Lucknow Sentinel, 1906-06-14, Page 6T". _71M 1. i. N 7 - =7 'TIFIZ,�4 77 V W 5Z 1q, 51 T trI fA%p q, q 'y 7, pl' 7'� 44d "Vilt years. I reas, -to AARANTFORD '61 14, reovi �j'W t Its Ile's been fie, IXPIRRRC�, ed NADTA�V�`:CLOTRES� 04 re 14id, aside At �of Vlose who a 9 0, tit wi)ri; b -y ttol,vallellig, y e�irs aud fail ITA D no Veftolv V7 —BASE FOR N."r$ lie4l0l. giulents'-*1,10 en av, TWO.' 11� 00 cliaagesr of, Att-- . ... ... )iiv - t1h a" Sk ained" the 'tirel —liFiR D- A so' m YEARS, ectog, a�o .1._.,!_- I - . I kia "th A 13D.-dt I -oc�eupy .-P id ip sp � ­ - ­ -1 , k� ±­ .. � I ­­­ ­­ lacil of itch -ainusto -MISCELLNIN Ur - caused ,in En -- I` d ,rs, aga by, Abe, V. C.'8. At t'116 head of the' list ZA* �Ly m13 Lila -LI of se, EVX� HAS COXRUMI�L: CU�Zg -11 hca6i" �rn the dorao_ king: Chhug bad M been deprived .o�f h' Vf .0 first with thirte' I ANTF% I'�__ qu, F_� 'ths'i1i - _' ­ ­-about�-�­Y-04Va­ot4�r 61, tll(3 C P, To 10.1 Ya"O�V­�U��Jacket for pro c" -ith elevisiI, and'thC I -Wiej,mpress of, Oi'i4il`�s 11111, -, , �,: , - lie itts -beeII as cook and. bousbg nuld In a iwiiwa T414 joa�j�� a vlli� te: t ga rden., A,Xdr6o: ia,' ato'r-y-, I -.1V,a t a 11 " X But in, reality," t�,oqd rphable g!rls� , Uoit, �i4q 'I . 7, 3r.antfor, rou�cd says the wll� 01 all- broa�,ht Author, of' "Round X "47 wr!tl to A i -A by vtleot u rd 01 st� :7-7—, �atallt a. the Expositor reliting - 0 ',.to About My Peldn- 1,4 the Orblval LI'S yellow, ri J t ___I --------- 0144 cling jaal� t -v " -� h vou Lh article, qu:�� 'FOR 5NORING t of- Alir,',Cb.as._-Hill,. of 14_ of dress,, -but an honor, ik � I _' ; ''I I . I e T�qi� 4ttrabts: P, Ailain streeti, Bta -w -pulao. and a11 tile' insilviiiii lots", ekeellel ntford*.- th :to iqtpli:', OPe ati n on the &f suffar ig r some PoLo� close to �dr�� �big al403-ill - _r the I.. I I . L . - - �frui rite �uIA (d A -s. rorste -,,bi iii!llla' time witfil a skiq,:� becdace r the Cause. H 14' , - " , .. , , I I I , diseasei. and" the breastplate , OL14 A �lo�,c-tiille' I e Is III'Moulder in, ..t is M, edbleIrpy! Are removable at, ezider begis for ign!s,4 pleas- F all ..the. ovcre d 'd of, 'a "AR11010-Of- �"Sbuy&MI.ri- 4 a, yr-becatme­sq­�IJI 0 P ficial' J s0is", th- t-. -ill ,a sllo�r*f it was fcund, neqes�sniry erm, 0. - f`­� t. q", b for, ifn to s. . , , I RC14 ftnd. w'44� I ' ' , , - 111- - 'Ing the yebtr-f6r quenses, real or; i x1i, for 10c; "15ii- f6r- 600 t A -that ato�ans �azly� In Cave Off work ctirnpletel3� 'and be' -boh- 2w. nitaff-. ` $5, d if f erput , La r;re3 t: a 6e., tinottit �vtucir, Imoiner. It. 'ova's �ern_' n , 0 f my family., finad. t, ed fn4ry, that t er muol id 1o"d nate sifoll, 4:he be, Call tell �86' all I t"V6. lia"d to sU,,,f 0­111s`bed�.for`days at 'a tim�', trouble niaiay-�b,,fflm: landda; -No bibc . $3;­aIbUmji�-`sl1 0rlcei;,­jIi­­ R through. M NORIA, �;,Uoul,es, 'aleet s , night - if ecently ag'a rdsult-,q.f,-;reporrs, tlieir.