HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1906-02-08, Page 64
!,U a,
A. ,A I
-.y Ifl
. ........ ...
. ..... Wkao' Awlko
t S
r 0,
00- devoting- hjjL�
yiailees.tkna according'to tic It 'b
Aoapable of 1orm�
hose �be,, 777� ODY
: � , B -7
*es ii one I� h0Pi!:0f t I01 Fact, Might Be Use,d..,to
ater,11 I qQe%,, net, need.,
"Ice many'ethur AGP4.7
e#dentIf,Qf` Ith Tn'Olpts.,of U:b
osq#4 1 ew cult'he goes iio,eN ealea tion Always 940-
t Alletaugebi
894 VUE ARD d
tile, wlloo.,� $5 RxW Me
b-V,�.,*#d it, has: txVo lateral 'eon tw �paid to sin of, thet, buina
4� ARr0tY, good �case. ille oldS, Ao� t
11 Nl, notgon wm es L I The,* sym
MF3VffPj:'tx#*,T., the� rbsidejf# I of a, JDity 'do th.1t by - writ ers, anti
He .-goes NO2P c
rp,f4r, as To" ,pataihsany - - call much dwelt, oi
1vt One 14� which"'init it
ANWN: 'I xg Jity of' C6 Oil No reIja,'Is,,Tx6it wl P which,'lice di
&Nurious �cbetitipglsi or; 4cy poets, is Some,
L j a-,isti, , This,
"a ,ho never car-, forru of adturj�ati?n.
'aaan ;I1UstNrI6us e
4or rC
" " , 9 its,two ty Jara jr; ra; .'Of 016 ]XW
fn _ , , d; 'td
p�, took 'refuge undl:lmot I
ww F�iohpmeleO5
Xq , prptticsT :Wcljah� -ird or. oft �watej. case -mur ex tile --othdr,
good v�ith, h.
he', -could
see. -
17,b 4" The' *ilk, i -hat �'JSL ��boqefdl nm
ill the- Sq'Mijh' X
lVe TYOU-Use'� ulllight�&ap
xfz19 �RSJNXP . thai;, covers 'tile 4ke 1W -, .
-iioquonco i�-: thit -,j, pioqFQ�,F;,k�e, uway qvv,., irection S ude suff:
I I , iiYR? ', r ec no 7
'A t'0011 hot 4-66`�66r,06t�( jeation;; provided :the difUrr,..
mentg 'rour .",;: �'Y,60'6 :.s d
auted its Move wila u � , 1, , , , ,
ge vilt9ape,,or the-beiatea, auq,,per-� '011 Wil get bett fact
0§ wo anifilaI4; .6i� rather;.: h.p. Wu4auuzw�. seliplder., pto
6:0 - fa�shj6ne& Wiaiy. h the Bertillon.'sYs em, i�
d' ''bb"'
-esults 6
ee 0
or. occasional A He. nqu res as
nnqysince. I
-thq�tgsseIo.;the new u.br lfa
�; - ": � i, i I t ye"
It ills iuseef: is Partlf, based. The ligh '9�
.half Ithii,
go, its own., want a tassel o'.e
1?X 6dy ht his 'eas Slo�6�cQ�.,p",i�ins�no,in),tiri6.ds stance is almost -always higher, ill
es s h6micA 6Ln4 ig pe�fect Yo r6fu
rena- iy
r, taq ney:I
A action. ol less
e rabricsi-
rizie.,theris ��w( L.' I ", jjurti�;�� ilne�iiiiifbsC&Aica're' "' ' Ieft;i 'but thei difIci-enc 6 i's gr&ter
),bUttOUS, 9�L'ovt" : - I I . .1, 1 11 1 , and.,dainty silks aM lk s,p-hay� 66 �y the dealerfibm 'wh�
rf d* !dual Nails',
Ce �Jou bu for each in IV
on. tdiffreni
terwtooic e
- WRO& Suilligh Arid
"a4W46-9 4", 1 1 h' d Nh�o6i"tho�'
census, of -his buttrins.,,'aud' VV415
YV , tAciap if
-found that sl h, "'! I . - I I �L . I fingers a ways
any driow�.Avftfi'differeht da�
f of and An a
r, m aint.
