HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1906-03-01, Page 5, '`• 41'44' A A' qt. ID. qt. mi.. it. 15.. • 7:7VRTAYeTtistTe-algirred7a ar 6-14test • • •'.. Fe —come—direct-from the -best-designers, and are -the and B • ver-,;-,-shoWn: -in-this-coinmunit . as .•well ...,• • .6-6.0•07,0-o-O•CK14:i..lo;o109-.4'.''',',..''. j.004:•;),O-0i$00.:0,0;"'" -. li.11.85.42.±$10q0H4' . .. . .....''. • a...e} - .1,74: • . • q/k..--=';••••• .• • .,..(rio.,-.1,29.-;),,...2.4,,,S.ii,00.4( . .. • 11....1:48.1.',30::.„5....:kii*°i.:L*.i' , . .,7:74'11.454."..:$101:1 . : • . •• ',iv."... 465.... • . :=U-L'.:110.0):.:1'.gH.S*iiiii,.;'Oti,..' . . .. 1I379.)...:.24'::.$1:4i3O',:** .. II.92.)17-.6-.;'..gkirtsatTL.E. . (11 1I93):;...i.eskirt,..4.` . .--.-r, ,.$3...-3g.: :-.:K)--.9-ocv-ocy.o..op,O-.0.0...)-ii,qt.,s«....4:.).46.4*..:i;io900,:i***sc,op.,69,94*4.:.* iltidginent of. tbe fligh Court.'of ;Justice ma4e a case Fraaces Trew, late of the' Towne ip o of 'Archibald Trevi, ,ivd). died on or. .about the'itiofith of -Ai:mil:A:D. -1901 are on or before'the 5th1dty,:of :March 1.900),.f9 ti-O"Tad by post ' prePaic,1 and 'registered, to i. Ta,pstone of TOWO"Of ,'N'Vingliani;,-,-.in4he'.-GoUn,71-,,.of r ,s 4uppn, :Barrister; ; iathea surne,tnes„., addresses; and.'d criPtiona,:the ftill„particulars' 'of; 'theit.; , • . . • . tgi ateln • EiefitaSESECU.r..iaraintiif r , arT.aguiCalE":56.1,Efailliff" milistimaissommier stateibent of their 'Securities; trfi 1 ad tkenature of the seedrities, if ariy ,-held ,by them, or 'default ;thereof Uieywilt r'be ,JporempOrily: ,exclUded • frOixi‘the benefit'ef, the .said,judgment. Bve'y creditor 'holding any security is - to produce the giapafi, bith..6, pi -6; at pay '..dhai#bers at-W,alkeyton, On the -10th "day 1906, a 1;0'o.Jock In .,,ethO„;0fPrren • ,dd (Sifined) A. II K1ein,La1 Master of Supreme Court " Datkci hi.:10h day of Feb: 1006: 1 ;JiidiCial7Salp Of ViflageProprty PtitiOnt,to anorder. of the High Coutt,:cif Justicemadeirrthe aetiOn '''ArChibald'.Trew--*X7Wil]idya‘A-Tr:eNtir; and clateil.,thet,Stii.,,day . Janna,ty.; ..---1-906-there4,-*il1--; be .-offered—forsale_ . with: the •approbation the Local' Master .of the;Supreme Oou at Walkerton by John Purvis, Auctioneer atM�Garrys Vi1iage4 - Lackiiow• .at ,12. 8:at- 0 0:5: all and Singular :that certain parcel of land being' conipOSed of 140t; No ;1; in AWDOriakr8 Slitiai.v1f4On Of Not tb h411Of Lot No.. 60' in the first 'Conc7,7, ; tliO':Tonsh'ip,of Ounty o Bruce as hown on the reg iateied'the, -Registry :Offif'rd Cido t'ieres Of land “nioreor •less. . The said 1ot is eltfiste: ininn'ecliateh/oi;;C.the out skirts' of the -Corporation of the VU 'lap of 'There are .'upon about -1 1,6 feet -x.,20-kiet 18 feet25 feet aiii411 Conk:is running through the kit:.The pr&iir - state Of "'rePa4%S..,-;'-'0e.-scgris 4, light :10f,tin Ancl:prOperty'iS snitable,57fer'nfar• kei garden or:pastursgp. Terms of ga1e..