HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1907-01-17, Page 1M I W'T 1, 141 7- g", gz 7 " 11� sm u, Is Fri' i s , ts� t 6 No, 4 N 71Rf"!.. Z 77 4 - iirll�� 01ir LY -T, -7-7 0 pi SIP s, OATA 0`- 17 V or,t 8� ak o c no ings -Aii4ki N, U, 1� ., . , I., � I " -.: , � _Pago �oob W a, been, A", MY it" ;utor,v 0"74nllal on h6 h 1, ji, MJ4 G1 b I h a in, the chax �111`.� f,1- 4' 'd 11, b'e-s,,presexit- Pvt 11jur, til I'd' tl T I'B'on­"Wb�p�` 1&9 bien ill! D,iffarid,­Alta.: W J�tn,'9thz,­,A It iteg, o 'last rb q��iihs, d, C id' J 040�12611411"Ied ­-, _#V A 'd" t of mem h viv jl�� Ail"Ik� I il g f ('lend e Di'verary ia, vltso i'O'n-the 4�ipl I e'en I Widtzer is;q0t F' `h h d , 3* 1", 00 K" * MR, ow Th' D* 'Court T d, b 7 "d L tb� �h -Agricti tura �i io�iety,, pid- as, On 3 d; aD, prin, iug,aqcour&.. �N e u ral, i 11, _ pril I a1vou. J� TA Yel -Astrbtfi�g Bros book for'Tr' -lbe,rt:W, llsof Anetti;,I�T )A, b on ojr,'Au b6rh, is� for une-1, a' �Vrm C04 71W h' k Fiil �,W endiil� few, vrQe ks tb6 guest of'her'. "4 0 fli 4hd directore re el6ei_ 70", sp W E' I -cow to (Y Tues M OCe �6 J - - ------- 096, P1 7 Pi le Cure, '50' Mo�cd by - of T bait P Cofri"-iii ail e accouncs De paxao a4r- rl, ti e hero. T� nie ting9s6f:tbe:W,, -W. d. ..... be d,J 06,'�h"rches to the`v Vi boon to su 11ri L Treaq, Thosi a� nce;..ried'' I `d J' a 'at A. L1, h hop up- t -1_qv_e_d_' 7 , �� 4 ove Forsileoal`b' doch, of' blvtli - , 71111 Y h' �r-ligl-tbo,,-,Cl)ai�,�--t�r,--t-�,0-,(j���,�f, �jj,7 3f), orin T' or;i G 8- W count 7_5 rig a, AR STKV17%.kX. W -Ki,,) lq� -A P wer pre�ented,: . ..... . IVA: b IS I aD -,W Std*art- S6n,'electri6 ligbis ........ 61EW'STS-, UGU S oks, Iteft.01a their home, . . . . . . . . . . W G Al cIvor Ales W Stewart oolre,:, eo I iiidsor. 50, �C,. 0;, F' Geo'Gredri, 'W M646466, plank, etc el 0S tnis j,,AG I I 1 1, ur- Wr :L� MrIS J' �G M EM:, A.�1100ALL stock of -boot� �Apd aboLs to his now (.Thur�sd,ay), ei,enir)g. t r Y 'B u Delega Fw ,!1olui do-rverin-oi ad&&,�,,to ON *heri rA tho :a,,, to ay Ba r R I P , xarrhid;, �rom -Y( I ar. 'iStA DEALER. will ­b6 -bette h oriA'A� tiri;t�as� D' C d. b� t�, :-twxe ' e, Comi mitiiedtio4s were read f TE_ s�'G b ;0! s i�re'a 0 'Co tbat 6 r'added,tio ivithbitt Rp e1upply t O�Wabt�o are, e f his b h4d' A C1 Y._ b aidd a on�fir t, and �'se�ond : j" oppt � lr 'g,),dr �,j� Do YOU'L w'kn, Cos. on a re estate an Tar W' Vj , f8: 9 _ii�6 to, ate,of'wit lial 7,! 5 0, fo 3 T.,50. W(j o 'c b Iiiittel wort�ages on s� oc ver oo K, t uti, 04 ras-4eyr* Coo asidilg' -other _�ick, Chifdr� d k B j L add r.: hey w CH, d ro'prtie5i'.7.. Fir r6.ijdv x, T ns IS Mi Tf eiL�u a s k -i Y1 r a Acco�nts �k, I � I F p at a h tb 'erfull' rl' on, brand es� C's and, do u chrge� otion -A-lbya -the--o banking premisets. -V �Slirgebn,' 06 It Rected `withj t Ou 1 ownd, I 11i, ve-in vanqe§, made to, -tar , mers urs sy.e.vening, 4�,; , �v I I , 4 .' . ' , t' , , 0 ons n's 11 btel L 'know) on '161d, d' t 4i f will be at Ciai wer CQmmitteds or year, Mon h f their _7A'b'H'o'weJn win' ayj 6 d b proper Y th6,_rbp6rts� f 4 t 'a" VULOUR organt _d an e WIT & , ruck a fol ows.: 0 lti� a fitted.