HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1907-08-14, Page 4r7
ell 11 a a
and Verr� Adal
HP quiel. we have W �Cnough of told Indy�s, whims,�* all vvo0d have ging 'to '16 '19V a 114 ilwA
�tl' pn-w�ho had ier, 1$- 81 PD
just as lle�her lopke4f lilt, Y p tit
e:rt I�prne with
10TV IMSO'nill: 1, wlwne�ver,,three woxii 14011 the hopial: Al V I
ad -not, six,tha!Qrs, or
Fraij Meifittals, p Plorr 9 iildo,�Yq 11
ine �6gether,'I they, alwtlys,ta-llt ot get a W Nvindows 'learned , this - by q44060i
lting marri�d. She ought to. have �ta d zou in
Ile# loverlookpl;l 4 fe\�, shilling Lora ha ; - 11 )
40 V
him; -andI.Ahian; at leastA-she would, have aqxbsst.,thq street, -\\,iq Jains,.*
tjiIxcC',LIIeII Ile it 4 hated-, tile man, whIt 4p
�cu r
i 7IT-4—
mab I -in
h 'ra' :4pn * le -'&el� *40 -wils� can�' tile -4h6 I I I rql�, urns�
et . Ing nip hid -thoinselVe e "e cuse" e,:* a I ask be;- to
d9no, som sip
.0 m9,11ty
it n 110
elm tre04 tal city, a' e
object f* :th 't 1
papaj"� cried Katie, in. a toho� ;lnodestly behipd loft� he'I'l n
ot -be IllePe
Ile they §eem4,, me
-of t d�e Ithe. wais. only to offer r.11y, 97 �oalculatlolls Of allxtotis� mothels. with !of,
of 1,
"'77 r�euiark�.orxd. Nvene rtbticed
e let.
x1o, 114
Wrl w d
n-ei Or blarriogeaii1p, da�!jhter��,
'�ught thit. 4 11 h hr
't llel� Ito,
vp no com
14 . , 'h C
To ell, hey, s"till
ax�llmxx could, 1
Is WTO.�J?qpic J9, er aunt, ill
_t'.IW,eIIq*,.afid,-what rof:A,", 16 _ed. Ahe,llovelie
. T.,k,.h
!�f E1140Y.-,, &S- she-
" , . �7_'F` 1 t 8:1_A70i�v- �91 ---eTFWX'WAW
TeR Rins
a w r, i9l a. at
he ter,, f li
Katio. OaApeo Ii, to0e�,tl i�,46NVed"Prau Pastor V.Schdn*�`rg, ail*t ji:,6tio 411(f -in, ;ppitte,,o. _er. itirl,
behind,these same Nvindo' ' lived tier sda4 grew - nior Iol,C'l said
l, het Only 0: �ea gf.�r It
and r laughed 'a cled�,� ringing tough. %vs cool tit A
I'Nfamma that you!" Dr. r�fest So ion lra-o Unien Uorzk 11 Aeo
attql1tim3. ..:,. , I vith
+0 t�tal,j
+ +0+10+' i his ideour,
Js, dolicious of lied c ks And her' n2y
lit, Ill
Wk -p 'YOU 0 e w �kq I the wilid i\,oNv he'saf, -the W6 lier,all
it Ae -no e� 4pa
-scline, iers-- an ),th r,q: iR-- so� _boq C e -d4\ ijill.-
it 1W
clean 4hese pio6sT, They- are" not: fit- to ne could blov tile* yellow leal."'ets-toward lierl AnQ -killely� oi(i %AA,q itira bel
-d -cfail'W W
f1gura an . worn, feart, MAIL detect,,yad, ill '�,Zygrextt
ui s no o
W. IV.1-11,;, il . I a I 1 11
J, 4
d 'been. busy in: the k ling; niep,of' fashion., I(Itie e,
Ilavle, �njzeo the once bm ely -t r e d at the reAdish-brown, tc visits froxin YOU ws "Out' goo( I 1 1110
y Q
t 'I tted �utlunbficon 0 tile.., I fri. knd%v perfectly �well_ that it W ther
iffle It 'of, thA6, coul't balls" Of' tile' little� c,' 0
I cleaned theni all d' 1pilal .ebtorin - Uflie-ellils'; a, W, mg P, JOY- 1"Aor
Papa indulgent,
dinmg-voom,: * had lookCd "o -4 46oke�d at: Urn, Jh a 'tro�ubl_ed' air' fill anC1(',1ipa.(iZtn cattle Ovel' hel% The ionly ftnoillee attell'Pt to ingratiate I'Am' you ill
ago,� 'exept� ill . 9 1 . NY ;�,r 11 ilk", , 1,
'and' the Is, ll�?, and' You wet e Don't. istay away too long,, child;, you� Urne woixl� c N d a I er, faxxiily. d : A 6"What you "tier 1101,'What Y U
� 19 ' �,, I I ro Sell \%,ill, her nd I lit.
n. had site jiee
A ers room, to,ma,qie -e the, clotlies to FrRillein
., h eii io bee o wn slitokfng' that.",, k( the :hno,iV there -at sit -V wi6 Iter aulit �Jtt 1114 little cann<j(' guesst, ntly� denr As she
ilet. Her :r in S�e, but T
ItAlw4ys an ttsie�" g6inble fold, and get' at the Ock �.o
i 'I" 'Oil t h6i, -
oom was, the attic, Welt impOV- -so mlany� thinds Oil window- I oNyOd
f tile olien, \\,hat requesq lily, 1110111C� d t
R 0 CL. ()It,
Was, so, r a 1.edd,.d-XxxLmA Fq, -but'hbW� "11, y0`4 could oply �cried, tile whL�jl the' cos v plzice* behind I I'A I of 310U.' X�J aiii-Jilor'b. for-
mt�,Idiot O'f a corporal,say? 110 A)
it Ico'k6d----horef-, 'Th� . "n�avrti%v 4IV-. - - . ft the .,of his' ourtainsi %�qdlh Would you. -Il ri�-
hialorj,, 41S. 0 the c iarmintgr view., IllnUtC Wall !ily(
-d de'r mY ',stee'p roof, ' as Iiij n "Unqm, turnlfig�lb 'his son� ln_.�my and hAve'met
L ..(it tion wait on - " ' I May I tell'�Ybd'-Of it A&Mbert i 'BqAdh6r.;' lied left 1�
wine. ia -,Cl&n� As she thought this: $he 'o Ul,)Pxl)eQt('d Y,
tlme 1"wo in' undAer ar-.'
