HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1907-01-24, Page 7*, � i i., , ,,, , , , ... . -I � I '­ 1'_� i , , "I'll, 11 g, rg ........... I" "Wi frl 10 4 �._.777 7_:_ -71..", HQ 777`7 1) le. Jewish I" - - - - - - - A4 4, &Y I unar ve % to I d alld If th ' i's % -N.oah remained 111 ehe ark IrRX t4lnv WISH ","t XTE wondellid V after Co' T, IV 'op -7 ,ff . 4- 4-4- ____ iUSS �V, A'' preserya,' waR to' till altar W G A D I HABXtA1VTi OF 8EApQiRT_ n the qn. Vill., 1�jf). PRACTICIL-AV 4' ' ' : ` PRAISE N' �JNP build 'RAND: 04 WOO Saved i r k-, G PJACA"110 IT all, ll t 02141 (vg. ­1 --,,),)-1-1 In irixig AIJJU all',- �with, him -ill, GRE ark" 1), The 'EFFECTED., In 41, L a N for, no) t bicd 15bert 141.1cli Irk inere efl� - , ty e f 'to hilli, ka8t of Ris ellildron; IT ��Tweu G4 never 'ior'-�I;s the- R�uS1ijntoF-,+,- $fke t y th ILI I cill. 0 �ls never nil- Rocked and Th rk4* Sh beri IIAICLJI� lllig� an. "IJAXIL But lit, e) Li"Ingo"work,ox Jurg, ----d, thb-'�ttlals � they -pass -NO:Dginage Repor ver rules the Bil i 19 r 1 01- '1110 hairg"of t ;-- - o.1jr.bead, 41: k, 199104 liver- oyer,ilic Mo. tv�. 1 tilr611A , Of "the gh A rid e to Oitt ll �, !p pr ROPE ty :t;i Ws'' � 1 1, IT In OY �to d iRl-r, MITI 'we. A. lia, �,4ud, arli, 4 ni afl, no' rgy,w a i5cord ail or P � pare the, earth fori% ths! )jal [in' Vv��d, excl i dourr od, is VQkDlSLel�S% .4nd ry now, rx .1 - e and agai� rhad ilidd . fi t' �,IMT � _ ee'�Ir (miqjh ern( 11kile 0 - towl ,-.,on IJUIrl'anI Th i, Tho in 'amiteell in the I nes`­ Tfie'food-j 4 -A _tf,6 'a Spa _Sou ii A 4 lay,s mac ­_c"t]4nd4� 4� to v -T hoia�, 0 4i &'�djdtri6j t 4, 'n W.Aff octed AS,, and 'VheY �sqW Ujill lit, eth n UnA In" d vIA R of ne, J h d' er, a - 'Aft )p -in _j. ,, ,And' I f -P Y, I crAippra&jli,,. od, V -19nd Topor , and wag: followil inar-.vrices ite-1 at Z5 to"12ge, ithe starxraclr� f.. and boW6144 WaWrs - ill 350. ds'Puicill );11 600 Years lWore"ille fiz (J. curob � � (1, . 'It blv:Q, blid. one� 1:1I and1-''­,l i,l Wd eggi�,, at Mal (I wnld­-4�'Ill ,iaterbV:,a4 �colltinuoua rip ber, Ift"VA44 M QZ*'ll c CaII&L Illation Was ­J�T -A 211Y, bowels Ila hip i�ord�Qf vIctories'. d d1l the iiVate,, i Ns'pidd-4k jji�� 'es of the t ait �iw' �"­ " i�� -th�LI �f,,� ig, In, �,lq I j ""ItOl!� -.0 jl�tssa­ A kinds of in di A ­qIIeB4?1l wbether:�:'.tt ts in ter-' incurable� - ffoitiL red oases- at fly, and,' I tried" hilt causes.- A, S ree t t�m ti, 6 a Wei LIT: as Ing a 1, probabi-Ir a hot -change. God lopily dieturbed., An� incolnin Oing'diseases P h - IQ ilor.�_±hlo.*ater� , to.'L"�jl f e clues 145" PASS, -'the sh6ro�,wa8��vitl consumptiOn"and o at M a t6f� '10"* -i-d­stral Is naminar irig did ime a Mad' 't' ' C)V.e'r ­).V.oUIdL':'-nbt­ be P6rPefUjI: 'there` ­ wind by ilthich - their good until I. gat 15, n ilealis. .1 -.have never -epsiel-, lightolligt,�d found an�ithirjg i� reecues, numbibileaS people� eve are,, Um )pjd �eyaporati6 Sent a -str6riti team I , Bye ln`B� Steps iii: a d It Would,be prod,4ced. the waters '(v.,,j_)., :�II y,'TPe shocks, It er 1�6itnt 31 Seemed as . if,she had' at ;I h-vy at $9.' to dquaI� them 1 TI or al h grateftn, i6ye of ery verge wind '0 e gr n firoin, the 11A bh6hj, Soon beffit a- rfd 11 live.. C Whet.