Lucknow Sentinel, 1906-12-13, Page 6"N141,�'tj," ''i M. 171 P 4 , 17� T N 7 K � f 7 'A J. d6,. W lie h�s to climb, over liouliso, I TA,... ....... ...... ----- ----- V i fin forine; `believe,� in ttteil year -1901. 1 411 -It Wo- TIMIX I si goo f 1, 4, . : ' I L _:d'� _' -, !� 11 � 1. -. ., =" 0 -se it Alirays i-essts.,vvith the Mayor IAL f,n ow 'It, ro, as Been Preserved foF guit' -NP. -X elug- whetiha. dt shaU be te4 �s are Imuor Generatilons. 71ese IngtriatilenI - I I I 1 11 . , , " *;$.Ki! , from bermaul, -for tho'hollday, trade Throu en e d to U4aflenxiihge To*q,'! ap�li thdq �th� retail ciezthim �V V WIN, Ith, Aty Til %m�s tmm, of Mal- 4qlr,. d- h 6A�"Uk4�s� it - inttt ­Jit?a in��a h*�apl the Amerii6ata�i Anaba4 aro.�,eriabhod _tp� Ofer_ �4PKII, at 49 LONDON e 1, for "`6e4tili­ of die la�IIILW3, LUM, _Ci�t!Nmrd cord tof tho -vo -of the qg KENT� QUITV i�ee Tana;n Empe FO�UR I)JFkV ted for th -a t pU, I laq- Qr�,��P?X_Pmerya niw�du at Jj PrIa - X- - spas a NviaTs tiq rable J." '(B u6rulpan16VbV­'a_. ][RT, 0' ous 70 WDAN of CuTi *ugrd UitiversitX, the Natioiaal,,Mus� e 1 1 1, _Y6P_(4,Ri!07 ni34 r'WMrS1Zl,,Aon and the � LilairaTry Of p -wrote, to., yet, not, I o about (I eE 'he bas tb, -clinitib -over houses urcqstr,a Violln," Ong A& Washingtoh. The, �recbrd �it, �o INt Congress at M 500 tans ul ge. -il` to-bi�keopt`as­u­h� 6, o. o J,;li� 3­Graud art st's 6010i v, o- ndbxL I,' y.- t ardhives'at the al wny,tillumlagk�. UnIen Cal on tilisder, od� upon* the- flili-oitoih,- windowc, Posterity. The ob; which -drives � mor,6�,'44eas. hounds -pa -my. A ty -in J&d6r " N6� 4-Amatour's, fa" -_PT, 0 '..Persons a, yYjllr, Pp eets, inel d aat�a_, vii,4 the rp Rr ;w Mali lJT_ 6ntipned are,to d�` rke, oulY,2 thd -Madho=6 anyv,othor esum- fhristma�i one­�thiug-A s -OX-11 coias_�roin h q� I PT90e 'I�te wiltk wa ,.cr m_v e niplo! t -at it ably have permaheii IlBtorical i4terest Is sent 6QMP t iv to "bli . I 1� NOTE ­61 1pte sell-teacber',,A-finger:� R for,Ameriq, The, impQrtancie with each order. peon, f3trings; etc,,,,as 9trere by aIalpiis kbn� drtl P&rBon Tmot. slj�� Copies _, gent any, �one.for #U;,LWg 'i. J Senarate r 60o. 'All. go:OCIP -s.eqt. cbAigey, 'IAq,�t to_­Iea;J­ nila­to N _;a 4X h r. -our x. �good I 7_1 PaA_:be-. estimated by,-,equBid-,*� -;Nnen_ Gilii SftejS 91. ano"U;L�sar. tollucea py-t ev 6ring the,Pre,�ent,. value of voice. records , r u y CO.; mas catalogue "contitin lad,'Out w -lit be a ....... E- tlist men ctor, vt'�St-'.T' t "'7 hall by D Ing. values-Joi. all kinds-ot �Nor 4S'o'�lT 'OLI� emos. lienes, ia espeare or m Iiat�he,thought, mig -KE .per(?r t§, ;Aoveltles, watches, b C. . V1 f -1UMDIeG,aPoU.nQ Ja'­hJ8­nJoJ1o3r ueckef-A.ul. t4er s4e, *1 A It h, but!t:'iprdvedAQ ki Iam the i4reat b Ivr sue bumpulsory d�-3iiq�c�ere,4-oines.