HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1907-01-24, Page 201to �7' 77,:,rfflj1,1W'1M - - . 1 NW row "RI —T 4 It W S K N.4 41 11 arthqua e- Cattle: as,. a suddem' os-' The C, 9apaicity lVitli r tt rnin oipa:tlon not 'fl�onj ally Particula I . t I � 7. direc- fleei es Ana e, of 'the prisoners,w re� rijurec none escaped, Thousands . of Persons jVc, I '- - , , S tiqu bUt'llp and doivn. a,. in 11 Ile Wounded persomi d for The .11ort lzo� Iry le Oil �al P IV , was, vii�, streets, atI­tfie tiale and great numbers ryworlijrete kilj�d, O'Ll all tile shiPs' in the hailI6 and two artillp "of tbon were Crushed. A earlier called in here on T) :a7ty �Amedca'ns her way, from emolli'ti', 'in -Ning-stbil. il'ere Cuba, and ' s4ilej - agajn� c6, On killed aiid,baN-e been -J! i 1­11ealizin- the. IM Mst�,yillg in port. ofie-ho�r� Ae t­.-w-ind, tile shape Of Y,.Orfl :. It �-Po5sibilit T In e, --t h�­P e0p,16,�i P 44de,-attemptis-to-16o -.0olipany, �afouset]T-alld­ijlally the, direct West India CaOle 4 U , OM_ � jj"jUe8L This Undoubtedly pa le in r any, are bro A -MIMF OJPM kon 'twa nli�e� the food s�hiffg Detaelluients- 0" as the7vc M _at'.Seai,. AN Re . Ople -were- st of troops Nvith'fixed bayone- _Pair6'are bejug-made� 7�, 7 Is rp n The jVps F -ami in, 11ine 'is, working' f is es'pecially tytjo of4be'whit I e13 1; were plad-' t I , the Cart holuake c a t I' land -13a.Y tos�iylg" ­­ - - ­­ P ..1-th - I ff. h ins"I th a "ll "a Position. 011e, is allwVed to Tilt Q01i q 'its 'for �the Sin an( e Coins into "'S� you 1jileL of t,164 fe all I 11 - at Ii all f4 -ulnea, Sections t� 0 lees, of. the IN_ing,�ton,�,ncjVs thein loss Tor the benefit. �f the ne 'city, he Witts largest in VrB havq J)Ccu wrecked J, I of pooreT �Ters; oegro �ai 6.� 1), water �siipplv awil pie JuSt" left VU0 their back to the hotel Ii�h n, kxDS -ANXIOU$ to the Ill FRI and,ho xvator,l thi6y'reabed, 'the-li a ese rvoi r, b r tl uxl�e d le to the, I -Alt- ha. a le Sa The D 'j 1$8 d 'd 01 ondon,6 b d j rs. ojl� *UssonIs, boitIfy Y b S1 nation Last N` if" ost di' r s or f --Bra d 1ey -and­t; §Vsthat �25:Lof�,jIle..emplo art" is h Of the, ieve IS S , '' -, . d -or, a to be tat raxoporte(f mjssint� III, d t hThe is rep( Ihc� fie' thtJ"_pqOPje:46-1i ab feet,, W , i ' tliie tremors. rete 'are bef f OM' 'casuattles 'within ng 1'eSI(lenceS Word ca supp 'ed . preSent".and at Kb or, than The diffl there is i cab] Was eXpeeted. P t1 -11-e Were Yrt Antonio i`th side of t in %tlie of colli-, e:, Accord lie rcivo un tj % ors. V I f ")IMrse8% ere i:o�lj Th urs ay,. the 1total dead, e f 'll bf t I (lead, and injured 71 u IV 'Ites, the Ikiio�ViCdge'thdt Inany Ofthe urYjng'the ead-w" go 64ectd to approach 'T jinmediately, a I I ve ;ed A�noiita� will, be buried unidentifi&I, an' g?l proce, a 'State of 91 'A fidal inunda4f out, in, ny houses. d Ing In a� tropi6l.f�,UntyY- Many'llod ��Cljr C�barr�d Of tlle� popplatiou�, tile reports.of the tfireatcned.