�, Wb gt6#ped—. eayeril; so l6lig;Ippon), well $'0 72, n to �d 'Eh a �410 gDod' afid. in -th le� wate , t -ell istOppeoli. the I' B o �, 2� d --cured- me., Sin IM, rs re Tir col fr6jil 11U, ce Chillffl� Xigh il P and, the Waters' were dr' ed �f 3(l, n toil! 6 Grippotil, pike A, Sweats �,Priqg..,bush 070 (v- -And �Vaiu, And Other jik� Do.. troubi all'bf,which are �f6re jDa gC)0:3e. bugh! 65 o G3 ell Woman. am laright, courts and, , t, t 0 diff&z ;­zJilout the soon came the 8 yv I ro� I eri,i r<)qn Pheil of the oli've-leaf (v tal. hush and 'b uoyallti,jn spiiitsit U 0 49, 0 GO , I "i, .- . nlI dull ajId,'j_'1.: __q_A 5 to .0 55", '?,"`�jpy, a" _L­used�_ 0� l�l, ell es�nf, thou --invisibl' tivlc�p()Werl u - k. , b have.-got.-W,lit upenlngs N�Kg_ eJor- drill had - beent.-Pr Rarl,­bl ....... oJor 94 Purposes, wIer -it- -6nd'-upd _A d o& AIN "S e acco _,h wAS.aS, n tire helru. h Hax.' tiniothy. tall 0 56 7 easy the is, power-bafflifig jqrlim to rest rain danger; -bIS, Mrs. C a b 11 ... ... y un activity back. : UIP e-­,,,0Lne..qf-,the.-maiijr�' orilling� the p Wool- TBEY- ARE Vic ll 0 if -2111 __` " ­ a yi ......... n Qjce _All _my-ai1menjS_LhdV - "cause . W; --- TIMS, �OF tired � ' -I I x . , - - . r I wms., ��dtirth- into,j resuirecti -- - -- d I - ' I -:, , - -XI WAT Cjj�­ ton of 'ill ! �L - - - - - ­_ .1 - , �­­Bilcalls­,4re �,al,,_�piircjjr,� -hil a remed�, f­ e.d cep. an all art 00 di -it-6-raim-1vinds �Quui&iug bill ad -t -7d bered Noah 1� remem�,--- - win ows, of ljcav��n a of 11111 rernarkabi �Who suffer pel*A,L 'his AisNsall le -gent 0,., liver and, "All at' jifty _75 0 recovery, ih-rh April. I t h 110 h 4 Wn Alid Tl Tile At Z esj:_p g graduall.14I pi aiT1s­4n-tbc­ejj68t The Thrf 'o ercrice. of �4 ha %vl bib! Ve a pgiire of ll -JiIAS V gl� 1, 0_ 8 00 R 9r, p nh- AN 7 ,, ' L. , , 1.1 - __ r A. ia di ID I 'night D- nsu ption., 5 7Zj Eir 85 toll of A I Rotd 610%'er nf)V�L Th& resf,4 d Yellin �d*. The tim v caught it. hepv�..l *a 4). !e -.Left -Penet one in I Co !fdee Vres -l-on-7the- JVIR6�- -As: Z� 3M P!.;!aa )ill ject, to, Till k o they, 0hotild bill Aln alodi, 8, ve 6ver eac Imble,.-Awy.-Al In- 'ey;ll On, WS point, e Destination. 25 D autb6rjjje4L�hre nibrith: di the civi I year, is, th 4!l�� r �'' Dr L Y. '91h. �I�uje aE. �Ill Stomach; so, that by .,ca th, Ande re: --A-Fenetaitigg h Tem. 10"Miall, W11 R 9,00 ... ejlnae� L _q*, ,j up .1 ove & Ahc� -irl on yg A 8 L.--; to f-11 US*YeAT -F sa�i �, :!2 th— h, ar :'Until... ni� Re 20 deatiogd. :_j.&,o.­;,,qreanil W�t� .spee ...... ..... .............. 'Vell 9ftUjW Ps 0, 30,_ JfS J&L. FUre nolas ji� was. Chick 32 L Powdj 'restiri %'V sona rflittetly,restored , . '1 .1 Oettel th-�, �i; 11`9 for heat:& entered te'd L . i ____ bt� 79ft;��.tt7i� the: e d 0 e a h th resoed,­Ib 0, 0 12 ache, hot dril"kSL; filount, of A-r&rat'was iiv mootthS' T .0� ..his- - t 'Witter in sny me, Ducks, per Ili, 10 go" to apie' th iiam'. have. Ple h 'd JIM, kv..