� Ca n ss failing Al o 0: all A F,rk 2 50. tarimb f: e, eye- tivile v 0'',Vhul,ch re E I arge a anyL,. PQW,I� �-Lj P Nvreiice , ""t d treae:reports sho %,7,e,.,[ A`� mus. 'Prospe�! t nb�q �c The Lobdow- nish e th- r, V,Vt �d' W -T. o9 urch Air L E rs, will f u�r fi cid, cc A u; ing, Otte, �y�dar i tb ie- -sox ip I s_- iji o -r -t aD d, will' 0 plea -cc t4 Lig _th6-a6ilities, of ht es d �.�Cer-ta 'eati pro, rF o e Firie Lawre j, t is 'fif Wen, ye eip Zhe­ii� ' Bakat,you�. sa 0 31t. 7 h -werei-, to -0 Blit6hic d imaron yvest, ia�_beip I it ch e 11-.'L w r el� c QW "is A-iii'dit6ris- -20.25 mak- _G, t e tim, ry . 0 h d e t ----- ---- :0, SMITH Mah E0 ff�, mo Ion, 0 i fig. and. o t here 4,� COUM4 a �R L Earl's th Ree :SL REID, A the r, ye�ar-:.06­ ,ry Liervices isPsi d an -iv.er- mfa 10165 0-5 th t�l the iad _t6ie Debt to dot - "be N e d the atiolla 021111a ibirn A6- 2-&rd;iiiiift-D�xtr�,:­ ellAbatDr Gor'don,be A6d A'alth 0,,A�:,Wed-acsd J: t h akei&D MiSSL, %-h; I e was app OUN by. ..'t'he7miembers. 6W11 au n n on q&j* a ua, _W� d f ��Kip ()y B oa��.d! of, H sistod by the. fpllowi�g 4,16cii he eiitai�-fjlIe Y an &_�S­ d- IMIRW, EW e o VI 0 a P o V er -year - d ai a�, �'ifai e _*bV,-eia fi�rvl -,,,W. F. -S Aiixiiiii ty-boapitA Q ic� omon Mrid liat "Was..-appoint6d` I . I _. I t! 0 Minor Pa kn i datie Ban ATere veTy. t4ree years,i0i'A. at r&vei ssuhiC4. h, 6 - - ----- g wo e W4,Y.S,the S e. . .,on� Yfeb. 1,06h. u,o now, say Siddall haviin t 'L 'k s 1be, enCbt1r&gfna,. all c, wen Ion V, as 'y born au& raised,in d spc i I t"' cars, yet to ser &de of W and Di,.- 8p6nce. one year; tt� c,)nd talleA, -belag. in.,R ploy Co. M6 s the -a -man,io1he The :foll&Win -on--- aing esoyen f Cot ti . ed,a _g, all -di 0 'w: s e It - o; vo 0 7 sake(I it k;b' t MtoWiayl � -last b ind,i6i�pers­werp� t b66 'JiL eight,,- -unil we at - t 'e --b to FOP h. � -:. Ch s Da M4jor bas (�cn:� pr.V14u6 TPA The f 011OWing were appoliatedJencd� s; tind The we: 6 yote for hIA6 'An 1`6�t6d with dditi,)n' of M has beeii�bef6ra ap'the, Ur(JW1jt$d,h*adSL wers: A ex, j d cripp, e wit rheumi is,rn, wi�os i riven, of' Enlropp, intAidIpgo,wo a' Gepig Me h' d f b�fb ovedby D wretipe an p'cl! I f to ttLe , 4 in carriasp.; upon h I L is ar� re King, , dL has bi,en of ��uiinx t1he otjh6_bDpbbj�-thq-rrturning -p cier F forioto gavea very rris0ii be a0poilited qy�pi Kd, ar ffi fetel, t he pos`:tion of Mr.' F&�kani of "body 1907. Crried. Cb �P jr or back guaired to'th6 f a t g� for p,r trine, of,. Ctrcgt. B j, In., IIe b intd