e. 4.01. cf�them Were unnecessary,,, HeA
ticula,' rlY.,_anjrjOUs ""as to the �Cause 0 cp PI greeq , rapi
two , bqtt�,
Iija LIM
� it '�� 1, 1
Voit'a Tro6k 6oat.. ,TakIng'aL )Burvey Oft .%o four cases, oilt'Llof
ule t44
�rqreqt , � �x�` �Slloi- - h
'htun� � pn a
�,'WhAle in: family,- h6,,fiUdS,that-'thqra
IS6� t �n t&6 other,, Tha�e
a 800;0W;00,()- buttons; Wqftk�,all�&tlio
7"M jit 'Of
m, u sO, I I j- L' I '
tionx.. �bbI&,go or. everyL pa tile
iggq, -1X6 one" has' discovered th6� neces§i1f5r od
ightnij in Ma 'I
t, th unlmer�Xoloxiy,
for,,'fourteen' or green a:
or- no,,
��elothes4: This is the It -Ir Due -put
A, QhigY, P �- - ,cn'-
V entification. eay OR ysicia ns and..some.'.6 'the
DS BY..,A. NEW -YORK and
ANTE S� ators.
�4ct ,
if Bi V A M ERS' W D'
f u6wbef; ilix's p 'L
IgrJeat fighting,, is suil-:
AY f9 I
�ay-,�, -figh.t�ng beginsjin edij V1
erTact, of�.`7,0,04 acres of land Jleikl' a Alto 'LAND
SUffolk,q,L ', t,
for Its di�- early nitass, and, coutinu6s all AUEN FS ,Tnpr. �jl 4:p r g� hat Di- g 147 the oun v.,, Plans R�,moves. iill� Irard soft 'or allouse
5% bio,l iqui6kest 'sa I, and, surest x a as ay.
k wurited a I over � Cana at number' of ate' pulled Toff
Akis :for Western Canada land: A
OWA,; velQpment:inel
a(i Statjonil". �jjjrrjty Im
_of, ap
eLiberal a! Address
use It �n my own prac- ln,e4CII. cock pi every, Sunday,'�asia fight.
-tel la, r a -i Jr -o- - J� ' 1 .11
di nps and ble,
commissio splints, fingbrtiib, sweeiie7,,
t, relieve i- tbe-.most, -acute, forms',of. tag wil ppavin,. curbsi,
Ohcf is a paA"f the Wi[4' a The roost
�IF,ACIL r44 lnside� of- thirty i 'P�;S : -6bre and swolleularo"..,
'Ili m nutes uni eststAq, known as , , � [ re fitteALWith inurdi�rbu te h- ''. . '. �.
and wh etc.1save �pu . yuse o ono
ell one -'of,, the combat'inta jet.
Longwood.' 7ral section,
-It is; in the�� e6nt , I" Q� , rt -the, moJ wonderfW, B16 -
stand, art 16 ANTED, RELIABLE M :a goori i
itrok,6that Contest is' over- o"'Li! Itle. Wairafited.
xAlq.l AN I.N EVE �.ever. knowm.�
a a
W County, with a rjg� to iftireaU6
The ost,,df. the land' - of th-0 os�t are 1placed ijil e it, and- this. A PU I zzler;of thii S
Ahau $100,000, sell goods. . Permanent employ
goqd,maU'No:faikr5-- Address t---
(111 d' coritinities "All du
reaL a a It Y6Uj- naot�
M ON CRVTCHE, adynigsioivz er's mot er, w,
I f �on. lai �idrimsby, On' -SVV RE Y LARGEST Io'rg-,aq they'-eboos sister's , aunt;. What iielalon would YOW
GENT 6� The,
A cornmi tried to break Up cock, fightin my --older brQtIIe
re, horiest,btislneAs; we ontallfactur
0, the natives would It stand.fdrit,
un,jimtiteii's motherilito 6Y
he end, r -OR 4_, �al t _to_ our creat
v oil erat. e 1- fro ug --tion �Tak� -'.a-sister's �-�aunt. to, y
heay. !,Apply. to us f(,.rmpa i --th gr4ndfather's :uxible's -neplift. D' 10
e Ont� 'the potorer-quarter-at-wN6 t Ixfdtli;Ws-\m6ther�by my eld6t'bro 110t
factue tbi
me, of a iiiiE661,p. ay, andl,''Seuth th
WY when the men cousin's
4tic odure,i must er's sister's aunt ny your w�at-6r"d-