= *'A' h rs vii, 1 -�hd ell Wks� The 'Lord.,J ' i god.. "rurkej e Or� A -h6,ark�doutjtjned lif� f6i t ME fal 150.d4ys. Comiar e ca Wthat Qhiirib�' & Wii i 4 wind piinq';jl ddVj_ ed i 12. jl,_� Ivifh, �acjl er 13, to 'd loples� Per 'tit c 1, , iesus' brought, I�qd, thel A bbl Ir ? _r1j, uprion for the i ... ... 50 S SL.an B',Ole �Bay_,'They Potato M Ararat, IS I ft -Pe e,r' ­Clabj�a.,e; u" oozeA Ox, or obtainabje 1 , "am the, Bill were no b YCHIN19' 4D $6 50,�t, -se6jus pre ty certain th .(b) The Place..' '(V. 4) —A' nefartguishene in �'a �i'4S 'b' t on 50 7 t , -at th e. CH eg, lierbush. '0�7 "d Still Bkcajig, 9,j 111lill: t rd to 1he fortv� rs: of 'the' Georgian W il 4 diays? an_�_IL corr. ti' piAh'­!ihit--naw% W 2 7 5.6, , . e rNE he pe r b ad di tionlal t but' part of, the ,Pro, ably the old name' for the. region' in Tov. 27,' li ail ba ditys' 0 er,h� :Toronto 1\ , ar . 11 - upon: receipt �of prido. 6 X; 1150 e­qoitt - hitij'' been Sine 3�eef bindIfIliaxters. no :Word e Thal ij no 16 .�O 75' hei ptoyaleace-64the'flooll."l th hern, pax iit. 1-Herel, heftr& :of. f7tist, OX(i for $2.60� 'NViiie forr of 0 6 50, 7 50 b ree salit cioni. qug&t -_ ".� - -i, "'i"'L , L , , AG -W ion, begins -j Of a,ii d -Ttmeived froul.- oung ' a$ ' becail u ort-OVAJIT-David 5 H6 1 11 4- ---il% CA dnd,,$1-.00 per bkft 11tea. 31liddle.of Ar Old YKI!q-?.Started oiltl, vmte to. uttl pw c, t Of '�the destructioin'�'�f­ t 8 '00 ilood on al Yl t�er. owt call begins. t p it, p p e a'r a'. toll loolc..fbr the. cn:n h e d, _491W; Umbd,' 119 K q 00 10, 00 '':th, tha y TAR, fiREv e Ar the nev 6Y ren:n h e ol", _V1.,__T0R0NM a poll ca ` f OIL -eal All n§, 6 no Pr.: Root, PLO r ire sonli6times'Its in.a wi er, So se iNoah's me.8 Qc�o:inpall y so 9. Kidn I- ------ lated; Ben tied b two r.,4ven (va, 51 nrpe- -All a purlimanent, cil T,6:, tLU)BS: THAT HAVE j DITERED , T]EM 40 lhit�- w.hb Wa V 11 E''"' A of.�S ifl rave fjrO 9 . '&Dlsease- 2. 6 A= D �'­brixiid q 0 was V, ng Ul 11� RU dealI 2SC par Al., Sonic: o lr�� qq 'aid:', Sia, MINIM Ottawa, ont.,',:169patcli. a'k d en Stal away. froin'Ltbe arL e Ca . nies Uin Jay oj Ciiissew. it' 4ol ' ' at '. 77��;_ :1% - !A`!` tiered for -It th day: J�n, the Eii to might find :the�vlouth,Oj iscoot Off all ,d a ns -S osed,�� thit__ A)�.Rebejliin�s qpops Canadian inusil, d �,Atl -_At wits R1 0MG XIS Alil ttaW - ----- Cdioki. r A 1Ur Do, th­ kii I cililled' Ararat,'. ISdain, 'ail k f dables . - as Ararat 28 are. .,!kpca ts now c uge llf,kiod. art are 6i ou -a do"I le iof.', oigher7, 4t qoi:i,4c� td.,iLq' ;6re tr ie ltlYerslty� ramittic Club -�s Z., dres8ed trillion �iof a mountain, and,these, Petually regtle ke t e, ir 9, h)" c aints, and th _C: l�t P mrrizeral fbarrick Club 'Ha 1foutreal - wasl cquyl it 68 Ii C I I , 1. M,,A.Ny' PLP .:S. I ey� were, on,, tj is 'fluttli a sic to.; ary's Dft.! pailit i, do,' not,seem pir-, 'Goldien If I* int.dildink Ito do , ei I r way It E YLVA �NIA. 9i d k itill for �thd �about theL 0 a �ino b. t. a' 11"t-06- an DANGER. V_'C per. 11b. 20 quality I IN I�E.ADIN'Q 'V;�Ilr A At 'Winnlpe&L 1:the lei In so hei1ro P, ing as, to Il old Lan I pose. 