Lucknow Sentinel, 1906-11-15, Page 4T :WC P jl�":" Y, ABOTJT' FOW, L then by 0cling IaqtY �41 illat we H>00*0000*< d a n t t "s W -o" ago 7 2 i rot0s and Win. Na1S1lI,`gPnerQ, agent (ifthe to lqdge�,sl �p b ag *a 1% arme�s, of this-4peqij�'­1E w u,on Wed. i1d) tif" in- which certainj xpebiloi L,fo �,re in tow, i ty p e ei of ]a, t�.%i eek, Mr. Blilc' repir t r fo 1. fir Marko eedav he., e. n 1 4 tli6���iiii.suralico,,i'U�vedig4tion has ser-� P -op b "t d' "t t' e 7j6TSry em, fo 7-L1 S5 4 few� L ours before Win� "in,. 01 ousi. t them, an extra t ne ol her companiie'_�, 11, 460e b the Y M413 Ive big tb t fqed..f�'r when place on the �"Pouriter,. be u,- t w, only 'com fil; �o... d 9 San bu,rsting-, ar t0--tj 6 d� th% .,point. 'This if,flone purposely 'IS, dj:,7� c, en nvestig�ti6q_ will be, a ht 9 -AL Iiokeiib- Then�-to the;,h- A ood K7 th6:Cai�paiiie jhl� k�_ '15 a It's; oug biptakea offi -People do not :oaf, the fPqb1if,,,, See a tb t: Canadian -Life cu`,hi�d,,' rouble, jh'. jn. a filiding �tql 1� Sk ye y 3 Companies are Lead aIiid haVe,no rigbt.to.�pay lor� 'bobl' 'h' 'f our 1 e j1dren K �,00d'sc s up agai,ri,vpry l�d very viell and t e -C'n d ------ often fow.l.,arefEadl pes pry h a a Ian t� spebial - Ift e %o f t h' d arice aws. are at, a lit. inve6t ody e_'�, h p', qckecj� j§ome armerH hi%ye-.i, b aV C i rens khdol: 9 D., our D-exiw in* I e 'hot water Ot h 'be Ibb, saf6,st 'not yoli,4fll-:� find This 'blacken Wmention, tbe� lirotec- ordor *1 ich you tr� Y A -in every!; wAy., o -ho'k NY 'h h2l."land:Aitrps, the bir 'ticn.to relatiyp§jo:.qa9e. 0 cut ory R so a 'di Old f a t !V� f 'd T: .:Fowl'�ho4late Ty, pie e, rd, il, as in n PICE IS' 111(efeStS', in th,,3,. TEAS" "s" h f -b ected th ni �aiu ja, 4bagts, , : 2''. be _PW4�.d,:tle %n., �t�lo su 01 n1d' s oes: -'iubb6rs�] d bV UP', h- :GRG(—� R h' fb.'Wj�'f ' , , L I i! . . , , , , U I . .... i -R Kep 5, in. "Ift. i ;o�'to - . . . . . . e rei U _�y ers o es or n:Ia it B COFFEE, r a I 'hours e au, re, ric pany d the Clev'h "d c ass b op, of t I h'' �`ito qw: .be ore. kil t A n '06- observed-, - there C- R E R Y -,ind CMASSWAPE, hese,, ireet,ici's comes Word ob0mo, kkkil)g­ on th6p that i n g,, a glollous, le they� a bi ---- ---- --- m,e,.rc,.,aa s. -tim.0--u�p--r-ortb--andp-h'a..v�-air-e&c�y-O.qqu.r- -7 7�_ d ------ me seem be 0 x DU lish-.0 inues t&'& b bush A day, a, A, if t'lie res 6011 �t Y, 6 -are, ssila. ent, av, i - E I brain,M� If- w6' ot lee t WiM e U.Q.P. and 9.0. . ............ eni, �616�q G B�Y,�h wab ee on oligi dru ot ro W g 0 � Beaver LOC P� --------- - - 7� t they �.jl"wv ru Azy 0, write. -If rsday of hst wbek; on �re,%W(:,�y L -LEGA A; *A-,cGP.EGOR. Piwpitiwoit e, go t ch 'h** e pre 7*e hr heathens u iness-,'I derist, d' eam, 0 b D h , we areL Ypoc w' e bd iGod rich Ont gbia av Ati Old bfiy6ar.