Lucknow Sentinel, 1906-10-11, Page 6�4 � 111 "1 A-,. 11"APA, �*, 71" 1 �4,7 mo� 1 1 INN - N, 4i'N'R" q --r. a!: , 2, A IN X, 1 4' 1 g , i jnl'1111-1 r4l T T� .......... Wi� S kT& �WHA FEED'YOUR DOG IN, U N ANV 11 S 44 F a hundred yeajR all ,�g _ _. L, g, -6 Ab1_d`,�44d,mQst of us bave beli, le ns Are, so,'Nighly,'t Bene ANK 0 that cornbread is- not a- od f gpoajq. , fiddl.* Oo—,,, It' has'.been. cajl,,6& fiheatjng." About,, g it jw6m�,- out o Aifthorid6a hav6'told us tb4t it had too �e -tj I et ei I f every tell h of a tendency Ad -create''f4t, and" V46 �'Banlc Ell Izad note Is the 'most ff Mile u ek-from constiliation Cc ai r',it Is the ph4lesf,i s� rk.­ n 'T' �sj all ',ra nof'euou li, in, the,'direetion 44�bone.�and, Use .�,Sut WWI _T Btin, t o mugel -ti, )'V,;-): t4msl g""as I _d es., ot,black �Prlatin,g- on,, a� q-. Mecen ly.,*, -,116w,64r, -one - F -Vie % guard 'lies food -and the- ivork e J(p '.paper. 'I The great safe. of the bow#js is to :etit,'be�qqh -and T_he�,,,Cqupons, are. thib�,salih .r,., o let o ps judge$ nge d.fo XC4a 991 quality er and the ��quallty� �81.1 Their Work is has stated 'publj�oly' that affer trying all it e. pap expel those!portio aid. 1� for ich :y6u have to a p In6ner every wee n _nsj be f k of, the, printing :a d the 'wateimVIE "ori tbe� sorts, of,egnibinatip ed, by 9, gcqgtiv tte, bile ound, that 1�e P Y n ot the Jiyer­-�- tjpp-&r,� siya j could get his. dqga�. -into, -better; con Wlieti, this' I" -P ("t'on 'User's of SUNLIGHT, an CljEF�I�f P �an 'jet 'their TOIL is_:seqyq e ivith', coinbrea d: thiin .,w.ith -�gny other U, retion,fails, or, A 07 jr is beyond the! d L $QA paper, in insu -ficient quantities, tlid,� bo -,Ms- be-' 'At"I - c -It -114 ;nap. food; 4 r .41 7-- 4 4#,_0 �uacii6'and­co ti 't" la results. aij 'Ve expe e �nian told me that h6 had bbser, Put" QN. ound should X-ead, Circu arg-trit -,every; - P;:tck.�ge, gri, Write us fof7- remium -List, ZZ al in the trade 106 not Under': gather, �nd then note wha bitppens!! ved'olose- V0911.11ihey know; mor,o, of th ly for many,y-6ars and. that -his dog§'Witl Xgift iis o - little '..value if it �consists of S, omqhing you 'have n6 use for. v ithis t 'n�rtfi" Vini'arid ''ondur- t - ., . � 1 9 t alwa�,s more str� -,T%�e blood, comes t �j in con ac )ne;,or Ittle" 1941) Uri idu 'acoumul6tion, is filled" i�ith%,jpid �on a virtual me Opp ance'wh6n. � bie'fed � 'them' on . cornbre'ad., Li*6 for:Sunli oup . ()n"; neeit; And trades, 1which! ist n .115 gh t Soap C you, Can. g0: sotnelt Ing �you Sa ys lie Said,that oatynoaj�-mvtloufactuied bi�- eee e circulation, carries these pol n, the city ond( It.,iiiiii.alwa and , exclu h, �A' OU th i* "ilthe �kreat:,bauks �of the, world',0orne sons, all over -the, b d' Th t ls� �-vh very� day�.