� biought, The -Emperor' consen Q and the appar�� C� hemas lirolulatll co4rg­ Rabrap-en, in' �:qstr4, l,4qg At, a-r-Risl i ..,EX fs-�GH N t Do � al"A , ''. 7, o0q.IL_VY -Lne,-AttUEL Ildoner, who,� Could �AM P10 atu§ Was Set Up i "two", iind "two'-4aq Y,L.#t�:Nvhielacovery n � the, pah(ce-I 4s �ed Could--Repe4t th 4 ibqtWeqa I n- b:ffS tJJeL Iii-hf fidur',recordg, one for ipach'ofthe AS lly� as �t,hia.'kuu�Drtunate Rio on . Mbodiore's­ -M in "O'lie W U. i stitu- RJR.. N , 49 19 r 11 RESTLER I U, quit. 1�saiN7 ions nieption'164 'and .on' for��m�, ow a, tleniuieg A Ji4le laiIak t - plitaire un, P,iN ZI �Zasn couh I ' IfIN diry,. and upoir - hi's r()t:i,4 - lif li I nkqy anci To KISZs lie'r IN 139 ptn`t,� 's , 0 'N j.'f 'Jft'jM that day, to -this �Prlflsh money has MYC' 41 't -eL rn CUB 1 a$ PqietiPfib invesfigaijons� ijlh .,,Einp*r( right,to obj��t'. This,s�t'Mln' Insanity. Re Or, d him if, he',eqp1d repeat he text.; S a sbocking;40,riiignei-i into asice( "'AT ter my gmat-wre4iflojj howeVe'r.; nisIde ;qiJ3!.,,Itwo,r.ec)rd �atid, �v mongy-gr tue" la�rger denonai tolle �L-f a Ling- --frr 8 V H 1 T& T. th ysw W the lto%Vn' bv­T­&4 i _t r'Harvard;,University, and h' ''I" eRib it-�Dan'-t bia.�Affftbail --' L .. ....... . .. ­­­ t A t, et, to 'DO' Jtoun , i 6 r . , , ahke.,, Eng4an( orblittwilt" the,,6.thbn4.6i.' t14` `h` e, e _qqdJ cu d I . " U I ;40� 4,3 In e PAV,ias, UMPIUMS-11P any, or ... ay"Po brin liack'Ahe"'4Uilt TI then X th 7-.R� ? h onograp 'In i�pci��I �fav­fj -604 d: bUr: e C Tlf!47thiq I notAle. it, on I JLX "Jnslsted�. __�U Je Jt is a coin. With Which to ef r -h'c -d fiiekifi­jhe-�' an,' cent, r-i�lthoug�L��of-,rth6"-L,Soiae- I 't tai, r r%a� ' Fi t I r — " RXE IA If IL W P�r7vutrii�s�8�, -h ni A dEAM­PUKj anO I tS ti ey]II11dets. SUL Yli 7-1 � 1. . - 'd Al hi I �Ui eln - 0 gJI7le, Ii.- -_".V f�� 'I p0r�_.' .j3papqrs and 10it the �ibraii y 0,.;, inl� It TVNfrl A; �Andl` ­fifani en. hxte� Bi �`mt� g X uk nuthent. Ie dm:dly es -�At: ed: "Be of iimprl-e NIT,; e� 1, th 'big 99, WaB I WN1 496in. iMt exf He' "r ep I i ssoas In farm bo.okkeLping, 71I� tq 4 not AfraidIr les Pe:iCcomeSr jured by" mould apd4W IL'* .1 L with quii� instructLons,-,%6epkr5te- ruangs"au'l e -penny-as , rou:�Tas A 'hLanies -azd fri emi�_: In, g�m-ctj�fuj lat.er."t 0y, ill:,retto time f had'a pi �t�e_,of flreth - alinlost toi always icraek,'._Oliving, aang n, ind 4rIP9 Your a com- nridt6d head]pXa' for.'grain account,, OoUltry: t, ]halt dollar­-m-afid here you r ha�e a,coin that -t�enoe of ithe Aay tia;e fnSLiden5r, ttpr USCXJ I nernba co W. in, tem f rter.1 counts in England.