Lucknow Sentinel, 1906-05-31, Page 7v.I . 7 M" .be'116 - 'Ohier, Y ewer( A I Wil"Il 'style( Me M 71ii __ illAiIA i"i 0421�;At' ". 1, �­. IMP, 01- M ;ALI I (i, od, 11 oo, 1�p-. ton, '0 oTa 0, WIN 444 r, Pwull"_ 0117- 00 18-0 MINOR A MIA glIT, Ri 9.- MCM, h0lp� iby"the'tr6atmebt -which oil, igiq­ -s niill�ii IIJ02 Pxf­4.d tcz'; Pttto, received there They too re I Systeni troratinent.- has.­beeh f6lUixVed t 1.01 00 Alk X arid, T)e 1.2011100 gi T. 1ad return ta life Ibld be in- eltsf;e" wAlk fl*A6, 11M lt!ld,t; doz *04)w fair W,4 lorAt. Ax � 0,1011, ; X IP UUI- ea re e n (I r, v 25 7:,ll 22S, � roAt oroil MUMM, � I 11.1;� .�;, A III sp ''kitig bf the �eu a, aiI4 'the nie-'r feried-U.' h 41"M , 11 M, , . .�14 'Be �east h hnV4 'UA 01,(Iiens Nea- n2d .1, �O 15_ IR MMMM ert- of 'the -Mess;lah' otpers� ':Otieek word AM CF :L n accold- ft,4okil 'ha s bq,� tyRR&PRM '7 �Zll to�be Jeremias builder610iow... ie�Aii ditjon' that, Jer.Vniih, AIR itltsoiim! ti,alh H _XW 75, J: - T _r. ba and-,'re.y,�al the, -plat.,g,t, 04001, Rww0ohp 7-7-�; FS I On it _Piiz - - - th I was one of -ftj 7�� _P 19--o T­i'­�. bf-the LIN, 11 h Ii I _K 4�x -hy-ppe-aul It r r­ol,;� 7, ',o P fin bat' "eq r .lifession (Va", ''15- J. 7). 'less, V.,A e., ObalLbiwn. e_- t t,-7 ro�a 07 q..1 -in (A -,7.9 #g TP- CA"t C fir, -'M, V.- tt 4' dlii- wa V Matt. x. 23-, -*�ft 1 01. , Jesus:�sveaks t b AP, 'Vs g . 4,#�! 7 7- hW7 �mz -6fif, f G bd th _4ii f, W"001" Chris i4�� Ph 1 rh Ifiwilr-fift- f1ps tle oi.! Lonlon7 doi i,-��Cattlel are quoted af 10% UtU.­AMh a Like ��Az to 11"i c ir,ol-Ab `refrl.-ekbjr,be6f,,' 1, 6 to 8;4 c :Irn % — .1 t mefit'of Chriiit' IF�A_Vii 1117-7 'J b dre�i6d 14c� to 15ic pre jf)..; -M@ssjA1h is the Hebrew; laul I'TWIF9 ,b rlr.� -,!, I . I I " es ;� � Y $2,SW. "Mrs Afattiq,,Ay� allek A . oft eirtk " �djd` � �: ", , 111 1, V 1 -11, _W11 tUs-v rEe is. re-, C an I a.- W, V� VE �i -do ]k `g ng 7; ailoifited, by of Jerusa­ rositI Ur etojer uorem�t i. on� a was W��C�. ever 5: Prqjphecj prjeA an Ing. jem�4 ttule last`�bpstl IftAT A pej, e., "God As here- f. . t'. W, :�r- 7-7 ii,hig �God�, AI esigue j 11, 4 d­ S'� t'6;� A: It V -77 01r., r K e�gjfe kt7loAme" - Mrs. 1: V -Y 1�eftd nZ Wbe*l q: TO` dttt FA -1i b FS MUMMU, �X­QA VI e. ,esi v 75 -e e uJild site vould be Mined. xo;u[i Y J UM11%, 054L_k, 44­­ t411M, j.tky anA4PikittofA ran,to he -t- Id b6 K D" ope else nu u Tim, as,,!s and# I ral b h e-eum and substan'pe :luld f e --a -5- ase �postp4 &W. tb"" A bfdken, Aedil bfit-Jiult rne .�R VTrA1 ",.A,vj U -j . - I Y� . DAPH, A 11Y,GLIX R� OariedL un 6x e ail�4 aDra on tiChrist.' pron 04M ,Bar 8 e o en the. '*akd it Unto DIM othe -quallty o DI 6es,:no -,originate in the- hiiiii . ..... y h ANlebilititutio 7�' Toronto t f h, flon Founda sthe riBek /Word, for,� f or, ctue were out ale ry a vy e of -1 Passe( tf rock. U one� him .yeister hy. .Upp all all J()f,e Me J,r In eS Viifi tit Us. z a e Ley to; r oAN AT Ate, w ion. - e� r86 this�, roe Olt I.. --or-rock as ;A Fee', poor, dumb. las ie aro & Lower, lousc;, of t";C. iour prindi.paii d at). of tbern Berkininj� e nd te C, M10 &re elng antamijy Ucao." b %tibe''dentinexa-, You.' 0 W, the dash is ��h -at _ibns, of Tit, h- I Ch bliil -II, slib triton ititire PlAor n& all true� beliO�rs: I d 1", 't N opelia ruptY �2 TfMt s as or philix.)tt, d r per, uriiiier a. ineeti pill, o 'Ifill :.sold' I' S, ng4;bf h S,- That Ie_ f lia,milton, in acarh;- at $4.