�'salary till tko: W, M Wdems. Torqptol, 0 D N, 7 P'.09PU tb( ir P16s i�n., Lae, ear ol� tile' fiky`,�, Oil klio-W,�some.Millm aglillst, b en th�Y­9 t,w w sootwilg' Syrup, ,hat 'is �M Nk z a. supply M1713. Wln�lo way I a oad Lbildren teetaing It', -as IR� C anged Cthoo glLij oxes'� a,'com"plet' soothes the child, aoothe� 'd '-man knolys wbon hc.sn66s`,� becaus� lie :Aller 'using, a fely' b '[W a I�L `1 (' -Bak,'the"gr6ai. IlellbaCbd1in d All Al eacil othar w III I I) t!l e, �1.1- tbr6ugh Chimi dress ' b I Lq; cures, e'cure Dyl ',order, Th efe sixt changes of AtIr .,14 1 odel in b'a r:. I f ase was vrelli known, tire which Ile sat6! Ites ol '.tbe still, andprofbui`JdSILi1 ff v Cry' re spei6tiji IN, ­.erPat Ual ly, sh I ft i I) e- uelr ',is babit, of stektoroils breatbi and. -,Man ng il, all �so speedy *.'a, rid,, comp'lete 'w:as 111s, in ust ni itke a �%cn the; OUAllo RMi6ti6n I-iO `hjs , fakfiiy, let hi U 4 oil ccb�,�ding to' the , �easo tile- household an ha i 1Coveryt,,tb t':c sldoirab]6�c6rtlme �fu aIr ', s o a, o 6, 1. "fou �d," : A Brnintf �*rd IiN.po�itqr�, r6pre� r&,111 tile deptfI,�6f.w L 0 J"p- 11 igh fU th then 'I k?,'i;oft�palate a Id rs,' ' an Avadd d �,oj�it tivei -j'nvegtir,ateil. tli6-ZCkcum'stduces lined clothes, :Yhj�u�d, up'!,pi _S1 ar lQIJS ­nj,a�,e b C, e,lt 'und "�teu ­5119"Ing is, briokfliirio� ii�- and_j6pw tirts,as f6llows-'-� ind" finaIlk_".'*1laf Its 0- cause At'..tl summer'�61otlles, 'Thes-0 FIJI$ have 410" Y1 ;'Nucs # mantier, t 4-h E4 -15C 6 W� Uf-' D�L�, _qyt_�L L -7--7 I.,meaja y4-t*0L F M 14 R M -r I- A VQ iYUR M"MR-1-- �'s-AvW-AW, X9 NIP ',TV, V n, M g". "Is C my QT ora 110 bailt. flk outside., - 70i- - , _ _. " J. i �y or, u vT V -d'-vVj,f _ 9V _ _L -­�- d­Ui_t­1­'1,.Z1 , I I I 1 .1 M_ :*:a ao�d'� to X 0, no, to mr bad, to Ilghtly- 457,Ffe I., _C snor.,lig room III, let a, h t ao� F 7 7.r be paid 'to any;, Tha' dIri '11100 tyl Iiiildeh 1�thih-�Ioach- my legs. J ha4 �tried f' the Sq�taiaej­ none- hat ge"on 'the multitude of ,1, - t b6 - heMI10tipall�, .�e b e', height 6 :$5 000 1 � Vo I old rhirii.5(, 1110S ttTS 'JaLl lj�. 'noarl, officials --,who -provep tiliat- -t - 'eY­every oin in( -wear 6a' for the- t mt that, ailve�-� 'P. 'llis rovin was fu r unlightsoap.,con t U., fled �vi Aised'qh&.�Lhid t k s 'and far caps ou. h great- TO, de -,riain tirinained hat k! 9- 1", Dfa, � cmicals or any. th me icipes un-_ , . !I, � I adulterati 0" slotind and'tLe old gentle wit out any goo&. resull. through the'vait empire wood: stril;o �kn,6,is Recently in ... response o to I I stretching -over. it - kdypr the Use-' I Inetl by t, as a non- -ernali but h -Oil th'e :same day, ail here Will, 0. G, d 7 --box-aF Zamm; h a0 - his c Alige'' from. 0 the sun pol �b6ulers i.irope,, -ller�fro 11,110,ut disturbin 801JI: one., g,a got- criect re, f Clothes �t6i Another, 'Before tozintc ax ed; w I t 11, Jiit,:,the palatial,, irritation.' - I 11ou"10's yle 4,9 IL I 'L, , It boine of tb� Mor, -s the'Iday,for cl ht Jel 1,110 llgh't neck;JOhn A-,-.Aldrri t: have not ;quiW. ased two i box Ve nk een hardLat 11itly be Si tile sn6rino' rom� t) -h -Cutti the- 'Corn to': a -b- ;ore� IiAvin*�,' t_anCt c9mP Cte; tb e s Ing OU. Is 1, pasting ih� eges 0 .