\ -W- is the �le -614gly'ott my arm above the le" a perature.' 0 strt w account, 'ho.g account-, - labor _seJJ �JgUS la_Stoj'�31 1-10magen" an-ri"'I"aly olf�i their Nfntict�iitedbel g-smAtaWtodoanythi account, .0 t6' cleseribe it" Your Can h 'Ain accoiant;�Aulry�­acl -wb dr,rfreeJIj:' -reco -,a �_Ir e -reaaIng,"2dlr"l'­4d,"', dtc-., and yoA ask' estl V, t�cl tal,6 -det)artment­fqr each kind of -,-g f -+a Who, kvith''the arm a! ons'.1psne; to:,my 1:1111inen Upon the" I �t,'L' Zim nietial matrix . by the _,recei-vi-d acoouiit,hnd :cash--pald IL�w what the _qf delig qt__ ' ' "I" really' fJ_"i(r.11enrt�tJi6 , nBerV ell: Informed Briton 0 Pr -by-.-coating- eQ Nt, ae", c abbrev-' h-e-0-d0re �Loav An swer�­ the. _BUk Clo�ed up �Wiffi:_ggraphite and, then galvanopJAtihg '0. & U iitell �ou%tbat itrid'an I enarlus qf The�'Mahual Also contains a 60111PIULIJ &IIZ5tJ in 'it in '6,�o days. 44Ys !'v Y Ineans,he, )y si� tu*s� for a Latia-�,woNP-­ 4(wascavere with -n ski a ter IVASAhen reat ieatton Of th, .1 a few YALL9 a r certain form of oin and borrow it -4 Tlie-;wa-x­ thas re�ordl, We bst&'*' 4it febt: syStera tbrsb�%tralaalng ' Qcordlngi to, 7 moved- "(beha- destroyed in'Ahe proces5)-,, Di- t- � �l I' r 1, .' "' omul, a Jib 'now,u-crar, at is­aill,very 1-r . ll r, ay$. after ­tt'' y Tb Taldtag a Itu�b..ild,%7N, flere 'Was no ace 0-f-th'e'-: e romaxy. Not ever , I wurld: f' 0. TAI GI GaSon view' I am th dthbds used py Pro the -solaolastic -�oiht, but: injury- uk for'cittsi tho'Jur eTs­I a;rdepartp2.ent;.-, J�recommend Zem-13 ..,Iea.N�,ing.a,.inould�,f,rom,%�-hich positives_ or .4aw age' le LI tfi1e,,Qo0,Jv cro��- bestd in the "d" iprobably stands, for one of the eh that is, 'ecapies of ,t,l 14jUr . hi �e_ qrJgjnal�_.;p �1,essr itB and- -.tlne�7other ------ ]J;UrEVbJe 'Jjd�W' _P_§!L —for Wi&es-o. hus-, 'expletives, uttered, by. iiCaesai r ,ere eaB� m� - Wheu- 'they !,were - forced to' count. Bi 4 7 ­.- b C or 'duZh t iii 'Sk—i" tWiii ej 'S"' gents, v!a in, U gea f Y, re- tat '01 U than :it' to. be a Lim k -r.ui:i,_5ff0tIa7a ihe��nonscnsicau tl�rele, cent �,Ple­ these. ner. United ter the, Roin'ti: Used or li' Nva.�'oni&e a, nu�an6c in the and-. (D' A'ixi children t"t1ling, Ij... State.. be &-ed-400-Ors- 'Tiirippe�ace§,' ...­.ei, ­ not so n 1, -,Ri` U-1 and ve i -u'-r V - ­ - � I' 'i r - . ionithes, 1U6. chIId6 sootil --add greatir to t te mone- n-'-, Oit ,de tne - guru$, oures ­'Coinnion - that",-trhey .10khid-hihais m.