HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1906-03-08, Page 1Tj
WROLE NO. 16711 •
ap.ctL1Pait.' tit) $2,400,000.00
Fund,- 2,400,000.00
Teta). Assets $29,000,00* 00
ON. :Wm. GI1.30N,,. President. ,
C. A. BiudE, J. PROCTOR,
• S. ..13.ENDR'I4, fa; ,RUTTIERPORD,
Chia.- (3, Dalton, rri.'bronto.
. T!JRNRULL Yie'o:Pres, and Gen.
WATSON, Asst, €3ten-Man
7nrittlow rant
'rar.p;0;z' Notosalliteounta-and-
aiVa,22,00S =1;40 tr,p_fartara to feed
NQTE,S nought, and collected.
rates ineflurate,
e rine i -p Canada,- and --018-
U Lilted Stites. •
Paid Up Gapital $3,000,0Q0
teservO, _Fund $3,060,000
ASS QtS30,D00,0Q__
ydcE.PRE,s_rDENT E:ivjNG
This old and favorably known B nk
, haying purchased the 'Bank •property
..of,Geo.,A.,--Siddalt, are ready to trans-
act a gentaal Banking business. -
- a vings repartment
r 71)• Of $1,00 and pliwar(19, received
sitL inter`e§tnlloveci at curr(nt rates from
date ofiden4alitto date of ,01,ithcliawal..
,,leposita,o) 00, •,i 'c to any delay
whatever in the vvitlicirawal of the whole or
anY pottiou ,t the
__Intere4...coulooundmi_May„.31st_a4d Nov.
th ir ach year.
1 1-1(31£110‘#.
• • to • • • • • • t
130 ve)yi pleak ed
0.376, yoily ,11.(4xt)
avingE Deposits- Solicited
Highest rates of interest allowed
on deposits and added to principal
twice a yeiir. Morey Can he with-
draw...2, or added to -witbo;d,
delay. Deposits bear intereSt from
_ _
date of deposit to date of withdrawal.
Farmers' •Business Solicited
Farmers'- notes Sale-
and- Collected • without- charge. Ad-
vances made to farmers for their' re-
Miss Bell Spiers, of Alton is spen
ingea few -weeks with -her -uncle ' a
aunt Mr. and Mrs. 'Aedrew Mullin of
..Miss Pyle:Coll has returned fella the
Millivery Openings in Toronto and
has seeured all the 'latest fashions fine
Miss Avner:Ida, J. Murray will ealie
pupils in piano, , voice and ()eget)
lessons, For termS" apply at her hotne
Irciveleck Street. -
Ir. ---M alcomtiontei-Barrister,
will centinue his office at Lucknow,
beitig there, every 'Saturday:and Mon-
day, ready 'to at' end to uny Liu 111 tit..
Mr. and Mrs._ W. A:'Simpson, Mit
and Mt s IT A. Beaton and
dauglet, r Mary, left on Tuesday for
the West; after spending .tlie ' winter
Lwitibetbeirlether_Mr- John i Graham.
The monthly meeting of the W. C.,
T. IX. will be -held a,t-the
J. G. Anderson Havelock "St on
Wednesday' March 14ile tit 3 o'clock.-
•- em tees re urged,- to atterid.
Visitoi s mride- welcome ,
Lawyer Hueb Morrisoa -of-this vill---
.agehas been retained to defend, the
young -Min ,Flet cher accused of s'ea'-
ii g a barber chair and 'other .articles
in Ripley, Tne "e•tlt-es .pirzce
Walkerton ,on...Friday;-._
rbanneinil_eineeelog_ of the • Luck-
now'Lawn..Bewling Club for the eh'c-
cfoflLera and otherhtleiueiii will
bo h Id in the 'efftee of the •seeretarY.,
on Moeday (stoning. March l'jth, at 8
o'cloek; R., R. MacLeod, Pres.