episo e one, OT , t . , , ed to me that �in front ofLkk7e7,_hoqSeJ
- - -------- -
-of 'his, LLXN
MISCE ndling�a; �g ropst- -b-e
ex, Ire the answer-tv
yi7 k'noexecL at- th(i '�Lord Rosebery,
poor p W COMF='.-rl� :G 111E AVE!�-If
GuardinZ4 FOOT I OR
h is, $7 :to: 110'4 -
itii� ithe armer's. wife- -'t-o u bout tor , a L 0
cre muy e we opin one a ei"y% _6h,l lifications., Robt., bvncar iy ti�o I :�who rush �to. 0 to 'qua in ei I I oseb 44 -au er as a I Politician', �1)uv TeverE vs; Ma, am," said, tire xra respl, there -ban only�bp.one*as t6-his"10 the'Zootois and'' the opticians; 1who e!'beQ;I wvrthy� 4 remedy' a's SotitW American or-
'44'00ril , II&V
:h to, gi I Ve� Iii, the domain, ot'histrity, �an&: iltera- it. Wand' by, New G Pacific, h
!g 1h,6 �.-recipe: While gj
touches u6think which he,does'�XlctL rand, Trunk OCUI at5i �IrieiaL,practitiolie'rq' as' a, rul
dk- littleabout opti&*46d th01 rlptlou, r,s,T ;OW �MUC M So� -sufferla
addra, and his �rangejs, a wide, o Companyjand other CAnadian-lin' ry n,
LeTi-from th- excoptionally', well plipated. fdo traln� young of'glagaeS. It 6 a' Curious thlng� that' there would. bei 'tparedv. I b
7,g t St H I the Inspirecl operdti . ng 4rid to.,supp;y,
excisernan At Dumfries. uddress JaC camp crusade by. tne pro-,
.4gaea, cried Ahti farm Address Centril wel- fessl4a a
e lias',beie, no organized,
gairi6t _�nl
PT's :Duinfries kears-,aqo7-oa.Burni-w �Xp rjenool -3L e f I` '� t1i'ansand'ilib
er. A to lts� own apectacies, from the expoied
as ode, egr ----7- G - err ' ard7�streei eui� lowlng,the� t d
�14 _a,- ad hich, to. .W.: H., Shaw.
_y r' L
, V# rQR NE rith �bqtury,.� Editor MIUS jU L as, has been practica� ever 'since ill
Scot3men,had e,k!6e been treated.
the finkt things - of, the ki
Trump. 0 ROM
lie' to the -gra 'though this 16 obvious x6ore! lhjurtdils.� But
M* C ter4 1',fioge,wreii eJJ'bea * TiSL that
flow that tho opticians have.Undertakew' to
came� iriio�tise in L the seventee Treat, for th
Z __fee CUPS L llori it Liniment crad of �b%I6
. ..... ures Diphtheria. nose What dOctojj§,�*ant_ leston- left" Ill our 3office '' ;, '� � L ", , 1, 1 - ove and marriagel�mado cloariL d' , ,
prescribe the - forbidden, b
.11, tell cQm:eS truft" seiLd .birth' datef and 10.� ict of t,, ay aXe,L aDoUt the
--tO-,.'RELIEVE'CHOIUNG. ifr I or,, b , oit, Is,-. ate.: Cu paillanti leaving, he public free, as best we e - ver thr6w
asgD�dC,, P.' 0
I)tI' pla
ns'hime,Lprepared a �cbunter� bill po;&T h' ta 16(4
S Iding. for, opticians! to be awiiidied - : " �
ost w
Doctors, Say Time,- dtpiom'as
MeanTaial. S tits 1: ount earm we
Uve barrels o f, DUIG
hafi rP0St -OA -6d 'b
'6'i for 106 h to try and eat QmL
on. just e', fool, c
.200. $2; 50� ur�s Distimper.;- Tom, the Case, of �Njrs, ennie, i $5; all, Alif!46nt. Iargest fili�a'rd`s L wie.. open. Woul4ii" hat.
be "awhil ere��g4W
In! Canada,
q rorlg� who die allxid, $3;jtll
d W., R. -vuss o.
-urdAy afternoon 1724 lfis� Ghastly, jqst;i 7.: �-Au il i, Rev ew.
e, was oar(ii!i RE :POST,,:,CAAD ',OR The ellde;r y CanUibal: greetedL tile iie 1j.