'as "'lost miltic Club —Murphy. ­ 54-'.Decre (C) I'laIlfaX; brannit' :thd peop L. d' J-1 Un( Alt ers Slowly de,'ejeaScd,- iof- ri'ionths and. bled- spirits of evil A, Pittsburg, Jan RK&T.S a The riv�rs are atoll School fin u6 r coitp e of did If , '' * ' Literkure, 'Fo easurtis Linet I . AII at, a; - " , :1 1 - 1 1'.. "'; ; 0 , th4l pl. of Sin, gi By flood' Stage "for the n d'ay§j file, S: even in Ys affer lea -ha' t 6*,� y 17011to, �.The judges jl at It top �a d ay 0, - 'le the rn6iiiitatins werel seen. 'dri on f eXcit bilit are were Ir Capt.". Paul Who It 'With t" einplit to, e' -iij I Alow" at tire rate of competIt3im the 16iienient, wo and aL. Tolel -thr ...... -the:d '�o -peace," §Ul _, A 0 1 t -tile �New` j4]n9I4ud-, f �ue va r W ger line r ravm-andl oss t6tir., RE =6. n6- . ;' , he­fug,,0iBr IttIap. on"j, . . .4. 75% 7 5 '6 F t d, jen.; ill,lalil-do k_: obably 'be*',' ty -Probibl�j.f -t:�,�Ldahysjro lix y ,fro- A idove 0, Conaeira 1!��plg L -M 6s, 2 til a & " 6 -,j­PQ _S�� �lof�Qjj��jjj6LUn , ­­ - j - tfi, tairia"'Well ' a, y &.till-71tIoug . Utod A. --n4at- t' oly Ug_iuto, t W 0 OL UA-RV9-r,-:, �p , _1 a] ol4ibletu"Of Lfe t `!�_ - -ca. eA at'.tjl'e4 h axid-returnjil 1,ondon-Thie �'(Wmer -known P _dfti6n_ ctll t pirit�'? e -thLi�-Vo6d­woul �,,co' e­-lIe8­ 11 e_-dispeIjSatjOnS,iOf':, the, � Spirit to sI '6P as -Kate (a) i ma'y nOtL K'3'. a -tile L 'iington. eXcedd -23 fee' _da �Miol ' Inw, td, I; Wool, auction ano:11L g ei_ I - Uer&l,r asiohal-coining��-t­jti­ lieui '-aring ai f ull IV hen of Pat�rg, 'but the -Holi- .11ecu deimatiou jQ­ih bpyl�rs ?L�WCI-: .0 rel the bulk or, th tot, him line r n Ili ng,no, �X,� David:- Cook le�btklmei�al- day _gAhe:lw�jS,4U11-T-ising_a - . hart: the witte' sin orld,a aj-di-L... Tip ting d_f _L _ _p 7A of the AUU07 re- t4qo. th-u�h-6ffVt—O l; ''ago for" �In d r e K67 'try to j6iijk- thenj: Up. -We'ro_-�6ali;erly cornpetd disappear;. the. nowledg r at for- the able' of:' W�j .[T _r Ur W13-1 Laill Wooll.,int x JIS 'DOaS'. cry. i'�7w_h i 1'e- -a -r'-d 6' k d �t rater ed, -"Th 8 E _hcr_foot?!� a 34 fe 9)- proir d d courQd- e two, 61-3r' r u d. F-dund a Cleart bird d­ jaitt j w IA 'ji .."a piot.bel day xig'it from*11111' Wei _ the 'd' bt �SoilSl -It- 1 ' earners, _,therl Ij:t, V & pn Mff' are the sa eUrIOSI Y#L;kuld the db�ccal little i 6ive -all - -- ­h�_-d.*; - . I lit. ' ' L I I 1_ .. , " r lountainand. , YL I 1 117 t r"Tizabot are also Teiv South �"Wbileik would serve ihi� "' d- 4.!l zabeth.and es 1% e 6 his -and so-ts jti�lf­in- tIx-e­­si1n4 "I'l wild �and, h - 4 -a, �pkrf jullui lanyl: of BOO- bajes;:bcoured; j$jjA--U 1�1 Quel , I, il dEEOFT, th deiltig land, &W, 0 a ILA: 'dresses jtg�L ea-ther'a till"theoi rhill . � I . .11 R ol d their _,j. to Is pchep d me up all P 9111" ,ter, -.7, 4.1- J-fd-.' 