ithv6N uld.,.64',". piit�_hi n our houz�,`t,
I o. �l 111, CLIPtaitin'S PA, - �� - -1 -1 -16r -lau-, fO tvi �0�4
otn- WUUVII!Z�� f Iny, nriql-h6l"
out In
0, repose io'
e,arawn: UA
restl for i� �ilty-four it
�Cft niatrine
tit! COL1111 �,ofi 'Your kindii
d hot, aunt"A D 01.0 m
Uld Y AD
-h& A, W u t t th, hat
.011 t
LA N _%ffix: t ee -oil V_
1114 1 i t ife C
_Ik add
�M —Wull i; H YJ I A 5, - I I 1 1101 '0 11 100
llibbtidad "i�pft :.. - " I T e young, -1
uaill e
q WA- th 9ITC1 ; I . . 9 , 11 �` pri
dow. Gonfou d it, iIr� no art V 1pa .,.a
NV full uIlle "tid 11,11 "Forgive. iql,ie, Nvhi4�p
eM` 'Alen to, ron V 1�:. lrt.� vW':halld's Imp Or-
6 �'0,0 I inflicted', illainy�:4rxjuritsl' I a
ea I's i�. 'Nssed- he old ady��`,
Wha" t" I t� ither Aianq,
child, lfo'�J� 'that upiqai�:otttsift,t, r& 1' C �ie sdihh.il Noe, a
Ish and 1: - it I �16� A li'p 11,
J.j'L it tNyelve-talreAd�O.',: _itl-etl . ast,,,a I;iqry, glance i Nil
-P Y �'at I -' ;,otherr:; - bL,,J0:.:- _9� " 141 _ _
I4�d'-, leg. NvaS- 'Ill fis�Sjij I i9';biRhdhy lived th4q r:
g. en 11 - , I. �
al.- 1 ter Worlc-ta pfoVe OW1,11 all'
a er thtin.-Us ior the own, oa the 'Iseeoild
-and 16adr.;be�tx' very' t
an fiour e, �li _U
y�u thi.3�4 L �7 4. -silk sccap
wlth� a. multitud0l of briahl; �eve r. pla'y� �n lately :spoltki
t rr
lxoii�e is enough o dri.
-was, Wtorical WD "what 'had�,Jofme*rly. b6exi. JJI4e.'CJIStbln_- lo tier. failure
ut bercre I in -good. ii
rau",vIon, 'Dounerstradt-, .,hadj . .. W. -
But this. �,rftin'g-ta'bfe ilol lent. All& ��ord
A�64 �. ". . I . , ,
of.the�sc on Sundays. the'donoe no a, uxurlc)us abocte;, for it consisted.
bf�ollly. t .0
'music overi tiler it or, e
called it, '.tier% -dn& Prince Louis 7! , , e.tclai 'Put" Id :hot '7) it
11,661 and' t j 7!
c ell., '111.14
a t gg.) s ra L
ell., IC tee and it' NVb.Ul
Ve"x*'dinan'd,' when he, was qu'art6eCin, e i liel I ifift ral's 41 a m- brce roonx�; and iny, kitch & ha�v;e:-dltokvn: 6Ver, quiet1gy,
"But W1
iv. (to
ball you, not, I
As ilift--for-a -forinighf:1441-tlies f. �r6if ii�6nically Jq_J�ya as i3tit..'-ffie-re-111"Wos Jkie U.? Noll ]rill Q\N
- lsp�,o i. for th,ere can 110
umn manoeuvr f�3, -Trea , ft, , I ." I
.�Yrx e- and. have to :;'ffer6d inee�trimab advdiltades kil-lit Wi MCC it,
;is,"" had.r.,writte In 'the
ri his
ouglit ning 4,<)- _Lwr --Illoth�r Ile P0 r
thnnk� the' Jodie TO Tyey'. th st,VrpIkei.- y' R M 101
�Afie s Fir, con
op)Nrypjot� (or a ciai
-She- Osse ps�'ixxtgaUi- - 9 - :. _ -,T,7.
Sell W 0
e arihing�' sbra 4iv� �. ,
this' hole id :
ishelfsto pc�ugli for 4 0 1 1� 0"?
