HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1906-03-22, Page 2oo 0 T -,5 tl "5 U T DV� allautly, e fecteil. Saltks of the Vas un4itimpu­ that each -n ici ed iWIlth,'eap '11 other :for gg 0 ipal i ty in flt6 ��&ulity" -f ZIP Bogt6idan' Ti IOLD M trafit, inellidillo, the city jo� Brtintfor liet-lifeboat, boar, was ashedJo.,.pieces, -tile, 31; steoLmee's stern. A Young tranilgrant,bi ilikar q`weed a, fi�y days TAN §11 the, honor Q sitting in t A - "A ' ' t-deteril-diwhen'Ah Jii�t and'-wem'. nq IL V, LOST AT d 000L F RA After the vessel bad' disappeared b 0 J. iliul,' ' the , Bostond'an ago, f r6lit' his'lidus6" bef oi;S the the kanuh6m -ere a k e:' this, morning anI, A$ With-27'Men sf emli lt� �vlteic." the': .!Ili A14 family it vessel,$, W.' to the 0oh AD10, haA�.founder6d, and' it,"."had,just been arrested and §ei ment W!, Sable, Island.-":." All r, ift� tholls, lid dollars.! damage, was t6 decided, that boiard had 4 "to omie -tignbed' .30 days in jaill at, to �ill T V r,y:. The, Miner ............... �Jlld d on e. by- a f lTc iil.the onef was recoy re4 w-IdOeSle cry &' Toy Toroll o.. oq, darkness told them �oare at.1east had ery pre] io�l Op mi6eg o t Y�gq, . I - I , not -been rowi IN;M. 'jell of Member iIe -Ontdrio I.Alediclit,UourI7 it eratdjr6.., 'A 'Terrible "Tak of W er "IFA it d 'Dr. Pvxi�'At -t I f I e P N f .,R.--jjoj -,.V�drOnto, t ie, young on 'I �� � L I , c 0 Capt, P,4TrY,.,6f Wa�'Stinci"V%a'G IL bulldIng.s' 3'e, fqi,,jjay', enivine farCh' l!) �'J'he 'National I hil,till-,dematilled yqdulotiqi.� a squall ge.Piion-, dei�k U), liarne niul- aSkbd nV intlianapo in e -which' fiy`q�,,men.!were-vI* -ention 0 c -4 wee Is k: ago, Is. dead, oil at:.,'tll �,act NvIfielli permits of in ice- r�, -p N' , AYPLL�r g 26 at': 14id(in x! edical Oil, 10. �i� No ingin." �Iie§c UOnN �ed ��trikcs,,axtd dlict,tet Apt ex'Amixiations bein-- held oxilv at Toronto d t M, ji Dere o-diiy ift,�tlld, Ciatilli'local troubles- mouk eri and iiingstaft p- as to, jjl�� 0 RIVI". njer6nees were t56co-nd,,' Otfie��i Flalinigin, Chief, k V,opexie Ig Walter A� '40 rRja�jjjoji;,;c Nv I - t uttering and �PA I Cy N��ele 111101-med: ]Re W6rk by eews was J G e, th -er �,000.,Lleiegd e,,, _)l T, IgitpIfell '.told .:of II& PO V 4 gue s6illg' �clude�; Uiill6p. h )at ftnific aftd"t,(6 " .. -.ith, ti ' -iii the"gen- Y ork I'ast �Deceiuber -'eO'likerfeit uibh6, 1) 0 -b intt,, Q eal's., � T. le'' (!Oil- ell. teamers. carri 116bbluB, pj,egijent O'ftjle'Pitt6burg Cos, _Kcsideht, ��vlitch, bill ti), th'e 4, Otber Jeen ed 'd lea, Co eral sessions. di d [1t 'n' At these fo I hos'bc� 'lI bther op"era ore )Yi V" A! Boston despa­ c ntal- idAity of f t1i g th Toronto 'City Council' re�' 's IT � I-' . : CO, and t jj' �Suffering;. nte Of 4CI6 1h after'. i foll'ts sue- Jujius Flit- fourierly o- Nlat a . 