, A. hockeyeatch a ill be played in
- - the -riuk:herole-eiCht-(rbdreelay),". be,
- tweeneRipley-endelinciedinee- These
teeing' are evenly mat thed so," a good
game may be looked for. A crowd of
rooters arecomingefrem each town,to
. -
theirleamS (0 yietory. Ad ails-
alOtritOiiett-20-c;--.1-7'.-=.-- -
ly,lisS.l3eekin,ghane and the „Misses
-Bowrnahditfhank' it he 67 el nen.
We offer „you. ab;olute security and
courteous treatment and will be pleased
to place the facilities of an up-to-date
Bank a; your disposal. -
prisseisiiiiiiSeestst eestststrAstatst tot
trial order---wil7c on-
yince You,ithat you always
et th lpes t here.
and many others for • their essistance
the night .that there home *was/ de.
stroyed-by fire and also•-theire-appreci-
_ , ,
moNEY LDAN4R AND REAL atiqn 'of -the -many ---kind acts' extended
,- to, tliena nutting the'past _week, by the
, .
. ,
people of ,Lucliriow and vicinity.
. 1.21J,IIe,,s.realYtp10n4,9ixfirst anel - seepud ' --Men--Wanted----Good -reliable ' inen
merit..),., , n.estate and on erst • this d.1Str- .
in iCt to represent .us and
chattiel_enortgages_eiv eitoek-at---vbey. '
, ._.: ''es-eeret
reasonable ' rates.. ' seller. Work during spare time or
• I purchase and sell farm And other '
r. _ , . , ._...permanently.--e-Splendid- Opening' fora
-propeieees.--- I te insurance -in- ail- -its - -----e---,-. ---- -- ----_-.___- e.--, _-,'
branches. , , _ . , huatleri.awnrFltennefenriviPfga,,r,ti:ceciola,isfatmoitethd-e
" Office in the old banking premises. woodstook. Out '
GiVQ_Ble a_.eall. . • , ' ' '
, 'Mr. D. O. McMorran is pre toed to
give lessons on the banjo, thandolinn
guitar, arid violin. at his residentie On
Havelock streot. Pupils * wishing to
-take lessens on any of the above nam-
ed instruments will be supplied -with,
instruments free, of Charge during
tuition, Hours for lessens fixed to
page. ,.. , , • _
suit, pupils.
Miss McColl and Miss A. Grund -,
Two fine discourses- were delivered'
were in, Wingbarn this'week.
in the Methodist church here ltuit Sale -
Mr. Angus ,McDonald left last
hrth by the Hey. Mr, Millynrd, of.
1Mondoy for a trip to-the:West:, •
:Liidk,now, He dealt . with 4,,Beter'S
' A number ofXiima-Globes for -1995 ie
Denial" at Vie' merninef service. and in
for sale it Harry Days' 2.5c: each,.
the evening, preached an eloquent and
Mr. Alf 0,1•Teil,11.ad a small bone in . , • .
well planed sermon. from the text
his leg broken at the -station on .Weat ,.....
"kiisIname shall be, called' wonderful
1 -Ie alsospoke briefly to, the Epworth
League. Mr. Millyardwill'aiways be
,we1conie„te-,13zussels,-BrUSSPIS IP t.
We have always on fraud
a large bid well "assorted
ock Of Stationer
Hookey match to night
Read:V. 3. Little al
on inside
- Mrs. F. E. Berry of _Mount Ifor-
o t isthe °nest of Mr. and, Mee. 0. W
,It wili pay you to •*OA,
Illooctv's "a. on.- po;go,-,1 oaoh°
Mess:s, Jame', Gaorge and Walter
Baird, ate sp'edin" a "few day in 'the
Mies Lipds.ey has returned from
attending openings in
oronto, last week. --
Lost in lE-itick now) , -a silvee belt
buckle. The:fitider will please leaVO
1..i0,ST7-Jn, Liticknow h • fhncy 'belt
bnekhe ' ;Finder, -will greatly oblige by
leaving,the, same at this office
• On Thursday night' thelarge, one' to- Eloattanth
on. Mr, Win. Speers' farm in Aehfield Mr,' W. J.;:,Allin left this week fer
-wt entirely oe3troyed by pre, , Seafopth where ,.,13 becomes general
-Agoto, for the 'Prnet & Wood 'AgriNfil-
turat Implementee•-CoMpany in ehate-
Ond'in „firit•elasecitizen,
The people* of Seaforth will
and his !Ong 'eNpeilence.+44 his, fa tilh:er
in ihe, husinoss; in Look:.