&dre-tla,&1ntorjndti LI pr Oar -- in R �16 ail -Is -t lie -best,remody Udy AnLU., e. 8 tU Y worries,bf every e Pin jb,';.U;n1f ,d &,it, rhoe.. CL g colar�so_�aet�ing like.'the- dime,.and wortb, a, )f CiCeTor -I sited.,p, le 00 art. am,& oll f her S 4125" ��M6176 than twelve c�U6, 'theit: Comes, Ion -Inug�c ' DR. LPROT'S Ivoine.11,of MoBt E an coUntri-es, a a_�-iim; - . , T erumen pri air and-' t REMALE �tho� tZnijliarl�- terined. a "'bob je� Par iet. 'of jjj�t fil .1 art ILLS' -e n th 1:i _trifl6_ �L - '. 111-1- `�� " ­ 4-n4giN UU_v_dy_d, Uni- �Vlortl less­thaa�f4he 1AM' iiet.'� : 0 �t*0a'Y_Tf�Ye­ePi1t -piece, '.and �coufusind onity, 0 i ;e 7of set br-:laoth ie- A shri, 11a rollau!o Ill A. U Bu . i Pam h IT fOUr Ya I- I 1IL I Us. HUIVl Ve -K fib -t- " _i�_ ay.a Ii v- t, becauao 'there P fe iis, W� _SI x t A i-ta, ma ri. .ZLJJi P Pe ovitr A"t""Y4, ii� Ill f'll It jitiblo; ,�i -re O�Bl T IV �40rint-Olnde.mt;,' Univerm,117 reid& �-J ot he same.' size. 91 ne, ZerehLeenth &om UrIC UO". Torguto foer. �o CoMe ' I- t" . Ll ,, .. 11 , riCO3,'q,boXe4 le -me 11 -Tv and, ed, 61 sidetxtai' 50 'And � i (5) a t6slenle set of lic.ator's, thr; li-lee to the locoinotor ataxia,L)af_: and the, bedih or. Vaclib *hi'ch -I prdsehted_�'.:�-tae.__Z- 6.-n0iry � a, � ba iti. P tor., fnIr--the 'ttwo 6hillisi" pieces, �, of W,,JJ,Chr asr' sa__aie4 1�erl OIL 1',� h -to �ta,,fidia-�'d by over -99- runr;� I't, r _."Yariptles.- P _. �,je]c be quG1 e must be fiftY-sevea �,aq4, are -e or.iRly �Q ad �.7itlaout , � h� I r r , r . dUS(3rqnt_from_ the- V I U IV -b er eeot' i6i iexi�t �it� che P 11:141P laft�ii ­ LV 1"to n some 1,aren.',t label led' al 'a,11 :pa 6v Ainift �"Prion.iJ lccoinot6r' en. - he transit;on ­.,t'NV Is t, ftom the verieti&&,�of '77-1; tho,latt4r_ e man. Who 'fixst thought of placing PRE PLA, TH't W to the half 'crown Ogkor4jw §AFV' two, shilling and ,jxp6nc�, It" IND. . ...... _N being laexiaiiomnej��_hi, tiue�_"Oven_doo�t J as tni 4- t I.* tho �U., S A.-: put into -currency �i�-1 bf all cook books. $uch After.". PAOB.' h r. _e4�te1 IIA, , w3 t d Ia� . . r. . cent­;;,I�bcE as vell as,harl ^715 Q10 Nv -e. infe' W'y oven," ',bal siitfiIiriia nse-pain Ach thi b Icst I&'eizht and I. d n- With lier,S eetheart. m. a quick ON �sn:"r Nike 'in 9 nioderate Is vviiii half­cro:�'_�4Rq�, v ;binM% fumf&-s form. li, 6a, t,6-�blirslixig.�wRhf_ 'y ag -v fig ....... th lhand.,1a d wha. 7 7 urtu" Jpir*ritei recil k This is: sweethearv; throu94 wn h!AheixOd- _Wn a, I had, pti�bhiisbd.-o�e..sbilliiig';s'w f fi whei -]Dr. Leotai �table 11 -em- iflot.LY--pirst-thre 3o do it 1'suic-de- OT._e_ n-, of-400- E�P -71 'Ji" becaffie 7-M a, on-slifiling piece, in returnL for;,whi 2r..P 11 nlra: �:_�Ped tor -recelve - nine lshillings in --- chir �deipe -, - , e,riezBuits tug has madi- It e_� -fo f th blv-: tfireie.,'-is - no pre 'all tf,7a thouse-. 