HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1906-02-22, Page 4I Iv i ttc1 OW a onie of the "1 iivietus Slhoe_i t e Jit t received a si ipment of ihhese :;'famous Droit the Afa`ufactr res,.. Mr. GEORGE of Ii2oritrea).. see is celebrated shoe- t a'will no s e lrivictut shoe. 4. .e•••vo-oo-oaco-o Airingdone' in an up- to -date manner Some Furnaces tijr* heat' the whole neighbor: 1—obit by sending 90 -per -cent: of the .heat up the chimney What you; want:{his a Furnace that will'heat your, whole:house ,and --send -on 1 y the . smoke the chimney, And this' is just what .the.„Snnshia� . lxur'nace does It 'hasinoret'radtatln :surface than any,: other Vitra-lace-made; and :all t"he''heat is: forced through the hot-air Pipes -,--not into the smoke pipe and. np 1 the chimney.- The himney. The most economical,* the° greatest heat_pro .uger,the ele_atiest and simplest heater on the market;, -Sold:-by-allenterprisin `-dealers- VTriLce Lor bookie Sottler,'.exenr liens will be run teem Iowato the COI tedis,n Nortliwest`: iv, the-spring...;lova,_ie one oithe--wealtii=:' iest_astates of they naon,lar=- ing populeotion tie±�auae bf the ettrac., titin eag_e;maapar-"}aids ie ¢ha 11.21 I arain' est._ nut,tirao `iet;subject to the f nes drain but is 'deinw better ` than There'May._be serious idoinga in Ohinu -eroto®g. The: attempt to;:►tiorm der ,the French .8ecretart ate N=uking is believed „to.be a4' indivatign of •`:anti 0 alreigaa ee eitirOgt-. Wiest ie :` deep ind and that is shared by many;` of• the ",wine roye ,. The:foreigu lug`atioae.,at'Pe its`' have been warned and'are,arrehig line the Ohinese Government are aending;J t oaips toChinchow.-- The workt'of building the tunnel an 'der -the:Detroit river at Wildvor will soon be under way:` 'Tenders , are en1 be opened ,ou fdarcn' 3 for the actual construction: ° The. tunnel will, hive & length including approaolieiiof, 12,600,LL made up as fohowe We t,'spproaeh in tuuriei 2,15 feet; Anil-aegaeuua'oee tion 2,625 east approachIn tunnel 100 feet, total length in tunnel 7,860; feet -:;West-opeis-appro ehl---o4'0=fne0. ,east-;open-approaoh 3,400. -feet, --total- I; length: of approaches, 4,95.0 feel The grade in the tunnel on' the Detroit pexnra. � b"1 .+� � 3E'.detit_ end m@1!;__ tia®:1; Windsor side 1 1=2 ,per multi The, teal nal will be operated=by eleariuuy-and-' -bide'for 'tire electric,1 equipment' will bo caned a►wut-Pcbruary '2Stb. 1 ARAMOUNT. • IAV 7.7 EO Mrs. J. D. Scar,' of Oaks N. D. spent a few -days with friends here.. Mr. 1i, -Fraser; ;,_after =$ plessanb vasii.of a couple ofmontha, hawretura ed. to 'Burgoyne ' Miss Kate Irving ufl hottintau N. D1' who' ha's''been the ' ues ' + -guest ether yu=, i ter Mrs. 1l. E. Lune, left for Toronto on Fuesday., Y.i BLS BEEN, IS NOW, ANDI'VE `.lyILL CONTINUE ECKNO O ,r. As: is our custom safer the ho.Jtdays ,• we .'Are :, -Raw.. ofieriug:"what-, is left o our,,,Christrnas goods greatly 'reduc- ed educ-ed' trices' ••}list drop i at our tenaioiary pre mis-es ppgrosit • tlre- ;S-errti-. e1- olii-c e and--::- examine our goodsneed to buy unless you a e atisfie that we-are-ofeg- rinthe bigges:t the cciun,try in t17( line of Iurniture 'and Fixtures..:.' Our Undertaking Department is up to•date\in every, particular`ar:d.al! calfs': —day 9r' night' --are proinptfy attended .+,.aA.A�c 4 ST. HELENS Mi a.Ruxheaf rd • is '' heti d,yli•g iu Goderi ti the guest"of"'1li,av Enna; Str+►itou. Mips Tena Guid.,n, Mr.:;I .glii nd dau;;htr r "Mary" r,,re +pending w"'.f-w i)ti'-a eht, hiustj,of V' ..E. Gordon,., lVlr0 ,K uat na eine two ;children 'o eho vicinity=of Stratford, are rieiiling- ao thefornier'e sister Mri C. Decker% We are etorry thu week•to have to; record the death oTMre John MODUL ale, formerly Ileus Alioei MoGuir... Mrs_,_: mcDonald,; >:hsd :, hien -failing.: health for the lrst .year or so "belt. her sudden Berth on Thnridal •molting came as as" shock to a :great • .many. The funeral took place'• on •Sstnrdsy` morning, -the aerv1ce being helei in the •Presbyterian ehtlydh e c_whiati,dealsed hail•long bar=n a mem6 lIntsrment , roads ' in Wingbinr i'cemetery Mrii' 34cI)'onald leaves.* husband and young son, ,bosidee.two brothers, 'John and IR.obert'l McGuire and;: one "eider 14Ire:,,John Murray of•Ooderieh,` to all of •whom is. 'eaendead 'the' heartfelt sym,i'sth•'of the entire cammuuity. • rhe bids ro resent the:best brands le 'the, eouritry teles hi every respect: ley ~ 3trt: a �y3 If ` you would :like -to; et si=ts 1e9 � of those- ,1��uis without .lt ivies:; tf)•pay the bigiest rice you- wail- come`" iu : and Yee • s durin the next :. two B. t..+t.. u w:eks. !don't forget u&me', -arid pIMCe, • ave ari.cas on the: wei t of the big Bur of Soap in our window. ••Slis:JehnstOli is visiting her'dsugh,' of Howich Wan visit -- Th• yolin Men from here are busy teaming siVee ,the snow. has Oonie. Tietha/A.lton is visiting her Sister; 'Hall, who ,Verypeor- at the home ei W. -Sher; • Wp are eased ti See ,ebe shildien which are'being carried,: On. 'with fine- Stof,}2ra of Nile. • gigs praig Was visiting iiririg the past week: .;11r#L.Ohainbersef Rriindon iii Visit- ing her sister, Mre. John Hackett, Jack rguson fp ea '160 1;,:res to, JoSeph Hsiekett of the. • • 0 MOM o supply the public_wi WALL PAPER EV SHOWN IN LUCKtIO iaa',,Pleasure, inspect, our Will paper. e colors are so rtch -and beautifull eutled,-- The 'patterns —are' to those Who' knoiv *h beality in wall coverindereally. If you wish to decorate a room .in all the latest and Most unique deeigtis you can choose easily from our varied 'took. Papers ranging in price from 5c to $5 per roll. jOHN 'BENNE CiLLE ATTENDED TO • •