- riaters, of, ondoif to Y CUI,, and a miktun�_oUmea't a d ve engravers " an P - a erspri's h ve much 'tables 1�re:.ili inferior, in7yesults., Ile d c0ilkiPateO, P' ge- r xave­,, their notes or their plates'� .,made, 9 'bad ure dogs on m i r it beautifu� printing "T turn � out '�thd MoE headach6, that� dull, heavy.,'&lirt 4t: twice, 'it Co Jeeds t he. mat loni and ha,thili,jae%. Auw 4;� UP NS _%sed-nqescript ji, .. ''' �-A Q. poin -raost,c �,� bi6atb, foul taste b th 'el,- �and on SAV NL 6 -,ox it, is 'of, the, ei�-' we cornbread'Ah�, rest, of 1 .0 "4 Is alot Y , om is 'it is se� d -Ajinp th enAlliti"if the Ji nT Q U . ppjet�, tj�re raise h' irlt of many Corr ted';,th6 Lie flutv will,156 set rig t, ver be. ti-th ire y pA,,cqrjj. Vp h T%e 01�4,0 0 Itself Is"t 0 we b Brcjitlia : ! , Ir §h' and, 'milk. braws. Wil in a "correct th6�,jijte9thj' :,twe �parts n turn: �yill es, A�'Graliam -in-4 out > , cieclue upon,, :in ............ and tl '3onstipati U Aed ie ur9fpi,lialle to %e given ever 3,,, each` o f �,g he in MC of, part with any� or.., 1:116%6tbers. Dt:dc d' ald - riot super , io r his.,art-and,c0l w, iv liev are bot 6�F h Jones: -1 and' w ith. medicine* or purgAtives.. ment Arciptectural tingraer," 10611t needle 'hie'labors -the, -,tl Of bowels, bfit -do "' t, cause ki f, agJd- 76r, keO' a toy th 1c 0 the,rutal� districts,- in *hich'the"great- I TORE� P . ..... jue.tai a perfect P6 evil (tlie��liver) do, , -sugges lai&t �We_ek ��h en YOu mitdie�- ite, a ­en , of. -th6 t an C%IF; , Vr -Curei at" a -"building. , Anotner with skll. ng c r Ing in one of frim' -which it -Absorbs �eytaiii ethcrs� all portraits Frances' Gicene, - oi,'Earl stiegt, f, 11, for Luc; 60 � for 60c;;40D for 80c" 'all dif 1. 1 ccA i�dw it �Iot. more, OiN cmtai�ed'in* tl t,od a. A! t4ird. ar"w, sceaeryi whiie,:4 fourth' King§ton,, fOnt.) er - Portion. 47 silimll. toWn wa& r6lif; W envelope sluggish,and out -of' ordei, and I h' ivogd, y � Liver was. I ��. .9 for $3. asserted;. 1,000 thp��aettera, stal others contrive cor suined. De!a�cdn .30cesafy,tibits t 50o and .60q- 100 for gtiq stamps -.25c. NV 61 of Pr I R, Ad'ams, 401 Yonde's a, �_T-he­fiaml�s en assed - sveral or. ofes�s6 )�artin�tj teest, � Tdruto� Out. to gret t, from -the machine dbes4ork �olibe Ozitmo humall- imovenjent, -of ch.afTE�,"itffd:-it,�v�l-s-f67und that: f t'.b'o place(Fin the ca'sk with Mrs. Win 06w.'s'- Sointlibaj, -Syruly' the, bowels had to be suhtroeg- as were not .'score u spiri to:,�,yemain WaYo. b6 usM: for, dbflldr��,�t bijid � cpn I doptored 'iin� tried ail nian- hed by the flat t The 6omplicated work of tracery which oerthizig, I put forth a se66fi&.s6-t �f buds -A of re' edies.,,but- not see,:'ois' th6.-back,'and front bf,,, scoU n4r� EnaL lorl n"Rds s 's- rm thi,- bes$- �mvmsdy�-for--I)Lar a zu tiie h f I P1 _d . _C - 0 ysteni;,,..Of Th ^4 `1 -on on zft,,c- 1, T1 d tX­ Jan;, ende e -tinder -:-qhe mat-, intensi'sufferiag Ai liquoi�is_­filt�fed andq aecnted rrLo Itica" wIEn paoL9 _77Z:7-77 7� e I trip toy acid acid shIggnsl steam pipes -it is'believed, that, tw.d, c.rops. glass:. -bottles, to ired-ou b Vduld eat 'aws fine �lines� The made a Awd-third, and tiftt�r. being ver a 111-21 -an y ALL 1, UL pantograph. .. It '�eenis. Franc6 and that ced in an. inclined, �.:FBMALE _ds an repa osition_c e bei th r -bran-' zjl�,,_OD.s k�� the all ai oi' the-- b, le In -Les --- I It. ' J. , ­ ' - -411.g — h TRANJIL-KARK, R4GISTERED. V C n, sf9pp.er.. this _Ig it iu-,new eqns �pa,iori, piles, beltdacliv.