-7riopietty.;wil1 be ofeered for. sale: • eubjeet to a resprjea bid ;Tfie,'. pay- 2,07'per7rent-r'of :•Purchase rnoneY,-at-tlie-Ttipe..of„sale.te.. Solicitor aud the balance in 30.dayi thereafter.,without interest ....dotirtto the, credit Of this; acti The Vendor Will only,. be required to itirhieh terrietrar'i. abiiiract of 'title' and ,':prodace;: 'such‘ :deeds'. sod. ;copies 'thereof:or ev•idetices Of -title ,aS, are in his possession 'heroin. In, all Other respects, the terms: and.. cOn chylous of fiale i11btiIihg acinditio,ns'Ottke- Supreme Court' for Ontario : -;Further.: ,partiCulars'tny \e had from Mr -Hugh S.-Morrisen,„[..,LiieknOw Mr.'. A..; .C011inS„ Valkertenor from. R. Aran-' Mater, ' . .;• ";Winghgni. ' Walkerton rt. 9 , 1...nave decid'eel to sR11 my stock 'of. Bts;.1sh6. Ubbersi Gloves, Mitts, E,t6.-i at and-beio*cost-,as 1 1:1eLnis1..'gOing out of business. J.; ^ --1- They will not 1at tong as the styles are fresh fro n,?, h1eaingjashiOn _ ,cireles and the materials are strictly reliable. and high gradein every case 000,040.0.,0.60.0060_0*00,00.004).0. .00.00Q600,6600.600000 042004$000oc,04,00.00.0000.6.0.ci0ezecr ores oso a a, This is a ,chance te get good .ticlos at the ,price of poOr:oneS as my steckiS first-class.; db. BEOBER Elt5715. .5354"41.0"0:31' BIEBER:BUJ, IST ‘ancumaimmoraomona, .4....+414.444:4.44441t.'40,14441****44*444s4•4•4•0444*** _ ave--ju shipni ent o_ amous__Dai o de7-- azit rack ru ode ra bbers are the best ters and wearrs made in ada and -C. „ : anEa1*b, ers ar9 the most dura e m 11' aru satist F.A.RilFO,R SAL •'The:Undersigned:has:for.' sale l00acres 'of' first ..'01.Sas . Township of Ashfield. lOon. 12, .Esst .fialf 'Of Lot'. 4:: 'This- ,pedpotV: , „ .a.gritriti-doriditiOn for "bultiirotioh, be- frsenae,titoeliiefly],aiider'':,grass.• 20' acres: of goecl .'h or b risli; good,: .barn and stabling, . 'coofqrtable..,f rialto& „house A new wrndmill hasj List been erected. • Any party desiring topur-; buy well:worth :the n'anney:,, ••„ ' LtiCknow. • . • .., _ iNSLIttANCE' :-.F:111.E. „Alta: 1.111A131. ' ....... • , • t •1�w• 13anal'S'rpti.,3,616I01. Wrs, E. Li, Diokineoe, pAA'Lciossoii,,Ilanntafia;SoLx0AT R, „„ , • 0 Conveyancer, etc.," (late • uarneron , 'Telt Citnerpn, Goderich.) Oiict npetairi4, it folio illock.,LacknOw.• •-• 11 I " BARR,11.4R, -.SOLTOITO anniui:k3sio'Aer,Nolary, Etc.. lidori tiT , 4.1,1hoe over Witson's „Barber Shop, ' ' • , MEDIC -AL, ' A 'NI SFEN FTM,MCP ani SO of*,' nd ietiicitoidp next (160 • • Bank. • • TO PATENT Geet. ideas • may be '446c -wed by our aid. lAddro,,A, THE PATENT liECORlh, ' * nalifewte, f.. SOCIETIEil kf, A, every Thurenlay, night an or • before the full moon,,in the „ eurilet Lc1EUow. , ; D. La w r ri ce/ INT. M. A.B: 4 tresNolv 117--N'o, 112, rneeti every Friday, evening sO'rocketreet.. All brethren cOrdlly invited. T. S itqf Noble Grand:- •lltroordeor •1A1trox,Now Pouz- Order •of Chogien Friends, meets firak and third, TuesdaK °t!nings 01 eao month, in the. Odd. folio vr!ft bel) itrtet,. Visttoris sire - cordiality Ow, PhiuMwoori No, Mk • Tinstisevi mein. very Mid , , , • Konday of every month, Wth. _Graaf.' MR. Visiting brethren are ocerdially htvA.. ' S.'S. tTAUttffillf. ' Ga.takalik, Chid Ranger. •14.0754. 