ep if -tie, wan d ti) Y a ikod, titua r i 4" a IMQW re'sting a n ciactive addre�.8, 'Clerk was directed to ad7existisetfor the oldgend f pogratul the coogre ation on4be atten ig he&frica compalo 9 av� tbi�: bf'Fe6d, iin liail, no Ii wanW,*'o'.Vot* fdr ithe -sessoi, Coll&etor und'Constabi rPP oroutti, exco, nt. progress madeL and.',dr _'Who-appear6ija T ik I , , S 9"� 9 b' f 6. f �di VAL.Keeper-, ----7 . ., N, r r refe'rr6d'to v 11�'AU Comlnit.tee on. p,o*6- to a6t. Ver F oe'still greater pro S'Y. atier of Tmy se" eace.. in �be-, ever Is eforrodi be in u le ome 0 Bruce Te the CIL ensiols je _x dome as,lga�n nZ 6 d' ,On mau king un��, ees 'n"'Pendent so, or a.. r ab -t k6titi6118 il'nd y _e.. r ab aWS" Wit I p 0' We r 0 ae 10A is concerned 7and is t erp,4 Ing tj E 166tibes � ag to prepare ugains, a d 'T t6-oxtended tafth of Fdb tl no is very I nt RILED' C, hi day of. adversity ihoul,fe0id the inew in G it Lkblris AN rl*Ttu �'N d I. , . b-� ... a a W than k a 0 sa In s ho u9t nt c0sarily bA. c h ILL to.rilco paopl,0,',;� e8a u 6L sPo.onI::fedAb to-do t -L 6'tb o ttdei, �vith'ppor -t t b0for r you, itbr �'Xr.'Sohn Butic �b �p ere r Succcsis '-bith' mx( of $4000 or 4_0f ou ten otpatient rA unca�kiug.fot a; foul SOL). 11 i"Spent ��ars al 6geth 0 Oss" -Ai er) of, B t I ii -t h ur,Expopters lh' aaa,ory; 01rn to iS are MO N 1PtP`0!1L TC 7 avid iyi� ZL re -u-r es out ififer 6, i6, to 1ng-the'r Thip, :i0stimable -young a,dy had, factotv ynly 4 ommoate iool educatiob, W 1d; A ip d. I -an 's 6. -Prildgy, ean( c sssica grave hftLtAx l'00x5Q (2 '§toii kiln b'ave,. no he8itatlouid glii-ln-g that in stiiti�ik6, ala mcte aged Mld,boiI4 and Pa a I.Tha only Wy 0 elijoy 4 6, the realm of e 'k 1i U 0, 6�1 I t 'teent too P 1�00� In. W r061i tor I to ea 06D, -opt nally high blms,' Pot rbtn- Ajnlojqr will. 'b I -was ded!�Jed micit,101i of Otis 11% r a a - w r 6`n' 6 e w piibli OU ei is,cer,ainy x;e� Sum in L�ckuow oa�' i,nA' u araeafing be or A.Yz,ung to'.. allo'd i To' n Hall f Y) to to T d Jari "kh �ef a" 9M_ 9 th' S �d' t tobinso,ti r. h o gs, pLur6 ]jui : d . , * "' , itt 8 6"clPIC.L-1.", we the d ydarsand w rnl&lt took. Sam an %Y 10 ottdr ofor ot er -to piL ittui notes that _06 , - dismigs d Litokno�v. l* Mri Wa f , Cali, d�� f 0-1 Yo" 11"- :rlaitet ab I tIM6. U A "One CA Y BTzsT l3n AND vi P from 0 pla6o- Fit e -6r 6b Wod'6esdiiy, ja fall ratep z "this of the inconse� bd cvod by, 'Pok e bre� ti, "it to a nig. worn, PC', 11,M) t I C d e ecte� P' All " t oarrield a6U t the last moW C ytitrs. rg tak�e-D o0 tnon ri on, ri r d5py o Orde 0 Iiji nj , 001td'o I*f e. 66 t e 'lie a c `9 r ou in d'' 'of a the Aar Wave,; 0264' T ho ;C t6 R L "V, titjj igoi yj an_ per uawive po cr jL , ;: � - 'd Z W s6b ho) 'it - )b Y the life Rdy, �ii XOd, Ph, ggs up .. I . I -r� I.r I I tetwit, o 0 6� 146" 0"D o T POO