fooncealtlig)-olleratiofits' in battle, in thete- y, Tf;iink i�i-'h�ston and Reiyibrok4�. Rallwil )�wmid w6atihcr But lic!js'fielpful ai 411, in by W6.1- kil, no bexiefit., Vigre so �ayl by of, niffials cu red i n �40 linitip t e�s: and efi,�u ---and 0fitaiio- an N.s-yi -7 It—nevd 1aFM ay' an, b Fig t for in fOh Lotion d THE. KILLARNEY OF AIMER th Kawa wil n U. IA., �C,. P. li�, case )bop e a re. y e." bol -by S. peftss wben, .1. wiis - ad- a e x ru g as ho, b d 11' " ' - wssed; good peo�lej .,but- --0_.:_and. 'N. 'Y.."Byll, D. Nay..:.,Cb., 04 Y, Of qua , ge.. so-tha deffionslrd-1.6dAli Cb—:--�LFr guide bob-li wri le C. -es t I i r -w-bith �:O 'P' t if 'S wii hn I, fM t ��qp.Q� Q,r.'�Pf in �&n e�S - 0 N 19 4,11111�- it -trim aught. on o, e.,gray; of :7 gr, Mpl .1 nir . Y� sylup 'If of -A-c very eonspicuoil��..i 1.111111-- 's, lone. more 6, Tht A: �Jsarrn. ps me. a n W, ive I's rib inch thin at say -8 the' oh6erful S d in M� I B troubli es1rornti, to worse uni, :pprfcct h throog oilt, the te'sifs, 'are to be nil' .!Q:,(l -ed.. Allisn's; iink Balsam 6 % , ho factually., lo ugl.is. 4qailh and �i)on D 111an! Is, as k u ' Plhl< Pil ,erltable lif ;�avcr a-nd 11 10 e it mNl �d rieve 3:1,( o reco ftim'rild. the In Ily re"M y m ar anc 't hil PCs i atted q lnugh.un :forg� fti;in. An 'arnilessn' u It_QL­t. _:jVJ _L I g. thr aild t, tI 'aca -ino ri is thd d &I', and 'f Jugi, life I Me ,Q., o.ILm�md_nij.m Jaraest acq . 0-17 fb] '11 uIpPly S00op Bei'lin Al" Mod 6: M —P -01V. sCd ll1Ltbi'tj of. ]all pu ICUL Oil 1 L u [1 -WT in, -he- -ye.dr IN th ;t -,h nerve 1 < f_ bl; ril� MV9 t t,lir Ls h i f- omin: 'd ilv�fi Ae: I let in' t hil* you, hurt biling and is, ill^. I . ..... Vel:y­­ I;h.:L Tbi�_n_,. yo�. .:ur rerVculs, deb'l- IU ETT -4 11 e, ;an a. 4n 4C NIlip J,hat -w P 'a it h h parlor s m,� him bito sister -figi ho i& in, -day,' so use. The� Vills aFe 'sold by the *i'' 4_,d -m ian"'!' in the fishing- tin- thei.. lips and 1, hu'rt I ",by 5C VRITIE R -roppd- L nia I- u t s i i �nk 7 'to cholie.him." aft-emaro g� 7: ic E :Will! a r1W 7XIred1jCine 'C4 N Vas ni al h -61 -nd thfit it -a yj' tInQW .25. ul urd n, didn't,catch n 1�ifI� Iikr8s a y ea 7::00 n ��T*77 on t A e;§ lie. Tan LIQUO d3Tned bd and ught Up f ------- ilk CA ghts; el�6tilc-be;kaand.All.inod6rn-comr6ris.. y 2 -7-P-A-T-F-0 ol Ire P, U.%fx 0 t __,_ per 1 -le a- t- in erai 0, L, harld L V jff'. J&R0$ liq. Ub L io d. 15 i� equal too, ly� tirines; the national ev., is. side f tbely all -think Our idipfil , fediininle: 1plbnlfi't� m L'S :jh�q,,V lifid 0; or to,ttll the of' all the. ho- OF r% A' he -M U-M.Or 4, -1 �Jn i e.' W06 lqo%vs.: how to f1lntio Ft -Ill. the c! flm-nd. tit, boue,, th r e -bublld- n Excursionsi iiiy th. I rolio an Q lbbn with Jig ARANTItUD. n wrkfo r 1917 u mun ,tin, ai ilnswwudn� wh(,Ln� (I nian UranL,�_ to. ixi4all a side- If Al , ust', 4th 14th, and 25th Septembor, 5th ff T rll� Vempex, to- every 300­tnb-db��is Rr0IVAP.Lkl0M. , ;L. __ -,— I lie 110't' �e b lfitll'a "Ala,=Ith as t -of Parl nAt n.iust, go. -an s he begiii�s tj��rdper '16ILb" an 6xi _ _, - "SOLE DEALER5, icqd':!of ',914eelfib 'GALV wal and, TheaneL�t trips of t he semon for Bill( , has m -N 7'5 ZED., - " 11 :� i_.