111s ..demands r 4fie...return-of -'er to Me. Con ..7 same s17 �,m-R 7�iitIce.,the_' stilbbom fie- &We: r - passed 6v fithd then -- M, good Will 'Ah emD.eratu'r' D a. Atd- I t_1 I*S : --f- - ­­ 'gua, an `Wbat. -''the�,­ %-be: .-.to- Jion: if --,"Two, shilling-, four s , kX;: eight. klere�;-J, av W a 0aselif--eikistence d:; &!�h e r tee 4.. -75r o a ­moderate,�'. -a f oiF 1,i,,,aqe�-go&�, S 6aie pack )u'l fs The yersbn� bietween' the sla� andt the son- �tho r1glit,changel'-sir." Nlad-§hillf Xitare F.ahi clink, Clink. , Nlo� sIr._Th!it*s. "XVVer: d -IONA All:' 1prs,_ 0 mirror heard my vail a�d e4me,0 the �retcue. ok.-.� "brisk oven. And -Wil INTE RNAT -".�-o';: Clink. clink you mind; I. -wint U viriiited N Falls Out' _e..�. ac ID IC T 11' ce he kg br ev 'per. gain I counted the coins -an remenaper� "Well, I'll seeJhat yau:,bavo- tb�ml' A d NO 61tWER CWMSTMAs' 71 g Inift, '11 'be ��foir, 140L� eB, ow r., wi ftitn1e.a r'e theglv�r.. thAC:thkek: ��6re MI, of about the, same-stte. 'CO9141 rt Losin :P t Yl . e tl e0d._ zht�� I- rl reluctan -Pr2ct��'al,,4ttr�ptivic,La�tiu:z Reliablie! 6pt1j;r dayg:'4passed" aiid-46 �'youing- (,on%plvtc;8cientffic;TJJ To-Date-aAdk thorita-, the I centur :-thui far OT, time IIVC. 05p000cSCWNV0r 238ONges the second per_46� ccunt�d The iiialrit e, twentiiih' �rn beffioaned'11i'dJo, the 'fdr-- 'tration's. I.Y. L;I to the cuktomaily; V LL�D_,,.0 ..them and lnsl,t,-d that th�� represented 3:s. b6en del: Bs of Ph,D, ,71 their - retur f '0EIii!'1 ginQ'Lal; Fordand nxp. t_M­61�a_:f_ tlic'St. L Atlyrr, 07,60,un as 'on th e r e. ed than and' thery atd' W d t �bf P �govxtrnmen t, lad,� J�'r W T4YDU,GA SECE iBh, ut!!d st Poorkvinl �,nton__s J& ­ kin -accusa 7' IT- 1101.-THEIGEST�GIF piopm W ­S#d-t 4 4a the - R Iar-and-TllirI -Prl-r _J 9 W.7 TeX— -1661. -,ere, -,Ov�nor;--ere's- -ar'a: �in -the I, : ql.v 'not pukag6louB ly, Ja-; ',an' that's t%6 %"n' A : AI fkCQA i.* -,n V, pre-. for.' elliatio e- IS, e 9 7alid,-SIX,� ain't It! . '10iVl oWn., WAA f 0'. Ue TJ ongL since. all Tic�t- _S V sen B.: WaLItIn -e7 p 'ow =9#:eggla Me s, . . . . . . . . ..... d' 'four otie', so: yrou az %Jz! "2: and six and six Mak s ro - : - _'_ - I : J'eroh' e la I must- its ri d4r Zbt -eee� x' T!Q�, Igaete At 'OGder is coinipet�a& ta. do i bks'.Ifiading, _tWo'� an':L. Six ftnil t*Cj,aM, �j 16e.. Don't look Ah -at, drizy wly, -.nbj h ;e- *-Ith artistic aciink 'th leift WhW guv e, even; it ig I IMPS s JW: m -7 -�461 tellin, you' th4t two and a latt. IM --T-he-h nahle T. a of ft makes -Ain�11-tbat,,wh Cu r in 'n 3k tFl.' n4 ,, at school? f SIX ��Cnces'l;* r, politics, C )n9ummate s.agadltx M-6 rii 7 k "t. L pn _&I tri it 114 'edinter'that IS at -L, Oe'' Old sweet. way. tit]] "Wf'C'Id - escap6, T, a r ly. VW19 ill � � : - Lb�do n -itids; eiicoui-a,ming - YOU "know. " - - 01 it�:Ch& to ini A .4 -til i '.oT tdt wor and: aafa impoi ion'' f Zhe'Q 'ere you go- -4 t b 6 "J. e of, S. t 7"7 LM m, n 0 It "4 iv 6 - 3.1 a Col., I)le of tN.c_ShLfIIlng, -.11plollea Vnth, trilel.- T= e UT'n- n ter. terifts ties -n- -!�W Q__11 -twe-Ju I. " .1 1. "r an" �foW come, t, eW 'ILI :1 e-', " ". ", .' .'p��I_s A WEI)DING DANCE- pii(Yof. s-lieet. Jvj lok's �.nd eyca;t, he York. VIVO(` C�, -n ne, , urse,-iii d on�t 1=oo th It '011 jhe,,LotIj beiriti ey cc , er SLId b= l.,� � �'A Xciir-makc _ " V " Ilk t, c_at&_Ati�ndant� hi&L.�Dxes&�',' d -&r �# -. f , s - Jpy, nrisb=u" its ss I . , , I A r nine Sa 41i Jex _011 _01310...OL eiripa, air __Q >0 oily W-,Wedl -uance as�. e d. on iii, OM to e,. gua 'Ni� and' the she are, lot I �>_, -- iii ",,- - - . .,%, -; Jr �a sihp § ` ; atil, 6 enterlid 4oth earih.11OUL li 7tm in 9 r _t_JJ.6_r_pjle41--Weia 7 lage a Ou si e; -s seafii Ivere ra d b " 't the' In beat. 'it rahw- it Me A�t� z-X­t"J1`ti"- A �12`v for' eix� t e �a :elte f To -b th I beat Y tL 7Z R� QtL e n, - ' ti _f d !stoonq I Y ways Of. b 41, ,tn m ';;tt: cufrtl he 6irs W re iii e !stoonq unm gim a cdonstaht car Ij 7 '21, 1. - is - = i9m tb walt-, a;peL In Jano Doy 6.5n,' In 6 -no- ol tWir new 't wa,� irnishe C&toch Lceld. . ou 1knoW'about i1aL* So new euma, is �_Pie -mu.sig -a *uni 7 -7r-7771 th le' da t ofie-end' W ere d a:,��ng 41. . r: -ta .,of the lon6 roo _g Jr: n�; an a qn lot, d ? th h- ru Kne.-A A I vd-An rota ion,, y;g nUmbei o 's kill: 0 u 'jar Abeir­cl6ax bluii,­b�611ieB7 n _,brown - T -Temedy4or, all 4f(i (),B m V -That" h ... .. .. b 6- -ch L FA40. J 0,171-, r �Cs or iur�tasixigci in"ALIdeiii w y Nve make our coirdufoy re6 % -who felt :�fh6f' t43 a blttalat-ly harnal6ss and .7r 1 k 0 i� Nr I or t drid-,if the other ena.9f e t �if6ib ;A 'Tat t�LiB.LB 'a, �jth 't -ble llets cur, Neuialgia' Rh 3 an E' 'wd T. he 8 P cure ot your ri UARA E E,' room,a a I eake d'i OFFER! Is return AO JPorke 1f,?5c.,ppr, bottli The kijL=mP T 7-oung For,,$� We 'Wjl'l� send you th6`COm1AAe;L bread anil-a'Wila'e- con.coetion ve�- e, "Darling,r, �,N`,rl-d �A;:�hd-g -zlIih . G' treatment,,j and s ft but' sed flu W MI unpin 4 �0 wcoifilianied ty ging th�jri.- bit- Q�T7 'Ida you Th 3 h bi qome ring e 113, c1c. -S a. -signed, giia trate&,that U�tjV6.L e Ile ski Y,S�v t all 4ealerS'�n �nediPW6'iAl 314', Mali Met agard.' t.he--rir1k,o,,d fw,-_4 of go-nie old Rbeumaticfoe� plea &,ro;t.