6d the leworn6ments'Atif Ith. yllic, healthy". h whidli there'was' just room C v_ IV 40
e ptte- I . I , I -I, -I .
toppedl. helleatti, coo 1, astbn- aqd-�t . '
thin A
r ne
bye Alun
Vtat t
-the Frou- "ere' a, letter "for, you,' to,
must �oxne :.and, brp�giit 'out, a 1.0te'r.' lie S� the
'tbe, Stand of
i11,;?jx'*;, rs�nt o*n�r 7mcdtast,,howeir vases -Whicli know what not -and , I the parrot and qjp)
n -frbIri Helen J:urnlifks" �:j hed, -Iler eyes agst
1_,�re,.perforce_ - . L i n us
I I L� �: r 7", � , � air, an ni -to gtfi�,Jt o
wet.,. S1,6 vVii
1 .1.00 C -onder ul 'Nv'ls
heh� the &easorf pAermritted;:pin-cuVqixibn, i�'r'anxa;de��no.ans u 0 doAvh,i,x1iper- 111`00 4410118 Y
,%vere, always, filled fresli,� Ifiow�i�,L, !Iefivs h" d qroy AM g1taitO. Illitit-sWePt ONT" Ili I.- n
_'c t secro.d - ��11
arM p delio'ste.91II01A
down n the w f "shady ly -sohlethipgo about, -Qur fathe
�]'-o f- ihe �mpe'ror ing! tn'e- che i f,,&A rs ��,in which,. tile tparli-like gtIrdenrof Frail Elfri�da Bec
s cabinet'�'piheiio��ph a.lid"r -this goi-p" an
plsessiorl i Ile, pArkt Yellow, eaves r.ested �R
o. .....
we CIO
1, as pehdhht,;,-4- ..-,picture o ace place, lluqolp�h (ij L in. th*6� second, t'I�irile.�`��rlver, b
I . . . 9 1 " - b , 'b1rthd9-y,: I suppuse?
of: Queen -b- to p -box- had its' I ,an place, 'Aunt"I f, pride:. aild, disdaill q. iter CQuLnten. %u'l4`C "i
Lora took off her jacl�et, lifted the o
C . bula p mpa,
Uuiaa�; litti6", favors fromi tho cotill6n. thad risen and gone bor the wirid-ow. Mplitta; erson, 4eve.ry plain 'Aark. bluli I�IV*hat fro -111. tic, other side adl
title to Ig was ris Iv I I in g, It I'l P
N, asket with Drass,' "W'hy WonT.you play? -why -do �131C,u
"Ah h StxJd,',`13Wre !cOmes Hert A.ba I- 6ariiaj�e and. Oery` excursicin that 1,16nde hall, -ali& by I�er
lon-A-and n
1911he oln� nffi'
oaxii- Ibert, Becher
; . L I : ii 1-1 e �iA'tnrltei'�d -W- co. S loverAll y ,I
It 'wll A, on horse Ack situai it : t , d _ - - :.h y I sl i"
ain I wfii " h - ' d posSed,' 'for in,. this,.iluartei,' 6i.� !V.
ewe,s; d on, owever, only �yirid w," \N it h: V.: lb. c al riling pros a
7 M LT
11.4 4
Ic N Cd hI -,I , j.,,
0 in -L Fit b_,�t llw4flv ir 11)
Dioiwr, a pr4esent, from. 1katie; on one grecting 7fronl without. "i�y' itove, - A.- sndotirig-galle
sibleL SiZe;� but -rather -,ciude-, style'' IlHi� fOrtune admits: -of it gr-MArl I i . vil year_s.I,.WIien
n agal'
d 'llone-ksh"A"' t
�,i .a very,
-lit �6i7_ei
all azu're el(
1, -with. the moitto behontli,. Jr Ich ju stallion from a i4 IN 4150
It Z. hard n
e-. '.h -
f ail
;ok-&L-him-the�- ello!W�
rh table,, ill'- -'A r
-wess -fift
n Uke� a"clo ixeg�
'I th6,� r' it .
Me Seemed
as� littlo -line.- FVOML�W�'St`4
ti the simple wooden frame that, Thet young, girl knelt down.and: du-.�t- of 'her, mb. th
till ed it, as did,tthis lovLely."YoUn4 c.d the claw4eet Of the table.' favoirdl
to the humble roO6 she J - just' 1; you I W' hi - �Al a: tied ';,s e. came
had "Bu kno m s
ered, and 'where, she was standing
1 11, 1
�W n -rust
-tho x�occo fill
h,4-16 ex:
IWften YOU
A, --I -th --h Vhoir liandl! acr -do lai& Rom- dins, do ropli�d thet old' Jhe� tie.,
lrx�j, omel, YOU
C w oss, 'Cu�
irfio� 'w tiez-Aan lfidl�fully-.,zind,as 'if iie I p e�6� tier, hearty, it
voices were laughing, and 'shout -TW talk, of metbing-els-C., h: 'L fo'lkwidiltivens
es: erantota
lid �rilfe 6i�a ",ck-,iint �431.-rmg`
_�JnJhe �cleat* sunshLitle-, -,on in
M Via J�1�04t,,S&er
11ligh't, 9 Well, �11 Iy 1utrnislwd�
11 Vh ndred- i,,-b4i, ,I) a ving -a �J lis,
71.1- - , si "I'll 'Whit
or ";I �:Was i.ejep y. eft
t;": C6�,PZ,':4i "Was,
914' W USeCL "JIS a- 'PUDIIC Sellool.�
tile, in, h'er'hand, tIwfien her pro. 'E
wa er
�_JVU r,
T me,,11h&, JU_
�V f-:� 'i
d jasV-reste
f - -R—
'ga lanl�ijY7 a! cara eV Pot....
�v ;,Ci �i 1-1-
7-1 Io * I; roo I
ancient. .!ser`V1 -ing ward Alie nex n AVILA Inc
tl-llve&he��- for lw�nf ngn�uiden . rOught.-in..tio, el
lor In ht; 'e IONied hpr�.�"goldeq rtas t, NA, -.A 8 qatthAoxili
yz� A fire burnetir in t s OYet i, t6nd., sh' iby inwa.Id jilf I
had clo8ed,�hex� fat4'e 'Jea -and to Its.. � I :, , ";
Qlld,., la0Y was siti to ill J,�lld Italf. roulid- ds' sfle." afl�y's.of tile, pililt' biit, �lie, d
ulumn,enill and Ino
"Nou mWkt con m. your- ('11-PaV111011
noom�,l sfiW,fiid� look- A �f(��PP64 b6,f�rc- A. 4 A
prouder air. t4 . C.