-where 'sh b ICTU YS, ERdLISH'
Seoteh,L" �e D$ialniq a L U
P _fitw. E
e o Inisisiori. C& for
hevek-al' h t 11' Is to -deliver the -1) ver, to
eax�/o lyA,'they say, nuist, be: takeu
ioi itire of
OF nlgu�,J The
fAis-poctor;'Who Said re Was no Hope, b Is' the lat Yes said th Kidney, Cure' b
ind fichest as:
e, for ItiAr Pronounces tabmiraculous! in helping th e, n( Dow I er es at the Idea In a Ilk patch-, I
ells �H n ortelkwh litor It oneys;o o
it w intere
ft"t yoti know, mire Of, is q Story. of : the,, raln-is'
ary'of the!�State Boar f eal 7,11 n sir said tfie
at I once-perye. u OX -h�Ure�384
le IY, blend�
"Indeed And in Wh t v The Bargai
Up the obstrit D iy tho. mis
;��Qng the many, pecp e �thisfL'IjCfj; a
-wno, eTll e Ing' are
eat, ork ur:.. tj 13 f Jer.
rhoo liible�� t6,. bI C an instrde,;
kj ne�w douiestic):T�L
ey,Pillsf� are`,doing, noe, L, :ther doWjjL the .�Ivifid:i T ski 9 There is
for 35, Cente'L.' Satnple�, b on nd �lads.t
Sino rill, ada. a 1 .6 .�uming in
pC ito' h
h bit 0� par
itizqn JUL
riga ILTO la b
S upon the post ion or ntio, DO will -lodgment, "Nine Tailo iy tne piano do
r; Mialre,ii'4k
dd's en.the
My occurs. If they are �,Mrs. widdlow!* 'Soothing QU, nev"er-p a
h -di T
I'll alwviye bei-Lused-for-Children- SYMP should ectiori-w-itliLthe Cent iscus Ins 7 f --to 606thew, this �chlld, soothes, th* :*U - curve
ex likelf t jdYL forj Alif
jx1tysiciah, d I asi: in th� ria ral jyL' IS h , )W, I II,'upon e, Origin o � T IS. saying, I'll, have to ell rg� y
T a, 60110F AcA- Ises at h If
Is thl re
-Discia mlit's, �WriteS Lin: the I�AV ajit
k"e* of B- itru6ti-olir" buj:tj Win '14 ,e?. 4 a crown. week -
Se and that, obf le serious c seg�L'L P. to lurnisb Inus
wv� A F.
an it e,
ere was no flo I the, j erpool. Courier A6 the'' 'effect Aliii',
md to
Dbdd's 'Kidney- efforta at- �cougbiugi--- 'UptIOn 0
a qprr
in tal" tIventyr boxes:. -.NO* l j e
k a� man,"'wbich is
krther down the, ee
well, Jsmep wel,l, andi my,-� doctor "With a Child in a, eri 9USL Condition of th �4 *Ilin . g or' tolling of fitneral vo unmun's life a IT re be
says 12.�! MgL e
Well- d � tl�L .... ......
Marrica ng ele c YO4 er',' lift, it, up. bodily I
I- th
't h- f w� Wl ki in 9 Cis T Ili- to' 'do to�
6thi y� t -1i e 7f e -e th--the- -WOm&T
god word:,, -I�ei-i4f,-han-�in&,d'owy�ivar,d, and" --JThjS WaS r
vied-bitt . _L__M_ ___ , -
give JeW
Cure Bright'S baSe the:'de ired,r s A 0-'- -Ced e- Di Iii deal- I -H b filf! U
�,c re any-othe e*tr,�ftr an C, Y, a 'Ek neW-� or eircaW "d. 01% Oat' with w grown person-- the, rem'd IS or al t So 6a� OL ld's- Kvidney Pi S. 'WiLl jl�' y.- ne or Tine best inethods� nifoitery" the,i6eighborLcatid. The ho
rijvh03 Discise ,, 'd' L r
nare is o, gTap, hi rou d' the 'wai vas 'a It ell 13' Tged., -JUS wi fe'a
n me(
ij "that Vi�ll bright'�' have�'hira lean'torward,,so that his head, mofi4 did
Ier, excitability, wais, the ol
nfor 6verythifig -he
45 gl� E'
as� his,- feeti -and therr Inlierated
h f A ND
ty. U, for, you an he will "The sight of A. �1,oking p6son iA'Iike- did dixfmig' 1-
1; n ow ile, and',wheri he drie-di and' White'PineL be ofse Who See,
,ut Exhausted. r fhjq� Widojw Plit 'Up a
th with
oil t'k in' th
05c his:,
spell, tir 0 uble.' -In the reflection in e meThere i9ifood -!ii6st, c6ughts h failed a Insura-ceii er mon,ey,L