new bitls,giyckrit- hicn h therougli PMt
ticai ktio,o.e4ge 4 thf w1hoe buainess
hero will, he
,LUOknow .Rhilwdy
e.L'have,befer9 .us ori ...our: desk Says_
the ,Hatiover Post the mat) of the pro -
Raw I loeaticie of the Walkerton-
Liicknow ionte:is 'Mark-
'Wittered inie, and cumu3encing at
Proton St ,tion in the township of Ar,,
teniesm, ib :passes .through'
Allan Park ifatoVeee Maple 11111,
Walkertoni- ' TeesWater, --where it
branches- one road 'going' to ,..Kintat
dino the ober to TACIMOVir aud7WiOlf-
Will preach Missionary sermons in the
..1.ale,Icnow Methodist Olierch on San
day,e.exte: ;
Mr., and Mie. Samuel Xieholsen
"r\Vish to oipresS their 'thanks ,through
the Serilif;Ter-4the nietiii-k!ind &eta
,of neighboesand iti,-
/dring 'the
- _
e ,etacreetriPer,Wtnted
ee-Applicatione,r. -fore:_the-
:Secretary of Kinloss Braoch Agri-
cultural Society.; at salary:, of thirty-
flye dollars per year wil be received
by the intidersiened•up to Friday, 23rd
aer-o March.,
000Y 4 -3r0 tem.
incar lot. would finifd it to
*de get cilI in his Pr-riCesS,Iloteerefia,uagrain
Bler and e cora before, Pla°i°gn
elle American
their orders elaewhe,e,
csspione charge
young _inert naineieFleechere. of
Huron llowilebip was ari ested on Sat-
urday last' by Detective Murray, of
-Tornto,-on--a---chaege of steeling: in
eonnection with the recent fire in Ripe
new in -Walkerton jail -
end his trial takes plabe-on Fridty. -.
_Detitav r6,40041.,_ _
There died in the hospisal-in New
-York OD Feb. 26th., Alfred Mitthie
onofthe late Thomas Mathie, form-
erly of Lucknow, aged 38 year and
8 menthe. ..Deceased ,was bon
'Sentinel - stag.- I -ie was quiet and
yfAei:rbs,f,411,!it,:iatielaiti:Tenityp,d14bee%Fpo,orr s_oamr:46,
:finally he Jell: by tile .dread disease
filkiinAi‘Ci- /in Toponto
A -happy event tdok-pitiete-iii-Toronto-
on Wedneeday of last w et when Mr.