u% -iii if ilit p_ IIv b zat i(e zo.ui4j
1,6- Fit place- wliuzv. C.. �hll look,
tb,e�, dblt� - Ski, .w., I
sp,edta-bly'en, n��-ids f-, a_,ci r(..vu IS4. 'r
nea 1.1;.
s:_d —ea r, it -rfFR
vi -
it e -Ibtf r, 6 n d-r-C-1goZil,
ve, dt f a tn' the ':NVith 4 -lice-i-V �,b� I w1th.ta xiety;., -dic this 'in �till :Llv�ly,- f& it -had fi�
, i tit and and . laying aside, tile letter.' T e t tit n.
an 1 6 ing - again -Jo ,h'er -auntl. she..said,_!.'IAUAh` !o raiin.
my'%gl 1: 14 , ft
it r robf, -ne, 'Yesterdary',' and.' lie is: co-il-Ti n ff 'to
for 1 did nol hear- the. flilill" llastp st
TiliSt tell y6U that: -your -brolNr Bit- PC
IF -
.6p Ita-
e _fi_ILI S`eliln ta�ditncui-_
It'll, S
i,: 1 ug,111. 7-t7�1 to c%roir a,Nvorseone*V 1--inust.-say
taTte,d! dl' 1.11
w1:1 h -the NO vel loh& 'iri his a barip?' that'�f 1,
0 slowly Over fi�.r de-iicale'.J�icc; .
?;st'in the fate -of, her A�,�Mh, c h t year.- A6:6ific to Ili
,-- r -r �-- !-1 -.1 - - onq,?" " - , . I I . .
)pecM y, when' ffiatch;m ., - , - .1 !.� -7 ' I t "Caught in
.10, too, �. egging hat I wo u I'd I rii d -a, Me
t I S till W tile a
I% J)-y-
JAbIllIes a"ad bfun -L asW,
-si gn a -no!c. V `-t&-crin ill ArtlyvOlue 'P,I-n 1 11 - 4."t'abivill
Y. 0. )y I'll
na6rful" lbys' that, A dczen. 11tit .�pleate,' --excpe ine a nro-:
-i�rrow -,nioiiev f,'canhol; uiihiders ofl6w*4,hL�', f
k'4t 'p -S -2a, KI
houses perlect- ery. s be�
-illy --tile '-A re- th;�: V Inal 1z awt �Iobe Jent .s.orri kly - t.
that' .4ns; -of
a, I , . r q
fid�lvritinrg� gi� lIeC:b r htive. gn in"Ild T1110ther' a nd d
r 'to a: tic; (Yar. Her sister's .'116
e that I urge me, so hard, IIIL� afitt
i6 d6lls, Ivent to N"'alIq L, , t f
.0. usu lly�fh!m writing this time"was tl,*at F -am
y to, Ja I gave t�ln. �at. Jast If
ba -e.
I every pieee� qf.'furinj�'
I 6s: -not an�- too ��Vn t ii. g happ<,ne'd,lo yoLi,* F %
made by -h6r Iqi�htt skill
V.07pco p e -
f dultv` ------- W
at '77'
a: ti. S P a 1.1119,
I in'..-lillavibo !'I *-ndlos6 . a Jew 116 es i to 1� m mv. - be-
n�,! -L-7 'r : A& i,� 4.;�' ;-7' *
�4 inartbr&L ku k7
M on
T: f v_v Ih - 7
7 -E-ji
T__ *65- lu- _gIRMY
walting across tie sq,turc;`14 YOU to tell -line'' C�0111 K 4, Jii7 -h it
fioi� `6 ',d � he ins 11 Art Mi, nvo �ilnll t:,.
na,megi er: , I btwinct- and �el'xllg 1101'SeS
ies, an(
ffil Ling civilian- I no Ing c-duld, ba'more had
blue, wC1 She 0 1 '- ';:�
)Avard' Ad th _w1ent. At* Jolt-
%N�all Ule Woro:�':a dark'-. g�y She%rhad ffer�nf 'ung
znq 1:
ft s- c4asturrip- ail .0 1.11 . . _. F1 lo
th elAugant th6nJbo':rosAe,6r)lored MIrk bbu- able, Tb' p6v: by a atx,bli:6 o
d: felt hat a 8�.4e `ia �i Jrfftill�lej*,�' he re :bu:L -my, duly Ajelis' l�nct. hem.. f luck..
ebuld'Ic' Rs n I b re I I a - 0 Vel! tt ilia
if , I I He's( love -de
tlliesairrw.col��. 'k,� tie dtew,ncarcr 6�:. to -6 , ungratefU
A doir of. the, C untes,sWlerhcrst�,_44ing to 'I ot,a,cornra , .1,L) .0ilt, wiffl, gliohl,� difilcilli
a nd, In. bed.."
rd,5 fft r )nsible for, hitn. �,,, Awording _t'
;r-,.he�,lookLed,.'a'�.,hiffi..6a]m "I'llo re 6 llfodtinot-nx-a-k. r-up-my�nlirr
'ni6ther-ih-la* on 41a
ook `dff -�hi§ lid C Vith oked �vodai,,,Ahe �v
'6a hari uslu4l
J. le� "Ti -i
f M is t lYIP h' H�rr_ Goun-gellori ift�' which a 16,66 6 Ji F ri 1i f.,nd offe(,ed" his
-baek 'xind he.walk- 'rah7 'wisill-e4 M t�trn ' q
y, boweTanol Ia rehl., W, th' C 10 C
__st,tf__ar Wo
n. n -se ell-, ol-1-4 in
Lq, _Ra�d&x_ iA�_. danx sl. JJldexi':
,_t� -a , :a C-
in Iffl, IF
e- i e 5 &d -no in g- is 11 A&MI.. 00, -nd-rus-11--11,
not,%X1A@M_ - . I A." Wlakc 7'
IVU,� h,�. does
bis� hand os -'if _nayp pA telle, dlilym Its:
r flu st, ry., 711 Gt- remains -,-lib
.-J 111-6 fib �esi e 66�1- t tT e V fa' . 4
YbUn g th al ".., jea. . 'biv�c` L, lo.M.
w c ,Cani-be 1, is v ry iz-.r - roftl'4... eirig.