by netv�pd,p Sufferer, be agabli. But, errepresent., I ns T[k
: a d� th to. lose strength
b. g - this is
edL out �arnl ;put �-6.;thc, v6hiOci to "while beir, re
the Michigaw7 lumber intorests tha. y-that,he Canho make ally went:,foir
bb, driven nothigi,each - sta of eto all, inten t -WaSI
so rapitil
U -and purposes. there i L Cas ' e L L Se " eM ' 3 0 9 110 ffiert. to,"beL' fiopele,46 fhlwa�ys w eingqg-62fi,ent ish b h
ith, the I Uug %,a SIC
But' ev6n after _b reath bas'lleen entirely L platio "d a'
White pitie, erb � ally'Molie. Icily critical , eye'' of"11te individu $150 diamond. 'ng,�
s''there,, A
pan hardly be ignored that the case
Idoes no:t (y him'. F,��6tlse noth- Lrid tile -'Oerson is helple�'s f,6NV- we�ks 10st 'the KiTug-,
I need to-AbApair of'Sayig thel life., some. regrot that a]
.et) e)�41PJ)16L Of "is no, was,
'es'a 1110 , V , e OU, 011 1, Alley pay long as e piano
'k for ess. If pretecti, 'DYFO%
itfidiscrinifnatin-L, ta: iff No 0 - �P vi6rous,1 action,. as I7YZ
rompt undL
t- Aown and', 'gravity will deny that, t protective' head is. kep'
1rankly;i, and'16ok further purpPSq, of
iSA6 foster ian� inprease'the do- , L helpin4,: may jolt out L
�L IlVarc,,in I'lle The Fire Fi6iid,at'Work L
nty of hoi-ses.- the obstruction.
pr6dVeii,on. a jli�i
guting')1af,azin6 for ja the stapl
Ili ai on IV :!"When. - the 'sinipl�, Method s'�- seems t oUtLIj O,ClOCk, on S
is laid. -16 shurd The �ffrci hell c anged ab the �dut. N6 6- :.fail:. no tin be, IoS%
'i" meld C114 Gaoj!et . in'CoW f tell
jr, dispLitti,that he effect '' f6iii::--a, �bysician, :or";' 'p-iietCrub
open can ves sen4ing, :,Wednesdy1forenoon, nndthero�'Was uni6tuxi
V 10�rd, Lila re -jcJ-;haSt y; stir commotion land excitemeat -, Tile high.,41nd
cri, the 0 for a fire
tariff,�'on,'Iurribcf, has' IT& eoji� ften, liveS have been at made It a mighty dangerou 8 E3
p id -:-Use :T SPAPION-
scale- r6rtk)n theie wagril'i� are, , P-raee� -w.a ill f re -
0 ed i.n Iviping olit wbiLt ibe'rhost, iTh- theties or- other, priel 1111111arICLS The morn-, -.bys baAL to PUIVAhe � cart them DY
�Hendprson 'jiribirrie, wrote hi ant 5"Dply of hinib,cr in-thi couht� It ri d, an air the time they got.aiJound'to fLe '�ha a ala� last week. He'' sam" P�rt,, efit the laii-rix :�,%S Ltcen y West, sjde�of` U
the' contin ac!c passage opened tile patient,,b inA to, the'9mare their tong6es txin'- 'the obst ea U
..couptri ca for on ho�seback,:&S
teir" mouths- and r� DJsDiity' 'riday night' and. cga�i W
brethe r P
M hard. 'to pereciv.e. story is :t'old of Dr'., 'L.' McLane One �6f�,`I`6ra L- -- I . I I L ;
�Got balf-shoi a"' d bbed the'rope,
11" L . rAU and, the
a tbo.eye,., cart after'L him'
was paste
declare d
�Tiffany,'WI6 was 'on Carleton'o cab
i- feeling, n t 'the pnridemonlUrn. arid -
an. Martln'i o, emove an
rSo Unnat- street front �ihe Pickwick A a u r! o
wth'froin the'nostrils w
hen the
-Iair�llle, Sept. -bit OfL"fl'e 11
_OnL, the �.Tq
TU heM 'D
brought th6m� Whcro�� we
pa. tell wind- acLet!s, see
_E;t_rade �re at any
a G to 6.1 p a �pipe �vTitbfo . ...... 'Oh, Yea- fire,
P 11 ut or g
renioved uw'
TOldcat met hill, on th& road'
gjot).affre 4 at
through' and
lilalley Jdbfi6bn betL'�-djj�-Fit�',�- the
WeL� L