John 8. Duckett 02 the lit line of for-
'riii was married to Miss Hannah- 'NV. 8°iDe'llwagrew ay,our aPPreAati°13',
Barber, of Wolseley, Sask The cere-
After al] had assembled r and
v4°14 .W4StPerf°rmed 1137 Rev; R. S. l‘elilrld:uintoseFrunat'bneddMiniins8g 10.7rod7wwheeriee-
E. Large. Mr: Dlc.lkett is 0110 of the e
Morris and his_Vvife is a f timer resid-, the foliowing acldre s, whi'e Mr. and
-ent-ef-Luck nobe—. Ile-haPpy-couple' -31-me=Fergus°;lee. ere-, :eeeh-Priesented
will have the best wishes of numerous with a e°tufortahle rocker and to Miss
frieFreda a dainty china tea eryi^e
friends ,r bri
fght and prosperous ' s
weddt d life _ To Mr. and Mrs. ll'ergusen & Freda
Dear Friends -It is with sincere
Diamond sOi-Tow and reoret that we has
learn -
A very interesting event took place ed of your ietended, removal from, our
in-SL,Helens on-Tuesday-evening-14er einidet and moved hy per feelings
when the friends and tieighbacalif-Ale:T-ward'you we have assembled he;re this
-and, Mrse-lIngh Anderson,. show iid evening toe_slatomeeni___someeseeelle weey
their appreciation of then on the six- the-esteerre-in-which you -are held by
..1/Let,h _an,olv.r.eFsAtAy. of-their.enarriage.,by- -your-friends-in-liticitett'.4e-Chiffellinnir
extending their cOngratuletions and vioinity. Tiering, your sojourn in our
presenting them • veitb, a 'beautiful midst your Words and influence have
Morris Chair, framed -portrait and alvva,ys'beee- on the side Of .right. in
photos apoornpanied by Abe following your connection with the Sunday
acldrn3s: ' • sch°01, Church, EP"v,Te-rth League. you
Deer Ft" ion have been faithful to ' tho. duties in.
e,-Sv 0°-P1-1-eneof ni: 6w. 4nr you, 110 any beam; t'ho croun'snt(5ae,vvni id<4:.1:3nie:(373P1 witthe h
ri°sibility sentrusted°face8-:' to
e that this day March 6th is" the you., 'shall miss you much, , and
1,- 24?-hants
of, the -Retail Mere:barite Ofthe'village-
wee held in, the Town Hall,when a
does,' branch 'ef he.Retail Merchants
-Asseciationpf,Oa,neda *Se Orfealli,tedrt
Mr."13ruhachere Of Berlin, tieganizisr
of the 4esocia, tidy- I was present and
• at7Oleiit
the A$SoCi%tiofl which
nieinhers Were enrolled". and oveiyene.
seemed to be willig tu-help the AS.'
SO6I4tiOti -t4on4;-, i'Regular meetings
will berlield 'iLiedneetters of interest to
all inerchente and,- others wil be dieT
cussed: -The following pgicees Were
• elebted-2for' 1906.
,Preaident p. N. Lawrence
d viw.e.-P.pricess. T
_ Tee i sneer__W. J. -Little
Akditor J. Earle
Arniing • tho new goods
arri ving-for7Sp ngqratle- that -
are of spetial interest to the
m °
b f 'act
young en are e ou
the,fines_t-range at tpatterns
the iamgus,..W. G. r It:,,IsTeli-
crleff'Shirts at $1,..00.,' that -we., -
'have ever sliuwn. AlsO the
Newest Styles it/ Collars and
Ottr NO* hats. are also
tO week. a,,ad our
12.00 dn1-$2.50ni soft and -
stiff hats.
_Aeiterteititteit,n4 eeiren;ei'eteetiCrie-
,On 1Vrend,ey.evening„ Feb. 1,9th,. the
hotne of Mr. audMrs. John Ferguson,
e, as was,, the --scene ,•of,
.WhiCh. WCre:.e: ning1ed tmh"' '
ehre„and. sed esSe.W hen -a -Ittege.neenber.
• •
, , e.
of:neighbors and:friende of
- •••- • • , •
4r.1?.er,geson, gathered to • spend, a
• • - -
SoCial:eyening With ,..thent,'ere' they ,t1O7
'e years they
haVe.been. With es, We
aVe.,alwayeefeliendi-:''thein,,reecly to haip
,gepct'Oeer-ibatT We -''felt -it a duty as
welI al A pleasure ..to show them in
sixtieth iv ersary, of.:your,'Inalttiag!°,3„,-could heartily vis1i that your rewoval
felt .1t44 -4:01'd no leti lis 9n?aalgnr.from us wa thing - of the distant
:pito' if .vit4.)utexpressing• We must' bow., to,
: their tippre„etto.i,i4, of your friendship,.
