Lucknow Sentinel, 1906-08-23, Page 34M il,R �WW '7, 7- + TM. UWE" X, 01 A, i If', yij, .. .... ...... �'7 "T i !177,,74 7 T;�1,TiT1r*,V W J i: -1 d 4 r; -en, -,mu 'in vvoul,X:�, h6v`6 b, m" T ,Your 101-cle, is �f6i asj� 4n6 to -stay.!.',, 4 �h S, hoW ituch. she lfas�sav�d Aher d,a� ciiv t �'A�nd how very xnucIf,boiQ4: you BY S CAW as. d` uliy - 4 ildtori, do ioawd 0-Y - be,4�'f re,th6i.'r d'd iSh, 4 7W r I" " . I�I � .1- 1 Iq T� W �..dfaiiiqv�,844,1,i P410", A .1, mg lallowlt1g, -You FIN rvetter let- me- -go;-­� Pioba' lot, If Ulm xid, tie .'Mdiia. 11 .4 �Rlq N. nt h ii a,,,�� lo '6 MRF f e mesiio nillig,v,vasnot, per, - 0, A ry.-F. 77, q A V, ;P3 xi;iv, M' H U. '7 W 'r 411 4. 13 .0- 151 ANE A" # f fivf 1AV1.1- §kPq,—, 11, ­ ou , sop" -4,-prulon ,e X�11 .... . ..... t -dn1;-DsIe 271, 1 the'-stableW, tin 41;1 pyria;Iia�t" tails'as.to', th�­�std�tes'J ��by 4,isit 1111M.Polf 09 'and -u Scotch voice 1,' All. the G e -;-;-.;77. 7 "Alakle hiin attlen .116 an 4d� P ap�q ��l a n h Qb�(ild`na t "I Rl"WRI01 u Ing 0. QD Y, -U- 4 , % RP-ReIr she vl-­�44 : 1 0 X 'T 'Afriddof Ariasting, your sma, ali, thatl'� J,�Ev M :11' alnli� ru-de' C;'Qf� lian s� 'she- I R lillp a b t R ­ni, U you o ther work t f t The* tune was xnpr �li n -ii JJv e t pic urps anq O..,Ar C17nnat d­­­ch.­.NWhat 6- trum P d 4 faa'jhat Ellen Terry -had, aj)(tirent ,lie -en, -,mu 'in vvoul,X:�, h6v`6 b, m" T ,Your 101-cle, is �f6i asj� 4n6 to -stay.!.',, 'fulho 'On A Scotch, to sin- �h S, hoW ituch. she lfas�sav�d Aher d,a� ciiv t �'A�nd how very xnucIf,boiQ4: you BY S CAW as. d` uliy - It d, �nruriy of wuri&, Ullli�6' c � ildtori, do ioawd 0-Y - be,4�'f re,th6i.'r d'd iSh, +1 S Eillial'a �. Of f*ir,H�nr.y �he liever hadahy losses to-,bo�il .,, i6lidrd- he'richest. it Mansfii!Idlo,'lonelof t 7', All -4 o ther work t f t The* tune was xnpr �li n -ii JJv e t pic urps anq O..,Ar C17nnat d­­­ch.­.NWhat 6- trum P d 4 faa'jhat Ellen Terry -had, aj)(tirent ,lie -en, -,mu 'in vvoul,X:�, h6v`6 b, m" T ,Your 101-cle, is �f6i asj� 4n6 to -stay.!.',, 'fulho 'On A Scotch, to sin- �h S, hoW ituch. she lfas�sav�d Aher d,a� ciiv investe it -in th I,..­j4es9Jlk w that a 1 6 tv" �'A�nd how very xnucIf,boiQ4: you BY S CAW as. d` uliy - It d, �nruriy of wuri&, Ullli�6' c � ildtori, do ioawd 0-Y - be,4�'f re,th6i.'r d'd iSh, "a day., my onilig-Bounie Vldi*y:T� S Eillial'a �. Of f*ir,H�nr.y �he liever hadahy losses to-,bo�il .,, i6lidrd- he'richest. it Mansfii!Idlo,'lonelof t 7', 't 6r, 41d, �drawin -4 - 4 .1 X A 04, with --d-1 't h 6 1: e ii im�; w0i en vd, nq xg f 'f,,gq Mietw, 100I& at 1-7, N mg to t� is Jfist fAther's f d ilve�� a tirne"Of a bQeii A,Ithe three �e lit Jraqg-s h� 57, P. Al, —q- PaVT, �Yt�lx :e k 8-("'; AXT-Uld -ft IiICO +- Lii� enuine le s lie �11 1:CS. 0 11 an, W I It 11V �J e. Ir e� se, im, arin thei I Pt �t' ally reer, J ­% Q tb ?Certainly; 'abov6t all' t ii d qj-, al� V- %voillit B Ld'- a . I A Oilifpossn�ged la an e I- !.: ft, sp er hill le -r a at I e e �g qs�L -q._ Row lic,iresUnled isle tl­riri� Ili- stai, t les duri the last P his ratur� I nioney at the Olynipia. in,"fina rou Jessons in pi III itigi, an all went.. Tid-nianp Ing ong- a eLr.,,:, YOU" 1 ft ehi�nd hirn 1 $54,000.. w years. �1 os er in n is a, et e "Varra �,%veel 111. b proud to. sho*,.We' Un 4PPI WL, had known inally :ed through her'. western'",, ranth.1jand L -al 6 n -u e 3--,n'- d,'y- J ...... . 