HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1906-06-14, Page 2N_ a,"& M z of, the olv�ex: �";i krid Parliament 441114, roducing,4ndin W 6use� ons' fot its, T^ i -TREE, - iatiqn,of the B1 'dOiting-so excel befo' 'HANGED 0''A lent a 1,0,d,A, , I., , "! : :L: 48""that �now�­ -Y got A use in third,, re'adi to g-, but 'tfUlly �but eatne ..... ..... 9N 91*11,. regrets, A6 Proposed exe On of Any, Ma Q ss, aN respec lSU(JCIDE'VP 8tly're- 'LAN,' OF NG '0 ON 0 h P of sue PNO41ption 1 7 _ ]n _- OR _R, �s*": Tow A� As pffensive� to the'''sC 't' ritiment's Of th vast. majori yof the ada,; And certain 41 ;Wbp�rati n. of'10144_ O."Til, ,popUlati6 ite 'in. A10N. rwcailer,. -D.D.It-,of, f t OUS to d _10 V4rMeT �Efid,, Hip, L Pose o ;A -Had been, Suf. 5.9, th t pict r" at. pritstire,,thol P ur to w left, the: f --'I:-r u of .]r -0 -Anental, 0 Cis --�afid Fivi, eges.b!" �the a �b M a-flaViOnal fi­ '77 'Can' E nd 'to Them :1;onA;J8 certain to' -s COrnwall despatch'- Alex McMillan,­�� ,IftlSt P ecure Abe. I d- nard, 6 Aerator':T��9te_ifs�A" ilbeco, do : _. T in y m9us slippo Assembly., �cr �b f, �,jfiOh, fo, U Pr A yon T f el -a sonce-�of'.11is. Honoi n I� �P q: -0 N'Vodliesday� rnpinjng,�'by,ha rl q at lament N ilgiqg.�_Mr Clark el X.qj., fig.,X -otth, C 94_0. suffering 4qui: men, 4CnCd::__, iii-::, .4, Th . ' , A "A Man had been qdeiatoj�rll;,., - 1. , 0' B session ao one Nil ulul"Jui 'lie As�,oinblv',,alld, :Laren-presefit�d -tal tropble for the,liIiIa couple, of- iveektil ckkh1g,' , f arw;Igement; Pri _4ftrst ch 'r ncIPT1 Mae_ CIO( the report on 9 and, it,. is supposibol tbatrising, eAr1y1,­iii­' long "hiniStry' iii, the Qahj di V'. A n ox U, 0 1. eX4b'dei'Fak6ner i P to'' vtal-Aael - 'been, fittirigly i, rec', 11-lani �6VO,rtelv professor All poining;AIC 0 to U. s haof-a'dd "I'Crit to tV6,,%vood�,Jvjtk� '6tia A�Td� V, ognized allif Cal i��great]Y to'the-strength --,of 'th Atoderat r.. -years. is- �Tho_ "t, e, sta a rope,_ Olin, be,4:'a - free tie�� worthily, �'Teprosohtcd in his' di one :end",of'. ff. Thistrong's �s6-rij,6n,:,V, t 1�� ibl , - Y- s Pie -6 11 d li:hn�ual. I.Cp6, .6 ibC braliell ��dput the:othot e`!Il"tb"tY-'Ccon4' �'OenRrM Asseits 'a Di 'A �six as. the ,00llcg6 L rope slxty-fqu'� students" -around hiS� noelC..4 1111111111ceff the" Carefully pieilgred and" dclivore�� `%vijh�,j union the Presbytoiilli �111 urocbes in i al I 1p"A in 1874, il and ieff tlleAheillok,ijj�i , I' - d' -TIC apparell tly: force v sses - dur ecti c Junipe �anq the past,bQs 10, efr� JJ,h d There V_ ne$,S.. was, _.,led to death Om ifteen-re-', Di�.-­Ilarnilton;,, of. �Cbrn,wa I­ AunOrs:,,pre5-, cordruir- to e choice of, Re e of ti was, noti fied, lie VISI�C<l T Ale v,: Dr' Ville yeav,7t.1N.e1lVq of _thos�, a d -,rid I � _O� Me in Cape, Breton, nas,ati�the'clqs undroed�_C�M)Alss' loderatbt ll: Y Acclamatili ived eir d" I s f lontl* Th ,,, �ro' Ce -Yukon-'and, fir6ni.,all:t 'Pictol'' h10 dill" �Oo� tragedy last hight and a or,, ,was ecided -that'' They at, "he F� cott" of ail "ing.u."It:,was will v, a fro 39yed: by Roy'- ID ee1PtsJ6rAh'_' j, :,Th rv. es 'of 6U;U9.,-and e.kp.­ s , 1. �. - �# " � , , Asse . ..... . aw, __91181 o -AX 't 7v-aas 1 lo e�,'�809pd,:: ot, ."t k _qOUsIq"�_!J,#Jiv t end !4 Y , '!?