1 1, L li�* h r resillt le 8 uestibzi of )v IcL 1111LI ell, to, ceeded, , .. in :s lid, the` u, a ion o w I tow�i�fijp, Qjit, dil�d At the residi6rice of aid.the q "&:'numerous t 4j.1 -fuses the rcIlluestl oj�­t le ep t' ti I th� coal Operators --t %vage - geode Waw ac, �QL L _j1poed. d siRd W 6- 1 tbat d tbrs 'li iliellt, vit. I Aisa-reemen . upon, ie plod, As 'soll lit 1311�tfal6, a's t I be e Ti;4 �an � findjigt a tehipeirary. 1, he'result ;o A olly;siclaxis., lo6 sh6uh a 0 1�, In an a.7 He �"4136 hos- 'discusged'in, an, jiffi.—na."'Way. h L'dllg Aifd exam to �foj A 0 �v 35111 . 411, fugiOl up6n.."the. slen6r bit 'mo,or acci ent.1, 'patients into I, ie,nex% 11 prevent genort t tj, at W i lit x6�oid of jragediOA,� 0 S 19 1.1 P '1 N "gr -1114 1, -, .,f'_fh­ w t Al", without rcgardi'to� mount p�at(l d'bring 425,000'iii-eril,fi-clll'i,ll'C� mines El'a kow- .1 �Tcl I � ., t Walul 40� ''Ph c:nix he., e�rs ini, the� wit ter, ettilitalists-,A Ar the for Riaiii enarce,­ ihe vlierc i� ldfte'r Airl&rta �the pa-ti6nIS' , 41 , , , I � , jo­ercet ­ I bk on 'April'Ist. ckin�s il Mr: Jfif�h .1, Oro * I ' I ' I on�L Britigh.,-,Kin` h -to n tb; the trijs ees 0 le iiew'11.0,9p�ital will Y10 t. WfS.-I , I: -TR RNILLED x �i�, tended the loss 4) �1' �'w f -E h �5'ou T f. '-ti' b ne,.. to,'be lie IiIe:, 'CliA., there P, ()0 'rat slro- q- e, -oil -t ept" b rant, 6f,$2 �000- vote(i by'.tli org,, wjil -)egin NIX jnihb�. had changes -ill x -gag h iosil tode, Stmdiy,, lastj raging nil jt� Wheij.*-ibe la'st I of lotAkdkiem. P f, -0111910N, Ph -TWE ic on ha decided to Aceep Mr f ft.itu& of V1 any aper& i`0 C EN DZA OF 9 It 2' 7 �gicls, offer Of *10 006 for 'x librarif", And At :,the meetin� ti a,- Bay y.orkiars adjouined.,­Feb. -lid oII6wijjjLg' orL at least iii,ttle'll, � lit, hope thare, Was, a E t3abliel, i As lid and carrie'd to deat as� to justaly t SETT RS' EEYKCTS; 'joront6 ve,�f L S tors; It It_ fil'a �Tatofa',, Ir- cainfere 13 a join of tile 'Thirteen inexi� XlitIeils�will at once bg taken tici secure a, erdxV My of reaching .,all, agreemy eco ie, opinion 9[ were r am,be a suitable s k f 61. th, b John 136VA, slaid,-fie. i,N�aq of`tll lit' a wage viadd thc� joint 'convention had,. failed 0 dn& vosse rescued from'. the slni�i k -ohibition of fishing foz Erkesil; Thurstc side, ,however, from fiy 6e Victin, ��I,irhc filist rail%' (o be oper- that i he total p. vav in Canada �kpril, I st,Nv,%S:.il d� 4 . .. ; I iin' b Q,ljlICL anythlng�*6tbe'i'tha,)l sake, �Yith a' ilce oil the� eyland Line steamer Boston t lit atd y, it done b' i i6tors rim, bv� �hs generat or those -day from -itt, uon uc o r., If u e.)Unlcsg soniething e fkhLfor,pl e et . .. ... ... a speed ofA 11'6 1 .. I . hich arrived: her to h' 'y miles Vc w to retaining �11 te arns in Cars -in -a 0. Sd�eral P,6q;pl� Ing si A, Ill, W '01 er, and I I by the nild no li,e States, tbc, t lb Presidept.A 'the tnited' F to ruan, 'SCap aIiid- t Txnx� steamer Mannheim�` R6tte In Time '0 'Attha ffis .. . to it iti- w6uU"inake justi'fication to.warrant rowboats, attach oil onficil­ the others,-,- 'had- -By'llecision of,tIle-"priNT-v-C ed,an iii tor,,.New xcj� v oact I, n the grea es nui�b&- 1 wilij-',ose,abotit $250,QQ0 a­bct.46jj-cLlCchi issioll qjf �\thc, ..,South Westerrr ourselveD hnd' OUT eMI fiSh oil t :�uo'l er eftOtt io,reach 'ail. agreeme into eks tile' adin jieiiiir'-glicked dow, n the two freight traitw.ci "d then he ib t ah, _King _Wa -- ----- t."diff rential-be-` utin tr ---Br I, ftects,� cuill f re Da' e grew. out of the Nvid iihig-o f I . A iefi,n pick. mining a '12.% that �the operati. :8hould be pliteed uPon Mer &Xnd ors�'oVboth the cefiti it of. �wrec h:t 'I k en� advItclice; for I I q lave;Cs, whi& ials' Md. up by ,Tom Ing,at-SQ11th. p or -6 1 ' 'lled meetings of their represen- ht Of, etP ed. �A AD FORE M. Aeper Struggle if ter. a car of effeiCtq - was: kill] othe Presbvteriitn' Church ::has' niiille BRJ city OnW­_ 'Q 77-0 :, ; : I , 'I "' 1� , , 'L I I I - g­­oJL I T.'s old, a OV9 unde e b si4,of 'all: r -yea Fa-tyj 0, kp inced,.. tbat�,,Chg',IrggA 6 -a* -lie co eS84 of: tjl�� -7 int -eg the Bosthul�n lind 'Ca p ell. a bi I I Un art mal -6 such r bl easona e coni up inera. also' i oULUFC1L- U j,hoid ie'v- ell P(M 1119 4, header,in. c ar ieon, boar, e of- -4 Regsirdih&-tlle.' t `i�e join a r, iltion tile' terrible in' '.jjjtjve:coiniittee Alban Th Which the, �e' cdects of Juries all �js y e ill" 'Engineers Patt orf raves: 'er. fio:'ji,ealifi. IeP- eadn sions in mattei,of co 14 'his' in Fort IN7 ranc�s li-osauth, �OffeTed'by Mr.:.Ryan, of 11iii6is that no trying. t, .6 1p. i e's iion. asoured il�at the, rlTie��ebjidition F. I I I . .. � A011.8 -as will Ahem in 6 tiave was standing luh�- 1 -distr orp e I iIan tinxiet -to :.his the, of 'the, second Of - slome Aigi A . des I triletIV 11 1 t ar Diet' S, CAusirw y the eng 'tdble'L. th,'the speed 6 jlr er a 5 evel -until all� t annigWel Ance, , fill li� dj�tTjeti signed �'.Thi a, a Ill ge, lre�' ..friends. sbusiness relatknulLhi " undeir' hich, We, d :siorvi Inevi &6�ut �io 000 dama s r ItLtI iller ' L .1. . , 17 trtivellit& hastened --t, the of es �ivoiked�witb,�iiititu&l-,iLdvailt -dur'-` k fonrth awl -Y ------------ f - W i ft -a );a P beititi !out at1haria,' vv#re! coal �'DaMerq and Thew -he ran along the -:iii'd� of the rain against -b i Cum cild r feel t inelnb6�t upon WO 1. Tese f the �miystiy Bel and -One, Calling to .6thel., lue�n 111 the 'cars.,,Wijile I res o n reement un I 'the alithra, - - that &,'very,. arge ideUee of,, ail 'iner6ai IpRr '-Pee I �9,!L gians; nine r 13, sig !agree -------- Top d and ciation Witit; the old -of he ets��doing� LIT Toronto- iceI194 ark6tch n a T$ZOW&Way�L custom, reewe Ila is,i,own,l rain, was j, riven pas P On. t e 0 -iatidag do Mgt] e -0 n g t 0dj be I The, op6ia h other to k" f T e Pa Tom, 'N the Bps I st �engine�' � t tonian': the, f" he" van aid ',fiv Ich iote men T0i ebo tiC es. elLses �Nf. ell ee-­'mo n e Qpp1ed-,,oyCr-:on, e h rews - w At o Re e v . a un er c, hie insVe� I I te lase same I tb *n into ''the a total wreck. J;he: w'6nd,: gi xuo' 'A special c 11 es n �on -kept;tke­roLiIs---s t7be , sid as- i6minent as rthw. ut-118I s s r7 71 �1, C an on of' 1 low Ta 0111 itte .0 L'' of the j�-taok bb th -Pcw ­ tt.h -no L driven cleani -tit f "'t in Cen-- so e,�ptii 12 lkel6.Nv -fram the Bos the Afi L 12 -)c -was Ile rong t e top,:�of a, box car a a, 63- So�q four below Fort or, the day and w ile, 146 t e, -one stro h , , ., L' �r, . . L ew a leg, jeffCrson. jl�eyllbldi� of, New Orl6ons� . Ili ac ern. Ili st alid lit ?eiv 'shot to- is rtner, 'a ern a , , "a I - ork Jos� so�p -and miled eaMe-nR - er Itur called with scr� tcl PLI there niveral di l$... b h out Had it n4`be6n, 'for the prqmpt,. ac�.. �W �LT -0 - In . . i I .. � ��r at wo �secomd atte, t is wake 25 itV� RUESOME SECRET ern was, sue -1; 0 ti on a c large Of. reach t e sinking s lips e YE Noss Ypsilan 4&s old' lur en re reported ail. -to' OUR - 'f t13 includi ed jjsfj&-, and ng Capt. 'ilantance-of A'G the'Bogtcinian-L' ct Mnn p 'V wexer takeii to his Wilib'a 'IVING-' TOMB -701P --AGES c.q or seriousy wer'ful 7'billow,"criusbed: i6r I ep ew, U AV 'j Again, ai 10, ff. Cron 0 1 UXEREII- N-CXS A icer- ro-m:- 7 f,,� 6 y OVC the th 7V,.,Sq , t�y, 74 i;E,. nit 49 h 0 zip-�-Nww G1zI ettgrs I I I " . � lie"A r a 9 -0 r aft int :-be fggened- n Y, er _pLoj; e B,'O-CjCVil.e, dea palt. -L T1 S�Pax­ U e,� I IMP .11 L ­ 1-1- .1 1 ­ 1.. 1, It A r n-� Bu ar!s effort by �kelot f . ter leildlngi Where, Ii 6s, brought h�ct�i wnicn. N d '.W., iaIidni -of, Gr6ixt Anti - !join the �kunhcim residential Armor an olunteiers, V Same 'N'l age' or antar" t f -e r tT14 'o heucar service . des j ;t J., d ' :iot. eprinIect h d s trial. quity Lay Abou.- battle ith Cher waveS. of)r�'alleged se cars to r. il,;hol-6 Tsla'nd,B.�ach,. �Cowl on� fr6ni-the-british Kin-, but- V or r -j I be :giv'�ri ain The �teAine pr A NI'll I i I . o C -1 London,. ]a Capt, erencLe i's in nes The�'cogle cattle oil f t se. �d' arch 1.9.