�7f6 le ail',' ekin9ci,tfie, needle �aud siincli;z e& lie a .0 was froub ds -If �Rsary to7pro, pro tect-t.e-$0 gu P 11 ro ro frequentl.yi., -a 'a t �i, tae� ,wo� -fit--p r 0,L,­tae.__machiiie, doe, iK P. _--, �n -atof will `�o, r reSort to huge-bom 'th t but-,�b6ttl� the4,bpei TF6, I r a tq, avejrt� -6 �! m the a:- Oro o !r e box— a urtng o wl lik ",he'lJoss'of crops t rough. slad-deii fecists, aud Tablcts.iin�iins wi;luicker 6m. s ould not be exposed pi'reils,� whica ot price.' Six boxeq -R is�takeja, Out 1A esponse. ptis'sibly- stear h d` :ds *ill 'At from e- An oz 116 igiwranI fella�v h h?econie tl in, the, coutse, Ca a la, Place, 0-4,Vid d nlvdi to' make eels� an! tnu Th' C -14X 19 9f, bf the sun and.abould,,,.be' A in'a guf�, i. Cheinia ric, �Vhieji �Is �td�, be ey emb. Weel, Yount Chap� "I's Thits You ? evaporation'. 13u the operator cannot kuoW P rif&qA. uy. rti Th. iliacn4le �imply: goes: '011 d if, �St.- batbarines, For 'hit been jbat �re How, to' 1 -W se- - -,aILPgp aph b A be --tde-, wh6le7 o�l_v e:!W�i e ad =aus: el e 1 -times f �d often, ossibl .8, quaerre some. habi S1% T, e lighf" -to N ab tA spn e and iave it. .1'w.ould have e downan" 3, the Wheels :and other, pai:t, rdr I gaiik pirfe �t. quil (qr cold and strong 'd Kja d��as-soon gh hi Iapbra �jn' 'tih ot -the!, ;i:%ew Y ork �art 'of the desig 'I%o Sach�atta scavil-res; work, and. are -more or .1 a -bur-:: bit p cute 1i4a,c,hiae­ju�t' enou,614 I rents. It, is . a, p Lthe,faiit. I '(,,.h6ose rather thosd4havinx. in ach,40 very itA there is, 1�w � , "d ft� te_rep;re��OtntiO# or tae� ju Law 7169',do ' qem&tbisg�/ Tile, xnbi;licines The, �dstoais b. ness -of t6ne -Y tq stamped rho-, young -drops- out � of-- school,, �kdtt �d ___ __ tha -a' -a -as- diff 'rose --fich- yedlow ertio Made -into r ar-'sort- or, a ie rians-'With-t '�nently -Thankj no P i6kes -ctigatotteg` ph� it is cur" �iardeiiedls' by anoth�,�' early tl d, 'hI ed and trongqs� �impress other plates' of " is 'ready to, enter lf�'s-yoqests�, 0 at ire mi� rear. 91 whoieja6e Ba 1. 0 0 -and,�the, 'h' Ity to' small quariti adly order is, thus c6 h M- wi oun ahaiidica ,ped -are--h -will , _4 - 7 c ances. e vzju� ree or be 6ateu in the raCeL Wasiji5r, Gri:anwood, unt. 1'1' they add,A.d..'th 11 coi r, of b4stness and,,of!wa.-e Th q5,p,e,;ia y,j, as c acid' A bQ tie 0 y , ott,find eAtning. No'business man wants 1p s!_ col e an employ oumnds tell the sarne.etory;of Fr6nch� t;ray:s ';�rriiy Wes. and.dei6hte� o4d r I , e T I I-) �It ties a ure. All n ands... at, colors,'are '-Put' on 6ither. well off or live� 'to be.'a good,old blu tile Of this sort' and he is never. likely he $1;000 Guain, the, loan. a horse blue tb: Antens6 fl,66di- of on' 'f' t a greens wall. au e o , the §fu&rits lit',the 'U -a 0� Tim bes offer annshin 'he.'sam 01. S.., 00 eas ary an an I I gin an,d_ each"he4us If he were married- his �.wife ould -ha '6-.