� - JU remki h i we 6tight: to be Garrow,.L. b, 't comj DVERT NG rOMP y out - o6kip the' A' jpc�i jquf Ce Pg a q A6 M-iiaoMSONj- ABR1STHR`:60LI0jTo-- __Rgj.Rr "eltefisi. 'If v4:gq ajVaroer�o OMM,_UX out �V_ir e'l �n7s- ba! we are nou :..atten Ing tq, ay (j,f "thi ATION 8 — Litte h d U r.,a fi 6 6 �C 0. is 'dealing . . . 11, 1 . , I .. Holt& Cameron, God L�itaii- "*iW live topics of thc.'dai: are � sudoiteck, U LN erich'.), Office buX bU' ine8j. wear'old,dloth h A.hey Choi .,,es, the a, diiec6oisl �m6b,� re Block,,Luelz y wee�.' now -the name ot the contributor jibust in � every case accouip�anj 'the ritun, gh �&t, UCorn lau Ike . we -wear goo&elothos,, Tuesday.. h - I _. �� ----------- 74esirtlo_the -.name, the w --win Ln ot -00. - ' . i �` - ' , 61 7'; 0 -.t.b v I f er-Watson's Bakber:Sho p ely, a -POI)Jj,%hed to 1 10 er, "if.re �c. �Money a e we P I do Y t9tupped ven- 'i *-.-- ti W'An't stole a6at 1�cidtko for turin t� 6 at!ihe oU h' SOCIETIE An qxc an�ye. SH�I%Wbot) will g a�uyluruis4 fr6ni, th dS 'COURT' 'No, 50t' 11 din' tj g or its cost.- AnRe Hall. ib'Luckno* i'm6ets e,�Alry-firs. tomi�g Pe 'of la eam, inforinadou you May rO y P h da�, or Davmetf wi.�h Monday of esph. month in. t vy t Visiting brethren are �cordiall Invited. fro C. R., 11 G h A W,COUNCIL 1'9ss, �hi§ weir known bla-Ck- driver' 1av- a icill. M you �Odi �re 11. LOGO on -C r e ivill b6 ap A.� T.'Ds, Fill. Sec. ing. died: st0dehly. 77= ir INH.XTHCH URCH, r "LV XG L W U 'T HLAA NN ng, JU ..... R C pre st meeti �A Thursday nigat on, or a MeL, and_ VV^', F'q I M A)eTore tile tull moon �in the; Air t The unter 7aPgeIPPR S ''Hall, irive op f -exten -we e- e--coinloff G�.� 0 ;e s. hi� liearif-�W-th"7-ks -C d _ 0 heck on d-uqjoljo�V"j'_,� 01 Mve A, j3 M6L.eod, w s -.were s� e rc Y 8 oning I M Siecy' as�sista na S 1 67 86-- J b s corres: o ents.to T, and 't pce a ditto 2 ren7T "The'Sendriel �fid­t6t �fian' e0v J. 0 r -of ASfimi ucallow he bu's - �c f VY . Ui- I- r r-,.Vlcpa on 'thOL'Whii:i�!hu�c���i�'r�..�t�---'4 t cock, In th §P1bndid didv�er'tising. pa ronage P44 2 50;1-,J �IcRge,,,,gri VE D eirC )1' 96c b M-allouill— 'd _p rrr Co t .6r., c eerfully co e gr,,Ay.,e Stinday ov '116 Rev W Fin- UArri0ell stie'bt Ali b th h n racte' king- , .so A -�n 8;' D t46 Asl2tield,ei'_ MbIeGran&­� —r- _th 0 U &hts—exk-ess edP-':"­b oh n- h Sec 7 0 b- elu CK10W LODGF-11N - depail -resp e e-, Full t _grayel;Z: r -oresters.,inee ki -:d trdkt�that_ h I -_ ____se n . . .... Jim on -thelbaf-V da. 'DOI us-. Ca �861h. 9t 10-30A in each MoIjjh":jj �'Y7 3 thdt fh b $2- Y, 11be but t! e'L eLyi ry� I)ck.