'fGb 1,0111a a Iiight"'PI76 9dj:to Is�,-Id , , It. - .-SU'] V W. War cAps - threm-, gl' 1111A ;- 'a th* _2F M - balcks;. Uji-11'. thelin It i4efir,10-W68 sh .Y.Ictol 3,2ol SP�1�y� myeArs Oid; Wdl f6 d' do 'Will -not, Stop' t fj,�oo C greasy,.ad, t,,Llo ad Thjjt is for 6�4_d, -Wo�l -!!I . it is couch in ilia, j. slid �'retufh Pon :but'-. 'ttlihg u be, 117 _11 _ _8"WU___to__I -a W� , an e -to, a; it' So Elouth Austtmijia, _](M, ad been dead', t;WO him- On eri _11uPpVr­ff-Q-St;'-11-­F­ P -POCISFY,i 9.%d 67 W5 mum wa, P li�rzt;l -;bal,,s-; at Pt�td­ _- uzl _1 un 11 it is cle, 19.11d, -,a N 'W Zen- tQ­hjSL -face b Bt0WN--f.R0MtAN)_NUN Us It Lve the u le -One .1-17- 7,id;t und dant sugtena 6 all&e 0 tilo - fo 'n(I lleF u —Al 13� 0 y re a d or -and dijed thO, I :. . , . , , isc�jj,6' -j: whi will onab e us kQ W -Ve a-hrint . R., t A,, - car 0: r,e urn 0 UFe an; etal :of -M-URO D%R­� - _Tlic 01 1- VACKU. 261 Urod 9d t aljdjui�pea, wli(Uv iLbo'llt- t,.'�e poliel bz-eiii of heilveii State R66tjc' XA!l! Ycr 0 Iq 4c jils'. j,O of deni naing tt-coug ai,, abide in 0hri9t jj'jj4, *jWe: Washing-iol -P t WIM8 t�f A v M U- W_ IIVFe J." ­­ ­ ­­ _J� nor 15 Ungl&N Tit 0-i 1AW-1l. _Lho in- the ta I ;a Iln W -31-1-1V _,=f1i -Koch6stel when' ft=ntOr_rO�*l _T ff6ciiT o -b "Vjt5L.. .110 Mina in v: went, and W rill (b), The; Spirit c glle-t' F In- S' the Govitirrior-ii CIM--lif . . goo 21to orin it, -Eakl Grey' are b iiii n ""'e Contjjt�os. ()II'lijet Ith ra, w f At 1 0 rio Je us'.. lftke%�!.&Ilhi, 44111 it, is AVI n1mr t ere- 'Rig rellztive�` eir h 1- : f t Vthe t, 'thdre.- '.He Il minis ry, proclaiming pe'll to' al: jil C was ac� 8 �e ell d ell 'Tl) I uj f6 h b a"Ill ' ' - 'C -AI: c 11 Ila$ a , * i, th � Ibr Ind tx1derinist rt a-Aqve,�.rro. vijipamed.,by.hig�.,V, e a ill flaylght - It , d , _ ', , , L, I . I'Lln'13- So. 0 Ben- ajo -hid, bedn Sent, forth . or. 1fJy e fell'the'lilaven t y se.v world. "The dave IJarne in and-.jo�j in . -London Jal, prinir , 17. YQ11,Paus ro.le 1farly, faj�a of goinItl COnsioleAle. bu�jnes jr,, her mouth w -7. JIM eXpook,,4 S shipiuleiqg, rol Old, for xer8c 10 at 0s that as an iolivo-joaf!,.�. 11y., t 't I beril his cruell ii, , t, vard ll `�SQtfja"; 6*j, At �cd, ye 4 tj;d Ihb I tliough Secrotsity ae, -old. Th6se� Suspe.etteid, AVintor ed 'niiich. property dOVc;;1*ufi'Iik6 C a rT".bo:ro. iA� til r _3_71117t:t7=11: ,;-- - bn jn Ne to- 12 je�­ �­ . and 4-g�t _40 -:have a", roL, '" % U, __ i t Wan t Ytiircll ._�5_trlj e val`�' IIX4119, 1,66 xmiyen'.a 1- 1, softy'where it Js plea I out 1108, gen" dL come.' Toth eraqy 1161 10 Leblirt A- an findj'jl'jr�"J�ho ly- ii�rizes thily Spirit,,of ..,aides, d6sird suspect was�blo 1, t 1. 1161 And dry''PlaCeL - , - L L, V4 is _,jo.jjl , __l -.- -- aid, q, 1) �ce fr a Y -Olin a A mail of so 01, Ila. orfii orl "' - � -to aliglit and nothing fit for her I'alien World. rrows in 'afi 19-t colonial o ic 0. are ran. in, g d is which' alid IT him in ille �g S'! have harr tore, ,Ili ing and b the The reason IF oo ad, ifib�' hWtilictiVoly� retj�rjje& le, plr-� Coming �at jo be]"a"Ve o the -,Vc4ntdo0 V t ers. th -or-' r ]if tri f) NI in-heii e h gcib da Ii,j S tb� c..' s il� , &lv I a de� on tiatly ore .