-and 'ge extent Y, d t SOmO -little disappPiltre; ]from my' limbs. t the ;ide* of Elie 116as Since- 'e s may bi St. Lawrence oddeed. bX rpm tile sollth f . : Tile Chili,est cat,,.fo� considered co�f a star have been able to go, About Io6k t .7, 1- uIv­-9ld'ss',ar a r,reat toloscor-9 eeted'a rpo f g -RelIect, so far -as conven . ade" t The, foundations� -with :�,6rfect confo' -,some- f 'the - rail uto Ve goes, and mhny�peraons- think t 1volders.idpocripove o ' rhoustaid hat they Rapids, Montre'aiv-.Que4pe, un -narro%v Of steel and there were ba lti�t"don i8v -nealitly',tw6 elesinnt n,a \very d' tl P a,:mbintl rLla�te 4 h,, sun �ry and' -ay Bay ta- Z, B Aoupac, Ina TFr famed t, I"L the Slit C , Ide �on appli�atloal:t a o r boat: atd o illay r ilr ad 16, ZE or, ra a, u A'To t L d Ill --Nothin ia� z;pe6.' iro� at.,' I quit It Int I ibe, __z V J t itrap, eat rD,' Ii en.pr A-' t, 0 vloi_ s An con ains 6 'known tilifig apphratul4, the4:SWight . 't ' , jo trace of Any fo,re,!a :qlio; ce There- bien. III fat or,any le to de- I - I f. � . , A, . AS "Dopt_' an mineral cqloyi f ther 'sh o way. make 116''11Dise dLurinff IM is healifi�;, tIs possib hAg Plat P6s9i'We­,1'Whcn le" the 'Off the -- b i JIL� ph, were to RJceP Oil Fide oi t is Par F'l:cCtOgJ%J he heat,,�.�b septic� e, cow"S Suhlijht'S6 niout� 'Shut and could e 'same it ii"�6asy 'to, apt, Aftek it ap 'tonWn is Always, never fs t A ins o in accor Too edt' em, cari'llot.. b age 0, 1r, u6nous; Of '.dy'es:' w*t1j, Mle, �;d d' n + r Ia rom. a t 115 0. 0.. RMI q --.I tm 0 S he T e ±h iQllalr_ 0 1, t4 J y, gr 41�he' b -i -d ists sell :,it, URSAfe for �1:iay, d' algo. But- the troultille, t. - "I'll - OM I Mle '"cret is. -�ery :iii, ­ We q, -a S s bo'U Buk Co aced, toWard t � od f a and' y—umma irL,b", d I roug I resor 0 e �baA U1 ...... . rrcedi 'I e;,Jose is r1l tpos�j-_. I] -t_-qf price. -h I n;;* utter,. -it bile of gipti6ral.. 'eW a.shift tovv,�:Lrd 'the s ared 6nd.- Yorlc`,,Rr -vice: for fill . skin. injuries" Ilaid. 'diiezisipi in its. ii6w,un Jr. A:, ban. R your desie 0 -gratify your,'Ptride qr�, 'of' tile is especially t re,t.ne t -n.11 P1 burns, hrui�es� tuie. i -oindf baby's *elfaie? a i Zo goocl Xa-s- beeri.d1sciovered that is w Ce§Saril ,,a a 0 Eninu e _mp Inpi at A sores or e, an, t h e ArvatEpry, ace in 6onn'eCLIbn, Agric ..0 cers,' score o y, di ane-rcuestto )girapb,'1LOf' t_lle:, Ye'rkes ob-, MilieS, *ound]s_ Nsteriii- s. fo ces,.tlin_t 'the ID-i"Per6r, wil, PI es, d"u0cal it: ry$ q1_ M _on �tha.t U Ji6n-gth' S �!r r tt 1 t Ur' et, ba legs,, abscesses, IlI rin-. Are'. -Illot : oe - s�� Baby boa 6ft his'. e rae Jag e'es Qn, . � . . .1 �. ' 'I ­ aves, r1w.ormsy: -erystp P . I b g-, presente by,'� will personal] he thikd. 7n 16, e,;., - us. cqIPtltqt-.b;andli tq:idg tdi de wW 49, -All- injuired- or infliMed, of Jints 11'e -diterene bbi rid :P1 g4- P_,PktiQU or, gron 0-5 �d:i&tre$ his 11,ave been so'.'