HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1906-05-31, Page 8ousand�> s,.l of, • della° attractive new ods have passed arid" are ..on e�' • * • • 19. ',so wit your business at. we ' can serve avin the ' as.... roods to select Sie-',-eVerY.et r :customers orably. It dvi t •pu.y yo13, Fto , watoh 34oed 's ad ori. ,pal o ' back w6015.- '. _ �4'e,_expect a: cap ;of__potatoeg_to ._ar•r rife -the: lase of thi®; weeks . J Earls, For. Salo+-•-Cabbrge, celeb , cauls flower plants and tomato plants. Mrs. `J<'hos.. Douglas. Lrave your, order for teed'corn with J :Earls.: Ile brie &i the diiirato ti- leadingvarzetios 1 . Barred Hocks, Blank Minorca ,and. :Blue 1 ndelusia>%, eggs 'for.:::;. hatching: :Quality.gumranteed :John M'Donatd,. ^boy 187, Lucknow., ` TO PENT --Fifty Rcres-fob przstare within a mile f rom, Lucknow' Statioe Lot 56, Cosa;' I<'or pattau'., a apply'. ttr Mrs. Thos.' Gollan, 'Barrister, �1r P A:~ &ialco s n,Barrister, v; Il ecntinue his office a i .Luelraiow, being there every Saturday and . Mon- day, ready to attend t'o any °business. FO.n SALE'— That commodious lidding, known as this Farrners`,.Tio-te in, the.Village of I,,ueknow,Price $600 .Apply, to Peter Corrigan: Agent Luck- aow, or to Mrs :, A Reid Ingersoll Ont All` parties 'owning plots in Green hill e Cem e t r • who '*fish -to '- have.; he . e.y,.t brace;>eut 9=ha'd' ..better .apply .,to -.the caretaker, Ikir.' g aui -Srrmoh cr ,t ":once. Dr.Butler will .visit Lncknow ` `at the ,Cala House on the.following dates; Wednesdays, June:: _ 20th, „IQ 6 and -=+July .-1f Sth = Hours 2:30- 'to 10 Tenders are invited :for, the tori atirtrctioia of aprabiio' library 'bu,.lclirig for :the Town of Lucknow, size :50x80 'feet with b sa ement,-gronlnd floor and AsaemblyuHall;..:Tenders will "be .re- _ceived.for_the entire construction,_' _or- separatsly�- asF - ,follows Exca-vution� cement wall, wood work, :lathing a plastering,' painting and, glazing a"d heating 'Tenders: for excavation re eeived up to noon June :9th- and for:: balance, up, to noon Juneldbh Pans aud_speeih,cationa maybe: seen •:at tt e office of Treasurer of Public Library 'Board, to.'•whom• communications may be addressed. The,lowestor any tender' 'nap .noe silly accepted. John Murchison' Chu Unman', `` Lucknow,: June 1, :1906,. MoCasklll Fred. enneth; McCaskil1• .9. wa ' Ripley sed, w bh:se_6ting.i'ire to a,-barber.shr"op- was last week acquitted, before`Judge -Barrett at,; .W41, k e The, ,.most damaging - et dente _a_gain- 1VfeCaskill was an agreement : made with Fletcher to burn the shop..,The -, Jiheory_ef the defence .was that the alleged agreement' -was a forgery and 'So it evidently was,',.. Mr. 11Ialeonison: the prisoner's counsel, subjected Flet cher to a most thorough ;examination, altlo`h-Floteher is and l .. - g �.P. ted,; fellow hesow gotsol badly Gan led upthat ,ie' w as. eon tr atTever •senence.-rt-aMdi itMugalcho• twnseo1ufm:. handled the Case with a neat deal' g of skill -and FIetcher,got so 'rattled, that it- was evident in tour` .that he wad m a ost abandonad';liar.-McCssttrll it rs almost needle s co lay vies ito alt gad �e Sit your Sair{*iaS,?„f)ne;! ;.-alke149' Teleacape. , in -the Molsons: k;' one of the oldest and strongest char- tered Banks in Canada.: High- est rates of interest allowed. allowed.. leggin For '.Bale The undersigned has for sale ,barred g , rock eggs for hatchingfrom choice matings, apply ab Hillside Farm; ,G A Greer, Luckuow.. 1 Egge"`:For Hatchicg •-- Sin Te. comb='white'le hbrne�"&ni - - -- _ _ g 8 i white wyandotte eggs $1'per 15. Give :- •_..us a-trial,:.satisfaction-:guaranteed. _ Ill. 0:-McMorrari .• Neve : Agency •t •- Aowis the time to'leave'=your or. •'. deror. o renew ;: our subscription for a.• y a daily or weekly' newspaper, periodicals ,• fashion `` eta ., Your .'ca-nnob do i> better than give • hint a -call : He, ie„ _-:-.also,Issuer;ot^:Mariiagelicencee• ._ A • }arryDays, Lucknow, Ont. • Farmeri 'ly 'Co 7:..: ..• LNPF • • •• 0 I ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 • • clHTOSH 110.11.#E4..ROBERTSON El1:ENT ONSTRUCTION Or"!1 PANY ,;. m er13,- Ont; We are prepared to, furnish. li - kinds ; : of cement work such as . Broken Ashler for iveneer==work- .Also ='°two- -piece-wall ir=Broken-Ashler - Chimneys, door and window aillt�,;1i +glc':rer lr; a nnatci, ate -stones, heams-and-posts reinforced by' steel bar, solid concrete -walls tor-barns;'floor for , both upper and lower lower flats, abutments for bridges. communications ad- dressed csed to the IJARDINE; & ' ROBERTSON CRMtNT CONSTRUCTION "-' COM !ANY berley, ffeitilock Lumber Fot° Sale. The upflerignet! has 7,000 feet o hemlock limber 10, 12; 14; and 16 reef long, inch measure at "mill price's. ,Lw..kt.