-Vill be par- d I I his propert ow,frorh *hich- she wa� -scut'forih, ,,a �`,to dwell in, belie or (_A�Cia. ji. -I bid. of the Colion 1� ove. ...refurned - . . e assembling 16,'Yet other I b 'd not aagin" ill] I es A 1.31cars'an r, W seven- days-'111cre ltl� e on erence, rol proqen't L ap to'�ul 1`:;� faVO 0 f -d 't le 4thd! in u a a, Was communidateid to: L Spflij n )iis 'safe he 1PY C HA Gg)? W,�TR i n Maly. % ti RD rpm nt-by,9r, 0 PilerDurdhil. 'ctOrv-­ Thelle- 'is no cjI'jjj;,e. jjr� tile -V�rnme 4r allus so . Venjol d released, (Vs. !a- 'Go v'$'Orl 'of' file i�e�k file beginningL U. , I as-, 6f the' -rain tire h ER,, PQ 1 which If'' Adoptleil'by all tile, i Until" the dry- ware M61latio, luf .1 n. consulted t rles-C-Tte'r 4ear 44�dlt,` 1 1 the earth, Blue, IVICI), the' Arr' 19'0 iYas Note qj 'of r. -xpre;%setj for, Ch movin, C�Eg��tiausj�. by U'dositiy or, ma Ilk -of- k ail 1 .1 , . _. 0 f1ii find kinaus-'ag: far "rSIBS '1'0 L the nuinjidj' -,.4tive, a fi Marie_' bacic as an- seven lin' 12'- 'Gc-n__� _ . P y nit' IVI V b' AA quil'o d lVision. of the.:t1li� ji t L an c history '66tend�.,- It' is probable ill ' ' 0 6 Telfivfiow tj t at','Noall'Lon, di ion 'of Ila vt fill i7. ft� 0 weeks (Gen jjqI "'S d; M, T," ON t'TA 1W VII60 06,1ps, work' '_e 'of 1`11"Sing -It ., arie dd,�patdh., Charles the Sibbal A Al !S Ad �b iliiark MOS Ben 'forth, it.' 2, S).. Ejeft.46 ill A Arl or Ullija ah4lj Il%X air;" ly, at tile reden t d""91 r r cB �` I Io! ilic on io t "One, day hend ha� living 1iel med! Stockton rade of' thl 8c line. The ,1. nd iblill d6ve �eav n k t , li`s . . : , , "; " , , ­:- , , - , , . I.. I id 01irrim! in Alb -cilia Of a 'ch d 0 dL deentied Prayer. -seeking proVideWitf-! nj itn(tl�' i0l t 'of ill U Pall Nia was.: p1j:IS Of4glb ?�j L,(V§ � B ' , Vroicin;: Gir S U-120 il�orl 73� hits glic"11,11 more d.�Aflj a Inall iivailtc( In adly ­guidance.!!�, -An,: ol iIllc-�qxfL--qjFe ­­, I AIL 7777 �.Xoa 14-alti-jT(T dl 8 nj;I'k'Ij' t �AL pi= Inbiber do ore Dlitin built 0137 te jtf6tL` -to fe- Ofltisfactory t I�T.Pllklntld Thomag Stocli I ranich l'bii;, koln towi 1 an' altar Alld Offered. elfant boasts. and .110=t ki�l . NVas_Aeejj,.'by a Cuhstabld,wh IV T. j.,f­ , It Joe,- I'Cif ........ til lll .. AuLl V A110 ati orl of t .4 Vere atl 6 . it] "hus lfdt. heric' aicif: game ja;%vq, th -t 'WIIA�e -trees rlY -ill' figure 1k. I p''e, ard oblij-ed" to Sta-zid t a '00kh J_0.j'V­ISr,jts -a- _S tonr:�ia . tl I A *7 h 517 Ao water. IIA 'oll%ile,1paif ty R., 'and, !to r e do T did (',ad tt LIT] j jjc VVA. wirtak., 'WIIOI"a�ll trzittFe� i 0111abiller d 1.110'.. - w II -tie a c Oil th" was al 6 tit" thd fiffida ru 1 .. . ... ..... . . IllentAl"'t 1 rolm uIr eet fro Iilthdh,yj)� file' I Acripti6h -ill t )rought "0' u y illro ­ - I I ro in . q , � 11, . Oration 71JI.