&.5 un re s, 6n 'Al Ntersbur I9 -ea r d, it, mpt tp, e C. hoibe� - 2_2 9� a�t I it -46 -t-he JT nc c a t the' Cllrxs:tia�� tie :s�ieel fidit ibis J" e, I-. a L7 b n r '11�( tn I tj earm­ or for k�' �Cloix t Eeqj.esiAstes­ j jlging_t-h� lit Christ the'! Olin ation o hesb -WVOA.t'ltel�t�rl t --,f- te �,by j IlVQ( S, ing f i-1 -Pastor� 0 P� ed C_Q Ior 0 of ding­�� 6#4� 1 t of �; t u f Pts of n (I �S d _S 6 a,, ana re, 1. 1:1 h but 'Upon this Petr, WIS. A iO3 runior(, ,;TI,T­1lo ICAMIes ox,pfribiniont, ft,�k WhIC io vill tht e iv been si,�ce Itle ceded b' F fcr, Al Shi 41 e tro oe, Cill asseiq e bd, fib I'l th" s a n c. n: .,Lion or plagc Y tF.4-o f -1 i0 'A'tl de§ PiRt-PA'At BILL -70R. REGULk; f d' c ji, �'�tt 1.7 5. 'Pei� t' ith. .11 , I U,, � N� S the entTanee into, ll� E Linige., T e, S ,,do ir PO STAt Or CONVICT HURT: If 'ADY, AT±glq T4.0 THE, I -FLEE -FRO WEIGUT ISED er , world" (L, no ........ . 3 ov it 0 to I too., 14s: Cl er any rt, -IV D_ Y I ecia espa c r -04 - d )Vine a�l y_m Will g�� "The ap bol, cities e(, 071: tTa:de y s fe, a �s Et1,;, ooring, e-- n I'Ho, "n ize th an 'lit th d NY Ina -W re 1 at -,IT -I- li, .1 '11 �v of 1it 61"i Q e ivas call t 'I b Lit M ght;7it one after 'Tilell, n9el: s �1', t I I If f d fel'i i1jid so -injured. hilliself, f —Sou F0 "Ill( of :lit t. I,e h_e ail- tia. te:. ess th . l)t- hd [06- J-6 1, 11 Afla- b f 'Cl hv I, ie I, jlLj'��"­& ll� , , il()t- T Ile jLj�"LIjIjio& f een 'd oP� 0 oln to do in, of lie, the d jj6 1,.Osg �l til P --Pell tth, 009 b t illb' itt;,� jl�in d' I I f i to the, ot tic d, Tes C n ­ f L -.In ut , IC� s th,� I the Seritttl1rctl! t T" . ...... to, to P I 'o CK; D 6 AN ff to a. to n i.q -: ': 1 " � I I i i t - io� n CJ,,FkTxrs kph� .L.M 2 Xt G rol ofb i hT1, T B M EE S 0 M B RSS 0 t 1(,y lvere TO f 3, 1 ef t lre , I. 1f rclief -.11. inQ ever, S 3 aff6ring ljy 11 M Tell Ylidustri I V endea u- or to ill 91 IM t r I'S. ild It, Cures. lie con(jIl n C n �o- ay Yr. I .. .... 16 .311 r"obq' 'th ode of d", 11-0 't� r I _ A. o .,T1 1.111 Ing pir, o I377H xn-;s. and, Yo N &el i��16114�p coming ut their two of''the toll Dili 16 CIP es were- no 1co icei 'ilk ire ion' Mitt Jc�lls' ws he 7N 1 1' % pony ItoIfit I r errors T iva s llIN C7 ttftiled hL, 11`4 vC, ho, Soot yfis n, g c n 0, 1, ;fl o apart rmi I ilia t R Tin, -Th i (I z the !I, S A 90 0 bq , � b I jjIg, b ter to 1 )o 0 0 11 Io6 ring tlioil d fvqo M" =1 n, 11.4, tit al- T eI'm-HMO' I'd , q t c, tj pi V tj d, &�-,dl�tl,Li'ti'Aii�it�it6�;" 0 r 1,6 rd., of L h4. fta rife, lit dt f tb itM i n . 01p