The _g rl had- seated 'rs�ell' 'They ow -du -eak.
ere stAndin& 4 t' Id in a
W chair by -lier bod.' wfi6ho6 Slie, CO
ulAV it, W y � to hill,
: Inivit iCJV h' her r and. fixtither..
. I. , . I . 11 .1 ffa
iv? .. .. . .. i a Ix gprnients.�
ier eyes. A radial t Y, our, �6v-lll like, "bit' --nian
fol low him wil ti, -1 ncar the bld: ay' Y' - a I
I 6:)II16itilled, t Whvn a has rece
LG e�jlqutegxxA4- __1 - .., , -
and-stl -1 ha,� vthinL I lit,; ani -
e�_d�l --am . 'UPI
1[6� -I, id-th -in A.Y-
er... Allo:,_Ifull, �.carafe,,!!T,.should -brotliier it in a bt, - was, cett-nirfly',a lard Sun. 1: Nviould I �,o
A., - I When iltir'.::
gered there. s: SII a _tUrnedl-her head 16 A.
as, al ------
'io;r6ed t w gP(T: 9� I 114B trild hall
like,%'to di-ink,td glassof bee'ra rxiajg� t a to
_,_greetdiet mother -'- ' ______t___I' _k__l1I5;5u-V_T&r4_i , ... —T-reMblin Lorit,664Udh 'enolos. 4i1NaOUSlV, Rt I &bi I A ieElg )p y to r, al I d V:
_-TIAlalk 2 k 1 01- , - . - o', , . f . -
ut-you Ainde of 14� ff6jJ'JiAJM- -1 Fri V V'JQ
f -, Berlin��coj -you �46 _1h6:4_ ib�§!- - -, - .1 ,
J n�
il& lend 4W esltehbe
raj c"alli, ujy mon lin..�she,pr - �.., � .,
b FJrau, :vori "I 4UdFJ6e thC'..fa_ t LCL- J
Lb blienj �d Wl IL hb�n' A
in wha"t, is trdublulig �ot ill- T-1�"g. of'.V
-ie ittl he."ay Wgirsends me and in d0llsOl mily mov i6,y; if he A I
Jme,lem ayrassmi Lot bOn r 14) sco'-yo.11 I
a: 00 W19
h tj "it it is. not incon.
pa�'? ven. go the wall.- 11 yd ur to I lie r - n6vrthe-
i��O;Vis ly JL
in5 Ink hither.
--shoo er a to ITY tvl. 'a
-.0 the, mak 0., .;ejj,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . u-sar
f andg- wit, ti
st=.W -1 -CM hilt
trxlhi�46i( �' Len- a-J.Wvon-TojI-r -h-d' lre�a ihaii I .. . .
0 - ------ his _vs �11
-Y -
�he� Ii -COU 410 T�n:reocnea,'Westpri er wt lthe', r�)und and 1,
I R -PW his Niffl, Y-, at iindT in' apmve =1.'7111 8 Me ii -in; wrien. 1 111
a$ ju s� t.,� sg.l.i t. I I -b 11 foir. fie, fiMlrl V011
� p ...
An !'I-& I t0v L 9' 116, R�4YM Me I i1VLa 'tied illuittij at '.all 'l-rju and -of 'your rs �,an d. vo i tr ino, them.bn
_'t4n_. e
1. -1 !Vpq(t.. Ail
6id�he-fias , r . . . A douses, &,n gain the unpI%dvi&d 'fon-1,116W L,6's - --beab Ufu lfi.�,V_Liwl
1C ninij - - , 'd Je,llharrhing tfiO4'
-s,--�an 4 appe4red,r-bn the threshold 'in a� visding.,,.
ftwnsiaft, teikrs kiko� a
w little It. V
ve 'ecstdrile lof..the a'test Erigalish faShibh. -a . y
'a N% .�ut.pi: the.dUll
k-rxow..it-,R.As..oaly tl . 'v hearty eppr6vInti pi he.fr t:hj cult.y. is'tb. bia f -Aird 4,04tit if 1,
�.o e,, ra as twi�nty, i nivske�. to Ili
%r M I .11_ssdventli,,� '..
tI ir -as
- 111 _ T, " -b*
lioxv.-mue pat
�bu,:,s =f whom W t� is 'irue,.
ine. hat -A d Millo VArdoos.ii V'disfbrb y
e Youn V!