6 -6 v- ei h e: d6 -be Cq 'i let S 111P.8 anddowlis"Ji.n- his ean� n, IS, Within L -p ported Pri0tild li S�. b llL i 44., h' Gro -,L eniall -colony of. I to 1-1 '0 aa r. a is anv.,mQn our as, she�; Ili. o tbly7 t. e� $,5iY 000 tL4t,,h IF iees I i�wnie ber,sea �b royalt, es -,ell from Viat -fo wha, I le- TIE -1,41, -Pi hV,4 it, OSSL i6d- wit '1 'YOU" IIll glad arc ild i n, .:d Thice v aI-201. Ir P o, is 1A �n 4 ?u _U� =71�� ted b t r f,�11 *haf fie. t' v. and' as 643 mud is alway§ u 'in seems fenteni t e WIL th, at in, spite 'of �at -,ent iriii dewig- and liow f 11 rtaictiti fhAt ingfwtcl TLJor I r rter- - 16., It w e 'and 1064 LAdy Martin -wno u-, it loll., S` Ineaft'in ain now on� My, way distingqiShdd-� : e Of en eanessi I Alter: ;d 0 a live, 'P7 who eatrned�­in­he. JIM e the 0 1IF e� .'tll i i &-v ea t'& luLA, -l;ay 0­�)4 ur ed -41, r 0 ex 31, A&�bd�gxeat­ch loi ae-.90;u _L110, 'V' ...... . . . . . . . nIto , delilf,ii ic is lal n- -Vve often: t t Mill he Shyly 1.11 did riot know she lill iLwill, nlever avoid iin- a er, t qQ r I aSt, Satu rd =cie-­ sensible if a fil dl- b fl1ii -ilib - -9 Al -in f b I e' -handin& List i0 PUL e h ih, e nd :the th t of, te�� Mr., Cri� b t on his Y TI tb' P d h 7& b �h' -ed' an procee ed, iteill.` iere the sc use..up-money, -whethr -4 'or, died- Orr] lave drew er'to" Ud lielfr-aince ist,iii.6d'y'liefore ican fortuteg. 60urie�- through- a', certain kind, 6g: CI h oujr, I hich th' "Does she kfi r in 1 B 6 -up, �4iereinisielt ever, NvIlein reada turned'out. il�stas swa i. It wais th6' tationdii, w e thiiijr, trai ;.'..that er popi lad had, E ie.A, see-,th6-phaetoll-dtiv, I : ­ . y, a O-Mf6iling Cohviction that 114 "CJove d"V con inu ji] Mary� Black i 'rea a testlmnia - i. en, a 01 ki r1- it i;N xs,, th#�Ahe late Fanny Davleinuort� els,,, they­1ake�'gulie4--iu - small� eorXenneili trfix -in- avor-df, - ------ p r:- w.a-s -a IlIid -V in mea s*,,"rv.e. ups.,aITs., Mai I) e Tir. 'than they. �re.A O*nstaxr,1 u, en Tea-rs­ little y 6-�p -oGur.b.:*.,t-ii7iit.�,'ii'§g�ItEit-1.00:- er, �t t oStL h ect sti eyes,. no�W it' C t�nicffoi ina ind;" t Voice ofore I� liviiel-us e secIm inm 1"llat W M ­ them With W-1 l; ii're ilue supp th6 �i iwern arrassed iisticate'd �anu tuft-th rank�i,, unsopli inP) firi, er ha wered. le, an:, ill d I issie tient 01 na" " '! I . 