�".1ra1k �e�, Iii, 91.6 -Ad, Cluna: and ttr, the Wes es' -4�Pd,A,9Cqp4ed b to b e Nfod'6ra -of aevotcl, r,,:, is a'sucocssful P!stOr,,andl4.jbe�OnI T T, coded its, appreciation h ab en Pecches-�and j'o s !,t_e; I e of r,in. i. MMPRM, geninilty: and' tlOns, With- the rela- which, Air the�-Cfi Ahe­ Ansard'. oHUNG Up RECEI)WR ;1LW urche I L AND, �TI th* inIs One, other "p anatipnL �91rme!71Y� llel& by- his.. late, f athc�: Is at, eyeiy,standing':C� Rev. Dr. ',j Yrasier,� and Princinal 'The THE S.,I FE., th .3. resqlution of its report reaaj resent Afe*rObant �propolso the '130ard was re- d-,. Rev 'D' for P ournervilie, of,owen e rem,oval to a Co ..assembly will Illulge,, into Sound' but, -he' a`s'k'AAd" suititble site_,anot erectinlr'� More 11AUCtor -'-Of 'Central JEn a d t .1* SuLygest.116 oh inorrow Ahat�his, ham be,,withd 01 <pri 4tai -building. at dpo, un 77 -9 4 Y . Posse d for RaUPli--�"Met -b� __.that 'the '116' as sub w Crim Clerk i o f the 0 --Int C Sir Thorn' Village, S. tit 7 Irldr'e'd­ pages ­l supporte the; ------ WL;�)(ork-',`J po -renifirking that he e` had fomerly held by the I ie RON,, Dr preparing 'the res a to thb tmeht_is_� made fo,%the a MutiOn for T no fro Warden Old in Ivinistead says, Crac"- in ..Knox, Co d ato il�169e Property 'On 'i IC07 a atiorliland Reti k" ill'ilef of th" es Selltin vCHOr street a, th6q'q .(jILnaan' at, 2'O'clock: thig mornini heai4 Dr..� ... .Arnistvion I sermon wa'g­ �_"J It -------- th6 co'n'ductor of A n- lbj� I I I L I John,Ch�jlton: W�- Champlih,� epy d f A 4old iral prepar exprpsojon �of� his A :9 bold ma e,a plea for the `Eiigl�iid fr6ight trilii�,' CL on: the onsIs' Bill- . . . . . . 'rin _c arac 'the r Q- AS uly or 'tho er 91 hree -in Canitan:-statioili - ot ��= , -tile th ub one dl 'e cofleges NOW lab the XA D L, R FALCONE Of line to new Moderator. of you a' 6p-sidCd- ti the roDbors '�asked:� "What obe, attempted i.sembiy, P - Chamolin replied "Cazj�. Pie 0'" re ­�Pe students of-tbe �_Akn,!' th co IqoU ett f the SOofia escent, licin and duall. Baying,l usy a ps. co h of 'Principal', e M in, N6va�:" 'clock ac ren. nin'gdi b 01 oujar Chailto' the West I Pastoral c thoug t -Mr wl PQPt:-gradU&t4e opfJortunilij npure y-, spoke whil les,ap es P Orgh'-and Wit ell Canalin s: The- lin gw! --- f re and ten ' I ­ overs orty7four AjeaQ b lilar`FOW�'amd urisciefitifie; cOtch, and UnitCd StateQ� . co e,'As I,d d v Os, MARfo".1 ..and 'is �.ur CA er --)n- fore' A. T -who, -ha& bi, tb,- doe- the t- glea or extent even `-held f sPr as t 01:Canad­and to4a d a-Issionar do, -:contend -A at r fro Of, ­ffic6 safe an of� sOAUte separat �enf_charlge_-in pictoll. be 0 racv-politita-1- st--artiong the y 01" IFRWM r-- 99c's d-th6i Aofemo & MAII afi& DLrernained_`ffi �dt­afi �t it, :Minist-c" lincilial 'of th 7-- th of rs as. -One cause 11 �'Tf Thcolo�ical College of ed: n6ti' rA - do contefid iiiinsf, tj de.clifie �Of. oandid pa, stor oLo f N ng.. Of svalixb., he t 'the State pill I*S'- between, _1p 'author ties have �fio clCLl* and ates for 'tb' I un and are scholar Pripet quali y. -------- 'SprillilgelI ()f_.Afdn' serves'. -the 94ingt -the-State "f, fh .,r.,,,ent the I:Cb *;,Muiri. power to establish --a 1 th 'r ed -the ge, _aUthOj.jtiC EXCH bditor excluoI6 4h. �DAK.Jle and, reli ot-Chureh U16"n e instrue ion' fr6rd them- rind c glous, lagressive .