-t( - epted;. After �ridin­ all' ni f a I as, at red for a v ba�d be result 't k a�s�-up to the0ight likel,.. to io Me h n9elf. 'at daylight nif of , fill lg� dishonest 'gra n the different : , , -7-i-Cly d"Irf" , tb for iobt:fic Makel 'Economy. iidin&. ii -h � one ah'6L Ul�;, n.b tiernoonho, ks� Me 0, be P, eft �:q d Li white -papers,, I them all'. T; I'd catch �Jnxmerit_. ur(�a Burn I'don? signs- -as-'well- as other. on Rex rl f 6iij,161ii o,fli ae- nkiN 0 gee,,wha or tlrd',cc I t ti 1.1thilore a t-3-bu are o,_ o wi a ecaus,e .,of Y r -,4 _T lik'nki b ties, greens,01C Tea) an mon,pinksi-ime at b I Proprietor-LI)o 'b 1;4�-ccI16 iIf­he-�,had­,t-hq A )out Mai .77h us� of. cQ1C ancu i a-ke a�ilsit�,4.rab6sqttq d6sigog. South.robh iow to Vi, e6 ey're� Poor -as; they'caiz�,�be;�­;;­ 1 vefy ijight, 116t�, T 4re.j But Yo de ifl-10 th-mellow-afteritoo -7--�- gn' a i se. maciiines in hsums ...... .. in China un't,jl-jqui mpj . An 14�8,t_lpiu , heIP-1-hiria ehis les�ons sti-al ng] by �jgn, in lsh.'p slelan. recently as-, ter and uritirner'expostire, best carry, -the fro�m, su6 : , h souke'- ; .i ciure and' sq-terY 'Cuz,hlbi art zx�q is, churim- sorted that fishes' are, the. only lvink, things coming genera ekVr.li taste for alethel: ' riclic midille. -tc want, it 'cornbin, - that do no't haAre a le, (for' it fish. -about claim 'h bich,.,3yould be But' I ddnit�iebxie 9 It can't -find 4beL A.1.1, t machi It:. t -at e teLt_:WneXUsr_I10�s__ illitiag- �the, 60114, -gu de,`by ne .,can tr7t1rd`Vr7 tiot,: nH ow -4t.: Woi,� V litive Trloiecti6, bause in cetliin Sj e for the vriols off, ed, ca, tons necessary vv -as in V­.eve'ry 9t by:, rule' hei outside Saunders,, a Ian �morul:Iig'j� ankow- 'and Tientsin they. Nvould b -ti ck -it, conies tilhe o'clo Interfefe; or" i tk t a, COIL 41M PoAa_08, It ums.- it JC6 . . used -An� 'the ouses, florr Ut 1- th - T n"c'67 h :: - S afin,-� sn iappenbd..to,b�: an 'Y in tilel oc th- of t e the'. pr t n, e. of: N10,111114tter if Lborer,can ay it, t)y 'Qtiz. 'iv jhat�b ---reason al-' in, C 16r, ocbo�:,! -giid S liir :-81'0 t ttii� d t 'e-, 0 -in, It 'YW _d*FrK7iSne,day ld lietar-& 1it ek )y �t4da�re It as bt aff:96s and pri us ON 0 N:EW im ait till he comes L MR th6r.' vishble �'tq,�gh ats 6 b Okzu -psi. ---- -- n d:�t sam P es -an -,D 4 �c.. utus _Y�UELq r ):Ig yo Zewaxe"of sat -Is fbIj-'ah-' -day tuk i of e a6 Tj eveiry r6li ilo 3 'I:he suffiner, oo aun e a about -to 11, 1 -beat. ry rsu�. 6,;.ith6 P. .8el �g-Tonic. . - A �. 7t . , [irinied ae 1 -4 u-1);ece oil pie�, n ma of a, 11V dziedy for all yb 6`aut§ Ah th'9:611bat� cojimd�ii is orn n 6 fu ber 'p-�r& iyea te fine I" tsai aundc�&- Geti lotsan'— In, and. otten'ru'easurps vilte' 0 L nd ioleasant io him. and epuntries mud or i gn- 1,�irig stree. "When _ft`!Tf_0. �b - t� pr t' th t e 5 bolti, An', I' climIj -al-I �t e jr_E'�'esi, h ndAcape�i, sellseapes arclerf canl�j clirnb-he's bbzt., You i�dow," Is. 