—T, le i 1 -7 mllj w gil e" roin Dulut, 1 lb -is no t mir Frenc f iio�v whim the sa,3 'is fter thio�,.neitber­ of. the if the -se ICM j d ry h 75: AVIrile' digglil increasing p presen -ting o'f: ad! c 9 OP, ail 'consequence CA 0 wh. She balls 'oil. f6re Jud ge 01 Lite. Id t 0 -e Xa,llL tRos itt nOrn di -col apS log, C -6� -it o, reac pi: el co rl- broko,litiNvin- an Iy -a I�t orer, I �c wit 1--a­ ying I rL, cussians is: lie 0 1 e ­* Therf darineEig. 9 as ce 'in'' -.depth.. wa t pt T 0 jjering freighter ali -condition be arines R n- to take )lei- pas.8cii-ei NV a C. lie 'Ions.,, , d in, the wi, ess,box ei %r Corlipany ikre 'as ';and Gdr�mliii UR C I Id ruci ai;�uv 'it, f fell 11 and the, �Zroiiisfi 'King; fh*en, ater-L: w Nva, tb Le pital all egsy� pi�sition, mking ,, i , lid s lil the FreInoli ina iuch"As to� cause tt postponement, be allowed, to,, inerea se' I r ca d 1. rinding-p in- ts fi� W] aanilue expsion n- e-con­�. gge �andi pess; plunged 'doW '0 lo won't .the time beheyell'to 18 ig. 'd Ai ld wit before the lawyer for.. 00 6Q66 The'V bow f the -defence ­LL and, di sap I peare She went tod eii-7, h f the. d -inerini TIdy I OMMC es 'Cx Jor t 0 UTI,dergro,und, passage. is,llvc�ii u I v,-,, b -Aiisii Pa r! railway nd6d iiijuriesjo eigh en. TheL Siruttl wjitt�h , yeili" or _P. int i1j. ft '9CN"CreL le Orks, �at Pa.i, to te and��.f t' jSr� oj )i'V t jo, bear tr, t qde t'y t"41ela' '�h' Duke ell Mie named,' t io�)iu letiont foi I, fi ve 'V ea 9. ces. o e'burne b Y-- 016 olten., 0, a,. Young I s f 0 W Kin _y us Ali �1,� inscriptions at Th —da, _of_C9, u Or. a, t p er _ree_&r -119. — ---------- - ;�� adopp� Aft -argo, ordship his ,'called lattice t6 Oad of: cattic�-, inist fiS4 evidend reat, a the-, Yes ttie or- licefion d� 0 lowit - d,iyou�, reser. f T, r urry We a for tb for otheri; pe6p f n l6waL "TaIn. Confiau�ght�'.64i'nq' tool re tigg in, t Inic 6 fro� in of 1�liem prepar c In al' conven to of, the Ibci­ deck, -i� �) b ie"V f cas We NO I o would. d, ng intro need 12. 1 M tI tfter C( � J�, j le� dc-pat6h i's 4., n r e gr t i rl� ki I W, ri re in d. I., � at The 'ba'rLels, and wreckage, Aboe �'d re carried, overboard. It Ad d' d deck fittin� lin, I )cingdri�,on i rito-4-1i e -p if� 'by the Ijrj4't- '6. Tk 0 Vii of t Texag­ ell pe L le,j I a U r p t is ft, to, t1i"ir 'I.S. t t r . . . t lie Avarfi6rs' N8,erei till l:UP ALL t0e5 Ot--Tl of Into' oflat [Irv, in the ill 5trilict �it It p4fl.,IOTd"ti,��,,.il��o,:�CP,(t fli, down! UPO� the, !,sWarner'S sides :dire*ct t Ile a �death� At ju hese le 1,j,. fiAll, 3 u P pie cree 'Co judg MY f inage k riled crushi , bree, openin-- UP, er f JIG 3 �tkorxgrfgationa ng aTetu e tetu e 0 th n e -g, 7 Is not Teal-. Up' exteili iint& the following daY,'—he III 'COLUATBUS firStL exp plaIded , at the loied d THE, GqEAT E R, S, dj the" the 'water" 'gaine rablv he W .