- �Vldtin is �7 Ahreii 4--s-toth, r ng,qr a rr T' 8�nd d W_ _V1 e M d n t 11 'a Pa, �otl a 0j 7 tran nter- _4rioge­ cu ktM Aitcheson very": fin6 �g�so T. artAlar& iee po �66- 'b M GL p () � nt f I., Up Ranger.., 60�� e$ wor o d -in he, pr ge ee I Z-0 Tb "t tM of' fh,6' Ir t3birNOW �e- est intereAs Peo- FOL 4 e.S ey-, -wor on "Be d E t pril d ..the �b :Friends, meets farst t�pu ibhe n wedzle6,4��_:, ev*ng, the'. I 4th in�b; be - bl est inter t A L es k' adej ju cilj�'Canadian� P popu ar -p ic-h will in e apier Wh 41 Order:.of Chosen in, P tabited Mattre§Ws,., S rep bridke $2 C es cinity. FRAI I N C7, , \: .. A �$P'CIALTY .70 f Ltj i 8:cott, rep bndgp 43-t j S'�h ICTURE awl third T ad' y 1ddie6set`*6rw dl ev , J.. 4� stn, s k b**�> Odd- P you W ant. t, J! WIN D. M'cGregqr,.vok,k` oti bridge the socie 10116*18 Hall- tyi by P ligrallbell street. r T Duncan p6d F U ter. W A, ]�,iil *' :L:"., ors are cor-7 R)d T Dixoii, to�funa,'sta�ut6 labor, NDE,Ft*.'.r.A. 11 RR 'ON THE'FA '10 35, VMt o'00. 'S SM6 t oltle,!daysu pproac,i g Uyl Come A n t d �1, J -0'L%u` b we itt nd. h rio itest a, rep-.cu� 2 .,60 R: M Wbine 'bave, We, will b6 pleia�6d tbei-r pas invited rise to the, 9. Rev it, t 6fL'th hli tile in V t ey gr �re, "cul, LQDGE IpAgtb b Cook co _tplug �har, to, of )I tha eld*:jand rd are ilited And attle are At n, grgvd., 1� i e ..H M ra. o w d5o;J P� thers ameets: In ered, th6,c U4- D'Canjeror�?' gra oWs'nan 'om M 'day V 50,' il;-tHe iecond -and '.at POAcO-in their stalls.' N inter tude vel, 48c,,, H Me-r.'ean, re 89n�ge the Oddfell ,p i Th �l 2� '51 - A *gsof- each,moikthm d" In ui re X b 'Ahe, 3ow a in a I L,u mqt� iih h - is- J 0 for tb catch, up 8tor -164 efartber7to Y; kra*qlling, I JR, -�ord' 10 g. 'Vest-,. Uribg -the iseed; iln 6 7 f, R- t.9 % t - U- N "readi g- 'ally. invited 11 LE bar- 25- A we V d�iia, 0 0 <11�� >*` U-1 'live, .. .... . ..... P ea a W latkii b W L) 'a OWW'. ro. T oejk� otk :30 86" on 11-o-knKla �N exlr Gra'au'sto,df Lon'don'r N1 _' 'k , I . tn n"" pet 8 ew, or d; a� �n . � � I t am uusinm ego tiniting tbu- li't o18- n, Mov, UUM tilt, b W a [.I 3p, LUP e,, Y, r, or ins �w 8 I BE AT�- lo U f 6) &cond Thqrs nt d urj ng tile- & on b M'r Ved lvmp! it _9 Hour ge� Eli, x1i; I ou will �-hp_-v6 h U; rip, t to �Cdnbd 0 good of be'. for h W Lilly tosnable felAxat aii-d ne8dsiy to.t% 6 6r 017i T X? 4) I these', h ' P * b' DENTIST I I 0 dadj V at wiiit in A-10TON n cot, f I is- Cbld is n y 0 ' X i laid up hf-- p :4 96Vdeb eold rem 0 rb rhothod.9 - w6d -Besfi W al rool bridge who trActiig b' th: wor Ith. I . naLtUte, I Y* Vb , or, fly .'riod of. jIle. W L aesand sa�t' A th 6, d in w ich, riem�dy, 'Soxj�oronmjc h Al New e6t tbil]g Inn aint &r of alj�y r Alum' it 1 !�Omkf 0 'injury roperty or aq di d c layqd4 'rhxi 9 0 T) b ip by every 411 iq V06k' . irl are be ef, 0) e, - w &r f