'Cuz . heq �But,bp 'gets I special,pii:vlle P, an, viL BunUg.1it Soalif It bettor thBin 6tbor apat etc. f hotl� are. g E he he'd bu,t is best when' used In tio Sun)iii4t 'V'� jlad, al�.,o, cbvemd �.Aper',Ivith' a im I (Chl -6ronicie'� NO e :,t �t 'An' wbor. the twilight-oomes at p rest 0 Bdii� ikud fUlo* &f6intio".' Ile, sa-Ys what h'f.jnz,.tI,aje- lie p. -,,:,r oosierq1t did a 'graceful 'tiling rn: on a he - suspended- -the 'customs Ispolitio -'Get lots Ire is- obuiiiii 'ia�or: 6f M�. l3kiyan, but, e, git Wor r"plations n �,Invend6i:L �ctiwell doubt whetner Eno I �ctfon -Was qhe his an u ur iiwf ul, qu ad-, Drinks .6 X1, it is, ot a (u�* Tl th cop 'Cuz Ven..wti 7r: h me, agai ';000,000 bi-ng,!to mullify 'any law, --even momentarily,, go . Imes.) 'Tile, rrivate and riplitable -'rLdvlces 'She Ie XT- ­qf cd'Me in 49 4. 'Xeare8t.Ao Tou MIT, rfidt invollng it 'a m'Cubit point town. rea LUCKNOW ids� n spe�lal 4iess you, ffen! , , , . , I . " , , . . "I :this, inervaseci this ­qaantit3;, out ot ten other, nations it; T The Liorki, Will,' blos 76 LI Iarfvllege is axactly tifJo.ervetritt" -a V�L :cai-df-, 'Gerniany u . I E ro 'Pa x 4id gmebt comes.'.' WIRDMILL atlon. is tli(a the.'Pa inNtr t telU Ktit tho, arn d� ineo, :used 'but 168:00ru000 Vult' V sak'. I don't "i) oe NsIllp or at le WOU 61iitii't. -'C1Iz-m.e and' lifth'is ebunis n THB WORLD,'�gahist 21',Atahrican -britih Britin was - so'� bus lsoffie, peopl, the'offe� ot a ..a out dou� the a0d sh.: �rdafinyy. age. �anadla3i manq ae,ure%, �Wo,� -.1rinki v a .4 f" t -7 fi "Irlil. - Ma e by C()O. thoroug 0 o:of: Mrg ?00',00 io ` 010,jQP,(j pourl u mod- (is or C 7-t It b i i 0 a li an- t d *itii IL,6()'l, 6n aZonifrii4sum !not t. t 1 a. r N 0 . -Irriobe)t ce app y.,,, afor1, niho bat*. jw 196.0 our, thirot' In 90 0,Ol) t "THE. -CA11;ADA IIS L a- inn' �r, 1,1 lts: a,( I 619f) (I Devoted N 0.) '1119fly 'IT-11ranic m ojre fte. � jingary d ul, gm MONTHLY S1 Ian refer d 9 bL1 b6th nd6d, Wbr,� fb" tori3, Of ritifife in sllh�etiptioft - for tho I h othi lo,'� Ii.er., in n" (IS 1� y,600;000, since of., this, yq prodfje�cs J 0,09f) tong AAd e a a ihe. bestr. 0 nd 9 �500 10 ohim. 2,00 a't i "S I r6l J-1 Th 'jibnElLy, The ot thriv*6 oA'.Jea and of e Co .P "YEN th a the best, '�fie6tit 0' he -d 1i test -Publis "i ja,iwn Ivii o Ov&dbin an wieli. 43.3010 000 jgiajlo6q V1,0 advance. Cott Stt I ee t --T ORONTO fat and ��+-�n con '44 A iii, T, -t-li, �'4 tobs'of honey while the for. k oni fff!e :b 'Farld�' M aeis'M -cti Mi st4teitlHLU t..` ien. eighth -in Y&k Wortd. tiL fi k 'n n -,V a Ab m, ost e6eii ar&s' 1 1, 1 ir I , ,,be of ihk �6,T51 ve id (wqi-i ai n t diffi6ulty., nut oyl Wa oil. �fie Didn) %Cot 'of C, t (I f n, th' �at Ings grl- isD Ph'ill ipA wboV, f, h' i' ilsu�l- tvaluo irl all 0 f 1WT lip ill e er.,very At, 13 by L Ulby ])chi ff(t jhll t0rn, 611 and t ; 4 f trip. V1,11.4io'd U� .0 V dr 4A � eb.1 thl IN. Y,. n n. lftvc� Try, W0.1K A 4 I 't V di- P, ego 'S, NO S. YOS] (A, t "Iftilb �fb't oil 'it _h tow Yo k