�engulfmeiyt ji4Ve on! -tQ n- _coreq.of b di FW Ing the,people into the of jile .,been buried lietid�'jS . allowe I and- entlticati( fejy,�� the 'k -0 iICd Mease the anxiety of their, 0 city' uhleS4' town IN, is dc�sti -and-fronj aary point. erview tj r suPP 'd- 'an Search 0j: Triends in this also, Ivaii, (I b bod- r ve arrived in tb, b red tbere� EVen, -the :'lijg 1VA7hihj: itrerg tn n on- firjrnS OP4 Willi � 11 , - " di nece 0 burean, th' h'' 0 a is reported,'that ht Azi(ittajkiy, 6opfU.9ion,%, the, -panic .,A- Ly -ix -out, -tot:ai Of 5,� ssarily- . a., ve ployet -crater -of- uni Unable -to obta� -:urgenT,: S_o Icity is - practicall"!-Undel"Jil tial'i oln -and-Pbrt�-noyal Ii The cabl� coinplinies aw, -e h CdCsPilt6h reports the�destruqtj( ar A ]at nof th vj their and, prevy aiQa on ain il T) Oi lunatics -esca hudre; Changed, aiid their P and zire,icamin mentionof altel-ed-� f t-�- a1wre f, , i ti; -AN-1 lfg 8 U0jr' at "(�bS6 to tjl� '31101.6' IL 'I I streets illrl�culty ls� antj� -lid pargs,, thei qs Litz 4eye', eStin be, ing at, VIUIII 1� t J, it my The d of In UL, KI'llIZeSS) rived liere I terday wi'th amage outsid& c rgo o i e. axnying,at, provisio on Vr 'd id� straighten- great Trains ar now a I," t I M Victoria Lili 'es b ingt431 rlThe, gt6jlhej� p f V running Titelifierd the ClU rungston was I i fteA 'Ot eport. upon the mud b3� thC but slie,got. P 'rt press 10,00h pa; Is am e "gines wertIm!j')ri l -e 1siff 1 f ,eing IS People that flic Chinanictl jveI*e a U k' overnor of er Of 't'ilne, 11, d MeM t t a es. a. 6, and :runs t e fii ls� 'Without A llelted'b) Ing-, mY-­PreVious­'ti,.jC Ithei, l6oted., er hos6l- ��81 eye f VA, e ,eal hp(if f quakes: k- B PCs. `hu t 4 in jjj� as n in., 9t. bee sifice'the first �hoek n a. Ote -Wedllesda'� -�7 mdr us ral If toys d -h Ilana.of amaica 41he or -.f Peterb 7'ss P -arce. WI* rgin' I`ece., s.Walla d T_- �__to=-day`as follows, Sj I)dt at't com, its inhahitant, "the' d q!n the Ujil cities,. TAIJUSANDSL of C -345., hDuke '�'street -to use ad'dis�ribufe among the brized rg,usson, was, 7 L -pdrt-,- 1�yy-il est o suf ferer",nd-destititte X,,.tof this Jitugle S jIjCLA tia- oand bu 1,2( to s and of Ja, a/ -site I provisionr ,-cloth-' commli.tte )Four h6dre t d th of thirtieth_ Pg medici necessary- ar­ and the towns des ro "Id are ticles bolonging-to-06 sti, and, Asia, and 10 'fe:, t bsistence and-, L and Kingston V 40*1 ria', burned'L' I b -as err here The 4is other siirpAssed':,,lri­ 'Of he 1 ioi,)ie rnilitai ot:116is aedoingy alcUlatiOn, A� D. as great a.4 -'s;tores f the naikl � rkn4. The, sMy oan h_ -Jn thL�- harbor is' 'be, ary:. fo .0yertili 'd 742 1parli Piling the go. -There TI Fer �s av ITT, �In CC' t he, f with -staiva- peop) n Is --an , I - st, -lue eing.takeh� from IE repetition keeps n -the, deaa-b9dies __ b- e -Owr 'i)elhg he- debris -by­ll"dreds —a v ea' clea ed t terrot- - � - 'h d the --h Mer Aambitrg: A e usual groa