-oxr§id6r ybiur L1NI- an ma e as I a re.mar Tom says fie�o. illi n g1jo gf�o'thfs
six , bits, ion., much':tbwaTd making.,
446st'ft all anelel. ly'
'Use a a t "Once i'there Was 'an old co I -ryv-,,,
5 a-Sle 17'elie& for sore tdr t*
zib4d th 6 lt�'Gon. gpqd ano
sb6U Ir:,tiren an t ere forgot Post.) FREE'
teFOLP t If
1,49ri's roa� 'g�t �, loose 'I as t Week :and
wh6 goat a�at
TU]y oi them roperly artant 4p I s.toujworda,,,, �Ca Y
bt our, share, o ri h',6 r. bafids'-�, and -knee, Stralnin dorrinie;
'id young ma pi
in en: I thin in;r 1W'I'sh d nswwrl to, th'i
Id :,be '61tot:11
Chrlstm�SL ]it jh s, VP1 or., be pa ien A 66 flooiii,' ',YOU le Illy cravat for 1-4 Tho letters to thiii left of, this &ekifle PU
ry air,', the ab" t" t, S o"
1W n, to, tb
t6 'g yO,UXS. 1, . I . it so the grand JZ08 we offer orCoug UP tli*e'.bUtr on. - Tile' doctor "Ir�-canTjie a,,b ro Three'
ftndma,�Pato cholied oil a "an r.
oil a I boots
was a -sig t, you s� 'ell S. air. o Ad ,
h,6'uld havc,s�ea,, Cii,ij had but, I
wkfi PC1W VA Wln'� I you JeArmormakellenj out vnjoiAoj#
PTI h 'replied bq;
tyou, g,.yQur.
a j The first k a. ept rx,.q� a, so ave one' kickj,which the 'PArsonag S*dptlleart round Ir baCkL
n1r, t er
q the ACJ
properly, arrisn' ed ap6lla th
nn an -awful and r I altiniore " sun-., aI . . 11 Ora Aar
eanio I -B 211an Cit., Th
a ',write ret. :t ll ti on, n one, dir66ti on
here says ffeL : I
tfiatm TLE
inword w it
'd J;
ohoelou-il, -b g of 'I Was, iSbb MO. 10ttdks,aro�p o cirl
?Oz1ag kents, finin
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bbirilllaining, or? You. haven, ghtJos, do. Thb
sok' ur'sianug t 8601,6, ow re
ro'..crac er anyb 4- h foll di site sur.9� to 'b atne, for, febut, youisielf. S]04611 1 th on'0 1
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your trout e to marry Me 3'
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krapps:-- propose tci When, I A'O - t
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B or the'l at lett6r
ig, �and Goink., V- Oil needn't he tbrowillg that U e e N 6.�.
Jiihn, usiness Gospel *oed.,` Now Whein 11 goeS to P, h1i
Prim Lin- A, one ebrit 0 try and Solve W6
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else frit lot t�ql" Ainard'§'Wiment CorptCo s &C. gk�*n, 'of king"t6ii Cos,typ
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ametg of -�4VsdoWd sAkan money 'from YOU ahrl,Wcobtest liktith fj
the frilost eon r1r is� 16 likely to 06ther'of i� s Several WW4&l&rge a correat; you m�
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Jrjbkd optiniJ h
j meanfa" 1.6 a. ic.11, IY! grin- J, 6 that� no "allce to inIt d6es nob me mit: Jim eat% spell'o
e ut thee6of t"b wordei write them plainlyr 1Td mail yotir 4nFj
can' couitship. is merchant n
Way 01 it. " , *on, jhn,wdo fi� brroct,we'Whinoff
hood Bell�T ey are 16 home ;iOs pair eac "fig a, full' growt IL i
Witt' thef, I Y ;611;" U n6g bor "to, 'be for correct answers and a few minutes of:ybui mo.
the th bi-bbs, litiblud 64i'ttind in uMfifiwer At once
h1'wondei. how �entor,, it t b"" h vbutbid? an M sisoissaijis 0
c -damb to' in in ollar9to odi
Jyejj&i� U , Marry ?
JNX,PjtA, Co.;
has Dbcome niltht� fd b4t- m8oTORONT
grea over
vp night an 1
Th, d ove t d ttlephoki t a 61mr linst
w.1 UpW
-- --- -------