®w -!?anket s Tib following is, the iii rket -prices or grain "on Thursday morning Wheat 76 to 76 34 to 34 Barley . 45 to' 45 Eggs, .per doz. 15 to 15 Butter, fresh, per lb:. :17 to 18 Pork, per 100 lbs460 to :4.60 :We "handle,:' Mowers, binders; hay - loaders, rakes, sidedelivery rakes, sion given any •time. Apply on the waggons, buggies harness, .wire, sewing promises or address: machines, ~churns, ;wringers, • ,and ,N J.' S.'0A1h1), -Kincardine; Ont washing:pmachines. ",Cream separators from 38,00 to'63 00:' If you consider ,9our_.own interest:..eall before.purclias ins, whether you. are a share holder'`er not.:. 'FARM 'FOR SALE ::: -.7":2: = L l®s:.€ioiu town "The farm. 'is known s "Ferndale. Fruit Farm" -'and; may be ed scribed as follows -Being 'composedof 'Lot 60,' .Con: A., Huron Township, Bruee .co.:; , There are, ;about ' 75, :acres:; :Oa' the premises are a stone -house, with '.two; fraune wins and' 'a large perfect' cellar' full size of the stone 'house, ° The house is two. storeys, A large frame` barn and sheds -Tlie-bui'ldings' are- trees re trees ands berry bushes; -First-t;lass- -fences --- Water@ -,:the -,year around wells and.springe. Still rich gravelly- loam Also good bush. `' Only $1300 cgas1i dow-ri-balance on t me. -his -i a ieal`snn"ap`as`the'propr`ietor-is . about= to engage in other` Business. Fosses 4 T7•T 440#4 P'DTZ'l"74,!'-'".1/'44- 4+18+18 4., 4. $, @����,,�$��g� 444"1,444.4"1”14+444+44++++++++ n yte,�vt'xGe*aR'+Mwt1 a4 '1+++++ ,The.'first thin;:that takes't1i eya ick ' ;�,rpcts r Linoleurns is the• atterns. t en the ua lit a p � � s, y f :,T both aro good It makeS e'ision easy;;for the a chaserW.areb sp ecia' 'price's'''. carp. �. andiinolen.ms this mont n,. ;Ladies . Silk:: \ aists We - have the $2.50 :to -$4.25. Lustre Waists at. , $2 '25. Lawn from $1.00 to X2:25. ' .' -Specials in Skirts,. navy, black, ,lustre ->at .0. a0 - 4+1:$+44+ +4.4. from .. _ White - Lustre • 44 +7,1144,-+t++4-4.+4.44.-++4.-, ti?'I - .44 +++++++ I . 4+ +++++++++++444.444444+44.--1.44 1 s_c % MianntlaliMIRMI6M8221511821114MNI • ow 11boit ,: '®acing If,you..have not;-tmut1 .build; your own,eon's; fail to se! oar` Ideal Woven :Pence bafoie purcl�a rug Profiting=b cho' mistakes of ©the ' -- trills fence'! has, been made the strong-`. ' est and'inest Tantable of:`woven ' fences and costsaess money, 10. $till '$ iiT� ®Ria Wi+ Let 'as supply you with' :the best. Cleveland 13igh' Carbon Coil` Spzing, wire Iron -:gates a rock bottom,.: prices. Scranton Coal--- Sherwin_ Williams Paint Durhar • 'erne.nt Peninsular Ranges, rT�Iecla Furnaces. Farmers' Mnfg. & Supply Co. FARM+ FOR SALE - , - 2 i, acres of land, house•�and edible both in good condition:and,' other out bnildings. No. 8, Church Lot. .• For further particulars apply„to, W ni iMcPherson iitcknow Oat., tt 'ILDERS -H r: r a dwa e of ever d+esc�ri •tion and best ._' uaht always on Shand. - • . _ y P .Y � y Piave secured the newest and best ready roofing- 43,A1 i. )D. :Needs no tar or pitch, --just :•' lay it du and cement lr s;' Cleanest and most durable : uaranteed for. •five years. Y • .,. P . la g' a s. �-pecraj.,-:.at t,' entron._,rvearCorztader.Zr an ooTmg,`� 1GIetai Sbi lis end Siding - _Ask"for'Prices . , ilial SF {;.r 141:alibi i' tai:. itiltElFt13fi+aTgTb'fi-{.i ROUND TRIP GODERICH TO, TUESDAY, JUNE -IO• arTUNNIN. JUNG 11• ' Stir WtBYIOUND 1 2 Days, h DetioN : Chicago. Wed-rres ay- of -each -mon for particulars. - 'NEWTON L..9 • -Material.", heir CroWtraiiithellge. Make a ream Slreagth heaviest; strongest° wires Made 4;an't make a, stilitng ce the leeks ate As stiont aS 'the wires', siokce, tur.„g .sit chain, is only as stiong- is itt 'weakest' spot. The Neve ‘Viest "1..foeir and' Prost Wedge Lbek„are the' most .anyie4fing pia -is of, a ;prost Pence; TheY „ mike' ",the fetice` as stzong as the Strongest. ,rneeliatt.ical, defects Or woilcrnaRship in building. ' they are repaired, free of Charge. For wkich we will pay the highest Market 'price - Se,ed Gloria., is first ''clase. All he lending varietieS static and'''. Prices right, PRO Star Brand 'always on hand. ,Satisfaction guarT, or money refunded. „ All good's delivered, 3i Cr •