�W,J OW1 -t for ah oureis, not. leagant set, but',, tat, your money 'will be retiir:ri�d t ' not beau- --I,p y nerveeldice 4 L , 't �_ . " effected Dies, were,1,p T6 i F up' i rr 0 la!d brolds, to- it t�-; In, or fe;�V, No.t& tia, y she , NN.'All, dt�,Ai, you-, aw milildr., but YOU.". If you have'. hheuhiatism;..fjlydut ti -f ul,� alihq4h �a eir ldrue adain. 4ornial. h6&kh.jh Aorl&� �oj i'b'ld ,n I 'Ci recailll� vodr at-m4a"!, i'd in'; 7 h ref1ebtj'OZL­ QUpon) afid a X sladuld ery ouiehold. 'And thu�- tl:p� 'eI�..'ifi6'atta6W C ignd - it to dark eyes;, carnq ydry �ear to it.:' Th I Ario 'W" . Spa �-box. Sed - tral -tZ P t -to hei 9fla d not_*_wea�LAlia__g-a. a i� u­-1f&Vi�­nLdth:ihft&:;1bqq. uut—ev y--cp tui 7 ur I - , 7r 1� HiRk K A h6m 6 9 W. — P. - --.. . . , gain. Jm4gination,'� bu't,L -their. Are'Iises-L show Skin' �11)-G IS �Q ed worsi . ... .. 0 SL 0 Pry. 4 nt'trtie, MUT.ur -diseases alle'\L QW j gTeat ' L�d c6nseienfiqug laafel�lnj. A -u .,care,p ��edily eite;�d.� ,dlf dI iino d It freek and acros� the biOtiat.iii qllvrg�.e �earrings- lairekit'lalmi �_*ere.-- the- rm Ing PW u'r r. .:Of 4., T,-rfiRe d - 4 let the; young W6' q e even, apong mehi . , , - -, , ' I .., Vb& . ruplo It. t I* y 't fiail6d' -to' Curi ie, inen Only. Ond Vishi TAianored. Gentle;m"m -La�I quiec @is never ye lire, x*. `ij f wore broad 'brini m an _nnum 1c. feumar 1OrLL df tv ed. bilick' .1 The Jatb�t ah Lh, t, rl�ai Sli�6,land *as verk. i- An.1 �141ft' _p I ,(., (,Let .1 � -n cb6a-n'-'61'ft6 blo f grklt, 1�or rN u, ,�t .. 'a ­­'li._. .'­L�L­ ..... felt hats and qp�dttK� 11 ­ -1 , - ...- I- ross. , "Wilngt Is the or n flit, lips by trousprs'. c Per. tiin bf ojv. q s6e J j"i HOPE OPICINS, h rcl L 6 or blue 71 I'd t k Bush pit e. cross, i3he- "t-hpt­Lver d I pr. IT�ftkd_ oul;rlet It to_ hr! vjm; "I ff, A NjOi�e, treet,- Toirtl �Jj -in.x6gard-to .,M� hur lany -1. 1 es a out le. - ' - - b- ` ` t' f I b h'T asp. -*Pn( me par,; a 'I(, M u De.� I I I , . norLd. !'Tliat's n6th-ing il:I6 Old 'Yo'n'. o, lit t 6, Text., - ir(ilia tile h' 0,'(L B ...Or in.,.$had lan.d.- io�r I f 16 th e­�! c d., of, each,fioxiise. t,b V 6 1 ga k e �t 69"- tob"Ic ouch ",t i( , -eed; Ur 'O� I` rQX,.1.-ut1on2 of th i fe thiaIt P 1% �ni c7cry,one, carrips. expl,esg the deLsird that thieIr husbitnIlk matry ne corevnoiay�, inous arT t 13taiadard, last are it) J Ili. In 7. �Tfi� dances 21 tot su, offkU,'s "t.), Oil :,t�r a fs�th.L. _tS io'�aelabjy�, the :Vr inf6a-sper 41 Yhowrr ib Id 'd re av- e -part re four _'o- Whnkrdls� linimenf Cu- Olds, �eve TVYa_f_ L ' . 