�, jlll J ger. at 688.] re hi been wrather, bottdr, c-rcwar.redei ilgh' tlle' ji V, ween 0"t-10bre 'ffill' let Clod and the 0 ban, eadl W" the -first, all whdn� 1o, rnill eS or �ftctl all I Ig, &,fl sign:of- bit 'Uhrib briJak he PLIP or Glirl man le!319 sall Ilk at th vil r (I 'fire fcr -a over' 6), Colffibliz. forl to % �It, was probably front this olrourns li, no S and kno" ay tande. , V.-WLciah. ic set ill and dilt ell �110 d., h a L ljoeolne. c 'As'�,h $in ho fol ti'le g 1� [ilia- fail'j, ft-Rsbrteol, tile Olive' btlillielIL'hif ward d tier nilned Alefitrq ill Y a !,tha Altitri b Oke- from, c"*. All i LMents' o s Ll��J).: 011 '?tiler aeparf.' 'Be 7 thc -of P of urn 'le -oz � . " 6, d , Sily-A iq m b.0 I eace­,aniojrg� ILII, dji--1j1i6-V ncouS; ".tal h. the M. olletndjfi�l:ig nde is­1v(xI 01ten rh__- 00d ­kl 011118e. Of, i -tile.- knees, and 0'30 -Wrea -011 gave , nelA pr d1c] d,:,(,rbrd' �' ' ­ e.t of ILI vil t h at itdnd frozen pj -the, fa ��Yleiiaiilc m a 02 1.4 ur Aille, 40in-Iturther _. . 1, .. +1 `Iio"O`a�� -�Slib_ll Sjio�k��, tio a Toll' C3,11 iedjrI'iit,g' I G jVS a, A ci -tilp'l- 7 12PVC hdV4Ino.10d Itt" _A. Iri" price.4, 6, '1 I 'Sofit V�O J -P her, plaee �-JLJ)."j] 7 'J'q J. alit -gel, J,b - _wt .11. 0 d iIIo­co%'ouajjtL' f'� i7si ace. d to ca, I I c i it 117) e 0 (1 i'll return A '' wAS iei ; 0 c rt of 0 ad. It is `iieo� d..jV,jj jqi,,, I)II vifil it 06l;1a;1 oodjles� no second tinle-it retfirned, inin i la,fearod le all jub-if'o, kind f but 'flio, 'CANADIAN !rA,-zjp.V .1, becit'll'ad'of till to,be�aniplftaied. ..C,aqs Uls ntil I'llintol onods', nd Old- hi'j- till n3ain . It) 3v a are olariv iiianjfo, forth to. 'tetliri who about' a YcAr 9#0 'Iva IT 'mptbT)l of All.-iniprorefil ormation tl�i; falx>.�Ie Art 61ivii 161if -it bt. is !if [at' th injuredL b' X6ith-I I '141441t wi I I'lelliablatIL' Nveak It;1d, 0 OVe st by 'I CL it In] t f. f a �widr of for fiertHy.-Oi lly e e th"It I's er�;n�inr#_ ing �nfj_' V_ _1;6 tij­ - " 1 S)7 -jorU--t7ja 4 ! ';at, Fea 'Or snever, on." "! �­,'l rve B, and jIfl Do .cidiijl�Oni, the of .::-f rt'�ofi,tlle� North alld 't V,L TecoVe .1re ult's, to Cl t1h it not.eafned b 'd feet 6, fMid, at 1116ir 18�givcn to Its y us I Urbacli. -IT (A trade coh� :� of that , :onseque t orks-aie a id aMa 110' "ef. freqti�-fit TA, Ali— and -to,() re IF 8' it 15-1-1 a a Lie 4-ioal 6 f _t�j If n-PyJ enclil-of-La i-' V Inn Ill we a Ular, hild. ()n y I:FIAl buSlilegs -bo,(,nL ()f 'AN4"iOVAI lJoard;' of Trade e origin Of it' "By gr I ace B.11 t 4inl� timl­aj�­� , ildrL an' rre-- Not "Iree,eiv,e those wI -d US' the elifth ren)ain; loe1s of uSil',d P,ftfIr-h6I1d_arIl_'dj�Ij_" clq4 _!Tht'� I IT a am 9311t Ari� elf ht.ls,, (Elph...ij. 8)., ,W to alirdd frl*uenti`� theM �fffiectild b 9 1'�,a"L" Offid to, Hini for, teq 'Ibthj�',, luiti t See ''tinte, ajid, ji 4' Bt'. lAjjj,IIL 11(101Z Ur. . . I I (N� 1 2 i3 ase .00), ordo4pl si, 13�3 6). )""'" 1.0'"Lorlp a :cei, hot fR tillose syll I 10 rip y fiavo' It :, AW $ SIST olil", tod'doeft - 4 Noilth Waited anothie,,r T . . . ,, I . eld, lio, I;efnil tj-�� p Of' ilia re c t JV.jI.ibh, can i6ilffi a6cr., the' k ll & a TIMIll WAR _--hre n 4 be j.0 I . , - -'� I � - I �,p I'-. " I --ill reei ;r I . ..... 