-%vid69p of the al'tar as irtleamtism, and Ya body: Tho, - 1; T, h- aroof of Prole protommioii of agricultur ig ::an Conditions 6f -ski f, ',tissu steriiiied and g,rea er'part, :of -big early iffe should be� h6horabl' n,,o apasteurize hitilik s sja�polj�, soaps:jv e. Hale a' B in the degree of �heat t�& spel lbdL'' When h tir d w -A q0tr. in "I e h� loing'gth��qf tim16,,th,e of., -one aa,ble (lis- .�Th& Cr6,wd at'the,Bottom. '4roll him fab t Pi eries is, r er withea ThC- annua in. h I'm I 1 heat i's. a le tint, himt, UP WIlen it t, erroy3pe Do *V'�'i IM t; IS doubtful, it! the'lloyOxage eau "irl 'the Of'L S1 ng tit ere, come ot law�yers, incluing'all �.members 150_oi IT, S, 0, 1 one,wa so,withniit b '06USly` presentet oboorv,�Ltory or 'thirty_= Out' d to,, dd�. Wh- _y -.be- f nI er- bv-- M D., an�u-r blood-;4'-6an - Liud ent"-exbeeds �$%000. While 1. f h etyr -find me ixemark­. ... .... ........ trai 'en odi­h� r bil I to Yo L'ra4ji Wt�wu Put e, D01_SPn P_ ih:� ___fhe a' c101�1111119' just below- hfs'f6�t 1 01 k rand t M th edi e. rid, the il 6r s r June Lever . n' p,ro v c� in P, n t 13 P 'XS an Owe f t palatabl-w-�contains �the [9pread out y6uf left b d And sapia­ virtues-olr� ctrative`h,�&j,� _.hap cl,-L�,A 6-ni o u. N number 3uh-p- th� s back And' your b t sia s �;s rice;$'l d-bou",' fc and many �whorq Are undesedving�'cf a 7--: Matter of T�ste Uaby's elotbin IS., M a on `n At drug_e� 6M91 -or ficim The Climifti?, GD ­--in`th fhYOiFri�bis neck and hei t lititujeo. ;_ �.. I ­ - sort of. a livirl �t � profession al� .111:3 W &.V. rouble' feature - - , =I . afthy f 06itup 40MO L� ------ . I � ght be o res Ca' d T M Amon, CCU (Youth's f lie erra-r4on eases niock i -n -which, t re. Frank. �tirlfle ew Jt.ctan be c nature inond'. If ,1teve eeacheir' ff thik,Baby �Obger aiw� 1� �7 Urcife- Issions, "th re i4 6il- -1 kt -a, a a. uting 3�,9kazine4a d by, the same., US 10r:inforniationi a 'eR t lous leno 86 sted­�y ii�to �an t i o �-thb 40 -Inc lqjg W pow �Wd er' o I h '13TZ;RMAb70&w t A: crow a- Q 0., Watej,fO objectir.e Of t E d, :at- or.. idp On ha yerkes observa: :-Ibeeni. ICA rn ed it iolry,',, from _77777777t= onIna d'S.rapd-tak6... slivefe( d- I1eartdd'_ Ch v�a Juversity �,will- giVe.,b tter, elto 0 Per -ft Pei a the�. f '-he igig h f 41 A Jib t Ive �-d C re a ady gra, orL-Use.-Iro gti -for, na Trope A' q tb;a qp -B 71 T.IXIM4 Nf, by a-, - ver iree it arfiel m44D er: n 6r eve� tr"tr6elat v --td vit fail ninium, in�q ishilia In rror in centro, or, cc be a4d tooLanicne n prompt 0 m. i h f have M'e" r 4 n n o ancetnerIts 0; an< U course r turned th It n,,,, popular'in. jPL it. Fpc�qsoioin "of -d; the Chances are'.:.it. difference by a Y it' your dirt ve An. ObIs S as children trouble y6u`in thi�, to give-his- �great corlPaYe inirror,. ii�re thL ae.. or ALF a -inul no n3toney;'but,'write � her to-" �n �rie- -ST. 11OWS'taiiiie And h6 m"t tb , 1, ; 4, or' a vex In rror., and soame of a)(7. Tay., Doin't atten-, a centrd][I.o' 0-Chliftinir Oruperse-. This treatment but this time thrbugh' to