�iid Uld e died t for etbal -ficken down U though. all Ilan a e fifes and rendconi, tho gstd newas in -dicines 'the n h 1; reat ivin engines ona'. timi; ew rentral, Afr,ica native Dlcrbs saved h �!,Me rudder :h MCI for g . so !an t WhM It d ed ablil steady to(j,� a9L herbal &ktraCts- and jLtAieeg, 'tjj -il' his, xet� of Austral soan', t ro 7 Al—e kF-T titan * "Bilcaltis' far,' Biji0t1s1tP$S. differ, from other,' 5,� f, r er :1� ra4 s� p up edpcincs� 4ronr caunger, sojurl -received. b, 'a vegetabli�j a ices VL keeping to ature. They Are �i Iva oil tbe;. esVIIs L - I . , :,. I F.aTd anti'back t ContainibBrnut fo mercury�, it otlIffr7 DIM - d Moet'rnedicines ior s ornach an i,.v e r nien s ore - jArm r' a. ShArt'j to, ber' -.d,' do it I aid settled. n the w,,te.r r to' 6eCiD(7110'� n,g the'te�oth, icrmsirng.�t�lje many Cases tbbjr,as, 'the nibst thap goor d ,110 1 A-tu, et C 1- 11119, IL d IA r u a dd i dte' They do iiot ina ice a per 4pens'to e temporaKi y., sick becGrne a,. p jilinr &tura .1 1 L 11 .. 'bar' al 'f oil orre, a i 11 t'CL -t 3 is res it ft. ac comp 1$ ipp'. on't C Co t6.A natur Y 311. two so this' nivirY Ith �conditidn.; and."then,, h' ritrar," tone- up' t and of inteirial. bitb, by y e they can',be. left o! J�or -1 i' ler tfo Ij ij -cons ipacion, ea z . .. .. , I ii C to be carrarld.,'t, 16j, d n dia �niapy- PeCifit '10 ,a OW Orc I I . 116 oide-re'd thlif �his lbg::bq 8 lid- his- cabill.. iffienit -4 IdebilityjAhey 'Alien ecad I opL 6d., aS,� the, bound llp,L and ehq] d" I edy -ie,(J,,,j ej avorite M., h f 11 -ice �iftifio, 'recently of ilea' is,;! alidI �d the eflotfs S. nce moroug ily tr and. di recte e lit leAdi g nde den undertook, an Scie. b eans are I e ­ail The d nj(yh.t all,, io(,n I 'n in C,?,: N S ti d1ly enbili ILI I Cli '�§tiVL(, A Cl I I)lL(A'14at jittIlIe I flall ibm i�h,.,, 'Aft. jo t No� 12 Criityfot+Tet� T p, of un a nd vd c il oiaeli in i,h 1�-ftcerl Y I S il ffe 1 ed o lica'd, fe ed Kent, I'VE.. iter a fight frolli e6nsti' 1011'WAS SO sho r ffy riv,i even all A,LgojiCjiLI �o,�v.ej the T li to nicq no; or N, w lo it �0'�h-ow OfT I have, "o, �,Lt L �136' t6be, of, tilat na, an), ti. �eekg`NVI OUt IIl ti 'to 'the bola chill 6 � 5 io, ijid e to Z thb-.&Uor--�,wl _a d - . - t, lik tbat �'the' 134 e O's t Cott. ion� gto,ppage. b Y as, c is, putjlileapli- fo d of" in a(lditibwto d aroge fro tiouble l. ed a, the be tte �m own. did iii)t sc and d �61n tw6�filiy� ng. n SOOn' Sul t �s6nne Aud,� Peth,,tb .9110 NV�19 box r di'rofA ' I f - , t J.'�corytinuecl. taking ' -I' found - to he n 1 To t( not t lit' IIhafburldi or, More illlfi�yilla illy glai veral ot MLY CUSto cl(� tTic h nYerg fo,�wlio�n r t��e Iforli lei hAt' 1.40 J)7 tile Ml I King s�g mum= we, tir'eL sink, Nil ------ EL I spo R1 U I .. I N