HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1906-03-01, Page 4It h the new,home of the .Iuvicttr Shoe ita Lueknow e have iuit received al shipment of these. tanion shoe , direct from the. Ma:nlacturer, .Mr GEORGE, ..4 SISTER, of Montreal• Il n ee th is oeie%M od shoe tore puttingyour One :roto meth u .that _ will no star the gar of the i ictus shoe Also' ask, to see the faultJesS tt ging.- Dorothy• Dodd shop for. -oma ®u, Sold'--'deXelusively �+' pa><rit% ; done an an up to-date..manner -' L..L 3. • . �CI nation) v tu ina A The Society: of Stationary. engineers:' propoies to ask for an act to make it a pnnishablo olieaace for" anybody not a, member, thereof to operate .:any steam, engine qi boiler of _ ti' bo 'vpo error Quer. At :present' the StatiOnary' Ea gin-ere:haye power to-'issud certificates' l ut4they Itave; no power to' prevent- those not holding cei of cater from pur- --string ,the vocatiaa of- engineer Ubjecb, its to• shut out, all persons who have not-theirmeinbership certificate. Itn other words,` they are 'askieig put tai a, samiliar position to that .of doctors dentists; druggists aud-Iawye`rs whose 'professions'. +ire close"''torpor - tions ' Wsawanosh CoanciL Coaacil mei. as par adjournment Menibere;all i}reaent Raeve :13aitie in the 'cheir: 311,finntes. of. .14sit meeting cbnfarmed on-,m)tion of.:.Aoder'sou .aed murrey. "Toe''Treasurer's'sesteWent-' shovzi1.ag Ibalatice 'of 472:68 was .Sled' on. motion of Murray - 'ani• Anderson.. The Reeve incl"' co auditor MSeid r- ported on 1Ocal rt a commada tion, and on ruotion 'of :4edd '� empaon, dine clerk wasinstru E Qtif + Preaidenti of Dr'ivj . 'Park As sociation at ]Dungannon Thit township wool d'.de it .with :A:shSeld township re court room;.,':Tlie sud'itors' James Johnston aiid R. Anderson ▪ heir to :rv, finally audifOd, it ryas ad,i.pted. on motion of Anderson nd Medd Thompson,' Aucieraon•'yand ' iur�ay wer'"e appointed =-to" arrange ab�nb' building fence attne`corner Stewart'_The °clerk, svaa' in- atrcted-to- ask ' for readers=f-) twp:r printing and also write'County Eu_ -gineer-about✓cohtr.ct-of rite--a-t M`.au=--- cheater bridge !sad Mc -Echlin by both bownsltip sari county. Cheques: *era issued. for • different aeconnbi3. Council adjourned'to meet on` 'Wed: nesdav, March -14th a =10`o'.clock V'-MCC(o9tie, UIerk,; r -x Some Pumices . try to ▪ `heat the whole neighbor - Loot; b' sending 90`per cent. _, of` t..;_lrear up-the=-ehirnney. What you want is a Furnace that wll'heatyour,whole•house, and send only; the smoke up the tihiMney. • And this is jisi what the Sitnahiae Furnace. does . It has more ^ radiatinz ai r'1r. than ary:other Furnace made, and 'l t : kip tis f recd through the hot-air pipes rot; ii.,o4Ismoke pipe and. up the urn tnc-: _- The most economical, the greatest eat pro- ducer, the cleanest and Si:.u,ileat heateron the market. Sold.. by all enterpnsing ! dealers. Write for booklet,'..' { z a London. Toronto. Montreal. Winnipeg, Vaneouver, St. John, 11. k'. B'AS BEEN, `TC NOW, AND WE� ILL CONTINTJE JJINC- KNO Ni1-.0 • our custom after the lioltddys we are now offering what is deft - of ,our Ch:-:ristr._.s, o.:•,d_a ds at...,grePt reduc- edprices _...:, Just drop in at our temporary ,;pre' , noises. opposite rite Sentinel' office and -examine-.oar- goods ?On- donl- .need,. to buyy unless. yon are ' Satisfied • that ,we are offering the biggest bargain . in the -country in the line of: Furniture - and i" atures Our Undertaking Department 1sup in -every partict lar and al! calls. --clay Or.night—arer d-. . prom ompt#y i3,tte~nded 1: • NOTICE TO CRE`DITORS. o. Ca 0 o • In the tuatter • of the Estate. of - Catherine Nicholson late'' of the Town. -ship; of Ashfield, ;au . the- .Couety „of Harou, widow, deceased: NOTICE is hereby given pursuanb to the Rewired.Stat ate of .Onario,;. O'laap 12) tz`�ab afl- edrbrs acrd `others having claims 'against tl e . tate 'Of tho'eaid Catherine Nicholad'n', wlio died on or about the 19th .dai of September, 'A D , ;:.1905, :tire required:: 'ors er before the '1'0th, days`, of . March, 1906; _ A; D to sen -. by post, prepaid, or deliver tm ` The Loa-:: :dot -and-=9Qesterm-trust. Oompam Limited, coiner Dnndass: and 8,i0 mond etres fa, London,' +Ontano="a -ministratorof the estate of the .:ss deceased ,• : their- .ehristian and, : S m naes, addresses and descriptions i full -particulars of their claims; a sta. -ment.of theiraccounts, and the nate of their' securities -(if any ) held them. d further take`'notice that `afte Stip, last, mentioned' date;- the saidr.d minietrator wilt proceed ta. dietribit the, assets of the deceased wincing: tri partial -entitled thereto, hi v-ing regi only to the clairas of'-, which'' it sba then have had notice, land ;that `'sai administrator will :not be.:)iabl8:for tb said assets or any part •,thereof,to: ao -person or persons of whose ,claim notiee 'shall not have been. received:.;' .hated thi .2lst dad or Fe.braary`,A Proudfoot, Hays' Blair, . Sobs for said Adainistratn. FARM FOR.'FSALE. , Y,. li- d'> id. is th. t - by r. te' re e rd;- d y. 9 The north, 'half. of ";Lot 2.7 •con.. 9, -West ' Wawanosh • •'co ,.., ? pirating of 100 • acres- there is afine'fraate' ;resideriee, and outbuildinga,..orcha.d,..etc. It, :-is conveoieut'to';sebool,`'church,and ;post office,, and is located in .what.'is' term-_ ed the garden of Huron '"County. Price -:very ,reasonable, terms to.'^,., emir par-. .chaser...: Fior ;parti',ulars apply to . A,. E. SJMT.H, Wingiham. FARM rOR ,ALE:' •Owing to 111.1tealtb T have ' debided to.,8e11 ;my farm, 'consisting ofl5;'. acree on the' i o,ib "Concession of 'West - 'awanoah, one °half -anile east- of,:.St, • Helens 'and er ,miles from Liicknovr. This. farm ie' one of. :the " ftnest. in < the taririship, with , good up-to-date build- irrga, :and ra' well; watered and`' aaitatie eitho, for '.grain- growing or, atocl ` raising: Will sell en easy ''ferret, For,, farther' informationcall or, write, Themis :Ioynt "st.' 1 ens, Ont., T o • ++++++++ri o supply the publao wi ate,.. u••f�n. n t p ; iCOi?yR19tort `FWALL PAPER : EVER; .:SHOWN, IN, LUCKrOW. a pleasure" to in-§ ect ou9r wall a lors : are ¢so rich :,and beautifully l)leutled: The patterns are sat h .nc one:::and ` the `a tfeet ;: se refined'that it.i a.4 .:revela-= to those. who lz4ow. what' 1.' duty i'nwsllcoverz'n'gsre <11v If youwtah to • 'd,ecvrata a; rbutt7 Irl . I.t _- e Iategt ; alncl ,most unique cde'sighs' you can' cht tae easil3iy.'from our vaiied, stock. Papers rahQ to g, e in r price from JOHN B NNETT PAINTER & DECORATER nnetbr,NCIL opfoHT7',V,'t4"417ftq�sUltgb f.1 a• e'.ti's •Me. or masa sass. 4, so. )articular - atten,�r� 'CALLS ATT ND.ED To DAY Olt r ' • H, WORK.