be, lond 4gamblin-and'' A eller, had be an't he PCtu- - , I I . - lie, ha, c ritinued th: als Appeal, lnglln� UIJ6 6 Cul es 0 rco ut:�, _miryV aInd; Fhei�,­Plliel' but e -not rff grpat, e-th" -adults.. and, aged� peo t w: CIMM ent clerk in an h0116 Magei of he nei troubled �3, we Judget.7th -p- ft', 0 It*, of the% S�Peetogja�ll" nts ar on -lying 6.,cents-thereof each 0 -spaper might arid and �i a people Of 0 U. Ir ' Nva b analizi4d"by &:trdin-ofAh're9 rslms Sunday ji fils' Dr. GiayMeeft 11is Wat serloo;::' a resulting betio I Sunday school I ffaLlf tfi 10� exestd., ti, h risten 0911'a-Pbled -by­tfie-�attachediir t 1i Forg t in,Summ tL $9 ith a ray, -an of people know h ''baby" ad 4 proinisin n 'Thlb specttOVAOI 1twif" w-elkh's ab�(A' Then d fhaf the To 'give pure Cold at r,, tO e, Dn Lash G b e, T two i three Imes , a- 0 0 o -prev en sore niou P, raki., Liai'fn6n l�- UblnItlat6d::can­ d. renJI 1. r , da Vdirk 'an pil'i-n-cribbaire"I"t wek-W.8..'r , inar,y. )in mellits, ti y. .00 to &W for d" Return 96ar0ely*eonc6lveI of tb,q t y Flzl�sing with- T­ehi� Iro bl' i , si �0'8. Frien d, P ane� say's is gritte I Urk2 jV in 'dz Yi i une US Cn4 yqJ 'A __,;, -ics i t th 'b Ygb� Valley Raill-oa b: pinww ilcli supp nCrMA Ind, IL d iva+e"in sucure q ead: in ..rom strong 99, ]A Q(L 10 (JAy% esJ Mckets, good bh aft Walk Of ShAk�sj6j'! er.t 0 escoril i Oro y� m (press 7-trixi-ft 14 bring _passffir 1i 111S AoIcOmplished,, 'h eavingat 3;50 "and 7`15 'miLy t I MOUnted-'e- 4- t 1 7 -Not ie o on �beit' osli:Ade tbe'lh sf0ho'ivp A b' tlic gi.rl_ avoribe pi ? 'a .1� as ed, s rwe ac Ing the, clockwork, but Dr. Leoribardt' To void fro ten, fi r'ble' h 7.15 and 843-p.-ini F or. a a, fa;ri� YOJ7. go 11-1111-8 z5hakwpeare'.r k Ennist ��be li6r Hem-Roid fietUally th',rotikh I �t taken interiiall tnb- :,baby; for i i text �ency- to o pre -emoves. a produ Pullmans ahil particulays,, call, 'on neiva Is, 'phoned tat4h ompson, wis, : assenget. an very, packnoge so ser.v rlsigeiatle t ure is p apply 'believe, I like to,se� a,., lngt -�-Washi. th;a� carries a -guar- aftol,stomach 0t c6li, au'd lehv`6 the pOp-, � '! .' ­� - As Well'nos:anyth" po Prof IN " W feet �'E hot cloths to Cause of Piles, icncc� tile.c has -ben C-YOU-th with I IPTIF scrofalou res atl ce dk ad- th, dress Robt. -Le eits I t dE bottle.:- i. a Pe'i-f6etly litir" I All To, Usb, -�gootl,,C Bullet with it stot,o way I: Lae gyra� i-01-4 LaA lwraLirt It ��_th a, -h oI i's Li h o I __d1M r f is. IMP, OR rN out, 3 4n& the baby� Will F Mniit�ol ally And, in, litirge. qds6 ; 6ntinu er�' or The' Nyllson- iommorii,- seh the Psi clebraed in ess, sri6ctroscopis s, allio-.1 und�r 'hl' h sb t oral direction gratiTyling re in*!FC.IJtair anj or, all' f4oindtO4' 0.41nattet; ho* tiyin a We4the, Y,give I ypays cc 1 f6 th , , . - 0 g� t'll r.,. rou oy, the ti 10Z ln'the barrel, nlii� ...... M I � 11 . b ;Fqm moil'' -o it iar. eloelty. gaffiol a uuftht'860 , - - 11 nt, tu te�t, l; s jgo 0 ncon I9, the 0, n P 'guy: atuiush�t goap %ind follow directio