-Projects r ChUrc J0 and _h 5, RO Ompel us, to A. Macqq!1aId;_TcxibntO' S, e pay. or I, bit 6' -the­4ight,7, �Cuq'OL hh to what W 7 'ba I I replied- tha zi-cidal f6r the ebur -ch., CANADA: AND or� who e, sdIv t th r Tnree C, as. Chridtianpa, 8gl;6 i. '-- RE, �c Avi draNv froin OUNTRY." ed 'and -settled t1 rents uShUd_ of Chute le, ques-, ItM Jn_Kuox..0 n ury, =idea- � 1 .1 kll�union_haye-Ldech _L - ollege-1-firo ei by, flyi�il;� :%b rii. baol ly., h 11 aOug A leder- h a 0 thff�ppj o dib' uni ed uh� h at* W earQu-art6n UUAT ]on e 1110 an irreligious sch gical colliode,i ul-c Wilt have one thelo- ih best,hym4 w ie '01 Or, to an it.' roaiid 19hn ith 0161: P . ro inei"il U Unificati6ft.'Of 1910119',uriiver�sluv 11 as d find pire 0, tion loge Will-'be;that, One.' 'R OX -Mously., a opt�d A 16aged in e ploi E� We -�a for a forWard litanks g� all the The Tide on Uy through tho�, e -C Paclh c, Before th 'I a Ha�, Tur sulphl e nted tbe. ji on, , etat, Assembly, Canada. and: thiqE �e u Op, qf��. 'A n Of Woods tock,,gavei. notico� at port :oP. the Presby D �y -uiourned_.Kev.� -position g�of tile Chui6ps Principal Pal Com cor U le r ,h in I fax., He spok d it-s'q of nd oi �or < spOe:L th f.6 . DO; t'. --'Ag TJO, thsc,'Aarge ari I -e. '(to had; turnOd d 1MO FINLANER$ lbo it A =9 fit dents -WOUITIM cen e. of'the board a addition: sh to. the 961 er' d Gilt! c &'1 014, could ULLIe 0 ies'a,'the pe y h Da. Gen, in- Wait'. fit, I.Isse t mbly n �er u t �Pj nat -La,r' view OFtlhems: Fort d a dOqpa:tQh.: ST� bt. now en "Ting the roT5 '�Lh )oft:Of th-0 sell ...... ; aillp ha t1VQ eing turn6,� ytho, l,6s Col. bY ;Prinq 7nU th6 t ias, OT P Hit Ud c ;;qen�, dance r e, lVi th ------- Ire 4RSONS'' DIE A 01' Me, 'd nol 6F BURIVS�. nte4- Dy the Prorliptly -to.. will,. now 131 Oh�y -e .7 h' Whp unch_ ar t, Acldent,-- .. .. ...... U'Y-'JN.7 up e to Save' COLONIES.. T r f, tie's f f Wa- S, tji� Iva all -ol a-, r of; SeveIly fiQ-1 It t -I I o f (10miribri$ Alle 1., tOf he9 'foi. tha 11I.Ore Air, i'7 o 11, ol _p 0110�,rota�on �to Old daughter" (�Iid 8 t I r e e Nrho. Only, b tip lic(l ht- - - -------- It ra -injured. d t got� the I110A '0 IGI'aolyg, N lund, -.1, of Nlintev. fiely P r (11 the, two wbinen, PV!er e, Vow� lA zj�'�L i n re* n a in Aus ite'-f-oom to;1, he, 'Y'Ulj:-a Jolut 1011 I'fk t cothe' r6orn t tralia*b ich' 'body kot _.the:� d ;lSq, �hicb young t chilli, w� Amra -four legs OVA lounnesit andWal'.1,6. f0t, tand the me d" CIP f FcurY, fill other barniful''druys, nor g6t frdrn its lift, they un 6 tod -no,'witbout the slight uk6 of., habits - of. U llves�under wliter,� Bil,69 of viodicirip and *�aa ad sta.rted lei It lays oggs�, ie t, - it , did Me, lln& with' b discomfoit t Ahj' of a] I 1111 C Yet in �t d I"At o prom b the I iverlland,diges�' berilifi on . ire es 1 8 young.,- Scientists call it i ylFe or ans, to, gricu tUr dal result. alwayii k6p biIeans'-`J1j,tbi �he act lure'� nmt P 31 t 4P wondel ich to- continue the .9 ders, h6�d_ ken r Ouse; and -arneo -th Y.- gf.ayely ay,,I� kav'ing h -:a 5:;F� That 'biloans d theit ache uticia.with ion, -cons ilia- n -to, AP pax Out further ass-istabco;.', Thcy 9,'in'dige6f­ ,io an Tar.. hsthose. 