­;;_­_­�`_. h li AHER tbd; one to e� h-6- r y ars en', 4, v 6f.&J zi Cowd NV�41F, 0 bout,"T A. -of a . ]I- hunio biajllg� N Seere ar,,y.,, Quebec. 9 land, 0 Twelve' pel, cch AjIT lie .,n STEEL -SHINGLI9 0 -A vas in ie dayv-61, fl _and, 'I'l I. -n r. veiy t f 1, ing 'lie ti A- Whet 11 -Y.-S1136i have thcl� I?! a i� gent8f HAUFAI Sense And a X, lie n _�ayj New. left haintroor and snips do.ti: it� Xh. buildivik g tj Uk. �N" froo6m)ficirded 64 di I :bles6'th6� -pro nobilitLy and,'Lf�n they co�er is. of V n; ndto7day the p or tIflyl IL 1, ha s - eu lliad­rlic- y *11r1d, iidnarid-rntol t -I.. tare by j;& Grives' they'ro niade. better, slond of beI:tet:riit&HaL' 141csi�' ihtollip _111 Ill: is lie. fille$t 6uj RrooFrl shoNykl by 'I ts Write .4�s and- ab is10 c('9 PU r6haS omen if IL'i"Jul jill yjot� ri y fo r pilts,1 bil t f w/ 10 H T.: Addires tthe In c i'� 111 nd cop it a $ '06"Wa M-,Intriial 0 tor PIEOCA fl9,0 M Uogs The Ve t<) '3 for. 1 5, E (APIll of are uSually. reach- 111:13611i "'1 .4111 Crollig o hclierk." At nical throughou ­tIle 'Unit01! 1!1 ll' LEAr THAT DAN;.r.ED rr L F, tl'je \V, I 1�"q d -of wo n y -avr', .01, ciin. play bo. -a* n w� atil n r t10 bos'd tir'e lhaii a ne's tbrow 'or was 0-11' t burning. A N_ OX Aild.o.o tho pert During I ji .6 d 7 o'f loca�l t r h TI Po I't ' a t 0 Tip spun, rills o 101,1, TRA P. NIC 1. dfin t r id sell't 6n h c a chang6 -of .01), 0.5k 1 fly in London 'T, acres U ONV Job r D rd n ti Sult 1% 10 r&. slltirttt��Zin of '-7 �g fb nd f distri t, P .'I' and �s ck Ili, __ ", "', \ r '- - r w hl§­wl'11g$ ti i.� d i rp I r;H ho. ad-. widle illidrt ire And ONEID� CO3XM to t U t ITg g If fnT w t I h D---B-R I I U-41 fMTY�.ttd.r int .0 he Ulliad a 7-C 0 I 1ces,., Wi M, folver, till I I rl L7 I Fit_ n �1! wa. 4yt. j-aTT rl d Read thdr, advertl.S4� T of; 'ITT6 -A] 45Tl lan'd, in T rly� nnd 240,ndllloil'gflo.n,� citt C1101's t, iti 'I fie p I------- -- - ;110 ny�X orily hi A nieN, silirc-os of 8.1" d dtfi)�C6 Aillid itold 7 in fildni tlired' to 6i tWIl Write' us and 'y "co I Kill thon"I all. f, will &mr dfar- pa, Wtiahti eg of for illtnIlTr Cmp, IR Iq lifinfir ftbout 6 0 -1 Jf gold. chil"di,cli 1clothilig, It givcls .11111 300 0 ( PA d ftl .0 loo Q 0 LI ry- I I allhilally q T(l e `I] )o 174 .8dy 0 rf d th gnimb, in sIAN VAC1VIC ilARIGAtION AZA TIO C000118 ANti 0 N RAL 11TURU NA I in �Oqth, ol. ci)qii djl�)16f f or iiiitok6tor 9 P`A�1_ or dwrifing di, tee jS., .10 1 Zlegible df I" ong y' 0 00 11 - tilis jilk �Vill UE N S 0 7 ............ 4 7