.They have therefore .-..eseenahled here,
tO:might., to ..,'exiniess their geod,.,Wieheie'
'teWerilti, you and tOf. 'extend to you
:their ,Cerigratuleitiona'nnciette wish yoti
much joy ,.this the. clSy •Of
,• • ,your
203'0.7•Aiorriiliihoeer‘8 of th;e, die4ict;:
*haVitig:;„ come iiroiti Old Scotia, the
land of your birth abouti fiVe. 379t1 PaLlkt4F°n-01 4fg..,'gut€4,1)114 n
flyett' 40ret
s o:119i i3and h:. Your
g riijn' ti among
tainty and finaily. when your earthly
TaMbek:: USI, yoursterling ciaracter, pilgtiinages haveeF-Ieuc17-147Y Y°t-1.each
your kindness ei,heart' and'heipialnes'5' ;'„be'protv,tie4.:.ce.eqiie,tOr of the :'ktitber'e'
to other, have eicloat'a0.'37-613. 'righthand. Sic,ifed,..on,bei)al'of the
dale Morris chair and fiatned poitrait"
,*ne,1 .pitir4e8 .ee„a alight thltenAif our
,.apiireeiiitiOn.'ef.-YOU'r.'MailY geed '"gtiali:
ies, As friendsa.nd ieighbors--Pro-
videnca,.biii.'beini;,kfild 60 you.-„'
ii.OnY o ,t11,0;frieiltie arid toeoeitite§ of
bygoiio4eye hive been ;called :,awity,.,
you have 6 h spited 'te.,:eibb.ilitker
tog years .of happy,
eiteddedlitle;eti,iid,novias' ;the ditY'S are
going by, We hope' and trust .tliat the said that wliererorthey 'Went they',
.sunset deye of your life rnhy be Your, would over .teneetalleit the kinefeiende
they 'tad 'on the, 'tenth. . As fce'.; theSe
note deserve
them and;Stated.that :they h Veen
innro..than repaid as! they .:went,
for an thing the y71.0.(1- done.
ehnreh and.,-ehureh Worlzrlie felt 0.14
Ood,: had .etroteetlielied..-and ble'sse d•
thein and hoped, that ..dcieVe,':bIesiiig
Would eVei* rest on tbe 'ftieeibere of
:Continued on last,,page:
. • ,
the inevitable, we naust sever those
happy ties; weeniest say crood bye but
before do so, we wish to leave behind
,some tangible tokenc;f our regard
and good wishes,' Kindly- accept
these' expressior s of our esteem.' With
these, outward evidences of good will
we combine our fervent prayers that
the Divine Blessing may accompany
friends in, tbe' neigborhoed.,
-George caeipbell,
Allejeineed in eiegieg
:yon "For- '
cuson then replied' in behalf "of ',gyp.
Ferguson and hini,Self thanking theta;
sforeelieir kindness no at tho
presCh4., :hot during ' 414 their: stay fi in,
ftinea.,OE'..tiOnbleas rsieff:'es 70-v, He
brightest and happiest.elys:
;Mr. and Mrs., Andersen, (yap/eased
their 1,0aetfelt: tkies, gifts
and gooii wishes,: .r:UnolieOn, was
• then seeveil and the, bride?e, Cake , out
aed- partaken" 'of'' 'and a very Pleasant
eeening was spont ,With !pewee,
sPeeehes and rerniniscen stories of
-or-ic-ni-c-eTnobtiy Snit-fot
iSnPrTitlivkee-sclese'a?Ind-rIVnoerw6t,e. designs
t*o.lines' of very special Val-
ue Black and Biue Serges •
for Snits to -Order
We are, shovviiig this
11,1,0.46;,ilit.4' at :•$1::.51);__
j,4tid t1:2;,00 of neat .,patterns.
ood trimrniugs and weil
ad respect. '
0 a
. .
To, every ehild buying,
Tents -wor
S04001.... 'SUPPLIES
will give, until ali
are given away, a beauti-