opa,y-iTxy.- pec -IG1:,xny,-.,es1eCmr� he- v _W
W M. oIll
ea Y,� 9 ra.- -W t _Zou.ih_ordP, rat
t res is-
"Cerlailll�. She hurried u I i the major, Westeriberg, -from the very 510 Va milsk:como -�,00ntt�r. r -lit III
F_ �q A An
it I stop hearing th-
"Ir `;'be �Iksked iod iloighbor.'r�A
AWT and 9'f -fin§t monient, had'4nad6, a --very., bad.141� tr Sn..-yptrrself. Lb -1. II -Jnly-
bo -c -Wo-ill urse Its V
d emptied: li&, p
-gayly, . OS She Pew: out li'little 6_n_-T6IFeft- Nvhaf'- T"
-0 e, porncr A i ' ' ' —
0�ls. A few jil o 8 4 th:6 IV a I1Ap-- 'She blus
and, Lijutes later the ,Iieu-V.. pression.; e I It ree. .1 ti.r " di ve in
A Jsome� Pont
oaIrl �on yeu�-oii �yo.0
w zh t, 14) Cratiler'sVI, and Wfitefi 15 la the last railway �Vslqtion,. AM li Ke flast
terV oh Ahe win.,
her mother's le,
let,, ("'C': ho 0 vVith t e. resti. num-
ri cki'se; her 101,
11,01, 11,1flIle illo k
parliculaely;: AVill plup6riliAt irli0l
ad ebtrisurned"tw Ov, at. 11 1 -ClA;90t;d`: lie'r hind, t' cirm n
d tile. to- ur hoI
ss. chi] Pon and
IT I lyierk9,1 1*4 ---�f It h§ nbt por berless, '-paC te 0,
'a rag'out-'�fin, and, sev- wits I-0, "s dxei�'-,djid
t:ions of caviar I iges, had irritated ftis Uo had itilra;�Vrl-Aip a diair ti�gllt, spolr;4,1111' ther. ' Wlitit &IT0' Wit
P, n the, dar
Aof wirie,,-6iA,.had,' an , �d iler*0�5 -k�rtess OfThe auttimn eifen� r1lobd xiuVs)iCd:Io ll�r'ch,L�k,4 'and h6i,taye.'s with heoq;
�sfi$ning,.thal&r - disappeared in, al d.
?: to seat, ..himself' beside. Fratilein Atolitta ill le4. %N, i th fears. Who Re' -looked, dowA tit hi,[` Llf
w.ing. par!y: W 11)e'mnitz.'fbr I'll -next n .64 p -re lighted: 614, help, 416tivv 4
hand and knhl lips LJ gly here a I c I�y ' ,
I A s a ce r t n i n t'6 Id -, fas hio n.(4 AVIth, feverish llqs:te '316-: thoiigiht_� ;c1i'lls- xglralOd tlll(,- fo"ll" fib*ir�
NY r, 050 It who.,' with
'ri sol.
le sor.a. )rg 11
hL d
d dly, �,vlrith Adolbert, BeCll\&r-aafid JJI(. li "I few and fat, �c swunk, aken her'sditt 6 '41010 0,
4)nf�.iiti,.otli(.,rtlirbu.gli,heP 'benin.� circle'
11TItV of',Ahe Jawn'. �)f A x district, to. liakalie, ill, tile, 46n �,Clllilhs aciviis06 8 reet the a cted' Aeitinify;' had t i 13n tI word." i6t lie �%:ectp
9 '"D61-ighted, 6, I:�ee choryli- V jo t"'q Ar's, -it' it
L'o ra., e 0 Ith,�, : regiri�, artince, of All.' :'�jdtor. -wmie troubl-a
on't, trio Mc.er.*, Msint -Qi� r. L` of � Adra-, iipp;n, N if" he w0didl to `kc�p oba'�Wt 1,11, W*
Wile �*p�!r,,ti.,.Ii-ab6ui�4t';,'da�. 0 ' Herr BAti,&er, 8 ic silittler0d. re adk - be ' ., felt: dix, y'.
ed, lusitI5111" (;f 0 wn
unehf, which
A. ns,� therf,!-. .61 an -entertaW hin� -wlith Oftil gight. it Iludollih Ind an there- r6ine iqW -his'
g th Ail i, 9 . . 1.
it, n c,4 *,,,1 0; Ice A)i 3 h htip
th� .v4-kno,%%,n.JUrhiWr Nti'ch awo f,40h.remame(.'quie y Ili lipr l5litcn: 1`11111-0111d She blame -ni. Ale hAd Ills
i4l1e.r"s "in
happier pine
As Aqm as 7A, ixiomori6s long -past andt I 'felt oiiwilt�n lkts. bi"
I si�, nlid e a . ..... ke b4d -Izix� i% he_�6nii� I -.Zed WIth, tile shobl" -kntw:
. A - 1-1. �. 1. � ,of: -AIr.
'.61', -fif'i '1-* ill"' - 5-4, ; n,i',iae h4n7i If-, whet &&'11h1d, f6d." A61t)6- I FF, .... ... ' ' 'I I , ,
lo I re -IX)r6d lboil Whill . J1 to I- c,;rrioible rol Al%; , . . I :. - . ' % ' ".1
I, - -1 1.14, davo.-'-all thi! 'Ouall"and, 'rnoat Ill Udibly. ''T it,
_00. �-pr sence- was at
Cb it n Led 6 , w,.s III t Lit I
- d "an-038gluto phyiilc 10 je.T:Ijll� at d
Ji,,,:oSoi three W��Iro_to-_'I; rllui�e :k fier Ale oddr'essed' his ."L, wduld I
1 lWX11 Villa 6--iller -illpilig'(4 11
I '. f: ble irr.Aa' le;i 0 lle$ -wris tiviv I
(�Lft, ttodscdXatll� ill t lie.. ft n, I b . till Colo
o� I I-nnnsense; the-- b6,d 'to"' Utlio. 9
tg� �_ : Id -cohlotind-er. -a . 1, '1' flit )f
o '' , - . � , hu g - I-, .. . I - 90 411A r r daiiin 'viTr. 1111.1.61i,
in fa. le - Ict
ther's t'- '.W.n.: WWL 'd, Lhe '_So� nftl�!_fj onimiluvian, oil at hill, 0
d6oldi,_& were, Pits to III(tr 4 ti'd stic, look ed
t AtLan_ tlxis� M11- L14014:] u t ct 1:11k �"W& I f
W illn he,
in- 16_6"
JT _j� -Lerftt %X',aS-S4ff idiiII-A it the, doe.