11 as -id e -,*he. ded­� look the k" Ite bow t't t 1wislij -could have to communiem, ion So �glacl to see You. V a 'an '6 eet -she. is as nICOL JaS ff` 6s by e died,-` I hon slip a shd.niurniur,46a� way. Your rO Lid: i el wag3t Rill es ore to I"I ow on star,'.whi) trwve s xow� A' is, a real e 1V Ut it -'vh S, int an to ­ 'a �Jie i'i Io6kiq-`bIoonling,. Ken-, '- - t -,4 Or the �ii e ex trit, W. ay. 41 1:� at' OLnpe tsirled in, th IWO aj,­ ad�hid,­th� enni s*eetneE -t- to he w. ien we.. -me In �Glds- ,though: ha, !,never 'I i, inr n woT 11 tit w11jeh. �sbe. She takes a o III -ing:-tilav were to, peclia�it�� of :your", ft,ee, manner and heal iMp �SML' le�'. 90 two- s -;I n L, I t has n 6 hesi� tion. i;y d e�: f r d 9fu SDle3ulation. ide. .,in A" lo.ved�lif Why. t� that er e 'ra �e e ro, is a �So ft ast te years maliqgcrial fore' I, pet llWarrq I fascin Uzi: ma ugh -ce Lu� RIII los -is, a- clont Ing. ve, r -.qL road therg? a to". ..ru-pt-�dl;l%li��Ct�-l-g�';',1,66k-� eritP a al )plied her 0 "The 6r' �rk �e t etter lle,hqel been read-,' a t. on y' bi uth site: U ice In- flixkeJ6, be a -greaL l6okfor the -letter It d Pills cuVe I , lit, to,;Wwrself. When U el alncly7 w 'th OW hig. 11 will jus -k-n Dri wisllia�. t 'fill me, er..i :�ec th, Ses"Yet.; Ve le� own onie. All 'the Mona ls� 9 "lasi1ed, reflilltold Me 9 tk A ier these doitinion �ft.k Ouse kep I frae Balmuir himself. I y ntairi-musi oil -ifiall -e con.0"t JorCer on me Ris r presenit4er brad -- Ft 71 -­ -, --- ife -on the roa b t 1 it h :RLWViy, into "ItL W: require -D rary., le ail giving.: o, coming -,mode Ss- Jaing 1m; rea Mg,.a oue. Or- writing ther- rew-� 'Enriland andi'llis, irite be-Isame way lot M- 0-st of thi� IF th e ody; at rd on City- a, on., a e ers., d bi ut­tbe most, he in 'S over _a iLr6.-in�-1.�bliLd*oii--,t�in:e Vu ntsThey Ceount'S l;ViI _ to in an,,.g fi n-out--of-thi6ir' on rid vou 'here.' ekelaimed:' d- i -1a e olll-44--b,67fa h a�ac e- I -been fbi, 'a iiever 'L en t tb�- the and-, Corning ove namol- iq)r7, I it was,1HIC to 80 I nn, arxi -*ou . . . . . . --0r1&6e,-I C op Ithelir round, the a d t d: ihoulder: arkainst, the fraw :4Dx. -Sold, by -ii ett'llirgeL say in 9. sdeepps bell-ir II of Biload a Ju It we L re still, 'i -prised thAnL*b t o'X y a e�-p6rtqit'ed 4-utrally repre-ss, ��Bmlle, Moini -out agentis­on a �ai all - sala t swirue.Ah'it�- O� frbrul- �the,Dr 1. f , ilid a It' if u al. LYZ-41 if& v. to t g 6.-, r) i I id li� MCL to 15PE Ii Ii ttle, dif By'your ILL "Then .,there wa fa n i thii directio LiOle,looked ther, �ha:d­an� rk gp_ a -'e, one ft A.!§Lo, wh* h latitei was ii: tire iAdulgebde; sechnic Fighter left' a fortune. was a le tle� "I feelr.jjl�l at sca,'� 'selid Jae . ma -,ya luaW 111, t usy,' d' MUM., Debrisay.,. le] X Ineicha-II ical' htir,. IF -s of I ?arxie 'I tg raselVe� air ths. then lne o i lassi prize g C111 MO T ment o your marr) age,. or, Mon t ine es �ecii dielight of -KonfietliMlidli.he , i"for, Pro-- �h. IF D, fr13, net Ip"Or -r-, hor's. and �ie !S. intd,"ot ar an , ear ja I wr6te er d 1 d o''ll. it Ye" dou,L� oil And' which ifad to o'x n- PaIr noer '-him -.oCeeded f:,Of bss" Fifth a-yenue re§-- ants .0 -to-as" by. tU one of WAllack died of men, of all kirlds ee and d S. JT;RML ell Vy,n' these. A�ter CoUrfse L panni an tell n2e if you ever. saw gt aglow iared in 'th e A�c pe L, 9 " t 'L dJSgr , deb (I very,suc 4. nta cou,rse�L pipprii m.; d' k Cycs;,,w`ereL TIM rhidday.meal proceed,'q­ Lotta,-Crabj adesciibed. 