11. vic1L2TQW 140Dait Tat- ./ dependent Order of Forester,1 meets in the Odclfellew's Hall on the second and fourth Tue.- • day of each month, as 7:30oto1ock.'' Visiting brethren are Cordially invited.. ••- •) • F. IL 7516Donald, TE. Lawrenbe,, • , •Chief Ranger. '•Roe SR voliselru 41.4 .of the Aneient Ordifr ot-trnited, Workmen, meek in thlean:°t Mpndy vhskd ia lai! ,ingt each month.. Kt eight oleleek. . . brethren , cordially isavited , P. Tqapialrastos., •, GE°. 'PoTTERr- • ' Roc. , FOR• •S'ALE . „ . Good farm. Lot'.28, E; 1,- 29 . don '8 Culross; 150 acres,,12.'act*S,,busb,, • lot Oyernents: reader: offered' for sale hy puthc auction av 31'808G. Decberl'30th. 1005; Kjn ,Edward Hotel; 'Teesvv,i00.. ,FOr- , farther • PST-- , .ticulare apply to Dr..” n M. Gillies.' TIMBER' ',kr LITIVIBEII.FOR SALE. All 'parties requiring; lum.ber • would' do, well to. ,c41„,..O_Ti. ineat!onee.as tliissr4rt of tile seAsOi-OS. .the best tithe to secure. What:you, fi1'," Ail, kinds:oflumber, suitable for cloorei flooring', 66:5, alar‘ays hand'•, , „ • THOS.`;T,OPD. 'St. Helens, Opt, , . ., • 1iIT;Icort);04t.• •• 1.);040 , PPLPfl:341,. 1MM*; Lake; PtI t§.4 ..A.41044;t4 .Itienianet '• I .4.1ini 'sad: 'Ensiti*riiratiit..- Pendia.' II biota els etealui, ' A • la • J.04.r.;$01:.„, 7.7 REPAING kgATLYAND,PROMPTLIf gam!. ' '44-t+.44474-t-t+-444-trilt45++ ‘445,4-1,t+4+++44.7444,t.:+4516! waivreiis • • tAisEstIn)r,.., '8"1"'&1.t FARM Th07.,prOprir;orei-, f tb. Lakeside Stock Farm are pree cifl'etiffgr, fOir Bale tbe ,f611.0win,c,f. high ciass'Short Horn ',Cattle. 'so LeideSter,sheep'Bull 611,1061 ft(5ni nitteto' oightton old Alsokaorne.choice...fetaales",- 'SheeP of -both sex ;for,sale. at all tithe's. We vfsitara al,WayS'ins;de' ;welcome., • , Price S ;reasonable. For further partioulamitiipbi to . • Vrt V E 13 R0 R. Lucktow P.O 4 I Zi tat) young to talieta01.0.tne nie* ni644:1 of croap, 'Whooping •C,Cngh• and COld,O by 53 7ap , brthC it, 4 4.. CM:11:1111:0: 111:111:240:0:01,011:0:111:41:14O:41:5: :14110:111., 10:111:1101:.:111:111:111:111:111:111:CMCM:CM1111:111:.: • And t" ere is pleasure in h-Aring a tliing well done so before you have:your painting and decorating done „ it will nay you to call on ' r aa decorator an as atest, tools with. which to 0406,11111566.5450sitee814.450.015116,' T ÷44.-34-44+4,0ft. -.Y6U''can see:1?ini at his '.te8i1etice two doors eat. tbe Senfinel office: A ++4+44+444444 iNTER 4pEpoRAT ..1f-41.41tef-. " .012,41. I ' ,