AoNvil ]or oil q
W�kn " Iri we kng. 'ITe
light blue Aulte 4 r 'a. of ba(1.6§46i- Wcs1:0riber� 9� 'gll 01
to tb�o cdllq�l; 10 ac6ording Id all, "Ood-fookint Oalls", I -sit ..'%A-0rds 4
04 , . I :. I - ing, r
es, Wa -h -,as - s
so V61 nost. miserable Ole he r rildo., �0111N . A I'Slied.
a tie s tile Il I I I ll� %N , not li)lx�r prr,�) 1'. L I
W .6'6en iWall hi.q life. ITA6�_,woiiid' Was a list,, lig it 1111're e �jtxpt lip., . � � �;
eliib indetind., flult-w-4MAA=i�4 od ill t
Urt Itni.rik4o his -maj?. -b hod -ever 16 1
4f s "li, I
sly, -o 61 40 trouble, !III the Ilt. 1.11111, q'
'I' f nif 01 an
_011 ft ____Lo1.a_ , ii
Would �Ame, and hce "'UnfAs e. they coime,froln,i Thi.4 'did not
Selt did not, krib�� 1Y, antl 'Aon(� went ck.
:Ohve tier, kv&f lid. "She Orank disgust, she -hot
ty rnilfr�s: 'awi 'nil, UiAb lwr' gl6ss ;.iA V Wit 110 ba
(in Wh011 eyen Rolle' C,rer,
'th e- -broldoly.; 11bap in c 1, a rin n g'. I ni i I it if happep, for �hls 'purse 'f6rbad.6' i(- buV 1`116 'J'OsY' face was 'blcidted,, as ofG1 No, nor," shi%. :C "Oil
'his si, -to -thmr)5e_: A 11w.6y
Fhe looked raw%4. .1 A kit '�'41
MbOi At 111(o.
Id flltifl sbe whi.�perod 'Oly clonall; on 1(it '41
It ippens W116..ttro toy)(] P.r.
qter never d 11 ko.
p'n rk 1-il I 6f,
-c r Must R111OW tit; ra..- I tv 7 Is -was ele
Is'.00inion ll).oJp.-,--ett-dl-)It---col-on.y.,,., linhers, and n
T C -eyes, -!,'Do-- olf 0 1 _n.Qu%P_ �11_
.6 f It --fien, 'ille
would -not ot that
and or ]lot, doir th(lir ter h(l."th0l the n 1 gl rV I
.1Z.36horibei 1 9- gant, but Y) I
-j I won N our
-be -�i th�
_6:601d, [lee 1Tioth0_W J cc y, luld got -on -fte't—% tlie, ntllitter- ell nad' aT if Aim,; flovi; ;I
I-, be a.
-1 1 , sit 4� Y.,
the stil.a.l.lost hdildker_
:*o-uld 't t 4n4aw, for 14'railleit-1 4\,lc_ stud%, lised,
�be. i o.i and, even.", 41011
b �, jet S, \�itjl III(, inoi r n
d -nor I r
-inn o no axlswe!, she...s oojied� creature, Ills, nl 'fins" Of PC till
gcod-rittihited 10.1 gost o f Ifol il It(,
. tr 'sUnhy snille taded�, hc,w colild 1�0, pick u,f); her' napkill. J.1 I ft was a a n ciei. rill p rill, at Ili, -opnot be" sho. s1kid TO-st
tile 'most im Mu�sibl4a t it,
1-V f Jimigh gb�- Jqod. h6r. little, f,
Ilk I ld? Arid it' 11 1.-
mn.for,h l6o, at -0- IC dl le . d ha
11P.3 were.. t4pertiliv `1 iii o. I WaJ
r "0 1 e n g t td, lltD, pGO erdog�� b�Ws 'arld- &")I1P5 w0i'U" vi, J.,il , "
406,have f6l .6 1!- tvit b6� no
75 Uis fi SZ1
�.W h -t Y W, Mori V, q(ts, i I d
"S. W- KI le V YOW 1_1'�l
ell U lj*fl�1.1�r"g:'fi��.1-.Z�\l�li.11�L the. -�O, out to Ply pro I tit in &C60 i
-10+ -Mal ho-lf I- o I)- I.
i6lkt, 'and' ITf,1f.6r'e sit& "Ieft s"did,
L borit'ing ot fi& little 9biden liptid,":and' ld 6'.e kalt<16M his co"t"Se -b"Id fill- tfif' ITU"iPt tbi" ['It(,, -vogiste0d1et'[61 [110111 )10 doilri'tIc'Ud lorr.
d� colloc. NO t, kint,J "u'lle.d. "I -
6110-toOk. il'ont iiiilhe 1i( ten, a g nle -col4hilleilts 4ike Wirt -8.,' I'llorp- 1�411
er'gl,CVn n lung, it 'it) 16 Ihe 1.
Zyi of, aphorisp a ovor,, he. vewq alwovs, Ullldhv, K
btra, . . , , -'s i . I
17 tr�6 cv�m, Mod b
s P., Lng bl�ar that again'. Katic,':A ebiltill
Out( AbOut his
ic r fit) .1 '5' -lid the,-' FlitlOr -,-Von TO I I � il-.� - &I"You. "gro t4yr,,�,lty 1 7 h no I rs�, his. Id I v-W-A.S. 4
: iv
xy�s ac� Auat N fe� I i t d' n ittirl(t �e- (10 yOn g irl.