00 -Aher' --h'Ea— with - ire iom, It e ime rd Ig 0 prograrnlne­lt the befi�,fit for' the, San; t ein�wi h a very fe . ff e , Xcep 116gri , ­� (I f0juilLdab e, 1liter of it. y cr dw'� Very' good bfi -youL k v6ry - Ole t all to 'ta 1qL':#Q- lu� tit; nd, jjLst --I ------ ­ b' d liv'ei'. with hot jL!-L V qt, was nosaid::wi th air-envi, com J - ome) an und,d-, -c bis eifforits to -obli&",6very 0!1j�" 1:je I -e y OL' see again,"', -iii&� Iookin'g '�nce of.. opihio�,to� stirni est le li'this Country for- dicarele of Fort 'or lu'xury It., q - I . *t , beQJIL, 6o'n'.1h'Ahe Mail Well don ers iougli'"d,ifferL t n 1.16 - -­ � I C t4;tL ri uir.p.haft -&r-uni dnti,, 116, -.r, JiIIS f he n -manage Oil Not, Only 00 to $1;00,0,000. �Much' '6f',itLtho"Mofie' Y d al y gods. drove,' rfutly. in, eSilhl�ie IL 1. -d: fi-9hifig With IF t s'.in- rda I e sy ride ways lope to dering, tuncr�he 0 f '9y iscusse and d" In'that way!the. JXI­ Me Piltich ftrelll�. .' - L', , ' .. . lar . , -.:- se ot itifig geSt­ 60'r otherwise dis,titiguighed, Oil didl", r6tittinid( US16,, n% u I aricip gen 'Mat he lie she6p�and � , r,* 1 .1 : , -tit t'Jalia. uppli ado. qUIC ' Y. tie river s, side, sell 4n�& a, cut, 3, Th eC., RPPY ell, I bib rn,in6d -a,n po, perisons,. t eardliltig, Of. Milk At,'Ien4th' 'th 'day, air tanc� who, died" Ji If" elf ki, 1 TiII Y, $, Out Y'011" e X. C" -.haIfTd0fia ead d iver t ijit are, �e.rjqqA�:Jl �,gol,to�jr..irkt6un to n nt, TA eleined to s4y 'that lie ."Vixiii, years- iuvo hethe et partner ' an, i al oer. The that I -,IN, i e, excep i - - --------- Me egtall! hat, pro e tb n 6 Joseph be eXpee tQd" sit thaij: th( iluat­ Inc iAne cies sif fl--. to' go nio-' whole process it �fiiade �'Afiir blush, painfullv d V , I r, I , sse, �%v OL was iccdIpt 'in 11 due lfid;" , I I . I des no warning pf,;I, conubg dAl fiad. Male" h PL r paa, 10 ad'you thou or let Di �t V cit'iii the -country b u ticed he'k d y left lie, a one. best nings: in. J loko.d 1 LI t th a' -by' ' pre ininnary u -�� like-�n� es ,ai but he in-; jerk; 'It New, Y4k; t, aa4at down 'to Tf ' � ��it )St -,0016i su�#tiflhd to'lki�ha lie '�&id very little', vtedand -14 dommoil to ill b _C lie, whido* autaxiie mi nonis o bacteria,', 01'a Offered to Wid, n A ay or JW n6t lioj beo y '"in 47' ­ ols'iiip6n tl�io 'Id did quarte r Y),L' a n Dn�� iiiui- '�Iiiplo 'I("�'g -litfully ofit'ief Iedl, or d Of that pr6pf6rty -at a �great d d sound -6f 1�7bd lA. y6ii-discover.'your. I cle a �ow he'was he,sidd, I' - to- e on, uavel affiractied tM& attentJop. P� and 'th� Ca e, an equaliLl rollictalitly I t to i 'th, of the, 1 .1 11 . I - _ d e ee-b 4' ir clfiiim'ec.i. 