1 ': . s- ii - : ..4. * Tsquare (Iftlace, 'WiFe NYJ flully h, 7xyuatry the hico,wr Is,' ri a k I tt K foor and b A rhojity 9ft As a. soin-4ational -t'o �aoeao s o ar t, otfa .;Alf tho'se n I ucorgo*g '�iirnpiaaff tiift I - I - tq 11.un- '. , 11 .10 . of asketilLis InAtead- of s I attornpt§ at As; PVidenc Wxstotft JB S g Muggb-yo,it, sa.-Y, yffli. 'd' piel t, DiIit: g $i;�najs- p,jhm lithe, ifiotiblIs, with the h, � , i , ' I anc .13 Hemet- YeAmv, ollL Wor:41 &kri' I e e-11I.Vas-FOV nV - avi ri �,r er T1_ __�O*jff� ­� ' LL . , U4 t _jit 'h lien.-y-ou-Iftiffifie'd me I oiW _gre t__ W; a r tit" * 4r4o' a gre - 'V, - L I - , X , . . P� , d T& 4dveuft of th# It vlli siil�rliip 4, _C ilit--wh6 dab .(,I _)J MeA n1ur M Agal-ri fey- ftig� 0. m4k� a, Jury loktkiev ari, wbh. t-14. 147111(tyll"Umt. �Nlam I g t(T are you 916 J Itutty­'Tal lya:t, We %"47: an I t r.� f roll 01 J, a ;of I We to. Kloal uo; I t1l A '.�, 4- t ILL Ift 41sthripfa ftTYa1:I.I;Pd the crmv(l Vf��,y6aang p , I , . ' Onicc. overy fivio e Col) LP Aff6uld �Jqfn.; I . �. ;� - r 11 fuggin �(Jrxd towal (side, of -a. 8;t,k!e' If V�e 't h o -*(J� -Iiewlltartefl '1111in with clappiu _Me o f, UP. U'S 4duica ,Xfte 111fortrallag .14;ias.tIIat�Wf$ of J,: 'J" g I rq. t e hlAl ?X11 ra tes av4b , Y pulxhib' Of 'Z'; 0;J aroer. .0 of 4%"4�vx, p AI, V f . .,A;P . . air,) , 'ag ',d Voll I wii � Lade lilit I& J)& Our ilma. ite'd in cofliq�-rtrqy. Buidptl fact_2WA-ito I, , ."Refilord.. I . ' , �� tuo 101 f 0 If. j, Mft_;. -isn't kinakd14 Lhillm.4,,6t Cure$ Dktg "a �oftiS,stiiat6 bad, e ,�o elaini JJ,, ore availawo,,,. (it: qj ft 9 Awls vf�orl He - sald if ho h1w w -s: vqa� 14-01,1 't aI, Ilyany t6n�. t� I �', �' Y, I t th t0%,"n to C61- ',.duft at a ra o" ' �Iv* fl., nonpy'rhic 6 1 . I . . 4r . I L I . . . . , It ind P* 111,1MI, 4,vfirybl�dy Who o'dut tqth� Lbeecl� Poeu,�,fi,d prwedo (it]j L . �1 Uri' than I'laill Idwi if, )jptl Tixe J I IF ­,khd, r 01 NzJqYw.P third lot "t L .�e ween a Nve'll"I"how at W11 "Till, urld'u I'li.&�t,,lor 'rr, ­ P, n: g %0XJ'J;9 a b I a (, �, a , d . �P it . ....... . . .. . ..... . a, it, r, 'a. tll�, Pivor'c'd I'l-0,1111fal 'It & J ro f 9 1 -46 1 j r" k6dri.;4A it 1)6 , Oka rfn;� IJI* f Y., 4f, .-it -10 1, li-W-ftild, be. ori�A Prn '101ir"o n. n'' 4y, S L IT Of 1 Y*, roild Voi-'t v T e. a , I . A bi jj��J_ '-'f " T ­ -- L "' ­ - " ' ' ' . of tllif� 6; 1, IA, It [I'lle flalt yor .. Not 4 J �11.,Y 'VI 17Y 46, t kfr, 4 A L ff�yflj. flit. &L Y Ce t., V CATIrra butr R1111d"I hi, Pq ..Pf L (iii eif 1(ilion.til: 1,11().Up f'of, poll, V11" Pi q,f,, .pl, "qT)�TCT P 1W 'M 1 _8, "'A All. cj,; �Lj, V, 4 P - ,, . . ,D �SA ETY �L� I kl�l I. �, I..., q A' li fi- vt, R 1`10TIMS' RL nou0s, nID' PITA -14, hri C, r . . . . . . . . . . A, =__w -4 r 4414 'J 'A XRL'o" .. ..... .... .. fl _,- AY 4