anor, drink �7' oil wit' ta New, Toy; �o W bad po.r drin The t s in -may he a wbillol Man ErEar " riflinIi, n. th flightL �'6'f t b o:. sta t ge idt Of the 6ulld eking'. t6i, about, L j J)Ll� (a' spe far' exceeding th'at Of tile las noc I its, axis, in req mail will heit, (Phila-delphad P ress:) At th cannon it) 1. fr6m' tbla- testimoriv PC b, nd lt� is, rbr- r Ice or of 'the buflk,:23�q ink, the 4ndicatidms iii -c', t Mlillie Brow' r 8econa,, n a old Mm, Fussey, ..4 il . . . . . . . aeon 17 c cau �e-tji 6­ao�—v Wonin letOre botll� bv ir Moke.tt diiii s_ OYI now itn' (I �10- l"Di nothill- to 'irst thing sulffifll, �ibat the orni3, ceb In -nz) 276' -�MXf-0 e Wed bef k �of Cc Angl'in oil _hrt, on't tan tile d replied bullet is .0 942 iiich,.�vhicli ves tk AA� r and by-, t ecv� men �ilu e 11 -ef arav n ell PC Min t f; YVS Braie SaL'FkAn ell. m ob b -0 2,00 il Sal7i is mbvin 3ePa foward tb�) Ma 4 CC onal, "or, at or obb a to say a word a iabol'it A 0, In] es a second. of WUIJL a 7 ature inging, W�A� ieILS 6ntit.6 retlijU0.0f.t -),netn 6f San' Fr'anci o� ar HYOU 'noticed on t di 0 dollar- RBR 42, 1 , nr- L th dent of thei'AdtQrriobile�6f) tir en'o YOU W�Jll 'find -hey gl'- 'Q of, a be�-Irinerjb' ibb 'kindb- S me stumbling w 9 ith'.4 'as icno, says', jA C VE) YOU, Sati assier's Mag at: "b. go' Wi . I expects in th'd xJea every 'time- ing ,_s lort faCtion' o ri'd �flicir strength, I son for 'gr (10, or 500. sirni ar eat Ynonm:arL of' crosl;. lited'his fier ubil6e of E coveted- r Y. tongue bwr a distant a a SO;rry., IQ -IT U bol, t �01 bronze, knoiw-n', 6 , E a4 th a t, in: time tqn� h fair vubabo'ut$ joutney- as ices 19,6111111, be 6fi]Ll oweri le n d CCLIag though on an errand, maay� be abi the Victoria C U"Ah the Power''6f dhay ilor DS avc,rago cit, Y' I to a every 1M ANVV&M� " in's �'h own his, O�ih automobile, as'be'now, oN a iirbiled Wads the Jo6k.of, was 4his so, thalt% vns assesJly. in the country', sfam- institution, It, wa4 'to aud troln, OX]k J�A T and abunda Jbiglon to the haven of yonde HS his work. r hill, a,,v,%y, from the yai�,rlin­ lips of the fi tEMIENI [till it cAine '*i.th the'ouf at b kiLLEEV, -BI 0 di(t 1�ero be, BIUSHIEL DF FIJI break 'of ihe� India -Arrived, they sit con? pi ac nthat,forti-fu'l. we 'ki-tigdle no i6vi�Cr than 182 hefoe r no san hand 1 V 'to indi- Sold,by -all 1)rUgg,1atd T f ne A bpene( invLo uring thei-ff excitemiln.t, no nOi�e, tiofhing Pie IS tne rI a �k - . I I efikPe, When yuti can Or A J3'16ck 'Afa. o In' ft little they mus aud has b an aivard6d, to tile, i* 0 ' 111`1716Y to 'the 'hill 'y osfit thi's "inacl 100taken idboled around . rate the recent�'Squth ; ;� 11� . ., I d Cost?,, line An,4 Yond.�: And -yet throaall -All this frikht- A' booklet., Iiiii6es; A f�ricafi, War ojb"O, TON, CENTS' PER PACKET fk'ft warded on, Can A Most truthfully say." on�Uriclei, Henry-' �v dat ig ybur Idea jib never �sa%y a -�votilai:I nal- Mal,perlsion 0? V6 M a Y(Ikir' t6 M.tl't2VR an,opi tLiJ 1; Is t, Magazine. n -git, 90UI DO. Pate' ki F