40 0 ' ' j , ' - __1 f" -, ­:, .1 , .., �hlnd", (C -IV ­�A W11"1061l ilnl�� it�'Alnai 'A .'lei I!, cod' after h*1 '?IT Ore Waa son f� filet 'fh�j lie - )c a re, - R. E L t f Al Y Rr=�UF,�. -Pili . . . . . . k1twia � Till W 0 Triy.- sa. I v j" A 14f". ft I I , I: ho�nLP.6.1 1 j"L'0'j� . , "" 1, 1 . a gl. a, l j-, ITT ­_ I .. ' I I_ ... I G, I'a I I " �U� U Aa nearly fill !Oli-I 1)aforoi tho 'll IS OEN'.EIW W11IN ES., a 1011 lei- of JIM b"f 4`WTdVe-rii IV _t tj 'Odrt ;.Was fiflividr).L "I A,, G.. 1q. rd od _jjQ rry U br,"t ed. ,]is a e I year S, Jill co forth-irbith, did "noe flic a ilk -AW,21 ' I: . l . , until jh� biifo', Ad Colin er. 'n P. S_ L , to dir6l c6n,111l'ifid te-as of Yarnioll a )To) , I . I - y, 1)1,1101 ild twobillil �6 t]ie gteflinshiLo J�jjiaot Ale coll !oh lon, will t '"Odd Altbotj�h lie col 11 AT-WARTO: N, -a Ir ift� Ali in -1d k 'B U _R6 LARS Pasgepger oil r 0 14aAcin for dnlay s .06ar A Aqz j: ltl;k V MITC10111,0il itild harri .., j guate victbriA, IvIll'oh Irad oxpoto lotol'i., 'IT 11 IF� 'flyii (i� 1641* for Jehovall t1le ' � , , . 011ffflIA1o<q f. I fog I'd gelliL ONE t1f Torij,"110 t1l6l ujlfiIlj;jnajI7:.j' biiq �yt Aft, I 'Ito 0.1. , P1 . 4., 61W Y6fk VMwv t4olight '4' �1'l o" I ri 'Wnl: find 11-1`1 Mid 011n-'. )ck: to�(h 't t1lat N' thick wekthey,l, TIT(" n 0 U5 UVX9AL So ot din orbilglif on 4 Iii(ii-o'll"t'ilt is ;o, 0 r lit tooll tS"46�. LI IS To fil. 6 k ho H dVS`I)A xllfi rxqr�,'& `i"Illlo� h4ld tAL-0 Ly d i 'ell 0,11,1tir , il"! . 1� f : TY64elt�-Nvhat tf--Wllen� her _.t%"4XA, 1. A�� - 4, FtIvit-tit f")1- �: lxol�, of PoWltyll—rool, jfI` . 4 . "Ill I I &A t') 04TV0 waltil-lintl ttionightwny oeil t 0 'Ut - I toil I bioli , 't "' , " PfillY 111 the ht;ki Vile', fol lilowill oqjI,()I�joj0_ 117111" A I wii# kild Cle T71 I al C'. Sfloo $tot . e or I", lir da, Se tiorn- tIl Ptoig&ntlon. L ij. §1 fe,& t1l'. dat, pf At. fifom"A� Por oiq "IS F, jig iollfeol' it X qi'l", 'Iblo-f fft'S I t� ell ol .27 Sh, , . " � lieh 1�!rlq ill. fl it' y I., i i lin . .... . O&CArIll4tro -IT, '7 1-31 1`011- ic A- 0 0 ;? �sla%, ti $I Y, lo" lbi i1bli". Tfli 'i'6WIlfli (,l S'f1ror srlo�]), )"st"dinj, 1hfjT'jlI6jl rl�,jj- I, Nvt,�lo. iolil MWI 'W16iThy �jf am ilxd(*A ly pet i on" C Cytdf Ing n, litle4o cent - 60 d6vo pwitt 6,116 Tillid M�M IfA, rinkh !if, f virt,4 folk -.tflo, '4liTivi'l Th-, flokU, wt A 1. "I'l I I. g, 11, ha"k $1101 e'l A f Ely' t1I , I; y r. i)fl 6 , 4. pin lifid, fietlIrti'i '' Store, pb ii�jf;jji* - L114.4 �jjfl till (.1116, oti I Ill T' 1741l;, (11 (1 (l',q flie. vol - an 0"Uiv 6. 1 , " I)Ilto"" I'dom, §6111ti)0I nn I Tr, h, Al Wn th. i 1 j" rillif-atitif Avliik� ki &miltofi WIryttiv .1 On It" TLl' A a, t .11 -A- A­ fiv qN gq -j R. S I l 'qW .01 . I Fi ho. 0 rl� tuf fa oil ;4 Advids, "Ot tlitov v , UW1r%,1M1At?T -N'A f?&6 'the llq�oi of daA ttild W'. (j!Ij,.N to ll�, �� . A 7-0 tot- "Colted(folm ........ . . ..... 4% 00- �4' A, 4