'I ory, -4 'L 9 were that h:e step! on one y )n alwava s� v6 other of tit ge refurriLdd in w� dare Say,. when �she 'SoMe 0 f, i S, 'd, e'r the 6irien0s,in I" 11" will P, y 'th"n s for' Vo'ur o sp I a -I oour a "Tlldre�is a,gen gn he, Still has the, fi uw' Ork 'with' (-Vb no�'Storv- 'IN' a ring, a U id raig- n ar6llL a t6whi-fa Tit fnis t Ave 0 lar he of th,4C e )'Oil, iex as; lave are 'a qo�ih iliffCrent ci- , 'tit' 11bira;% in Wil I, V oo:.tlie rodind, in'td il'oat Cap lely. co Ile L conic. up agalIl,US'5UO eyelaini to" an t hi Jr.,:a,,te coun,�et to_ h Its—, M( -ney-tImn J t jgL 11 ot thb"thundor dp a, isorni, tl eales t ly If all hou A snilo ()fo RIW of S Pr sioll, orse w a ra e cranks a sed, d "'L i I,g! Ml 3 as in a -1h fts rire� u, f I k- t' ' t to oelectricitv� fu hi:4 Spirited h ith ect, you Wbul hipi -.Ili in I- was S An they in rif,b'"k in the fac6 6f tbeldiot' tile' w tair that ol4s it 'tho d ` 1) - Po R LIJIJJ Ldurve'ofthe rive. is Ino 11� S ba, chi W -1/1 out of -sight rol U I 1pi� t IOU iEh 'but be' en. I very quick- d" left d Wifli Plied her, ie 2111tchell �4jlil arge-blok o real �ttlio On thQ -upp e gir has w if I -hall '15 ab, Out , I I ' 11, -q bit te sairi, prine p e to �to offer it I B1 haA ;iii,alked in'i' ptic. 111"M " C i " -hich repreq4,,nt� ii vQri, for-, ex- ni�j to --h n -maj -c s nig IF Ills r rec. OA eld 6iditainty IF dL f an. Ornbrowned ad, 1�jo'r. 6rtioilo hifid. (t6 n. of 111' Strength' IS always of.,thc o\ IIli a i Wa!k 'till. WIshI lid, Joli t under' iti into qetiVit. '11to c 1,, i f t. e.� S 1) - le 'hn 'oft *OU'1'id 'take it. 60 i§ no t d ho t1lought, of 1111 §, w, i I wl h 'Muefi, �Oin Site' ifrerrtll�r 1 11 at' thc hot. h ileii� haui�hty h e e. Lie -last YBW inning 1 11 anI l3andniaxln, h 116criat, eg reasonable, Young,, Ile 710 �11 Z - tom of,the ilo ivell� wen, his eyes., A's K, thO rubil, f6t-ine in. hi p6sitiori,'And "Ilia C, Jis.�abou to h he f 11ndL' he sidipp Old a III' nandna IM boUn .1, Sol t M6 unklur' A, t .r, L OA�vjnq, did iie- I% ILI qu nqc�fUlllbled do '0M ra, I::daur Ahe' wM "I it OP sjffi�,' ORW t ponen �LSL Craiiig 66 Tbig- n: �h'e 6ged yn 'be, tle' f he,,body h reLIfCh" eft 0 11 ie. Inao unid.iq 7 hand'she oifered,�Au 0 untho G in a ong,i rii; of Nilliethn and h(ii iword front 'h ' , hL 0 nIVa 'I'l -!� -r' *oVed t 'an' 8 e was- A�ilfli lri;,., �de Isitas, rnpic Y ns. tll(- in oNk 9 ael of "etl-a,r e -f Y x ropplirg fli .it- to cliptalh the 0:1, the lower y 1®. -boxer­.cari reooir'c or.i 'US balow tilt gi da he)0, tfact ion usop4atcd� r116 ],1' t rod forl� for da SM AOM hesto(�l 1�ofli letters, an �tdd& Ifit 4 -pro to pring aL hi�d Ithe pleiAlfdi df Mot an ir of I Ili & i rn s, I ha( d gr lei in Lond-oll IUII, , - I -T There's no MISA -ove -to' rupUd Sandy, it tit,, bo�h pp", t neyleOuUter hIJ lir d' hefist" dubt t " ' I and talk, t1te �(Jdatb.. !"It k 4�n4 PhilAd! ter'' ber how orr11 Ielclei -n,y, pll�f brotheiiji. you know 8ylo Cast" off t n' of P1 nish to gilve, voll bid illegeeinstituti III and that t n added, nhd her ring, iO ng c u1p., e 01A ufadf OfLig, church "Abols,thigf Do you. k1low, Sir St, o t MY, -Rig It would sav%, h Is