0,J)'I CIC PC till an 0 cis iirrd witi oft Y
lines thil J -if Pt 0111 P*�Mble' d' do
I n it) g. a nd- When I I 1� ra Is
�1.0-,Dli, beArx"v, .1 , F0 F
I ry. I -o r o her, and sillto h6t, 'lost, bii-lhdav� ing lhoi th6�e N, llql�j f,,, I-,
-011 Still 611way 'let
sc�t�k h V(� Irtation Of, a Ariod fol-
1YI tit 1,66, -
iol: fox w � .,wffef� 11.1� I
Pr. dburi.� -'-the (,Illy i's UT kre 4N , C �l I . '4i I � i
w r( s, fill ti? inquir0d �Rudofph. nocr.Int and $htv, s.tarlott 11.1):. flint
dn' 'in M01 16' rr, N rtHin'. 4,1
r t thus- hit up4n.-Alf-4 _p -a4' Li n g. al dittild
- 1: 1 .., i . N
it 0 Sh�
kc Iw� all �LICA (J-�. I
v ji-m 'IL-III'm A- �)# 10 I--NNlV
-no tuch, or LU J oral, as- .141 arl it bl 0 OIJjr1c:L5.,
caretli frjt�_-us d. I t in c�,o u-04.
sil& ren 4DWi, alvi say'vilien 011C.,t0k brisket city 1,111"s floor)11,11R,.�., CoO108,4
ft'llifilt. cot 4 A
'nj h )' 'iti'lal cloh b'6111, i'6" gmixt privt
41L(. ?,f (AtAl
a front a jidig 'ou 11A girl .41 rl y,
A n d-, bV.1 his gi fl,�! 1,16 lived silf VAIP.- f
�4. 1�§ 'RIO ',$wt'gtoi�r�1.84rrb-W than '!Oh, to""coffoe, at rih'y r ell Ir6fold! oif- pd.11p
I , in I Ito
f Aunt Nlo 1, a Pei I (lie or I I J!,'hilld in lo tile
A-16 `ddlled -but, or 6-mIt Afta coil (1� h,,
V 4� m
m us t 5 t �ltit e h(q,.. olTnt lx.�(,,d its 'i
bape;'. If I - fiftlo , eove
Je for IN vi!n� hiti gl44 'elt, 00ot. "s fle :0 a tti'l 1.11 ri (Id. a I I the
She �perl led this "soft-ly., (Ind is it thn wind,)w. W me I I) Ail
r .40 f lily ldv* Nvrls�sw�,�cd- I'll ti6it, I.Sof(EM Union" A t I'll e
-1, gthncod. to You, wilho(lt fall", Wiltiderfulh, .411ripptl go
C0,16ningly.. Thoh It( litino-ori
'peopk-of Ahe p Orti, voll.
t L V" of (All pegs- I (1Xr U I SI 0 Ord'(11,
W 11) Cho4rjlh0tjsiN I %%�.6fqttp, N-44,,nL.day hava r . I )It .
the'.%vid W, . : I lie.
9, (W s
doe "nitij<
1p" anct. a wo1hollgh 5J.)eff%Qhg*'i* h, le thol.1gl 1, was e'lose, tt Lit W661 ke 1
fl,(l S 11 '0 1) re a 1 0 Ls )wh, s-14, is KrYVAO' h6 in a SCOTT'S E
(ALI ri, (I of llerwiso. Sl It filryl4' Ali
td havo 'got, S Il o thkO 11h. i4rif I
V 'Is soidorll qPlit'(1, hunlip 6ckstriii$ht Othef wl it niske
A y (nCe. IfaStlly, its. if, slie,' had Ttfl% "She I) I nl;v- , Hod," W I I I o 1, tit 10 fl. I i0l f) f 11iril , 5 or C's Ong, bons
ka rfi��e& a Secret, Silo 'CJOSed the IJ100k Nva;, , zippottitcId 1� to ", .; , id �c. rlop 4 ' iia"Lei, Irrd Ott fibar ce he. Ill ho'l. head si�,Ie h I t ,
I l�s �rf,, 1*e-� -Se, thill, �:)Jj hlvt, tol fted, %flit it -leid, soff
44)ond KAH0, 111 fill IT 11;0,t tile, - I -d'
it I of A bont' and' I �.'Mu
nild in 6Uir"S'l
4ar-n-down to ])or father. 4*wltkod and hit"s diseksir p
!'L'a Meter., 'N., bo�le� efoo'', 'I - I - ' � 11 41
tr Ucc�,N�,6;1*li' r4-:-+TqV*-NN--4 W:u*tI1L�:t-M�i+,xr WjJT7-qqt�_ fht- ewler
6, pa r i iYzed b I (I Yn a a wl 04 ll v -es;- �s - - - c r ltl 1A g lu ne-meansuI-,
loni C6n%UihPt16h�'
.11; lel'i Ling bv,th�, WindoW itl '11LIP ili�XIA
dfialr� 1"illkill.g., kvith, h S!i ihe� Old nlan,' pet,s',�Pl '114 rlckeh'ind I
*AO, .
I, d (i Y, I fin i T
ek lit, WA,nPY daV At;kv H10' IIPIO'Y' 8tiro ri t-1 ',,I ri s I. Itt, it., lli� tit 111� hortr fr66 SlAW10. It,
-an fillonti "it - I , 'Alln't Mplit id, tile with An �Ivt b jile Pasi tile VITIA' in. WhoSe [lie BOWNgs
Uira, Wqa 61 Milli
it f she,was v(iltly."soirty m16 lim IV, t m a I,. WJ4WAIWI`144, iln't, or(?n
od 6.v6j�'- Tls� fluprowed f.e, 'oil
W ,Ab6d a., tow jilon'ths", )ivft
J , I)(, I t o (1,
11'0111(fll . - . . Wi
d0d ibr.oll to4t, �t it -A di the proller arld 4pc, an
Y. tillleg kavd, I lef!,d -1 I�i for' a: Ikbwahi, ana. ura bore Wonderfully' With the and hag.114d lravo,
7&1��huy" ig
s I'a 1,
Ifell au
e nt.' Thi -old lady th, fk,
Lip q - 11�
�d_ igl_
IV p,
4 A
-T, —,, vL,=
� 01