er, portiofi­:_Lg� 5,1 h, on -ran-�ashore- asbes-.: TFe-'-iiii"' of burnt --f fes e, �tb Di bit' b perv'atfe� t lie:Ijarbor entrarl",,911U., is n iRrI96-343 St ne'eable -line _p T. of th( h into Kih'gqfon:Lfs-b,4th. try. has'CJ­Uihge&ran ere ta fy:,4f -1he' Navy 45'6 It tdta d C. -Corn d le- n, an Ba b, tti h' :Be to land Y�,� 40 in i os_ -to ad. -touched at Kingstonlj�ht. erar niglibbri t-7 "Pin King�stonl it t is tno qAt7at Us', ,the race� ,; re.s . 1.1 W W':10Pen, spae e Tool' had '7 WA' C ImATE-7-Of A A A W gra�e Ad in Oed.. fliblishiid. -t- f he rusual. P, e Sic ly livew" Jos y 0 ic, wh nth y N W . ........ Pj ijph is . . . . . . r! w —0y', 'Ali to amn quentry". d'- tOwnig S& rd the sa evat CI go -i Of."Y jP U r M,, -d serted' slicps� 'Wit TRUO lip at DE �bu Pel� t -Ka as—of Catastrophe Ya pet _re.; . . . . . W. D .-IWORXI-OV L dn' � ., aniage and: Lb - -- --- ev ihabj ta: he 'B" D Wei lub when the-r6r6j'i Mjind' inen anct o er en . . . .§ e ound_�at:.the� telegraph -s PAY-yfe; inned tn e C`t_- and n C14 yed�� - IPeop po"rty . g. roof. B Nnama_j freei, ge hfi'-1161�and Bi to All ve different IiIiinee. 1797, 6 e parapet, alidides��- MosC aptain th onstalitinii Md��t,Misj UrCla:1171d nuineroll 'vi ld .by ja& il's eT Int4D the life loss P*. rea ass] t ride has been iVej, oS by IStatements, as to'the lit ter. 826 16 c0liveiftid the 'n c, Bradley tof t V048 poor r? c essity, be largely conjeetiijil . Ten "In I lying Por' Por- 4ca d� f', n . , _W O� the ruins has been 1.857 em ge by.,, doctojr4:1a ary h6spitAl,'and'�i-efin I the rePOrt f�Mnl ISt "Thorn iremen. from Spani A y, the Tile P( lat s fiat, tjo,., 1113 It A 9, t e Ton stIL T!nMan the. tyoopj� who supplied 000.'were hoj C CBS 114 on. it f nme]], to, &I§Mt, �,jh 'keepi ace an ex- aggeration, Ili hpat"J�L­ "; L, )�.04111116t. it an ristant: STI'Mg Ho fo"d lation-of Xing- 00­ , ­ atoll -did f M' enty not 601000,, §ajid live, C ­,7700f Cleared' e: Adeording to tile I I+ Yfound numbe�rs-otA' Mtcstl adi; ff. ndL th b [ity was not del on tie 6 Ing an 1,P11 '01fices are burnt pp(' their but e. on h J -u, an lets d h_ad, 'I 1111i tea,' aOw� teA14b. t Lon -the, an Ur- ire. of� Cli- 1. 131-111se �antj, te persons' the t, 5 seturce5 nany felt es reported k1JJ6d,,jn)ure 'or mi ildin A oel Aquake d' in the " ng, 170 perish. AjaV 'S. r T. e b ase of the iaggi jarri6� ins in l'Th. I It I dck Wid" at; dawn I lie; � aptain. 'Cap-' jured, and thes De. wcre id, afid P�ftta Wh -4montj MY4 Brann6ll: (repoftod to were drove to Kingst the road tencar-h-p intints, of yrtle k6i ' R 1), nHotgl-7, And V61f Oelliors, and tIL f,(.), Japam outside tuins afq�g 06 er. 1c - ruly 15 hbaps. Dr..0 DNftruction Of tr) T D 116berj46il'. and wife),. Of joa, spread 18, i 'Jav* t Charles Sher] k the Alngston -drove ­athan, of t OuL ley sand kilVd -pan, it in J'i ng �yA.h' nd dieta W reet9.7 , At - I eAst-binety One'llund"cl nOuses'are in:! ed in tugar euftiv�atjop_ t7VO dther-mem- WIP tili, I rullis or damAgedL beyond r�Dair. I . Iped to 4, III,_ y destroy 4 Tb is bers of.,tbe v sp rley G'M T..OAO tile At S an roin personzil ob-8erva' The. fjjC oa 45" were old OIIIAI Goveryiin W ICU the wind cliall jit. 11 thOnt ought to have beb cut; foui.Liyings r"e e to have.been k, t �%*fth Oj6 440g,"A 'fio,, le. tal 0 -reported Ile drn ( , Persizi,: and iolcli n- Vill am 6,fil'I'MYM4 Bank Jr nd nr Ilotel D�. R. by Von, was�e press�d Miss Locketj a Sirpinboli, Also ne st 11fred, Jones -no CI U b irteet X, ,5L..­`LjOy in killed' in- Jam f, ira��Ious esctt thstind- MsB, 8itilivan' h _ry, An PC. a e im scb�tilly, forcibly B '91YIng brderp, wi, Sliddl-eton in Je f that early hW20 2 Work of rcs,(�ue 119. his secretar- cOid&V Impoirif i'a� 'to ]IOW to Meet a, ing coil] a _&j D I d l'it I -ME. ------ --- OLAII&a ar es, cuor ova-,, a- ioeoks� 4 �_T n4da. t Eletted.Priniat --N-Uniero taL " " . ". . tj�� called 6 r of Cha LO at) brOht jh "L ordn A#*erend be I "') L 'J., 0 'gb it', wb 0;'was -killed. If- A. -7 dut . a'hundr6d Ii �AA r "' -y- uPtan Noutheim Itl hur Sweet The'banks and bdtfif t icill Iii-oxi#A, d -Ar e 4yi��S he erected at COhAtait Injured -ul vo nable property,'j,,j 8t in 15iin 104 M46 .�Opt . of rdnto, Ll Ime jeu po I an of the ede'les, a. in- I t 06ting, V Xv- - ince ana a Aug -i trsayr a the _tt4nisa�ction` e 20, .1 05, hB; for 0 fC"' d' 6st Tild"a. R nt; jieii e i;ongratttlatin, suciaeeding th Iate Aivelt bishop "tonti of" 6, '7' 7 H �gj rp, at ( � �, - I I .. I - Of- otie e session the hUnder t 'ta Spring on th'Cle-i6ftra Dixon'. West RCgimp suAt tlfd�in;iry efforts toI b prov Y cgc r Vest India t dr M 'Price I P4 Undted C�Zlb Cn t - _. -1. , - . the jr, gueseriousl Is' Utlie4e 'the Arblibishop It ell -Alf.Yod,Wilat the fu A. ,A' aventIc. Y, bell of the 704th'tedral f, "ill lt64, J04y d .4c) 'SOL 'L , r� Wtldd�rbllrh 'the lartyr ' About,' hour eff. U 'kd of Deputy prjIjce In 4 th a" fidyj a26 'the: neWs. W. eOft,wero Of-Ift, AI'ban'w lit 611 Can take ih ary Med, Iny *ord for I �p ay will no"t bt, )rry, hopl-, 11�0?h er Oil, . t 'in th rshlt thb b c frNI oPs'Were! In fhe Camp for, edugd,# bee'n iiijuied; tho 8 osen" Thd IAI�*ovtll:ti�,v,,.,.A�,rtiliir lid' to 11 'of Ir I a U Key" Dr. 8 e progress and, pro.�pc priva e 'Be S'r the -top. o4the h J6 on, L Most kon to lb, n'thc 10, - s eetftlZri had been-' Ch 'Po . lie, nt of was o -escape na, Kto(�q L��fo , , J, : 1, y r Wffeied with lurfl�d in, file fulyis, 6f .4, he W_ IF* in the,"s Iave -Of th'tj II.OU,5-4 tthe ,iloh, btioi, d( Well '19 n Y. .!Me )iob, sitythC�rl ahl (.,,Xynp' ii, ofr Alil ;.g i hC Wo i�)�hb Ing FOV'ed 14,6 P.;Ii 6� & 'd, i d' �.p the O'Ps.,, Of T Is ay M4 apronto, Otta,%vg, bOc; Nia9drA; Al- (J)prehP8 t6ok, r f in h; dd()�fi I And Annie wlI('r6 A nioi� Alfrod, ��$r lont'- T and jrigii, With ]jet 1 f "I fh6 heaft : tt Went out' 010d in' the at ht tiM 49, d . f Il the Tf.