6i-gans�'str('zg'thened"4nd''st'it�ti�i�ied them in cites Of �t6hlllch,disr men Ing A 461 'country *h di TTL M_ us MINK, no. �Tpl.qc tu I A tle, action, of "MPre k I'l 13 'Q�Itfi -1 1 1 Ora jor Y, �p u n- In:all qpArt L to the discovery ot' bilea fill, practl�altly cu `6 v AN to. di i 116 jo disorderill -t( �oken 6flil, 6intil tt, i 6 Ousnes i were first, produced. ' Up od' IOUJI) othcr� C, Vol unns are a] oth�er. mi Orl, tcrrhs-� Me 'area -o y, 9� 1:0 a ornuh aiad F E i crurtr� ORD IR.PN �W. QR XS Jpola". usc epprt 'f de n tain, our for.he t ,Theie harn�tful, ingredients, If ro obe9 lultoo t 1a . n t lak6itJort'logig, ha� a riles; liver t ol pip, vo b, d lid: bi low,effebti, D 39Pation pol, all di M -a F6a`rts of"Canh& s6w di lid Ii ng the teeth� cts I are I caUs thch '14 s_g femaje to a,urp iI r(laV; 110%v do - "fall -ou obo v r hehqacbc,1 bad tast' Tim' ;i:W � �� Pe ­ 6 --bir rd 8 sell disorderi; 0 in �11' find. 011i Pa SeVerel f . . . . . . . ir 1,11OUTIlf rout ljreath�- IntIng, t __7J --- tili A T" QI*Pan, FaYq'-_' V... Of.a have takonibil ug noises in the hea�d u,r,- and Bdrs M- I ,eaps and.'foQnd U3 310 on Y _kIL.Teited Ly 'n -i 'ea IS rtiible TZCAXDAT,� C lit �ru Allure PI '.w nd PjihIkj:L itlernia', 'J_ t as �A 'hey, 6njot stortincl, it�hd Constipation-, and b�iloflus C, if. 'Proved They, linpro ve'the '96norill ei'l,[ TIC 7. u a ion, ar r'..n'bon, any SL T W gbly 1�61 that I *eak th ing� o recommoi 4 the J�o and �tb stvgtwi iv I ri", of anIt er isorde*rli, itlioui'in'trod U� in t:, n are th pal&f�cooi girls .,a r'or 'Women.- 1716lo all. o�Ir, 8 Put bilcdng�* il be ane0ilver o era jpw t t they eiadic��to`. the Causo,4 a 'b the i�i A�enfs they rldo4 to fourld'of excellent sc.rViO6 YC ftrS Igo, tql q d bi bouls. both f Oy(,� a- aving use Main St INV'J)o 'Po'wpr�bl ar6;,,ih6y drinwer.any queti6n, about thoin household rern�,dy- i kbroke, t purposes t r, compou hare � so., m eak whI ean's aro '�rll t f 0 8u;tablo dolieate and.,yof here,� aild iii England as rbin all dtmg. P 4r Moot ect, C0r1fi(J(�nCd,Of'tIeM, no tP firity cont r -boj[l to fit iA ri tL 11 (1 tree rqm t o Bileark Co., Co borrie 8t�, for all �toinfldh �robb,1�13 otc, llcan� superior by, virtue hall b I I Torozitj­upon f to ot4, J for t 1 6,t only recol A aka bi P 0 P Mnlen t'ller' ptb price. case ,to,reco d n Tlegetable'rilittlie, buf.-Uing tII6 mZ,, a tit, r iti Lit, a't]7436 iiample box c Wri a acrons It th�L of 'I I his I (_I. atin CM sciel Miss Marie' -Brower, liafnc� And da6,of;the' S 'at C 0 fill articlo' and tvi 'UPLto nu Be,, -h pap, .0. At t: Thby W-ribingkrn Sp6nny'' 9, rig -am thor6ughly r fic iesciidh U), the BA d mor, Mly. pan wl If son)(ii fity -Nurra,,givin TIli've a))o tif 'T 0 tomp6rar� now reconiffne cent lstAini W 9�j ail you goilngoilif strjj�e di aNkiiio thlt' �out�,' A' Writtn cle4i]y. ling to N y,,.? an eaving t p�ay rettIrlit posfa­ tl The t,naffie,,�rid , - q r 6 d p, lia to ild the Others 9 t, t I" a1v and,hA`ve,auf� 'will to n 6, 8�Voie , to certificated nut 0 to lip bC- parti(,A. with gf:;,; and 1A g that they,� fe to U 'in 11,1 a the. city of tile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7